Round Two Intriga

29 de abril de 2010 por Big Tony · Deixe um comentário

habs down caps Round Two Intrigue
Uma primeira rodada incrivelmente divertido, que resultou na Conferência Leste virando de cabeça para baixo e viu a oeste série dominação por ninguém, mas que resulta em uma maior parte de giz segundo turno. Kudos para as performances apresentadas por o Phoenix Coyotes, Colorado Avalanche e LA Kings que realizaram mais do que admirável na primeira aparição nos playoffs de cada equipe em muitos anos. Os LA Kings e Colorado Avalanche mostrou que vai ser uma equipe viável por um bom tempo como cada grupo jovem de jogadores só vai aprender com essa experiência e continuar a ficar melhor e melhor. Sete das oito séries foi, pelo menos, seis jogos, o que significa a segunda rodada tem muita coisa para viver até.

Agora que uma rodada é nos livros que olhar para a frente para a rodada dois match-ups:

Conferência Leste

4. Pittsburgh vs. 8. Montreal

Os Canadiens fez o que a maioria pensamento era impossível uma vez que a série chegou a uma vantagem de 3-1 Washington. Pensava-se que a tecla Caps eram vulneráveis ​​para uma virada, mas não da maneira que Montreal, em última instância tirou a virada ... com a defesa. Washington não conseguimos marcar e sabedoria convencional diz que se Montreal pode desligar Washington, então certamente eles vão ser capazes de fazer a mesma coisa para Pittsburgh ... certo? Não é provável. Primeiro os Canadiens confiou demasiado pesadamente em Jaroslav Halak para ser perfeito. Halaque pode ter mais alguns jogos nele como essa, mas ele não pode jogar dessa forma em noite e noite fora o resto do caminho. Além disso, os pinguins são uma equipe muito mais física do que Washington e como resultado pode usá-lo para baixo muito mais eficaz do que os CAPS. Há também a sempre presente intangível os pinguins têm e que é a sua experiência. Washington não tinha certeza se eles poderiam ganhar quando as coisas ficaram ruins, mas não Pittsburgh não tem dúvida de que neles, porque eles sabem (depois de voltar 2-0 temporada duas vezes última e uma perda de 5-0 no jogo 5 para os Red Wings em as finais), eles têm a capacidade de vencer qualquer um, a qualquer momento, não importa quais sejam as circunstâncias. Enquanto Montreal vai provar ser um adversário difícil para Pittsburgh é improvável que Crosby e companhia será deposto por um pelotão de Habs tenaz. Pittsburgh vai seguir em frente.

6. Boston vs. 7. Filadélfia

Esta pode ser a mais divertida match-up nesta rodada no papel. Ambas as equipes têm um jogo muito físico para um monte de grandes sucessos serão negociadas. Além de que no entanto os insectos têm a vantagem. Embora ambas as equipes contavam com pontuação secundário para avançar para arredondar os dois Folhetos têm muito mais opções de pontuação primários. É improvável que Carter, Briere, eo resto será realizada em cheque desta vez. Boston mostrou uma incapacidade de marcar (nada como o time que eu pensei que seria quando eu escolhi-los para ganhar a pré-temporada leste) ao longo da temporada e que, provavelmente, não vai mudar. Por essa razão eu estou tendo Philly.

Conferência Oeste:

1. San Jose vs 5. Detroit

Parabéns a San José para finalmente lutar contra aqueles demônios primeira rodada e avançando para arredondar 2 pela primeira vez em o que parece ser para sempre. Sorte para San Jose conseguiram avançar sem muita pontuação de seu Big Three (Marleau, Heatley e Thorton). Eles vão precisar que, para mudar, se quiserem alguma esperança de superando os Red Wings. Mais uma vez podemos falar de xeo de toda a noite, mas quando se trata baixo para ele eu não posso escolher contra Detroit. Todos os anos, parece que eles estão maduros para a colheita por uma equipe da Conferência Oeste e emergente e Detroit sempre prova que todos estavam errados. Portanto, eu estou escolhendo Detroit para apanhar San Jose.

2. Chicago vs. 3. Vancouver

Ambas as equipes escaparam que olhar como seria primeiros distúrbios redondos por terceiros comebacks período. Sorte para nós que eles fizeram, porque a batalha do ano passado na mesma rodada entre as duas equipes era preciso ver TV e este ano provavelmente será ainda melhor. Ambas as equipes são grandes na frente com Kane e empresa de Chicago eo Sedin gêmeos e equipe de Vancouver. Haverá ofensiva chances em abundância para ambas as equipes, então o que você olhar para um match-up como esse? Goal tendendo naturalmente. Para ser franco, netminding de Chicago tem sido horrível, então eles já estão em desvantagem nessa categoria; agora adicionar no fato de que eles estarão lutando Roberto Luongo na outra extremidade e é ainda mais problemas para os Hawks. No entanto, no ano passado, eles foram capazes de chegar a Luongo e eles certamente podem fazer isso de novo este ano. Todos os Hawks precisa sair de seu goleiro é jogar de forma adequada e eles vão lidar com o resto. Eu escolhi Chicago para ganhar a coisa toda no início do ano e eu não vou recuar agora ... Chicago ganha.

NHL Playoff Preview / Previsões

13 de abril de 2010 por Big Tony · 2 Comentários

crosby holding cup 288x300 NHL Playoff Preview/Predictions
Visualização Leste:

1. Washington vs. 8. Montreal

Jaroslav Halak é a chave para esta série. Todos Halaque tem a fazer é manter Washington na baía, se ele consegue fazer que os Canadiens vai ter muita marcando chances contra suíço defesa queijo de Washington. Duas coisas que sabemos com certeza: Montreal não pode parar de Washington de pontuação e Washington não pode parar de Montreal a partir de pontuação. Número de uma chave, como mencionei é Halaque mas também é de vital importância para Montreal para jogar hóquei extremamente bem disciplinado cada minuto de cada jogo. Erros técnicos será feita que é apenas a natureza do jogo, mas a tomada de decisões ruins (maus passes, perseguição puck preguiçoso, etc.) e tendo maus penalidades será o fim da vida playoff de Montreal. Washington tem talento suficiente para superar os erros que vão fazer e pela falta de defesa adequada e goaltending fraco, mas Montreal não. Muitas pessoas pensam que Washington está maduro para a colheita, e isso pode ser verdade, mas se Montreal não mantêm sua relação erro em comparação com muito baixas as Capitais de Washington vai levá-los longe. Mesmo quando Montreal diz ter um mau pena que tem que contar com a experiência playoff dos caras em sua lista de levar alguém com eles para a caixa, a cada pouco importa bits. Se Montreal pode fazer essas coisas eles vão ganhar; mas que disse que eu estou tomando as Capitais em cinco.

2. New Jersey vs. 7. Filadélfia

Filadélfia vai vencer esta série. Tem pouco a ver com as habilidades dos Panfletos "e mais a ver com insuficiências de Nova Jersey. Os Devils confiam demais em marcar primeiro e depois usando a armadilha neutro-zona e Marty Brodeur para sufocar a outra equipe. New Jersey nem sempre vai marcar primeiro e ter uma vantagem de proteger, nem têm a capacidade de voltar de estar abaixo de 2 ou mais gols deve Philly chegar tão longe. Não é mais 1995 eo novo NHL não é propício para o sistema de New Jersey produzindo uma grande quantidade de sucesso pós-temporada. Eles também colocaram uma parede proverbial na frente de sua maior ameaça de pontuação em Ilya Kovalchuk. Cada jogo provavelmente será próximo por causa de como os diabos jogar, mas é a série de Philly para ganhar.

3. Buffalo vs. 6. Boston

Ryan Miller é o melhor goleiro do mundo de hoje e do Boston Bruins não pode NÃO PODE marcar. Disse o suficiente, Sabres levar a série.

4. Pittsburgh vs. 5. Ottawa

Crosby foi quente da tarde, mas que inclui dois jogos contra os Islanders de Nova York que têm realmente um pequeno defesa e que resulta em uma tonelada de chances de gol e muitos gols. Os Penguins tiveram um tempo difícil parar a equipe de de marcar e ao mesmo tempo não ter a maior pontuação proeza si (concedido Gonchar e Malkin ter sido ferido de modo que deve sure-se acima). Tem sido dito que os pinguins simplesmente necessário para chegar aos playoffs e agora que chegou o momento eles estarão mais motivados para agirem em conjunto, construir sobre a experiência dos últimos anos, e ir em voltar para a menos as finais de conferência. No entanto, acho que o Ottawa Senators pode ter algo a dizer sobre isso. Os senadores têm sido uma das melhores equipas da conferência sobre o último mês da temporada e está jogando incrivelmente bem como uma unidade. Perder Alex Kovalev será um revés para Ottawa mas eles ainda têm Daniel Alredsson, Jason Spezza, e Mike Fisher que eles não vão ser saudade de pontuação apresenta no gelo. Suas defesas são todos muito grande, de modo que irá corresponder-se relativamente bem com as linhas dos Pinguins 'de cima para baixo. Chances de pontuação vai exigir muito mais trabalho para os Penguins contra Ottawa do que era contra os Islanders. Talvez a maior falha de Ottawa é a falta de experiência playoff de Brian Elliot. Embora a experiência importa em todas as posições é mais importante para goleiros menos que você esteja Ken Dryden ou Patrick Roy. No entanto, com a forma como os pinguins foram jogar (inconsistente) estão maduros para uma virada e eu acho que o Ottawa Senators vai fazer exatamente isso.

Oeste Preview:

1. San Jose vs. 8. Colorado

Ser técnico na análise de como eu acho que este jogo vai-up é, talvez, um desperdício de tempo. San Jose esteve aqui e outra vez e Colorado é uma equipe que tiver ultrapassado durante toda a temporada. Acho que em vez Colorado vai ser muito bom, mas ele simplesmente não está nos cartões para eles este ano. San Jose tem mais experiência, são uma equipe melhor no geral, e simplesmente não vai perder para o Colorado. San Jose leva esta série.

2. Chicago vs. 7. Nashville

Tendo Nashville nos playoffs é sempre bom, porque o que ajuda hóquei crescer em mercados não tradicionais é uma coisa boa para o jogo eo campeonato. Nashville tem sido aqui antes, mas não conseguiu passar da primeira rodada (há vergonha em que, uma vez que já jogou Detroit em cada aparição nos playoffs em sua curta história). O que dá Nashville a melhor chance de sucesso desta série é que eles não dependem de qualquer pessoa a prestar toda a sua ofensa. Steve Sullivan, Patric Hornqvist, Martin Erat, Jason Arnott, JP Dumont, e Shea Weber todos tinham mais de 40 estações de ponto, que é um sinal muito positivo já que Chicago não podem simplesmente focar em um cara na esperança de manter os Preds na baía. O problema para Nashville é que na época eles desistiram os golos que eles marcaram o que não augura nada de bom ao jogar os gostos de Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews, Patrick Sharp e co. em um melhor série de quatro-de-sete. Enquanto eu torcer para o sucesso de hóquei em Nashville para o bem do jogo eu acho que Chicago vai ser demais para os Preds e vai passar passado Nashville em seu caminho para as finais da Copa como eu previ na abertura da temporada.

3. Vancouver vs. 6. LA Kings

É ótimo ver o LA Kings volta nos playoffs. Eu tenho dito desde o offseason que esta equipa era real e que certamente não decepcionou toda a temporada e aqui eles estão na pós-temporada. Anze Kopitar tem sido fenomenal durante todo o ano e Jonathan Quick tem sido sólido em fio-a-fio net. Eu disse antes que o ano começou que não só os reis fazer os playoffs, mas eles também ganharia sua primeira rodada da série e eu não vou desistir disso. Infelizmente para os reis (e para mim) que eles têm que ir contra indiscutivelmente a melhor linha de hóquei durante todo o ano, ou seja os gêmeos Sedin com Alex Burrows e, por vezes, Ryan Kesler. Ah, e que Roberto Luongo cara não é meio ruim. Muita gente acha que este é o ano para Vancouver para superar o que eles enfrentaram no passado e, finalmente, sair do Ocidente. Eu vou ir contra a minha cabeça na hora de escolher um presente e dizer que os Reis vai levar a série, mas é melhor que eles dependem fortemente de xícara ganhar experiência de Rob Scuderi de um ano atrás, porque eles vão precisar.

4. Phoenix vs. 5. Detroit

Pobre Phoenix. Questões de propriedade decorrentes de volta para a offseason, sem saber para onde eles estavam indo para jogar este ano, antes do início da temporada e até onde eles vão estar no próximo ano não tenha sido finalizado. Apesar de tudo que os jogadores se uniram e não só tem-se para os playoffs, mas gelo em casa na primeira rodada, grande certo !? Errado. Tudo que o trabalho duro dá-lhes a recompensa de jogar o Detroit Red Wings na primeira rodada, o que é uma recompensa para uma grande temporada hein? Nós poderíamos quebrar match-ups até que a vaca tussa, mas seria bobagem para mim escolher contra Detroit. Espero Phoenix dá Detroit uma grande luta e ainda consegue vencê-los, mas isso é improvável e é por isso que eu estou dando esta série para os Red Wings.

Aproveite o início da época mais maravilhosa do ano!

Chamas morrer; Pinguins na angústia; New Challengers para Detroit.

08 de abril de 2010 por Big Tony · Deixe um comentário

flames die out 300x200 Flames Die Out; Penguins in Trouble; New Challengers for Detroit.
Quem teria pensado que no prazo de comércio que a aquisição pela dos Calgary Flames de ex-jogadores de Maple Leaf Ian White, Jamal Mayers, Matt Stajan, Niklas Hagman e Vesa Toskala resultaria em Chamas faltando os playoffs? Como quase todo mundo, exceto qualquer um dentro da organização Calgary Flames que tinha qualquer capacidade de decisão; honestamente o que eles estavam pensando? Toronto jogou mal durante toda a temporada ainda longo de alguma forma tomando um monte de jogadores de que a equipe de baixo desempenho elevaria nível de jogo de Calgary? Pegando esses caras era suposto para ajudar nos problemas de pontuação chamas, em vez disso, não fez nada. Há rumores em torno de que a organização está em chamas por uma enorme mudança na offseason em quase todos os níveis, talvez justamente por isso. Muitas decisões tomadas ao longo do caminho contribuiu para a eliminação de Calgary da disputa do playoff, mas os movimentos recentes tinham muito a dizer sobre a sua futilidade trecho executado. A meta para as chamas que vêm para esta temporada foi para finalmente conseguir passar da primeira fase ... engraçado como as coisas mudam.

With their 6-3 loss at the hands of the Washington Capitals on Tuesday the defending Stanley Cup Champions fell to a combined 0-10 against New Jersey and Washington this season. Despite that record the Penguins have managed to put themselves in position to have home-ice in the first round of the playoffs and still have a shot at winning the Atlantic Division. But that fact aside what does an 0-10 record against two of the best teams in the East mean for the Penguins in the playoffs? The numbers themselves don't mean a whole lot since regular season head-to-head records do not carry over into the playoffs but it's WHY they lost so many times to these teams that is the bigger story. Washington simply did to the Penguins what they've done to everyone all year and that is score score and score some more. There is nothing complicated about the Capitals' game and many experts agree their lack of defense will be rather detrimental when it comes time to try to play and beat a team in a best-of-seven series. More alarming for the Penguins is their performances against New Jersey. The Devils used their neutral-zone trap to not only beat the Penguins but they dominated Pittsburgh in each of the six games they played. The Penguins managed only 5 goals in six contests—none of which were close including two shutouts. There seems to be something about the neutral-zone trap that as really given the Penguins headaches this year seemingly more than ever before. This style has affected them so much that the Tampa Bay Lightning utilized the same system against the Penguins recently to perfection beating Pittsburgh 2-0. If the Devils and now the Lightning have created a blue print for how to dominate the Penguins then it's likely that other good teams in the playoffs could also use the same system and actually result in the Penguins being eliminated as early as the first round. Getting shut out by the trap on three different occasions against two different teams is no fluke and that's why that 0-6 record against New Jersey is scary for Pittsburgh.

Lastly, it's all over but the shouting out West! Every playoff spot has been clinched and now we simply wait to see what the match-ups will be. This year's contest includes a few different faces from last season as the LA Kings, Colorado Avalanche, Nashville Predators, and Phoenix Coyotes have all qualified for the post-season play after watching from home just a season ago. It'll be great to see some new blood in the ranks out west but we cannot forget the frequent fliers in the Detroit Red Wings being present in the playoffs for the 19 th consecutive year. Can any of the new teams replace the Red Wings at the top of the Western Conference Mountain? Tune in next time when we preview the west and I give the reasons why Detroit will (or won't) return to the Finals yet again.

April 14 th is almost here!

Devils Dominar Canetas; Red Asas Lurke; Blackhawks Goaltending Buraco

18 de março de 2010 por Big Tony · Deixe um comentário

hawks yield goal 300x300 Devils Dominate Pens; Red Wings Lurke; Blackhawks Goaltending Hole moz screenshot 2 Devils Dominate Pens; Red Wings Lurke; Blackhawks Goaltending Hole

Ontem à noite, o Pittsburgh Penguins foram realizadas em cheque mais uma vez pelo New Jersey Devils, que já varreu a série temporada contra os Penguins 6-0 e de forma decisiva o tempo todo. Um time que domina outro como este não é raro, mas a diferença neste caso é que os pinguins têm sido consistentemente uma das melhores equipas do campeonato durante todo o ano e são mesmo ainda lutando pela coroa divisão com New Jersey, apesar de ter perdido todos os jogos contra eles. Não é muito comum ver um time se dominada por outra equipe e ainda assim ser tão alto na classificação. Então, o que isso significa para os playoffs? Francamente, desde que ambas as equipes torná-lo (como eles certamente irão), isso não significa muita coisa que deve combinar-se um com o outro até que o primeiro jogo é jogado. Se Pittsburgh pode conseguir ganhar o primeiro de uma série melhor-de-sete com New Jersey, em seguida, a chapa é essencialmente limpo. No entanto, se New Jersey bater Pittsburgh e dominá-los da mesma forma que eles têm todo o ano, em seguida, New Jersey vai ter afetado a confiança da equipe Pinguim tanto que a série seria basicamente acabou antes mesmo de ser iniciado. Não há nenhuma rima ou razão real para o domínio dos Devils 'sobre os pinguins que tem sido simplesmente uma questão de New Jersey jogando seu sistema tranquilamente e os pinguins permitindo muitas chances e não criando o suficiente de seu próprio. Vamos ver o que acontece a partir daqui, mas se nada mais esta série de vitórias deve dar New Jersey uma tonelada de confiança como a corrida trecho continua e transições para os playoffs.

Para vocês, fãs ocidentais da conferência, não olhe agora, mas o Detroit Red Wings estão em posições privilegiadas para se qualificar para a pós-temporada mais uma vez. A partir de agora os Red Wings tem uma vantagem de um ponto sobre o lugar Calgary com um jogo a menos e ter derrotado as chamas de cada uma das duas últimas vezes que joguei. Não importa o quanto a temporada regular vai para Detroit eles sempre parecem acabar com todas as fraquezas que eles mostraram ao longo do ano e voltar à sua melhor forma quando rola em torno de abril. Detroit também está ficando mais saudável de modo que a probabilidade de que eles vão tropeçar na reta diminui a cada jogador que voltar. Eles devem chegar aos playoffs Ele provavelmente vai ser como o ou da semente; o que é um prêmio para a equipe que fica com o título da conferência temporada regular. Você trabalha o ano todo para colocar-se na melhor posição possível e você é recompensado com um primeiro match-up rodada contra os dois campeões da conferência de tempo defendendo. Não há nada como um encontro com Franzen, Zetterberg, Lidstrom, Datsyuk, etc, e todos os seus anéis Stanley Cup como uma maneira de dizer parabéns alegando um dos principais pontos da conferência. Apesar de como a temporada foi para Detroit, se eles ficam em que você tem que peg-los como um dos favoritos para sair do oeste.

Por fim, o que foram os Chicago Blackhawks pensando no prazo de comércio? In large point their team is solid and needs no adjusting in order to sure up what should be a run to the Stanley Cup Finals (that is a reasonable goal at least). But one area that absolutely needed addressing was goaltending. No disrespect to Huet and Niemi but they are not ready to lead a team to the promised land. Neither has any playoff experience of note and while you can only get experience by actually playing, when the rest of the team is ready to make a strong push that is NOT the time for your netminder to get his feet wet. Kane, Keith, Sharp, Toews, Hossa, Byfuglien, Versteeg, Campbell (pre-injury), etc. are all poised to improve on last year's run to the conference finals by taking their respective games' to the next level and the last thing they need is goaltending to bring them down. Going after someone like Manny Legace who has some experience, or even JS Giguere who despite falling out of favor in Anaheim has a decent track record and perhaps a change of scenery is just what the doctor ordered for him. Either choice would have been worth at least trying because neither could do any worse than Niemi and Huet have been of late. In two Sundays in a row both Huet and Niemi have given up a plethora of goals in very short order causing their team to blow 2 and three goal leads respectively, blown leads Chicago was unable to rebound from both times. Sure that could happen to anybody on a given day, but twice in 7 days is unacceptable and it does not bode very well for Chicago this season if they play even close to that poorly in the playoffs.

Less than one month to go until playoff time!

Olympics End but Great Hockey Continues

07 de março de 2010 por Big Tony · Deixe um comentário

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Uma semana atrás, hoje o mundo viu um dos melhores jogos de hóquei em algum tempo e, certamente, o melhor jogo do torneio olímpico. Apesar de enorme tenacidade expressa pelos americanos era de hóquei rei Canadá liderada por Sidney Crosby, que deixou os Jogos de Vancouver com a Medalha de Ouro. Objetivo de horas extras de Crosby marcou o fim de uma fantástica duas semanas de hockey que produziram uma infinidade de momentos imprevisíveis. Enquanto era os canadenses, que subiu ao topo da montanha, no final, os verdadeiros vencedores foram os fãs de hóquei em todo o mundo. Então eu aproveitar este momento para parabenizar os canadenses em sua vitória, para saudar o jogo de hóquei em geral, e para despedir-se o que foi uma fantástica duas semanas de hóquei.

With the Olympics now behind us we transition from one set of great hockey to another as the NHL stretch run goes into full swing. As it stands today spots 6 through 11 in the Eastern Conference are separated by a total of four points while the battle for the 7 th and 8 th spots in the West is an even tighter race. Over the next few weeks we'll find out who made the right moves at the trade deadline and who should have done more. We'll see if upstart Phoenix can Colorado (back to glory days depicted above?) can keep their level of play high enough to maintain playoff positions as it is a new concept for both of these teams as assembled today. Can the Detroit Red Wings manage to solidify a playoff spot or will they be left out for the first time since dinosaurs roamed the earth? Did the Pittsburgh Penguins add enough new faces to their lineup to sure up any deficiencies they may have had to put them into the team to beat in the East? Have the Washington Capitals finally addressed their defensive woes enough to catapult themselves into the category of serious cup contenders? Why didn't Boston—who was top seed in the East last year—not do more to address their inability to score? All the while who will score more goals before season's end Alex Ovechkin or Sidney Crosby? Each of these questions will be answered over the next month and that means hockey fans are going to be spoiled from now until the end of the Stanley Cup Finals in June. So gear up puckheads because this is going to be awesome!

Ovechkin Betters Crosby, Game Access Limited

January 23, 2010 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

crosby ovechkin 2 204x300 Ovechkin Betters Crosby, Game Access Limited
A NHL duas maiores estrelas levou o gelo um contra o outro pela primeira vez desde seu clássico Eastern Conference Semifinal de um ano atrás. Estou falando, claro, de Sidney Crosby e os pinguins contra Alex Ovechkin e os Washington Capitals. Esta não é apenas uma disputa de da liga duas maiores estrelas, mas também de dois dos melhores times de hóquei. O jogo foi um concurso muito divertido que finalmente viu Washington fechou Pittsburgh no terceiro período para levar o jogo por 6-3, mas o jogo em si não é o enredo. Infelizmente, o maior problema é o fato de que o jogo não foi televisionado em uma tomada que pessoas de todo o país podia ver. Claro que estava sendo transmitido na rede NHL, mas o número de pessoas que têm o canal é limitado, não só em números puros, mas também limitado a pessoas que já amam o jogo. Este jogo precisava estar em uma estação que atingiria o maior número de pessoas possível e ao mesmo tempo um jogo durante a semana não seria na NBC e eu aceito isso, ele ainda poderia ter sido on Versus. Concedido, a NHL não tem o melhor contrato de TV, mas eles nem sequer maximizar o potencial do negócio que eles têm. Hockey é um esporte fantástico, mas pessoas como eu não precisa ser convencido disso, é o fã casual que sintonizou do ano passado série playoff que precisa ver uma vitrine dos melhores jogadores do jogo mais uma vez este ano, para atraí-los para mais perto do jogo; no entanto, as chances são de que não ver o jogo porque os fãs causais provavelmente não tem a Rede NHL. Em contraste com isso, na mesma noite da NBA foi mostrar invólucro duas de suas maiores estrelas LeBron James e Kobe Bryant em TNT que muitas mais pessoas têm acesso. Isso é simplesmente um exemplo da NBA fazendo um trabalho muito melhor de marketing do que a NHL. Na minha opinião, no mínimo, a NHL tem um produto que é tão boa quanto a que os campos da NBA toda noite é só uma questão de uma melhor comercialização por parte da NBA. Se a NHL quer manter o jogo crescer e simplesmente tomar seu grande produto para as massas (que, sem dúvida, amam o que vêem), então eles têm que prestar atenção aos detalhes; caso contrário, a liga vai continuar a dar um passo em frente e dois passos para trás quando se trata de crescimento de sua popularidade em os EUA.

Em notícia no gelo dos Edmonton Oilers não está tendo o melhor ano. Existem muitas razões pelas quais Edmonton foi lutando, mas também não há dúvida de que ninguém perdeu mais heartbreakers que os Oilers. Confronto de Edmonton contra os Dallas Stars na sexta-feira à noite é o exemplo perfeito de uma perda tão dolorosa. Com pouco mais de um minuto para ir para baixo a meta dos Oilers puxou seu goleiro em favor de um sexto atacante e com 1:02 deixado no relógio empatou o jogo a três. Os jogadores ficaram eufóricos, os fãs estavam empolgados e parecia Edmonton ia pelo menos roubar um ponto de seus adversários da Conferência Oeste. No entanto, nem mesmo um minuto depois mágoa atingiu Edmonton mais uma vez como James Neal bateu para casa um rebote com apenas 23 segundos depois de colocar Dallas frente para o bem. Diga o que quiser sobre a maneira Edmonton perdido e como eles estão perdendo jogos como este em toda a temporada, mas por uma noite, parecia que todo mundo em Edmonton teria motivo para comemorar um retorno valente ao invés de uma última segunda derrota e ainda ... ele Não era para ser. Sentindo-se mal por atletas profissionais, sob qualquer circunstância é difícil, mas, neste caso, eu me sinto mal para a organização lubrificador e seus fãs, eles podem comprar uma vitória?

Finalmente eu seria negligente se eu não mencionar a quantidade incrível de sucesso os iniciantes New York Islanders estão tendo. Na última temporada, este foi um dos piores times da liga no gelo e lidar com uma tonelada de tumulto fora do gelo em relação ao seu futuro, em Long Island. Apesar das questões de gelo contínuos fora dos Islanders estão colocando juntos bastante uma temporada no gelo e estão em posição privilegiada para chegar aos playoffs. O crédito pode ir para caras como John Tavares, que foi escolhido o número um no geral este offseason passado ou para jóias escondidas como Matt Moulson que superou as expectativas de todos. Há também o jogo estelar do goleiro Dwayne Roloson que apesar de sua idade tem realizado muito admiravelmente toda a temporada. Não importa qual é a resposta dos Islanders têm juntos uma equipe que trabalha duro todos os jogos, continua a ficar melhor que a temporada continua, e usar a sua ética de trabalho combinada com a sua habilidade para roubar talvez jogos que não deve de outra forma ganhar. Roubar uma vitória a cada momento e, em seguida, está prestes a acontecer com qualquer equipa jovem e overmatched. No caso dos Islanders no entanto batendo times como New Jersey e Detroit em muito pouco tempo de forma bastante convincente (que fecham as duas equipes fora) não é por acaso. Você não ganha jogos contra equipas de topo, mas fechá-las, a menos que você é bom, e acredite ou não, as pessoas o New York Islanders são uma boa equipa. Eu mencionei no ano passado e no início desta temporada que eu amava o jeito que esta noite batalhas de equipe e sair à noite e está finalmente começando a pagar por eles. É possível que os ilhéus ainda ficará aquém dos playoffs deste ano, mas se continuar a jogar da maneira que eles são a equipe não terá nada de que se envergonhar e ter algo grande para construir para a próxima temporada. Houve um monte de sentir boas histórias para as equipes que estão aparentemente overachieving até agora nesta temporada, mas nenhum melhor do que esta equipa New York Islander. Se você tem a chance de vê-los em qualquer noite vê-los, é muito divertido.

Aproveite o seu fim de semana de hóquei todos!

Kings Reign!

December 14, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

simmonds downs hawk Kings Reign!
O Los Angeles Kings sentar em cima da Conferência Oeste 34 jogos na temporada. Muita gente se sentiu bem sobre a melhoria veríamos nas Reis nesta temporada, mas será que alguém tê-los jogar este bem? A equipe deve muito de seu sucesso às incríveis emergências de Anze Kopitar, que se tornou uma estrela quase sobre-noite, eo goaltending estelar de Jonathan Quick, que é, certamente, fazendo jus ao seu nome. Além dos dois jogadores supracitados Reis não parecer muito no papel, porque os seus números são par ou abaixo da média em muitos casos. Los Angeles tem um jogo de poder e assassinato ok pena terrível que classifica perto da parte inferior da liga. Enquanto os reis marcar muitos gols também desistir de uma tonelada e, como resultado um monte de mais / menos números para muitos de seus jogadores são muito terrível. Com isso em mente, apesar de Los Angeles parece estar a fazer um monte de coisas erradas no papel há uma coisa que eles fazem bem incrível e isso é ganhar! Apesar de tudo os reis parecem sair por cima quando a buzina final soa e simplesmente colocar isso é tudo que importa. Como resultado de seu estilo de jogo que é um bom sinal muito bem para os Reis chegou a hora playoff porque pontos de estilo absolutamente fazer, não importa, a ideia é ganhar, não importa o que acontece e no que for possível. Pontuação meta oportuna e matança pena é que fazem isso acontecer e é por isso que os Reis-contanto que eles permaneçam saudáveis-vão ganhar, pelo menos, a sua primeira série de playoff rodada e, talvez ainda mais. Há, de facto, ainda um longo caminho a percorrer, mas manter um olho sobre esta equipe, porque você vai ouvir muito mais deles vêm primavera.

Na outra extremidade da árvore playoff da Conferência Oeste são os Detroit Red Wings. Isso é pessoas certas o Detroit Red Wings de Hockeytown EUA encontram-se em nono lugar um ponto fora de uma vaga nos playoffs depois de 32 jogos disputados. Concedido, Johan Franzen foi para fora desde outubro, enquanto se recupera de uma cirurgia no joelho e sua pontuação provavelmente seria suficiente para, pelo menos, tê-los em um lugar no playoff hoje. No entanto, tal como está Franzen não foi jogar eo resto da equipe não foi capaz de pegar a folga, tanto quanto eles precisam. A primeira questão é, mais uma vez goaltending pois passou por uma situação semelhante no ano passado na temporada regular, quando nem Osgood nem Conklin (e este ano Jimmy Howard) poderia manter o puck fora da rede. A diferença entre este ano eo ano passado é que no ano passado Detroit poderia outscore ninguém para compensar as deficiências netminding. Detroit tem a experiência e talento suficiente para ir longe chegou a hora playoff eles devem se qualificar, mas se não vai ser o problema. Fato é que Detroit está envelhecendo, eles têm abundância de jovens talentos para substituir os caras mais velhos, mas estes jovens jogadores precisam de tempo para encontrar seus nichos e realmente se acostumar com seus papéis a malha como uma equipe. Não só as asas que se preocupar com problemas internos, mas o fato de que o resto da Conferência Oeste simplesmente ficou ainda melhor. Com a concorrência mais aguerrida ea falta de fator de intimidação que costumava vir com o jogo contra o Detroit (mesmo apenas duas curtas temporadas atrás) os Red Wings podia, e eu acho que vai, encontram-se fora de uma vaga nos playoffs pela primeira vez em um longo tempo . Agora, a Conferência Oeste virou de cabeça para baixo com LA em cima e Detroit no fundo ... se acostumar com isso gente, porque é a nova realidade NHL.

Hockey Hodgepodge

October 22, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

snoopy hockey1 Hockey Hodgepodge
A few random thoughts for the moment:

After most NHL teams have played in the neighborhood of eight games it is important to note (as should be said every year about this time) that no top team is as good as they seem and no bottom teams are as bad as they seem. So Pens and Rangers fans keep your lids on and Leafs fans it really will get better.

The LA Kings are for real. There has been some debate whether they're ready to be good now or are still a year off. Well after a very strong start there should be no doubt in anybody's mind that they are ready to compete now. So to those of you on the east coast if you do not watch any other games for west coast teams all year make sure to catch LA in a home game if you can it's worth it to watch a team just beginning to bloom.

Early signs point to the Atlantic Division in the east and the Pacific Division in the west as being the most competitive division in each conference. As a result they will probably have the most teams in the playoffs come April.

The Washington Capitals are in the bottom third of the conference in terms of goals allowed. As exciting as that offense is to watch they can forget about winning anything other than the division if they don't play better defensively (and that's not entirely on the goaltender).

Os Ottawa Senators foram jogando bem. Enjoy it while it lasts Sens fans because they are a fraud.

Credit to the Phoenix Coyote players who have not allowed any of the off-ice drama from the summer affect them. They are playing very well right now and the team is going to be solid all year of they can remain focused on hockey. Playoffs? Doubtful, but they are no easy W for anyone. Kudos to the players and keep up the good work.

As much as many puckheads might hate to admit it the Detroit Red Wings are the favorites to win the West until they are officially eliminated from playoff contention or knocked out of the playoffs themselves.

Enjoy your weekend of hockey everyone, all teams in play Saturday, should be a good one.

Western Conference Outlook

30 de setembro de 2009 por Big Tony · Deixe um comentário

clarence campbell conference Western Conference Outlook
Amanhã a viagem para a Copa Stanley começa mas por agora nós visualizar o outro lado da moeda antes do disco cai, toda a análise termina, e os jogos começarem.

Ok intros sentimental de lado aqui é a minha pré-visualização do oeste (assim como eu fiz para o leste), seguido pelas finais escolher e que eu acho que vai içar a Copa na próxima primavera.

As oito equipes para qualificar-in nenhum especial fim-são as seguintes: Detroit Red Wings, Chicago Blackhawks, Columbus Blue Jackets, St. Louis Blues, Vancouver Canucks, Calgary Flames, Los Angeles Kings, e os San Jose Sharks.

The Detroit Red Wings are the best of the best again and despite having lost Hudler and Hossa they will simply use the machine of a farm system they've created to reload without skipping a beat. The only outstanding question in Detroit is the regular season play of Chris Osgood who put up subpar numbers last year from October through March. Showing up in the playoffs has always been Osgood's MO but if he is as inconsistent this year as he was last season the rise of other teams in Detroit's division could find the mighty Red Wings fighting for a playoff spot.

Things are looking up on the ice in Chicago as long as Patrick Kane can stay out of trouble off the ice. Kane along with Patrick Sharp and Jonathan Toews (among others) return while veterans John Madden and Marian Hossa have been added to an already star-studded roster. Much like their counterparts to the north Chicago's only real unknown is in net as Nikolai Khabibulin is now a member of the Edmonton Oilers. The most seasoned and perhaps most likely person to provide stability for the Hawks between the pipes is Cristobal Huet who has shown some signs of greatness. No matter who ultimately gets and keeps the starting job as the goaltender goes so goes Chicago. If their netminder is consistenly good then Chicago can win it all, and if not then they won't, but either way the playoffs are in their future.

Columbus tem o seu primeiro gosto do hóquei pós-temporada na última temporada montando principalmente a parte de trás surpresa estreante goleiro Steve Mason. Enquanto Mason não vai aproveitar a mesma quantidade de sucesso individual como no ano passado é a minha afirmação de que a equipe se sairá melhor no geral. Rick Nash está em uma pequena lista de estrelas sobre os Blue Jackets, mas o que Colombo tem sobre as outras equipes é a coesão. Este grupo passou por um monte de perder juntos e no ano passado teve um sabor de vitória. Sucesso do ano passado se sentiu bem a eles ea amargura de não ganhar um jogo na pós-temporada, sem dúvida, deixou um gosto amargo na boca e só vai reuni-los a trabalhar mais um para o outro para se tornar um time melhor.

Vancouver montou Roberto Luongo todo o caminho para a pós-temporada no ano passado e varrer os St. Louis Blues fora dos playoffs na vara de Alex Burrows. Os playoffs foram uma festa de debutante das sortes para Alex Burrows (segundo alguns) e Canucks fãs têm a esperança de que era exatamente isso. Encerrando os gêmeos Sedin era enorme para todas as esperanças de ser um candidato sério para Vancouver, mas nas últimas temporadas têm mostrado que eles não podem contar com o Sedin é para toda a sua ofensa. Ter três linhas sólidas é algo que tem faltado por alguns anos, causando o seu sucesso pós-temporada a ser limitado. Adicionando a experiência de Mathieu Schneider vai melhorar muito o seu blueline mas caberá aos gostos de Ryan Kessler eo já mencionado Alex Burrows para sustentar essa equipe para o próximo nível. Uma rodada é um dado, mas a segunda rodada e além é até Vancouver.

Para o Calgary Flames é curto e doce. Eles podem fazê-lo para completar um dos playoffs (como eles vão fazer novamente este ano), mas a questão mais uma vez para as chamas é a vontade que eles têm disciplina o suficiente para tomar suas frustrações de saídas primeiro turno e traduzi-la para jogar hóquei mais som. Não é mais sobre a habilidade para Calgary, eles têm isso, é ter a quantidade força mental para se melhorar como equipe.

Os Los Angeles Kings será provavelmente a história mais interessante e emocionante da Conferência Oeste nesta temporada. A maioria todos os puckheads concordar que esta equipa está em ascensão, mas eu não acho que só eles são em ascensão, mas que eles vão ganhar a sua primeira série de playoff rodada. Claro que me coloca em uma situação difícil, tanto quanto outras previsões de pré-temporada ir, mas eu estou dizendo que este substitui todas as outras previsões que faço com exceção do cenário em que eles jogam o time eu acho que vai avançar para as finais do oeste . Geralmente eu sou simplesmente que confiante em que a organização Reis como um todo está fazendo. Eles tomaram seus licks ao longo dos anos, mas já passei muito tempo aprendendo a partir desses pedaços e colocaram alguns jogadores muito talentosos em áreas-chave. Eles têm um monte de bons jogadores jovens em Dustin Brown, Alexander Frolov (posição no auge de sua carreira), Jack Johnson, Jarred Stoll (também se dirigem para este prime) e Jonathan Quick, que era extremamente confiável no gol no ano passado e é provavelmente só ficar melhor. Junto com este jovem talento que eles têm adicionado veteranos em Ryan Smyth e Rob Scuderi, que acaba de sair de um Stanley Cup Championship com o Pittsburgh Penguins. Os reis têm as pessoas certas nos lugares certos, na hora certa e lesão barrando esta equipa está preparada para ser bem sucedido no momento.

Por último são do presidente Troféu vencedoras San Jose Sharks, que fizeram pouco para mudar sua equipe em termos de quantidade de movimentos, mas a qualidade de movimentos tem sido estelar. Dany Heatley foi pego-à custa de Jonathan Cheechoo-e será uma adição maravilhosa para este plantel. Sucesso da temporada regular não tem sido um problema para os tubarões (verdadeiras de muitas equipes oeste parece) mas Heatley coloca-los sobre a corcunda em disputa séria para ganhar o oeste. Heatley não só pode marcar muitos gols, mas ele tem desfrutado de uma boa quantidade de sucesso antes, então sua experiência, juntamente com um chip em seu ombro para mostrar aqueles em Ottawa que ele ainda pode jogar vai se mover ao longo de San Jose mais um passo na direção certa.

A única outra equipe que poderia fazer qualquer barulho que eles devem fazer os playoffs são os Anaheim Ducks. Sua experiência é o que os coloca acima do resto, mas, infelizmente, talvez o seu maior trunfo é a sua maior queda. Os patos são uma equipe de envelhecimento que perderam mais um passo em cada posição e só posso esperar para ficar perto até que o prazo de comércio onde podem talvez fazer um movimento para um grupo mais jovem de jogadores com pernas mais frescas para uma corrida longa playoff. Edmonton não está muito atrás, mas eles ficam aquém do poder de estrela e jogo físico necessário para ter sucesso no ocidente. Goaltending é aspecto mais forte de Edmonton, mas isso era verdade, no ano passado, bem que eles não vão obter a sua também. Nenhuma outra equipe tem uma oração de mesmo chegar aos playoffs e muito menos fazer barulho quando chegam lá.

Com tudo isso dito eu acho que o Chicago Blackhawks será a equipe para torná-lo para fora do oeste como eles vão encontrar o que precisam na net e vai um passo além do que no ano passado. Chicago vai assumir o Boston Bruins, que vai durar um grupo cansado de Pittsburgh Penguins para tomar o leste. Isso configura uma incrível seis match-up original, que será um sonho de marketing para a NHL. Depois de uma volta incrível e quarta batalha final da Stanley Cup novamente vão sete jogos em que ponto o Chicago Blackhawks vai finalmente permitir Marian Hossa para içar a Copa Stanley como os 2009-2010 Stanley Cup campeões! Aproveite a noite de abertura a todos!

Seasons Greetings (Hockey Season That Is)

September 22, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

faceoff 2009
Well it has been a long time coming for but finally the NHL season is upon us and as such so is the return of the NHL section of I am just as excited as anyone for the season to rev up again so let's get right to it.

The Pittsburgh Penguins are back to defend their title and with the exception of the loss of Rob Scuderi the team is about the same now as they were on the day they won the cup. Despite that, repeating is going to be a daunting task because not only are they the defending champs but in order to repeat they will have to reach the Stanley Cup Finals for a third year in a row. At the same time they still have two of the best players in the world on their team so it will be interesting to see how the story develops in Pittsburgh.

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Long Term Deals Being Probed

August 2, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment


ESPN is reporting that the long term deals recently signed by Marian Hossa in Chicago and Chris Pronger in Philadelphia are being investigated by the NHL. In short the league is considering whether the two players were asked about when they would retire in order to front load a long-term deal to circumvent the salary cap. In my view no matter what these probes turn up the two aforementioned deals along with contracts worked with some Detroit Red Wing players are obviously to get around the salary cap. This rule bending simply needs to stop. At the end of the day the salary cap's intention is to give medium to small market teams a chance to field championship caliber teams and by making these long term deals the rich teams are simply doing what they've always done and spending their way to the top. If the richer teams continue to do that the viability of the league as a whole is in jeopardy and that's not good for any time. Some argue that the viability of the league generally is an issue for the league officials to deal with and that individual teams have a responsibility to do what they can to win and that's it. However, in reality “bending” the rules designed to make and keep the league prosperous hurts everyone including the teams on top no matter how many playoff appearances or championships they may bring in. More teams in contention in more cities means better US TV deals and higher sales of merchandise which means more money for everyone consistently over the long haul. So to the big market GMs of the world think about the long term consequences of your actions before you decide to upset the balance by bending the rules to get a competitive edge.

Team Cohesion = Championships, Not Amount Spent

July 2, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

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NHL Awards Show Upon Us

June 16, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

NHL Awards Vegas
As the Pittsburgh Penguin organization and fans continue to celebrate their club's victory and people in Detroit continue to lick their wounds the rest of the hockey world looks to the future. The NHL awards dinner is Thursday June 18, the NHL entry draft on June 26 and of course NHL free agency starts July 1 st . With the NHL awards first up we'll take a look at three of the biggest awards (according to me) up for grabs and my prediction for who will win; those awards are the Calder Trophy (Top Rookie), Norris Trophy (Top Defensemen), Vezina Trophy (Top Goaltender), and the Hart Trophy (League MVP).

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2009 Stanley Cup Champion Pittsburgh Penguins

June 13, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

crosby with cup 2009 Stanley Cup Champion Pittsburgh Penguins
The Pittsburgh Penguins defied the odds Friday night by defeating the Detroit Red Wings to win the franchises third Stanley Cup and first since 1992. The hero of the night was Max Talbot who scored both of Pittsburgh's goals and had the Red Wings scurrying to keep up with him all night. It had been said that the Wings were going to be able to use their experience to walk all over the Penguins to win back-to-back titles with ease. What Pittsburgh showed Friday night is not only did they have outduel Detroit in a game seven, but for the second game in a row they showed more depth than the Red Wings from top to bottom. Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin were again both held without a goal and once again the Penguins showed they don't need their stars to score in order to win. Malkin did in fact have an assist on this night propelling him to his 36 th point and ultimately the Conn Smythe trophy making him the first Russian and only fourth non Canadian to win the Award.

One star the Penguins did need to come up with a huge game was netminder Marc-Andre Fleury and boy did he delivery. Fleury played arguably his best game of the series in game seven exercising all of his Joe Louis Arena demons in the process. Going into the game most felt that Pittsburgh needed a strong game from everyone on the ice to ultimately hoist the cup and that's exactly what they got. Pittsburgh was sharper than Detroit from start to finish including the man who came to the Red Wings in the offseason from Pittsburgh in one Marian Hossa. It was the ultimate irony as Hossa not only did not win a Stanley Cup in Detroit but he lost to the team he left because he felt he'd have a better chance of winning as a Red Wing. Hossa was a ghost in the final series and perhaps the pressure to perform got to him, or maybe we'll later on about an injury he was playing with but the bottom line is he left Pittsburgh last summer to win a cup and it was the Penguins who ended up winning the whole thing.

So congratulations to the Pittsburgh Penguins on their victory. This is a bunch of young guys who may find themselves in this position time and time again in the years to come. But for now, it is a moment for them to simply soak up and enjoy because despite their talent it is also something that may never happen again. Detroit will no doubt be back next year as they retool and get re-energized for next season, but for now the mountain top belongs to the Pittsburgh Penguins.

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Red Wings/Penguins Game 7 Showdown

June 12, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

pens red wings game seven Red Wings/Penguins Game 7 Showdown
The time is almost upon us and no one is more excited than I as the hockey world prepares for the 15 th game seven in Stanley Cup Finals history. All of the hype over the past few days will culminate it what we hope will be one of the best nights of hockey in recent memory and perhaps one of the best games in all of sports history. That remains to be seen of course but one thing we know for sure is that the Stanley Cup WILL be hoisted tonight and if that isn't enough to get you charged up then you simply don't like hockey. The fans, players, coaches, and media are all ready to go so the electricity inside Joe Louis Arena at the drop of the puck should be extraordinary.

So who will be victorious tonight and raise the Stanley Cup? Many think Detroit is the easy pick having home-ice advantage and experience on their side from having been here time and time again including last year over these very Pittsburgh Penguins. Detroit will also get last change so they expect to continue to hassle Crosby and Malkin at every turn frustrating them from the start of play until the final whistle. However, tonight's X-factor is the third line of the Penguins with Staal, Kennedy, and Cooke. They have played very well at home providing great energy and both goals for Pittsburgh in game six. The biggest advantage for them is that Detroit likes to match-up against every line man-for-man and as a result of that the Penguins third line disrupts that order. For the most part this series the Penguins third line has got the best of Detroit even managing to frustrate them a few times. The top players are going to play well no matter what but when it comes down to it Pittsburgh's third line has an edge over Detroit's third line. So will all the emotion flowing through the Joe tonight it is the third line of the Penguins that will be the difference in them WINNING THE STANLEY CUP. I picked Pittsburgh to win at the outset of this series and I will not back away from that now. Detroit has a lot going for them tonight but it won't be enough as the Pittsburgh Penguins will hoist the Stanley Cup for the third time in team history and first time since 1992.

Whether you're a fan of Pittsburgh, Detroit, or just a fan of hockey generally tonight should be an exciting and memorable night; for no matter what happens it should be a great not for hockey. Enjoy the game everyone!

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Pinguins Win, Fãs deleite para o jogo sete

June 9, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

pens over wings 300x208 Penguins Win, Treat Fans to Game Seven
The Pittsburgh Penguins answered the call Tuesday night to force game seven on Friday in Detroit. Pittsburgh used a lot of energy to dominate the entire first period and second putting up two goals before Detroit could get on the board. A few interesting notes about Tuesday's game are as follows: Sidney Crosby only played 17 minutes while Tyler Kennedy played 19; neither Malkin nor Crosby figured in on the score sheet; the players (excluding goaltenders) who had the best game were probably Jordan Staal, Tyler Kennedy, Brooks Orpik and Rob Scuderi; and last but not least Chris Osgood played a great game and the Penguins still won. Marc-Andre Fleury huge because he kept Detroit out of the net toward the end of the game which was exactly how Pittsburgh needed him to play after yielding five goals in game five. No save was any bigger than the breakaway save on Dan Cleary which probably would have put the Penguins behind the eight ball in terms of momentum.

On the other end were the Detroit Red Wings who were outplayed for most of the night but all-in-all did not play a bad game. Detroit was able to completely shut Malkin and Crosby out –at least kept them both off the score sheet—which most people ahead of time would have said that Detroit completing such a task would result in them hoisting the Stanley Cup. Chris Osgood also played a very solid game—as previously mentioned—a performance good enough for a victory on most nights. The unfortunate thing for Detroit was that they probably set out that night saying they would make the role players for the Penguins beat them on this night and Pittsburgh did just that. It's unlikely that the Red Wings will panic as a result but it definitely gives them something to think about going into game seven.

It's probably too early to make do any serious predictions about game seven just yet. With that in mind it's probably safe to say that the sports world will be very excited in anticipation of this game. There are storylines aplenty as there have been all series long, and if nothing else the Penguins have garnered more respect from the Red Wings than they had before the series started. All of the stats will be thrown out the window once the puck drops on Friday night and it should be quite a treat for everyone from the diehard hockey fan to the casual fan of sport. Let the hype begin as Pittsburgh and Detroit prepare for a one game playoff for the Stanley Cup!

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Tide Turning in Pittsburgh?

June 4, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

260xStory Tide Turning in Pittsburgh?
The funniest thing about this series so far is that arguably the team to play best in each game has lost. In the first two games the Red Wings looked tired and broken down, were outshot by an enormous margin and yet they took a 2-0 series lead to Pittsburgh. On Tuesday night (despite scoring first) the Penguins looked outmatched and yet they were victorious. The difference so far has been timeliness goaltending and goal scoring but also in being first to the loose puck at the right time. Special teams have also played a major role as Detroit's penalty killing woes continue yielding two goals (including the game-winner) to Pittsburgh on Tuesday. So what will be the difference in the series as it rolls on? Pittsburgh simply needs to get timely goaltending from Marc-Andre Fleuryp; but furthermore they simply need Malkin and Crosby to each have decent games at the same time! The great news for Pittsburgh is that Detroit has played Crosby extremely tough and yet he still has a point, if that is as bad as it gets for Crosby then Pittsburgh has a great chance of not only getting back into the series but of winning it. Detroit on the other hand needs to use the time they have on Wednesday to rest. They seemed more upbeat on Tuesday and should be in much better shape come Thursday and perhaps that will help their penalty killing. Detroit also cannot continue to allow Pittsburgh to get on the board first because if they do then the Penguins will eventually get a two goal lead and build from there which can get to Osgood as has happened many times this season. In the end however it all comes down to who can one less mistake than the other team because that will likely be the difference between winning a game and therefore the series; and at the moment momentum seems to be in Pittsburgh's favor. The fans are pumped, the players seem relaxed and the hockey world in genearlly is strapping up for a great game four… See you on the other side!

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Red Wings Outworking Not Outclassing Penguins

June 2, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

610x Red Wings Outworking Not Outclassing Penguins
Aside from Detroit's third goal (poor play by the defense and poor goaltending to boot) the Pittsburgh Penguins have been in each of the first two games but the difference is they have been outworked. Detroit certainly has a lot of talent but what makes them so successful is they pride themselves on their work ethic from top to bottom. No matter the skill level of the player each and every Red Wings works as hard as possible from start to finish and it is killing the Penguins. There is also a little bit of bad luck invovled–mainly potential goals by Crosby and Guerin narrowly missing by hitting the post each time–but bad luck does not lose you a series. If Pittsburgh wants to win they simply have to work a little bit harder; they do not need to outmuscle or outclass Detroit (they can't) but they can match their work ethic. By matching their work ethic they Penguins can surely win each of the next two games because that extra work combined with the home crowd, and the skill they already have can put them over the top. There is also the Chris Osgood factor, although he has played very well thus far he has been weakening as time goes on and there was a reason he split time with Ty Conklin this year and went into last year's playoffs as the backup to Hasek; Pittsburgh simply needs to keep going after Conklin the way they went after Varmalov in the second round and the way they did in Cam Ward (slowly but surely) in the Conference Finals. Pittsburgh winning game three means everything to the series and they can certainly do that. If the Penguins win game three then the series will surely change in tide no matter what happens in game four as they have shown they can come back from adversity. We'll see ya after game three everyone.

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Stanley Cup Finals Sure to Excite

May 30, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment
Ladies and gentlemen the time has arrived as hockey fans the world over gear up for the sports biggest club competition final featuring the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Detroit Red Wings. The storylines in this series are plenty as the defending champs try to stave off last year's runner-up in the new and improved Pittsburgh Penguins. Beyond all of the hype and excitement is where we find the keys to victory for each team. For Pittsburgh they need to have their best players be their best players and have each role player take his role and embrace it every step of the way. If someone is in a scoring slump he shouldn't try to do too much to make up for the slack simply allow everyone else to fill in the void and focus on doing one thing and doing it well. Crosby, Malkin, and Fleury will have to be at the top of their game for sure but the team needs to rely a lot on last year's journey and the success of veterans like Billy Guerin whether it's on game day or at practice. Detroit on the other hand needs to overcome their health problems. The biggest hurdle for them is have played three overtime contests in the last round and are licking their wounds as a result. Otherwise the team has nothing to worry about as just about all of them have experienced an enormous amount of success. Unlike last year however this series will have a different tone and the Pittsburgh Penguins will use their grit, experience, and skill to raise the Stanley Cup for the first time since 1992 and the third time in team history. No curse here for touching the Prince of Whales Trophy folks, it will be the Penguins taking home the 2008-2009 Stanley Cup Title. Enjoy the Finals everyone!

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Red Wings-Penguins Steamroll Toward Rematch

May 25, 2009 by Big Tony · 3 Comments

nhl final 412.bmp Red Wings Penguins Steamroll Toward Rematch
After there game three and game five respective blow out wins the Pittsburgh Penguins and Detroit Red Wings are each one win away from a repeat of last year's finals. Both teams looked very impressive as both their stars and role players shined in fairly one-sided victories. The Penguins had to flex a little more muscle because of the solid performance by Cam Ward that was aided by basically nothing from the rest of the team. Sure one might say the game was closer than the 6-2 score indicated but Ward still needed to get a lot more out of the guys in front of him to win and he didn't. In Chicago on the other hand, Huet getting his first start of this post-season proved to be a disaster as the Wings soared to an early 3-1 lead and never looked back. So for the moment both teams look to be in control and although neither series is over, a finals rematch is looming. As such, what could we expect to see differently this time around? The Penguins would certainly like to get off to a better start than last time and their year's worth of experience will certainly aid in that. It isn't just having lost in the finals last year but also having been pushed to the brink in the regular season (almost not qualifying for the playoffs) and in the playoffs when they were down 2-0 to Washington. Detroit simply needs to do what they've been doing and they will be fine. Of course the storyline to watch would be Marian Hossa taking on his old team as he left them for a chance to win the Stanley Cup in Detroit. Could the Penguins prove he made a mistake by leaving or will the Red Wings again prove their league supremacy? Perhaps we will find out soon enough!

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Detroit Red Wings = Boring Hockey

May 19, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

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Ode to the Detroit Red Wings for making a 3-2 overtime Conference Finals game one of the least entertaining hockey games I have ever seen. Outside of Hawks and Wings fans game two of the Western Conference Finals quite frankly was boring. The Red Wings are so methodical in how they play the game that despite how quick their team is moving all the time the game appears to be going at a snail's pace. There is rarely any up and down the ice play, chances come very infrequently and when they do come along there is almost never any counter attacking for either side. I take nothing away from what the Red Wings do because they create chances for themselves and tend to capitalize on them when they do arise meaning they don't need the up and down style of play to be successful. However, it makes for slow play with little to no suspense at all. I think Detroit will win the series and move on to the finals where they will employ the same style that got them there in the first play no matter who they play. But for the sake of the NHL and hockey fans generally I hope Chicago can find some way to come back to win this series… or at least whoever the Wings end up playing in the finals forces them out of their style allowing the game to pick up the pace.

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Pens-Canes Battle for Eastern Conference Title

May 18, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

The key for Pittsburgh? Surprise Surprise, it's get to Cam Ward! We know the star power that exists on the Penguins and their ability to get secondary scoring from people all over the line-up. Generally speaking the Penguins simply need to keep playing the way they've been playing throughout the playoffs and also need to have Fleury return to the form he was in against the Philadelphia Flyers. One can talk about strategy from the Penguins' prospective all day long but the bottom line is they need to get to Cam Ward. If Pittsburgh makes Cam Ward look human they will advance in the series with little trouble; if they don't the series will go a long way, Pittsburgh will start to get frustrated and before you know it Carolina will be headed to the Stanley Cup Finals. Despite all that, barring major injury, I don't think Carolina matches up well with Pittsburgh and although the games will be very close it will be Pittsburgh advancing to the Stanley Cup Finals defeating Carolina in five games. And so for the second it will be the Pittsburgh Penguins taking on the Detroit Red Wings for the right to hoist Lord Stanley's Cup.

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Western Conference Finals Preview

May 17, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

wings vs hawks 300x276 Western Conference Finals Preview

The Conference Finals start Sunday afternoon so before they get rolling let's take a lot at both series to see what we should expect from both and most importantly who will win!

Conferência Oeste:

The Western Conference features the regulars versus the new kids on the block as the Detroit Red Wings take on the Chicago Blackhawks . Detroit won the Stanley Cup last year and are in position to be the first team to repeat as champions since they did it in 1997-98. This process is nothing new to the Red Wings and they'll be all business come Sunday afternoon whereas the Blackhawks have not been here in quite some time. Chicago is looking to return to the Stanley Cup Finals for the first time since 1992 where they were swept by the Pittsburgh Penguins . With those facts in mind which team has the edge? The easy answer is the Detroit Red Wings and rightfully so but there are other factors that play into this series that will make it a lot closer than it might first appear on paper. The following are what I think each team needs to do to win:

Detroit simply needs to remained focused on their goal. One of the things they pride themselves in is not retaliating to any post-whistle scrums, cheap shots, or “jaw-jacking” the other team might do which they have to continue to do. The Red Wings must allow their superior level of skill to shine through no matter the circumstances and stay out of the penalty box. This series is different from the previous two in that way because it is a natural rivalry that goes back to the 1920s and the early days of the NHL. But the most important factor for Detroit is going to be the play of Chris Osgood. There is no denying all that Osgood has accomplished but none of that is counted toward his record in this series. Osgood has played well thus far in the playoffs but if it returns to his regular season form at all the Hawks will eat him alive which would push Mike Babcock to insert Ty Conklin who was not much better over the course of the season and hasn't played in these playoffs at all so far.

Chicago has to keep playing with reckless abandon giving no credence to any of the factors going against them. Sure this is the first time most of them have been in this spot and yes the Red Wings greatly outmatch them at almost every position and yes Detroit is very methodical about their play from the opening face-off to the end of the game. Chicago cannot look to the other side of the ice and be blinded by the glare of Hart, Conn Smythe, and Norris Trophies and Stanley Cup rings. The young Hawks simply need to play hockey they way they have all along in these playoffs. They don't care who they are up against they are just a bunch of young guys who love to play hockey and are going out there to beat up on whoever they're playing. Most importantly, they will have to rely heavily on Nikolai Khabibulin's experience in goal to possibly propel them to the next level. If the Hawks can do that they give themselves a very good chance of winning this series. In the long run however I think the Red Wings will be too much and will send the Hawks packing in a very competitive five game series.

Tune in tomorrow for the Eastern Conference Finals preview.

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NHL Round Two a Treat for All

May 15, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

2009 nhl playoffs 300x260 NHL Round Two a Treat for All
Round two came to a close Thursday night and what a round two it ways. With three series going to game seven and the other an incredibly entertaining six game series the NHL should hold its head high tonight. Detroit/Anaheim and Boston/Carolina put the icing on the cake with two incredible game seven performances culminated with a game seven overtime won by the Canes over the Bruins. As much as I love hockey it has fallen from the graces of many people since the lockout in 2004, but this round has put the NHL back on the national map. Casual fans are tuning in and that base is continuing to grow as the ratings have skyrocketed as a result. Sports fans across the board have soaked up every moment of round two with many hoping the stage isn't set for the Conference Finals to be a letdown. But with the stakes getting higher as we move onto round three it seems highly unlikely that something like that will happen. The time will come in short order to look forward to the next round but now is the time to reflecting upon round two and simply appreciate what we saw.

The Pens and Caps stole the headlines with plenty of star power, the incredible story of rookie netminder Simeon Varlamov, and six unbelievably entertaining games including three overtime contests and at least one lead change in every game. The Pens and Caps not only put on a great show but they further escalated a rivalry that will be sensational for years to come. The other second round series in the east did not have nearly the amount of drama as the Pens-Caps until game seven.

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NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining

May 10, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

round two picture 300x203 NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining

Round two of the playoffs has been the best round of the post-season by far to this point and the excitement continues to build. Let's take a brief look at each series up to this point.

Eastern Conference:

3. Washington Capitals VS 4. Pittsburgh Penguins
This has been the keynote series since the second round draw came out and it has not disappointed. Four of the five games have been decided by one goal and two were decided in overtime. The big stars Ovechkin  NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining and Crosby  NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining have stepped up to the plate and have excelled in the spotlight as all of North America looks on. There has also been plenty of drama to boot with both sides making complaints about the officiating at one point or another and Ovechkin hitting Sergei Gonchar knee-on-knee which has created plenty of controversy across the airwaves. The series has been the perfect showcase for the NHL as hardcore and casual fans alike tune in and are NOT disappointed. As of the writing of this article the Penguins have taken a 3-2 series lead after dropping the first to in Washington. Pittsburgh finally got some secondary scoring in game five and it proved to be the difference between the two teams as the big stars continue to cancel each other out. Penguin fans would love for this series to finish in six, but for the rest of the world how could this series culminate any better than if it comes down to game seven on Wednesday at Verizon Center?

1. Boston Bruins VS 6. Carolina Hurricanes
For many this has been the shocker of the three Conference Semi-finals as the high-powered Bruins were seemingly going to steam roll the Hurricanes right into the Conference finals. However, since the end of game one it has been all Carolina. Cam Ward, Eric Staal and Jussi Jokinen have been unbelievable leading the Canes to an unlikely 3-1 series lead. The difference in the series comes down to Carolina's best players performing at the highest level while the Bruins have not been able to rely on their studs as much as they have all year. Zdano Chara in particular has not been the same since game one where he shut down Eric Staal. For the Bruins to get back into the series they have to better utilize their size to create offense and continue to put pressure on Cam Ward. Boston cannot win by simply getting frustrated when Ward plays well and by trying to fall back into their defensive style when they're only up by one or when the game is tied, playing not to lose rather than to win. There is a lot of speed on the Canes and the Bruins need to neutralize that speed with some pace of their own. But don't think this is a fluke because the Canes have plenty of talent and have been to the promised land before winning the Cup in 2006.

Conferência Oeste:

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The Ducks Are Mighty Again

May 7, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

jonas hiller 300x240 The Ducks Are Mighty Again
Coming into Thursday night the Anaheim Ducks had a 2-1 series lead over the defending champion Detroit Red Wings; as I write this they have yet to face off in game four. Regardless of the outcome of Thursday's game the Ducks have proven that despite their eight seed they are not intimidated by the Red Wings nor star struck by their success. The Ducks have had as much success in recent years as the Red Wings with just as many superstars and are playing without fear. Anaheim is hitting Detroit in the mouth disallowing them from using their enormous skill to the fullest potential. The Ducks have certainly relied on playoff newcomer Jonas Hiller—who has stepped up to the challenge and passed the test with flying colors—but they are also taking advantage of the few opportunities they do get to get the puck behind Chris Osgood. As good as the Pittsburgh-Washington series has been many would argue with validity that this series has been at least equally as entertaining. There is a strong possibility that the winner of this series will go on to win the Stanley Cup. Sure the games are on late when played in Anaheim but if you have the chance stay up one night to check this series out. Great goaltending, physical play, incredible skill, and plenty of drama are all contained in this series with a triple overtime game to boot! As a hockey fan or simply a fan of sports in general what's not to like about this series?

PS A lot has happened on and off the ice this week… tune in this weekend for this week in hockey review

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Last Two Champs Battle Headlines West Round Two

April 30, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

Although the east has the so called “dream match-up” the second round of the Western Conference probably has the series with the most potential as the last two Stanley Cup Champions will go head-to-head.

Conferência Oeste:

ducks vs red wings 300x204 Last Two Champs Battle Headlines West Round Two

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Stanley Cup Playoffs Make Grand Entrance

April 18, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

bill guerin scores 300x217 Stanley Cup Playoffs Make Grand Entrance

Well the playoffs are now in full swing as every series will have played two games by the end of Saturday. So let's take a look and how the respective series are unfolding:

Conferência Leste

1. Boston Bruins VS 8.Montreal Canadiens
The final score of game one was about what everybody expected but the level of competition between the two clubs was probably higher than most thought. Boston roared out to a 2-0 lead but the Canadiens battled back to tie the game at two before ultimately going down 4-2. But the rivalry is hot and despite the perception of a major mismatch it doesn't seem likely to be over anytime soon. Game 2 is tonight before the series shifts back to Montreal so we'll see what surprises are in store for us.

2. Washington Capitals VS 7. New York Rangers
Jose Theodore didn't make it past the first game as he was benched for rookie back up netminder Simeon Varlamov after Washington's 4-3 loss at home to the Rangers. Again many people felt the Rangers were completely outmatch by the fire power of the Capitals and that the only chance the Rangers had offensively is if Theodore didn't play well. Theodore did not play all that well in game one and the Rangers stole one from Washington but surely things would be different now that Theodore was benched. Varlamov did indeed play very well in net for Washington Saturday afternoon as the Rangers were only able to net one behind the rookie netminder. Unfortunately for the Caps Henrik Lundqvist was up to the challenge and shut Ovechkin and company out. Now the series shifts back to New York with the Rangers having a commanding lead and looking for the sweep. Sportsroids when against the grain in predicting a Rangers win in this series and so far the Rangers have no disappointed.

3. New Jersey Devils VS Carolina Hurricanes
In a series that many felt would be evenly matched has surely turned out to be that way. After game one the Canes looked to be greatly overmatched; but after Carolina took game two in overtime we've got ourselves a series. The two teams are so similar in every aspect of the game and that makes the series a virtually toss up on paper. Sportsroids said Carolina in five and although that seems unlikely now we are sticking to our guns! Regardless of what happens there is a lot of great hockey ahead of us in this series.

4. Pittsburgh Penguins VS 5. Philadelphia Flyers
The Flyers seemed greatly outmatched after game one but game two was an entirely different story. Philly took the earlier lead but Pittsburgh battled back to tie. Then the Flyers took another lead only to see penalties allow the Penguins back into a game seemingly headed to the win column for the Flyers. But take nothing away from Pittsburgh, they dominated game one and although were largely outplayed in game two they took advantage of Flyer mistakes and now have a strangle-hold on the series. Don't expect the Flyers to quit though as they move home to play in front of their rowdy and very unforgiving fans at Wachovia center. Sportsroids told you this would go seven games, and although that is still possible if Pittsburgh wins either of the games in Philadelphia the Flyers will be in serious trouble. The Flyers won't fold but don't expect Pittsburgh to take their proverbial foot off the gas.

Conferência Oeste

1. San Jose Sharks VS 8. Anaheim Ducks
People were wondering if the Sharks were finally ready to take it to the next level or if the same old Sharks would show up again in the playoffs. One game does not a series make but for at least one night it's the same old Sharks. Granted, the Ducks are not far removed from a Stanley Cup Championship but the Sharks at least need to score a goal. There is still a long way to go but if San Jose continues to play like they did in game one they will be making an early exit.

2. Detroit Red Wings VS 7.Columbus Blue Jackets
As I write this post the Red Wings are leading the Blue Jackets 3-0 at the second intermission, this after winning game one 4-1. The Blue Jackets have been a great story all season but the playoffs are too much for them and so they are done.

3. Vancouver Canucks VS 6. St. Louis Blues
The Blues were another good story going into the playoffs but after making a pretty good showing in game one they were completely shut down by Vancouver in game two losing 3-0. Like Columbus, St. Louis is an up and coming team with great goaltending but they appear to be severely overmatched by the Vancouver Canucks.

4. Chicago Blackhawks VS 5. Calgary Flames
Game one of this series was probably the most entertaining game of the first round so far. Game one had everything you could want in a playoff hockey game: lead changes, scrums, great individual battles, fantastic goaltending and overtime! Sure Martin Havlat ended the party early by scoring only 12 seconds into the overtime period but if game one was any indication of how the rest of the series will go then this and the Carolina-New Jersey series have the potential to become classics.

Like you, we at sportsroids will be watching intently to see how the rest of round one unfolds. Enjoy the ride hockey fans!

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Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,'s Western Conference Playoffs Predictions

April 14, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

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The Western Conference welcomes newcomers (Columbus), perennial powerhouses (Detroit) and those who haven't been there in quite a while (Chicago, St. Louis). Those facts make for a very interesting two months so we at sportsroids will try to make it simply for you by previewing the match-ups.

1. San Jose Sharks VS 8. Anaheim Ducks
The first all California NHL playoff match-up since the 1960s puts the old dogs against the new kids on the block… in a way. San Jose has had some very good teams in recent years and have experienced a fair amount of playoff success by getting their consistently and winning their fair share of games. Despite the wins racked up since their inception into the league in the early 1990s, the Sharks have yet to reach the hockey summit. Expectations are now higher for them than ever before after a disappointing year last season leading to the firing of Ron Wilson in favor of Todd McClellan who brought the Sharks their first ever President's Trophy. The Sharks are a relatively young team but the fans are tired of second round exits and are very much expecting a strong run at the Stanley Cup from the Sharks. On the flip side are the Anaheim Ducks who have been in the league less time than San Jose but already have two Cup finals trips to show for along with a Stanley Cup Championship two short years ago. In that regard the Ducks are the old dogs because they have “been there, done that” where San Jose has not. Bottom line is, the series will come down to experience versus youth; although I think Anaheim is a very dangerous team (despite their 8 th seed) who can cause a lot of damage if they get out of the first round. However, I think the Sharks time is now, their coach, city, and players are all read to take that next step and it starts with a six game series win over the in-state rival Ducks.

2. Detroit Red Wings VS 7. Columbus Blue Jackets
Much like the Sharks-Ducks series the Red Wings have been there done that and Columbus hasn't… ever. This is the first playoff go around for the city of Columbus and the Blue Jackets franchise. There will be a lot of energy in the Nationwide Arena game four as the Blue Jackets host their first playoff game. Despite all the energy the Blue Jackets will have going into Detroit the Red Wings will have too much fire power for the Blue Jackets to succeed. Goaltending has been dicey all season for Detroit but as Chris Osgood has shown before when it counts he is top-notch. Blue Jacket stars Rick Nash, RJ Umberger, Kristian Huselius, and rookie phenom Steve Mason will give Columbus a punchers chance in this series but will come up short. Cronwall, Zetterberg, Lindstrom, Franzen, etc. will be way too much for upstart Columbus… Detroit in five.

3. Vancouver Canucks VS 6. St. Louis Blues
Both teams have been hot as of late as St. Louis came from being down and out all the way up to the sixth seed; while Vancouver was 12 points down to Calgary only to surge back to snatch the division title from the Flames. When two hot teams meet on a playoff collision course there are usually a lot of fireworks and should make for a very entertaining series. The Blues have a lot of talent on their team in guys like Brad Boyes, David Backes, David Parron, rookie sensation TJ Oshie and goaltender extraordinaire Chris Mason. They fought hard to reach this point and have a city that hasn't seen the playoffs in quite some time pretty charged up. St. Lous will undoubtedly put up a great fight and may very well pull off the upset. However, the Sedin twins, Alex Burrows, Mats Sundin, and Roberto Luongo (the X-factor and probably the most important piece to Vancouver's puzzle) will push forward in the playoffs and dispose of the Blues in five.

4. Chicago VS 5. Calgary
The Blackhawks are finally back to the playoffs and the city is on fire, burning with passion for their hockey team. Martin Havlat, Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews, and Patrick Sharp along with solid goaltending from Nikolai Khabibulin earned Chicago home-ice in the first round and some very excited fans. Many think Chicago can be very good for a long time but this year may be just a bit too early for the Blackhawks. They are up against a very tough first round opponent who are under a lot of pressure to finally perform in the playoffs after underachieving since their Cup Finals appearance in 2004. The Flames have assembled a lot of stars—Jarome Iginla, Mike Cammalleri, Dion Phaneuf, and Olli Jokinen to name a few—but the most important player on the ice will be Mikka Kiprusoff. The highly touted netminder has been nothing short of spectacular for Calgary over the years but has played a lot of games over the years (including this season) and has faced a ton of shots. Kiprusoff can hold up but will need help from the team in front of him to take some of the pressure off and limit the shots the Blackhawks get on net. 25-30 shots per game are ok but once you get higher than 30 consistently Kiprusoff is only human and will break down. Limiting shots on goal for Calgary is of the utmost importance if they want to finally have the success many think they can achieve. Although they blew their division lead down the stretch I think the Flames have the right pieces assembled to go deep into the playoffs…starting with a six game series victory over Chicago.

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All Star Game Flops; Second Half Mercifully Begins

January 27, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

ovechkin all star game 300x160 All Star Game Flops; Second Half Mercifully Begins
The NHL All-Star break is now over and mercifully so is the NHL All-Star game. It was the highest scoring all-star game and 22 goals scored plus the addition goal awarded for the shootout win for the East really could not have been any less entertaining. Even the skills competition was boring with the modification of the event to try to make it more exciting did the exact opposite. With that said, Tuesday night the de facto second half began and there were some pretty good games on tap. The best of Tuesday's games was in Boston as the Bruins battled the Caps.

Washington and Boston are two of the best teams in the lead not only in team points but in talent level and that makes all of their match-ups particularly intriguing. Washington made Boston come from behind twice in the game before the game was won 3-2 in overtime by Boston on a blocked pass attempt that by chance went into the net behind Theodore. It was unfortunate because both netminders played an incredible third period making incredible shots to keep their respective teams in the game as the aforementioned talent that these two teams are loaded with. Both Theodore and Thomas showed Tuesday night that despite all that talent it is the goalies who need to be the best player on the ice more often than not if any hockey team wants to be a legitimate Stanley Cup contender.

Some other notes worth mentioning before signing off:

Claude Lemieux made his return to Colorado with the San Jose Sharks. The 43 year old signed an AHL deal with San Jose before being called up to play with the NHL club last Tuesday.

The Buffalo Sabres scored 2 goals in the first 1:45 of the first period against Edmonton on route to crushing the Oilers 10-2.

The Detroit Red Wings started the second half of the season with a 3-2 OT loss to Columbus.

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A Bruins-Sharks Finals? Don't Count On It

January 14, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

bruins game seven loss 288x300 A Bruins Sharks Finals? Dont Count On It

Monday night the Boston Bruins defeated the Montreal Canadiens 3-1 to improve their East leading point total to 68. Later Monday night the Sharks improved their league leading total to 69 which might lead some to believe that San Jose and Boston are on a Stanley Cup Finals collision course. While clearly possible it is not going to happen, or at least I don't think it will. San Jose still has to get by the Detroit Red Wings which will not be an easy task for a number of reasons namely their experience and goal-scoring ability. Chris Osgood has struggle a bit so far despite his good record and seems to be a weakness for Detroit at the moment but if last season is any indication come playoff time that weakness will morph into a strength. The Bruins seemed to lack a weakness; they play great defense, are scoring like crazy, have great size and will probably have fresh legs come playoff time because the trap they run helps to keep players from exerting too much energy by allowing them to simply stand in the neutral zone to clog it up as the other team comes to them. But two important pieces are missing for the Bruins: one is that their coach Claude Julien has experienced very little playoff success in the NHL. Secondly, Tim Thomas has one year of playoff experience and that was last year against Montreal in a series that he did not play particularly well, enough so that the Bruins brought in Manny Frenandez because they felt Thomas could not be trusted. Not having experience in other positions hurts but when the coach and goaltender both had very little success in the playoffs it is very detrimental to a team and in this case will keep Boston from even reaching the finals. So despite the looks of things now don't count on a Bruins/Sharks finals, but Boston will make a lot of noise nevertheless in the playoffs.

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Wrigley Field Shines, Second Winter Classic a Success

January 1, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

winter classic store image 300x225 Wrigley Field Shines, Second Winter Classic a Success

The second Winter Classic wrapped up from Wrigley Field Thursday afternoon in front of 40+ thousand fans who unfortunately witnessed a Blackhawks loss but were part of a historical experience they will likely not soon forget. The event itself was spectacular as Wrigley Field was set up perfectly with piles of snow scattered throughout and mini games going on around the main ice surface. The fan-fair was incredible and the presence of stars from the past combined with the rich sports tradition of Wrigley Field and the two franchises who are members of the original six NHL teams.

Unfortunately the game itself left much to be desired. It was off to a fast start as the game play was fast and the buzz in the stadium was unbelievable. Both teams settled in well to the elements and put on a great show in the first period combining to score four goals with Chicago taking the 3-1 lead at the end of one. At the start of the second period things slowed down an awful lot and the Detroit Red Wings took control by establishing their slow, puck-possession style of play which works as a great offense and defense. Despite Chicago's fast start once Detroit cut the lead to one at 3-2 those who watch the game closely knew that Chicago as more than likely in trouble. As it turns out the game in fact slowed down a ton which worked very much in Detroit's favor and they skated out of Wrigley Field with a dominating 6-4 victory.

Although the hockey game ended up being fairly unentertaining after the end of the first period it was a still a very exciting event; certainly things went well enough that the NHL should continue to stage this event once a year. But for now the Winter Classic is in the books and tomorrow things go back to business as usual as the All-Star game and a push for the playoffs are on the horizon.

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Winter Classic Excitement

December 29, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

winter classic 300x237 Winter Classic Excitement

The NHL's second Winter Classic is only two days away and the sports world should be in for a real treat. The Chicago Blackhawks have won 9 straight games and have recorded a point in each of their last ten. Not only is winning nine straight impressive but the Hawks have been putting away some very good teams including at home against Philadelphia and four road games against Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver and Minnesota. Chicago is getting great play from not just their big stars (Kane, Sharp, Toews, Campbell) but also from guys like defensemen Duncan Keith who has 18 points and is a plus 19 for the season. They are a solid team and are finally coming together to create what could be something very special not only in the years to come but this season in particular.

On January 1 st the Blackhawks welcome the Detroit Red Wings to Wrigley Field and rumor has it that the Red Wings are pretty good… Clearly the Red Wings are very good for not only are they the defending Stanley Cup champions but they are second in the West with 50 points trailing only the amazing San Jose Sharks who the Wings recently pummeled 6-0. Complimenting the Wings would take all day so I'll just let mentioning names like Lindstrom, Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Hossa, and Frazen (among many others) do all the explaining themselves. Not only will the atmosphere be great but the hockey won't be half bad either. The fans are hyped and the players are excited as face-off approaches. In two days the eyes of the hockey universe will be focused on Chicago, live at 1pm eastern time on NBC in the US and CBC and RDS in Canada. The wait… is almost over.

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Patience Needed in NHL

December 22, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

anxiety 300x219 Patience Needed in NHL

The Boston Bruins, Detroit Red Wings, and San Jose Sharks are the only three teams in the NHL that have shown any amount of consistency all year. The Pittsburgh Penguins once upon a 6 game winning streak, and now it looks like they cannot play defense or hold a lead for the life of them. At times Toronto has looked very strong at times and at others look very much like the young team they are. The New York Rangers started hot out of the gate and since have settled down a bit but are still playing well. Anaheim started pretty sluggish but now they look great and Phoenix was awful at one point but have seemed to put it together to become a much better team since the beginning of the year. Ottawa was up and down for a while got hot for a moment and now they are looking to have a fire-sale. The list of teams and stories to accompany them goes on and on, the point being, save for the three teams mentioned in the first sentence above we don't know anything about anybody. There is Panic in Pittsburgh with how the team has stumbled, there are rumblings in Montreal with how poor their power play is and how well the Bruins are playing. Bottom line is for players, coaches, front office managers, analysts and fans alike what is needed most in the NHL is to have patience with a team and that's what there seems to be the least of. See where your team is come late January early February and then start to Panic.

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Exciting Winter Classic Preludes

December 6, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

detroit winter classic jersey 300x300 Exciting Winter Classic Preludes blackhawks winter classic jersey 300x300 Exciting Winter Classic Preludes

The second annual Winter Classic (to be held 1/1/2009 at Wrigley Field in Chicago) is fast approaching and if their first two games are any indication the Chicago Blackhawks and Detroit Red Wings are going to put on quite a show. Em seu primeiro jogo-up os Blackhawks construída uma vantagem de 4-2 só para ver que se afastam resultando em uma vitória 6-5 tiroteio por Detroit. Sábado à noite as duas equipes colidiu novamente com o Detroit tomar a liderança no início apenas para perdê-lo para Chicago, que mais uma vez ganhou uma vantagem de 4-2 sobre Detroit. And again, much like the first game, Detroit battled back and ultimately got the best of Chicago in a shootout 5-4. Observando as estrelas estabelecidas em Detroit (Zetterberg, Lindstrom, Hossa, etc.) face-off contra o aumento estrelas como Jonathan Toews e Patrick Kane é extremamente divertido; é uma espécie de uma maneira de olhar para o presente do jogo e ao mesmo tempo, vendo para onde está indo no futuro e menino faz o futuro parecer brilhante. Tendo jogado dois jogos perto só tem aumentado a antecipação do jogo, como o nível de intensidade tomou um grande salto como Detroit tem frustrado os jovens Blackhawks que mal deseja obter sobre a corcunda que é a animosidade Red Wings saudável está construindo. If this all holds up the National audiences in the US and Canada and those watching around the world are in for a real treat.

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Do Not Sleep On Ovechkin and Capitals

November 20, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

alexander ovechkin 300x225 Do Not Sleep On Ovechkin and Capitals Alexander Ovechkin tallied 5 points (a goal and 4 assists) Wednesday night as the Washington Capitals defeated the Anaheim Ducks 6-4. Many people in the league have talked about: how well the Bruins are playing in front of Tim Thomas, the Penguins are off to their best start since 1995, San Jose rolling, Marian Hossa gelling with another great Detroit Red Wings team, Minnesota's fantastic defense, and of course year 100 pour Les Canadiens de Montreal—but do not sleep on the Washington Capitals. The defending Southeast Division champions are once again leading a fairly mediocre pack of teams with a quarter of the season gone. Most will focus on Ovechkin but the Capitals have a more complete team surrounding their superstar this year. Alexander Semin is racking up the points thus far and although the defense is nothing to write home about they absolutely do an adequate job in front of the goaltending duel of Brent Johnson and Jose Theodore who have preformed more than admirably through the first 18 games of the season. Washington will be a very scary team come playoff time because they can score enough to beat anyone on any given night, have a great home ice advantage where they have yet to lose a game in regulation, and now have a team with a full tank of playoff experience. Although I think the Caps need more of a physical presence to be a championship contender (sorry but Donald Brashear cannot do it all himself) they can certainly make a lot of noise nonetheless come April.

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Staal Explodes VS Red Wings

November 11, 2008 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

jordan staal1 300x203 Staal Explodes VS Red Wings Tonight's (11/11) game between the Detroit Red Wings and Pittsburgh Penguins was billed as a rematch of last year's Stanley Cup Finals. And the Penguins 7-6 come-from-behind win in overtime certainly made a statement that the Penguins aren't still ailing from last year's Cup Finals loss. But the big story took a backseat to an incredible side-story that developed for one Jordan Staal. Entering the evening the promising young forward had been struggling to score goals and although his penalty killing continued to be top-notch many fans were growing restless of his goal-scoring woes; that is, until late in the third period. With the Penguins down 5-3 Staal gave them hope by scoring a brilliant goal in front of Osgood to cut the lead to one at 5-4. Detroit later answered to re-establish their two goal lead but Staal was just warming up. Staal scored the next two goals for the Penguins to force overtime and also drew a penalty toward the end of regulation setting up a golden opportunity for Pittsburgh heading into overtime. The ensuing power play was killed by the Wings, perhaps all that did was irritate Staal for as the game approached a shootout he pick-pocketed Pavel Datsyuk setting up Ruslan Fedetanko who buried the game-winning goal. Staal had 5 points before tonight, and left the ice with 4 in this game alone. So for all those who were worried, it won't be like this every night, but it looks like he's coming along just fine.

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