Minnesota Vikings Izgleda da su Zaključana Deset pobijedi - možda i više

18. kolovoz 2009 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

Let the drama begin.

Neka drama početi.

Do sada svatko zna o najnovijim stjecanja glavu okreće u NFL. Nema dame i gospodo, mi ne govorimo o Michael Vick. To je povratak povratak gospodina Brett Favre. Dobio sam pogled na rasporedu Vikings koji me nisu zanimala puno prije ogromnim kurva. Ali neka je sve pogledati zajedno sada da Favre se pridružio klubu.

Prvih pet igara treba proizvesti 5-0 start; u Clevelandu, u Detroitu, kuće protiv obnove San Francisco, dom protiv defenzivno bori Green Bay, a na nesposoban Lijepa naša.

Sljedeća tri igre su teške, Početna protiv Baltimore, u Pittsburghu, kuće u Green Bay. Rekao bih Pittsburgh igra je gubitak. Jedan protiv Green Bay mogao biti pucnjave temelji na čistoj emociji samo da bi mogao otići na bilo koju stranu. Igra protiv Gavrani figure biti teško nosa, a ja ću dati Vikes prednost u tom jednom bude kod kuće kako bi ih dovesti do 6-2 Midway.

Nakon toga su dobili na odmor za tjedan dana prije nego što su se suočiti s Lions opet kod kuće, a zatim je nespojiv Seattle kod kuće, a Chicago koji je obrambeni i široke prihvaćanje teškoće kod kuće, kao dobro. Mislim da su sva tri pobjede dovodeći ih na 9-2.

Konačna protežu gdje se dobiva tvrd; u Arizoni, zamka-igra poput matchup protiv Cincinnatiju kod kuće, na Karolini, u Chicagu, koji mogu biti u podjeli utrci u to vrijeme, a doma protiv New York Giantsa, koji bi mogao biti u razigravanju ili NFC East naslovne tvrdnje, kao dobro.

Ako Vikinzi ispasti čvrsta, oni bi trebali dobiti jedan ili dva od tih posljednjih pet utakmica. Ako se ukalupiti u velikom timu onda 12-13 pobjeda trebala biti na vidiku. Favre može biti 40 godina, te su pokazali znakove propadanja tijekom posljednje polovice prošle godine, ali je u Minnesoti ima dokazani duboko prijetnju Bernard Berrian, i stavi--team-na-moj-natrag rusher u Adrian Peterson uz starter-dostojan Chester Taylor.

Ova ekipa je mnogo više uravnotežen ofenzivno i defenzivno jači nego što su mlaznice bili prošle godine, a koja bi trebala biti razlika u tome kako dobro igra Favre kroz još 16 igre potezu.

NFL Network-a NFL Nogomet

22. lipanj 2009 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

nfl nfl nfl network NFL Network’s NFL Football

Ako vam je potrebna nogomet popraviti check out NFL Network. Sa Comcast Cable tvrtka je samo oko $ 7,00, a promjene. Ne pokušavam promicati za drugu tvrtku, ja sam samo pokušava da ljudi koji su nogometni čelnici znaju o velikom mjestu na kojem se mogu dobiti popraviti, a to je NFL mreža kada su ponovno cijele nogometne igre, obično Matchups da imala velike završi ili bili dobri govore kroz sve četiri četvrtine.

Ali to nije najbolji dio. Oni pokazuju igre bez pauze između predstava, tako da ide brže. Ako se pokazali ti stare emisije u cijelosti, onda sam definitivno mogao vidjeti da se problem. A za one od vas misle da extra $ 7,00 + mjesečno je previše pitati za još jedan kanal, imajte na umu da je cijena cijeli sportski paket koji uključuje utrke, ograde, (cijela hrpa drugih gluposti) ali vjerojatno najvažnije NBA TV kanal.

Ne zaboravite da je ovaj kanal je super za redovite i post sezona, kao što možete naštimati u bilo koje doba dana, ako niste zadovoljni s konvergiraju iz Sportskog centra.

Rex Ryan bi mogao završiti kao tuširati Bag

11. lipanj 2009 by AlexV · 1 Komentar

He's had Ravens behind his back all the way in Baltimore. Now let's how long he stands in front of some Jets.

On je imao Gavrani leđima pa sve u Baltimoreu. Sada ćemo vidjeti koliko dugo stoji ispred neke mlaznice ... a ako ćemo još vidjeti one mlaznice iza njega.

Ovo Rex Ryan svakako je stvaranje ime za sebe sa samouvjerenom i drzak usta. Do sada, veliki čovjek je napomenuti dvije pojave verbalne očitost i virtualne ništa drugo posljednjih njegov ugled kao Baltimore Ravens 'obrambeni koordinator.

Prvi je došao kada je bio intervju na radio emisiji i pitali o suočavanju New England Patriotsi trener Bill Belichick dva puta godišnje. On je izjavio: "Nisam došao ovdje da poljubi Bill Belichick prstenova" više ili manje. Dopustite mi da analiziraju. Većina ljudi će dati svoje Belichick odgovarajuće pristojbe i državu koja im svakako cilj da se natječu / osporiti njihovu suparnika. Međutim, on izlazi i čini izjavu sličnu što je 1930 era švercer moglo bi se reći.

Drugi problem je njegovi komentari o Miami Dolphins počinju srednjeg linebackera Channing Crowder ovdje kada je tvrdio da nikada nisu čuli za njega. Crowder sigurno odgovorili istinom. On je rekao da je Ryan je "OTA Super Bowl pobjednik" kao da je osvojio van sezone i da li je on doista radi domaću zadaću, da bih znao tko su Miami Dolphins počinju srednju linebackera je.

Sada, ja sam prilično siguran Ryan nije ga znao. Ne kažem da čovjek govori kao što je ovaj na otvorenom nije zanimljiva. Ali ja sam rekao da, ako njegov tim ne završiti u potrazi respektabilna, ni ove godine, on je mogao samo gledati kao pravi tuširati torbu. Ako on završi ima kratak život u New Yorku, a zatim će stvarno izgledati kao idiot. On bi mogao biti sljedeći Mike Tice; velika, krupan, masti obraze, misli da je ubojica, ima poštovanje svoje ekipe, ali ne mogu dobiti ništa.

Top pet Fantasy QBS

29. svibanj 2009 by AlexV · 1 Komentar

Never too early for Fantasy Football!

Nikada nije prerano za Fantasy Football!

1. Tom Brady - Možete misliti o tom ozljedom sve što želite, ali kada se u obzir da je 100% Tom Brady bacio za 50 TDS i preko 4.800 metara sa samo 8 Ints, onda koče verzija mobilnost Brady može priuštiti 5 do 10 manje TDS i možda 600-ak manje metara. Ne zaboravite svoje momčadi primanje jezgra je poduprto Joey Galloway.

2. Drew Brees - Nije pobjeda to računati u ovoj igri ... to je brojeva. Tijekom njegova tri godine mandata u New Orleansu, a zbog nedostatka proizvodnje u Svetih radi igre, Drew Brees ima 4,400+, 4,400+ i 5,000+ metara, sa 26, 28, i 34 TD sve respektivno. Ono što je on gubi u potencijalno visoku stopu INT (11, 18, i 17 i pojedinačno), što čini za koje u prosjeku 289,79 metara po igri i jedino što je propustila jedan start u posljednjih pet godina (nitko u New Orleansu).

3. Kurt Warner - Nakon jedne pune godine kardinali nesporni starter, on vratio na svoje točne prošlosti po stopi od 67,1% završetka, skupio 4583 usputnih metara (dobro za 286,44 igre), a super 30 TD protiv gore i dolje 14 Ints. I kao što je Brees, to nije koliko pobjeda ste dobili u ovoj igri ... to su brojevi. Sada kada je Larry Fitzgerald je postao LeBron James svoje pozicije nakon što je njegov post sezona igre, Kurt Warner trebao biti još jedan veliki godine. Neki od vas možda se ne brinući se o potencijalnom gubitku Anquan Boldin, ali zapamtite, njegovo vrijeme reprodukcije je vrlo ograničen u tim doigravanja, a Fitzgerald i Steve Breaston sigurno proizvesti.

4. Peyton Manning - To može doći kao iznenađenje da je Peyton Manning je broj četiri na mom popisu. On je još uvijek dobra za glatke 3,800-4,100 metara ove sezone i dovoljno visokih 20-ih do 30-ih niske u TD brojeva. Međutim, on nema ni blizu gola po utakmici potencijala što prethodno spomenutih QBS što je njegova momčad obrana je definitivno iznad Brees 'i Warner-a, i bolje nego Brady-a, kao dobro.

5. Philip Rivers - Philip Rivers pokazala u 2008. da mogu biti veliki broj momak. On je završio sa 4.009 metara, a karijeru visoka 34 TDS. To ne bi bilo nategnuto pitanje njegovu potencijalnu dosljednost zbog njegovih 2006 i 2007 sezone. U tim godinama on je bacio za 3,300+ i 3,100+ metara, sa 22 i 15 TDS, sve redom. Međutim, prošle sezone smo počeli vidjeti ogromne znakove trošenja na LaDainian Tomlinson, koji je vjerojatno veliki razlog zašto su njegovi brojevi skočio ove protekle godine u odnosu na one prethodne dvije. Dakle, u tom smislu, to ne bi bilo nategnuto, kao da ga vidi opet ima veliku tip fantazije sezonu ove godine.

Lions novi logotip se neće oduševiti ljubitelje na 0-16 tima!

14. travnja 2009 by MarkM · 2 Komentari

What I think the Lions logo should be !

Ono što mislim da Lions logo bi trebao biti!

is everyone is a genius in Detriot?

je svatko je genij u Detriot?

Mrzim kako NFL i Lions pokušavaju biti super tajnu o novom logo promjene. Vjerujte mi NFL to ne ide na uzbuđuju nikoga. Ovaj tim je otišao 0-16 prošle sezone, a umjesto novog logotipa ovi navijači zaslužuju novu momčad s pravim igračima i trenerima. To je vrsta glupe bilo koji način, ovaj tim će zaudarati ove godine, novi logotip ili ne, to ne smeta, oni su druga stopa NFL organizacija i da se ne mijenja u skorije vrijeme. Lavovi nisu Bucs ili Patriots iz prošlosti. Oni neće mijenjati svoj logo, a zatim početi biti konkurentni, vjerujte mi. Oba ta ekipa imala dobar o i D linije, dok su lavovi ne! Pa budući NFL neće predstaviti ovaj novi logotip sve bliže sezoni, ja samo želim uništiti svoju zabavu i objaviti novi logo koncepte ionako. Sisanje na ovom Detroit i uživajte u svojim novim maca mačka logotipa!

Not that much of a difference!

Ne da mnogo razlika!

The New thundercats bus!

Novi Thundercats bus! Thundercats Hoooooe!

medium 090324 new lions logo The Lions New Logo isnt going to excite fans of a 0 16 team!

Another Possible design, yet I doubt it !

Drugi mogući dizajn, ali sumnjam!

Tedd Ginn Jr-a stranka u Clevelandu noćni klub ide loše, kada se zapisi sigurnost, Donte Whitner, pokušava boriti policajca

12. travnja 2009 by MarkM · Ostavi komentar

Donte Whitner of the Buffalo Bills

Donte Whitner od Buffalo Bills

Iskreno, ako niste čuli za to, ali, to je zato što se radi o manje poznatim NFL igrač. Ipak, siguran sam da u narednih nekoliko tjedana da će napraviti veliku vijest. Ove subote navečer Ted Ginn Jr. domaćin ono što je trebao biti njegov rođendan u noćnom klubu u Clevelandu.

Ted Ginn Jr. on the right was quite the track star in highschool!

Ted Ginn Jr. na desnoj strani bio je prilično pjesma zvijezda u srednjoj školi!

To nije ništa neobično, jer Miami WR je rođen i odrastao u Ohiou pravo izvan Clevelandu, a on ima puno prijatelja u prostoru. Sada, ovdje je sočan dio. Ted je i dalje prijatelj sa puno svojih srednjoškolskih nogometnih prijatelja koji je igrao s po Glenville visoke. Nekoliko igrača u ovoj grupi bili su i NFL igrača, uključujući Donte Whitner sigurnost za Buffalo Bills.

Donte Whitner was also team mates with Ted Ginn Jr. at OSU

Donte Whitner je i suigrači s Ted Ginn Jr. na sveučilištu Ohio

Sada, ja nemam problema s ovom pričom do ove točke. Ne postoji ništa krivo s igrač druženje u blizini njegova rodnog grada sa svojim starim školskim prijateljima, ali morate shvatiti gdje i kada. NFL igrača na noćnom klubu, kasno u noć je jednadžba koja se traži za katastrofu. Je li netko saznao ništa, čine tragičnih događaja tijekom posljednje 3 godine? Ja stvarno znači s obzirom na sve pucnjave i kretenski borbe, igrači sada trebali shvatiti da bilo gdje idete vi ste vjerojatno da će biti na meti pravi mrzitelj. Netko tko želi povaliti, ili vas liši samo reći da je to učinio kako bi slavna osoba! Dakle, natrag na priču, Donte Whitner na zabavi oko 03:00 dobivši u svađa s nekim u klubu, a prilično velika svađa je izbila. Off Duty policajaca koji su bili u klubu, pokušao usporiti Whitner, onda Whitner odlučio da ih odgurnuti i nastaviti borbu, što je, gdje priča počinje da se jako loše. Uskoro, na dužnosti Policijski službenici doći na sceni i što Donte učiniti? On pokušava trg off s njima, a onda je u tome, dobiva tazered! To je samo flat out glupo. Ted Ginn Jr. prvo trebao znati bolje nego da su njegovu stranku na javnom klubu. Ali ako planirate na taj događaj, Ginn trebao sam siguran da stranka osami u obiteljskoj kući, koja ima je vlastiti bar , odvojeni ulaz i sigurnosti naravno.

Darrent Williams death should be a reminder that people target players, late night near or in clubs!

Darrent Williams smrti trebao biti podsjetnik da ljudi ciljati igrača, kasno navečer u blizini ili u klubovima.

Igrači moraju biti pametniji od toga, niste redoviti osobu, a ti si meta idiot mrzitelji, koji žele da se hvaliti da su pretukli, opljačkali ili ubili NFL igrača. Donte Whitner ne dobiva sućut od mene, pogotovo s obzirom da je pokušao trg i "boriti policajca". To je samo glupo. On ne samo da je napravio sam izgleda glupo, ali on je čineći ga 10 puta teže za prvaka, koji je se boriti za ideju da su mnogi od njega igrači su kriminalci. Svi smo čuli o pitanjima okolnim Pacman, tenk, Ray Lewis, Jamal Lewis i mnogi drugi koji su imali pravnih pitanja u posljednjih 20 godina. NFL trebao početi se više proaktivni o ovom problemu. Ako se ponašate kao kreten u društvu nego što nemaju što se koristi od strane NFL.

Roger Goodell it is time to be stern and protect the game and help save the player! Do the right thing.

Roger Goodell vrijeme je da se strogo i štiti igru ​​i pomoći spasiti igrač! Učinite pravu stvar.

Akcije poput ove ne treba biti povezana s NFL, ali na zalost su zbog igrača kao što je ovaj. Ja osobno vjerujem da je Donte Whitner trebao biti suspendiran, bez sumnje iz NFL. Akcije poput ove nisu prihvatljivi, i bilo koji drugi način djelovanja će biti samo packu po prstima. NFL igrači ne mogu ovako ponašati, a ne za dječje radi, a ne poradi navijača, ali zbog igre. Donte Whitner je suigrač Marshawn Lynch je vozač u hit-and-run incident prošlog ljeta, ali je pobjegao sa samo prometne karte. Ova vrsta ponašanja treba završiti, pogotovo iz Buffalo Bills igrača. Ovi igrači moraju biti odgovorni baš kao i svi drugi. Znam igrača nered, ali se na čovjeka! Tko ne! Ako niste čuli za Dante Whitner do sada, siguran sam da nećete zaboraviti svoje ime. Kretenski akcije ponekad može izazvati igrača popularnost i to je upravo strašna misao. Mi smo uvijek u potrazi za igrača možemo popraviti, a ja mislim da je samo glupi, jer smo uzgoj i njegovanje ovu vrstu ponašanja. Ja sam bolesna od vijesti kao što je ovaj. Igrači imaju ogroman dar i to je ništa manje od otpada se ovako ponašati onečišćenja dobro ime ljudi koji su ne samo dolaze pred vama, ali i poslije tebe.

Listen Donte

Slušajte Donte Whitner da ono što imam za reći!

Na kraju samo želim reći jednu stvar za sve NFL igrača ", nakon 1:00 ostati izvan i daleko od klubova!" Samo se jako lijepo kuću za odmor ili nešto!

Redskins prijaviti linebackera Robert Thomas

9. travanj 2009 by MarkM · 1 Komentar

Robert Thomas, the new co-star of NFC Easts Reading Rainbow!

Robert Thomas, novi co-zvijezda NFC istoka Reading Rainbow!

Pa to je dobro vidjeti da Redskins pokušava popraviti čudovište oni stvorili u Marcus Washingtonu, koju mu rezanje i dopuštajući mu da se ozlijedio negdje drugdje, a na tuđe plaće. Ali oni su napravili dosta veliki pogrešku ako mislite da je Robert Thomas će ispuniti Marcus cipele. Thomas nikada nije stvarno bio uspješan gdje je on ikada bio u NFL. Robert Thomas je izrađen u prvom krugu od ovnova, u nadi da će ga mogao zamijeniti London Fletcher 2002. Taj plan fizzled, kada je Robert Thomas objavljeno je samo 36 dotiče dok je igrao u 16 utakmica s Rams.One Ram fan znam je rekao, " da je on bio jedan od najpoznatijih 1. krug poprsja "u nacrtu iz 2002. godine. Tada su Ovnovi založio Robert Thomas off Green Bay u trgovini dogodio krajem 2005. Robert trajao samo 1 sezonu s Packersa i smanjena. Thomas onda je dobio pokupila Raiders i igrao u redu za samo 2 godine, postavljanje brojeve kao što su 36 i 62 bavi bavi. Tada Thomas dobio prilično teško ozlijedio prošle sezone i booom sada je na Redskins !! Najbolja stvar o ovom tipu je u svojoj sedam godina karijere on je samo bio potpuno zdrav za 2. njih. Očekujte ovaj tip nastradati početkom iduće godine, bez sumnje. On je ozljeda skloni igrač i zamijeniti Marcus Washington, čiji je najveći problem bio ozljede, s njim je samo smiješno. Washington je više puta naopako i zato viša tražena cijena. Nadam se da ne misle da će početi Thomas, jer to bi samo biti glup. Ovaj 29-godišnji linebacker nije odgovor za Washington i Nadam se da oni to znaju. Stvarno se nadam da još uvijek pokušavaju dobiti veliku LB u nacrtu, netko poput mozga Orakpo ili James Laurinaitis bi bilo sjajno! Dobivanje LB rano bi se osiguralo da se ovaj potez će povećati dubinu Redskins na LB, shvaćajući da je Thomas ne bi se očekivati ​​početak zauvijek!

Robert Thomas trying to stop LT

Robert Thomas pokušava zaustaviti LT

Matt Hasselbeck mandata kao Seahawks QB ponestaje?

8. travanj 2009 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

Matt Hasselbeck's career may be on its last legs.

Matt Hasselbeck karijera može biti na svom zadnjem noge.

Seattle Seahawks mogu biti obličje da biste dobili osloboditi od Matt Hasselbeck ili barem isprobati potencijalnu zamjenu. Postoje pregovori oko ligi da "Morske ptice" su razmatraju ovo, i sa brojem četiri pokupiti u ovogodišnjem nacrt, koji se može lako dogoditi.

Matt Hasselbeck je već 33 godina, što je svakako u pravu oko vremena Većina bek-a punch počinje ići kiselo. Ove sezone je odigrao samo sedam utakmica, a iako je bio ozlijeđen na njegovu kreditnu, on je uvijek igrao užasno i nepouzdani što je njegov najbolji karakteristika. Njegovi statistika bila 57,8 ocjena, pet TDS, 10INTs, a 52,2% je postotak fantastičnih završetka.

Ne shvaćam. Kako izvedu samo otići iz Velike to loše kao što je to? Čini se da su svi veliki izvedu imaju ono valjanje glatko dugi niz godina za redom, a zatim jednu sezonu, fuj! Počinju stinkin do kuće, bacanje igre daleko, a to je sve nizbrdo od tamo.

Ja doista ne bi kako su dečki ne mogu osloniti na dovoljno inteligencije i veterana iskustva barem ostati konkurentni, ali to je ono što je, i uzimajući pobijedio na mora stvarno uzeti svoj danak.

Plaxico Burress ažuriranje: Čini se kao da će igrati u 2010. godini

1. travanj 2009 by MarkM · 2 Komentari

Plaxico Burress at his March 31 trial

Plaxico Burress na svom 31. ožujka suđenja

Danas, slučaj Plaxico Burress je adjured do kasnijeg datuma 15. lipnja. Mnogi ljudi su bili skeptični weither će se to dogoditi ili ne, ali to može biti znak da je njegova visoka cijena pravni tim može biti blizu nagodbe koji će mu omogućiti da igraju u nadolazećem NFL sezone. Bez obzira na to, čini se kao da će Plaxico morati učiniti nekakvu zatvor, ali je pitanje kada. Koliko se sjećam Jamal Lewis proveo off-sezone u zatvoru, nekoliko godina unatrag zbog optužbi trgovine drogom, a možda je to moguće, mogli smo vidjeti nešto slično za Giants superstar Wide-out. Nema sumnje da je Plaxico ne želi trošiti vrijeme u zatvoru. Ipak, čini se sve više i više očito da će biti teško za Plax ostati izvan velikoj kući. New York City Guns zakoni su malo pretjerati i da su naizgled protuustavna, tako da će biti vrlo zanimljiv slučaj, bez sumnje, ako se ikad čini da suđenje. Sportsroids.com tim će se potpore Plaxico 15. lipnja u New Yorku kaznenim sudom picketing suđenje! Dakle, ako želite podržati prvaka divovi Superbowl širok out, iz kretenski liberalnog gradske uprave koja želi u zatvor mu je uglavnom zbog njegove slave, molimo pojaviti! Plaxico, povrijediti nikoga osim sebe, a on je sada odbijen osnovne slobode koje Thomas Jefferson, jedan od naših osnivača, gorljivo vjeruju. Jefferson je naveo svoje čvrsto uvjerenje u pravo nositi oružje consitently. Jedan primjer za to je činjenica na stranici 334 njegovih poznatih Thomas Jefferson radova kada je napisao: "Ne slobodan čovjek će ikada biti debarred uporabu oružja. Najjači razlog za ljude da zadrži pravo zadržati i nositi oružje je, kao posljednji izbor, kako bi se zaštitili od tiranije u vladi ". Shvatite da niti jedan građanin u New Yorku se može podnijeti zahtjev za dozvolu skrivati, a da se nose lisence je vrlo tvrd proces, u nadi da ljudi neće pokušati dobiti jedan. Zvuči pomalo nepravedno to doens't? Bez obzira na to, osjećam da su gradovi pištolj zakoni su smiješni, iz tog razloga. Zabranom oružje i što im je teže steći zakonski samo jača onima koji ne slijede pravila, baš kao steriods zabrane u sportu. Oni koji varaju su pobjedu u sustavu. Ovi zakoni služe samo kako bi se kriminalci ostanu finaiced i moći nad pravom trajnom naseljenih mjesta u New Yorku.

Zašto je nitko nije pokupio Torry Holt ili Marvin Harrison?

29. ožujak 2009 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

Big Game Torry Holt can still catch. Why isn't anyone throwing pitches at him?

"Big Game" Torry Holt uvijek može uhvatiti. Zašto je netko bacio parcela na njega?

Izvan sezone je ovdje već oko dva mjeseca, a nakon Torry Holt je pušten iz St. Louis Rams jasno osam milijuna dolara cap prostora, a Marvin Harrison nije podnio ostavku zbog starosti, i dalje su bez krova nad glavom. Mislim da je to veliki iznenađenje, jer čak i ako Holt, 32, i Harrison, 36, uzimajući tamo gore u dobi, oni su još uvijek u stanju pomoći tim u velikom način.

This guy can still catch too! Look at that!

Ovaj tip još uvijek može uhvatiti previše! Pogledajte kako!

Holt je ukupni ove godine bili su 64 hvata za 796 metara. No, to je bilo u 14 startova, a četiri godišnja doba prije toga je u prosjeku 95,5 hvata po sezoni. Osim toga, on je igrao s greškom sklona Marca Bulger za puno godina, još uvijek dići one brojeve, te je jedan klizi i svatko se čini spreman odustati od njega. Zapravo, jedina momčad pokazuje interes je jaguara, a to je zato što su izdali Matt Jones, Reggie Williams i Jerry Porter. Dakle, činjenica da je samo jedna NFL momčad je zainteresiran za ovaj momak i to samo zato da ekipa očajnički samo me zbunjuje.

Što se tiče Harrison, on nije bio kao produktivni kao Holt posljednje dvije sezone s 20 i 60 uhvaćenih respektivno. Međutim, godinu dana je imao 20 hvata on je samo odigrao pet utakmica, a iako je prošle godine bio je ogroman pad prolazi, poglavito u igri u Pittsburghu, činilo se čiste stvari kasnije u sezoni po kapi. Pa iskreno, meni, da sezona u kojoj je igrao pet utakmica ne treba ni faktor u kakvu mogućnost da je možda ostavio. Plus pada loptu nema veze s godinama, a on je uvijek imao sigurni ruke. Ako je on bio ispuštajući velike prolazi, to znači da je on još uvijek ne zna kako da biste dobili otvoren za njih. A kako je ispitati kritički je da nije neki sisati-tim kao medvjeda načelnika gleda na njega. To je također iznenađuje me.

Stvarno se nadam da je svaki od njih dobiva stavljen na jedan kandidat, a ja ih mogu vidjeti oba postaju ogromne posjedovanje prijemnika, posebno Holt.

Bloggin zapisi: je trese stvari već? Koje su računi šanse na uspjeh?

26. ožujak 2009 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

T Izzle, is the Dizzel, in the Buffalo Bizzel.

T-izzle je Dizzel, u Buffalo Bizzel.

Pitam se je li TO izgleda svima kao da je već muči vode u Buffalu isključenjem iz tima dobrovoljnih treninga, kao što je nedavno izvijestili. Mislim, to je prvi pravi službeni funkcija koja je u posjedu njegovu novu momčad, a on je već mogao podići glavu, kao i pitanja s tim potezom. Međutim, za mene, samo neka čovjek živi.

Prije svega on je već 35 godina. I ozbiljno, koliko je velika stvar je to glupo mini tri ili četiri dana raditi? To mora biti doslovno nekoliko weight lifting sjednice, neki standardni uređaj, a tri fine obroka dnevno. Mislim, ako 35-godišnji muškarac, koji je u 14. godini karijere kaže da ne želi ići na dobrovoljni rad, tko brine. TO je u ligi tako dugo sad, on zna kako mu tijelo reagira na stres, ili kada premalo je premalo, a on je vodio ligu u TD uhvati tijekom posljednje tri godine.

Ne bih skočiti na samo još. Ajmo pričekati i vidjeti ako on ima sporedno tirada, ili govori njegov um malo previše u medijima prije nego što počnete ga kažnjava.

I ozbiljno ljudi ... računi sisati. Oni nemaju šanse. Počeli su sezonu 4-0 i mucaju-zgazi ga ostatak puta do 3-9 završiti. To nije stvar za prvaka, a nije ni Trent Edwards ili bum-stražnjica Buffalo Bills. Oni će biti lako ponese Tom Brady je patriota, te bi se uništili mnoge od prošlogodišnjih playoff momčadi.

I ako mene pitate, ja bih usporediti gledajući račune nada run-orijentirani pristup na nižu razinu online Madden igrač pokušava pobijediti nekoga u 20-ih.

New York Giants su zainteresirani Braylon Edwards

24 ožujak 2009 by MarkM · 5 Komentari

Braylon Edwards could be traded!

Braylon Edwards može se trgovati!

To je uistinu jednostavno svatko, ako gubite 6'6 igrača kao što Plaxico Burress bolje vjerujem da će biti u potrazi za nekom vrstom visok, brz dugu loptu prijetnjom da ga zamijeni. Divovi su bez sumnje zainteresiran za istrage pa ne vjerujem u medijske hajke! Također, nemojte se iznenaditi ako vidite divovi napraviti trgovina na nacrt dan ako Plaxico dobiva zatvoren 31. ožujka. Mogao sam vidjeti Gmen trgovanje eskadrila WR-a kako bi se ovaj posao dogoditi. To uključuje i Steve Smith, bez obzira na Giants govoreći drugačije. Mario Manningham je svakako chip u tom poslu, a obzirom na njegov studija navike divovi će biti stvaranje off dobro. Ne vjerujem da su mediji ili divovima predstavnici kada istraživanje ovu priču, oni žele sve ovo vrlo šutnja, šutnja do Plaxico je budućnost sasvim u otvorenom i suđeni. Eric Mangini je obrambeni istomišljenika trener, pa opet, nemojte se iznenaditi ako se napravi trgovinu koja uključuje jednu od diva obrambenih linemen.

Braylon Edwards at Michigon

Braylon Edwards u Michiganu

Također, nadam se da svi znaju da je to protuzakonito za bilo reprezentacije govoriti o igraču koji je trenutno pod ugovorom s drugom momčadi. Dakle, shvatite da Jerry Reese mora zanijekati sve navode mediji rađa s njim. Da ne bude zabune divovi će pokušati dobiti Braylon, ali samo pravo pitanje je koliko su oni spremni da se presele ga dobili?

Jay Cutler trebao biti Lion nakon NFL Draft Day

23. ožujak 2009 by MarkM · 1 Komentar

detroit lions 2 284x300 Jay Cutler should be a Lion after the NFL Draft Day
Osobno, mrzim način lavovi posluju u NFL. Vjerujem da su najgore pokrenuti organizaciju iz temelja. Oni žvakati kroz trenera i QB-a brže od bilo koje druge momčadi u NFL. Oni su čak bi dovoljno glup da djeluje kao da je Kitna je franšiza QB. Nisam trener, pa čak i sam znao da neće raditi. Budući, Lions uništili njihov odnos s Barry Sanders, oni su samo napravili veliku grešku nakon velike pogreške u NFL Draft. Samo misle da su pokupili Joey Harrington od Charles Rogers u sljedećoj godini s 2. ukupnom izbor čini mi se povraća na moj želudac. Oni su koncentrirani previše o sposobnosti pozicije u tom posljednjem desetljeću nacrta, ali oni nikada nisu obratili njihovim potrebama na QB ispravno.

Yep thats the life of a Lions fan

Yep to je život od Lions ventilatora

Lavovi treba remont na uvredljiv liniji, ipak, ove sezone, nacrt će biti duboko u OL-a. Dakle, nema više potencijala da se veliki O-čuvar pruge kasnije u nacrtu. Razumijevanje tu činjenicu, oni mogu pokušati sletjeti Cutler, trgujući dolje 1. ukupnu izbor s Broncos. Oni će i dalje biti u mogućnosti sletjeti veliki OT u 12. izbor pick. Ako oni ne trguju dolje i samo trgovati na izbor za Cutler bez drugih razmatranja lavovi će i dalje imati 20. pick u prvom krugu, na adresu bilo koji drugi problemi žele popraviti kroz nacrtu. Ako Lions ne zaključavaju Cutler kupoprodajom pijucima, oni su jednostavno glupi u mojim očima, jer Cutler je "poznato" Franšiza QB da možete graditi svoju reprezentaciju. On je pravi posao i ima iskustvo to dokazati. Može li se reći da o bilo kojoj drugoj QB u nacrtu? Ne Sanchez ima puno naopako i Stafford stvarno nije borba testiran, barem u NFL. Jay Cutler može odmah ispuniti tu ulogu, a Lavovi mogu ga dobiti od trgovanja dolje ili u cijelosti trgovanje pokupiti.

Jay Cutler could be a big answer for the Lions problems

Jay Cutler mogla biti velika odgovor za lavovima probleme

Uzmi sigurna stvar i otići s Cutler čini prilično jednostavan za mene, tako da ne vijak ovo gore, upravljanje Lions !!

Strašan žvakati igračka za Pitbulls, Michael Vick pas igračka!

19. ožujak 2009 by admin · Ostavi komentar

Vick getting his work in

Vick uzimajući njegov rad u

Još od zatvora Michael Vick, nekoliko poslovnih-a su promovirali novi pas žvakati igračka. Ova igračka je onaj koji je izgrađen dovoljno teško da može stajati i do čak gamiest Pitta.

Ove igračke su iskreno histerična. Dakle, neka vaš pas ugrize Vick natrag! Priznajem, nikada nisam vidio jedan od tih igračaka u osobi, ali siguran sam da neće čekati da se moje ruke na jedan. To vjerojatno neće biti dostupna dugo s obzirom Vick dobiva iz zatvora prije. Razlog kažem to je zato što osjećam da postoji neka vrsta pravnih pitanja vezanih uz ovu igračku. Mi ćemo se svi slažu da igrač ne smije zaštititi svoj lik, a ja sam prilično siguran da je Vick narod nije se s tim konceptom. Pa kad izađe iz zatvora ja bih pretpostaviti Vick će tužiti, tako da on može oporaviti sredstva koja su napravili nepravedno koristeći svoj lik. Dakle, ako mislite da su smiješne pobrinite se da ih pokupiti ODMAH! Prije nego što nestanu s tržišta zauvijek!

Gdje će Jay Cutler čeka u budućnosti?

16. ožujka 2009 by AlexV · 12 Komentari

Jay Cutler could be making many fans of some other lucky team smile sometime soon.

Jay Cutler mogao biti stvaranje brojne obožavatelje neki drugi sretni tim osmijehom negdje uskoro.

Jučer je izvijestio da je Pro Bowl bek od Denver Broncos, Jay Cutler, službeno je zatražio trgovinu. Danas, mi ljudi, počeli razmišljajući gdje bi mogao završiti, ako je njegov zahtjev čast. Siguran sam da postoje mnogi obožavatelji vani čija momčad mogla koristiti momka u Jay Cutler, koji je igrao kao potencijalni franšize tipa bek koji mnogi analitičari predviđao. Scoop je da je novi trener Josh McDaniels, koji je bio uvredljiv koordinator za Patriotsa, želio trgovati Cutler za Matt Cassel, jer je on bio upoznat s već njegovom sustavu. To je od razljutio mladi Cutler i on sada želi ići ... ali gdje ?!

Za početak off jednostavan proces eliminacije, svaka momčad u AFC je iz momčadi, jer obično ne vole slati zvijezda igrače daleko u-konferenciji koncesije. I premda Cassel je konačno trguje na drugom AFC tima, kao i njegovi bivši Patriotsa, u Chiefs, to je više od "ja ću ispočetka leđa ako ispočetka mine" posao.

To je široko rasprostranjena misao kad to posao pao, jer je Scott Pioli, bivši generalni direktor patriota preselio na Kansas City pokušati oživjeti tu loptu klub.

Dakle, AFC je out!

U NFC Istok, Dallas ima Tony Romo, NY ima Eli Manning, i Philadelphia je Donovan McNabb. Do sada, Jason Campbell je Washington Redskins još ima puno toga za dokazati, a Cutler čini daleko više obećava od njega do sada, kada su obje njihove karijere su u odnosu.

U NFC Sjever, u Packers imaju Aaron Rodgers, a Vikinzi napravili poteze bacaju mladog QB Tarvaris Jackson u konkurenciji s novostečenom Sage Rosenfels iz Houstona. Ne mislim da su Lavovi mogli privući miris, tako da su Medvjedi su definitivno hot spot. Oni su imali uspjeha s Rex Grossman, a minimalno sa Kyle Orton.

U NFC jug, sveci pohvaliti Drew Brees, a Falconi ima mladu zvijezdu u rookie godine Matt Ryan. U Panthers bi izgledala da ima neki veliki trgovački mamac s nezadovoljan Julius Peppers, ali sada to izgleda kao da može biti Patriot uskoro. Međutim, s Jake Delhomme se njihov trenutni signal pozivatelja još uvijek ne može računati ih van. Zatim tu je Buccaneers, koji je dobio osloboditi od veterana Jeff Garcia.

Nakon toga, u NFC West, a Seahawks imaju Matt Hasselbeck koji nisu prošli svojih boljih dana, ali i Kurt Warner je očito sigurna što kardinali QB. Ubačaj te dvije ekipe iz te imate 49ers s razočaravajućih rezultata napretka Alexa Smitha, a Lijepa naša, koja je trebala počeo razmišljati o tome pada Marc Bulger prije dosta vremena.

Tako da ste ga. Top kandidati imaju Jay Cutler za predsjednika!

Julius Peppers trguje na Patriotsa!

16. ožujak 2009 by MarkM · Ostavi komentar

Julius Peppers

Julius Peppers

Patriotsi su stvaranje više od kapljice ove godine u pred i posezoni. Naši Sportsroids izvori potvrdili su da je ovaj posao vrlo blizu da se završi. Peppers će vjerojatno igrati OLB u Patriots sustav, tako da će biti zanimljivo za promjenu Peppersa. Ako Patriotsi skinuti ovaj potez će biti vrlo različite momčadi u 2010. Oni će dobiti van sezone razred A + od mene, jer su potpisali Leigh Bodden, Julius Peppers, Joey Galloway, Shawn Springs i Fred Taylor. Očekujem ih pobijediti podjele.

Jay Cutler će prisiliti trgovinu! Josh McDaniels treba QB, pa veliko je pitanje gdje će Cutler ići?

16. ožujak 2009 by MarkM · Ostavi komentar

Jay Cutler has asked for a trade on March 16 2009

Jay Cutler je pitao za trgovinu na 16. ožujka 2009

Ovaj NFL off-sezone je imao puno uspona i padova. Dva NFL igrača su izgubili na moru, Plaxico Burress suočava prospekt zatvora vremena, TO je preselio iz Amerike tima u Buffalu, Donte Stallworth je ubio pješaka. Smiješno je da sam siguran da svi ne osjećaju kao osvaja kao novi Bronco je glavni trener, Josh McDaniels, koji je progutao živi njegov ljutiti franšizu QB. Jay Cutler je uzrujana, a svi znamo da nećemo biti sretni u Denveru. Molba za trgovinu, samo može biti snaga akciju Cutler, ali stvarno sumnjam. On nema potrebu da se prisiliti svoju plaću gore. Osobno, znam da treba biti premještena. On je naveo, "ne vjerujte mu trener", što je loše recept za obje Jay i Broncos. Ako oni ga nositi se čini da je Tampa Bay i New York su dva mjesta koja se čine velik stane. Mlaznice su u potrebi QB, znam Clemens i Ratliff neće biti u mogućnosti da biste dobili Internet ispunjavanja. Oni su poteze kako bi osigurali Brett Farve i obrat je nevjerojatna. A budući da Brett mirovini morat će napraviti poteze kako bi bili konkurentni ove sezone. Siguran sam Rex Ryan razumije da Ratliff ne Trent Dilfer, i on će vidjeti vrijednost u Cutler, to van sezone. Tampa Bay Buccaneers nisu zadržao ga tajna da su oni u potrazi za zamjenu Garcia, zbog njegove starenjem. Svi su bili svjesni pokušaj tri tima trgovine da bi poslao Cassel u Denver, a Cutler se Tampi, tako da su, bez sumnje zainteresirana u dijabetičara mladi bek. Osobno Cutler nikada nije bila omiljena od mina, a to će biti zanimljivo vidjeti kako igraju bez WR Marshall. Ne vjerujem Tampa je dobro mjesto za njega, ali nikad se ne zna. Nadam se da Jay postaje jet u 2011. Nadam se da je obitelj Johnson ne vijak ovaj jedan gore!

Come on Woody make this move!! Pick up Cutler

Hajde Woody bi ovaj potez !! Pick up Cutler

Plaxico je trenutak istine. Sud Datum 31. ožujak je nadolazeći. Je li on doista sam pucati u nogu?

10. ožujak 2009 by MarkM · Ostavi komentar

Plaxico Burress of the New York Giants

Plaxico Burress od New York Giants

Saga o Plaxico Burress je zaboravila u medijima ovo van sezone zbog oslobađanja toliko velika WR-a, među kojima su Terrell Owens, Joey Galloway, Marvin Harrison, Laveranues Coles i TJ Houshmandzadeh. Plaxico Priča je započela prošle godine, kada je New York Giants Veteran Superbowl heroj, Plaxico Burress, upucao u nogu dok je žurka na popularnom New York City Club oko sredine točke posljednjih godina NFL sezone. Izvan činjenice da je on ubio, on je nosio neregistrirani vatrenog oružja u gradu New Yorku, predmet Gradonačelnik Bloomberg je dijamant o suzbijanju.

Plaxico Burress on X-mas

Plaxico Burress na X-Mas

Osjećam se kao da je Bloomberg čekala crnac zeznuti GIVEN nije mogao u zatvor Sean Combs za pištolj tereti nekoliko godina. Bloomberg je promijenio zakone i sada, conviently, crna zvijezda je sada u liniji vatre na jesen. Now Plax is at Bloomberg's mercy in addition to the NYC Courts. Oba tijela su u potrazi za primjer, je Plaxico savršena jedan? U bilo kojoj drugoj državi, to bi bio prekršaj koji će imati ozbiljne financijske kazne i prisilno opće dobro na slobodi u prilogu. Yet, in New York City, Plaxico is facing 3 to 15 years in jail. Nadam ljudi shvate da je samo glupo. Guns ne ubijanje ljudi, idioti s pištoljima ubijaju ljude. A budući da u New York State vlada misli da je njihova previše idioti u New Yorku, smatraju da je pištolj zabrane i ukočeni kazne su najlakši način da bi odvratile kriminalaca! Yet they forget to remember irreversable truth about murders and criminals is that THEY DON'T FOLLOW THE LAW! Da Plaxico je sebe stavio u lošem stanju, i da je on zapravo ubio svog tima šanse za ponavljanje prošle godine u podnožju, ali jedna stvar Plaxico nije učinjeno je napravio netko drugi žrtva. Plaxico nije kazneno, a ne bi trebao biti kažnjen kao jedan. Yet all Bloomberg sees is a chance to show the New York public what he can do to a black icon who chooses to own a gun. Suđenje Plaxico će se održati 31. ožujka i da će delegirati kako mu odgođeno sastanak s NFLPA će ići na 1. travnja. Ako Plaxico je zatvoren da će dobiti novac od divovi ili NFL, bez sumnje. Njemu se rezati odmah će biti moj pretpostavka, jer se čini da su divovi držeći je njihov razmak od njega u ovom trenutku. Phil Simms čini se da je jedina osoba koja podržava WR u javnosti i on više nema termendous utjecaj na poteze u New York Giants čine. Bloomberg je oduzeta divova skrb i potporu, kako se izvješćuje izradu prijeteće telefonske pozive u New York vlasnika. Sve što mogu nadati je da je ovaj mladi čovjek dobiva priliku da bi se na igranje nogometa, a ne u nekoj zatvorskoj Upstate. Iz tog razloga Sportsroids.com će se u New Yorku 31. ožujka, podržava Plaxico izvan sudnice s našim službenim "Slobodno Plax" majice. Vi ćete biti u mogućnosti da naručite ove košulje preko stranice. When the page is up, I will post the link. Hvala svima i čuvajte na roiding.

TO Out. Why not trade him?

March 5, 2009 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

Pack your bags T.O.

Hold the Popcorn the Movie hasn't started yet!!!

Well TO has been cut from the Cowboys and many people are asking why not trade him instead of cutting him.   The Cowboys gave up a lot to get Roy Williams and the possible could have gotten some of that back by trading TO.   In this situation you have to weigh the pros and cons of this move, whenever you have a player like TO you can get a second round pick or proven vet in a trade but the trading block process is long and tedious (almost like litigation).    It could take all the way into the next season for them to get what they want from a trade and they might not even get what they want from trading TO.   This would then bring the media circus back to Dallas again and put a lot of stress on the team.    The Cowboys decided to get rid of TO now,   just for the later reason.   By cutting TO he is no longer a part of the time and the organization can move on in new direction.    The main reason he was cut was because of the growing sentiment in the locker room and organization, with numerous people who are a part of the team both players and staff, that TO needed to go.   Also by doing this it is easy for the coaches to begin work on the plays and routes that they will focus on in the off-season if TO was on the trade block, they would still have to factor him in, just in case he was coming back next year.   Despite the value TO has as a trade the Cowboys made the right decision in cutting him.

Brian Dawkins na Broncos: Što je on misli?

1. ožujak 2009 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

27245 Brian Dawkins to the Broncos: What Was He Thinking?

It was real surprising to me when I saw that Brian Dawkins had left the Philadelphia Eagles, the same place he played his entire career thus far. No, to nije toliko činjenica da on nije bio idući u biti Eagle više, ali više na činjenicu gdje će biti idući ... Denver. Što je, dovraga, on radi tamo?

Mi svi bi trebali znati da sada samo o bilo koja momčad ima šanse za uspjeh, pa čak i osvojiti Super Bowl svake sezone. However, at the bottom of that list would have to be the Denver Broncos. Ja bih shvatio Dawkins se žele igrati za dokazane ekipe ili tekuće kandidat, ali u ovom slučaju ne može reći da je pronašao bilo.

Denver Broncos, i to je smiješno reći, nisu bili uspješni, jer da su imali Jake Plummer! Mislim, znam da je Jay Cutler sada dolaze na svoje, ali on ne postoji još. Još jedna stvar koja nije u Denveru je dobra obrana. Ne znam je li Dawkins se shvati da je njihov spasitelj kao što sam siguran da naivno Broncos front office radi, ali to će potrajati puno više od velikog slobodnog sigurnosti pojačati momčad koja je bila 26. od prijevoja i 27. u odnosu na trčanje. Na vrhu toga, oni odustali od 28 poena po utakmici što je četiri touchdowns. To je smiješno.

I mean, he can do what he wants of course. I'm not his daddy. I ne nužno da je to bila užasna ideja igrati za Broncos. I just thought that he was a guy that would definitely be looking for a contender and nothing less. Oh dobro.

Whoseyomamma! The move happens tonight!

March 1, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Where will he go?

Where will he go?

The biggest WR in this years free agent market will be moving teams at this weeks end! TJ Houshmanzadeh will make his decision on where he wishes to play in 2009 tonight! The top two teams in this debate have been the Seattle Seahawks and the Minnesota Vikings. We will keep you all updated on this topic. Feel free to chime in a comment if you hear anything new develope or you just want to talk about Housh! TJ has stated that he would come to a final choice on the evening of March 1st!

Zašto Arizona Cardinals Ipak može se smatrati natjecateljice

February 26, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Arizona Cardinals dalje može smatrati kandidata. Otišli su daleko proteklog NFL sezone ... sve do Super Bowla. Da nije bilo nekoliko skupih grešaka (tj presretanje rezultiralo 100 dvorištu TD zamjenu za najduži igrati u Super Bowl povijesti linebackera James Harrison, i dva fumbles po bek), a sve su to ostati konstantna u toj igri, oni bi bili prvaci.


Ali to ne smeta, jer oni nisu prvaci i Pittsburgh Steelers stvorio i / ili prisiljeni kardinalima u tih pogrešaka. But make no bones about it; ova ekipa totalno promijenio svoj ​​pristup kada je počeo doigravanja.


Njihova djela ostala jednako eksplozivan kao što je bio u zraku, a onda su napokon odlučili da se oslanjaju na trčanje malo više. Za sljedeću godinu, kardinali sada znam da mogu pokrenuti loptu učinkovito. S Edgerin James uzimajući stariji, a Tim Hightower se ništa više nego djelotvoran backup, kardinali imaju dosta prostora za izradu moć ili brzo, ili bilo koje vrste leđa koji može biti pro-kuglača. I iskreno, ne mogu biti puno gore nego James i Hightower.  


Svatko zna o trendu Super Bowl gubitnika ne čineći doigravanja sljedeće godine, ali zapamtite, kardinali su još uvijek u lošem podjele sa dvije ekipe koje su u obnovi, ovnova i 49ers, i jedna ekipa koja je bila u neredu stvarnih ove sezone i sa starenjem QB Matt u Hasselbeck, Seattle Seahawks. I know that sounds hypocritical because Warner is 37 and was still dead nasty, but he is an exception to the rule of the old quarterbacks whose performances dwindle when they get older.


Još jedan jaki argument protiv njihove šanse može biti da, ako oni ne mogu držati Anquan Boldin oni neće biti kao eksploziv. However, we must remember they either didn't play with him or did while he was ailing with injuries during these playoffs, and Larry Fitzgerald still tore it up.


Vjerujem Arizona Cardinals su točno tamo gdje trebaju biti. Oni su pokazali puno srca u Super Bowlu gola nakon što je niz 17-7 i 20-7, jer su još uvijek zaglavi u svoje topove i održava Steelers sramežljivi kraja zone dva puta. Naravno da je puhao na kraju, ali su ipak pokazali puno Moxie. Nemojte biti iznenađeni da ih vidim u Super Bowlu, ako to ne dogodi. Plus, s načinom NFL je u posljednjih nekoliko sezona, mislim da su samo timovi koji me može iznenaditi u Super Bowlu su Lavovi i 49ers. 'Nuff said.

Ray Lewis će biti Jet 2010. godine

February 21, 2009 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Ray Lewis is looking like a Jet in 2010

Ray Lewis gleda kao Jet 2010.

Ja sam prilično siguran da su mlaznice što je potez na Ray Lewis uskoro. Oni su izdali puno njihovoj dubini na linebackera položaju, a čini se da će se pozicioniranje novčano napraviti potez na Ray Ray! I would love to see Ray Ray play for gang green because of the type of leader he is, however I don't feel that Baltimore has left him with much in the tank, so I hope the Jets don't go over a 2 year deal to aquire him!! If they don't sign Ray Ray they will sign Baltimore's other big free agent LB Scott. Međutim, ako je Ray ne dolaze u New York, New York obje ekipe će imati velike Inside Linebackers. Nadam se da je gospodin Johnson ne vijak ovo gore, jer su mlaznice imaju više šanse za optužene ubojice u LB jezgri, vjerujte mi!

Ray Ray Big Hit video ispod!

Blue Jackets Success Good for Hockey in the USA?

February 19, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

blue jackets logo 300x283 Blue Jackets Success Good for Hockey in the USA?
The Columbus Blue Jackets have registered a point in eight straight games and have won seven of those contests including a four game winning streak. This recent streak, backed by the stellar play of netminder Steve Mason, puts the Blue Jackets in prime position to make the playoffs for the first time in the team's brief history. Helping Mason lead the Jackets success this season is mister Blue Jacket himself Rick Nash who has been a very bright spot on a team which has had very limited success—that is, until now. Offseason acquisitions Kristian Huselius (Calgary) and RJ Umberger (Philadelphia) have helped make the Jackets a viable contender this year and possibly for years to come. With a core group of relatively young players Columbus will be making plenty of noise on the ice for many years to come.

The success of the Blue Jackets thus far this year is only half the story because what we're seeing is a potential hockey hotbed in its infancy. Until this year the only hockey presence in Ohio that has had any sustainable success has been via the Ohio State University. Although success at the University level is great the potential for Ohio to blossom in terms of hockey almost certainly requires the success of a major professional team. The significance of the Jackets being in Columbus is that they are the highest level of professional sport in the city which means there is no competition for fan fair from the popularity giant that is the NFL. Success for the Blue Jackets can make them the darlings of the city and would be the first of its kind in the US since other cities tend to have other pro teams in one of the other three major sports. With that in mind, the on ice play of Rick Nash and company is not significant only to the potential of the Blue Jackets and the city of Columbus, but it could also be a major victory for the popularity of the sport of hockey in the US So American hockey fans, if your team happens to fall out of contention throw a cheer the way of the Blue Jackets, their success might help you out more than you realize.

They want to trade Michael Vick…So where's the story?

February 18, 2009 by MarkM · 2 Comments

dogs get revenge They want to trade Michael Vick...So wheres the story?

Yes it has become public that the Atlanta Falcons are actively looking for trades for Michael Vick, but all I want to know is, “where is the story in that?” Michael has so many negative strings attached to him now, you would either have to be a brilliant man or a complete idiot to want to employ him. So, let me ask you once again “where is the story in the fact that Atlanta wants to trade him?”

Larry O'Dell from the The Associated Press seems to think that the big news is that;

“Imprisoned NFL star Michael Vick's suburban Atlanta home will be offered for sale to the highest bidder on March 10 2009″

Run Mikey RUN!!

Run Mikey RUN!!

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I Need A New Sport

February 16, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment

Adriano Moraes atop KingsCourt

Adriano Moraes atop KingsCourt

My father used to say that Rodeo was the only sport. That no one was tougher than a Cowboy. He himself used to “bulldog” back in his day. Though those days were short lived after having seen a man have his head stomped in and spend the rest of his days talking to himself. Dear old Dad wore cowboy boots, snap button shirts and had a license plate that read RODEO: Everything Else Is Just A Game!

I have to say that with all that is going on in the seemingly unwatchable professional sports world that I must agree. Parity in football sucks. The last ten Superbowl champs just do not measure up to those before them. Baseball is a mockery now. The commissioner is coward. The players union is run by as group of arrogant jackasses empowered by lazy good for nothing drug addict ball players. Even the government is standing on ceremony now in their day late and dollar short effort to rectify the situation. NBA basketball is a disgrace. Between what they allow on and off the court coupled with the FACT that they have a gambling problem how could anyone take it seriously? Hockey lost me when the Sabres lost to the Stars on a goal that should not have counted in a game that decided the Stanley Cup Champ. I would still rather be playing NHL Hockey on Sega. And don't bother with any other sport. You are lucky I felt generous enough to include Hockey in the conversation. Next you will want to whine about soccer and tell me it is “so popular”. Yeah well not here in the real world United Stated where its biggest star bailed to go back over seas and play for less money. Soccer is a baby sitting service for terrible parents who do not love their kids and are afraid they might get hurt playing a real sport.

Which brings me to Rodeo. Beer drinking, tobacco chewing, jeans and denim shirt wearing men atop 1200lbs of raw power! Even the advertisements at these events are manly. You will not see advertisements (at least not yet) for weenie girlie men and their “ED” or hair loss. You see ads for trucks, guns, hunting, beer, sponsor tags for tobacco and even some good old fashioned down home Americana: www.borderpatrol.gov. To je nevjerojatna. Ja ga volim. I can not get enough. I am sure one day ESPN and the advertising industry will ruin it like they have ruined every other sport worth watching. For now it really is the only thing worth watching.

The last three weeks, at work behind the bar, I have turned off both college and pro basketball, ESPN's Sportscenter, MLB network and all three New York area hockey teams in favor of VS coverage of bull riding. At first I get “what the hell are doing?” or “Whoa, what the..” “Hey put that back”. Yet every time I put on the rodeo after the first bull comes out from the chute it gets very quiet as the entire bar is focused on the one tv that is showing the bull riding. The only noise you hear from the crowd is when a cowboy gets “throwed” from his horse. Absolutely no one is watching the other 5 tv's that are all showing basketball, hockey etc. And when I turn it off the whole place erupts with an emphatic “WHOAAAA, PUT IT BACK!”

Rodeo: Everything Else IS just a game.

Karlos Dansby mogao postati div?

February 9, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Karlos Dansby

Karlos Dansby

I was shocked when I heard some people in a local bar talking about Karlos Dansby possibly becoming a Giant. First of all, I would like to state that I believe Dansby to be a hell of talent. He would be a great player for any NFL team, but my one question is how could they pay him and still keep the defense in tact? Antonio Peirce, who is the undisputed leader of the Big Blue defense is looking for more money, money which he knows he deserves. I would love to sure up the LB core, but at what cost? Antonio Peirce may be the reason for the recent successes the Gmen have had against the run, considering their effectiveness directly correlates when Antonio came from the Redskins. We know Dansby wants a big market, and we can only assume he wants a”Big Market Paycheck”. It is for this reason, I implore all New York Giants fans to be careful what they wish for, It would be nothing short of a tragedy to see Pierce (The Defense's QB) walk since Reese might not be able to procure his needed funds, after the signing of such a LB as Dansby.

The Capt

The Capt

Edwards se: Making Sense svih trener otkazima

January 24, 2009 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

herman edwards Edwards out:  Making Sense of all the Coach Firings

Well this year we have seen an unprecedented amount of coaches losing their jobs, coaches with winning teams and coaches with losing teams, as well as coaches who didn't even get to finish the season.   It is important to take note of what actually is happening in NFL.   Many people are confused or surprised by the amount of caches getting fired and while it may seem ridicules it is only logically.

The reason that so many coaches have been sent packing is because of the initial firings of Crennel and Mangini.    With a number of other coaches being sent packing the week following the end of the regular season a domino effect was created.   As the Marque coaching minds of Crennel and Mangini hit the market; well as a slew of coordinators that are ready to be head coaches teams took note.   What this meant is that teams the likes of the Rams, Lions, and Browns had a chance to lock these great coaches in.    While teams on the bubble like Denver, Tampa Bay, Kansa City, New York Jets, and Raiders who may have been happy with the performance or at least the skill of their coaches were forced to make a decision.   This meant that if they did not get rid of these good coaches they would not be able to pick up the next crop of great coaches for some time.    So they released their head coaches to hit what is really a coaching free agent market.    With the successive firing of each coach like Mangini, Shannahan, Gruden, and now Edwards, teams would be stupid to let other teams pick these great coaches up, so in turn they got rid of their coaches.   What you are going to see really is a giant change of hands as most of these coaches end up as head coaches at another team.   Don't expect this to happen again anytime soon as you will see all the great coaches will get at least 3 years to prove their worth meaning little coaching firings occurring during that time.

Ovogodišnji Super Bowl nastavlja zanimljiv trend

22 siječanj 2009 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

Mike Tomlin Coach of the 2009 Pittsburgh Steelers

Mike Tomlin Coach of the 2009 Pittsburgh Steelers

1. veljače, Arizona Cardinals će učiniti bitku protiv Pittsburgh Steelers. Osim iznenađujućeg nastup Arizoni doći do svoje prve Super Bowl, tu je vrlo iznenađujuće trend počeo nagađati ... da je, ako se Steelers pobjedu u igri.

In the Steelers last four Super Bowl appearances they have faced off against the LA Rams in 1979, winning 31-19, the Dallas Cowboys in 1995 losing 27-17, the Seattle Seahawks, winning 21-10, and now the Arizona Cardinals. Ako Steelers pobijediti, to će značiti da je njihova posljednja tri naslova će doći protiv sadašnjih NFC West timova.

Natrag u 1979, sada je St. Louis Rams, još uvijek su dio NFC West, ali da je podjela sastojala od San Francisco 49ers, New Orleans Saints, a Atlanta Falcons. Od dolaska Houston Teksašani, da podjela sada obuhvaća Lijepa naša, Arizona Cardinals, Seattle Seahawks, a 49ers.

Another interesting tidbit, like this year's Cardinals, the only other 9-7 team to ever make a Super Bowl were those same aforementioned LA Rams.

Međutim, najmarkantnija komad trivijalnost mora biti da su sva tri tima Super Bowl nastupa protiv Steelers su njihov prvi ikada. To bi moglo značiti da su kardinali, iako je u velikoj priči, su osuđeni na ispustiti loptu u non-doslovnom smislu te fraze? Who knows, and if the world is what it is, and the Cards do lose, it shouldn't be viewed as much more than a wild coincidence. Bilo kako bilo, to je vraški super ... pogotovo ako ste ljubitelj Steeler.

Tim Tebow To The Turf…Of The Metrodome?

January 9, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment

Tim Tebow Two Time Natinal Champion

Tim Tebow Two Time Natinal Champion

I will be the first to admit that I just do not like Tim Tebow. I absolutely want to vomit every time he hits the pull up jumper down on the goal line. Until today I thought he would not make much of a career in the NFL either. However, last night my opinion began to change a bit. Certainly not because the Fox broadcasters convinced me he is the Messiah. (Were they terrible or what?) As I watched Percy Harvin bust that long run to put the Gators back in business it made me think about Adrian Peterson and this year's NFL playoffs. All year long we had to listen to grumblings about the Vikings being a Super Bowl contender if they had a QB. So I thought to myself who are they going to find that could get them over the hump? They are built to win now. They need a leader on that offense and a veteran is just not going to be available to them and Tavaris Jackson will never be that guy. And I have news for you, Sam Bradford and the rest of the nation's would-be rookie class of QB's are no where near the level of last year's draft class. So forget another Matt Ryan/Joe Flacco type playoff run. Then as the Gator offense got rolling I thought of Vince Youngs performance in both Rose Bowls and wondered if Jeff Fisher wouldn't roll out the “Wildcat” this weekend with Vince against the Baltimore Ravens.

Then it hit me. Tebow to the Vikings. Just like that. I think he would be the perfect fit for the Vikings offense. He could run that offense all day with Adrian Peterson behind him or beside him. He easily becomes the leader of that offense and probably the team. He is perfect for the role. He would not have to worry about passing the ball all that much. With that defense and that run game behind that offensive line try to imagine having to stop both he and Peterson every down. Thrown in a short passing game the occasional deep ball and a pull up jumper here and there, you've got something. No?

Rutuu ugriza, Wild Strpljiv, kape Finish

7 siječanj 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Komentari

polar bear hockey 300x213 Rutuu Bites, Wild Patient, Caps Finish

U utorak navečer Jarkko Ruutu od Ottawa Senators navodno ugrizao Sabres 'defensemen Andrew Peters palca. To je strašno da Ruutu učinio i nadamo se da je teško kažnjeni, ali to je nada hokej navijača posvuda da povremeni navijač neće ponovno vidjeti samo hokej u tom svjetlu (od ESPN jede stvari kao što je ovaj gore) i mislim da je sve koji se odvija u hokeju. Ako je sve što su učinili u NFL pokrivenost bila prikaži dečki uzimajući poked u oku ili jako loše masku kazne i izvedu uzimajući nokautirao ili dečki uzimajući paralizirana da će dati nogomet loš naziv za siguran, ali svi znamo da se stvari ne događaju često i NHL treba dati jednaku pozornost. Zato vas molim, ako imate povremeni fanovima kao prijatelja i mislim da je to kako je cijelo vrijeme molim samo ih slijediti niz igara i oni će se brzo vidjeti to nije pojava svake igre.

Sada na bolje strani hokeju i koje bi se dva velika utakmica-up utorak navečer između Boston Bruins i Minnesota Wild, a igra u noći između Washingtona i Philadelphije. Boston was defeated 1-0 by Minnesota making it two in a row for Boston cooling off the then hottest team in the league. Što se saznaje iz tog igri je Minnesota je jednostavno bolje trčanje zastrašujuća neutralan zamku zonu nego Bruins head-to-head. Boston has been able to open up the ice to score more goals now but if other teams are paying attention Minnesota taught them a great lesson. If you slow the game down and play most of it at center ice Boston will get so frustrated because they are so hungry to score that they end up skating in circles and don't get anything going. Strpljenje je najbolji način da se tuku Boston ne pokušavajući ih outscore.

Što se tiče Washingtonu i Philadelphiji, sve što treba reći o tome u ovom trenutku je da, ako ste u potrazi za anti-Ruutu igra, to je jedan gledati. To je igra koja se sve čini hokej takav veliki igra gledati.

Prekovremeni = precijenjena

January 6, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment

Harry Carson Of The New York Giants Meets John Elway, Tom Jackson And Three Other Denver Broncos for The Superbowl XXI Coin Toss

Harry Carson Of The New York Giants Meets John Elway, Tom Jackson And Three Other Denver Broncos for The Superbowl XXI Coin Toss

Why is it so hard for people to wrap their head around a tie? Why is it so important to have a winner be declared? More importantly why is the crucial outcome of such events decided by a coin flip? The NFL should eliminate overtime. What is the point? Can we just for once be satisfied with two teams being equal on “any given Sunday?” Not Superbowl Sunday of course but the third Sunday in November really should not be a big deal. Should it? The winning percentages straighten themselves out at season's end anyway to determine all divisional champions as well as Wild Card teams. They have “tie breakers” in place for any possible confusion that may occur. “Winning isn't everything” right?

I propose two things. First the NFL eliminate overtime completely from the regular season. I know I would be considered crazy to suggest it be eliminated from the playoffs and Superbowl as well so I will not go there. Regular season games will end in a tie at the end of regulation. Playoff games would be decided by letting time run out and continuing on without stopping using just the play clock until someone scores. To make it more challenging, eliminate field goal trys after regulation. Either punt or go for it on 4th down. Imagine the madness as Wade Phillips is rushing the field goal unit on to the field as time is winding down in regulation while Tony Romo and Terrell Owens are waving them off to keep running plays to try and win it in a runoff? Could you imagine that post game press conference with Jerry Jones?

Second I propose the elimination of coin flips all together including at the start of the game. Let's face it, every team wants the same thing: To win the toss and defer to the second half. So why not just give the road team the ball to start every game and allow the home team to choose which goal to defend? Each team will start half their games with the ball and the other half on defense. In the playoffs the same rule should apply.

And this comes from a guy who bets on the coin toss before every Superbowl. TAILS NEVER FAILS!!!

Tennessee Titans vs. Baltimore Ravens Playoff Primer

January 5, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Game one of second round NFL playoff action starts off with a rematch of a 13-10 victory by the Titans in Baltimore against the Ravens, but this time in Tennessee. The game will be televised nationally on CBS at 4:30pm on Saturday, January 10th.

Game one of second round NFL playoff action starts off with a rematch of a 13-10 victory by the Titans in Baltimore against the Ravens, but this time in Tennessee. The game will be televised nationally on CBS at 4:30pm on Saturday, January 10th.

In this week, the Divisional Playoff Round of the NFL, hearts are truly broken. In my mind, there is nothing more embarrassing than being a bye team and losing your first game. It is almost as if all the good your team did was all-for-not, and similarly, for the road team, it means you were only good enough to win in the Wild Card round. The first game of Divisional Round weekend will feature the Baltimore Ravens attempting to go down to Tennessee to pull off a huge road victory.


Advantage Ravens


Once again, the Ravens Defense will be the phase of their game to rely on; 3 rd in the league in points allowed (15.2), 2 nd in yards (261.1ypg), 2 nd in passing (179.7ypg), and 3 rd against the run (81.4ypg). The stinginess of their defense showed up profusely in their Saturday victory in Miami against the Dolphins as they forced Chad Pennington into throwing four interceptions, when he had only seven up until that point. On top of that, they also forced a fumble which they recovered.

The real deciding factor offensively is going to be the Ravens stronger running game, and better play-making defensively. I also predict another deciding factor to be the performance of young Joe Flacco against that of old Kerry Collins. Their stat lines, although similar, are leaving one thing out. Where as last week I mentioned the experience of Kurt Warner would take over that of Matt Ryan's, this week it will be the youth of Flacco over Collins. Warner is still a dynamic quarterback. Whereas Flacco and Collins roles in their team's offenses is to manage the game and not turn the ball over, for Flacco it is more to help ease his transition as a rookie quarterback, and for Collins it is because he is on the downside of his career.


But aside from all this, the most telling stat is the following. The combined records of the Tennessee Titans regular season opponents was 92-115, and the Ravens was 123-94. This just tells me that the Ravens have been having their mettle tested a lot more often than the surprising Titans up to this point.


Ravens move to within one victory of the Super Bowl.

Top 10 reasons to fire your head coach in 2009…

January 3, 2009 by MarkM · 1 Comment

mangini sesemi street 300x186 Top 10 reasons to fire your head coach in 2009...

10. He has a name that rhymes with “Big weeny!”

9. He likes to drop his pants during practice.

8. On je ponosan na činjenicu da je on trenirao najgora momčad u povijesti NFL!

7. Čak i Brett Farve nije mogao osvojiti Superbowl za njega ...

6. On je imao 24 pobjeda i 40 gubitaka tijekom svoje karijere s tim

5. He coaches the lions…

4. naziv njegov tata jest "Bum"

3. On jednostavno nije mogao odlučio na RB i umjesto ostvario podvig ranjavanje sve 5!

2. Počeo 8-3 ove godine, sa izabranim Superbowl momčadi i dalje nije uspio napraviti doigravanja!

1. He was once the “Man-Genius” and now…He is only known as “Mangina”.


VAŠ otkaz !!!

Minnesota Vikings vs. Philadelphia Eagles Playoff Primer

2 siječanj 2009 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

eagles picture and vikings picture Minnesota Vikings vs. Philadelphia Eagles Playoff Primer

Minnesota Vikings domaćin Philadelphia Eaglesa u Metrodome nedjelju, 4. siječnja u 4:30 sati na FOX.

Konačna igra Wild-Card vikenda 2009 može biti jedan od najtežih predvidjeti. To pokazuje dvije momčadi koje su se borili kako bi osigurali playoff rođenja, ali u isto vrijeme su više nego sposoban za napredovanje u post sezoni pored očitog pobjede da je jedan od njih će biti uzimajući ovaj vikend. Eagles je dignut igru u Washingtonu protiv Redskins u tjednu 16 od rezultatom 10-3 pasti na rekordnih 8-6-1, a potrebno pobijediti Kauboji u Philadelphiji, a nadam se i Buccaneers Medvjedi će izgubiti U tjednu 17. Srećom za njih, sve tri od tih scenarija je postao stvarnost. As for the Vikings, they would have clinched the NFC North regardless, due to the Bears loss in Houston in week 17, but could guarantee the division title with a victory in the final week. Budući da tuku divovi u Minnesoti 20-19 na posljednjoj minuti 50 dvorište koš završiti 10-6, bili su u mogućnosti da se držite svoj ​​dio pogodbe. Now what has unfolded for week 18 is a bout between two teams, one filled with wily veterans in Philadelphia, and another with a collection of young and perhaps budding talent in Minnesota.


Prednost Minnesotu


One of the key factors that Minnesota can rely on to win this game is the fact that they own the league's top rush defense giving up only 76.9 yards per game going up against an Eagles ground attack that ranked 22 nd with 106.1 yards per game. Par koji s činjenicom orlovi bili 4. u ligi u pokušajima proći i 22. u žure metara sa 106,1 po utakmici, a Vikinzi imaju rijetko dostupan luksuz: priliku igrati protivnika koji je gotovo jednodimenzionalnih.


One of the most commonly preached strategies in defensive football is the ability to force an opponent to be one-dimensional, ie try to get the opponent to beat you with the pass by loading up the line of scrimmage with an eight-man front. What we have here is a team in Philadelphia who by preference already is one-dimensional and mainly likes to pass.


Drugi faktor koji pomaže Vikinzi je poboljšana igra bek Tarvaris Jacksona, jer se vratio na početnu postavu. U svoja dva igrama na početak sezone, bio je 30-59, dobar za stopu završetka 51 posto s jednim TD, dok je bacanje za 178 i 130 metara, odnosno. Sada, Jackson je uskrsnuo na prigodu u posljednje tri i pol igre u sezoni postavljate 740 metara, 8 TD, a samo jedan presretanja a dovršetak 64 posto njegovih prolaza. Sve to pod uvjetom da je stabilnost na QB pozicije Vikinzi su tražili u Gus Frerotte.


Advantage Eagles


The Eagles strengths lie in their defense and experience. Even though the Vikings are sporting the 1 st ranked run defense, their pass defense is only 18 th in the league, giving up 215.6 yards per game. That does not match well with the defense of Philadelphia as they ranked 4 th in run defense, 92.2ypg, and 3 rd in total pass defense, 182.1ypg. Taj tip run obrani je više-nego čvrsta i treba biti u mogućnosti to držati Adrian Peterson, Liga je vrh rusher s 1760 metara, u prijavi za najveći dio. And I stress “for the most part” as even though the Eagles rush D is just three spots behind the Vikings, Peterson is still the league's leading rusher for a reason, and for that, I believe he will have at least one big run in the game.


Ono što stvarno izdvaja za orlova defenzivno je njihov prolaz obrane, jer je Jackson, iako je poboljšana, još je samo u prosjeku 185 metara u zraku u svom povratku, što je samo 2,9 metara više nego što su orlovi odustaju. To znači da je lako mogao biti ograničen unutar 100-150 metara, a ako Vikinzi glavna prijetnja će biti jedan do, po većini, tri velike dobitnika iz Peterson i samo stil igre-upravljanje igre Jackson, stvari ne gleda se.




Iako Vikinzi igraju kod kuće ovaj vikend, oni se suočavaju s tim veterana u orlova koji su više navikli na igranje u velikim igrama. Čak i ako je uzeo četiri ravno NFC Championship igre za Donovan McNabb napokon dobili svoju momčad na Super Bowlu, on je uvijek puno više playoff pamet od mladog Tarvaris Jackson, kako je cijela Eagles tim. Although both teams are great at stopping the run, Philadelphia is averaging 244.4 yards per game through the air, and with the disparity in the rankings of the two clubs pass defenses being 15 spots (Vikings 18 th minus Eagles 3 rd equals 15), then that is where the true edge in this contest lies.


Eagles krenuti dalje.

Miami Dolphins vs Baltimore Ravens doigravanja Primer

December 31, 2008 by AlexV · 6 Comments

On Sunday, January 4th, at 1:00pm eastern, the Miami Dolphins and Baltimore Ravens will line up against each other one last time in Miami in a Wild-Card Weekend matchup.

U nedjelju 4. siječnja na istočnoj 13:00, a Miami Dolphins i Baltimore Ravens će se postroje jedni protiv drugih posljednji put u Miamiju u Wild-Card Weekend matchup.

Igra broj tri Wild-Card vikend će značajka dvije ekipe koje su imale iznenađenje obrta iz prošle sezone. But of the two teams, the biggest surprise was last season's hapless 1-15 Miami Dolphins doing a complete 180 with an 11-5 record this season while also earning the AFC East title. Ravens, iako je uvijek jaka defanzivno, nisu ništa manje od čudi ni što su otišli od 5-11 prošle godine do 11-5 ove godine. Ono što čini njihov obrat tako izvanredan je da su to učinili s rookie bek Joe Flacco, a ako to nije bilo ozljeda oba Kyle Boller i Troy Smith prije tjedan jednom, Joe Flacco možda dobivši svoj ​​prvi start tek kasnije u sezoni i tko zna što će se dogoditi. Uz to se, rekao je, neka je pogledati na ključnim fazama svakog tima igre.

Ravens' Advantage

Both team's offenses seem to even one another out. Delfini rezultat 21.6 poena po utakmici i gavrani 24.1 poena po utakmici. Iako su dupini u prosjeku samo 118,6 metara na terenu na Gavrani 148.5, Miami out-baca Baltimore po iznosu od 227 metara po igri na 175,5. To pokazuje da su Ravens prestići dupinima od 29,9 metara po utakmici, a dupini prolaze za 51,5 metara preko Gavrani.

Even with that being said, conventional wisdom shows that the team with the better running game will win. I to bi trebao biti slučaj i ovdje. What's even more is that the Ravens are 3 rd defensively against the run at 81.4ypg, and a whopping 2 nd versus the pass giving up 179.7ypg. Problem dupini su, iako su se igrati u granicama njihove kuće stadiona, je da su 25-og protiv prijevoja na 227.8ypg i 10-og u odnosu na vožnju na 101.2ypg. U svakom pogledu, dajući do 101.2 metara igra na terenu i nije tako loše, ali kad duo Ronnie Brown i Ricky Williams je dobar za veliku ukupno 1.575 metara, a Ravens trio Willis McGahee, Le'Ron McClain i Ray Rice u kombinaciji za izniman broj poput 2.028, onda ne samo da su gavrani obrani izvoditi bolje, ali oni su noseći loptu bolje, kao dobro.

Dupini 'Advantage

Iako Ravens prevagnuti dupina u nekim ključnim statističkim kategorijama potrebnih za playoff uspjeh, oni nisu bili jako dobri na cesti igraju protiv planiranih playoff momčadi u predsezoni; at Indianapolis they lost 3-31, at the Giants they lost 10-30. Njihov jedini jake protiv onoga što su smatrali playoff momčadi su u Pittsburghu kada su izgubili u SZ 20-23, u dupina kad su osvojili 27-13, a na kraju, kada su pobijedili Dallas 33-24.

Dopustite mi da ublažiti. Steelers i Ravens su konzervativac podjela suparnika i uvijek igraju međusobno teško. Kauboji igre imao dva tipa zastranjenje igra na Ravens posljednja dva pogona; an 82 yard scoring run followed by a 77 yard scoring run. Any team would be lucky to get a run of either of those lengths all season long. Posljednje, ali ne najmanje važno, kada Ravens pobijedio Dupini u Miamiju u tjednu 7, pao dupina rekord za 2-4. Since then, Miami has gone 9-1 and are playing at a slightly different level than that period of time.

Druga stvar dupini su idući im je da su imali fewest promete u ligi sa samo 13. Chad Pennington imao nedvojbeno njegove najbolje sezone otkako je prvi ikada rotator pljuska ozljede-s karijerom visok 3653 metara, 19 touchdowna i jednostavno 7 presretanja a dovršetak 67,4 posto njegovih prolaza. Rookie QB Joe Flacco, iako je imao sjajnu sezonu u rookie, 2971 metara, a 14 TDS, 12 Ints (da ne spominjem njegove jedanaest fumbles) i završio 60.0 posto njegovih prolaza, on je još uvijek početnik i definitivno pogrešno sklone ,

Like one analyst put it… “What the Ravens thrive on, the Dolphins simply don't do”… turn the ball over!


Although the Dolphins play at home, and are riding the emotional high an unprecedented successful season and comeback year of Chad Pennington, I have to go with the Ravens. They can negate their opponent's run, and kill them with their own. Nadalje, Joe Flacco brzo se oblikovan u pouzdanoj igre menadžer koji može napraviti nekoliko predstava tu i tamo koji Baltimore je u potrazi za. Ja samo vidim Joe Flacco ima, a najviše, jednom prometa, a sa svojim 2. rangirani ukupnoj obrani (261.1ypg) i 3. rangiran obranu u točkama odustali po igri (15,2), gavrani lako može svladati ga. I cannot see a team who beat squads like Seattle without QB Matt Hasselbeck by two points, Oakland by two points as well, San Francisco by five, all at home, and Saint Louis by four on the road beating this gritty Ravens team.

Ravens will move on to play the one-seeded Tennessee Titans next week.

San Diego Chargers vs. Indianapolis Colts Playoff Primer

30. prosinca 2008 by AlexV · 2 Komentari

This Saturday at 8:00pm eastern, if you like pro football (and aren't a biased homer), don't miss the potential fireworks of the Colts at Chargers playoff game on NBC.

Ova subota 3 siječnja, u 8:00 sati istočni, ako vam se sviđa pro nogomet (a niste pristrani Homer), ne propustite potencijalne vatrometu Colts na Punjači Wild-Card doigravanja igra na NBC.

Noć kapu od prvog dana na Wild-Card vikend će imati dvije ekipe na zaslonu koji se može rasvijetliti semaforu. Dok su Colts vratio na više iskusan bodovanja stilu tijekom posljednjih nekoliko godina, s vrha točke dospijeća Peyton Manning, punjači ostala ekipa koja se može staviti do točke u grozdovima. This game should have all the makings of a contest that comes down to which team does the best with it's last offensive drive, and a last chance hail-mary or “lateral push” doesn't count.


Svatko zna da su obje momčadi imaju više-nego sposoban i playoff-testirani izvedu. Peyton Manning praktički je nosio svoju momčad čiji Run igra koja je zauzela 31. u ligi s oskudnim 79,6 metara po utakmici, te je bio u mogućnosti objaviti svoj ​​deveti 4.000 dvorište plus sezonu 4002 metara, bacio 27 touchdowna protiv uglednih dvanaest presretanja, a dovršavajući 66,8 posto njegovih prolaza. Te brojke su dovoljno da ga zaraditi 95,0 QB ocjenu dobar.


Philip Rivers, za San Diego, bacio svoj ​​put do svog prvog ikada 4.000 dvorištu plus sezoni s 4.009 metara. On je također vezan uz New Orleans 'Drew Brees za većinu touchdowna sa 34, završio 65,3 posto njegovih prolaza s jedanaest presretanja. All this was good for a passer rating of 105.5 which was tops in the NFL. Much like Peyton Manning, he too had to overcome his teams dip in rushing stats as LaDainian Tomlinson went from 1,462, 1,815, and 1,474 yards in the past three years respectively to his lowest output ever in his storied eight year career at 1,110 yards with 3.8 yards per carry. U tim je prethodno spomenutih sezona, imao je 4,3, 5,2, 4,7 metara po nošenje respektivno. So this should be the beginning of the down-hill part of his career.


But even with that being said, the Chargers still gained 107.9 yards per game on the ground (20 th in the league, and eleven better than Indy's 31 st ) and even with his 2008 swoon, Tomlinson is still one of the most prolific rushers in the league. Nadalje, njegova proizvodnja je još uvijek bolje nego Colt je duo Dominic Rhodes, 538ypg, 3.5ypc i Joseph Addai, 544ypg, a također 3.5ypc. Njih dvojica sami stekli 1082 metara. This isn't good, as the Chargers second option, Darren Sproles, had 330ypg with 5.4ypc. If you combine his total with Tomlinson's you'll get 358 yards of extra ground over the two Indianapolis runners.


As far as defenses go, the Chargers were 27 th in the league versus the pass, giving up 247.4 yards per game. On the other hand, the Colts were very good with a 6 th rated passing defense giving up 188.1 yards per contest. Što se tiče žure obranu, punjači zauzela 11. i odustao respektabilna 102,6 metara po utakmici. Uz ekipe rijetko daje svaki nositi s karakteristikama leđa, 102,6 metara po utakmici između dva do tri igrača nije strašno. Colts, međutim, bili su 24., a oni odustali od 122,9 metara po izletu. Takav broj sugerira da je njihov protivnik je značajka natrag je obično u mogućnosti da biste dobili barem preko 90 metara na svoje. Naizgled, Colts dopušteno sedam od svojih protivnika leđa da dobije više od 90 metara za punjač tri.


Sada za X faktora.


Both teams are entering the post-season on hot streaks; U Colts su osvojili devet ravno, a punjači su osvojili četiri ravne. Vi mislite da bi se Colts učinio svoju dužnost bolje s tom vrstom dispariteta, ali nemojmo zaboraviti nekoliko "Gimme" igre su osvojili ove sezone; Prvi put su igrali Houston, kada QB Kadulja Rosenfels petljao loptu dvaput u posljednjim trenucima utakmice, igra protiv Pittsburgha, kada su bili dolje 17-7 u jednom trenutku i Ben Roethlisberger bacio tri strašna presretanja, a igra protiv Cleveland kad su bili dolje 6-3 u četvrtom tromjesečju i Robert Mathis vratio petljati po QB Ken Dorsey 37 metara za 10-6 pobjedu. Bez te tri pobjede, Colts ne bi ni bilo u doigravanje.


U Punjač je četiri igre trag, njihov jedini win sreća-posao bio je u Kansas Cityju, kada su zabili dvanaest poena u posljednjoj 01:19 igre za pobjedu 22-21. Osim toga, oni su skočile u premlaćivanju Oakland 34-7, Tampa Bay 41-24, a nedavno je, Denver 52-21.


Uz sve to se, rekao je, punjači imaju igru prolaznu koji je zapravo dopunjen u bijegu, Colts da se oslanjaju na Peyton Manning za većinu sezone, i obnovljenom snagom od San Diego punjači svojom čudo playoff pritiskom nakon prevladavanje 4-8 rekord, ja jednostavno moram dati igru u San Diegu kod kuće. There is a reason the Colts passing defense was 6th in the league, and that is because their opponents had field days against their 31 st ranked run defense. Ne kažem da igra neće biti blizu i da je Peyton Manning nije velika na cesti kao što je kod kuće, ali igra može lako izmaknuti iz Indianapolisa u drugoj polovici, ako oni moraju ići rezultat za ocjenu U ovom natjecanju.


Chargers win.

Arizona Cardinals vs. Atlanta Falcons Playoff Primer

29. prosinca 2008 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

From one bird "turd" nest to another, the Atlanta Falcons travel to Arizona Saturday July 3rd to face off against the Cardinals at 4:30pm.

From one "turd" nest to another, the Atlanta Falcons head to Arizona this Saturday January 3rd to face off against the Cardinals at 4:30pm.

The first game of Wild-Card Weekend features two teams that I'm sure many people would argue are “one-and-done” teams. However, the fact is, one of these one-and-doners will definitely be advancing with the question of course being who.


Atlanta Falcons nemaju previše defenzivno naopako. Samo stajanje igrač ove sezone je John Abraham koji je iznosio 47% od Atlanta 35 vreća s 16,5 ukupno. That isn't very good. To znači da od drugih tipičnih sackers na standardnom NFL momčad, tri linebackers, drugi defensive end, a možda i jaka sigurnost u nekim slučajevima bi proizveli prosječno 3,8 vreća-komad. Šteta za sokolova da je gospodin Milloy, jaka sigurnost, imao ništa. Their 21 st ranked pass defense gave up 220.4 yards per game, and their 25 th ranked run D gave up 127.5 yards per game.


That type of passing defense won't bode well against a quarterback in Kurt Warner who threw for over 4,500 yards this season. As far as the Falcons run defense goes, I guess that isn't too bad as the Cardinals rush offense was good for last with 73.6 yards per game, meaning if they just don't screw up any assignments and miss any tackles, they should be able to post a solid to admirable effort against the run.


But Edgerin James against the Seahawks this week amassed 100 yards on 14 carries. He has been off this season, but he perhaps could be trying to prove that he still has some gas left in the tank since that was his first game in a while, and if there was ever a game for him to do so, this could be it. I znam argument može biti da je to učinio protiv Seattlea, ali s 25. rangirani run obrani, sokolova nisu puno bolje. Tko zna? Možda kartice će se izvoditi dva stražnja sustav s Jakovom i Tim Hightower, a oni mogu ostati svježi i dobiti par pristojnih Dobitnici tu i tamo.


Na Naličje stvari, kardinali obrana odustala 26,6 poena po utakmici. Most teams wouldn't even stand a chance at being in contention in the finals weeks of most regular NFL seasons with that kind of defense, but luckily for the Cardinals, they played in a bad division. Na vrhu toga, Arizona je pass D je 22. odustajanja 221,2 metara po utakmici. No, najgori dio je da je njihov run obrana, koja se suočava Michael Turner (1.699 metara i 2. u NFL), bio je 16. odustajanja 110,2 metara po utakmici.


Falconi MO cijele godine bio je dati loptu Turner što je više moguće, tako da samo Matt Ryan ubacuje 2-3 dobra ili velika igra igru, obično se Roddy White, koji je bio četvrti među svim širokim prijemnika sa 1.382 metara i imao sedam Ryan je 16 Ukupno TDS.


Dno crta je, s gotovo identičnim obrane obiju ekipa, ako se Matt Ryan vodio Falconi imali više iskustva pod njihovom pojas, ova igra bi imali profit za Atlanta osvojiti što su mogli brušene iz run igru i čuvaju prolaza na minimum kao Arizona run igru i trčanje obrane u osnovi je nepostojeći za većinu sezone.


Ipak ... Samo moram ići s Kurt Warner volje, iskustva, dvije klinac širine prijemnika u Larry Fitzgerald i Anquan Boldin, a domaćih navijača doći na vrh. The tandem of Boldin and Fitzgerald are enough to make up for not having a running game against a young team like Atlanta. Mislim Matt Ryan je samo premlad da se u ovoj igri, a za sve kritike koje su kardinali primili u gubitku četiri od zadnjih pet utakmica, što je gotovo kao Kurt Warner dobiva krenuti svježe opet. And I say this because in their recent losses, the Cardinals were getting blown out early to the point where Warner didn't need to bother even trying the rest of whatever game they were playing. A ako konvencija kaže da igrači moraju ostati vruće ide u post sezoni, ne vidim da je kao i ovdje slučaj Kurt Warner.


Basically, both teams are not looking like Super Bowl contenders, and ultimately, when it comes down to two “one-and-done” type teams, you gotta go with the guys playing at home and especially with having the more experienced quarterback. Cardinals pobijediti.

Monday Night Guarantee

December 22, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

urlacher Monday Night Guarantee This week we have the longest rivalry in the NFL, two teams that give it their all every time they play each other.    The Bears still have a shot at the playoffs but the Packers would like nothing more than to spoil their hopes.    These two teams are equal in talent but the edge has to go to the Bears.    Look for the Bears to just find a way to win, with a true team effort.   


Point Spread 27-18 Bears

Atlanta Falcons to Gain the Two Seed in the NFC?

22. prosinac 2008 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

I think Arthur Blank, the owner of the Atlanta Falcons, is ready to let go at this point.

Mislim Arthur Blank, vlasnik Atlanta Falcons, spreman pustiti na sada.

Jedna stvar me pissing off veliki put nakon tjedan dana 16 je sljedeće ... zašto je nitko ne spominje da su Falconi imaju priliku zaključati broj dva sjeme u NFL? Ako Sokolovi ostvariti vrlo UN-časni zadatak poraziti otpadne ispunjen Saint Louis Rams u Atlanti ovaj vikend, a Carolina Panthers su poraženi u New Orleansu sljedeći tjedan, Atlanta Falcons završiti osvajanjem NFC Jug. Mi već znamo da su divovi zaključan na vrh sjeme pobijedivši Karolinu OT nedjelju navečer, ali su kardinali u najboljem slučaju završiti 9-7 u NFC West, a Medvjedi ili Vikinzi može završiti samo na 10-6 za pobjedu NFC North. What does this mean? Ili sokolova ili Panthers su zajamčena dva sjeme.

Ali zašto se nitko ne govori o tome? Because every dumb analyst has it in their mind that the Falcons wonderful turn-around in the post Michael Vick mortem was simply in clinching their Wild Card berth. But hello! Oni čak mogu dobiti bye! To bi bilo potpuno ogromna!

Not only do they overcome last year's fiasco and make the playoffs with a rookie QB, but they now have a chance to put themselves in a highly viable position of reaching a Super Bowl with one home win and one road win, as long as the Giants win their first game. Mislim, Isuse, mogli završiti domaćin NFC prvenstvo, ako su divovi izgubili prvu utakmicu!

Netko molim vas govoriti o tome. I've watched PTI, Sports Center, and heard every FOX, CBS, and NBC analyst and commentator and not one of them has thought about this. It pisses me off and I almost hope to god that the Falcons get the two seed to see if they all have dumb looks on their faces.

Carolina ... pleeeeease izgubiti. Ja već znam sokolova imaju ovnova igra u stražnji džep, tako da nisam zabrinut za tebe. Later.

Punjači Host Broncos u odlučivanju AFC West obračun u 17 tjedana u nedjelju navečer

December 21, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

The San Diego Chargers duke it out against the Denver Broncos for AFC West supremacy next Sunday night.

The San Diego Chargers duke it out against the Denver Broncos for AFC West supremacy next Sunday night.

It's official. The word literally just came through about thirty seconds ago, and it will be the San Diego Chargers, who were widely thought to be finished with their season, having a chance to make a miraculous comeback and enter the playoffs by winning their division. What's even more is the fact that they'd be doing it with an 8-8 record if they were to win.


This game showcases two of the big number producing quarterbacks in the league in Philip Rivers who has the league-high in TDs, 32, and Jay Cutler whose been shredding defenses for a good portion of the season. This game also features two teams who have been highly inconsistent, and where now, it is truly “put up or shut up” time.


Everybody whose anybody remembers what happened the first time these two teams met this season, when referee Ed Hochuli called a fumble by Jay Cutler as an incomplete pass that cost the Chargers the game in Denver. Now it's either going to be the Chargers getting their revenge, or Jay Cutler proving that the Broncos were the better team all along… and I simply can't wait to see what happens.

NFL doigravanja Outlook

18. prosinac 2008 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

all the teams in the nfl1 NFL Playoff Outlook

With just two weeks of play left in the regular season of the 2008-2009 year, a few teams have locked up a spot in the playoffs while others are still fighting to make it. Što je o tome da se razvijati u ovom članku je, što se u mojoj glavi, momčadi koje će ga učiniti.

Mi već znamo da Steelers i Titani su zaključane mjesta i prvog kruga pozdravili u AFC. U NFC divovi su osvojila svoju podjelu, dok su kardinali su kao dobro. Prvo ću ići preko brave kako bi dobili u.

U AFC jedini siguran-vatra lock imam je Indianapolis Colts. Ako su pobijedili Jacksonville ovog četvrtka u Floridi, oni su u. Uz put su Jags su razočarani, ja uopće ne vidim ih koristite rivalstvo bug kao dodatnu motivaciju da tuku Indianapolis.

U NFC, iznenađujuće, Carolina Panthers nisu osvojila ni sa 11-3 rekord, što je dokaz konkurentnosti NFC. Međutim, još jedna pobjeda i jedan više gubitak od drugog tima ili dva bi ih stavio u. Kauboji su vruće u zadnje vrijeme. Ne zanima me o Romo nastup u Pittsburghu. The game was still close, and it has been their only slip up since his return from injury. Oni lice gavrani kod kuće, a Eagles u Philadelphiji. Orao Igra bi trebala biti teška i oni lako mogu izgubiti, ali mi se, mislim da svi zraku dobio isisan iz Raven tima sa svojim last minute gubitka u Pittsburghu prošlog vikenda.

The Vikings should clinch their division as the Bears face the Packers on Monday Night at home, but then travel to Houston the last week. Houston je na korak završiti 9-7, a Andre Johnson bi trebao biti u mogućnosti da rasturati svoju slabu pass obranu.

Nakon toga ne mislim Tampa će doći u što su iščašenje i njihove slabosti počinju biti izloženi. The Falcons and Eagles to me will be the ones to fighting for the 6th seed in the NFL as they have both been consistent as of late.

Back in the AFC, I'll take the Patriots to win their division. They are at home against the Cardinals who have clinched, and then at a bum Buffalo team. To bi ih staviti na 11-5. Razlog vidim ovo događa, jer kao-of-kasno nedosljedne Jets trebao izgubiti u Seattleu ovaj vikend, a dupini će pobijediti Kansas City Chiefs. Ali kad igraju međusobno u New Yorku, ja ću uzeti posljednjem pokušaju by Favre se čak i njihova evidencija na 10-6, što je jedan od njih 6. sjeme.

Samo sjeme sam kolebljiv je 4. sjeme u AFC kao Broncos su 8-6 i punjači 6-8. Ako punjači pobijedio Tampa Bay u Tampi ovog vikenda, što nije previd, a Broncos gube kod kuće s računa, što je još uvijek malo nategnuto, čak i ako su Broncos nisu tako dosljedni, onda će se igrati u San Diegu za podjelu u tjednu 17. Ako se to dogodi, ja ću uzeti punjači.

So that's how I believe the “tournament” brackets will be set up come January.

Monday Night Guarntee

December 15, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

Monday Night Guarantee


This week we have Cleveland vs Philadelphia this is an easy one I have Philly in the playoffs and they need a win this week.   Expect the McNabb to have a big game as well as Jackson.   Cleveland will not be able to handle the fire power that the Eagles have.


  Point Spread (28-14 eagles)

Weekly top 10

December 14, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 3 Comments

The top ten for this week is a little late but that is because I actually had to do some research for this one.   It seems like when I came back from vacation the NFL was in turmoil. Pac'Man was reinstated. Players were in trouble for using banned substances. Plaxico Burress had even shot himself in the leg. In light of all these circumstances I have decided to do the NFL's top 10 f*”&k ups.   My criteria is not solely based on behavior, but on the talent of the player as well, meaning bums who got into trouble don't make the list.   Here you go.

1)OJ Simpson

“Come on OJ really?”   I am not going to talk about what OJ did He just should have known that when they had the chance they would get him.   OJ is the clear number one on this list. After dodging one major bullet, OJ decides that he is going to step in front on another one 13 years later.

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Držite vilicu u njima, yep oni učinili! Sorry Cowboy fans…

December 11, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Adam "Pacman" Jones of the Dallas Cowboys

The cowboys may have to play the remainder of the season without Adam Jones in the defensive backfield, which is a huge deal considering they don't have any depth at DB. This week THE BOYS will start their swiss cheese secondary against the Giants. I expect Eli to have a big game. The Pacman news may seem like small news, but when you take into account their laundry list of injuries, its not hard to jump to grasp it's severity. Jerry Jones may have been better suited to have picked up some free agents DB's rather than wasting 3 draft picks on Odessa's #1 WR Roy Williams. Just look at the secondary for this week's Giants game, I am starting to think they will have no one to actually play Safety. Hamlin (Ankle) probably won't be ready and Keith Davis (MCL) is not likely to play and remember that Roy Williams is on IR. So who is going to start? That is a question that I don't think Wade Phillips knows the answer to either. Right now it looks like Tra Battle and Courtney Brown will get the start, at the Safety spots. Yet again because of this you should expect a big game for Eli and Giants second year TE Kevin Boss for several reasons. The First reason is that Tra Battle, who was cut earlier this season by the Chargers, is severely undersized and will be expected to cover the TE during certain man packages during this game. In the Red Zone this will really kill the boys. Also Courtney Brown is a ex-corner who just wasn't agile enough to play CB at the NFL level. He is not a reliable player and in this big game he could be exploited. This duo just won't match up against Big Blue's crew of Wide-Outs.

Sorry Boy's fans, your season is already over, finito!

The Cowboys have a pretty rough upcoming schedule, in which they will face the New York Giants (11-2), Baltimore Ravens (9-4) and Philadelphia Eagles (7-5-1). These are teams that I don't know if they could beat even when they were healthy. So now with the cowboys all banged up, I have to say is, “Stick a fork in it. Good job for beating Seattle and San Francisco, but the reality is your still not making the playoffs! SO STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!!!!!”

Steelers Defense Looking Tough, but Not so Much on the Offense

December 10, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

cowboys steelers head to head Steelers Defense Looking Tough, but Not so Much on the Offense

That Steelers defense must be really strong. It has to be with the offensive performance the Steelers put on in their near-miss, 20-13 victory over the Dallas cowboys on Sunday.


The Steelers were able to put up seventeen unanswered points in the fourth quarter after riding three total since the close of the first half. When the Steelers had just about enough time for two more scoring drives after failing to punch it in on 4 th and one from the one yard line, the Pittsburgh offense finally came through.


But why is it that once again, another team with great defense is having trouble finding an offense that can't return the favor? Even with the Cowboys putting on a great show as their corners continuously blanketed their receivers, save for a big play to Holmes in the second half, one would think that Ben Roethlisberger could easily guide his team to at least seventeen to twenty-one points per game against the Cowboys? The final seven points came on defense off an errant throw from Tony Romo that was picked off by Deshea Townsend and taken 25 yards into the end zone.


Either way, the Steelers are 10-3 and in the driver seat for at least the two seed and a first round bye in the playoffs. But, they still show signs of another of plenty teams who look too inconsistent to call a Super Bowl shoe contender.

Fantasy Stock Rising: Antonio Bryant “The New Fantasy Stud WR!”

December 8, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Antonio Bryant of Tampa Bay Bucs

Antonio Bryant of Tampa Bay Bucs

I don't have much to say about Bryant. He does do some silly things as proved by his delay of game penalty during monday night's game. It's hard to believe that no NFL team wanted to employ him last year! Honestly a 200 yard 2TD game on monday night against a good secondary is an accomplishment that deserves to be acknowledged. Without a doubt, Antonio has cemented himself as Garcia's number 1 target and everyone who can should pick him up now, in thier respective fantasy leagues! He will go up against Atlanta next week and could put up some great numbers for you. Anyone who doesn't beleve in this guy should be brought outside and shot. Antonio has gone over 110 yards in three of his the last seven games, lets all stand up and give the man some respect! At 6′4 Antonio is a huge redzone target, who also has the skill set to brake big gains for the remainder of this season!

Monday Night jamstva

December 8, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 1 Comment

steve smith3 300x297 Monday Night Guarantee This week we have the Panthers and the Bucs,   Coming back from vacation I feel like I have a renewed dedication to my picks.      The Bucs gave the Panthers the smackdown last time but this time it will be different.    Look for Steve Smith to come up big this week against the Bucs as the panthers try to win the division.


Point Spread (28-17) Panthers

NFL igrač je udruga i Minneapolis sudac pomoćno kažnjeni igrači

December 4, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Firm hand of the NFL? My ass.

Firm hand of the NFL? My ass.

It seems as though a judge in Minnesota by the name of Gary Larson has decided to halt the suspensions of the two mammoth nose tackles, Pat Williams and Kevin Williams of the Minnesota Vikings. It also seems as though this judge in Minnesota may manage to find another loophole for players that deserve to be punished.


Although the momentary clearing of these suspensions doesn't give the two players the right to play on Sunday, but rather to be on site and remain somewhat employed, they still may get a chance when the NFL Player's association asks a federal judge to nullify these suspension so that they, and Deuce McAllister, Charles Grant, Will Smith, and Bryan Pittman can all get off on the same account as well for eligibility to play this Sunday.


Assuming that this judge and the NFL Player's Association are successful, what does this mean for Roger Goodell's plight to clean up the league and regulate it with a firm hand? In a nation where celebrities constantly get out of legal punishments on technicalities and loopholes, how can the NFL ever expect to police the conduct of its players when they are all practically celebrities?


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Big Time matchup - Pittsburgh Steelers domaćin Dallas Cowboysa

4. prosinca 2008 by AlexV · 1 Komentar

Never underestimate the potential of a Steelers-Cowboys game.

Nikad ne podcjenjuj potencijal Steelers-Cowboys igra.

This week the Dallas Cowboys face the Pittsburgh Steelers in PA… and both teams are actually good. I za jednu, vrlo sam zahvalan da ovaj klasik matchup će imati dva određene Super Bowl natjecateljice koje bi zapravo oboje biti u toj igri na kraju sezone. Nije puno dobiva bolji od Pittsburgh Steelers crna i žuta (ne zlato ... žao Steeler navijača. To razlikovanje ide u New Orleans Saints) dresovi zahvata s kauboj je plava, siva i bijela. Add to that the Cowboys are 8-4 and the Steelers 9-3, this game should be fantastic!


The Cowboys have the right amount of offensive capability to get good production against Pittsburgh's number one ranked defense. Romo je povratak je od vitalnog značaja za Cowboy djela, kao što su sada u prosjeku 27,6 poena po utakmici otkad se vratio u odnosu na 13,6 u tri utakmice bez njega. Pittsburgh odustaje prosječno 14.2 poena po utakmici, što je prvi put u ligi. That makes this as classic as their three Super Bowl matchups as those Cowboys were all known for great offense, and those Steelers were known for their defense.


Sada Romo će vidjeti da li je on stvarno natrag do brzine, kao što je odlučio otići bez udlage je imao na svojoj bacanje ruka Pinky prst. Ben Roethlisberger Čini se da su se za svoj ​​niz loših predstava u kojoj je jedan prolaznu TD protiv osam Ints u tri igre potezu protiv Giantsa, Redskins i Coltsa, da ima tri TD protiv dvije Ints. Iako to nije velika, to je dovoljno blizu grešku bez vrstu igre da broj jedan rangirani obrana obično traži svoje bek. Plus, he'll be playing at home.


Another interesting tidbit is the similar adversity that both teams have faced in the middle portion of the season; kad su kauboji izgubili 3 od četiri, a kada je Ben Roethlisberger je imala njegova momčad izgleda prilično osrednji sa svojom lošom igrom. Sad, oba odredi osvojili tri ravne igre, a samo jedan je trag će se nastaviti (NFL već imala svoju kravatu za narednih mnogo sezona kada su Bengalsi i orlova završio 13-13 u tjednu 11). Još više fascinira su upečatljiv sličnost sve tri pobjede.


Steelers pobijediti punjači kod kuće 11-10 s ciljem terenu u posljednjim sekundama utakmice. Kauboji ponestalo sat u Washingtonu za 14-10 pobjedu. Nakon toga, obje momčadi su osvojili uvjerljivo u prosjeku od 30 do 19 poena.


Ovaj matchup je gotovo zajamčeno da žive do svoje povijesne građevine, a ako ste iz oba tima tržištima i privilegirani dobiti svoju televizijsku hrane ove nedjelje u 16:15, bolje ne propustiti.   

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Marshawn Lynch and Gaines Adams funny “Beast Mode” video

December 4, 2008 by MarkM · 1 Comment

Marshawn Lynch's beast mode grill!

Marshawn Lynch

Vidio sam to i tek počeo smijati. Samo gledajte Marshawn lice kad pokušava odgovoriti što je njegov skill set je! This is priceless. Haha he goes retarded for a split second. Just look at the difference some time in the league can make, honestly Lynch is such a better interviewer now it's amazing. Ovaj video je snimljen tijekom kombinirati i možda su sadržanu by Nike u rookie reklami.

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Third Quarter NFL Contenders

December 2, 2008 by AlexV · 3 Comments

all the teams in the nfl Third Quarter NFL Contenders

The NFL has hit its third quarter mark, and after twelve of the most up-and-down weeks of football in recent history, it is still a bit of a stretch to call anybody a true lock for the Super Bowl save for the New York Giants. However, there are still a few teams that are definitely pulling away from most others as viable Super Bowl contenders.


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Donovan McNabb Sportsroid's Salute!

December 1, 2008 by MarkM · 1 Comment

Donovan Mcnabb

Donovan McNabb

Donovan Mcnabb is proving that even with all the garbage he gets from philly fans that he is the best QB for the eagles. This week he threw for 4 td's and no ints as he lead the eagles to victory over the surging Arizona Cardinals. DONOVAN even got boo'd after going 8-8 in the first quarter when he threw his first incomplete pass! Damn I can't wait until he gets out of philly and ends up somewhere were people will appreciate him. Seriously, without McNabb eagles stink ! I mean sure go ahead throw your Star QB under the bus when you season does not pan out the way you cheese-steak eating idiots planned it. Yeah Kolb now that's the answer. Seriously Dnabb is the 4th most winning-est QB in league history and he has the best winning percentage among all active QB's so how are you going to tell me Kolb gives you the best chance to win? Honestly their must be a lot of blushing people in Philly on this day. I hope the media apologizes to Dnabb because after the last week of punishment they deliberated, they ought to. I love philly i just wish they took care of their hero's that's all!

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Free Sample Wonderlic Test!

November 30, 2008 by MarkM · 3 Comments

So you think you are smarter than Donovan Mcnabb? or your team's starting QB try to prove it here with this sample Wonderlic Test, that we dugg up on the Net!

brady quinn 189x300 Free Sample Wonderlic Test!

Please enjoy this sample Wonderlic test.

1. Look at the row of numbers below. What number should come next? ___________

8 4 2 1 1/2 1/4 ?

2. Assume the first two statements are true.

1. The boy plays baseball.
2. All baseball players wear hats.
3. The boy wears a hat

Is the final one:
Not Certain

3. Paper sells for 21 cents per pad. What will four pads cost? ___________

4. How many of the five pairs listed below are exact duplicates? ___________

Nieman, KM

Neiman, KM

Thomas, GK

Thomas, CK

Hoff, JP

Hoff, JP

Pino, LR

Pina, LR

Warner, TS

Wanner, TS

5. PRESENT/RESERVE, Do these words:

have similar meanings;
have contradictory meaning;
mean neither the same nor opposite?

6. One of the number figures in the following drawing is most different from the others.
What is the number in that figure? ___________

test wonderlic picture Free Sample Wonderlic Test!

7. A train travels 20 feet in 1/5 second. At this same speed, how many feet will it travel in
three seconds? ___________

8. When rope is selling at $.10 a foot, how many feet can you buy for sixty cents? ___________

9. The ninth month of the year is:


10. Which number in the following group of numbers represent the smallest amount? _________

7 .8 31 .33 2 .43

11. In printing an article of 48,000 words, a printer decides to use two sizes of type. Using the
larger type, a printed page contains 1,800 words. Using a smaller type, a page contains
2,400 words. The article is allotted 21 full pages in a magazine. How many pages must be
in smaller type? ___________

12. The hours of daylight and darkness in September are nearest equal to the hours of daylight
and darkness in:

13. Three individuals form a partnership and agree to divide the profits equally. X invests
$9,000, Y invests $7,000, Z invests $4,000. If the profits are $4,800, how much less
does x receive compared to having the profits divided in proportion to the amounts
invested by X, Y, and Z?

14. Assume the first two statements are true.

1. Tom greeted Beth.
2. Beth greeted Dawn
3. Tom did not greet Dawn

Is the final one:
Not Certain

15. A boy is 17 years old and his sister is twice as old as he is. When the boy is 23 what will be the age
of his sister? ___________

These are sample test questions and are intended for demonstration purposes only. The Wonderlic Personnel Test is published by Wonderlic, Inc.


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Weekly top 10 (Holiday style)

November 27, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

This weeks top ten is focused on the holidays; we here at Sportsroids put together the top ten things that NFL Players are thankful for. Uživajte.

1)       They are thankful for Pacman Jones for taking all the attention off of them so they are free to get high without having the NFL on their back

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Mad'Nuff Mad Skills Player of the Week (week12)

November 25, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

randy moss MadNuff Mad Skills Player of the Week (week12) Mad'Nuff Mad Skills Player of the week

This week's award goes to Randy Moss I know their were a lot of impressive performances this week but 3 receiving TDs that's the truth straight up Homie, Matt Cassell has to put in more work to get this prestigious award plus without Randy Moss none of his stats would be possible. After being “disrespected” as Randy put it when they played him single coverage he torched the Dolphins. Randy managed to get 8 receptions for 125 yards and 3TDS , and now the Dolphins know when you disrespect Randy Moss you disrespect yourself and that my friends is why Randy Moss has Mad Skills.

Randy Moss Autographed Duke Football

This Duke Pro football has been personally hand signed by the New England Patriots wide receiver Randy Moss. This product is officially licensed by the National Football League and comes with an individually numbered; tamper evident hologram from Mounted Memories. To ensure authenticity- the hologram can be reviewed online. This process helps to ensure that the product purchased is authentic and eliminates any possibility of duplication or fraud.

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McNabb, has always needed more respect from philly fans

November 25, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

donovan mcnabb signing McNabb, has always needed more respect from philly fans Seriously what is going on in Philly? Honestly, Donovan is heart of the team. With Westbrook hurting, he is their only option. Kevin Kolb is no Jeff Garcia. Donovan has proven his worth, over the donovan mcnabb qb1 300x291 McNabb, has always needed more respect from philly fans past years, winning games with sub par personal. This organization has done nothing to set up Mcnabb, besides the acquisition of Terrell Owens. Philadelphia fans should realize he has put up great numbers without a star receiver over the past 10 years. This guy is the real deal and if you boo him and don't respect him your future really to me looks grim. Donovan has shown to be more than just talent and is without a doubt under appreciated. This team and organization and fan base is ass backwards. This kid is a winner, there is no arguing that. Philly fans better think next time they cheer his benching, because come next year he could be a Bear or even worse a Redskin.

Even after being a college standout

Donovan has been criticized in the NFL from his very first day

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Weekly top 10

November 19, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 2 Comments

Weekly top 10

This weeks top 10 is the top 10 NFL teammates that you would not want to run into in an alley.   We all know the NFL has some scary guys out their but certain teams have   two guys that you just do not want to run into here is my top ten list .

1. ray lewis Weekly top 10 tereel suggs 300x243 Weekly top 10

Ray Lewis, Terrell Suggs:

You do not want to run into these guys in an alley, or in your house, or at a party hell you don't want to bump into one of these guys at Disney World, who knows what they would do to you if drop some Mickey Mouse ice cream on one of their shoes.


2.Brandon Jacobs, Justin tuck:

These dudes are huge   rumor has it that Justin tuck can rip a mans heart out with his bare hands and give it to Brandon Jacobs who will then take it and run over your entire family on his way to spike your heart in the middle of the endzone at Giants Stadium.


3.Brian Urlacher, Tommie Harris:

Brain Urlacer may have been a chump before he started using swagger, but now he is defiantly not a person you want to run into in an alley, hell the guy looks like he should be in Universal soldier, and Tommie Harris is closest thing to the real life Debo I have ever seen god forbid you run it him and your name is Craig.


takeo spikes Weekly top 10 patrick willis Weekly top 10

4.Takeo Spikes, Patrick Willis:

Takeo Spikes just looks like he wants to murder you, and Patick Willis looks like he wants to help.


5.Pat William, EJ Henderson:

EJ Henderson looks pissed of at the world and if you are a part of the world well….That means he is mad at you to, Pat Williams eats babies…..of elephants, so you would just be a snack to him, but unluckily for you he is always snacking.


6.James Harrison, Aaron smith:

James Harrison and Aaron Smith look like they are straight out of a prison movie, if you run into these guys in an alley you are going to need more than a Shawshank Redemption.

joey porter 270x300 Weekly top 10 randy starks Weekly top 10

7. Joey Porter, Randy Starks:

Joey Porter was the first (you don't want to see me in an alley) guy, and rightfully so; because you don't see Joey Porter in a alley.   If you are in a alley and Joey Porter is at the same time you just cease to exist.   Hell Randy really doesn't even need to be on this list because of that.


8.Adam Jones, Tank Williams:

I would put these guys higher on the list but there is only so much that they can do to you in alley because the FEDS are probably watching them.


tokka rahzar Weekly top 10

9.AJ Hawk, Nick Barnett:

Well we have all seen Ninja turtles right?   Remember Tokka and Rahzar, yeah? Well after that movie they apparently became linebackers for the Green Bay Packers, I mean   these two guys are beast, if you bump into them you better make sure that you have some num nums.

10. John Henderson, Mike Peterson:

John Henderson is 6'7 and weighs over 300 pounds odds are if you ran into him in a alley Mike Peterson would be sitting on his shoulder talking trash while Henderson slaps you in the mouth just to get hype for a game.

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Mad'Nuff Mad Skills Player of the Week

November 18, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

anquan boldin MadNuff Mad Skills Player of the Week Mad'Nuff Mad skills award week 11


This weeks award goes to Anquan Boldin he just missed 200 receiving yards for the game by one catch.   Anquan Boldin has been a monster all season and this week the Seahawks couldn't find the silver bullet to stop him.   Anqaun piled up 186 receiving yards on Sunday and did it in such an impressive fashion that it was almost like he was playing against High School kids.   It doesn't help that he is also a giant for a receiver and plays next to Larry Fitzgerald another monster receiver, however Anquan was making plays non-stop despite the Seahawks efforts to stop him and that is why Anquan has mad skills.

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Marvin Harrison: Still plays while suspected for murder?

November 16, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Marvin Harrison WR Colts

Marvin Harrison WR Colts

Honestly, with all the fines that have been going around the league because of retard Roger Goodell, you would think they would have something to say about Marvin Harrison! “Oh wait, Haven't you heard? I was under the impression that everyone heard yeah ! yeah the bird bird bird bird is the word!”

No seriously, though Marvin Harrison probably shot someone!

Marvin is really feeling the pressure now!

Marvin is really feeling the pressure now!

Yet let that sink in, NFL hero Marvin Harrison is under review for attempted murder!

Now, how do you feel ?

It sucks I know. but what do you expect he is from Philadelphia…

I am very upset that they(NFL league office) let Marvin Harrison still play even though he is pretty much under review of attempted Murder. The story goes that Marvin was visiting his home town of Philadelphia. Marvin frequents and owns a bar called “Playmakers”. Pretty stupid name, I know. Nevertheless during his night at the bar, he got into a altercation with a man. After around 5:20 PM, witness's said that the man left the bar, and then Witness's then saw Marvin leave the bar following the man, then soon after this, gunshots ensued. The man who Marvin had the disagreement was shot in the hand and his son had some serious injuries due to the broken glass in his eyes. They were together in their car, when the bullets hit them. The bullets casings recovered from the incident matched in a ballistics test to a gun that Marvin owns! The ballistic tests showed that the gun that had fired the shots was a custom made Belgian weapon, and police already have determined that Harrison owned such a gun. This is a custom gun, Marvin this just isn't good.

The Police Reported to the press immediately, in hopes of defusing the situation

Early Media Reactions

In a shocking turn, it is sad to see that one of the stand up players in the NFL actually has turned out to be a complete moron.Regardless if he is the shooter, he gun was nevertheless used in this shooting. So what if he didn't shot him, then he is negligent with his firearms and that makes me not respect the All-pro just as well. I know that there are many reports that these charges are bogus, but lets be honest with ourselves, if he did do it would the NFL do everything in their power to cover it up? Yeah I think so. We have once again been let down by one of our NFL hero's (Future HOF) and the NFL has said nothing about this. They instead have just swept it under the carpet, due to Marvin's reputation, and trust me they fear this would hurt the league, and it probably would, but no more than the recent phantom roughing the passer calls. All I am saying is nobody is perfect, and Marvin is an AS*HOLE!! I loved you Marvin how could you do this 2 me!!! I think you did it, and that makes me upset!

The Cops have all the evidence they need to charge Marvin. They have ballistics weapon test and victim cooperation, so there has definitely been something fishy going on. Can you say NFL cover up?

Just look at this list of evidence.

1.Ballistics tests have proved that the shell casings found at the shooting had been fired from Harrison's gun, which is a Belgian-made FN5.7.

This is the FN-57, which is the type of gun that was used in the shooting.

This is the FN-57, which is the type of gun that was used in the shooting.

2. They have found the weapon at one of Marvin Harrison nearby business's “Chucky's Garage” on Thompson street. Which was close to the incident, even though Marvin had supposedly had reported to the police that the gun was at his home and had never left his home residence.

3. He and Dixon have had a long traceable history, and this incident was definitely building up.

This makes me sick! Marvin regardless even he didn't fire, Marvin must have allowed some one else to fire upon Dixon with his pistol. The police have a match. What else do they need? Oh right, the Ok from the NFL lawyers ! If Harrison's name was spelled “PACMAN” he would already be receiving the death penalty.

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Bradyless Patriots lose to Jets

14. studenoga 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Ostavi komentar

tom brady Bradyless Patriots lose to Jets Pa čini se da će Brett Favre postizanje ciljeva koje organizacija postavila za njega, a to je da se tim do doigravanja.   The Jets jumped on the Pats early in the game though the Pats were able to come back, it wasn't enough.    Vi ne možete pomoći da mislim da ako Brady je igrao da bi osvojio tu igru.    No on nije i neće. U Pats s ovim gubitkom, što se učvrstila na drugom mjestu u AFC East.   Zašto?   Zbog dvije ekipe, a Pats morati igrati teže timova, a mlaznice izgleda jako dobro, a Pats su uzimajući tako u treniranju sama.    Potražite mlaznice za pobjedu Division i maženja bore da zgrabite rodila u doigravanje.

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Week 11 NFL Picks

November 12, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

NYJ 6-3 at NE 6-3

The Jets are starting to show some consistency winning convincingly against the Buffalo Bills and Rams in the last two weeks. Oni se sada suočavaju najveći igru svog sezone do sada u New England u četvrtak navečer. New England je dokazati da je život bez Brady je još uvijek rukovanje, ali mislim da mlaznice stalan napredak u obrani, čvrsto tlo igra iza Thomas Jones, au posljednje vrijeme manje prometa sklone prolazu Brett Favre će rue dan.

DEN 5-4 na ATL 6-3

The Falcons are becoming a model of consistency. Their ability to jump out to big early leads is remarkable for a young team. Oni igraju kod kuće protiv 28. rangirani prolazu obrane lige i 27. rangirani jure obranu. To ne sluti na dobro za Bronco momčad igrali protiv učinkovitog Matt Ryan, te dvorište živce Michael Turner. Falconi pobijediti.

DET 0-9 na CAR 7-2

Carolina je luksuz pred tim kao Raiders prošlog tjedna, koji je čak i ako Delhomme izbacuje četiri presretanja opet, treba i dalje tuku. Ne vidim Jake bacanje da mnoge pijucima ovaj tjedan. Panthers pobijediti hendikep.

PHI 5-4 at CIN 1-8

S Carson Palmer iz opet, i orlova tetura od nedjelju navečer gubitka kod kuće na divova, Bengalsi su postavili izgubiti ... opet.

NO 4-5 u KC 1-8

The Saints are proving that all they have is a superb passing game that can't save a running game hovering around mediocrity, and a defense benchmarking at incapability. Knezovi nisu walk-in-the-parka su ranije ove sezone izgubila po jedan bod na San Diegu prošlog vikenda, gubi se Tampa Bay kod kuće u SZ prije tjedan dana, i to samo gubljenje po četiri u New Yorku kako bi Jets tjedan prije toga. Idem u KC

BAL 6-3 at NYG 8-1

Baltimore Ravens zapravo zabio na djelu ovih dana. In fact, they are becoming a mirror image of the Giants; snažan pritisak koji uzrokuje obrana, više nego sposoban stabilniji od trčanje leđa, a učinkovita i igrati odluka pass djelo. Potražite bliski igra s više iskusnih divovi izlazi na vrhu.

MIN 5-4 at TB 6-3

If there is one thing that the Minnesota Vikings have to have learned in last week's heart attack inducing one-point win to the Packers last week it is the following… give the ball to Adrian Peterson. I believe Gus Frerotte's passing attempts will be cut down by almost half of last week's 28. Even though the Bucs are known for solid defense, I will bank on Peterson to run rampant. Vikinzi pobijediti uvjerljivo.

OAK 2-7 na 5-4 MIA

Although the Raiders now share the same record as the underachieving Seahawks who came to within two points of upsetting the Dolphins in Miami last week, I wouldn't count on a similar performance from them this week. Iznenađujući Dupini će se premjestiti na 6-4 i drugo mjesto u AFC East.

CHI 5-4 na 4-5 GB

Green Bay treba računati svoje sretne zvijezde da imaju tu mogućnost. Oni su dobili podjelu vodeći medvjeda kod kuće uz mogućnost da se u tie-breaker na Chicagu i drugo mjesto u podjeli, ako oni pobijediti, a prvo mjesto kravatu, ako oni pobijediti i Vikinzi izgubiti. I'll take the Packers to clean things up in their passing game this week after Rodgers was a not-so-great 15-25 with only 142 passing yards and no touchdowns. Pack wins.

HOU 3-6 na IND 5-4

Teksašani izgleda da bi se za 21 bodova su odustali u posljednjih sedam minuta plus jedan tjedan pet gubitak na Colts kod kuće. Međutim, Colts su osvojili dva ravna i tražiti da se sve vrati u sukob. Colts pobijediti.

STL 2-7 u SF 2-7

Ova podjela matchup ne može ni biti vrijedno raspravljati, ali zbog pravednosti ćemo to učiniti. The Rams looked back to what they were with Scott Linehan as coach in their 47-3 loss to the Jets last week. S druge strane, 49ers izgledao više uvjerljivi kao tim s Shaun Hill pod centru u ponedjeljak navečer. After the harrowing performance they put on in Arizona, I will take San Francisco to win.

ARI 6-3 na moru 2-7

Kardinali imati priliku da očisti kuću u Seattleu ovaj tjedan s pobjedom. Oni se igrati još jednu od svojih slabih divizije protivnika, od kojih su 2-7 (Saint Louis i San Francisco su druga dva). Iako su Hawks su kod kuće, ja ne mogu vidjeti kardinali imaju još jednu tijesnu razočaranje kao što su to učinili protiv NINERS prošlog ponedjeljak. Cardinals pobijediti.

DESET 9-0 na 4-5 JAC

Izvedba Kerry Collins prošlog tjedna (30-41, 289 metara, dva TDS i nema Ints) je stvaranje Titans izgleda sve više legitimna kao lige usamljen neporažena tima. U Jaguari pokazao ništa tuče lavova prošlog vikenda 38-14. Titans pobijediti lako.

SD 4-5 na dohodak 6-3

The Steelers blew it last weekend at home to the Colts… or should I say Ben Roethlisberger blew it. History should say that Ben will be looking to make up for his performance, but I'm not so sure about his confidence right now. On je bio uzimajući hit previše puta, i puhnuo dvije utakmice do Manning braće u zemlji koja je trebala biti u torbi. S druge strane, San Diego jedva je dosljedna u ovoj godini. Steelers pobijediti uvjerljivo sa svojim broj jedan obrane i bolje performanse od Big Bena.

DAL 5-4 na 6-3 WAS

Ova igra označava povratak u Dallas lineup Tony Romo. Ova momčad je bila u dosta velikoj nedoumici, jer on je otišao. Potražite Romo imati veliku igru, a možda i stavi svoju ekipu na leđima. Redskins dolaze off njihov najgori napadački učinak od njihovog tjedna jednog gubitka do divova nakon što je zabio samo šest bodova u tjednu devet ponedjeljak navečer gubitka u Pittsburghu. Their points came from two field goals after going three-and-out when they recovered and opening onside kick attempt by the Steelers, and another three-and-out after an INT on Ben Roethlisberger. Potražite povratak Dallas high-oktanski djela zajedno s obrambenim play poziv Wade Phillips da se dolje Redskins u Washingtonu.

CLE 3-6 na buf 5-4

Računi nisu živi do hype u posljednja dva tjedna. A činjenica da su izgubili tri od četiri njihova u Miami, New York i New England (u redu), koji su sve izdvojene protivnike, ne slutiti dobro. Brady Quinn je čvrsta u svom prvom startu ide 23-35, 239 metara, s dvije TDS i bez presretanja protiv Denvera prošlog četvrtka. However, I'll take the Bills on the national stage at home.

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Redskins Steći Bro Bowl cornerback Deangelo Hall

November 8, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

It's time for DeAngelo Hall to step up his game again. This time he has to do it in Washington.

In just four and a half seasons, DeAngelo Hall is already on his third NFL team.

The Washington Redskins agreed to a one year deal worth just over $800,000 with cornerback DeAngelo Hall on Friday November 7 th , who had just been waived by the Oakland Raiders. It didn't take too long for the Pro Bowler to find himself a new home. Although there has been a consensus that Hall has been underachieving this past half-season in Oakland, and the previous year in Atlanta, when looked at closely, it is easy to see why Hall can be a good fit for the Redskins.

First of all, Washington has been suffering from injuries in the secondary, and namely at cornerback; starter Shawn Springs, nickel back Fred Smoot, and backup Leigh Torrence. And although none of the three has been injured for extended periods of time, they have all been injured frequently and sporadically enough that the Redskins could not pass up this opportunity.

Aside from the injury bug in Washington, there is also the stable of wide receivers the Redskins have to face twice each year within their division. The New York Giants sport big game and big height, six foot five inch, Plaxico Burress. We all know about Dallas and Terrell Owens, but now with the pickup of big game, and six foot three, Roy Williams, the necessity for a player of Hall's talents is ever more of the essence. Finally, the Eagles have a budding star in rookie DeSean Jackson, whose 34 receptions for 525 yards have him on pace to reach 1,050 total, and a quarterback in Donovan McNabb who has shown a propensity to do more with less over his career.

As long as DeAngelo Hall can resume the level play during his Pro Bowl garnering seasons, then the Redskins will have made a good choice. If not, they don't lose much as they only signed him for the remainder of this season.

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Jesu Tennessee Titans za real?

November 6, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Kerry Collins has hardly put up the numbers of a quarterback one can rely on. How long until the Titans need a quarterback who can pick up the slack when the defense needs help?

Kerry Collins has hardly put up the numbers of a quarterback one can rely on. How long until the Titans need a quarterback who can pick up the slack when the defense needs help?

The Tennessee Titans have been the poster child of consistency thus far in the NFL. I mean, when you keep winning, it doesn't get anymore consistent than that. However, they have had the luxury of a soft schedule for the better part of the 2008 season.

So far they've beaten the underachieving Jaguars, recently first-win getting Bengals, choppy Houston Texans, similar Minnesota Vikings at home, barely came back to beat the Ravens with a   dismal 13-10 final score, atrocious Kansas City Chiefs, struggling Colts, and got pushed into overtime at home to the promising 4-4 Green Bay Packers. This week, they get to play the Bears with Rex Grossman.

This team has received as much hype thus far as it has a favorable schedule. But seriously, how far can a 35 year old quarterback in Kerry Collins, sporting a 72.9 QB rating overall, with 3 total TD passes versus 3 INT passes expect to get? I know old-timers like Favre and Warner are still capable, but they are probably the first older quarterbacks to have Super Bowl potential since Randal Cunningham with the Vikings.

I know defense wins championships, but in recent history, the only team that can be considered to have become Super Bowl Champs solely on defense and good running with a game managing quarterback are the 2000 Baltimore Ravens who had Trent Dilfer.

It is a delicate matter what Vince Young seems to be going through this season, and is certainly nothing to look at without sympathy. But after he failed to improve in his second season, and add that to the personal issues in his third, and the Titans could be in trouble.

Vince Young's personal issues are a delicate matter. But after failing to improve in his second season, plus the issues in his third, then the Titans could be in trouble.

I see this team falling hard at some point in this season and eventually turning the ball over to Vince Young. Even then, that is not a safe bet. It will be interesting to see how the Titans look entering the playoffs.

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Week 10 NFL Picks

November 6, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

DEN 4-4 at CLE 3-5


This one is a true toss-up. The Bronco defense is atrocious, and the Browns have Brady Quinn starting. Inexperience surrounded by some talent and a home crowd versus a lost, but not found defense, wins the game.


NO 4-4 at ATL 5-3


It seems as though now the Falcons have become a team that is consistent at what they do. Not to say what they do makes them an elite team. However, the things they are doing are playing solid and potentially explosive offense and better defense than the Saints. Falconi pobijediti.


TEN 8-0 at CHI 5-3


Rex Grossman is in, and that doesn't look good for Chicago. Plus their defense has had a tendency to let opponents back in the game and put up some solid numbers. But I feel Kerry Collins has been getting lucky as the Packers and Colts, the Titans two previous opponents respectively, have eached let three interceptions slip away. The Bears don't let those kinds of opportunities pass by, Grossman has something to prove, the Bears are at home… Bears hand Titans their first loss.


JAC 3-5 at DET 0-8


The Jags continue to play to the level of their opponent. The Lions have been getting closer to their first win of the season. Can they do it against the Jags? Not so optimistic. But with Jack Del Rio questioning his team's chemistry, and upset is in the making. However, I believe the Jags will get their act together in this one and win.


BAL 5-3 at HOU 3-5


The Ravens defense gave up a lot of yardage and points last week to the Browns, but they are familiar with the Ravens as they play in the same division. On the other side, the Texans look good in some games, and don't continue their production even in their losses. Ravens win with Joe Flacco seeming to get more comfortable as the weeks go by.


SEA 2-6 at MIA 4-4


Miami looks a like a squad that is truly building an identity, while the 'Hawks are failing to give Mike Holmgren a going-away party to be proud of. Dolphins win easily at home.


BUF 5-3 at NE 5-3


New England looked solid against the Colts last Sunday night, as did Matt Cassel. The Bills show their true colors as a team that started 4-0 due to a soft schedule and a visiting west coast team in the Chargers. Pats win.


STL 2-6 at NYJ 5-3


Brett Favre is still mistake prone, but with the way the Rams played last weekend, I think the Jets can afford some mistakes in this one. Jets win.


CAR 6-2 at OAK 2-6


Boy do the Raiders ever look like trash. They have two wins, and yet the Lions and Bengals are much more competitive than they are as of late. The “under the radar” Panthers win easy.


IND 4-4 at PIT 6-2


Both teams had big wins last week that boosted confidence after big losses the week prior. However, Pittsburgh's “Blitzburgh” defense is hitting it's stride and coming into its own. Steelers win at home, with either Roethlisberger or Leftwich at the helm.


KC 1-7 at SD 3-5


What better way for the Chargers to get healthy this weekend than a date at home against the Chiefs. Even though the Chiefs showed spirit last week, they'll still lose to the Chargers.


NYG 7-1 at PHI 5-3


The Eagles may be returning to form, but the fact remains that the Giants are a better team all around. Giants win despite the Eagles being at home.


SF 2-6 at ARI 5-3


What a shame this game had to be on Monday Night Football. Too bad they can't move the schedule around on Mondays. Cardinals win, and San Fran will not be mustering any “Monday Night Magic.”

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DeAngelo Hall on the Market after being Waived by Raiders

November 5, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

DeAngelo Hall is looking for a new place to call "home" in the NFL. But where can he find one?

DeAngelo Hall is looking for a new place to call his home. But whose looking?

With the reasoning for the decision to waive two-time Pro Bowl cornerback DeAngelo Hall by the Raiders being unclear, it is a little harder to round out teams that will want to pick him up. If he was cut due to character issues, then there are teams who, based on tradition, will most likely do nothing more than ponder the idea like Pittsburgh or Green Bay. Then there are teams like Dallas. They have already made some heady and questionable moves this season and I wouldn't count out Jerry Jones and Co. to seize the opportunity. But then again, who knows for sure why he was cut?

I'm sure Antoine Winfield won't mind having DeAngelo Hall by his side in Minnesota.

I'm sure Antoine Winfield won't mind having a fellow Pro Bowler like DeAngelo Hall by his side.

Based off of that, I would not be surprised if the Vikings picked him up as well. This is a team that has already made a big defensive move picking up Jared Allen in the off-season, and to add a corner of Hall's caliber to an already great number one corner in Antoine Winfield would probably create one of the league's most formidable duos at the position.

I also feel that New England has been missing Asante Samuel, so I wouldn't count them out of the picture. The other teams I would put in the mix would be the Carolina Panthers as they would like to become the top D in the NFC south with the Falcons and Buccaneers defenses playing well for the most part.

Finally, I would go with Arizona as a very strong possibility. The Cardinals by now have to know that they are pretty much a lock to win their division, barring an upset this Monday Night at home in the desert by the 49ers. If they wish to matchup better with the true contenders and upstarts of the league then a strong corner like DeAngelo Hall would help them tremendously.

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NFL Fantasy Football Strageties Week 10: Top Fantasy Free Agents

November 4, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

If you are worried about your fantasy squad and need to make a couple of big moves to separate yourself from the competition or put yourself back in the race, you've came to the right place.
I have complied a list of players who have great fantasy value and potential for the rest of your season.

NFL WEEK 10 Top Free Agent pickups:

Ryan Torain RB Denver Broncos

Ryan Torain RB Denver Broncos

Torain, Ryan RB Denver Broncos-

Has been suggested to be the Bronco's starting back for week 10. Ryan has great speed and size and will definitely get all the short yardage carries for the broncos for the remainder of the season. Ryan is very highly thought of, and was originally expected to get the starting position in week 1. This is the type of pickup that could completely change your season. So you better pick him up now, because I am sure in at least 80% of leagues he won't be available next week.He is currently available in around Half the fantasy leagues out there so go get him. Its an very simple move. If you need a RB this most indefinable should be your guy for the week 10. He should have a pretty good game against the below average San Diego Chargers.

Cedric Benson RB Cincinnati Bengals

Cedric Benson RB Cincinnati Bengals

Benson, Cedric RB Cincinnati Bengals

Had a great game last weekend against a pretty stout Jacksonville defense. He has proven that people can change, becoming a better player. He is currently owned in only 47% of Fantasy leagues out there, so definitely pick this fool up. After posting a 24 carry 104 yard 1 TD performance, he won't fly under the radar for much longer. After his departure from the Bears, we think he has had a wake up call and is now running, practicing, and playing with more purpose. I have picked him up already for my team and would without any doubts tell you to do the same. Cedric Benson could be a key piece for your 2nd half of your fantasy season. He is on the bye this week, so you can pick him up now if you have the roster space

Brady Quinn, QB Cleveland Browns

Brady Quinn, QB Cleveland Browns

Quinn, Brady QB Cleveland Browns

Oh he is pretty dreamy isn't he? Yeah well the fact of the matter is if your struggling at QB you might want to get this guy, considering he has be named the Starter for the Browns for Week 10. Brady has looked good whenever we have had the chance to see him. He has had a hell of career playing football, and finally he is getting his much awaited shot. He has a rocket arm and a very quick release which makes him a fantasy stud when he has weapons like Braylon Edwards and Kellen Winslow. This guy is not a sleeper either so if you believe in him, just like Mike Golic does pick him up. Mike Golic is not the only fantasy player who has a man crush on Quinn so make sure you pull the trigger.

Carnell "Cadillac" Williams RB Tampa Bay Bucs Carnell Williams RB Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Williams, Carnell RB Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Cadillac is back! Expect to see him return in Week 12. Tampa Bay Bucs starter Earnest Graham has fallen to a nagging Knee issue, and Warrick Dunn has a neck problem, so the need for him is there. He had one of the worst injuries last season I have ever seen, but once again do to modern technology they have rebuilt this guy with more pistons then ever. Also gruden loves this guy and we all know he plays favoriates!! Pick him up if you have the roster space!

My Fantasy Football Prediction:

CADILLAC is going to run me into another fantasy Football Championship!

Jamaal Charles Kansas City Cheifs RB

Jamaal Charles Kansas City Cheifs RB

Charles, Jamal RB Kansas City Cheifs

Had a great outing last week, producing 108 yards on 18 carries. This guy is the named starter for week 10 against the Soft San Diego defense, which may give up a lot of yardage against the Chiefs rushing attack. Pick this guy up for this week only, since Larry Johnson should be back come week 11 as long as he doesn't do anything stupid.

If you need a wide out-

Try to get Derrick Mason, Antonio Byrant, Steve Breaston, Mark Clayton, and Anthony Gonzalez.

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Alex V-a NFL tjedan 9 Picks

October 30, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

NYJ 4-3 at BUF 5-2

If Brett Favre can cut down on his mistakes for at least one week he can put his team in great position to perhaps win the AFC East. But the Buffalo Bills have shown more consistency and are better all around than the Jets. For this, the Bills should win at home.

DET 0-7 at CHI 4-3

The last time these two teams met was in week five when Kyle Orton torched the Lions for 334 yards and two TDs with no turnovers. Expect to see more of the same. Bears move to 5-3.

JAC 3-4 at CIN 0-8

The Bengals are a team in absolute despair. They may very well be worse than the 0-7 Lions as they are 32 nd in scoring with 13 points per game (while the Lions are 28 th with 16.3 per game). However, Carson Palmer returns and I'm feeling that the inconsistent Jaguars, who have shown over the years a propensity to play down to the level of their opponent, will be the prime candidate for this team to get its first win against. Bengals win.

BAL 4-3 at CLE 3-5

This is a tough one. Joe Flacco is improving and the Baltimore defense is playing as good as ever minus their 31-3 loss to the Colts. Meanwhile, the Browns have picked up their defense and Derek Anderson has been getting closer to what he looked like last year. I will take the Browns at home in a close game.

TB 5-3 at KC 1-6

Tampa Bay has a great opportunity to get back in the win column versus the lowly Chiefs. As long as Jeff Garcia can protect the ball, the Bucs should win this one. I'll take Tampa Bay.

HOU 3-4 at MIN 3-4

Even though Minnesota is coming off a bye and playing at home, I am taking the Texans in this matchup. The Vikings can't keep a streak going, while the Texans seem to be getting things back together as they are the second hottest team after the 7-0 Titans.

ARI 4-3 at STL 2-5

The Cardinals have been unable to solve their road woes where they have only won when they played the lowly 49ers in San Francisco back in week one. However, they weren't far off last week losing 23-27 and owning the lead for the better part of the game against Carolina. The Rams have been more competitive with Jim Haslett at the helm, but I'm picking the Cards to snag the “W.”

GB 4-3 at TEN 7-0

The 31-21 win the Titans earned against Indy last Monday night was huge. They are looking like one of the strongest teams in the league. But Green Bay did a number on the Colts as well in week 7 winning 34-14 and forcing two pics by Manning just like the Titans on Monday. Although the Titans have better defense (1 st in pts per game), the Packers make up for the yardage they give up ranking 16 th in points with sacks and INTs. I'll take the play of Aaron Rodgers over Kerry Collins to win this game for Green Bay.

MIA 3-5 at DEN 4-3

Get ready for the problems in Denver to unfold even further when they blow it against the strong ground game and 100.5 QB rating and 69.3% completion percentage that Chad Pennington is sporting thus far. Dolphins win big in Denver.

DAL 5-3 at NYG 6-1

The moment in the NFC East that we've all been waiting for has finally arrived. Too bad it won't truly show who the better team is if Brad Johnson is playing as Tony Romo looks to be a potential game-time decision… but just potentially. What's worse is that Dallas' three top corners are out as well, and no name rookie Orlando Scandrick will be called upon to pick up the slack which is great news for Eli Manning. Even if Romo comes in, he'll still be favoring his right pinkie. Giantsi pobijediti.

ATL 4-3 at OAK 2-5

Atlanta looked sloppy in their loss to the Eagles last week, but they looked “rookie quarterback” sloppy. All Matt Ryan has to do to get his team a win against the sometimes feisty Raiders is keep his mistakes to a minimum. But even that might not be enough as I feel the Raiders will pull it out.

PHI 4-3 at SEA 2-5

Don't look now, but Seattle with a 2-5 record is second in its division behind 4-3 Arizona. The Eagles have been somewhat inconsistent this season and a win against a young Atlanta team last week cannot really be taken as proof that they have solved their issues. Expect a tough battle out of both teams with the Eagles pulling out a close one.

NE 5-2 at IND 3-4

Who would have thought that with Brady gone that the Patriots would have a better record than the Colts this far into the season? Make that a records that is two more wins and two less losses better! This is a tough game to call. Matt Cassel may have led his team to victory last weekend and first place in the AFC East, but he still tossed two pics. But on the other end, the Colts' offense seems out of sync as Manning tossed two pics as well. Both team's starting running backs are out, Laurence Maroney for New England, and Joseph Addai for Indy, and both defenses have been questionable. Bottom line, until Cassel shows some more consistency I have to go with Peyton Manning and his team in this one.

PIT 5-2 at WAS 6-2

This is the game where the Redskins get to prove they're no fluke. They may have beaten Dallas and Philly, but as the season has progressed, those two wins don't look like such a surprise anymore. The Steelers are reeling after a mistake-filled, give-the-game-away performance to the Giants last weekend. But… I expect the mistakes to mount for the Steelers which derive mainly from an O-line that can't block and gets called for penalties, while the Redskins will do what they've been doing thus far this season… rise to the occasion against another team that is perceived to be a contender.

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Vince Young Not Smart enough to Start?

October 30, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 1 Comment

vince young Vince Young Not Smart enough to Start? The Titans are 7-0 without the help of Vince Young this year but I think the real reason Vince Young isn't starting is not because of his skills it is because of his smarts.   Kerry Collins is a manger for the Titans and there is no implication or even thought that he will replace Vince young in the long run.    Vince is a superior talent all round and his skills are not what's in question.   It seems to me that Vince young just is not smart enough to hold and retain the information it takes to be a great QB.   His learning curve seems to be very low.   The Titans have been unable in 3 years with Vince to put together an entire playbook under Vince's command.   This is because Vince is just taking too long to learn these things.   Eventually he will and that is the reason he is sitting this year, to give him more time to focus on learning the plays and calls it takes to bring a QB to the next level.


It is no Secret that Vince Young has managed to play well in the NFL but this is off of raw talent and instinct.   Vince's scores on the wonderlic test at the combine were telling of this but most teams ignored his   very low scores, (I mean the scores almost said he was retarded) because of his upside, and rightfully so.   But it seems that those scores were telling, of what Vince's situation is now.    Simply put Vince Young is just not smart enough to pick up the information needed to Start for a NFL team at QB and play right   away as well.   He should have sat his first 2 years so that he could learn and then start the 3 rd not the other way around which is the case right now.   Now don't get me wrong Vince is going to be a great QB he practically is right now, but he cannot progress to the next level until he gains enough knowledge to run an entire NFL offense.  

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49ers trener, Mike Singletary mogao promijeniti NFL za bolje!

October 27, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

I was watching football Sunday, and I began to realize something. Today we have big baby, players who only care about money and “loving me some me”. The true team concept may be fading away, in some professional sports. I remember when I would idolized all the players from the past who could play hurt and persevere through any type of pain, injuries and Media criticisms and still maintain their dignity. I mean does any one remember when Ronnie Lott had his finger amputated just so he could play in a playoff game? Could you see any pro Football player doing that now a days? If you dumb let me help you with that answer, NO!

Ronnie Lott's career should be tought to children in school. His dedication to winning and to his team, should be admired and emulated by today's players.

Ronnie Lott's career and story should be taught to all children. His commitment to winning and to his team, should be respected and emulated by all modern day players.

How come today's players have fallen so far from that “old school winning mentality” of whatever it takes? I mean it really can't help that these players are getting 10 million dollar deals before they step foot on the field as rookies, or the fact that players are so babied when it comes to the medical care they receive. All I can think about right now is what I would say to Kellen Winslow Jr, after the grief he caused me this week. Seriously this cry baby is costing me points and I would tell him, “Seriously Kellen, you got a staph infection OK. If you want to blame it on your top Tier medical staff on your NFL football team, go right ahead. I mean hanging out with R. Kelly definitely had nothing to do with this right? Seriously, Kellen lets cry about it some more, oh I am here to listen. You know what F*** it, Kellen How are you going to play on my fantasy squad it is always about you? I want Players who want to win, I need team players. Kellen, You're embarrassing yourself , and you could seriously help this team win more if you just showered up.” Seriously Kellen go into the rap industry and show that your a straight soldier or strap it up like you father did, and play and act like a man.

Also, whatever happened to “I can play” “I am going to play”. I mean Plax can't practice but he sure can play in a game if he feels like it, right? I mean come on I think big blue should buy him like 3 or 4 cell phones because maybe he really can't hear the one in his pants, since he is like 4 feet above it. Either way, Plax should be put on some sort of house arrest, because he obviously is way too arrogant to just show up to practice if he can and in the event that he can't practice he makes habits of not showing to his medical appointments. I am starting to think Plax was the kid who always called in sick when he had a test in school or something. To be honest, thought, I am sick of watching Plaxico Burress, Hines Ward, Chad Johnson, constantly taking practices off. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if in the future NFL practices would be viewed as purely optional.

Regardless, I saw something that really grabbed me and made me feel a lot better though. There was a inkling of hope! The NFL has a new angel. This angel is the 49ers's new head coach and NFL Legend, Mike Singletary. He made a great post game speech that everyone should watch. His attitude pays tribute to an era of football , which could only be described as great. Therefore, his speech hit home with me. I want to Salute Mike Singletary, who is a man I believe in. This team has the right man in the job not because he has all the football answers. Nope not at all. he is not the right man because he has an elite knowledge of defensive formations and schemes. He is the right guy for the 49ers job, however, because he doesn't accept stupid “Me” “I” personality types. Regardless of what the media or the owners will say. He does not and will not accept losing. He wants to change the attitude of a losing team, and I believe with this speech he started his process of doing so.

He called out a “superstar” in Vernon Davis, who is also known as “Click Clack Davis” for his bs commercials. He is also likes to be called the “Cyborg”. He let Vernon know that he is not above the team. This is comical, because this player has his head so far up his a** and he didn't even know till today. Vernon I am renaming you VD . Your like the 49ers infected draft pick, because your attitude about you is killing your team. Either way, I respect Coach Singletary calling Vernon out and making the speech he did. He might be the only hope to infusion some good ol bone crunching sweat and tears back into the NFL, in hopes to bring it back to the way things were, tough and gritty. You know back when whining wasn't acceptable in Football!

This is just embarassing for Football Fans everywhere.

This is just embarassing for Football Fans everywhere.

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Alex V-a NFL Tjedan 8 Picks

October 25, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

OAK 2-4 at BAL 3-3

Oakland has been one feisty team as of late. I expect them to remain feisty, but it won't be enough to overcome the Baltimore defense and improving play of QB Joe Flacco.

ARI 4-2 at CAR 5-2

Carolina slaughtered the inconsistent Saints last week winning 30-7. The Cardinals come off a huge win against Dallas and a bye week. I look to see Carolina showing some consistency. I'll go with Carolina.

TB 5-2 at Dallas 4-3

Tampa is slowly coming into view from being under the radar. Either way, I don't think Dallas is a smart enough team, collectively, to see this. I think they'll lose at home!

WAS 5-2 at DET 0-6

Washington won already.

BUF 5-1 at MIA 2-4

Miami's head-turning victories against the Pats and Chargers are becoming more and more distant with losses to the Texans and Ravens. The surging Bills continue to surge!

STL 2-4 at NE 4-2

Expect to see a partially competitive game. St. Louis has improved under Jim Haslett, but the Patriots look like they will be playing smart football for most of the remainder of this season. New England wins it.

SD 3-4 at New Orleans 3-4… in London

It's funny. Both teams are highly inconsistent but have massive potential and both share equal records. This game won't prove who's ready to turn things around since they're both so unpredictable. Both have great offense, but I'll take the Chargers who have better defense.  

KC 1-5 at NYJ 3-3

The Jets need to make up for that “barn burner” in Oakland. One would think this is a great opportunity for them to do so, but who knows? I'll still take the Jets at home against the struggling, running back-less, and quarterback-less Chiefs.

ATL 4-2 at PHI 3-3

Both of these teams are coming off of a bye. Even though Philadelphia looks to right its ship after a few stunning defeats this season, I just have a feeling that Atlanta is coming in confident while Philly is thinking it's a team they should beat as long as they play well. Atlanta pulls the upset.

CLE 2-5 at JAC

Cleveland looked like they were righting the ship when they blasted the Giants on Monday Night Football. However, their showing in Washington last weekend wasn't promising and Jacksonville is not a team to play around with. Jaguars win.

CIN 0-7 at HOU 2-4

Houston looks like they're ready to keep opponents on their toes finally. But the Bengals aren't a team you worry about keeping on their toes. Texans win at home.

NYG 5-1 at PIT 5-1

The Steelers will be without Willie Parker, and Santonio Holmes. But they do have Casey Hampton returning to help stop the Giants powerful run game. Eli's stats have dipped lately and I think that will continue this week, and while both teams are getting to the quarterback at a high rate, I will go with the Steelers just because they're at home.

SEA 1-5 at SF 2-5

In all honesty, the Niners should win this game. But in all honesty, both teams are pretty bad. Still, the Niners are a few notches more consistent than the Seahawks. San Fran wins.

IND 3-3 at TEN 6-0

It's make or break time for the Colts. I believe it's wake up time for the Titans who have been riding a fairly easy schedule. I'll take the Colts to pull off what most people will call an upset by getting the victory.



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Velika ofenziva igra za velike dobitke u Madden 09

October 24, 2008 by MarkM · 3 Comments

Take a look at the video, and try it out. You can manually create this play as well with hot routes. Always use hot routes and quick calls at the line to make sure you always have your opponent trying to guess your next move.

Split Slot formation
RB Cross

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Beating Zone Coverages In Madden 09

October 24, 2008 by MarkM · 8 Comments

Here are some tips to help you diagnose zones and exploit there weaknesses for Madden 09

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Može underachieving NFL Omiljene ukorak s ostatkom lige?

October 21, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys

Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys

Before the start of the 2008 NFL season there were four sure-fire Super Bowl favorites; the Dallas Cowboys, San Diego Chargers, Indianapolis Colts and New England Patriots. So far after seven weeks only the Patriots seem to have any type of competitive balance with a 4-2 record and only one game behind AFC East leading Buffalo Bills at 5-1.

The aforementioned teams have not faired so well and are a combined 10-10.

Even though Tony Romo is out, there is no excuse for the lack of effort the Cowboys showed in their 34-14 blowout in St. Louis. They have allowed two upstart teams, the Redskins and Cardinals, and a bottom-feeder in St. Louis get wins against them. Even though Romo was in against the two upstarts, he has averaged at least one turnover per game.

The Chargers have been the epitomy of inconsistency through seven games going loss, loss, win, win, loss, win, loss en-route to a 3-4 record. Traveling east has not helped them as they go forward three time zones every time. Now they have to go eight time zones to play the Saints in London this weekend!

The Colts are lucky they aren't 1-5 instead of 3-3. Aside from blowing out the Baltimore Ravens 31-3 in week six, they had to overcome a 15-0 hole in Minnesota, and needed 21 points in the last four minutes of week five to beat the Texans.
Unlike the Patriots, the Cowboys are two games behind NFC East leading Giants at 5-1, the Chargers are essentially two games behind the AFC West leading Broncos (since the Broncos beat them), and the Colts are already three games behind the AFC South leading Titans. Now I ask… Do these three teams really sound like Championship Contenders?

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Brady-Less Patriots Still a Force in the NFL

October 21, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

The 2008 week seven edition of Monday Night Football was not what most viewers probably expected it to be. They expected to see the highly-touted Broncos offense rack up yardage and if the Patriots were to have a chance at this game they would have had to keep up somehow behind the inexperience throwing arm of Matt Cassel.

However, the Broncos turned the ball over five different times and gave up huge rushing lanes to Sammy Morris and the other representatives of the New England backfield. Matt Cassel was able to complete an efficient outing going 18 for 24 passing, 185 yards, 3 TDs and no interceptions. And what's more is that the Patriots have kept pace with the 5-1 Buffalo Bills after boosting their record to 4-2.

The Pats may not be a favorite Super Bowl pick anymore after the season ending injury of Tom Brady but they are doing what most coaches preach as the best way to secure a playoff berth, and that's win your division. If the veteran talent of the New England Patriots can continue to support Matt Cassel and win some games, they may be able to surpass the young roster of the Buffalo Bills at the end of the season.

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Indianapolis Colts' Loss at Green Bay Drops their Record to 3-3

October 20, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

This may be a season where Tony Dungy won't have any answers.

This may be a season where Tony Dungy has no answers.

The Indianapolis Colts have proven to be an up-and-down team this season. They have lost a close game to the Jaguars at home, have had to pull off 4 th quarter comebacks to beat the Vikings and the Texans (which was a wild one-in-a-thousand type comeback), and have been blown out by a pair of NFC North teams in the Bears and Packers. There only convincing win has come against a team they usually beat and who was sporting a rookie quarterback in the Ravens.

Manning is suffering through his worst completion percentage since he was a rookie at 60.7%, has 8 TDs w/ 7 INTs, with an 80 rating.

Manning is suffering through his worst completion percentage since he was a rookie at 60.7%, has 8 TDs w/ 7 INTs, with an 80 rating.

In the past the Colts have been able to get away with torrid defense because they had a strong run game to back up their passing attack. However, this year their running game has been downright terrible. They are averaging an even 70 yards per game on the ground which is last in the league. Oppositely, they are 29 th on defense against the run in giving up 153.5 yards per game.

This is not the stuff of a recent Super Bowl champion, even if they do not have Bob Sanders who vaulted them to that title in the 06 playoffs. One would think that by now they could at least play average defense seeing as how experienced their unit is, but that has not been the case this season.

This has been one of the weirdest teams to follow so far and with their second toughest schedule based on opponents' winning percentages the year prior, the future seems bleak… bleak as in no playoffs.

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Fantasy Stock pada, Reggie Bush je sve operacije!

October 20, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Reggie Bush is out.

Reggie Bush is out.

Reggie bush admitted to the public that he will be getting arthroscopic knee surgery soon. The Saints are hopeful that the surgery only shows the assumed problem the meniscus in his left knee. He should be fine to go, they think in 3 to 4 weeks. There have also been some reports that he will could be back in 2 to 3 weeks. Bush was injured this week late in the 2nd Quarter while returning a punt. It is really a shame, Reggie was coming on strong, and now he is riding the pine. The only positive in this situation is that due to the timing of the injury Reggie will get an extra week of free rest, due to the week 9 bye for the Saints. The Saints have definitely been bit by the injury bug this year.

Fantasy Advice

If you can definatly pick up Big Macallister for the time being. He is only owned in 70 % of fantasy leagues, so it is worth the time to check. He will be very productive for the next couple of weeks considering Bush's absence.

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Alex V-a NFL Tjedan 7 Picks

17. listopada 2008 by AlexV · Ostavi komentar

SD na buf-siguran sam da od sada svatko je primijetio zapadne timovi ne previše dobro kad su putovanja do Dalekog istoka. But I think San Diego's got this.

NO na AUTOMOBIL-New Orleans je tako nedosljedna. Ali mislim da ću ga dobiti zajedno u Karolini.

Min na CHI-Obje momčadi imaju dobru obranu, dobre trčanje igre, te u prosjeku prolaze igre. Ja ću uzeti momčad kod kuće ... Chicago.

PIT na CIN-Cincinnatiju je odmotavanje i Big Ben je 5-0 svih vremena u Cincinnatiju. Steelers win.

DESET u KC-Kansas City neće ni imati Larry Johnson za ovu igru. Titans pobijediti.

BAL na MIA-Miami se kotrlja preteško uvredljivo za Joe Flacco pratiti i uskoro obrana ovogodišnje Ravens 'će početi gasiti jer nemaju uvredljivih pomoć.

SF u NYG-divovi raznio ga prošli tjedan, ali oni ne mogu izgubiti s ovim 2-4 smeće kod kuće. Giantsi pobijediti.

DAL u STL-Romo i Johnson? Tko zna? Kauboji su odmotavanje gube dva njihova posljednja tri. I just have a feeling this is an upset in the making. Ovnovi pobijediti.  

DET u Hou-Houston barem možete igrati natjecateljski i pokazali djelo. Detroit je jedini bliski igra je prošlog tjedna, kada su izgubili 10-12. Houston treba ih rasturati.

IND na GB-Iako Indianapolis činilo pogoditi svoj ​​korak prošlog tjedna, Aaron Rodgers igra prilično zvijezda i obrana Packer je bolji od Coltsa ". I'll go with Green Bay.

NYJ na OAK-Brett Favre je neporažena u Oakland svih vremena. To će ostati isti.

CLE na BIO-Obje momčadi su kompletne suprotnosti jedna od druge prošlog tjedna. Washington was on the rise and lost to a bottom dweller, while Cleveland was a disappointment and beat a championship contender. Sada kada su dobili svoje glave na ravno, ja ću Washington.

SEA na TB-Seattle je 1-4, te je stvarno grozan na obje strane lopte. Tampa pobjeđuje.

DEN na NE-Denver je nedosljedna posljednjih nekoliko tjedana, ali Patriotsi su isti. I'll take the Pats at home against Belichick's football IQ.

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Big Game Brewing in NFC South matchup between Saints and Panthers

October 15, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Will Drew Brees stellar production continue this weekend in Carolina? He is currently averaging 332 yards per game through the air and is on pace to throw for over 5,300 yards. Even though that shouldn't happen, it's still pretty darn good for six weeks of play and he'll definitely reach over 4,000.

Drew Brees leads all signal callers this year with 1,993 passing yards through only six weeks of play.
The Panthers have lost buzz due to their egg in Tampa this past weekend. They've also maintained a trend of high pre-season promise and regular season inconsistency they started when John Fox arrived in Carolina. 11-5, 7-9, 11-5, 8-8, 7-9 are the season records since 2003 when Fox became head coach. So far this year they are 4-2 and the trend would suggest they make the playoffs. But seriously, the Panthers are at home and could convincingly beat the Saints.
The Panthers may even be able to settle Brees down with their 2 nd ranked passing defense and against the 25 th ranked rushing offense of the Saints, that is all they may need to do to get the upset.
John Fox may resemble this photo if his team allows Drew Brees to pick them apart.

John Fox may resemble this photo if his team allows Drew Brees to pick them apart.

Either way, this should be an exciting matchup as both teams are fighting to keep pace with 4-2 Tampa Bay in the NFC South who faces a real barn burner at home against the Seahawks this weekend.

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Jerry Jones Dooms Dallas Cowboys budućnost

October 15, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Roy Williams WR Cowboys

Roy Williams WR Cowboys

Jerry Jones does it again. Today he made a move to acquire all the Roy Williams in the final hours before the NFL trade deadline. Jerry now has A DB and a WR who share the same name. Yuppie!!! Sorry Jerry, this move is just flat out stupid. This is the type of trade where he will either look like a genius or look like a retard. We are pulling for retard. Sportsroids believes that the move won't help him in win this year and is going to destroy his team in the future. Yes you're getting a top talent wide-out. Yes he is better than Crayton or Austin. But why would you give up a 1st,3rd and 6th round picks for this guy? Not to mention now he has to learn a new playbook and system. Seriously Jerry what were you thinking? I bet it was something like this, “Ok, we just lost Pacman Jones, and Terrance Newman has been hurt, and our biggest issue is that our defensive backfield is in disarray. Oh wait I know! Lets get a new pre-madonna wide receiver, that will fix it!”.My question is, “How can better the team next year if you have only a 2nd round pick? I can't wait to see TO loose his mind because of Roy Williams, I can't wait to see it. Obvoiusly Jerry Jones thinks TO might fly the coup pretty soon if he is doing this. If Owen's catches decrease and they loose its going to be WW3 in Dallas. On second thought, maybe the move was to scare TO into not exploding, but I doubt it. I love TO and all he wants is to win, and its his competitive nature is what makes him good. Jerry, don't try to step on that. You'll loose that battle Jerry. Hey don't you think Jerry is starting to look a little like Al Davis. Maybe he should just slow down, and realize that he already has enough star power to get people talking about the cowboys and learn how and where to buy the right pieces to make his organization unstoppable. Roy Williams is a WR with great potential yet he has much to prove. Roy has only posted one 1000+ yard season in his 5 year career. Seriously 1st, 3rd and 6th round picks!!! Oh yeah they resigned Roy to a new contract as well. Its a 5 year contract!! Jerry your nuts!

How' bout those cowboys? Personally, I think they are all bark no bite!

HEY JERRY !!! SPORTSROIDS has something to say to you…..

Dallas Cowboys Owner, Jerry Jones

Dallas Cowboys Owner, Jerry Jones

Bad moves = Bad News Jerry! You just doomed your team's future.


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Jesu li Buffalo Bills stvarno tako dobar?

October 14, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

The Buffalo Bills have been a topic of discussion all season long. Their early success has created much buzz about them being shoe-ins for the AFC East title. I don't see why that is though. Sure, they were 4-0, and they went down in Arizona while JP Losman played most of the game. Međutim, JP Losman nije odustao 41 bodova. At the end of week 7, the look of the AFC East will be a lot different and it can all culminate fair ly easy.

Trent Edwards is still young but he still has a chance to win this division.

Trent Edwards je još mlada, ali on još uvijek ima priliku osvojiti ovu podjelu.

In week 7, the Jets are playing in Oakland who looked like they had no spirit when they played the Saints this past weekend losing 34-3. Ako Jets pobijediti, oni su 4-2, a da ne bi bilo iznenađenje da jesu.

New England plays host to Denver on Monday Night Football. This game should not be easy for New England to win. They'll have to grind it out big time. However, they're at home in front of a national audience and if they do pull it off, they're 4-2 as well.

This is one marriage that could develop into a healthy relationship.

This is one marriage that could develop into a healthy relationship.

Miami domaćini Gavrani koji imaju veliku D i malo-to-bez uvrede. If they win, they'll be 3-3.

Finally, those loveable Bills play host to the San Diego Chargers. Albeit the Chargers are only 3-3, they are still a good 3-3. If the Bills lose, they'll be 4-2. Now picture this possible version of the AFC East standings at the end of Week 7;

AFC East

BUF 4-2

NE 4-2

NYJ 4-2

MIA 3-3

Ne izgleda baš jasan rez više sada, zar ne? I didn't think so.

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NFC North Race zateže Nakon NFL tjedan 6

October 14, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Week six in the NFL once again proved how the nature of the league changes from week to week. One good example of this is three of the four teams in the NFC North.

The one team that doesn't “count” is the Detroit Lions. They are rather sad getting smashed their first four games by a total score of 159-76 and losing by an average of 16.6 points which is over three scores. They are immediately excluded from this conversation.


I guess he's looking up 'cause so are things in Minnesota. The Vikings have tied for the division at 3-3 after a 1-3 start.

I guess Adrian Peterson is looking up as are things for the Vikings after their 1-3 start.

Aaron Rodgers could make a statement for his team and for himself by beating Indianapolis this weekend.

Aaron Rodgers could make a statement for his team and for himself by beating Indianapolis this weekend.

The Bears looked to be in good shape in reaching a 3-2 record and playing the Falcons this past Sunday. However, they lost and dropped to 3-3. The Vikings are the opposite at 3-3 and looked to be in good shape since they were 1-3 and have now won two in a row to match the Bears. The two face off this weekend in Chicago, and the winner of that game will be tied for the division lead or in first with a 4-3 record barring a tie.

Meanwhile, the Packers, after dropping three straight, got a road win in Seattle and reached 3-3. However, they face the Colts in Green Bay this weekend and could easily lose and drop to 3-4. If they win, they'll maintain their current division lead 4-3 (Green Bay holds server over the Vikings and Bears as they are 2-0 in their division).

Week seven is huge in the NFC and will do just what week six did… change the look of another NFL division after just one week of games.



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New York Giants zatrebati Big oružje

October 13, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Plaxico Burress Catches a TD against the Browns on monday night

Plaxico Burress Catches a TD against the Browns on Monday Night Football

It is 12:20 am on October 14th, and I have just watched the worst Red-zone performance of all time. The one thing about the New York Giants that just doesn't seem to be good this year is their red zone stragety. I understand that Plaxico is not in the good graces of the organization, but when you take him out of the game in the red zone in the third quarter it just makes no sense. 6′5 Plaxico Burress who has already proved to be one of the Gaints best red zone targets in the 2008 season, was taken out and Eli Manning threw a pass to Toomer instead, which resulted a costly pick 6. I realize that you can't throw only to one player, However Plax deserves a target in every red zone trip, without fail. This is a man whose jumping abilities and size are unparalleled in the League. The Giants need to get off their high horses and get Plax the ball in the Red-Zone, or risk doing what they did today, just look terrible. I can't help to wonder if this problems in play calling could be in response to Plaxico's recent suspension. Regardless, If you pay a player you better use him as far as I am concerned. Also, trying to intercept a Pass high in the corner of the endzone is nearly impossible, especially if the defender is shorter than the WR by about 6 to 7 inches.

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Andre Johnson is a fantasy stud!

October 12, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

andre johnson big texans sportsroids Andre Johnson is a fantasy stud!

Andre Johnson comes up big for Texans in 29-28 victory

Andre Johnson today proved to all the owners willing to take a chance on him that he was well worth the risk. He racked up 178 Yards today, with 1 TD on 10 catches today against the Miami Dolphins. Many would argue that he lead the Texans to their 1st win of the 2009 season today. Andre is a perfect Fantasy WR for several reasons. I really feel he is like the younger more gifted T. Owens. Andre has great speed and great size as well as great leaping ability, making him a fantasy #1 week in and week out. Before he was injuried in 2008 he was averaging around 100 yards per game and leader for WR in TD's and yards. Sportsroids would like to salute all the fantasy football owners who took the chance on the repaired Andre Johnson.

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TE Tony Gonzalez moglo biti mijenjan u New York Giants

October 11, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

tony gonzalez sportsroids te possible trade TE Tony Gonzalez Might Be Traded To The New York Giants

There have been some pliminary reports that TE Tony Gonzalez is looking for a trade to a seroius contender. The teams that he has voiced an interest in included the New York Giants, a team that was at the top of his list. It is very possible that this trade could happen. He could get moved for as little as 3rd or a 5th round pick. Tony Gonzalez is a great player, however to come in right before the Oct 14 trade deadline and learn a entire Offense would be tough. He is at an advanced age but this move could definatly help the Gaints defend thier superbowl title this year. We think this could happen, and you heard it here first.

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Kellen Winslow is out for Monday with Hydrocele

11. listopada 2008 by MarkM · 1 Komentar

swollen balls hydrocele sportsroids Kellen Winslow is out for Monday with Hydrocele

Kellen Winslow ima hydrocele

Kellen Winslow je u bolnici s oteklina na svojim malim "vojnici". Stanje ima se zove hydrocele, koji je pri fliud akumulira mesnat membrane koje okružuju testise. To može biti vezan vrlo jednostavnom operacijom, no ne mislim Kellen će moći igrati u ponedjeljak. Ako je na vašem fantasy momčadi zabrane čudo što treba gledati prema drugom TE ovaj tjedan.

Kellen Winslow TE of the Cleveland Browns

Kellen Winslow TE of the Cleveland Browns

However, it is nice to know I have the TE with the biggest balls in the NFL. Zabilježeni su brojni izvještaji da su natečene veličini grejp četvrtak ovog tjedna.

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Big igre u nedjelju u NFL tjedna 6

October 11, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Kyle's feeling better now!


This rookie better play within himself this weekend if his team is going to win.

This rookie better play within himself this weekend if his team is going to win.Steve Smith are number one in the NFC South, but must win to remain as such.Look for Kurt Warner to light it up some more this weekend at home against Dallas

The first game that holds some bearing is the 3-2 Bears at the 3-2 Falcons. Both teams have a chance to be 4-2 and both surprises in the league. Kyle Orton looks a little better and his defense is strong as ever, while the Falcons play inspired football with solid play from a rookie QB, Matt Ryan, and a first time fulltime starter at RB, Michael Turner. The defense has John Abraham, but not much else. Huge game for the NFC playoff race! I will have to go with the Bears experience on this one.


Baltimore plays host to Indianapolis. Both are 2-2 and need to get above .500. The Ravens' defense may be tight, but the Colts' defense has not been too bad without Bob Sanders, and Peyton Manning is something else compared to Joe Flacco. Colts win.


Carolina will be in Tampa Bay where both teams at 4-1 battle to lead the NFC South. The Bucs offense has been trifle even though they still have a solid defense. The Panthers combine solid defense with above average offense. I'll take the Panthers.


Finally, Dallas, 4-1, will meet Arizona, 3-2, on the road. Although the Cowboys have a stronger defense, I am going with the Cardinals to pull off the upset. The Cowboys may boast a powerful offense, but the Cardinal offense can be just as potent. I just have a feeling that Kurt Warner and his team are confident and excited to play the Cowboys who will be caught sleeping.


These are the best games between teams based on records of wins and losses.

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Pacman Jones vratiti u vruću stolicu!

October 10, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Adam "Pacman" Jones

Adam "Pacman" Jones

Dallas Cowboy, Adam Jones has apparently been up to his previous antics again. After fighting his own security in a bathroom this past weekend, he may be looking at a fresh new suspension. I wish they had fantasy Fallout football, him and Chris Henry would be 1st and 2nd picks overall. Pac is already on his 2nd strike with commisioner Roger Goodell. It a shame to see that even the mighty Cowboys couldn't save this young man from himself, let alone the story hungry media, who does breath down his neck a lot. I even heard that pacman ties his shoes wrong in a article I read somewhere!(Joke) Either way we as fans are very critical of pacman. There could be several reasons for the public criticisms. I think, mostly it is because he has the athletic talent and is in the position to make millions and it seems he just doesn't care about embracing his opportunity. Realizing that one day Adam will grow up and out of this “I am a tough guy” charade. He will then realize that he was one of the lucky ones. I just hope it happens before it's to late. He might get suspended again by the league, probably ending his career in the NFL. When asked about the new Pacman incident, Roger Goodell stated, “I don't think there is any misunderstanding about the position Adam has put himself in with respect to his behavior,” he said. “There are certain things I expect of him. I would tell you I'm disappointed we're even discussing this.”

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Justin Fargas; Jimmy-Tapped on National TV

16. rujna 2008 by sportsroids · Ostavi komentar

By Mark M

On Sunday Sept 14th Justin Fargas was injured in the second qtr of the Oakland vs Kansas City game. They said he had a pulled groin injury, however we at SportsRoids believe he was viciously assaulted by Pat Thomas. SportsRoids, believes that Justin is a victim of a horrific crime. Justin Fargas's genitals public execution has not only effected his pay, but his starting position. He should be paid back the losses not only from the league but also by Pat Thomas. Fines must be handed out. SportsRoid's wishes to have a moment of silence during the next Raiders match up commemorating the player that was.

The Victim

The Victim

Genital Assasin.

Genital Assasin.

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Mark i Mad'Nuff Show

13. rujna 2008 by sportsroids · Ostavi komentar

Pozdrav, SportsRoids vjernika:

Something new we have here as we continue to improve and add to this wonderful site is the Mark and Mad'Nuff show you can click the link at the bottom or just listen on the side of the page. We will be trying to give you as many shows as possible but feed back is very important. So please listen and give us some, also don't be scared to offer up topics you the readers and listeners would like to hear. Također ćemo se prihvaćaju sve i sva Fantasy dotična pitanja, tako da možemo vam pomoći gurati svoj tim ka svom cilju osvajanje prvenstva. Kliknite na link ispod za preuzimanje ili streaming medija.

SportsRoids Mark & Mad'Nuff Sport Show Episode # 1

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Mark i Mad'Nuff Show

13. rujna 2008 by sportsroids · Ostavi komentar

Pozdrav, SportsRoids vjernika:

Something new we have here as we continue to improve and add to this wonderful site is the Mark and Mad'Nuff show you can click the link at the bottom or just listen on the side of the page. We will be trying to give you as many shows as possible but feed back is very important. So please listen and give us some, also don't be scared to offer up topics you the readers and listeners would like to hear. Također ćemo se prihvaćaju sve i sva Fantasy dotična pitanja, tako da možemo vam pomoći gurati svoj tim ka svom cilju osvajanje prvenstva. Kliknite na link ispod za preuzimanje ili streaming medija.

SportsRoids Mark & Mad'Nuff Sport Show Episode # 1

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Defense Wins Championships?

13. rujna 2008 by sportsroids · Ostavi komentar

By Alex V

Defense Wins Championships or Great Quarterbacking?

One of the longest standing arguments in today's NFL has been the viewpoint that it takes a strong defense to become a champion. Over the past few years teams like the Baltimore Ravens, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Pittsburgh Steelers have been able to remain in at least competitive contention, if not championship contention, due to their outstandingly consistent play on defense. However, in this writer's eyes, the most important factor in helping a team turn the corner from respectability to prominence has been the position of quarterback.

Over the past ten years alone, almost every Super Bowl champion has been led by a pro-bowl caliber, if not perennial pro-bowl quarterback. In most cases a good defense played a key role in each winner's success, but on most of those teams, there was strong quarterback play involved as well.

During the 1998 season the Denver Broncos won the title with John Elway, and everyone knows how great he was. In 1999, the St. Louis Rams became league champions behind the light-out play of MVP quarterback Kurt Warner. Everybody will remember the Greatest Show on Turf as one of those teams that had such a great offense, they could overcome sub par-to-average defense to win games. In 2000, the Baltimore Ravens would make a name in history as one of those teams that could overcome average, but not great, offensive play with a tenacious defense that created turnovers and stymied opponents week in and week out with its defense.

Let's use a paragraph too look a little deeper at those 2000 Ravens. That team's defense was so good that it held three regular season opponents to seven points, their Super Bowl opponent to seven points (the New York Giants), one regular season opponent to three points, and three post-season opponents to three points (the Wild Card Denver Broncos and the AFC Championship host Oakland Raiders), and four regular season opponents to zero points. How often does a defense that strong come along? Not too often I would say. I gahter that that the 2000 Ravens and the 1985 Bears were two teams in NFL history that literally succeeded almost an entire season based solely on excellent defense.

In 2001, Tom Brady came along and got his first Super Bowl title when he drove his team downfield to kick a game-winning field goal. In 2002, another team with a great defense raised the Lombardi Trophy and this time it was the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. However, Brad Johnson was Tampa's quarterback that year and in 13 regular season games, finished the season with 22 touchdown passes against six interceptions, a 62.3% completion percentage, and a 92.9 Quarterback rating (the best of his career). The next two years would conclude with Tom Brady's Patriots coming out on top, where-in 2003 Tom Brady led yet another drive downfield for a game-winning field goal, and in 2004 it was Brady and the Patriots who got the trophy.

In 2005 the surprise Pittsburgh Steelers came out on top. Even though it was the defense that showed up in the Super Bowl and not Ben Roethlisberger, it was Big Ben's dazzling play in Cincinnati in the Wild Card round (14-19 passing for 74%, 208 yards, and 3 TDs), in Indianapolis in the Divisional Round (14-24 passing, 197 yards, and 2 TDs with one INT), and in Denver in the AFC Championship Game (21-29 passing, 275 yards, 2 passing TDs, and one rushing TD) that got them there. In this case it was strong defense and strong quarterback play that produced a champion.

In 2006 Peyton Manning and the strong play of the Colts' defense won the title. Finally, last year, even though the Giants had a great pass-rushing defense while leading the league in sacks, nobody would have picked New York to come out on top if it hadn't been for Eli Manning's highly unexpected pro-bowl level of play throughout the post-season, including the Super Bowl.

I want everybody to take a long step back when they think that defense wins championships, because in all reality it takes a solid defense coupled by strong quarterback play to win a Super Bowl, with a few exceptions every now and then on both sides of the ball. So remember, a great defense will bring you respectability, but it takes a great quarterback to take a team to prominence!

Super Bowl Winner and Quarterback

1997 John Elway

1996 Brett Favre

1995 Troy Aikman

1994 Steve Young

1993 Troy Aikman

1992 Troy Aikman

1991 Mark Rypien

1990 Jeff Hostetler

1989 Joe Montana

1988 Joe Montana

1987 Doug Williams

1986 Phil Simms

1985 Jim McMahon

1984 Joe Montana

1983 Jim Plunkett

1982 Joe Theismann

1981 Joe Montana

1980 Jim Plunkett

1979 Terry Bradshaw

1978 Terry Bradshaw

1977 Roger Staubach

1976 Ken Stabler

1975 Terry Bradshaw

1974 Terry Bradshaw

1973 Bob Griese

1972 Bob Griese

1971 Roger Staubach

1970 Johnny Unitas

1969 Len Dawson

1968 Joe Namath

1967 Bart Starr

1966 Bart Starr

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Alex V's Week 2 Predictions

September 13, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

by Alex V

It is hard to gauge a team after only one week of play. But that is what Alex V. is going to do anyways. We'll see how I do and I'll even keep track! Week in and week out from here-on-in. We're gonna see who actually gives a shit!


The Panthers went toe-to-toe with the Chargers last weekend and showed a lot of heart pulling out a two-minute drill drive to pull out their victory. However, the Bears showed more consistency with their playmaking defense, strong running, and turnover free passing game. I say the Bears win.


Cincinnati is a team in shambles. They are starting this season right where they left off last year, and if they don't improve soon they'll easily finish the same way they did last year… going nowhere. The Titans won last week with their usual great defense and key, if not strong, offensive play. Aided by a veteran quarterback in Kerry Collins, and a strong defense, I'm going with the Titans over the defensively challenged and no-offensive chemistry having Bengals.


Detroit showed last week that they have no defense. Even though Michael Turner is highly-touted, there is no excuse for giving up that much yardage against a team who should have the box stacked against them while sporting a rookie quarterback. Aaron Rodgers showed a lot of promise last week, and just about every other piece of a 13-3 team from last year remains this year too. This is an easy one. Packers win.


Jacksonville did what they do best last week… play to the level of their opponent. Buffalo looks like a team on the rise. The Jaguars would be hard-pressed to play to the level of Buffalo, because they are running on pure youthful energy and excitement. I'm really feeling Buffalo pulling out the victory in a close contest.


Honestly, who cares about this game aside from Raiders and Chiefs fans? In reality the NFL is crazy, and both these teams have many weeks to turn out one of the surprise teams of the year. But in a strong AFC, that is so not going to happen. This game is a toss-up! I'll go with the veteran experience of the Chiefs over the undisciplined inexperience of the Raiders.


Last week, Indy's offense laid an egg against the Bears. On the contrary, the Vikings kept their game versus the Packers last week competitive. Indy is charged with facing another team like they did last week; strong defense, great running game, and desirably a game-managing quarterback. However, I don't think Tarvaris Jackson is ready to lead this team. Surprisingly though, something in my gut tells me upset special once again. I'm going with the Vikings!


The Rams are another team who have started this season right where they left off last season. The Rams looked like the standard defense they usually are as they missed tackles and gave up big plays, while their inept offense produced just 158 passing yards, and 36 rushing yards to the Eagles 368 passing yards, and 108 rushing yards. The Giants defense looked like they could be just as disruptive as they were last year, even without Michael Strahan and Osi Umenyiora. I won't even bother wasting another sentence analyzing the Rams. Giants win.


New Orleans looks like they are ready to make good on the promise they displayed in 2006. The Redskins look like a team still trying to see where they stand with Jason Campbell at the helm. Even though the Skins won the last time these teams met, I believe it will be the Saints' offense and improving defense that gets the better of Washington.


The 49ers started off pretty decently against the Cardinals last week going up 10-3 at one point. However, they finished on the wrong end of a 23-13 score. The Seahawks look like they are on the usual road to mediocrity that they've been traveling the two years before the Super Bowl run, and the two years since. With JT O-Who taking snaps for the Niners, I give this one to Seattle since they play at home and tend to show a little more consistency there than on the road.


Last week Matt Ryan played solidly going 9 for 13 with 161 yards, one touchdown, and no turnovers. But that was last week. And last week's opponent was the untamed Lions. The Buccaneers will be coming off a crushing season-opening loss against a division rival, like the one they'll be facing this week. And although the Bucs may be getting old, the coaching staff and players should still be wily enough to force the young QB into making a few mistakes. I'll go with the Buccaneers.


The Dolphins will have no business improving too much this year. This team should be rebuilding, but they are starting an aging and skill deteriorating Chad Pennington, and have known highly-regarded draft picks. Even though the Cardinals start an older QB in Kurt Warner, at least he can throw deep consistently, whereas Pennington throws either low or to the other team rather consistently. Cardinals are on the rise, so Cardinals are in the “W” column.


San Diego blew a home opener this weekend by losing. But they allowed that against a team who is easily a contender when Jake Delhomme is in the line-up and, most of all, healthy. Denver looked promising with their blow-out of the Raiders. But Oakland played so badly that it is tough to gauge the Broncos' place in the 2008 season. Until the Broncos beat a worthy opponent, I'll put my money on the Chargers to win this one.


This game is funny. It won't b Brady vs. Pennington. It will be Cassel vs. Favre! Even though the Jets showed big play ability against the Dolphins last week, they still could have lost if Pennington would have been able to get Miami into the end zone in the final two minutes of their game last weekend. The Patriots also won in a rather nail biting fashion as they almost let one go into overtime against the Chiefs. Matt Cassel had to settle into a game he didn't have the feel of from the beginning. The Jets are still growing, while every other piece on the Patriots knows where it stands aside from Matt Cassel. I'll go with the Patriots.


The Steelers last week looked great in almost every facet of the game; an O-line pushing defensive front, ball-hawking and ball-carrier shadowing linebackers, solid secondary play, and great running mixed in with some efficient passing. Cleveland embarrassed themselves at home last weekend against a heavily favored Super Bowl contender in Dallas. But they still could have put up a better fight than they did last week based on their offensive potency during the 2007 campaign. The Browns are playing at home, on prime-time television Sunday night, and should be looking to make up for their virtual no-show from last week. However, until the Browns beat the Steelers as they haven't managed to once in their last seven meetings, I'm still picking the Steelers.


Both teams laid waste to their opponents last week. Donovan McNabb looked great going 21 of 33 for 361 yards, three touchdowns, and no turnovers which shouldn't come as a surprise to people. The only reason he hasn't posted great numbers the last couple seasons is because of injuries and not because he is past his time as a good number of people believe. The Cowboys looked like a team that simply out-matched their opponent with the dynamic play of Tony Romo, great receivers in Owens, Crayton, Whitten, and a sound defense. However, I think what the Eagles have demonstrated over the last few years is that they always play with passion whereas the Cowboys seem to go through the motions and let their talent do the talking. I'm going with the Eagles to attain a close, but convincing win against the Cowboys on Monday Night Football


Good old hurricane Ike has forced these two teams to move their games to Monday Night as well… just not Monday Night Football. The Ravens managed to beat the hapless Bengals last week with good defense and a few key plays here and there on offense (namely rookie quarterback Joe Flacco's 38 yard rushing TD). Houston looked downright awful last week as they struggled to move the ball all day, and didn't tackle worth a lick on defense. However, the Texans are the same team from last year that finished 8-8 and looked to be improving, while the Ravens are still the same team that finished last year at 5-11 and looked like they needed to rebuild with the retirement of Steve McNair. I'm going with the Texans at home.

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Randy Moss Označite Video

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

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ROID RAGE: A SportsRoids Exclusive

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Roid Rage

Po Madison Mad'nuff

Steriods, a SporsRoids Exclusive.

Steriods, a SportsRoids Exclusive.

Well you may be thinking, “hey Sportsroids, how come you don't have an article on steroids?”. Well here it is. Steroids is a touchy subject to try a just to bring it up to someone who has used them before. A close source of mine who deals with many NFL players said that they feel over %30 of players in the NFL are using some type of illegal performance enhancing drugs not necessarily steroids. I find this number to be high but my question is why. I feel that steroids users are cheaters, I mean any one can get an A on the test if the answers are right in front of them. Pravo? The whole entire fun of watching sports is partly in knowing that you yourself could never do the things most of these guys can. So when you add steroids to the mix you lose that. Hell if used roids I'd probably be in the NFL right now running a 4.4 forty at 250 pounds but why put my body through that. If I can't do it through hard work alone I don't' want to do it, and my friends that is the American way. Every time someone brings up roids I think of the movie “The Program” where
Vlatamire gets caught using roids, and the black linebacker is like “what the hell you using that stuff for” and he is like “Come on man some people just aren't as talented like you are man I just want to play” or something like that anyway. I always thought that was funny, how pathetic.

So my question to you is how do you feel about Roids my friends, not Sportsroids we all know you love us, but steroids, let me know.

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Fantasy QBS: Who to start, Big Ben or Rodgers?

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Let's look at the both of these QBs in retrospect. Big Ben Roethlisberger and Aaron Rodgers on Sunday, and Monday, respectively, both showed that they can pass, and run if necessary. They didn't just merely pass, but they hit their receivers with good accuracy on a consistent basis. Aside from throwing the ball; they both display a knack for knowing when to leave the pocket and make a play with their feet, whether they're scrambling results in a throw, or a rushing gain of their own.

Aaron Rogers, Starting QB for the Green Bay Packers

Aaron Rogers, Starting QB for the Green Bay Packers

This weekend, Big Ben amassed a mere 137 passing yards, but he got to that number going 13 of 14 with the one incompletion coming on an out-of-pocket sideline throw to avoid pressure. On two occasions, with no good looks downfield or in the intermediate passing lanes, Ben took off for a total of 17 yards (8.5 yards per carry). Aaron Rodgers was equally accurate going 18 for 22 passing, but he also tucked and ran with the football a total of eight times for 35 yards (4.4 yards per carry). In the end, Roethlisberger finished with two TD tosses and a 93% completion percentage, and Rodgers ended the night with an 82% completion percentage, one TD pass and

Santonio Holme and Ben Rothlisberger celebrate

Santonio Holme and Ben Rothlisberger celebrate

one rushing TD.

Big Ben Rothlisberger QB Steelers

Big Ben Rothlisberger QB Steelers

With numbers like these, both quarterbacks proved that efficiency can be deadly, even if they didn't accomplish 200+ passing yards in their games. Some of the most effective quarterbacks are those that allow the game to come to them without forcing the issue. If a quarterback keeps to his mechanics at the outset of each play, and lets his natural ability come second, the law of averages is going to have to allow a big-play opportunity to develop here and there, just as much as the law of averages will tend to allow a smart, short-yardage pass or chance for a decent gainer on ground to develop.

With that being said, this weekend I would start Aaron Rodgers since he's going against a weak defense in the Detroit lions. The Vikings have been constantly hyped up as a potential stout, havoc-wreaking defense for the 2008 NFL season, and Aaron Rodgers obviously didn't think so. As for Big Ben, he too could have a big night, but I see some potential troubled waters as the Browns could end up having a big day defensively after their practical no-show against Dallas this past Sunday. Add that to the fact that they're on live television this Sunday night at home, I would have to plead that Rodgers is the safest bet.

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SportsRoids Author: Madison Mad'Nuff

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

SportsRoids Author, Madison, Mad'Nuff

Madison has extensive ties within NFL. From his father being a First Round Draft Pick of the Pittsburgh Steelers to his brother working as a trainer for several NFL Teams. It's no wonder he is a great judge of NFL talent. However, Mad'Nuff is not empowered by relation alone. His previous work experience links him directly to the League, working for NFL Europe. This Division 1, AA Collegian Football Player, Mad'Nuff, has an extensive knowledge of the game surpassed by few. Madison graduated from Duquesne University with a BSBA, concentrating in Sports Marketing.

Madison “Mad'Nuff,” has been nicknamed as such for being an elite Madden Player. Mad'Nuff is a derivative from the character Sho'Nuff in the Movie The Last Dragon , featuring Bruce Leroy. Madison “Mad'Nuff” without a doubt, is the Shogun of Madden.

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SportsRoids Author: Madison Mad'Nuff

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

SportsRoids Author, Madison, Mad'Nuff

Madison has extensive ties within NFL. From his father being a First Round Draft Pick of the Pittsburgh Steelers to his brother working as a trainer for several NFL Teams. It's no wonder he is a great judge of NFL talent. However, Mad'Nuff is not empowered by relation alone. His previous work experience links him directly to the League, working for NFL Europe. This Division 1, AA Collegian Football Player, Mad'Nuff, has an extensive knowledge of the game surpassed by few. Madison graduated from Duquesne University with a BSBA, concentrating in Sports Marketing.

Madison “Mad'Nuff,” has been nicknamed as such for being an elite Madden Player. Mad'Nuff is a derivative from the character Sho'Nuff in the Movie The Last Dragon , featuring Bruce Leroy. Madison “Mad'Nuff” without a doubt, is the Shogun of Madden.

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Brett Farve video tape of Halloween Prank

September 8, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Brett Farve has been known for being one the biggest jokers in the NFL. He has played pranks on numerous players and teamates over the years. SportsRoids recently got a hold of one of his pranks that he played early in his career with don beebe. Watch as Brett Farve and Don Beebe play a joke on thier coach Mike Holmgrem, on Halloween

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Rani Predviđanja - "Ne brinite biti sretan"

September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Divovi osvojiti Superbowl i 2008. dan otvaranja igru ​​(WO WHO) u. Veliki, au nedjelju ostatak lige ide van igrati, što znači da u danima završavaju pola lige će biti neporaženi, a druga polovica će ostati na 000 posto. No, za mene, prva 3 igre u NFL sezone su kockast u najboljem slučaju. I bet any coach or player will tell you the same. Momčadi jednostavno ne pucaju na sve 8 cilindara u ove tri igre, što je razlog zašto je to tako teško vidjeti tko su elite rano u sezoni. Uzmite za primjer Detroit Lions. Te godine su počeli s 3-1, a nisu ni napraviti doigravanja. Dakle, ono što sam ja govorio pitaš? Whats my point?

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

John Kitna ne bi trebalo biti ikakvih ranih 10 win predviđanja ove godine.

I just saying don't get to excited if your team wins this week and be sure not to call of work Monday if your team loses, remember there are 15 games left to play and you won't see your real team till week 4 anyways.

-Madison Mad'nuff

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