NFL Networks NFL Football

22 juni 2009 af AlexV · Efterlad en kommentar

nfl nfl nfl network NFL Network’s NFL Football

Hvis du har brug for en fodbold fix tjek NFL Network. Med Comcast Cable selskab det er kun omkring $ 7,00 og forandring. Jeg forsøger ikke at fremme for et andet selskab, jeg prøver bare at lade folk, der er fodbold hoveder vide om en stor plet, hvor de kan få et fix, og det er NFL netværk, når de replay hele fodboldkampe, som regel dueller at havde store finish eller var gode hovedsagelig gennem alle fire kvartaler.

Men det er ikke den bedste del. De viser de spil uden pauserne i mellem skuespil, så de går hurtigere. Hvis de viste dig gamle udsendelser i deres helhed, så kunne jeg helt sikkert se at det at være et problem. Og for dem af jer tænker, at en ekstra $ 7,00 + en måned er for meget at bede om endnu en kanal, bemærk venligst at er prisen for en hel sport pakke, der inkluderer væddeløb, hegn, (en hel masse andet lort), men sandsynligvis vigtigst NBA tv-kanal.

Glem ikke, at denne kanal er fantastisk til de regelmæssige og post sæsoner såvel som du kan tune i ethvert tidspunkt af dagen, hvis du ikke er tilfreds med Converge fra Sports Center.

Plaxico Burress opdatering: Det ser ud, som om han vil spille i 2010

1 april, 2009 af MarkM · 2 Kommentarer

Plaxico Burress at his March 31 trial

Plaxico Burress på hans 31 marts retssag

I dag blev den Plaxico Burress sagen besvoret indtil den senere dato, 15 Juni. Mange mennesker var skeptiske weither det ville ske eller ej, men det kan være et tegn på at hans høje priser juridiske team kan være tæt på et anbringende aftale, der vil gøre det muligt for ham at spille i den kommende NFL sæson. Uanset det ud som om Plaxico skal gøre en slags fængsel tid, men spørgsmålet er hvornår. Så vidt jeg husker Jamal Lewis tilbragte sine off-sæsoner i fængsel, for et par år tilbage på grund af afgifter narkotikahandel, og måske er det muligt, at vi kunne se noget lignende for Giants superstar Wide-out. Der er ingen tvivl om, at Plaxico ikke ønsker at bruge nogen tid i fængsel. Alligevel synes det mere og mere klart, at det vil være svært for Plax at holde sig ude af det store hus. New York kanoner love er en smule overbord og er tilsyneladende forfatningsstridig, så det vil være en meget interessant sag, uden tvivl, hvis det nogensinde gør det til retssagen. Den team vil være at støtte Plaxico den 15. juni på New York city Straffedomstol ved blokade forsøget! Så hvis du ønsker at støtte Giants Superbowl mester bred fra den åndssvage liberale bystyre, der ønsker at fængsel ham mest på grund af hans berømthed, du dukke op! Plaxico, såret ingen undtagen ham selv, og han bliver nu nægtes grundlæggende friheder, som Thomas Jefferson, en af ​​vores grundlæggere, inderligt troede på. Jefferson erklærede sin stærke overbevisninger i retten til at bære våben consitently. Et eksempel på dette faktum er på side 334 i hans berømte Thomas Jefferson Papers, da han skrev, "Ingen fri mand skal nogensinde blive udelukket brugen af våben. Den stærkeste grund til folk til at bevare retten til at besidde og bære våben er, som en sidste udvej, for at beskytte sig mod tyranni i regeringen ". Erkend, at ingen borgere i New York, kan ansøge om en skjule tillader det, og for at få en carry lisence er en meget hård proces, i håb om at folk ikke vil forsøge at få en. Lyder lidt unfair doens't det? Uanset hvad, jeg føler, at byerne våbenlove er latterlige, af denne grund. Banning våben og gøre dem sværere at aquire lovligt kun styrker dem, der ikke følger reglerne, ligesom den steriods forbuddet i sport. De, der snyder, er at vinde, i systemet. Disse love tjener kun til at hjælpe kriminelle forblive finaiced og i magt over lovlydige folkerige af New York City.

Hårdeste Sports telefon nogensinde.

5 Februar, 2009 af MadisonMadnuff · 2 Kommentarer

phone Toughest Sports Phone ever.

Nå ofte, når jeg er for travlt til at komme til en computer, jeg kontrollere på sportens verden og Sportsroids via min mobiltelefon.   På min mobiltelefon får jeg fuld adgang til internettet og kan endda skrive og indsende artikler til denne hjemmeside.   Jeg troede, jeg ville meddele verden, at denne telefon er den ultimative toughmans telefonen.   Min telefon er Verizon Pocket PC xv6700 og her til morgen faldt ud af min lomme på min vej til gymnastik.   Jeg lagde ikke mærke til, at den var faldet ud, og jeg trak sig ud af parkeringspladsen, cirka halvvejs ud af partiet, jeg bemærkede jeg ikke havde min telefon, så jeg trukket tilbage ind i rummet for at gå tilbage til gymnastik for at se om jeg forlod det deres.   Efter at komme ud af bilen, jeg så min telefon i parkeringsplads med store ridser og buler samt knust metal på min mus mover.   Jeg indså, at jeg lige havde kørt over min telefon i en Lincoln LS.   Jeg tog telefonen og det var livløse ingen puls, ville det ikke tænde, skærmen var tom og ridset og jeg næsten fælde en tåre.   Så lige som jeg var i butikken for at få en ny telefon det affjedrede tilbage til livet lige i mine hænder, og det sagde til mig "lavt batteri".   Jeg tænkte "Amazing jeg bare kørte denne telefon over med min bil, og det virker stadig" ikke kun gør det stadig arbejde, men alle knapperne virker så godt og den berøringsfølsomme skærm spare et par ridser er fint, så godt.   Jeg syntes bare jeg ville dele det med dig, fordi jeg finder det freaking utroligt, "ved du, hvor meget en Lincoln Ls vejer (meget)."   Men desværre ligesom de hårde Ironmen fodboldspillere og boksere Gårsdagens denne telefon er udgået   og   er ikke længere til salg, så hvis du ønsker at købe det du kan jeg ikke tror det er sandt, hvad de siger i sport og i livet "de ikke gør em ligesom de plejer."

Atlanta Falcons at vinde to frø i NFC?

December 22, 2008 af AlexV · Efterlad en kommentar

I think Arthur Blank, the owner of the Atlanta Falcons, is ready to let go at this point.

Jeg tror Arthur Blank, ejeren af ​​Atlanta Falcons, er klar til at give slip på nu.

En ting pissing mig fra big tid efter uge 16 er følgende ... hvorfor er ingen nævne, at Falcons har en chance for at låse op nummer to frø i NFL? Hvis Falcons udrette den meget un-ærværdige opgave at besejre affald fyldt Saint Louis Rams i Atlanta denne weekend, og Carolina Panthers bliver besejret i New Orleans i næste uge, Atlanta Falcons ende med at vinde NFC South. Vi ved allerede, at Giants har låst den øverste frø ved at slå Carolina i OT søndag aften, men Cardinals i bedste kan afslutte 9-7 i NFC West, og Bears eller vikingerne kan kun slutte på 10-6 til at vinde NFC North. Hvad betyder dette? Enten Falcons eller Panthers er garanteret de to frø.

Men hvorfor er der ingen taler om det? Fordi hver dum analytiker har det i deres sind, at Falcons vidunderlige turn-around i stillingen Michael Vick mortem var simpelthen i udslag deres Wild Card kaj. Men hej! De kan endda få en bye! Det ville være helt enorm!

Ikke alene skal de overvinde sidste års fiasko og gøre playoffs med en rookie QB, men de har nu en chance for at sætte sig selv i en meget levedygtig position for at nå en Super Bowl med en hjemmesejr og én vej sejr, så længe Giants vinde deres første spil. Jeg mener, geez, de kan ende med at være vært for NFC Championship hvis Giants mister deres første spil!

Nogen skal du tale om det. Jeg har set PTI, Sports Center, og hørte hvert FOX, CBS, og NBC analytiker og kommentator og ikke en af ​​dem har tænkt over dette. Det pisser mig af, og jeg håber næsten til gud, at Falcons få de to frø for at se om de alle har dumme ser på deres ansigter.

Carolina ... pleeeeease tabe. Jeg ved allerede, Falcons har Rams spil i deres baglomme, så jeg er ikke bekymret for dig. Senere.

CHIPZ siger: "Spænd sikkerhedsselen drenge, vi går ind i playoffs!"

November 25, 2008 af CHIPZ · 1 Kommentar

hines ward1 269x300 CHIPZ SAYS, Buckle up boys, were going into the PLAYOFFS! Efter at have været væk i de sidste 2 uger laver omfattende forskning alle betalt af at bedre dit fantasi fodbold viden, har jeg kun kom op med en løsning - uoverensstemmelser !!! Okay, jeg løj om at få betalt for at gøre omfattende forskning. Det gør dog ikke tage en raket videnskabsmand for at vide, at vi ser en masse af uoverensstemmelser med vores spillere, og vi ved ikke, hvem de skal starte længere. Så her er det problem, at jeg vil svare i denne artikel; hvem skal vi starte?

Spil spillet smart. Nu er tiden ikke inde til at lede efter sovekabine picks medmindre din starter er kommet til skade. Wide Receiver Hines Ward af Pittsburgh Steelers er et eksempel på en meget inkonsekvent starter. Hvis du har ham, kan du ikke risikere ikke at starte ham i uge 13, selv om han gjorde forfærdeligt i uge 12. Quarterback Brady Quinn af Cleveland Browns er en anden inkonsekvent forret. Han gjorde store i uge 11, men måtte forlade efter første halvår i uge 12 for at lade quarterback Derek Anderson i eventuelt at gnist noget håb i kommer tilbage. Den eneste forskel mellem Brady Quinn og Hines Ward er ikke ikke starte Brady Quinn. Kig efter en anden quarterback asap. Quarterback Matt Cassel af New England Patriots er en awesome quarterback, og jeg har altid troet, han ville producere og han er. Hvis han ikke er blevet plukket, samle ham op nu og begynde ham, hvis du har quarterback problemer.

reggie bush1 240x300 CHIPZ SAYS, Buckle up boys, were going into the PLAYOFFS! Running Back Reggie Bush i New Orleans Saints er en keeper, men jeg ville ikke starte ham i uge 13. Lige nu, running back Pierre Thomas af New Orleans Saints ser temmelig godt, især med uge 12 kamp slutter med 87 farende værfter og 2 farende touchdowns mod Green Bay Packers. De hellige kan lade ham få et par mere bærer over Reggie Bush, hvis de lod ham spille i uge 14 for at tillade Bush for at få resten han har brug for. Vent uge 14 eller 15, inden du begynder Bush igen. Hvis du har problemer med din running back position, og du behøver at gøre playoffs, kan du overveje at droppe Reggie Bush. Kig efter Kevin Faulk af New England Patriots, Mewelde Moore for Pittsburgh Steelers, og Peyton Hillis af Denver Broncos, hvis de ikke er blevet afhentet.

peyton hillis 300x225 CHIPZ SAYS, Buckle up boys, were going into the PLAYOFFS!

Running Back Tatum Bell af Denver Broncos var forventet af en masse fantasy fodbold ejere som en potentiel sovekabine pluk men endte som et lykketræf. Jeg ville ikke regne med ham for resten af ​​sæsonen. Running Back Peyton Hillis vil bære de fleste af siv til Denver, så længe han holder gør, hvad han har gjort i de sidste 2 uger. I uge 12, han bar 12 gange for 74 yards med et gennemsnit på 6 yards per carry.

The Cleveland Browns, Philadelphia Eagles og Seattle Seahawks er et team, du bør holde sig væk fra. Jeg vil ikke starte nogen af ​​deres spillere med undtagelse af Tight End Kellen Winslow af Cleveland Browns, fordi de kæmper hold, der ikke kommer til at producere for dig. Quarterback Donovan McNabb af Philadelphia Eagles kæmper lige nu, og er ikke at få nogen støtte fra hans hold, hans træner eller hans fans. Mentalt, vil han være nede, og indtil han kan bevise, at han kan komme ud af sin krise, ikke starte ham. En gang første runde udkast pick, running back Brian Westbrook af Philadelphia Eagles er også en spiller, der har du sandsynligvis ikke ønsker at starte. Han er stadig ondt, og selvom han spiller gennem smerten, naturligvis er han ikke producerer statistik, han har brug for at du kan vinde. Look at sidde ham ud for uge 13.

Se på dine startere og holde dem i, medmindre du har startere, jeg har nævnt i denne artikel til bænk. Husk, spille spillet smart og ikke risikere noget endnu. Dit hold er på linjen, og du behøver at gøre playoffs! Efterlad kommentarer og jeg vil reagere på dem med nogen tips jeg kan tilbyde.

CHIPZ SAYZ ... handsken !?

November 7, 2008 af CHIPZ · 1 Kommentar

Brandon Marshall WR Denver Broncos

Brandon Marshall WR Denver Broncos

Under Denver Broncos og Cleveland Browns spil dette tidligere torsdag blev vi alle spørger: "Hvad er op med handsken !?" efter Wide Receiver Brandon Marshall fik spillet vindende touchdown fra quarterback Jay Cutler. Vi vil sandsynligvis aldrig vide virkelige hensigter på grund af en meget smart Wide Receiver Brandon Stokley som vi kan spekulere, løb op til Brandon Marshall og fortalte ham, "ikke gør det!"

Min første reaktion efter at han trak en handske ud af hans bukser var, "han vil smække en person i ansigtet med det!" Men det er noget, jeg tror, ​​jeg ville gøre, eller måske endda Terrell Owens ville gøre. I et interview med ESPN, Brandon Marshall hævder han trak den hvide handske til at symbolisere det nylige præsidentvalg mellem senatorer McCain og Obama. CHIPZ SAYZ, "Jeg kan stadig ikke tro det, men hey, vi vil aldrig vide."


6 November, 2008 af CHIPZ · 2 Kommentarer

brady quinn cleveland browns 236x300 CHIPZ SAYZ... QUINN TASTIC?

CHIPZ sayz, "Quinn-tastic? eller Quinn-untastic? "Brady Quinn af Cleveland Browns blev udarbejdet efter 2006 Sæson fra Notre Dame og var sad under hele 2007-sæsonen, og halvdelen af ​​sæsonen 2008. Vidste cheftræner Romeo Crennel gøre en dårlig beslutning i at starte quarterback Derek Anderson i 2007 og 2008 Season? Efter min mening var det en meget smart træk. Den fremtidige team af Cleveland Browns skulle have Brady Quinn som deres leder ... Som deres startende quarterback. Så hvorfor nu?

brady quinn notre dame 236x300 CHIPZ SAYZ... QUINN TASTIC?

Jeg er en stærk tilhænger af, at starte en rookie quarterback er en meget dårlig træk. Quarterback Vince Young af Tennessee Titans mentes at være den, der ville føre sit hold til Super Bowl; Men han ynkeligt mislykkedes. Mange tror, ​​at en scrambling quarterback er ikke egnet i NFL, fordi alles for hurtigt, og det simpelthen ikke virker. Må ikke skyde skylden på det. Vince Young var bare alt for ung og vidste ikke, hvordan man udnytter sine våben til den højeste potentiale. Det er ligesom at give en 16-årig knægt en Ferrari. Du skal bare ikke gøre det! Hvilket er grunden til, at quarterback Kerry Collins er at have så meget succes. Han har erfaringen og ved, hvordan man bruger sit hold.

Quarterback Derek Anderson er en god backup quarterback, men er ikke udgangsmateriale. Benching Brady Quinn for en sæson og en halv vil bare modne ham og give ham lov til at lære og helt forstår holdets offensive playbook. Head coach Romeo Crennel sandsynligvis skal sidde Brady Quinn for hele 2008 sæsonen kun at starte ham i sæsonen 2009; Men på grund af det faktum, at i NFL, det handler om øjeblikkelig tilfredsstillelse; Derfor cheftræner Romeo Crennel vidste, at hans job var på linjen og måtte foretage et træk. Er det for tidligt at begynde Brady Quinn eller vi muligvis se på en anden stor quarterback? Kun styre dagens kamp vil fortælle.

Hvis du er en Fantasy Football Owner, vil jeg ikke anbefale at starte Brady Quinn. Han har kun spillet en kamp i 2007-sæsonen, hvor han gik 3 for 8 kaste i 45 yards, hvilket ikke er solid, men det er ikke nok til at afgøre, om han vil gøre det godt for dig som Fantasy Football Owner. Han kommer til at have en hård vej for ham for resten af ​​hele sæsonen på grund af deres stærke modstandere, de vil spille imod for de resterende sæson. Det er her drengene skiller sig ud blandt mænd! Og det er hvordan fortune cookie smuldrer!

DeAngelo Hall på markedet efter at være fraviges ved Raiders

November 5, 2008 af AlexV · 1 Kommentar

DeAngelo Hall is looking for a new place to call "home" in the NFL. But where can he find one?

DeAngelo Hall er på udkig efter et nyt sted at kalde sit hjem. Men hvis leder?

Med begrundelsen for beslutningen om at give afkald på to-tiden pro bowl cornerback DeAngelo Hall med Raiders være uklar, er det lidt sværere at afrunde hold, der gerne vil hente ham. Hvis han blev skåret på grund af karakter spørgsmål, så er der hold, der, baseret på tradition, vil højst sandsynligt ikke gøre noget mere end overveje ideen ligesom Pittsburgh eller Green Bay. Så er der hold som Dallas. De har allerede gjort nogle berusende og tvivlsomme flytter denne sæson, og jeg ville ikke regne ud Jerry Jones og Co. at gribe chancen. Men så igen, hvem ved med sikkerhed, hvorfor han blev skåret?

I'm sure Antoine Winfield won't mind having DeAngelo Hall by his side in Minnesota.

Jeg er sikker på Antoine Winfield vil ikke have noget imod at have en kollega Pro Bowler ligesom DeAngelo Hall ved sin side.

Baseret ud af det, ville jeg ikke blive overrasket, hvis vikingerne hentede ham så godt. Det er et hold, der allerede har gjort en stor defensiv optagning Jared Allen i lavsæsonen, og tilføje et hjørne af Halls kaliber til en allerede stor nummer et hjørne i Antoine Winfield ville sandsynligvis skabe en af ligaens mest formidable duoer ved positionen.

Jeg føler også, at New England har manglet Asante Samuel, så jeg ville ikke tælle dem ud af billedet. De andre hold jeg ville sætte i blandingen vil være Carolina Panthers, som de gerne vil blive den øverste U i NFC syd med falke og Buccaneers forsvar spiller godt for det meste.

Endelig vil jeg gå med Arizona som en meget stærk mulighed. De Cardinals efter nu at vide, at de er temmelig meget en lås til at vinde deres division, spærring en forstyrret denne mandag aften hjemme i ørkenen ved 49ers. Hvis de ønsker at matchup bedre med de sande contenders og opkomlinge i ligaen derefter en stærk hjørne ligesom DeAngelo Hall ville hjælpe dem voldsomt.

Fantasy Stock Falling, Reggie Bush bliver kirurgi!

20 okt 2008 af MarkM · Efterlad en kommentar

Reggie Bush is out.

Reggie Bush er ude.

Reggie Bush optages i det offentlige, at han vil være at få artroskopisk knækirurgi snart. De hellige håber, at operationen kun viser den forudsatte problem menisken i venstre knæ. Han bør være fint at gå, de tænker i 3 til 4 uger. Der har også været nogle rapporter om, at han kunne vil være tilbage i 2 til 3 uger. Bush blev skadet i denne uge sent i 2. kvartal, mens returnere et punt. Det er virkelig en skam, Reggie kom på stærke, og nu er han rider fyr. Det eneste positive i denne situation er, at på grund af tidspunktet for skaden Reggie vil få en ekstra uges fri hvile på grund af uge 9 bye for de hellige. De hellige har afgjort været lidt efter skaden bug i år.

Fantasy Rådgivning

Hvis du definatly kan afhente Big Macallister for tiden. Han er kun ejet i 70% af fantasy ligaer, så det er værd at tid til at tjekke. Han vil være meget produktivt for de næste par uger overvejer Bushs fravær.

Alex V s NFL uge 7 Picks

17 Oktober, 2008 af AlexV · Efterlad en kommentar

SD på BUF-jeg sikker nu alles bemærket de vestlige hold ikke gør alt for godt, når de rejser til Fjernøsten. Men jeg tror, ​​San Diego fik dette.

NO på CAR-New Orleans er så inkonsekvent. Men jeg tror, ​​de vil få det sammen i Carolina.

Min ved CHI-Begge hold har godt forsvar, god kører spil, og i gennemsnit passerer spil. Jeg tager holdet hjemme ... Chicago.

PIT på CIN-Cincinnati er afhaspning og Big Ben er 5-0 hele tiden i Cincinnati. Steelers vinder.

TEN på KC-Kansas City vil ikke engang Larry Johnson til dette spil. Titans vinder.

BAL på MIA-Miami ruller for hårdt offensivt for Joe Flacco at følge med og snart denne Ravens 'forsvar vil begynde at slæk da de ikke har nogen offensiv hjælp.

SF på Nyg-Jætterne blæste det i sidste uge, men de kan ikke tabe til dette 2-4 papirkurven derhjemme. Giants vinder.

DAL ved STL-Romo eller Johnson? Hvem ved? Cowboys er afhaspning mister to af deres sidste tre. Jeg har kun en fornemmelse af dette er en forstyrret i sin vorden. Rams vinde.  

DET på HOU-Houston i det mindste kan spille konkurrencedygtige og har vist lovovertrædelse. Detroits eneste tæt spillet var sidste uge, da de tabte 10-12. Houston skal makulere dem.

IND på GB-Selvom Indianapolis syntes at ramme sin skridtlængde i sidste uge, Aaron Rodgers spiller temmelig stjernernes og Packer forsvar er bedre end Colts '. Jeg vil gå med Green Bay.

NYJ ved OAK-Brett Favre er ubesejret i Oakland all-time. Det skal forblive den samme.

CLE på var-Begge hold var komplette modsætninger fra hinanden i sidste uge. Washington var stigende, og tabte til en bund dweller, mens Cleveland var en skuffelse og slog et mesterskab contender. Nu, hvor de har fået deres hoveder på lige, jeg tager Washington.

SEA ved TB-Seattle er 1-4 og har været regulært grusomme på begge sider af bolden. Tampa vinder.

DEN på NE-Denver har været inkonsekvent de sidste par uger, men Patriots har været det samme. Jeg tager de Pats hjemme imod Belichick fodbold IQ.

Jerry Jones Dooms Dallas Cowboys Future

15 okt 2008 af MarkM · 2 Kommentarer

Roy Williams WR Cowboys

Roy Williams WR Cowboys

Jerry Jones gør det igen. I dag er han gjort et skridt til at erhverve alle de Roy Williams i de sidste timer før handel deadline NFL. Jerry har nu en DB og en WR, der deler det samme navn. Yuppie !!! Beklager Jerry, dette skridt er bare flad ud dum. Det er den form for handel, hvor han enten vil ligne et geni eller ligne en retard. Vi trækker for retard. Sportsroids mener, at flytningen ikke vil hjælpe ham i win i år og kommer til at ødelægge hans hold i fremtiden. Ja du får en top talent bred-out. Ja han er bedre end Crayton eller Austin. Men hvorfor skulle du give op 1., picks for denne fyr en 3. og 6. runde? Ikke at nævne nu har han at lære en ny drejebog og system. Alvorligt Jerry Hvad tænkte du? Jeg vil vædde på det var noget som dette, "OK, vi har lige mistet Pacman Jones, og Terrance Newman er blevet såret, og vores største problem er, at vores defensive backfield er i uorden. Åh vent, jeg kender! Lad os få en ny pre-madonna wide receiver, som vil ordne det! ". Mit spørgsmål er:" Hvordan kan bedre hold næste år, hvis du kun har en 2. runde pick? Jeg kan ikke vente med at se at miste sit sind, fordi af Roy Williams, kan jeg ikke vente med at se den. Obvoiusly Jerry Jones mener at kunne flyve kuppet temmelig snart, hvis han gør dette. Hvis Owen fangster falde, og de ​​mister dens vil være WW3 i Dallas. Ved nærmere eftertanke, måske farten var at skræmme til i ikke eksploderer, men jeg tvivler. Jeg elsker til og alle han ønsker, er at vinde, og dens hans konkurrencemæssige karakter er det, der gør ham godt. Jerry, skal du ikke forsøge at træde på det. Du vil miste den kamp Jerry. Hey tror du ikke Jerry er begyndt at se lidt ligesom Al Davis. Måske skulle han bare langsomt ned, og indser, at han allerede har nok stjerne magt til at få folk taler om cowboys og lære, hvordan og hvor man kan købe de rigtige brikker til at gøre hans organisation ustoppelig. Roy Williams er en WR med stort potentiale men han har meget at bevise. Roy har kun lagt en 1000 + yard sæson i hans fem år karriere. Alvorligt 1., 3. og 6. runde picks !!! Oh yeah de fratrådte Roy til en ny kontrakt som godt. Dens 5 årig ​​kontrakt !! Jerry dine nødder!

Hvad med disse cowboys? Personligt synes jeg, de er alle bark ingen bid!

HEY JERRY !!! SPORTSROIDS har noget at sige til dig ... ..

Dallas Cowboys Owner, Jerry Jones

Dallas Cowboys ejer Jerry Jones

Dårlige flytter = Bad News Jerry! Du har lige dømt dit holds fremtid.


Pacman Jones tilbage i den varme stol!

10 oktober 2008 af MarkM · Efterlad en kommentar

Adam "Pacman" Jones

Adam "Pacman" Jones

Dallas Cowboy, Adam Jones har tilsyneladende været op til hans tidligere narrestreger igen. Efter kampene sin egen sikkerhed i et badeværelse i sidste weekend, kan han se på en frisk ny suspension. Jeg ville ønske, de havde fantasi Fallout fodbold, ham og Chris Henry ville være 1. og 2. picks samlet. Pac er allerede på hans 2. strejke med kommissær Roger Goodell. Det en skam at se, at selv de mægtige Cowboys ikke kunne redde den unge mand fra sig selv, endsige historien sultne medier, der gør ånde ned halsen en masse. Jeg selv hørt, at Pacman binder sine sko galt i en artikel, jeg læste et sted! (Joke) Enten måde, vi som fans er meget kritiske over for pacman. Der kan være flere årsager til de offentlige kritik. Jeg tror, ​​det meste er det fordi han har atletiske talent og er i stand til at gøre millioner, og det synes han bare er ligeglad omfavne hans lejlighed. Indså, at en dag vil Adam vokse op og ud af dette "Jeg er en hård fyr" paradeforestilling. Han vil da indse, at han var en af ​​de heldige. Jeg håber bare, det sker, før det er for sent. Han kan blive udsat igen af ​​ligaen, sandsynligvis slutter sin karriere i NFL. Adspurgt om den nye Pacman hændelsen, Roger Goodell udtalte: "Jeg tror ikke, der er nogen misforståelser om stillingen Adam har sat sig selv i forhold til hans opførsel," sagde han. "Der er visse ting, jeg forventer af ham. Jeg ville fortælle dig, at jeg er skuffet, vi selv diskuterer dette. "

Identitet bedrageri ala New York Jets

September 19, 2008 ved sportsroids · 1 Kommentar

Identitet bedrageri

af The Boinger

Joe Namath

Joe Namath

Hvad er identitet New York Jets? Svar: De har ingen identitet. Ikke Joe Namath, ikke sækken udveksling og ikke Fireman Ed. Ikke engang den store Brett Favre kommer ikke til at reparere eller ændre det. Tun ikke kunne rette det, og selv Belichick så skriften på væggen og boltet til New England. Der er ingen lang række af stor QB s. Der er ikke tradition for en stærk run / pass orienteret offensiv / defensiv mastodonten. Det er bare ikke der. Den sæk udveksling? De har for længst glemt. Ingen har optrappet til at fortsætte denne tradition. Front office har haft en dårlig udkast efter det andet, og fortsætter med at forsøge at trække blår i fans øjne med store No Name head coaches. Selv forsøgte at narre alle til at tro, at de var alvorligt med at flytte tilbage til NY. Deler et stadion med Giants yderligere befæster dem som "andet hold" i denne by. Da Donald Trump har frokost med Bill Gates gør de deler en salat? NEJ! Så hvorfor skulle Jets være at dele et stadion med Giants der er ingen hvor tæt på deres fanskare?

The New Meadowlands Stadium

The New Meadowlands Stadium

Det bliver sværere og sværere at selv ønsker at heppe på dem længere. Hvis du er heldig nok til at få billetter, du stadig nødt til at køre ud til det hul i sumpen, de kalder hjem. De har brug for en større ændring. Nye ejerskab ville være stor. Et nyt hjem i New York ville være endnu bedre. Måske de kunne finde nogle tomme plads i Bronx?

The New Bronx Bombers

September 19, 2008 ved sportsroids · Efterlad en kommentar

The New Bronx Bombers

af The Boinger

New York Jets

New York Jets

Forestil på vej ind i Bronx for at se kampen. Du får ned til 161 og floden, gå langs L og ned gennem portene. Du kigge ud gennem tunnelen og se marken og palyers og som du dukke op fra bugen af cement katedral dine øre øre tromme rumler når du hører publikum sang J - E - T - S Jets Jets JETS !!! Kom tænke over det. The New Bronx Bombers! Et helt nyt stadion til bande grønt. Ikke flere krydser over broen (eller to) ikke mere sidder i trafikken (på NJTP) og ikke mere "Lets go Yankees"?

Jets har brug for et nyt sted at kalde hjem. Et sted at kalde deres eget. Hvem ved måske endda nye uniformer og et nyt navn. De kunne kalde sig de Bronx Bombers og ændre deres logo til stealth fighter og gøre deres uniformer sort eller måske endda camouflage. Den "gamle" Yankee Stadium websted ville være perfekt. Glem alt om midtown hvad en dårlig idé, der var. Forestil viser op i boogie ned til nogle fodbold! Hvor fantastisk ville det være? Et nyt stadion komplet med alle de fan faciliteter. Den Weeb Ewbank Rotunda. Emerson Boozer bar. Den Gang Green Gridiron Grill. The Mark Gastineau Promenade. O'Brien Irish Pub, hvor de kun tjener grønne øl. Vinny s Pizza. Joe Namath Plaza. De kunne selv sætte i en gay bar og kalder det "Sac Exchange" HA!

Klynker på Wannstedt. A SportsRoids eksklusive

18 September 2008 af sportsroids · 2 Kommentarer

Klynker på Wannstedt

Ved Madison Mad'nuff

Pittsburgh Panthers Coach Dave Wannstedt

Pittsburgh Panthers Coach Dave Wannstedt.

Da Pitt Panthers fortsætter deres sæson man ligner Wannstedt var det rigtige valg for universitetet. For mig Waanstedt er blot endnu et stort navn leje, som de fleste mennesker vidste ikke ville fungere. Når du er en Pittsburgh fyr som Wannstedt er, og er elsket af byen er det gør det nemt for Pitt til at ansætte den fyr, men hvorfor? Det er uhyggeligt minder om Nebraska Cornhuskers den eneste forskel er Wannstedt er ikke fyret endnu. Men hvis han ikke producerer i år jeg forventer ham til at være. When you remove a guy like Walt Harris who (I will admit) couldn't go all the way or recruit the best but still had the ability to build a program; and replace him with a big name you better have that guy deliver and Wannstedt has not. So when do you pull the plug? I say now before Pitt loses 6 more games. Walt Harris was able to come up with some big time names at least, Larry Fitzgerlad, Antonio Bryant, Latiff Grim, Keavan Barlow, and Wannstedt has not . To Me Waanstedt was on his way out last year but then Pitt pulled of the miracle and bet WVU. Which earned Wannstedt another shoot to win 5 or 6 games and get fired. Walt Harris at least had a winning record, Pitt needs to end this and pick up or hire a proven coach from a smaller school, “Frank Solich anyone”? “I'm just sayin”

Kurt Warner Fantasy Stock Rising

September 17, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Kurt Warner Fantasy Stock Rising

by Alex V

Cardinals QB Kurt Warner

Cardinals QB Kurt Warner

Fantasy Sports aren't always about getting the big name, or a name that at least was at one point big… like Kurt Warner. Just because the guy is 37 years old should not be the final factor on whether or not you should pick him up. One should always think “production” when making a decision on who to add to their Fantasy team. At this point in the season, Kurt Warner has been a stud, and would be a great pick up for those of you who are suffering from any of the following Fantasy Football diseases; “Brady's Gone Syndrome,” “Carson Palmer's Letting Me Down,” and “Jamarcus Russell is Making Me Look Stupid.” In fact, with the numbers he has put up so far, he has shown to be as good, if not better, stats wise that is, than some of the marquee quarterbacks in the game.

So far this season Kurt Warner has amassed 558 passing yards (279 per game), a 70.4 percent completion percentage, when most good QBs are lingering around the lower to mid 60's, and he has four touchdown passes accumulating to two per game (all it takes is 1.875 TDs per game for a player to reach 30 in a regular season) for an amazing 128.5 QB rating. If Warner can keep this up, he will project to finish with 4,464 passing yards with 32 touchdown passes. Last year, only four quarterbacks reached the 30+ TD pass mark; Tom Brady (50), Tony Romo (36), Ben Roethlisberger (32), and Peyton Manning (31). Now, taking in account that perhaps the projections will skew a bit, he still looks to be anywhere between 3,600 and the projected 4,464 passing yards, and at least a mid-20 mark in the touchdown pass category, and he still hasn't thrown a pick yet.

Warner's fantasy stock is on the rise for 2008.

Warner's fantasy stock is on the rise for 2008

When you take into account all of these factors and the way Warner performed last season, the upside should be easy to see. Last year he started in eleven games and played in three more. In those games Warner passed for 27 TDs while totaling 3,417 passing yards and managing a 62.3 completion percentage, against a not-so-great 17 total interceptions. But already for a quarterback at his age, who was also playing with an injured shoulder, those are remarkable numbers!. And only one year later, you too can own Kurt Warner as a full-time starter and a healthy one at that!

That is what you should be thinking about if your mind is fettering on whether or not to drop a buck on Warner. I have a strong feeling out there that some Fantasy players go on whether or not a player has a high level of prestige and if the analysts project a player's team to be successful and make the playoffs and or Super Bowl. Well guess what? Prestige doesn't get you big stats all of the time, and neither does an electrifying player like those of you that have thrown a season down the drain as soon as you drafted Michael Vick (when he was actually playing). I bet some people are saying “Well Kurt Warner is obviously going to do something when he has Anquan Boldin and Larry Fitzgerald.” Well no shit! Another GREAT reason to pick him up! So remember folks. If you desperately need a quarterback at this point in the season, go ahead and overlook the Cardinals chances for success this season, but don't overlook Kurt Warner's chances to win you some games.

Warner's remaining opponents and where they ranked last season in passing defense:

Week 3 @ Washington

Week 4 @ New York Jets

Week 5 vs Buffalo

Week 6 vs Dallas

Week 7 – Bye

Week 8 @ Carolina

Week 9 @ St. Louis

Week 10 vs. San Francisco

Note: YPG have been rounded to the nearest tenth.

Fantasy Sports, Hvorfor har vi Care?

September 17, 2008 ved sportsroids · Efterlad en kommentar

By The Boinger

I sit here scouring the free agent list for a back up QB , TE and “FLEX OPTION”. Diligently examining the statistical analysis of JT O'Sullivan, Tony Scheffler and Chansi Stuckey, when suddenly it hits me – my daughter's left fist! HA! She caught me pretty good too right across the side of my head painfully knocking my glasses into the bridge of my nose. After I sent her upstairs sobbing from a fairly ogre like verbal lashing I realized this article had been spawned. Why DO we care so much about sports?
Perhaps, like me, the rest of you are former athletes of some sort. You played sports at any cost from the minute you were old enough to swing a stick and hit a rock right up to either a realization of it having passed you by or a minor/major disappointment of some sort. At which point your passion for video games took over and you became a “gamer” or madden junky like me. Which later evolved into fantasy sports. Chances are somewhere in between there you were and maybe still are a beer league softball player or even a flag football coach or an assistant on the local varsity squad. At any rate even if it is just watching your favorite team on television every night for some reason we all care a great deal about sports.
Even as I sit here writing this I must have some form of sports entertainment channel siphoning in on the television. But why? It really makes no major difference in our lives does it? Sure it feels good to root for a winner. It is nice to see your team win. Even better to see them win a championship. But do they care as much about you? They would not play for free I guarantee you that. None of us would work for free, would we? Although the satisfaction you get from the feeling of accomplishment after actually playing and practicing and earning a win is second to none.
Now if you are out there playing and having fun regardless of the outcome and enjoying getting some physical release then good for you. You are way ahead of the rest. Yet there are still those of us who throw a bat in disgust when making an out in softball. I mean the ball is the size of a grapefruit and is practically put on tee for us it comes in so slow. We are the same ones who throw the “joy stick” down and hit the reset button when our life expires or digitally enhanced QB throws an interception. We were the same ones who broke a broom stick in half wrapping it around a pole after striking out in a stick ball game in the 5th grade. Hopefully we have all outgrown that stage or at least recognize that at some point that behavior is just plain silly even unnecessary.
Well, however it was you came upon this I just hope you can keep it all in front of you. Enjoy it. Have fun with it. Play to win but keep what is important in the foreground. Okay I have to go now and apologize to my daughter and teach her how to sneak an elbow in underneath the basket when boxing out.

ps I picked up Tony Scheffler and dropped Todd Heap.

It might be time to say goodbye to Todd Heap as a Starting Fantasy TE.

It might be time to say goodbye to Todd Heap as a Starting Fantasy TE.

Best Sports Related Fights

September 17, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

by Mark M

This is a short list of memorable fights involving sports figures or teams.

1. Strahan Fights Tom Arnold On The Best Damn Sports Show .

I think Strahan gets hurt. He makes some funny sounds.

Check it out

2. Jim Everett Fight Jim Rome.

Many poeple say that Jim Rome had it coming. Well we all know Rome is a jerk anyways.

3. Mascot Fights

Vi elsker alle disse dem


Bucky Badger bliver lyst op

4. Og selvfølgelig Endelig Fan Fights

[Youtube = http: // v = jHPu8gpur10]

Du kan altid stole på, at Red Sox Fans og Yankee Fans får ind det

Mange Raiders fans bør være i et fængsel, og dette blot beviser det ... .UNREAL ... DUM ... JERK

Big Blue's JUSTIN TUCK is a defensive Monster

September 17, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Mark M

I said it from day one, that Justin Tuck has more ability then the media wanted to give him credit for.

Justin Tuck's Interception for a TD

Justin Tuck

Gee whiz, look at all the ESPN columnists and SportsCenter announcers now say they all love “Justin Tuck” and portraying him as the next coming of Christ for the New York Defensive line. They said without Strahan and Osi that the Giants Justin Tuck could not fill “hole in the Giants Defense” and therefore defensively the Gmen would struggle. This is like political nonsense almost. When you are wrong you are wrong, the Giants D is looking pretty solid. I even saw some Cowboy fan say on a blog that “Tuck is no strahan, and without Osi they probobly will loose all but two games this year”. Wow! I thought to myself, “what an idiot”. Regardless, I know when to say, “Hey I was right” and “You were wrong”. I would just like to also mention when a DE intercepts a pass and runs it back for a TD, that player is something special. The Big Blue D will have bad games this year, so please don't think they are flawless.They, however, will be one of the top 8 units in the NFL, I promise. So if you need a DST or Defense for your fantasy team try to get JUSTIN TUCK and his Big Blue Crew, cause they will be a top team in Sacks and Interceptions this year regardless of their tough schedule.

Be on the watch for LB Gerris Wilkinson he has alot of potential and will definitely look great this year.

Check out the play


Undefeated Teams in the NFL look to Remain Unscathed

Justin Fargas; Jimmy-Tapped on National TV

September 16, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Mark M

Søndag 14 september blev Justin Fargas skadet i anden kvt af Oakland vs Kansas City spil. They said he had a pulled groin injury, however we at SportsRoids believe he was viciously assaulted by Pat Thomas. SportsRoids, mener, at Justin er offer for en rædselsvækkende forbrydelse. Justin Fargas's genitals public execution has not only effected his pay, but his starting position. Han bør betales tilbage tabene ikke blot fra ligaen, men også af Pat Thomas. Bøder skal udleveres. SportsRoid ønsker at have et øjebliks stilhed i løbet af de næste Raiders matche mindes den spiller, der var.

The Victim

The Victim

Genital Assasin.

Genital Assasin.

Drunk behind the wheel, Raiders DL Kelly arrested for DUI

September 16, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Mark M

Tommy Kelly has been arrested for DUI after the Raiders first win of the season. Things just can't get any better for the Raiders, with the Coaching controversy as well as the Injury to Justin Fargas. Now their 50.5 Million dollar Defensive Lineman is in Jail. The Raiders organization just can't get a brake. Either way this is just another example that someone else (—NOT–AL DAVIS—) should be behind the Wheel of this organization.

Tommy Kelly, the highest paid DT ever in NFL history, is in Jail on DUI charges

Tommy Kelly, the highest paid DT ever in NFL history, is in Jail on DUI charges

Exposed Defenses

September 16, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Exposed Defenses.
by Madison Mad'nuff

Well In a shootout the dazzled and bewildered all that watched the Cowboys beat the Eagles. These were high powered offenses that torched their opposing defenses all game save for the mistakes.

The Eagles Fell short againt the Cowboys on monday night losing 41-37

The Eagles came up short against the Cowboys on Monday night football losing 41-37

Westbrook loses the game with a fumble on what would have been a scoring drive. Romo keeps the Eagles in the game with a fumble in the ends zone that leads to a touchdown. But if you look at this impressive performance, from a different perspective it is not that impressive. They have both systematically shown how to exploit each others defenses “IN WEEK 2”. Teams now have a blue print for the rest of the year on what works against these defenses, they have been exposed and I mean full nudity. Now they are still very good defenses but , the Eagles are going to have a lot of trouble next week and so are the Cowboys. When a defense gets torched
like both did last night other teams take note. If I am going against the Cowboys I know that if my Quarterback can scramble people will be open, and if it's the eagles I know a little speed and time will make them eat their own blitzes. So what does this mean it means that each team is going to have a very tough time all year from now on. Which means that things are going to turn out how I thought in the NFC East, with Eagles winning the division Cowboys second and Giants coming in third.

Laveranues Coles…CATCH THE DAMN BALL!

Moss one quarter to prove he was still Randy Moss last year when opening the season against the Jets. The Patriots went from “contenders” to outright “favorites” after that game because Randy Moss went out and caught the damn ball. He did not cry and whine or beg or plead or offer any built in excuses about playing with a new QB or being in a new system. In fact neither did Wes Welker. They had no problem going out every down, running their routes, catching the ball or even making blocks down field. Now why should it be any different for you? You went out and made a big deal about your contract for a second time now with the Jets and you have not produced. You have not proved that you are the go to guy for any one of your QB's. Tony Romo went out and won the job because he could find TO no problem any time any place. Everything else fell into place for him after establishing that. You do not offer that to your QB. Not Brett, Kellen,Chad,Patrick Ramsey, Mark Brunell or Vinny. If they cannot count on you to be there on every down why do you deserve number 1 money? What do you offer any team as a number 1? At best even with a HOF as your QB you were still at best a BYE week replacement fantasy WR. So far through two game you have not done anything to prove otherwise. Chansi Stuckey is outplaying you. Is he better than you? No! No? Well he sure is playing like it and he is playing with more desire than you and it shows. Not

Laveranues Coles snickers at media.

Laveranues Coles snickers at media.

to mention he's got no problem catching passes from a guy who never threw a pass his way before a few weeks ago. If you cannot get excited about playing every week with Brett Favre then what are you doing here? We anxiously await your answer or your departure, which ever comes cheaper!

Peyton The General

September 15, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Peyton The General by Madison Mad'nuff

Peyton Manning is a true field general.

Peyton Manning is a true field general.

While it is still too early to tell which teams will remain consistent in the league it must fell good for the Colts to be able to rely on Mr. Consistent Peyton Manning. Is it me? or does this guy will his way to
wins. In the face of a 15-0 deficit and a none existent running game; he pulls off the comeback helping the team score 18 straight to win the game. Subscribing to my “you have to score at least 15 points to beat the Colts rule” I thought that they would lose this game against the Vikings. But again Peyton finds a way to out score you; if you score 14 he gets 15, if you get 15 he gets 18, if you get 35 he gets 36. I mean you can't beat this guy he is unstoppable. A field general to say the least when the game is on the line he always finds a way to pick apart the Defense, it really doesn't make any sense! Because at the beginning of the game he sucked, and then BAM he goes out and wins the game. It's like he knows what the defense is going to do before they do, and then before the snap he makes adjustments “TO THE FUTURE!!!” amazing.

Come Back Sunday

September 15, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Af Mark M

Today in the NFL, we saw four 4th quarter comebacks performances. This made for amazing football Sunday. The Redskins, Denver Broncos and Buffalo Bills all surpassed their opposition in the final quarter of their respective games.

1. Redskins vs. Saints-

Going into the 4th quarter the skins trailed 15 – 24. They were trailing until Santana Moss beat whipped Tracy Porter for 67 Yards for the game winning late TD. Drew Brees had a chance to stage a comeback yet, he through a INT.

Final Score was 29-24, Redskins.

Santana Moss beats Tracy Porter for 67 yard TD strike

Santana Moss beats Tracy Porter for 67 yard TD strike

2. Colts Vs. Vikings-

Peyton Manning has not looked like himself over the first 2 weeks of the NFL season. However, in the closing quarter of the Game this week, he helped stage a comeback in the 4th quarter. Trailing at one point by 0 – 15 the colts come up with some miraculous plays, to pull out this one. One to defiantly check out would be A. Gonzalez/Reggie Wayne TD in the 2nd half. Peyton who was struggling the 1st half, stayed posed like the true pro that he is and delivered the “W” by getting Adam Vinatieri, in range for a late game winning field goal. I think you know can figure out what the outcome of that was. (Vinatieri is awesome)

Final Score was 15-18, Colts.

Clutch kicker,Adam Vinatieri, celebrates as hits a game winning FG in week 2.

Clutch kicker,Adam Vinatieri, celebrates as hits a game winning FG in week 2.

3. Broncos vs Chargers-

The Chargers have given up two late game comebacks in the last two weeks. It seems that for them no lead is safe. The Broncos, had a great lead going into the 4th. Broncos lead 27-31 over the Bolts going into the 4th. The Chargers scored and placed the broncos up against the proverbial wall. The Broncos answered however, and decided to go for the game winning 2 pt conversion in the closing minutes of the game. Big Rookie Eddie Royal came up with the catch for the Broncos, propelling them to their 2nd win of the NFL season.

Eddie Royal was a rookie standout once again, catching the game winning TD and 2pt conversion in the final minutes of the game.

Eddie Royal was a rookie standout, once again, catching the game winning TD and 2pt conversion in the final minutes of the game.

Final Score : 39-38, Broncos.

4. Buffalo Vs. Jaguars-

With three OL out, the Jaguars knew they were going to have a tough day against Marcus Stroud and his new squad. The Bills were trailing going into the 4th quarter by 3 going into the 4th. The Bills, however came out with the Victory due to the outstanding play of QB Troy Edwards, who completed 20 of 25 passes for 239 yards and 1 TD.

Final Score was 20-16, Bills.

Trent Edwards showed great skill and veteren leadership in week 2 victory against the Jaguars

Trent Edwards showed great skill and veteran leadership in week 2 victory against the Jaguars

Defense Wins Championships?

September 13, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Defense Wins Championships or Great Quarterbacking?

One of the longest standing arguments in today's NFL has been the viewpoint that it takes a strong defense to become a champion. Over the past few years teams like the Baltimore Ravens, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Pittsburgh Steelers have been able to remain in at least competitive contention, if not championship contention, due to their outstandingly consistent play on defense. However, in this writer's eyes, the most important factor in helping a team turn the corner from respectability to prominence has been the position of quarterback.

Over the past ten years alone, almost every Super Bowl champion has been led by a pro-bowl caliber, if not perennial pro-bowl quarterback. In most cases a good defense played a key role in each winner's success, but on most of those teams, there was strong quarterback play involved as well.

During the 1998 season the Denver Broncos won the title with John Elway, and everyone knows how great he was. In 1999, the St. Louis Rams became league champions behind the light-out play of MVP quarterback Kurt Warner. Everybody will remember the Greatest Show on Turf as one of those teams that had such a great offense, they could overcome sub par-to-average defense to win games. In 2000, the Baltimore Ravens would make a name in history as one of those teams that could overcome average, but not great, offensive play with a tenacious defense that created turnovers and stymied opponents week in and week out with its defense.

Let's use a paragraph too look a little deeper at those 2000 Ravens. That team's defense was so good that it held three regular season opponents to seven points, their Super Bowl opponent to seven points (the New York Giants), one regular season opponent to three points, and three post-season opponents to three points (the Wild Card Denver Broncos and the AFC Championship host Oakland Raiders), and four regular season opponents to zero points. How often does a defense that strong come along? Not too often I would say. I gahter that that the 2000 Ravens and the 1985 Bears were two teams in NFL history that literally succeeded almost an entire season based solely on excellent defense.

Randy Moss Highlight Videos

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

ROID RAGE: A SportsRoids Exclusive

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Roid Rage

Ved Madison Mad'nuff

Steriods, a SporsRoids Exclusive.

Steriods, a SportsRoids Exclusive.

Well you may be thinking, “hey Sportsroids, how come you don't have an article on steroids?”. Well here it is. Steroids is a touchy subject to try a just to bring it up to someone who has used them before. A close source of mine who deals with many NFL players said that they feel over %30 of players in the NFL are using some type of illegal performance enhancing drugs not necessarily steroids. I find this number to be high but my question is why. I feel that steroids users are cheaters, I mean any one can get an A on the test if the answers are right in front of them. Right? The whole entire fun of watching sports is partly in knowing that you yourself could never do the things most of these guys can. So when you add steroids to the mix you lose that. Hell if used roids I'd probably be in the NFL right now running a 4.4 forty at 250 pounds but why put my body through that. If I can't do it through hard work alone I don't' want to do it, and my friends that is the American way. Every time someone brings up roids I think of the movie “The Program” where
Vlatamire gets caught using roids, and the black linebacker is like “what the hell you using that stuff for” and he is like “Come on man some people just aren't as talented like you are man I just want to play” or something like that anyway. I always thought that was funny, how pathetic.

So my question to you is how do you feel about Roids my friends, not Sportsroids we all know you love us, but steroids, let me know.

Early Surprise Teams set to do Battle in Week 2 – Chicago Bears at Carolina Panthers

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Early Surprise Teams set to do Battle in Week 2 – Chicago Bears at Carolina Panthers

Ved Alex V

This is a matchup that intrigues me deeply. Both the Bears and the Panthers pulled of rather huge week one upsets against Super Bowl contenders while playing on the road. The Bears did it with their usual run-oriented, turnover free passing offense, and ball-hawking defense that brought them success back when they reached the Super Bowl. The Panthers on the other hand blew a nine point lead in the fourth quarter, and still managed to come back and win in the last second of the game.

Dante Rosario Panthers TE

Dante Rosario Panthers TE

I really like this matchup, because there are two possible after-thoughts once the game is over. One of these squads should inevitably win, barring a rare tie. But the game could end up being sloppy where despite bad play, one of the teams had to end the week 2-0. On the other hand, if the winner of the game can play well, or even great, then the January chatter begins to amount. Let's look at how each team succeeded this weekend.

Rookie Matt Forte, seems to have all the tools to be a great NFL RB

Rookie Matt Forte, seems to have all the tools to be a great NFL RB

The Bears have Kyle Orton who didn't do great, but didn't do bad either. He finished his game with an 83.4 quarterback rating, completed 13 of 21 passes for a 61.9% completion rate with a more-than commendable 7.1 yards per pass average and 150 total yards. The main facet that got the bears their win on offense was the veteran type performance of Matt Forte. He finished the game with a workhorse load of 23 carries, 123 yards, and a rather gaudy 5.3 yards per carry and one touchdown. Forte managed these stats against a defense that got back Bob Sanders and usually tends to stack the line against teams who do not present a formidable passing threat with him in the line-up (I hesitate to mention the return of Dwight Freeney as he operates mainly as a pass rusher).

As for Jake Delhomme, he finished the night with 247 yards, one touchdown, went 23 of 41 (which culminated in a not so substantial 6 yard per pass average) with a QB rating of 82.1. His running game came in the form of Deangelo Hall (18 carries, 86 yards, and 4.8 per carry) and Jonathan Stewart (10 carries, 53 yards, and 5.3 per carry).

The most notable factor in the Bears' victory was how they were able to hold Indianapolis to 13 points. On the other hand, the Panthers who faced an opponent with just as much offensive potency in the Chargers, still gave up 24 points, which is just around the average a team like San Diego should get. In hindsight though, the Panthers have comeback ability, which they showed versus the Chargers, whereas the Bears usual strategy is to have the victory in hand by the start of the 4th quarter if possible.

So, in conclusion, the Bears should be the favorite to win, as they played well throughout their entire game, and the Panthers blundered, but managed to eke out a win in literally the waning seconds of their game. As long as the Bears can prevent the big play as they did against the Colts, and not falter anywhere down the stretch, they should come out on top. However, regardless of coming out the victor in this week's matchup, the winner must display a continued consistency in what they do to earn the respect of NFL fans, columnists, and analysts alike, even if one should remain undefeated.

Fantasy QBS: Who to start, Big Ben or Rodgers?

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Let's look at the both of these QBs in retrospect. Big Ben Roethlisberger and Aaron Rodgers on Sunday, and Monday, respectively, both showed that they can pass, and run if necessary. They didn't just merely pass, but they hit their receivers with good accuracy on a consistent basis. Aside from throwing the ball; they both display a knack for knowing when to leave the pocket and make a play with their feet, whether they're scrambling results in a throw, or a rushing gain of their own.

Aaron Rogers, Starting QB for the Green Bay Packers

Aaron Rogers, Starting QB for the Green Bay Packers

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Fantasy Football TEAM kræftformer

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · 2 Comments

Fantasy Football Team Cancers

Af Mark M

Marques Colston Top flight WR? I think not...

Marques Colston Top flight WR? Jeg tror ikke ...

I am writing this post just to make fun of all the people who drafted Marques Colston in the 1st or the 2nd round in their respective Fantasy drafts. Jeg har aldrig forstået den høje Marques Colston pick nogensinde, jeg ved, han er høj, stærk og talentfuld, men har han nogensinde virkelig været en konsekvent # 1 WR for nogen?

Colston just doesn't show up enough each week to be picked high

Colston bare ikke få det gjort som en fantasy # 1 WR

Jeg sværger, han kan have 200 værftet spil, men nogle gange han bare ikke engang dukke op. Let me give you the examples to prove my point. Over Colston karriere han aldrig har slået et hold med en over gennemsnittet sekundært. Just for example whenever he has played the eagles, he has done nothing special. In 2007, he only had 3 catches for 16 yards with his long being a 11 yard run. Ok, still not satisfied? In 2006, he had 4 catches for 40 yards with a TD, not a bad day but certainly not what you expecting from your top Fantasy draft pick WR. Så ørne kan være hans kryptonit ret? Nope, jeg ville sige hans store svaghed spiller mod alle hold i NFC øst. Colston's best performance was the one that I just stated (40 yards and 1 TD) against any NFC East team. You can't be a top flight receiver if an entire Division of the NFL has your number in my book.

En anden statistik, hvilket beviser han ikke er i overensstemmelse spil til spil, er, at han i 2007 havde 6 spil med mindre end 50 meter. Ok, I fully admit that doesn't sound that bad, but it does when you realize the man was 8th in the league in reception yards. He had over 4 games with 100+ yards. Fantasy wise, in most leagues weekly wins and losses are all that matter. Ja, Colson er en lås i Fantasy ligaer, hvis de ikke har en playoff-system, eller hvis vinderen findes ved optælling op overordnede punkter. De fleste ligaer bare ikke kan lide det, og derfor Colston er dårlig en start på grund af hans upålidelige Stats. Du ved ikke, hvornår han kommer til at gå væk, og flere gange end ikke han vil spille sub par sammenlignet med antallet af 100 + dage fremragende begynder han producerer. Han har dette mønster med sine TDS så godt. Colston, Fantasywise, følger virkelig statistisk mottoet, "Go stort eller gå hjem", som er idé din # 1 kan ikke have i løbet af en hel sæson, hvis din at gøre godt i dit Fantasy liga. Roddy white another receiver who has very similar stats compared to Colston. Roddy White also has the same consistency problems as Colston but Roddy is always a much later pick, WHY IS THAT? Er det fordi Colston har store højdepunkter i hans fangster om Sportcenter? I just don't get it.

Men enten måde, hvordan jeg føler ikke noget, fordi han er kommet til skade. So regardless of your concept of his past production, if you picked Colston this year you got screwed. Han er ude i mindst seks uger, så gå få Eddie Royal eller DeSean Jackson, fordi du har brug for nogen. Those are the two best free agents for week two that are out there in most Leagues. I udkastet til du måske har haft et skud på Andre Johnson, Plaxico Burress, Chad Johnson og alle de andre spillere, som jeg har mistanke kunne have været fejlagtigt plukket efter Colston men nu din stak med nogle fri agent rookie, og jeg har ingen medlidenhed med dig . Du er næsten lige så slemt som den idiot, der tog en chance på en Broncos RB i 2. runde, et par år siden i en af ​​mine ligaer. You know who the RB was, right?

Maurice Clarett (dumbest 3rd pick I ever saw)

Maurice Clarett (dummeste 2rd runde pick jeg nogensinde har set)

Matt Cassel Fantasy Stock Rising

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Matt Cassel has a lot of upside even though his last start was in High School

Matt Cassel has a lot of upside even though his last start was in High Schoo.

Gemt under: Fodbold
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Bronco Legend Al Wilson Retires

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Al Wilson Retires

Al Wilson punished Defenders for eight season for the Broncos

Al Wilson punished defenders for eight seasons for the Denver Broncos.

I wanted to make some room on SportRoids to give a shout out for the recently announced retiree Al Wilson. For those of you unfamiliar with him, Al Wilson was the starting middle linebacker for the Denver Broncos from 1999 through 2006. Out of a possible 128 regular season games, Wilson only missed three of them, and ended up as the starter in 120.

Gemt under: Fodbold
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Selvin Young Fantasy Stock in Jeopardy

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Af Mark M

Mike Shanahan has seriously put a fear into the hearts of all those fantasy owners who Drafted Selvin Young for the 2008 season. On Monday Night Football it became painfully apparent that Shanahan did not intend to hand

Selvin Young looks like a great RB but will he get the touches

Selvin Young looks like a great RB but will he get the touches?

the ball to Young after the 1st & 2nd carries of the game. We also saw what seemed as the emergence of RB Andre Hall who was another undrafted free agent signed by Tampa Bay in 2006. Andre played for south Florida and was a standout RB, however, he never got the a look in the draft much like Selvin Young. Nevertheless, Selvin scored a TD late in the game when he was given only 7 carries in the entire game. Regardless, are we going to see a 50-50 split? Hvem ved? Personally, I don't even think Mike Shanahan knows. Another fact life, that diminishes both these fine RBs is that Selvin and Andre won't be getting many looks in short yardage/goal-line situations. They have Micheal Pittman and rookie Ryan Torain (currently recovering from surgery) for that. Selvin or Andre ? who knows…

Selving Young & Andre Hall practice hard in hopes of being the #1

Selvin Young & Andre Hall practice hard in hopes of being #1.

Big Ten = Big Problems

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Big Ten Problems

ved Madison Mad'nuff

Penn State

Penn State

Well Ever since Jimmy T. became the Head coach of Ohio State all he has done is win. But it seems like he has done it, at the cost of the rest of the Big Ten. Wrestling recruits away from the other teams, locking up great coaches, beating the mess out of what is supposed to be his equal…Michigan. Jimmy T. is poised to go to a third straight BCS Championship game, but it seems no one else in the Big Ten will even have a shot. What happened? The Big Ten used to be The Conference that produced the winners. But not any more. Let's face it, they are dismal at best. It is likely Jimmy T., since taking all the recruits and top coaches every year preventing the other teams from getting better, has prevented the other teams in the teams in the big 10 from getting better while his team has arguably been ranked year in and year out #1 at the beginning of the season. Oh how the mighty have fallen and after week one of College football it seems it will be at least another year before the Big Ten is back to its Old Glory.

And speaking of Glory , check this out!

Nice Naked Backs ladies. I love girls that know what they like!

Nice naked backs ladies. I love girls that know what they like!

Who are the Top NFL QBs?

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Madison Mad'nuff

So there is always the debate about who is the top quarterback in leagues, is it Brady is it Peyton? But the truth of the matter is that after the top three there is huge separation in the field of Quarterbacks. To me there are only three Quarterbacks that are at the highest level right now, and sorry guys Romo and Favre are not part of them. Four years ago I would have given you a top five of pretty debatable equal players but some of those guys couldn't hold up over the time. So without further ado here is my top 5 quarter backs in the league now.

1. Peyton Manning

2. Tom Brady

3. Carson Palmer
These three guys ability and skill are on a completely different level than any other quarterback in the league. Brett has his magic and no one plays the way he does but let's be honest he still has the cannon but
other than last year his last four years have not been that great. Both in ability and Statistics.

4. Donovan McNabb

Donovan Mcnabb

Donovan Mcnabb

Just look at the numbers look at the history and most of all look at the ability when he is healthy he is playing at level much like that of the top 3.

Number five is tricky you can place a lot guys here again just showing how much the level of quarter backs drops once you get past the top three. So is it…Favre?…Romo?…Eli?…Big Ben? or is it maybe even Drew Breeze? Drum roll…

Not quite yet. At first I was going to call it a tie but you can't have a tie in top list that is just plain stupid so I had to bump Romo out. Yes he doesn't make it. Hvorfor? he has only started three years and has never
won a playoff game. Also if you look back in his past 2 years starting he has never cracked top 3 as far as ratings are concerned. Which means this year he probably will not either.

So number five on the list goes to Big Ben,

Ben Rothlisberger #5 our our QB list

Ben Rothlisberger #5 our our QB list

5. Ben Roethlisberger

If you look at his career he has one of the highest winning percentages ever, for the start of his career, He is also constantly in the top five for ratings which encompasses a quarterbacks overall play and most importantly after having a down year in 2006, last year (2007) he threw for 33 TDS silencing critics say what you want about one the most winning quarterbacks ever, one super bowl ring 33 TDS recently, and one of the highest QB ratings for a career ever he is currently playing at the level of a top 5 quarter back in the league. Don't Agree?
comment Then and give me your list. I'm out…

Reggie Bush High School Highlights Video

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Look at Reggie dominating at Helix High in California. Get a rare look at what he looked like before he became the legend at USC.


Down goes Brady, Down goes Frazier!

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Madison Mad'Nuff

Down Goes Frazier:

Look at Tom Brady's leg, legs aren't supposed to bend like that !

Look at Tom Brady's Knee. Ouch!

Down Goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!! Tom Brady went down in week 1 with a torn ACL and now it seems the MVP is out for the season. I don't expect any miracles but with the Patriots you never know. So as all of New England sheds a tear, and the rest of the free world throws a party and no one is partying harder than Miami, Buffalo, and New York fans. Not because a great athlete got hurt. Nope not at all. No one wants anybody to get hurt, but no nobody wants to see Tom Brady play against their teams either. I will admit that I to cracked I rejoiceful smile when I found out, (Come on you did too, admit it) . “What does this mean?” you ask. It means no Super Bowl repeats for the Pats. Wait but it's week 1 you say. Let's be honest with Tom Brady out the Pats are going to struggle all year.

Eddie Royal's steals the Spotlight

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · 5 Comments

by Mark M

Man oh man, the rookie wideouts are getting it done early this year in the season. Desean Jackson put up huge numbers on sunday, and now Eddie Royal stole the show. The Bronco's used him alot. I mean, they had plays for him that were creative and entertaining, built in to showcase his talents. He ran the ball off of WR pitches, he caught a good amount of passes and he even attempted to throw a pass. Eddie Royal was everywhere. Eddie's performance makes it hard to believe that he is even a rookie, because he played like an all star.

Eddie Royal's steals the Spotlight

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · 5 Comments

by Mark M

Man oh man, the rookie wideouts are getting it done early this year in the season. Desean Jackson put up huge numbers on sunday, and now Eddie Royal stole the show. The Bronco's used him alot. I mean, they had plays for him that were creative and entertaining, built in to showcase his talents. He ran the ball off of WR pitches, he caught a good amount of passes and he even attempted to throw a pass. Eddie Royal was everywhere. Eddie's performance makes it hard to believe that he is even a rookie, because he played like an all star.

Regardless, This guy is a huge fantasy asset. ESPECIALLY In leagues that count kick return yards for receivers. It seems, because of his speed, he has alot of planned looks written in the playbook. If he is available in your league, be sure you pick him up. The opportunity to sign a WR like this out of the free agency comes very seldom in fantasy Sports. Eddie Royal had the best Rookie debut performance for any Bronco ever with 9 grabs 146 yards 1 TD, 2 carrys, 9 rushing yards, and 0/1 passing for 0 yards.

Eddie Royal pulls in a catch during Bronco's minicamp.

Eddie Royal pulls in a catch during Bronco Rookie Minicamp

Brett Farve video tape of Halloween Prank

September 8, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Brett Farve has been known for being one the biggest jokers in the NFL. He has played pranks on numerous players and teamates over the years. SportsRoids recently got a hold of one of his pranks that he played early in his career with don beebe. Watch as Brett Farve and Don Beebe play a joke on thier coach Mike Holmgrem, on Halloween

Desean Jackson Highschool Highlight Tape

September 8, 2008 by sportsroids · 5 Comments

We have found a Highlight tape of Rookie week 1 Standout Desean Jackson. His college coach said he has 4.29 speed which is freakish. This is his highschool Highlight tape, he looks incredible. Check out Donovan's new weapon in High School at Poly in California. [youtube=]

Donovan Mcnabb Is BACK!

September 8, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Donovan Mcnabb made a lot of Fantasy owner's smile today. He whipped the St. Louis Rams outscoring there offense 38-3. Donovan silenced all his critics today, for at least a week, throwing for 361 yards on 22/33 attempts. He had 3 TDs and no INTs today. His QB rating today was a overwhelming 131.0 rating.

Donovan Carved up the Rams Defense today, leading the eagles to a 38-3 slaughter of the Rams.

Donovan Carved up the Rams Defense today, leading the eagles to a 38-3 slaughter of the Rams.

Another notable performance came form Brian Westbrook, who ran for 91 yards and 1 TD. The Eagles Defense also looked great holding Steven Jackson for less than 50 yards on the ground. Overall the Rams had only 166 yards of Total Offense.

Steven Jackson was stopped cold today by the Eagles. He had less than 50 yards on 14 carrys.

Steven Jackson was stopped cold today by the Eagles. He had less than 50 yards on 14 carrys.

A new Rookie Standout has emerged in the Philadelphia Offense. His name is DeSean Jackson #10. Today in his NFL debut he had 6 catches for 106 yards. Not bad for the rookie return man who was thrust'd into a bigger role by the absence of Eagles WR Kevin Curtis AKA “White Chocolate”. Jackson has the potential to get over 200 yards of production, in any game, counting his special team return yards. This was his original role on the team. So, anyone in a Fantasy league who get points for return yards should jump on this player fast, as he is now a fantasy stud one week into his professional career. -Mark M

The Rookie Desean Jackson was killing it, going for 106 yards on 6 receptions.

The Rookie Desean Jackson was killing it, going for 106 yards on 6 receptions.

Chargers get ousted by Panther's Jake Delhomme and big time TE, Dante Rosario.

September 7, 2008 ved sportsroids · Efterlad en kommentar

I den største forstyrrelse af uge 1 på søndag, Jake Delhomme lede sit hold tilbage til at score et sidste spil vindende TD som uret udløbet. The final 25-24 was a huge upset for the San Deigo fans. De Panthers fortrængt opladerne uden hjælp af deres superstjerne WR, Steve Smith, som blev suspenderet 3. uge i stansning Teamate Ken Lucas i Mosegårdens minicamping.

Dante Rosario #88 Caught the game winning TD in the Panters big upset to the Chargers

Dante Rosario #88 Caught the game winning TD in the Panters big upset to the Chargers

Standout performances:
1. Phillip Rivers, spillede meget godt gik 12/17 med 217 yards og 3 TD og ingen Ints
2. LT havde 22 rører for 97 yards (0 TD s)
3. Jake Delhomme, was very posed on the final game winning drive. Over the course of the game he amassed 247 yards through the air with 1 TD and no Ints.
4. PLAYER af spillet: Dante Rosario # 88 TE Fanget 7 bolde for 96 yards og spillet vindende touchdown. Ikke dårligt for en lidt kendt TE.

-Mark M

Chargers get ousted by Panther's Jake Delhomme and big time TE, Dante Rosario.

September 7, 2008 ved sportsroids · Efterlad en kommentar

I den største forstyrrelse af uge 1 på søndag, Jake Delhomme lede sit hold tilbage til at score et sidste spil vindende TD som uret udløbet. The final 25-24 was a huge upset for the San Deigo fans. De Panthers fortrængt opladerne uden hjælp af deres superstjerne WR, Steve Smith, som blev suspenderet 3. uge i stansning Teamate Ken Lucas i Mosegårdens minicamping.

Dante Rosario #88 Caught the game winning TD in the Panters big upset to the Chargers

Dante Rosario #88 Caught the game winning TD in the Panters big upset to the Chargers

Standout performances:
1. Phillip Rivers, spillede meget godt gik 12/17 med 217 yards og 3 TD og ingen Ints
2. LT havde 22 rører for 97 yards (0 TD s)
3. Jake Delhomme, var meget stillet på det endelige spil vindende drev. Over the course of the game he amassed 247 yards through the air with 1 TD and no Ints.
4. PLAYER af spillet: Dante Rosario # 88 TE Fanget 7 bolde for 96 yards og spillet vindende touchdown. Ikke dårligt for en lidt kendt TE.

-Mark M

Jason Campbell Season Opener in Review By Alex V

September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

I'm gonna start things off with Jason Campbell. He's honestly got a lot of the physical tools that can make for a great quarterback; mobility, a pretty strong arm (as shown when he overthrows it deep), and he's also six feet and five inches tall.

Jason Campbell is not looking very good.

Jason Campbell is not looking very good.

However, he hasn't got the smarts. What is up with the five yard passes when you need six on third down while a defender is ready and waiting to make the tackle after the catch. He threw a yard short on almost every third down in the game when the Redskins called a pass. Surprisingly, the one time his “short-comings” actually worked came on third down and eleven with 20 seconds to go in the first half; The Skins were on the Giants 14 yard line and needed to get down to the eleven so they could move the chains, and lo-and-behold, what does Mr. Campbell do? He throws the ball to Santana Moss at the ten!… who then actually manages to break for 13 yards into the end zone. I mean, you gotta figure that one of his short third down passes would have resulted in a first down eventually. Too bad they all couldn't. After that touchdown, the Redskins continued with more nowhere marches down the field. The Giants pounded the ball down their throats and Brandon Jacobs received 21 handoffs for 116 yards, and Derrick Ward performed more than admirably with 9 caries for 39 yards. Each runner had 5.5 and 4.3 yards per carry respectively.

Brandon Jacobs as made an event out of crushing Redskins.

Brandon Jacobs as made an event out of crushing Redskins.

Now don't overlook the Redskins' running game last night. Clinton Portis managed 84 yards on 23 carries. Most good backs should be closer to, if not over, a 100 at that point, but the Redskins sporty new west-coast offense was of no help what so-ever save for just after the Rock Cartwright 50+ yard kick return before the end of the first half. But when your aerial attack is not helping you, 84 hard-earned yards is somewhat admirable. Eli Manning on the other hand looked good. I don't care about his one interception. Not because the Redskins would inevitably go three-and-out as a result, but mainly because he just looked sharp. (You see, I have always viewed Eli Manning as such; I call him something I made up about a year ago… an “Interception Quarterback.” He'll get his fare share of picks while maybe lingering atop the league in that category, and he might just be barely hovering above or just below a 60% completion percentage, but he'll be getting the job done on third down, and most of the time when the game matters.). He hooked up with Plaxico on big gains, and used Steve Smith on third downs, perhaps showing that Smith might become a possession man on thirds down.

Eli running the ball for a rare rushing TD after juking out a Redskin LB

Eli running the ball for a rare rushing TD after juking out a Redskin LB

Bottom line, people want to talk up Jason Campbell for his attributes, and also because I personally believe that for whatever reason, a lot of NFL fans seem to sympathize with him since he's got the “He's a good kid” look. But let me tell you something, so does Alex Smith and Joey Harrington, and so did guys like Tim Couch and Akili Smith. Cute faces… ugly games.

Son of a bust! Somebody actually thought both these guys would be good?! Now I remember why I don’t read Sports Illustrated

Son of a bust! Somebody actually thought both these guys would be good?! Now I remember why I don't read Sports Illustrated

Anyways, the Giants may want to work on turning more of those field goal drives into touchdowns, and the Redskins may want to start getting Campbell to look just a yard or two further down the field, and try to get Chris Cooley involved, who finished the game with one catch for seven sorry yards. Bottom line, the G-Men did what they were supposed to do. They didn't blow out the Redskins, but their efforts ultimately culminated into a dominant performance, and a resoundingly convincing win.

-Alex V

Early Predictions – “Don't Worry Be Happy”

September 6, 2008 af sportsroids · Efterlad en kommentar

De Giants vinde Superbowl og 2008 åbningsdagen spil (wo hvem). Great, and on Sunday the rest of the league goes out to play, meaning at days end half the league will be undefeated and the other half will be left at 000 percent. But to me, the first 3 games of the NFL season are dicey at best. I bet any coach or player will tell you the same. The teams just aren't firing on all 8 cylinders in these three games which is why it is so hard to see just who are the elites early in season. Tag for eksempel Detroit Lions. That year they started off 3-1 and they didn't even make the playoffs. So what am I saying you ask? Whats min pointe?

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

John kitna bør ikke foretage nogen tidlige 10 Vind forudsigelser i år.

I just saying don't get to excited if your team wins this week and be sure not to call of work Monday if your team loses, remember there are 15 games left to play and you won't see your real team till week 4 anyways.

-Madison Mad'nuff

Tidlige Forudsigelser - "Bare rolig Be Happy"

September 6, 2008 af sportsroids · Efterlad en kommentar

De Giants vinde Superbowl og 2008 åbningsdagen spil (wo hvem). Great, and on Sunday the rest of the league goes out to play, meaning at days end half the league will be undefeated and the other half will be left at 000 percent. But to me, the first 3 games of the NFL season are dicey at best. I bet any coach or player will tell you the same. The teams just aren't firing on all 8 cylinders in these three games which is why it is so hard to see just who are the elites early in season. Tag for eksempel Detroit Lions. That year they started off 3-1 and they didn't even make the playoffs. So what am I saying you ask? Whats min pointe?

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

John kitna bør ikke foretage nogen tidlige 10 Vind forudsigelser i år.

I just saying don't get to excited if your team wins this week and be sure not to call of work Monday if your team loses, remember there are 15 games left to play and you won't see your real team till week 4 anyways.

-Madison Mad'nuff


September 6, 2008 af sportsroids · Efterlad en kommentar

1. Sunday, Sept. 7 Cincinnati Bengals at Baltimore Ravens 1 pm

MY PICK: Ravens

2. Sunday, Sept. 7 New York Jets at Miami Dolphins 1 pm


3. Sunday, Sept. 7 Kansas City Chiefs at New England Patriots 1 pm


4. Sunday, Sept. 7 Houston Texans at Pittsburgh Steelers 1 pm

MY PICK: Pittsburgh

5. Sunday, Sept. 7 Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans 1 pm

MY PICK: Jacksonville

6. Sunday, Sept. 7 Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons 1 pm

MY PICK: Falcons

7. Sunday, Sept. 7 Seattle Seahawks at Buffalo Bills 1 pm

MY PICK: Bills

8. Sunday, Sept. 7 Tampa Bay Buccaneers at New Orleans Saints

MY PICK: Saints

9. Sunday, Sept. 7 St. Louis Rams at Philadelphia Eagles 1 pm

MY PICK: Eagles

10. Sunday, Sept. 7 Dallas Cowboys at Cleveland Browns 4:15 pm

MY PICK: Dallas

11. Sunday, Sept. 7 Carolina Panthers at San Diego Chargers 4:15 pm

MY PICK: Chargers

12. Sunday, Sept. 7 Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers 4:15 pm

MY PICK: 49ers

13. Sunday, Sept. 7 Chicago Bears at Indianapolis Colts 8:15 pm

MY PICK: Colts

14 Monday, Sept. 8 Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers 7 pm

MY PICK: Green Bay Packers

15 Monday, Sept. 8 Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders 10:15 pm

MY PICK: Denver Broncos

-Mark M

NFL recap: Giants Beat Redskins in Season Opener

September 5, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Plaxico Burress out jumps Redskins DB

Plaxico Burress out jumps Redskins DB

The 2009 NFL season opened today, with The Washington Redskins at the New York Giants. There were many things that happened at the game. Micheal Strahan came out of a Novelty Lombardi trophy and made a speech before kickoff. Then many fans at half time boo'd team owner Steve Tisch during “The Cancer Awareness Event half-time show” due to the his new policy on Personal Seating Licenses at the new Giant Stadium. It was pretty sad to say the least. While this man is making a speech about his fathers fight with cancer most of the fans were just booing. No one cared about the man's personal pain over the loss of his father. Nope, not at all. The crowd instead vocalized the fact that they are angry and pissed off about PSL's. Well, we all know NYC can be a tough town. Regardless, The New York Giants topped the Redskins 16-7. Plaxico Burress had another standout performance, picking up where he left off last post season, racking up 133 yards on 10 receptions. Other notable performances were Brandon Jacobs and Justin Tuck. Jacobs ran for 116 yards on 21 carries. Justin Tuck recorded a Sack on the first play from scrimmage.

Justin Tuck Celebrates a Sack

Justin Tuck Celebrates a Sack

It was a great game for the Defending Superbowl Champion New York Giants. The only issue they seemed to have was Red zone production. It is still very early in the season, so we will have to wait and see what they can do in the red zone in the next game on Sept 14th, in St Louis.

-Mark M

SportsRoids New Logo

September 5, 2008 by sportsroids · 2 Comments

Check out our new logo and let us know what you think.



Real Men Eat Leather They Dont Wear it

September 5, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Check out LT he eats leather. Hey wait a minute! That could that be a piece of Rudi Johnson's missing luggage! Someone get the Detroit Lions on the phone and call the authorities!

Mad'Nuff's Superbowl Picks NFL

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Mad Nuff writes:

Well it's the beginning of the season so who is going to win the Superbowl? TO early to tell?

Get your popcorn ready T.O.

Get your popcorn ready TO

Not for me. I am going to call it right here and right now before the season even starts, before a single snap is taken. Bold you say. Very; but I called it when the Steelers won in 05 and called it when the Colts won in 06 before a single snap was ever taken.Will I be right? probably, but the statistics are against me. So who am I saying? You really want to know?

Well For the AFC I have the Pittsburgh Steelers after winning the Division and fighting through the toughest schedule in the NFL the Steelers will push out to the super bowl.

Steelers 2008 Defense huddles up

Steelers 2008 Defense huddles up

For the NFC I have the Dallas Cowboys. Yes the boys, no they are not my boys (I hate them) but I gotta keep it real. After they come in second behind the Eagles in the Division the Cowboys will make the push to the Super Bowl. Which means a repeat of the 1995 match up probably with the Steelers playing the colts in the AFC Championship game again. With the Steelers winning it all. Hvorfor? After losing to the Cowboys in the regular season they will win this rematch because in the NFL the losing team always has the upper hand. So there you have it folks. My super bowl picks, so make sure you write them down, note the time, date and lock it up because I called it.

-Madison Mad'Nuff

Can you feel that? NFL Highlights tape from 2007

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Kickoff er her! Her er nogle højdepunkter fra 2007 for at få dig klar! (Warning: Low quality image)

NFL Hits Tape

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment


I hope you all enjoy, this videos of NFL greats laying the wood!

Rudi Johnson & Tatum Bell and the case of the missing underwear

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Tatum make sure you don't take the football or my underwear.

Tatum make sure you don't take that football or my underwear! (CAUGHT RED HANDED)

Tatum Bell was recently released from the Detroit Lions to make room for aging superstar Rudi Johnson on Monday. Bell was sent home, but apparently before he left he took Rudi Johnson's Gucci luggage with him. This whole debacle was even caught on security camera. The red handed Tatum Bell wrote off the fiasco as a simple mistake. Who knows what to believe? Bell must have been salty about losing his roster spot. We're willing to bet Tatum doesn't even own Gucci bags!

Rudi Johnson of the Detriot Lions

Rudi Johnson of the Detroit Lions

Rudi Johnson told reporters, “I got the bags back – empty,”. He then explained: “he's got a bunch of my underclothes. What he's going to do with that, I don't know. He's got some socks and boxers.”
Understandably, Rudi was not elated with the event. The guy you replace steals your Designer Gucci bags…

Well ,if it were up to me, football players wouldn't have or use Gucci bag's (aka man purse). They would carry their clothing in a burlap sack as the way I envision the players of yesterday may have. Possibly stow their gear in token helmets from bested opposing teams. I mean really, could you see Jack Lambert or Dick Butkus strolling into the locker room with Gucci luggage?

Take a look for yourself:

Dick Butkus would never have had a Gucci bag just look at him.

Dick Butkus would never have had a Gucci bags just look at him.

Jack Lambert would have probobly eating you alive if he saw you with Gucci luggage in the Steel Curtain's locker room

Jack Lambert would have probably eating you alive if he saw you with Gucci luggage in the Steel Curtain's locker room.

I just can not see these men using or being around those you use Gucci or other designer's bags. Sure, they may have chewed down some leather in their day, but we're willing to bet these sports icons wouldn't get caught dead with Designer Man Purses.

-Mark M

Ricky Williams does it right and becomes “Ricky The Role Model”

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams has been through all the uppers and downers the NFL can offer. He has been through much controversy in his career and it is refreshing to see a player attempt to get it right the 2nd time around. Even though Ricky Williams had gone to school in Texas, he never graduated, and it is great to see him now taking that initiative at age 31 to go back to school. Ricky has enrolled in classes Nova Southeastern University, and plans on trying to become a Doctor one day. Ricky told reporters, ”I like seeing people feel better, and I know what it feels like to deal with pain,”. It is a cold hard fact that Williams knows what it is feels like to deal with pain. The way the dolphins ran him into the ground was awful. His number was called almost 420 times a season for over two years straight. It was just hard to watch. It's good to see that he is doing things right and going back into school, so that when he is done with the game, he as something to fall back on. This story should be all over the news just because it sends out the right message to our youth. Look at Ricky, he is starting to become a role model. Run Ricky Run…….

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

-Mark M

Ricky Williams does it right and becomes “Ricky The Role Model”

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams has been through all the uppers and downers the NFL can offer. He has been through much controversy in his career and it is refreshing to see a player attempt to get it right the 2nd time around. Even though Ricky Williams had gone to school in Texas, he never graduated, and it is great to see him now taking that initiative at age 31 to go back to school. Ricky has enrolled in classes Nova Southeastern University, and plans on trying to become a Doctor one day. Ricky told reporters, ”I like seeing people feel better, and I know what it feels like to deal with pain,”. It is a cold hard fact that Williams knows what it is feels like to deal with pain. The way the dolphins ran him into the ground was awful. His number was called almost 420 times a season for over two years straight. It was just hard to watch. It's good to see that he is doing things right and going back into school, so that when he is done with the game, he as something to fall back on. This story should be all over the news just because it sends out the right message to our youth. Look at Ricky, he is starting to become a role model. Run Ricky Run…….

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

-Mark M

Mario Williams “Draft Pick in review”

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

14 sacks Last season, Mario Williams has solidified himself as an Elite DE in the NFL. This should silence all those people who snickered at him being a 1st overall pick over Reggie Bush. This year he should rack up over 10 sacks. With his NFL combine results, its no wonder they took a chance on him. Mario stands at 6 foot 7 inches tall. He weighs 295 Pounds. At the combine he ran a 40 yard dash in 4.66, accomplished 35 reps 225 bench press, and had a vertical jump of 40.5″.

I don't know to me that is freakish athleticism and it sounds like they made the best choice.

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

Mario Williams “Draft Pick in review”

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

14 sacks Last season, Mario Williams has solidified himself as an Elite DE in the NFL. This should silence all those people who snickered at him being a 1st overall pick over Reggie Bush. This year he should rack up over 10 sacks. With his NFL combine results, its no wonder they took a chance on him. Mario stands at 6 foot 7 inches tall. He weighs 295 Pounds. At the combine he ran a 40 yard dash in 4.66, accomplished 35 reps 225 bench press, and had a vertical jump of 40.5″.

I don't know to me that is freakish athleticism and it sounds like they made the best choice.

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

Justin Tuck og Den såkaldte "Giant hul" i Big Blue forsvarsminister

September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

When you rush the passer with speed and you're over 275 pounds, you know your an elite NFL DE. Justin Tuck is one of the few who can say, “I can do it all on the DL” in the NY Giants defensive unit.

Justin Tuck we salute you!

Justin Tuck we salute you!

He has the size and strength of a DT and the speed of an elite DE. Micheal Strahan, har udtalt, at "Justin Tuck" har mere talent end han nogensinde har gjort. I år alle har været nede på Giants fordi de har mistet Strahan og OSI til pensionering og skade, hhv. Men lad os virkelig tage et kig på det defensiv enhed. The core Antonio Peirce is there. Han er ligesom den lim, der holder denne store blå skib sammen. The Giants have elite pass rushers in Justin Tuck, Mathias Kiwanuka, and possibly Gerris Wilkinson.

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Ja, jeg sagde det, Gerris Wilkinson. He has great overall athletic ability so if they utilize him correctly he can bring a lot of pressure from the edges.

Regardless of pass rush, they have a very sturdy Secondary. The Corners are Webster (whom pretty much locked down TO Donald Driver Joey Galloway last postseason), Sam Madison (possible HOF), Aaron Ross(Standout Rookie) and Terrell Thomas (2nd Round Pick) as well as Kevin Dockery. Aaron Ross and Corey Webster can track down the ball very well in man or zone coverage. The Giants also have solid Safeties, in Sammy “Good” Knight, James Butler and 1st round pick Kenny Phillips. This secondary can play, I assure you. Big Blue's safeties don't only have the ability to cover but these players are likely to take anyone, who comes over the middle of the field, head clean off. This unit can either pulverize you or run with you. This secondary has a swagger, atheletic ability, and great experience.. They could prove to be one of the better secondaries (Top 10) in the NFL this year.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

-Mark M

Justin Tuck og Den såkaldte "Giant hul" i Big Blue forsvarsminister

September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

When you rush the passer with speed and you're over 275 pounds, you know your an elite NFL DE. Justin Tuck is one of the few who can say, “I can do it all on the DL” in the NY Giants defensive unit.

Justin Tuck we salute you!

Justin Tuck we salute you!

He has the size and strength of a DT and the speed of an elite DE. Micheal Strahan, har udtalt, at "Justin Tuck" har mere talent end han nogensinde har gjort. I år alle har været nede på Giants fordi de har mistet Strahan og OSI til pensionering og skade, hhv. Men lad os virkelig tage et kig på det defensiv enhed. The core Antonio Peirce is there. Han er ligesom den lim, der holder denne store blå skib sammen. The Giants have elite pass rushers in Justin Tuck, Mathias Kiwanuka, and possibly Gerris Wilkinson.

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Yes I said it, Gerris Wilkinson. He has great overall athletic ability so if they utilize him correctly he can bring a lot of pressure from the edges.

Regardless of pass rush, they have a very sturdy Secondary. The Corners are Webster (whom pretty much locked down TO Donald Driver Joey Galloway last postseason), Sam Madison (possible HOF), Aaron Ross(Standout Rookie) and Terrell Thomas (2nd Round Pick) as well as Kevin Dockery. Aaron Ross and Corey Webster can track down the ball very well in man or zone coverage. The Giants also have solid Safeties, in Sammy “Good” Knight, James Butler and 1st round pick Kenny Phillips. This secondary can play, I assure you. Big Blue's safeties don't only have the ability to cover but these players are likely to take anyone, who comes over the middle of the field, head clean off. This unit can either pulverize you or run with you. This secondary has a swagger, atheletic ability, and great experience.. They could prove to be one of the better secondaries (Top 10) in the NFL this year.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

Kenny Phillips har talent som kunne lande ham Startsikkerhedssystem stedet snart.

-Mark M

NFL KICKOFF only two days away

September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

With NFL, kick off only two days away. We have been seeing many different things going on in the NFL.

Teams are preparing for the season openers and our evaluating Injuries and recent free agency pick ups. Thats nothing new but do you know what is?


One thing that I found very interesting is that I heard a report that Chad Johnson, had legally changed his name to Ocho Cinco.



We all had seen by now that Lynch has been cut by the Patriots whom one can assume will just pick him back up with a lower contract deal.

We also heard the awful news, that Jacksonville Offensive Tackle would not be playing on the field this week because he is fighting for his life, in critical condition. Our prayers go out to him and his family.

Richard Collier was shot in the early morning on 9/02/08

Richard Collier was shot in the early morning on 9/02/08

“The guys are in shock. You see this kind of thing happen all the time on TV, but you never expect it in your own backyard. He's a good dude. I just pray for him and his family and wish the best for them. I'm sure he'll pull through.” explained Fred Taylor, Veteran RB for the Jags.

This pre-season for the Jags has not been that forgiving. Just think only a couple of weeks ago Matt Jones was stuck with a felony drug charge for possession of cocaine, a couple of days ago Fred Taylor was all over the news for being cited as a public disturbance, and now this. The Jags this year seem to be on a bad news media roller coaster.

Common NFL Defensive Formations

September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

3-4 Defense Formation

3-4 Defense Formation

The 3-4 Formation is a common defensive Formation run by many teams. The “3-4″ stands for 3 Down lineman and 4 Defensive Linebackers. Please Note: The Middle Defensive Lineman is referred to as the Nose Tackle instead of the DT (Defensive Tackle) because he lines up on the nose of the offensive center. Nose Tackles are often the largest players on the defense. Chris Jenkins and Casey Hampton are great examples of what a Nose Tackle should be. Several NFL teams which are known for running this package are The Pittsburgh Steelers, The New York Jets, Baltimore Ravens in addition to many others.

4-3 Defense Formation

4-3 Defense Formation

This is a very commonly used formation and is the basis for most teams in the NFL's defensive play books. Teams which have thrived running this defense are The Giants, The Falcons and The Eagles to name a few.

4-3 Over Defensive Formation shift

4-3 Over Defensive Formation shift

The word “Over” shows us that there has been a shift in the alignment of the Defensive Linebacking core. As your can see in “Over” we see that the OLB shifts to the strong side of the field. How to determine what is the strong side of the field will be discussed in a separate post.

4-3 Defense Under Formation Shift

4-3 Defense Under Formation Shift

“Under” is the polar opposite of the “Over” formation shift call. Look the linebackers have lined up shifting to the other side of the field. This side is the weak side, however, this will also be augmented with an additional post. Please note: The shifted lineback in both of these formation shifts (”Over”&”Under”) line up closer to the line than they would normally. This will aid in stopping the outside run, holding containment of the running backs (Not letting them get outside), as well as free them up for a Pass rush for a sack(tackling the Quarterback behind the line of scrimmage)

Nickle Defensive Formation

Nickle Defensive Formation

This is a Defensive set that is used primarily in passing situations (EG 3rd and 10). We see that one of the Linebackers from the 4-3 defense has been substituted for a member of the defensive secondary(Safeties & Cornerbacks). This new member of the Defense is referred as the Nickelback and that is where this Formation gets its name. Nickel Formation = Nickelback on the field. Det er bare så simpelt. Almost every team in the professional level has this defensive play set.

Dime Defense Formation

Dime Defense Formation

The Dime, is a very aggressive defense against the pass. It is usually not run in possible rushing situations due to its instability against the run. As you can see only one linebacker remains on the field while the rest of them have been substituted out for additional Cornerbacks. This formation is a long passing situation defense and is utilized by most NFL teams. The better a team's secondary is the more likely the dime formation will be effective.

Jerome Mcdougle pick up by G-Men

September 1, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Jerome Mcdougle was acquired by the New York Giants on 8/28/08

Mission Statement

September 1, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

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