
6月22日,2009年AlexV · 发表评论

nfl nfl nfl network NFL Network’s NFL Football

如果你需要一个足球修复退房NFL网络。 与Comcast有线电视公司,它大约只有7.00美元和变化。 我并不想以促进另一家公司,我只是试图让足球元首的人知道一个好去处,在那里他们可以得到修复,而且是NFL网络他们重放整个足球比赛时,通常对决有很大的饰面大多是通过所有四个季度的良好。

但是,这并不是最好的部分。 他们表明没有休息次之间的游戏,让他们走得更快。 如果他们发现你全部的老广播,那么我肯定可以看到,作为一个问题。 和那些你以为,1额外的$ 7.00 +一个月是太多要求1更多的渠道,请注意1整个运动包包括赛马,击剑,(一大堆其他废话),但大概的价格最重要的是NBA的电视频道。



2009年4月1日起, MarkM · 2评论

Plaxico Burress at his March 31 trial


今天,Plaxico布瑞斯的情况下,直到6月15日后adjured。 许多人都持怀疑态度的weither会发生这种事或不,但它可能是一个迹象,表明他的高价位的法律团队可能会接近一个认罪协议,将允许他在即将到来的NFL赛季发挥。 不管它似乎若Plaxico将不得不做一些监狱的时间排序,但问题是何时。 我记得Jamal刘易斯在监狱里度过了他的淡季,几年因贩毒收费,也许它可能,我们可以看到类似的东西为巨人巨星宽。 毫无疑问,Plaxico不想花时间在监狱里的任何。 然而,它似乎越来越明显,这将是艰难的Plax留出的大房子。 纽约市的枪支法律是有点过分,看似违宪,所以这将是一个非常有趣的情况下,毫无疑问,如果它使得审判。 Sportsroids.com团队将支持6月15日在纽约市的纠察刑事法院审判Plaxico! 所以,如果你想巨人超级杯冠军宽出,支持从鲁钝自由城市政府,希望他入狱主要是由于他的名人,请出示! plaxico,除了他自己伤害任何人,他现正被剥夺了基本的自由,我们的开国元勋之一,托马斯·杰斐逊,热切地相信英寸杰弗逊表示他坚定的信念,在携带武器的权利consitently。 这一事实的一个例子是他的著 ​​名的托马斯·杰斐逊论文334页上时,他写道,“ 没有自由的人将永远被禁止使用武器 人民保留的权利,以保持和携带武器的最强的原因是,作为最后的手段,来保护自己,反对政府的暴政“。 实现没有在纽约市的公民可以申请为隐瞒许可证,并得到一个随身携带的lisence是一个非常艰难的过程,希望人们不会试图得到一个。 听起来有点不公平好好尝试一下它呢? 无论如何,我觉得城市枪支法是荒谬的,因为这个原因。 禁止武器和使它们更难被依法aquire只会加强那些谁不遵守规则,很像的体育steriods禁令的。 那些欺骗是取胜,在该系统。 这些法律服务,帮助罪犯留超过finaiced和纽约市守法人口最多的电源。


2009年2月5日, MadisonMadnuff · 2评论

phone Toughest Sports Phone ever.

以及经常当我太忙了计算机通过我的手机我在体育界和Sportsroids检查。   在我的手机,我得到完整的互联网接入,甚至可以输入并提交本网站的文章。   我只是觉得,这款手机是最终toughmans电话,我会通知世界。   我的手机是Verizon的掌上电脑XV6700和今天上午下跌了我的口袋里,我去健身房的方式。   我没有注意到,它已下降了,我掏出的停车空间,大约一半的很多,我发现我没有我的电话,所以我把它放到空间回到健身房看到,如果我离开他们。   汽车后,我看到我的手机主要划痕和凹痕,在停车空间,以及粉碎我的鼠标先行者金属。   然后我意识到,我刚刚在林肯LS我的手机上运行。   我拿起电话,没有脉搏,这是毫无生气的,它不会打开,屏幕是空白,刮伤,我几乎流下了眼泪。   然后,正如我在店里得到一个新的手机,它涌现在我的手中起死回生,并说我“低电池”。   我认为“不可思议了,我只是用我的车跑了过来这款手机,它仍然有效”它不仅仍然可以工作,但所有的按钮,以及工作和触摸屏节省了数划痕罚款。   我只是想我会与大家分享,因为我觉得它吓坏难以置信,“你知道多少林肯LS重量(很多)。”   但可悲的是艰难的铁人足球运动员和昔日的拳击手一样 ​​,这款手机已经停产     是不再销售,所以如果你想买的话,你不能我想什么,他们在体育和生活中说,它是真正的“他们不使EM像他们使用。”


12月22日,2008年AlexV · 发表评论

I think Arthur Blank, the owner of the Atlanta Falcons, is ready to let go at this point.


一件事,我得罪了后16周大的时候是以下...为什么没有人提的是,猎鹰有机会锁定在NFL二号种子? 如果猎鹰完成击败废物填充圣路易斯公羊在亚特兰大本周末的高度联合国可敬的任务,火箭击败下周在新奥尔良,亚特兰大猎鹰队最终赢得了NFC南。 我们已经知道,巨人已锁定在加时赛击败卡罗莱纳周日晚上的头号种子,但充其量主教可以完成9-7在NFC西部,熊或海盗只能完成10-6赢得了NFC北部。 这是什么意思? 无论是猎鹰或豹保证两个种子。

但是,为什么没有人谈论它呢? 因为每一个喑哑的分析师在他们的头脑,猎鹰掉头后迈克尔·维克验美妙,只是紧抓住他们的百搭卡泊位。 但是,您好! 他们甚至可以得到一个再见! 这将是完全的巨大!

他们不仅克服了去年的惨败和1新秀的QB季后赛,但他们现在有机会来把1 1家胜和1路胜利达到超级碗的高度可行的位置自己,只要巨人赢得他们的第一场比赛。 吉兹,我的意思是,他们最终可能会举办NFC冠军赛巨人,如果失去他们的第一场比赛!

有人请谈一谈。 我看过交汇处,体育中心,并听取了每福克斯,CBS和NBC的分析员和评论员,他们没有一个人想到这个。 它让我懊恼,我几乎希望上帝猎鹰获得两个种子,看看他们都哑时装展示在他们的脸上。

卡罗莱纳... pleeeeease失去。 我已经知道了,猎鹰公羊比赛在他们后面的口袋,所以我不担心你。 后来。


2008年11月25日, CHIPZ · 1条评论

hines ward1 269x300 CHIPZ SAYS, Buckle up boys, were going into the PLAYOFFS! 所有由Sportsroids.com支付更好的幻想足球知识做了广泛的研究在过去的2周后,我想出了一个解决方案 - 不一致! 好吧,我说谎得到报酬做了广泛的研究。 然而,它并不需要一个火箭科学家知道,我们看到了很多不一致的地方,我们的球员,我们不知道是谁开始了。 因此,这里是在这篇文章中,我将回答的问题,我们应该向谁开始呢?

玩游戏的智能。 现在还不是时候到看卧铺推介,除非你的首发受伤。 Hines病区匹兹堡Steelers宽接收器是一个非常不一致的入门的例子。 如果你有他,你不能冒险在第13周,即使他做了可怕的12周中,他没有启动。 克里夫兰布朗队四分卫布雷迪奎因是另一个不一致起动。 他没有在11周大,但不得不离开后,在12周的上半年,让四分卫德里克·安德森在可能引发任何回来的希望。 布雷迪奎因和Hines病区之间唯一的区别是,不启动布雷迪奎因。 为尽快寻找另一个四分卫。 四分卫马特卡塞尔的新英格兰爱国者是一个真棒四分卫,我一直相信他会产生,他是。 如果他没有被拾起,去接他现在和他开始,如果你有四分卫问题。

reggie bush1 240x300 CHIPZ SAYS, Buckle up boys, were going into the PLAYOFFS! 跑的新奥尔良圣徒队的雷吉 - 布什是一个门将,但我不会他在第13周开始。 眼下,跑的新奥尔良圣徒皮埃尔·托马斯看起来不错,尤其是一周12的比赛结束87冲的庭院和2冲的触地得分,对绿湾包装工。 圣徒可能让他得到一些雷吉 - 布什进行,如果让他在第14周让布什得到他所需要的休息。 等待14或15周开始之前,布什再次。 如果你有问题与您的运行后卫的位置上,你需要做的季后赛,你可能要考虑放弃雷吉 - 布什。 新英格兰爱国者队的凯文·福克,Mewelde匹兹堡Steelers摩尔和佩顿希利斯丹佛野马看,如果他们没有被拾起。

peyton hillis 300x225 CHIPZ SAYS, Buckle up boys, were going into the PLAYOFFS!

泰特姆的丹佛野马贝尔跑了很多的幻想足球业主作为一个潜在的卧铺挑预期,但截至侥幸。 我不指望他在赛季余下的比赛。 跑佩顿希利斯将进行最丹佛的芦苇,只要他做什么他已经过去2周做。 他在第12周,进行12次,平均每运载6米74码。

克里夫兰布朗队,费城老鹰队,西雅图海鹰是一个团队,你应该远离。 我不会除了紧科伦斯罗的克里夫兰布朗队开始他们的任何球员,因为他们正在挣扎的球队,都不会为您生产。 四分卫多诺万麦克纳布的费城老鹰队现在正在努力并没有得到任何支持,从他的团队,他的教练,他的球迷。 弱智,他将下降,直到他能证明他可以拿出他的低迷,开始他不。 一次第一轮选秀权,跑布赖恩费城老鹰队的韦斯特布鲁克的也是一名球员,你可能不希望启动。 他仍然在痛,即使他打痛,但他显然没有他需要为你赢得的统计。 看他坐在第13周。

看看你的起动,使他们在,除非你有我在这篇文章命名,以替补的起动。 记住,玩游戏的智能,不冒任何风险了。 你的团队就行了,你需要做的季后赛! 留言,我会回应任何提示,我可以提供给他们。


2008年11月7日, CHIPZ · 1条评论

Brandon Marshall WR Denver Broncos

布兰登 - 马歇尔WR丹佛野马

在丹佛野马队和克里夫兰布朗的比赛在过去的星期四,我们都在问,“什么是与手套!”后宽接收器布兰登·马歇尔获得了比赛获胜的触地从四分卫杰伊·卡特勒。 我们可能永远不会知道,由于一个非常聪明的宽接收器的布兰登Stokley我们可以推测谁的真实意图,跑到布兰登·马歇尔,并告诉他,“不要做!”

我最初的反应后,他拉着他的裤子手套“,他去一巴掌在脸上的人!”不过,这是我觉得我会做的,或者甚至特雷尔欧文斯会做的事情。 布兰登 - 马歇尔声称在与ESPN的采访时,他掏出白手套,象征最近参议员麦凯恩和奥巴马之间总统大选。 CHIPZ SAYZ,“我仍然不相信,但是,嘿,我们永远不会知道。”


2008年11月6日, CHIPZ · 2评论

brady quinn cleveland browns 236x300 CHIPZ SAYZ... QUINN TASTIC?

CHIPZ sayz,“奎因-tastic? 或奎因的untastic?“布雷迪克利夫兰布朗奎因被起草了2006年赛季后,从巴黎圣母院和坐在在整个2007赛季和2008赛季的一半。 没有主教练罗密欧Crennel在一个错误的决定,在2007年和2008年赛季开始四分卫安德森? 在我看来,这是一个非常聪明的举动。 克里夫兰布朗队的未来团队的目的是作为他们的领导......由于他们的首发四分卫布雷迪奎因。 那么,为什么现在呢?

brady quinn notre dame 236x300 CHIPZ SAYZ... QUINN TASTIC?

我是一个坚定的信徒开始的新秀四分卫是一个非常糟糕的举动。 田纳西泰坦队的年轻四分卫Vince被认为是一个将带领他的团队超级碗,但他惨遭失败。 许多人相信,扰四分卫是不适合在NFL,因为每个人的速度太快,根本无法正常工作。 不要责怪它。 Vince年轻人只是太年轻,不知道如何利用他的武器最有潜力的。 这就像一辆法拉利给一个16岁的孩子。 你只是不这样做! 这是为什么四分卫克里柯林斯是有这么多成功的原因。 他具有丰富的经验,知道如何使用他的团队。

四分卫安德森是一个很好的备份四分卫,但不起始原料。 钳工布雷迪奎因和一个半赛季将成熟的他,让他学习,并完全理解球队的进攻剧本。 主管教练罗密欧Crennel可能打算在整个2008赛季只能以启动在2009赛季他坐在布雷迪奎因然而,由于,在NFL,它是所有关于即时满足,因此,总教练罗密欧Crennel知道,他工作就行了,不得不做出的举动。 这是布雷迪奎因开始或为时过早,我们很可能在寻找另一个伟大的四分卫呢? 只有今晚的比赛会告诉我们。

如果你是一个幻想足球的老板,我不会推荐布雷迪奎因开始。 他在2007年赛季只打了一场比赛,他去了哪里3 8 45公尺,这是不牢固的投掷,但它不是足够,以确定他是否会为你做什么,以及梦幻足球所有者。 他为整个赛季的其余部分将不得不为他的艰难的道路,因为其强大的对手,他们将会对余下赛季打。 这是男孩站在男人之间! 这是如何的幸运饼干粉碎!


2008年11月5日, AlexV · 1条评论

DeAngelo Hall is looking for a new place to call "home" in the NFL. But where can he find one?

迪安基洛厅正在寻找一个新的地方,打电话给他的家。 但其寻找?

与两次赞成碗cornerback的迪安基洛厅决定放弃攻略不清楚的推理,它是有点困难,完善队伍,将要来接他。 如果他被切断因性格问题,然后有团队,在传统的基础上,将最有可能什么都不做超过思考像匹兹堡或绿湾的想法。 再有像小牛队。 他们已经取得了一些令人兴奋的和可疑的举动,这个赛季,我不会算出来杰里·琼斯和公司要抓住机遇。 但话又说回来,谁知道他为什么被切断肯定吗?

I'm sure Antoine Winfield won't mind having DeAngelo Hall by his side in Minnesota.


基于这一关,我不会感到惊讶,如果维京人以及把他抱起来。 1已经取得1大防守移动选择了在淡季的贾里德-阿伦,将霍尔口径的一个角落1已经很大数量1安托万·温菲尔德角落就可能创造一个联赛的最强大的二重奏队在这个位置上。

我也觉得新英格兰已经失踪阿桑特塞缪尔,所以我不会算出来的图片。 我会把在混合其他球队将是火箭,因为他们想成为播放大部分的猎鹰和海盗的防御在NFC南部的顶端ð。

最后,我会去亚利桑那州作为一个非常强的可能性。 由主教现在已经知道,他们是一个很值得锁,以赢得他们的分裂,除非在家里心烦的这个星期一晚上在沙漠由49ers。 如果他们想与真正的竞争者和联赛新贵对决,那么强大的角落像迪安基洛厅将帮助他们极大。


10月20日,2008年MarkM · 发表评论

Reggie Bush is out.

雷吉 - 布什是。

雷吉布什向公众承认,他将很快得到膝关节镜手术。 圣徒是希望在他的左膝半月板手术只显示假定的问题。 他应该去,他们认为在3到4周。 也有一些报道,他将可能在2至3周。 布什本周在第二季度末,同时返回平底船受伤。 这实在是一种耻辱,雷吉是雄厚的,现在他骑的松树。 在这种情况下,唯一积极的是,由于损伤雷吉时间将获得额外的免费休息一周,由于9周圣徒再见。 圣徒肯定受到伤害的错误位今年。


如果你可以definatly拿起大Macallister暂时。 他只拥有70%的幻想联赛中,所以它是值得的时间来检查。 他将是非常适合在接下来的几个星期的情况下考虑布什的生产力。

亚历克斯V的NFL 7周精选

10月17日,2008年AlexV · 发表评论

SD BUF中-我确信现在每个人都注意到西部队没有做太多,当他们前往远东。 但我认为圣地亚哥了。

在汽车,新奥尔良是如此不一致。 但我认为他们会得到它在北卡罗来纳州一起。

闵智两支球队有很好的防守,良好的运行游戏,通过游戏平均。 我队在主场...芝加 ​​哥。

在CIN-辛辛那提坑缫丝和大本钟是5-0在辛辛那提的所有时间。 钢人队赢了。

在堪萨斯城的KC-10,甚至没有为这场比赛的拉里·约翰逊。 泰坦取胜。


SF在NYG巨头自爆上周,但他们不能在主场输球,这2-4垃圾。 巨人队赢了。

小牛在STL-罗莫或约翰逊? 谁知道? 牛仔缫丝失去其过去三年两。 我只是有一种感觉,这是在决策的底价。 公羊取胜。  

DET的时侯休斯敦至少可以发挥竞争力,并已显示罪行。 底特律活塞队的唯一势均力敌的比赛,上周,当他们失去了10-12。 休斯敦应粉碎他们。

在实业GB的印第安纳波利斯即使在上周似乎打它的步幅,亚伦罗杰斯打得漂亮恒星和帕克防守比马驹的更好。 我去绿湾。

OAK-布雷特法夫尔NYJ是在奥克兰所有时间不败。 这应保持不变。

骑士在两队从上周一个完全相反的。 华盛顿上升,失去了一个底部的居民,而克利夫兰是一个令人失望,并击败了总冠军的有力争夺者。 现在,他们已经得到了他们的直线元首,我带你去华盛顿。

在结核病西雅图SEA是1-4一直彻头彻尾的球双方的残暴。 坦帕获胜。

一直在丹佛东北登革不一致的最后几个星期,但爱国者已经相同。 我要在家里对贝利奇克的足球智商的爱国者。


2008年10月15日, MarkM · 2评论

Roy Williams WR Cowboys


杰里·琼斯做了一遍。 今天,他此举是为了获得在NFL交易截止日之前的最后几个小时,所有的罗伊·威廉姆斯。 杰瑞现在有一个DB和WR共享相同的名称。 雅皮士!! 对不起杰瑞,这一举动是刚刚走出愚蠢平。 这是贸易型的,在那里他将像一个天才或延缓像看。 我们拉延缓。 sportsroids认为,此举将有助于在赢得他今年要摧毁他的团队在未来。 是的,你得到一个广泛的顶尖人才。 是的,他是比克雷顿或奥斯汀。 但是,为什么你会放弃一个1,第3和第6轮选秀权,这家伙呢? 更何况现在他要学习一门新的剧本和系统。 认真杰里你在想什么? 我敢打赌,它是这样的,“好吧,我们刚刚失去了吃豆子琼斯,特伦斯·纽曼被伤害,我们最大的问题是,我们的防守回填是在混乱。 哦,等一下,我知道了! 让我们得到一个新的预麦当娜宽接收器,将修复它!“。我的问题是,如何才能更好的球队明年如果你只有一个第二轮挑吗?我不能等到失去了主意,因为罗伊·威廉姆斯,我不能等待才能看到它。 obvoiusly杰里·琼斯认为,可能飞政变很快,如果他这样做。 如果欧文的渔获减少和他们失去的将是在达拉斯WW3。 关于第二个想法,也许此举是吓唬到没有爆炸,但我怀疑它。 我喜欢和他想要的是取胜,和其他竞争的性质是什么让他好。 杰里,不要试图加强该。 你会失去那次战斗杰里。嘿你不觉得杰瑞开始看起来像一个小铝戴维斯。 也许他应该放慢,并意识到他已经有足够的明星力量让人们对牛仔交谈,并学习如何买到合适的作品,使他的组织势不可挡。 罗伊·威廉姆斯是一个具有巨大潜力将WR,但他有很多证明。 罗伊只来自一个1000码赛季,在他5年的职业生涯。 认真第一,第三和第六轮选秀权!! 噢,他们辞职的罗伊,以及一个新的合同。 其5年的合同!! 杰里你疯了!

如何回合的牛仔“? 就个人而言,我认为他们都是树皮不咬!

嘿杰里!! SPORTSROIDS有什么要对你说......

Dallas Cowboys Owner, Jerry Jones


坏动作=坏消息杰里! 你只是注定你的球队的未来。


10月10日,2008年MarkM · 发表评论

Adam "Pacman" Jones


达拉斯牛仔队,亚当·琼斯显然已经再次到他以前的滑稽动作。 在过去的这个周末争取自己的安全,在一间浴室,他可能会寻找一个全新的悬浮液。 我希望他们有幻想辐射足球,他和克里斯·亨利将是第一和第二选秀权的整体。 PAC已经是他第二次罢工与commisioner罗杰·古德尔。 它遗憾地看到,即使是强大的牛仔无法保存从自己这个年轻人,更遑论故事饥饿的媒体,谁做了他的脖子上很多的气息。 我什至听到这样pacman他的鞋子绑在一个文章我读的地方!(笑话)无论哪种方式错误,我们作为球迷非常pacman的关键。 公众的批评,可能有几个原因。 我认为,主要是因为他有运动天赋,在位置,使数百万,似乎他只是拥抱他的机会并不关心。 意识到有一天,亚当将成长起来,这出“我是一个硬汉”的把戏。 然后他会意识到他是一个幸运儿。 我只是希望它发生之前,它是后期。 他可能会再次暂停联赛,可能结束他的职业生涯中的NFL。 被问及有关新的Pacman事件时,罗杰·古德尔说:“我不认为有任何误解有关亚当已经把他的行为,自己的位置,”他说。 “有一些事情,我对他的期望。 我会告诉你,我很失望,我们甚至讨论这个。“


2008年9月19日, sportsroids · 1条评论



Joe Namath


纽约喷气机队的身份是什么? 答:他们没有身份。 乔Namath,不是被解雇的交流与消防员埃德。 甚至没有伟大的布雷特法夫尔不会解决,也不改变这种状况。 金枪鱼无法修复它,甚至贝利奇克看到写在墙上,并为新英格兰狂奔。 有没有QB的伟大继承。 有没有一个强大的运行历史/通过面向进攻/防守主宰。 它仅仅是不存在的。 麻袋的交流? 他们早已被人遗忘。 没有人加紧进行这一传统。 前面的办公室有一个又一个坏草案和继续尝试迷眼大无名字主教练拉羊毛。 他们甚至试图欺骗每个人都以为他们是认真搬回到纽约。 他们与巨人体育场,进一步entrenches他们在这个城市的“第二阵容”。 唐纳德·特朗普与比尔·盖茨共进午餐时,他们共享一个沙拉吗? 不! 那么,为什么要喷气机共享是没有接近他们的球迷基础的巨人体育场?

The New Meadowlands Stadium


它变得越来越困难,甚至要为他们的根了。 如果你足够幸运获得门票,你还必须赶在他们打电话回家的沼泽那个洞。 他们需要一个重大的变化。 新的所有权将是巨大的。 在纽约的新家会更好。 他们或许能找到一些在布朗克斯区的空?


9月19日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论



New York Jets


想象一下,到布朗克斯前往观看比赛。 你下降到161和河,步行沿L和向下通过的大门。 你偷看通过隧道和看到领域的palyers的,当你从肚子里的水泥大教堂出现你的耳鼓膜隆隆,当你听到人群高唱的J - é - T的- !小号射流射流射流来吧想一想。 新的布朗克斯轰炸机! 一个全新的体育场团伙绿色。 没有更多的桥梁(或两个)过境交通会议(在的NJTP)和没有更多的“让去洋基”?

喷气机队需要一个新的地方,给家里打电话。 一个地方叫自己。 谁知道也许甚至是新的制服和一个新的名字。 他们可以自称为布朗克斯轰炸机和改变其标志的隐形战斗机,使他们的制服,黑色或者甚至伪装。 “老字号”洋基球场的网站将是完美的。 忘记市中心什么是一个坏主意。 想象一下,趴在一些足球! 如何真棒会这样呢? 一个新的体育场完成与所有的球迷友好的设施。 Weeb Ewbank圆形。 的艾默生布泽尔酒吧。 李刚绿色烤架烧烤。 马克Gastineau长廊。 O'Brien的爱尔兰酒吧,他们只会绿色的啤酒。 温尼的比萨。 乔Namath广场。 他们甚至可以把在一家同性恋酒吧,并称之为“SAC交易所”医管局!

呜呜上Wannstedt。 一个SportsRoids独家

9月18日,2008年由sportsroids · 2评论


通过 麦迪逊Mad'nuff

Pittsburgh Panthers Coach Dave Wannstedt


由于皮特豹继续他们本赛季的一个怀疑,如果Wannstedt大学的正确选择。 我Waanstedt是只是一个大的名字雇用,大多数人都知道是行不通的。 当你像Wannstedt匹兹堡家伙,和心爱的城市,它很容易让皮特聘请家伙,但为什么呢? 这是Wannstedt唯一的区别是已被解雇尚未怪异让人联想到内布拉斯加州内布拉斯加州居民。 但如果他不生产今年,我希望他是。 当您删除像沃尔特·哈里斯的家伙(我承认)不能去所有的方式,或招募到最好的,但仍然有能力建立一个程序,并取代他有一个大的名字,你最好有那家伙提供和Wannstedt的没有。 所以,当你拔出插头? 我说,现在前皮特失去了6场比赛。 沃尔特·哈里斯能来,拉里Fitzgerlad,安东尼奥·布莱恩特,Latiff严峻,Keavan巴洛和Wannstedt至少不会有一些大名字。 对我Waanstedt是在去年,但他的出路,然后皮特的奇迹和赌注西弗吉尼亚拉。 这赢得了Wannstedt另一个拍摄到5或6场比赛中赢得和被解雇。 沃尔特·哈里斯至少有一个成功的记录,皮特需要结束这场拿起或从一个较小的学校聘请了成熟的教练,“弗兰克Solich人”? “我只是sayin”


9月17日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论



Cardinals QB Kurt Warner

主教QB Kurt华纳

幻想体育并不总是越来越大的名字或名称,至少有一点大...就像Kurt华纳。 只是因为是37岁的家伙不应该是最后一个因素你是否应该去接他。 添加到自己的梦幻球队的决定时,应始终认为“生产”。 这一点在本赛季,Kurt华纳一直配种,将1伟大的挑了那些你们谁是从任何的下列梦幻足球疾病痛苦;“布雷迪的飘综合症,”“卡森-帕尔默的出租我向下, “和”JaMarcus罗素让我很愚蠢。“事实上,他已经把迄今的数字,他已被证明是好,如果没有更好的统计明智的是,比一些在选取框四分卫游戏。

到目前为止本赛季库尔特华纳已积累了558传球码(每场比赛279),1 70.4%完成的百分比,时,最良好的QBS是大约在60年代中期较低的缠绵,和他有四触地通过积累每场比赛的两个(一切需要的是1.875每场比赛的TDS一个惊人的128.5的QB评价一个球员在一个赛季常规赛达到30)。 如果时代华纳能这样保持下去,他将项目完成传递与4,464码,32触地传球。 去年,只有四个的四分卫达到30 + TD合格标志;汤姆·布雷迪(50),奥多姆(36),本Roethlisberger(32),佩顿·曼宁(31)。 现在,在预测也许有点歪斜,他看起来仍然是3,600预计的4,464个通过的庭院之间的任何地方,至少在触地传球类别中旬20大关,他还没有抛出一挑。

Warner's fantasy stock is on the rise for 2008.


当你把帐户所有这些因素和华纳执行上赛季的方式,好处应该是很容易看到。 去年,他开始在11场比赛,并在三个多发挥。 华纳在这些比赛中27次达阵,而通过共3,417个通过的庭院和管理62.3完成百分比,对一个不那么伟大的共17拦截。 但已经在他的年龄,谁也受伤的肩膀打四分卫,这些都是显着的数字! 仅一年后,你也可以拥有Kurt华纳作为一个全职首发,而且是健康的!

这是什么,你应该想,如果你的头脑上是否下降华纳降压的束缚。 我有一个强烈的感觉,有一些幻想的球员 ​​去与否的球员 ​​有一个威信高的水平,分析师预计,如果一个球员的球队要取得成功,并在季后赛和超级碗。 以及猜测什么? 威信并没有得到你的时间所有大的统计,也没有一个像你那些纷纷抛出一个赛季下来漏只要你起草迈克尔·维克(当他实际上是玩)通电球员。 我敢打赌,有些人说:“库尔特华纳显然是要做些什么时,他有Anquan Boldin和拉里·菲茨杰拉德。”哦,不狗屎! 去接他的另一个重要原因! 所以请记住乡亲。 如果你迫切需要在这一点在本赛季的四分卫,继续和忽略红雀队本赛季成功的机会,但不要忽视Kurt华纳的机会,为你赢得一些比赛。












9月17日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论


我坐在这里淘一起来的QB,TE和“佛雷斯股权”回自由球员名单。 认真审查JT奥沙利文,托尼·舍夫勒馋死斯塔基时,突然打我的统计分析 - 我女儿的左拳头! 哈! 她抓住了我好漂亮太对面一边痛苦地敲我的头,我的眼镜,把我的鼻子桥。 我送她上楼从像口头甩动相当食人魔抽泣后,我意识到这篇文章已经产生。 我们为什么那么在乎运动呢?
也许像我一样,你的其余部分是某种形式的退役运动员。 你在任何一分钟,你足够老挥动棍子的成本发挥体育和打石头,要么通过你实现了某种轻微/重大失望。 视频游戏的热情,此时接管和你成为“玩家”,或像我发狂毫无价值。 后来演变成幻想体育。 Chances are somewhere in between there you were and maybe still are a beer league softball player or even a flag football coach or an assistant on the local varsity squad. At any rate even if it is just watching your favorite team on television every night for some reason we all care a great deal about sports.
Even as I sit here writing this I must have some form of sports entertainment channel siphoning in on the television. 但是为什么呢? It really makes no major difference in our lives does it? Sure it feels good to root for a winner. It is nice to see your team win. Even better to see them win a championship. But do they care as much about you? They would not play for free I guarantee you that. None of us would work for free, would we? Although the satisfaction you get from the feeling of accomplishment after actually playing and practicing and earning a win is second to none.
Now if you are out there playing and having fun regardless of the outcome and enjoying getting some physical release then good for you. You are way ahead of the rest. Yet there are still those of us who throw a bat in disgust when making an out in softball. I mean the ball is the size of a grapefruit and is practically put on tee for us it comes in so slow. We are the same ones who throw the “joy stick” down and hit the reset button when our life expires or digitally enhanced QB throws an interception. We were the same ones who broke a broom stick in half wrapping it around a pole after striking out in a stick ball game in the 5th grade. Hopefully we have all outgrown that stage or at least recognize that at some point that behavior is just plain silly even unnecessary.
Well, however it was you came upon this I just hope you can keep it all in front of you. 享受它。 有它的乐趣。 Play to win but keep what is important in the foreground. Okay I have to go now and apologize to my daughter and teach her how to sneak an elbow in underneath the basket when boxing out.

ps I picked up Tony Scheffler and dropped Todd Heap.

It might be time to say goodbye to Todd Heap as a Starting Fantasy TE.



9月17日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论


This is a short list of memorable fights involving sports figures or teams.

1。 Strahan Fights Tom Arnold On The Best Damn Sports Show .

I think Strahan gets hurt. He makes some funny sounds.


2。 Jim Everett Fight Jim Rome.

Many poeple say that Jim Rome had it coming. Well we all know Rome is a jerk anyways.

3. Mascot Fights

We all love these ones


Bucky Badger gets light up

4. And of course Finally Fan Fights


You can always trust that Red Sox Fans and Yankee Fans are getting into it



9月17日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论



Justin Tuck's Interception for a TD


啧啧飕飕,看看ESPN的专栏作家和体育中心宣布,现在说,他们都喜欢“贾斯汀塔克”和描绘他作为纽约防线下基督的来临。 他们说没有斯特拉恩和OSI巨人贾斯汀塔克不能填补“巨人防御洞”,因此防守的Gmen会奋斗。 这几乎就像是政治废话。 当你错了,你错了,巨人D是非常稳固。 我什至看到一些牛仔迷说,在博客上说:“塔克没有斯特拉恩,并没有OSI probobly将失去所有,但两场比赛今年”。 哇! 我心想,“白痴”。 无论如何,我知道什么时候说,“嘿,我是正确的”,“你错了”。 我想还提到当一个DE拦截了一通,并运行它为TD,球员是一些特别的东西。 然而,大蓝D将有今年糟糕的比赛,所以请不要认为他们是flawless.They,将在NFL的前8名的单位之一,我保证。 所以,如果你需要一个DST或你的梦幻球队的防御,试图让贾斯汀Tuck和他的蓝色巨人船员,导致今年他们将在萨克斯和拦截的顶级球队无论其强硬的时间表。





9月16日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论


很多球队开始了2-0,然后不结束,几乎做废话,本赛季剩下的。 例如从去年的49人队,他们上个赛季开始一个充满希望的2-0,接着,我敢说,“哧”整理自己的季节4-12此后关闭前8个巨大的损失。 因此,让我们找出谁是今年的2-0的是去年的49人,谁看起来得到它布莱恩以3-0,当一切都说过和做过这个星期天。

立案的第一队是2-0亚利桑那红雀。 They are coming off a convincing

Arizona Cardinals

战胜迈阿密的最后一个周末的时候,也许,新草显示(Boldin,菲茨杰拉德和华纳)轰出了31-10决赛的海豚,一开始就困难重重,但在本周一强有力的冲刺,对...你猜对了,圣旧金山! 他们赢得那场比赛23-13。 他们的对手,华盛顿红皮,发现了一些生活的这个周末,把29分的同时,拉出反对圣徒先到隐藏胜。 But the Cardinals with a healthy Kurt Warner are looking like locks against the lower-tier teams. 然而,华盛顿似乎有这个团队的人数,甚至因为天的时候,他们是在同一部门。 加有点击败圣徒,他们之间的低层次水平和竞争力。 我会去与北美印第安人继续这一传统至少一个或多个匹配,因为他们在家里玩,和红雀击败两支球队完成合并5-28上个赛季。

下一场比赛,去的是新英格兰对阵迈阿密。 他们发挥在主场迎战迈阿密...老实说,我没有你想关于这个游戏的其他人说什么,但对于专业的缘故,我会说出几句话。 迈阿密并不像他们正在与乍得Pennington重建,新英格兰是太精明,减去经验不足,如果不看好,马特·卡塞尔,让一对海豚的滑。 新英格兰移动到3-0。


New York Giants look Tough this year.


打法是坚实的。 孟加拉虎的进攻已经成功地产生在两个高潮,以每场平均不到10场比赛17分。 他们的防守一直是平均水平,这并不可怕,但是当你不进球,因为你运行游戏不吓唬人,您的四分卫起着什么样的,他知道他的团队太臭,那么很难赢得比赛。 但是,这甚至没有。 只是平了孟加拉虎,甚至没有像他们照顾。 巨人队获胜,保持不败。 Plus they're at home this weekend… 'nuff said.

休斯敦是本周末在田纳西州2-0。 休斯敦打了一场比赛,失去了。 田纳西州已经打了两场比赛,并赢得了他们俩。 Although Tennessee and Houston are both looking to improve from promise they showed last year, the Titans showed higher promise finishing 10-6 and making the playoffs, while the Texans finished 8-8. 因为明显的分工的竞争,这个游戏可能接近,但我给边缘将保持不败的泰坦。

卡罗来纳州已被脱下最后一分钟的胜利过去两个星期,像这是他们该死的工作。 他们再次成为“心脏猫 ​​”,其2003年的超级碗运行。 本周末,他们对阵维京人在明尼苏达州。 虽然你不应该忽视,因为他们的恶战与绿湾在本周一和印第安纳波利斯上周损失的维京人(如果你是一个聪明的足球爱好者),我还是得去与豹的经验和史蒂夫·史密斯的回报。 他们的道路上,但除了明尼苏达州,他们将得到以3-0。 什么是甜的目标就是!

水牛城票据是2-0以及面临奥克兰突袭者队本周末在家里的特权。 攻略本来的样子有点像一个橄榄球队上周在粉碎院长23-8。 但...贾马克斯罗素是一个令人沮丧的17只有55码的传球6。 条例草案已经好转了入侵者的损失本周末看是一个冷门。 条例草案去到3-0。


杰伊·卡特勒,但一场胜利是一个双赢。 圣徒必须证明是Aints。 但是,他们打算1

Denver and Jay Cutler look great.


英里到丹佛更高。 我选野马,而不是因为他们在家里,但因为与卡特勒的阵容,他们已经稳步提高,从去年到这一点。 圣徒已经和上个赛季开始以来,现在2008年。

匹兹堡是2-0。 费城拿下像疯了似的在星期一夜足球进攻30分(与其他七个度过了一个托尼罗莫摸索进入复苏变成老鹰端区)。 钢人不得不到费城去维持3-0。 当它来躲避铲球和夹紧球大的收益和/或向下转换的关键3 ,钢人队的本·罗特利斯伯格和老鹰的多诺万麦克纳布是最好的两个。 但是,钢人与他们的游戏运行更加一致,通常是联合国分阶段的道路上(放弃任何他们3-5客场战绩从上赛季,本赛季的含义任何迹象。至于我担心,他们失去了四个实际作为有意义的客场比赛,他们的第五个客场失利打击时,钢人队已经锁定了一个季后赛席位,并没有打乌鸦第17周钢人没有什么季后赛的球队在主场拿下,他们在那里7-1 ,执行体面的道路上。)。 Donovan McNabb is, at times, flustered when playing against a 3-4 defense, so I give the edge to the Steelers to improve to 3-0.

最后一个机会去不败队是达拉斯牛仔队和绿湾包装工。 这是最艰难的一周致电游戏之一。 这将是一个更容易为我打电话,如果在下午1:00,甚至4点钟比赛之一。 If that were the case I would pick Dallas as they have everything Green Bay does; solid defense, playmakers in the running game and passing game, except… Romo is a more proven quarterback than Aaron Rodgers. However, due to the fact that this game is on Sunday Night Football in Green Bay, I go with the Packers to be 3-0 and the Cowboys to be 2-1. 但还有一个原因,我不得不去绿湾;亚伦罗杰斯已经打了他的肩膀上的芯片,在这两场比赛,本赛季至今。 我没有在我心中的疑问,他知道,输掉这场比赛,或者至少是一个糟糕的表现,可以迅速提高,他曾与他在1周和2周的精彩表演擦除怀疑。 这种心理是足以让我说,包装将赢得本周末再次。

因此,有你有我的预测,3周后仍将不败。 有机会提高到3-0,其中两个10队,达拉斯牛仔队和绿湾包装工,禁止打领带,保证输。 有趣的是,根据比赛的UPS可以保持不败,其中许多。 不能等待看看会发生什么!


9月16日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论


上周日在奥克兰和堪萨斯城的比赛第二季年9月第十四届的贾斯汀Fargas受伤。 他们说,他一把拉住腹股沟受伤,但我们相信在SportsRoids的帕特·托马斯,他是恶毒殴打。 SportsRoids,认为贾斯汀是一个可怕的罪行的受害者。 贾斯汀Fargas的生殖器公开处决,不仅影响了他的工资,但他的首发位置。 他不仅从联赛,但帕特·托马斯也应支付损失。 罚款必须上交。 SportsRoid的愿望,在接下来的攻略有沉默了片刻匹配纪念球员。

The Victim


Genital Assasin.



9月16日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论


Tommy Kelly has been arrested for DUI after the Raiders first win of the season. Things just can't get any better for the Raiders, with the Coaching controversy as well as the Injury to Justin Fargas. Now their 50.5 Million dollar Defensive Lineman is in Jail. The Raiders organization just can't get a brake. Either way this is just another example that someone else (—NOT–AL DAVIS—) should be behind the Wheel of this organization.

Tommy Kelly, the highest paid DT ever in NFL history, is in Jail on DUI charges

Tommy Kelly, the highest paid DT ever in NFL history, is in Jail on DUI charges


9月16日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论

by Madison Mad'nuff

Well In a shootout the dazzled and bewildered all that watched the Cowboys beat the Eagles. These were high powered offenses that torched their opposing defenses all game save for the mistakes.

The Eagles Fell short againt the Cowboys on monday night losing 41-37

The Eagles came up short against the Cowboys on Monday night football losing 41-37

Westbrook loses the game with a fumble on what would have been a scoring drive. Romo keeps the Eagles in the game with a fumble in the ends zone that leads to a touchdown. But if you look at this impressive performance, from a different perspective it is not that impressive. They have both systematically shown how to exploit each others defenses “IN WEEK 2”. Teams now have a blue print for the rest of the year on what works against these defenses, they have been exposed and I mean full nudity. Now they are still very good defenses but , the Eagles are going to have a lot of trouble next week and so are the Cowboys. When a defense gets torched
like both did last night other teams take note. If I am going against the Cowboys I know that if my Quarterback can scramble people will be open, and if it's the eagles I know a little speed and time will make them eat their own blitzes. So what does this mean it means that each team is going to have a very tough time all year from now on. Which means that things are going to turn out how I thought in the NFC East, with Eagles winning the division Cowboys second and Giants coming in third.

Laveranues Coles…CATCH THE DAMN BALL!

9月16日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论

By The Boinger

Laveranues Coles, #87 WR, New York Jets

Laveranues Coles, #87 WR, New York Jets

Dear Laveranues, Brett Favre is a better quarterback than Chad Pennington. It took Randy

Laveranues Coles turns his back on the fans when he asks for more $$$ and does not produce.

Laveranues Coles turns his back on Jets fans, when he asks for more $$$ and does not produce.

Moss one quarter to prove he was still Randy Moss last year when opening the season against the Jets. The Patriots went from “contenders” to outright “favorites” after that game because Randy Moss went out and caught the damn ball. He did not cry and whine or beg or plead or offer any built in excuses about playing with a new QB or being in a new system. In fact neither did Wes Welker. They had no problem going out every down, running their routes, catching the ball or even making blocks down field. Now why should it be any different for you? You went out and made a big deal about your contract for a second time now with the Jets and you have not produced. You have not proved that you are the go to guy for any one of your QB's. Tony Romo went out and won the job because he could find TO no problem any time any place. Everything else fell into place for him after establishing that. You do not offer that to your QB. Not Brett, Kellen,Chad,Patrick Ramsey, Mark Brunell or Vinny. If they cannot count on you to be there on every down why do you deserve number 1 money? What do you offer any team as a number 1? At best even with a HOF as your QB you were still at best a BYE week replacement fantasy WR. So far through two game you have not done anything to prove otherwise. Chansi Stuckey is outplaying you. Is he better than you? 不! 没有? Well he sure is playing like it and he is playing with more desire than you and it shows.

Laveranues Coles snickers at media.

Laveranues Coles snickers at media.

to mention he's got no problem catching passes from a guy who never threw a pass his way before a few weeks ago. If you cannot get excited about playing every week with Brett Favre then what are you doing here? We anxiously await your answer or your departure, which ever comes cheaper!


September 15, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Peyton The General by 麦迪逊Mad'nuff

Peyton Manning is a true field general.

Peyton Manning is a true field general.

While it is still too early to tell which teams will remain consistent in the league it must fell good for the Colts to be able to rely on Mr. Consistent Peyton Manning. Is it me? or does this guy will his way to
获胜。 In the face of a 15-0 deficit and a none existent running game; he pulls off the comeback helping the team score 18 straight to win the game. Subscribing to my “you have to score at least 15 points to beat the Colts rule” I thought that they would lose this game against the Vikings. But again Peyton finds a way to out score you; if you score 14 he gets 15, if you get 15 he gets 18, if you get 35 he gets 36. I mean you can't beat this guy he is unstoppable. A field general to say the least when the game is on the line he always finds a way to pick apart the Defense, it really doesn't make any sense! Because at the beginning of the game he sucked, and then BAM he goes out and wins the game. It's like he knows what the defense is going to do before they do, and then before the snap he makes adjustments “TO THE FUTURE!!!” amazing.


September 15, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment


今天在NFL,我们看到了四个第四季度回击表演。 This made for amazing football Sunday. The Redskins, Denver Broncos and Buffalo Bills all surpassed their opposition in the final quarter of their respective games.

1。 红皮队主场迎战圣

进入第四季度,外观落后15 - 24。 他们尾随,直到桑塔纳青苔击败鞭打67码比赛获胜的后期的TD特雷西波特。 易建联有机会东山再起,然而,他通过诠释。


Santana Moss beats Tracy Porter for 67 yard TD strike


2。 马队VS。 维京人,

佩顿·曼宁已没有像自己的NFL赛季的第2个星期。 然而,在游戏本周收盘季度,他帮助在第四季度举行的复出。 尾随在一个点上由0 - 15的马队来了一些神奇的,拉出这个。 挑衅退房将是A.冈萨雷斯/ Reggie韦恩TD在下半场。 佩顿人挣扎在上半场,留像,他是真正的亲提出的“W”让亚当Vinatieri,并交付范围内的一晚赢得射门的游戏。 我想你知道能想出什么样的结果是。 (维纳特瑞是真棒)


Clutch kicker,Adam Vinatieri, celebrates as hits a game winning FG in week 2.


3。 Broncos vs Chargers-

The Chargers have given up two late game comebacks in the last two weeks. 这似乎不含铅,他们是安全的。 The Broncos, had a great lead going into the 4th. 野马导致在进入第四螺栓27-31。 充电器拿下放在对众所周知的墙野马。 The Broncos answered however, and decided to go for the game winning 2 pt conversion in the closing minutes of the game. 大新秀埃迪皇家想出了野马的捕捞量,推动他们自己的NFL赛季的第二场胜利。

Eddie Royal was a rookie standout once again, catching the game winning TD and 2pt conversion in the final minutes of the game.


最终比分 39-38,野马。

4。 水牛VS。 “美洲虎”,

三职等了,“美洲虎”知道他们要反对斯特劳德马库斯和他的新队艰难的一天。 法案尾随到第四季度的3成4。 条例草案,但与由于QB特洛伊爱德华兹,完成20 25张通行证为239码和1 TD的出色发挥,胜利出来。


Trent Edwards showed great skill and veteren leadership in week 2 victory against the Jaguars

Trent Edwards showed great skill and veteran leadership in week 2 victory against the Jaguars


9月13日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论



在今天的NFL历史最悠久的论据之一,一直的观点,它需要一个强大的国防,成为冠军。 在过去的几年像巴尔的摩乌鸦队,坦帕湾海盗队和匹兹堡钢人已经能够留在至少有竞争力的争夺,如果不是总冠军的争夺,由于其出色的一致,在防守上发挥。 然而,在笔者的眼睛,一直在帮助球队走出谷底体面,以突出的最重要因素四分卫的位置。

仅在过去的十多年中,几乎每一个超级杯冠军已导致亲碗口径,如果不是常年亲碗四分卫。 在大多数情况下,良好的防守起到了关键作用,在每个获奖者的成功,但大多数球队,有强大的四分卫,以及所涉及的发挥。

During the 1998 season the Denver Broncos won the title with John Elway, and everyone knows how great he was. 在1999年,圣路易斯公羊成为联赛冠军背后轻,外出游玩的MVP四分卫Kurt华纳。 大家都会记得有这样一个伟大的罪行,这些球队之一草上最伟大的盛会,他们可以克服杆,以平均分防守赢得比赛。 在2000年,巴尔的摩乌鸦将在历史上作出的名称作为一个团队,可以克服的平均,但不是很大,用顽强的防守进攻,创造了失误和阻碍对手一周一周的在其辩护。

让使用一个段落,看看那些2000掠夺得更深一些。 该球队的防守这么好,它举行了3常规赛季的对手7分,他们的超级杯对手七分(纽约巨人队),1常规赛季的对手到三个百分点,3季后赛对手3分(“野生卡丹佛野马队和AFC冠军主机奥克兰突袭者),零点四个赛季常规赛的对手。 多久,强大的防御来? 不要过于频繁,我会说。 我gahter认为,2000年的乌鸦和1985年的熊队在NFL历史上,从字面上几乎整个赛季仅仅基于出色的防守成功。

2001年,汤姆·布雷迪走过来了他的第一个超级杯冠军时,他开着他的团队前冲踢比赛获胜的射门。 2002年,另一项伟大的防御小组提出的隆巴迪奖杯,这一次是坦帕湾海盗。 然而,布拉德·约翰逊是坦帕的四分卫这一年,在13场常规赛,22人反对六拦截,62.3%,完成的百分比,和1 92.9四分卫评分(他的职业生涯中最好的)触地传球完成本赛季。 在未来两年将结束与汤姆·布雷迪的爱国者未来在世界名列前茅,其中在2003年汤姆·布雷迪率领的又一驱动低场比赛获胜的射门,并于2004年,它是布雷迪与爱国者了奖杯。

匹兹堡钢人在2005年的惊喜技高一筹。 即使它是在超级杯和本Roethlisberger国防表明,它是大本的令人眼花缭乱的外卡轮的发挥,在辛辛那提(14-19通过74%,208码,3次达阵),在印第安纳波利斯在刑事轮(14-24传球,197码,2次达阵与一个INT),AFC冠军赛在丹佛(21-29传球,275码,2次达阵传球,和一冲的TD),得到了他们那里。 在这种情况下,它是强大的国防和强大的四分卫的发挥,产生了冠军。

在2006年,佩顿·曼宁和小马队的防守强打赢得了冠军。 Finally, last year, even though the Giants had a great pass-rushing defense while leading the league in sacks, nobody would have picked New York to come out on top if it hadn't been for Eli Manning's highly unexpected pro-bowl level of play throughout the post-season, including the Super Bowl.

我想大家需要很长的退后一步时,他们认为防守赢得总冠军,因为它在所有的现实需要稳固的防守,再加上强大的四分卫发挥赢得了超级碗,有少数例外,双方的每一个现在,然后球。 所以请记住,一个伟大的防守会给你带来体面的,但它需要一个伟大的四分卫,采取突出团队!





















1978 Terry Bradshaw












1966 Bart Starr


September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

ROID RAGE的:一个独家SportsRoids

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Roid Rage

通过 麦迪逊Mad'nuff

Steriods, a SporsRoids Exclusive.

Steriods, a SportsRoids Exclusive.

Well you may be thinking, “hey Sportsroids, how come you don't have an article on steroids?”. 这里是。 Steroids is a touchy subject to try a just to bring it up to someone who has used them before. A close source of mine who deals with many NFL players said that they feel over %30 of players in the NFL are using some type of illegal performance enhancing drugs not necessarily steroids. I find this number to be high but my question is why. I feel that steroids users are cheaters, I mean any one can get an A on the test if the answers are right in front of them. 对不对? The whole entire fun of watching sports is partly in knowing that you yourself could never do the things most of these guys can. So when you add steroids to the mix you lose that. Hell if used roids I'd probably be in the NFL right now running a 4.4 forty at 250 pounds but why put my body through that. If I can't do it through hard work alone I don't' want to do it, and my friends that is the American way. Every time someone brings up roids I think of the movie “The Program” where
Vlatamire gets caught using roids, and the black linebacker is like “what the hell you using that stuff for” and he is like “Come on man some people just aren't as talented like you are man I just want to play” or something like that anyway. I always thought that was funny, how pathetic.

So my question to you is how do you feel about Roids my friends, not Sportsroids we all know you love us, but steroids, let me know.


September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Early Surprise Teams set to do Battle in Week 2 – Chicago Bears at Carolina Panthers

通过 Alex V

This is a matchup that intrigues me deeply. Both the Bears and the Panthers pulled of rather huge week one upsets against Super Bowl contenders while playing on the road. The Bears did it with their usual run-oriented, turnover free passing offense, and ball-hawking defense that brought them success back when they reached the Super Bowl. The Panthers on the other hand blew a nine point lead in the fourth quarter, and still managed to come back and win in the last second of the game.

Dante Rosario Panthers TE

Dante Rosario Panthers TE

I really like this matchup, because there are two possible after-thoughts once the game is over. One of these squads should inevitably win, barring a rare tie. But the game could end up being sloppy where despite bad play, one of the teams had to end the week 2-0. On the other hand, if the winner of the game can play well, or even great, then the January chatter begins to amount. Let's look at how each team succeeded this weekend.

Rookie Matt Forte, seems to have all the tools to be a great NFL RB

Rookie Matt Forte, seems to have all the tools to be a great NFL RB

The Bears have Kyle Orton who didn't do great, but didn't do bad either. He finished his game with an 83.4 quarterback rating, completed 13 of 21 passes for a 61.9% completion rate with a more-than commendable 7.1 yards per pass average and 150 total yards. The main facet that got the bears their win on offense was the veteran type performance of Matt Forte. He finished the game with a workhorse load of 23 carries, 123 yards, and a rather gaudy 5.3 yards per carry and one touchdown. Forte managed these stats against a defense that got back Bob Sanders and usually tends to stack the line against teams who do not present a formidable passing threat with him in the line-up (I hesitate to mention the return of Dwight Freeney as he operates mainly as a pass rusher).

As for Jake Delhomme, he finished the night with 247 yards, one touchdown, went 23 of 41 (which culminated in a not so substantial 6 yard per pass average) with a QB rating of 82.1. His running game came in the form of Deangelo Hall (18 carries, 86 yards, and 4.8 per carry) and Jonathan Stewart (10 carries, 53 yards, and 5.3 per carry).

The most notable factor in the Bears' victory was how they were able to hold Indianapolis to 13 points. On the other hand, the Panthers who faced an opponent with just as much offensive potency in the Chargers, still gave up 24 points, which is just around the average a team like San Diego should get. In hindsight though, the Panthers have comeback ability, which they showed versus the Chargers, whereas the Bears usual strategy is to have the victory in hand by the start of the 4th quarter if possible.

So, in conclusion, the Bears should be the favorite to win, as they played well throughout their entire game, and the Panthers blundered, but managed to eke out a win in literally the waning seconds of their game. As long as the Bears can prevent the big play as they did against the Colts, and not falter anywhere down the stretch, they should come out on top. However, regardless of coming out the victor in this week's matchup, the winner must display a continued consistency in what they do to earn the respect of NFL fans, columnists, and analysts alike, even if one should remain undefeated.


September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Let's look at the both of these QBs in retrospect. Big Ben Roethlisberger and Aaron Rodgers on Sunday, and Monday, respectively, both showed that they can pass, and run if necessary. They didn't just merely pass, but they hit their receivers with good accuracy on a consistent basis. Aside from throwing the ball; they both display a knack for knowing when to leave the pocket and make a play with their feet, whether they're scrambling results in a throw, or a rushing gain of their own.

Aaron Rogers, Starting QB for the Green Bay Packers

Aaron Rogers, Starting QB for the Green Bay Packers

This weekend, Big Ben amassed a mere 137 passing yards, but he got to that number going 13 of 14 with the one incompletion coming on an out-of-pocket sideline throw to avoid pressure. On two occasions, with no good looks downfield or in the intermediate passing lanes, Ben took off for a total of 17 yards (8.5 yards per carry). Aaron Rodgers was equally accurate going 18 for 22 passing, but he also tucked and ran with the football a total of eight times for 35 yards (4.4 yards per carry). In the end, Roethlisberger finished with two TD tosses and a 93% completion percentage, and Rodgers ended the night with an 82% completion percentage, one TD pass and

Santonio Holme and Ben Rothlisberger celebrate

Santonio Holme and Ben Rothlisberger celebrate

one rushing TD.

Big Ben Rothlisberger QB Steelers

Big Ben Rothlisberger QB Steelers

With numbers like these, both quarterbacks proved that efficiency can be deadly, even if they didn't accomplish 200+ passing yards in their games. Some of the most effective quarterbacks are those that allow the game to come to them without forcing the issue. If a quarterback keeps to his mechanics at the outset of each play, and lets his natural ability come second, the law of averages is going to have to allow a big-play opportunity to develop here and there, just as much as the law of averages will tend to allow a smart, short-yardage pass or chance for a decent gainer on ground to develop.

With that being said, this weekend I would start Aaron Rodgers since he's going against a weak defense in the Detroit lions. The Vikings have been constantly hyped up as a potential stout, havoc-wreaking defense for the 2008 NFL season, and Aaron Rodgers obviously didn't think so. As for Big Ben, he too could have a big night, but I see some potential troubled waters as the Browns could end up having a big day defensively after their practical no-show against Dallas this past Sunday. Add that to the fact that they're on live television this Sunday night at home, I would have to plead that Rodgers is the safest bet.


September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · 2 Comments

Fantasy Football Team Cancers


Marques Colston Top flight WR? I think not...

Marques Colston Top flight WR? I think not...

I am writing this post just to make fun of all the people who drafted Marques Colston in the 1st or the 2nd round in their respective Fantasy drafts. I never understood the high Marques Colston pick ever, I know he is tall, strong and talented but has he ever really been a consistent #1 WR for anyone?

Colston just doesn't show up enough each week to be picked high

Colston just doesn't get it done as a fantasy #1 WR

I swear he can have 200 yard games, but sometimes he just doesn't even show up. Let me give you the examples to prove my point. Over Colston's career he has never beaten a team with an above average secondary. Just for example whenever he has played the eagles, he has done nothing special. In 2007, he only had 3 catches for 16 yards with his long being a 11 yard run. Ok, still not satisfied? In 2006, he had 4 catches for 40 yards with a TD, not a bad day but certainly not what you expecting from your top Fantasy draft pick WR. So the eagles may be his kryptonite right? Nope, I would say his big weakness is playing against any team in the NFC east. Colston's best performance was the one that I just stated (40 yards and 1 TD) against any NFC East team. You can't be a top flight receiver if an entire Division of the NFL has your number in my book.

Another statistic, which proves he is not consistent game to game, is that in 2007 he had 6 games with less than 50 yards. Ok, I fully admit that doesn't sound that bad, but it does when you realize the man was 8th in the league in reception yards. He had over 4 games with 100+ yards. Fantasy wise, in most leagues weekly wins and losses are all that matter. Yes, Colson is a lock in Fantasy leagues, if they don't have a playoff system, or if the winner is determined by tallying up overall points. Most leagues just are not like that, and for that reason Colston is bad a start due to his unreliable Stats. You don't know when he is going to go off, and more times than not he will play sub par compared to the number of 100+ days superb starts he produces. He has this pattern with his TDs as well. Colston, Fantasywise, really statistically follows the motto, “Go big or go home”, which is idea your #1 can't have over the course of a full season if your to do well in your Fantasy league. Roddy white another receiver who has very similar stats compared to Colston. Roddy White also has the same consistency problems as Colston but Roddy is always a much later pick, WHY IS THAT? Is it because Colston has big highlights of his catches on SportCenter? 我只是不明白这一点。

But either way, how I feel does not matter because he is hurt. So regardless of your concept of his past production, if you picked Colston this year you got screwed. He is out for a minimum of six weeks, so go get Eddie Royal or Desean Jackson, cause you need somebody. Those are the two best free agents for week two that are out there in most Leagues. In the draft you might have had a shot at Andre Johnson, Plaxico Burress, Chad Johnson and all the other players whom I suspect might have been wrongly picked after Colston but now your stuck with some free agent rookie, and I have no pity for you. You are almost as bad as the idiot, who took a chance on a Broncos RB in the 2nd round, a few years ago in one of my leagues. You know who the RB was, right?

Maurice Clarett (dumbest 3rd pick I ever saw)

Maurice Clarett (dumbest 2rd round pick I ever saw)


9月11日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论


Matt Cassel has a lot of upside even though his last start was in High School


如果您正在为寻找保险为您的梦幻球队在四分卫位置,看起来没有比马特·卡塞尔进一步。 明显的原因卡塞尔为什么会变成是一个很好的皮卡可能是兰迪·莫斯和韦斯的Welker,甚至倾倒过通过捕捉像凯文·福克和甚至本Watson.However的游戏厂商,有三个原因其他原因,我说,马特·卡塞尔是个好人,现在花降压。

如果你更容易受伤季度背上像多诺万麦克纳布,本·罗特利斯伯格,甚至杰克Delhomme,起草,将是头号。 如果你有你的团队或另一个像他们这些家伙之一,马特-卡塞尔可以节约你的季节结束。

如果你需要一点点信念,看起来没有进一步比原因二号! 劳伦斯Maroney,对酋长爱国者游戏,直到本周末,平均每场只有13.3运载,包括去年,当他的功能。 他的数字有可能与汤姆·布雷迪成为了去了,但他是一个疯的闪回式多工作的马,所以也许16-17总是最有可能的。 埃尔戈,马特·卡塞尔应该仍然平均从175-225的任何地方通过每场比赛场,和Maroney如果能不冲在红色区域,然后卡塞尔可以得到调用,所以他能成为一个伟大的回暖。

Laurence Maroney could be seeing alot more action, and we think he'll be happy about that


最后加入“卡塞尔运行”的关键原因是爱国者防御老化。 新英格兰的防守单位可能会放缓在中后卫位置的季节移动与老兵起动沿王德辉Bruschi,35,34,迈克Vrabel,Adalius托马斯,31。 即使在二次强有力的安全罗德尼·哈里森坐在35岁,负担可能的防线上,在3-4的计划,以创造为广大爱国者的比赛,本赛季的压力。 这应该创造更多的爱国者将被迫通过,而不是像去年一样喜欢通过时,汤姆·布雷迪的理想选择的情况。

我的建议......至少不睡觉马特·卡塞尔的潜力。 他在比赛经验欠缺,他可以结束得到观看和学习的伟人之一,汤姆·布雷迪,有特权。


9月11日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论

By Alex V

Al Wilson Retires

Al Wilson punished Defenders for eight season for the Broncos

Al Wilson punished defenders for eight seasons for the Denver Broncos.

I wanted to make some room on SportRoids to give a shout out for the recently announced retiree Al Wilson. For those of you unfamiliar with him, Al Wilson was the starting middle linebacker for the Denver Broncos from 1999 through 2006. Out of a possible 128 regular season games, Wilson only missed three of them, and ended up as the starter in 120.

Al Wilson will be remembered by NFL fans as one of the greatest sideline-to-sideline middle linebackers of the league, and by Broncos faithful as one of the greatest defensive player in Denver history. During eight seasons playing in the National Football League, he managed to make the pro bowl five out of eight. The greatest thing about him was that he proved his worth by being an all-around defensive player by posting stats in all the significant categories, as opposed to being a standout in one or two.

Al Wilson, great sportsman, helps up Tom Brady after sacking him.

Al Wilson, great sportsman, helps up Tom Brady after sacking him.

As a pass rusher, Wilson averaged around three sacks per season for his career. As a coverage man, when he didn't get one of his five career interceptions, he averaged 6.8 pass deflections per year. As a playmaker Wilson averaged a forced fumble per season, and as a sure tackler, averaged 70 solos, 19.9 assisted, for a total of 89.9 per campaign.

Aside from his renaissance man-like statistics, Al was one of the more recognizable emotional defensive leaders of the NFL, and will undoubtedly be missed. He was only 31 years old when he suffered his inevitably career-ending injury on December 3 rd .



9月11日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论


Mike Shanahan has seriously put a fear into the hearts of all those fantasy owners who Drafted Selvin Young for the 2008 season. On Monday Night Football it became painfully apparent that Shanahan did not intend to hand

Selvin Young looks like a great RB but will he get the touches

Selvin Young looks like a great RB but will he get the touches?

the ball to Young after the 1st & 2nd carries of the game. We also saw what seemed as the emergence of RB Andre Hall who was another undrafted free agent signed by Tampa Bay in 2006. Andre played for south Florida and was a standout RB, however, he never got the a look in the draft much like Selvin Young. Nevertheless, Selvin scored a TD late in the game when he was given only 7 carries in the entire game. Regardless, are we going to see a 50-50 split? 谁知道? Personally, I don't even think Mike Shanahan knows. Another fact life, that diminishes both these fine RBs is that Selvin and Andre won't be getting many looks in short yardage/goal-line situations. They have Micheal Pittman and rookie Ryan Torain (currently recovering from surgery) for that. Selvin or Andre ? who knows…

Selving Young & Andre Hall practice hard in hopes of being the #1

Selvin Young & Andre Hall practice hard in hopes of being #1.


9月11日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论

Big Ten Problems

通过 麦迪逊Mad'nuff

Penn State


Well Ever since Jimmy T. became the Head coach of Ohio State all he has done is win. But it seems like he has done it, at the cost of the rest of the Big Ten. Wrestling recruits away from the other teams, locking up great coaches, beating the mess out of what is supposed to be his equal…Michigan. Jimmy T. is poised to go to a third straight BCS Championship game, but it seems no one else in the Big Ten will even have a shot. 发生了什么事? The Big Ten used to be The Conference that produced the winners. 但是,没有任何更多。 Let's face it, they are dismal at best. It is likely Jimmy T., since taking all the recruits and top coaches every year preventing the other teams from getting better, has prevented the other teams in the teams in the big 10 from getting better while his team has arguably been ranked year in and year out #1 at the beginning of the season. Oh how the mighty have fallen and after week one of College football it seems it will be at least another year before the Big Ten is back to its Old Glory.

And speaking of Glory , check this out!

Nice Naked Backs ladies. I love girls that know what they like!

Nice naked backs ladies. I love girls that know what they like!

谁是“顶”NFL QBS?

9月11日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论

By Madison Mad'nuff

So there is always the debate about who is the top quarterback in leagues, is it Brady is it Peyton? But the truth of the matter is that after the top three there is huge separation in the field of Quarterbacks. To me there are only three Quarterbacks that are at the highest level right now, and sorry guys Romo and Favre are not part of them. Four years ago I would have given you a top five of pretty debatable equal players but some of those guys couldn't hold up over the time. So without further ado here is my top 5 quarter backs in the league now.

1. Peyton Manning

2. Tom Brady

3. Carson Palmer
These three guys ability and skill are on a completely different level than any other quarterback in the league. Brett has his magic and no one plays the way he does but let's be honest he still has the cannon but
other than last year his last four years have not been that great. Both in ability and Statistics.

4. Donovan McNabb

Donovan Mcnabb


Just look at the numbers look at the history and most of all look at the ability when he is healthy he is playing at level much like that of the top 3.

Number five is tricky you can place a lot guys here again just showing how much the level of quarter backs drops once you get past the top three. So is it…Favre?…Romo?…Eli?…Big Ben? or is it maybe even Drew Breeze? Drum roll…

Not quite yet. At first I was going to call it a tie but you can't have a tie in top list that is just plain stupid so I had to bump Romo out. Yes he doesn't make it. 为什么呢? he has only started three years and has never
won a playoff game. Also if you look back in his past 2 years starting he has never cracked top 3 as far as ratings are concerned. Which means this year he probably will not either.

So number five on the list goes to Big Ben,

Ben Rothlisberger #5 our our QB list


5. Ben Roethlisberger

If you look at his career he has one of the highest winning percentages ever, for the start of his career, He is also constantly in the top five for ratings which encompasses a quarterbacks overall play and most importantly after having a down year in 2006, last year (2007) he threw for 33 TDS silencing critics say what you want about one the most winning quarterbacks ever, one super bowl ring 33 TDS recently, and one of the highest QB ratings for a career ever he is currently playing at the level of a top 5 quarter back in the league. Don't Agree?
comment Then and give me your list. I'm out…


September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Look at Reggie dominating at Helix High in California. Get a rare look at what he looked like before he became the legend at USC.



September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Madison Mad'Nuff

Down Goes Frazier:

Look at Tom Brady's leg, legs aren't supposed to bend like that !

Look at Tom Brady's Knee. 哎哟!

Down Goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!! Tom Brady went down in week 1 with a torn ACL and now it seems the MVP is out for the season. I don't expect any miracles but with the Patriots you never know. So as all of New England sheds a tear, and the rest of the free world throws a party and no one is partying harder than Miami, Buffalo, and New York fans. Not because a great athlete got hurt. Nope not at all. No one wants anybody to get hurt, but no nobody wants to see Tom Brady play against their teams either. I will admit that I to cracked I rejoiceful smile when I found out, (Come on you did too, admit it) . “What does this mean?” you ask. It means no Super Bowl repeats for the Pats. Wait but it's week 1 you say. Let's be honest with Tom Brady out the Pats are going to struggle all year.


September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · 5 Comments


Man oh man, the rookie wideouts are getting it done early this year in the season. desean杰克逊上周日把庞大的数字,现在埃迪皇家出尽了风头。 野马是他alot。 我的意思是,他们有次为他的创意和娱乐性,展示自己的才华。 他跑的西球场的球,他抓住了良好的传球,他甚至试图抛出一通。 埃迪皇家是无处不在。 埃迪的表现,使得它很难相信,他更是一名新秀,因为他像一个全明星扮演。

无论如何,这家伙是一个巨大的幻想资产,尤其是在联赛,算上接收机踢回归围场。 看来,因为他的速度,他有很多的剧本写的计划看起来。 如果他是你的联盟,是确保你去接他。 签署这样的免费代理了1西铁的机会很少幻想体育。 埃迪 - 皇家有任何野马最佳新秀首演9抓斗146公尺1运输署,2旗下品牌,9个冲的庭院,并通过0/1 0码不断。

Eddie Royal pulls in a catch during Bronco's minicamp.



September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · 5 Comments


男子哦男人,新秀wideouts是得到它尽早完成今年的赛季。 desean杰克逊上周日把庞大的数字,现在埃迪皇家出尽了风头。 野马是他alot。 我的意思是,他们有次为他的创意和娱乐性,展示自己的才华。 他跑的西球场的球,他抓住了良好的传球,他甚至试图抛出一通。 埃迪皇家是无处不在。 埃迪的表现,使得它很难相信,他更是一名新秀,因为他像一个全明星扮演。

无论如何,这家伙是一个巨大的幻想资产,尤其是在联赛,算上接收机踢回归围场。 看来,因为他的速度,他有很多的剧本写的计划看起来。 如果他是你的联盟,是确保你去接他。 签署这样的免费代理了1西铁的机会很少幻想体育。 埃迪 - 皇家有任何野马最佳新秀首演9抓斗146公尺1运输署,2旗下品牌,9个冲的庭院,并通过0/1 0码不断。

Eddie Royal pulls in a catch during Bronco's minicamp.



September 8, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Brett Farve has been known for being one the biggest jokers in the NFL. He has played pranks on numerous players and teamates over the years. SportsRoids recently got a hold of one of his pranks that he played early in his career with don beebe. Watch as Brett Farve and Don Beebe play a joke on thier coach Mike Holmgrem, on Halloween


September 8, 2008 by sportsroids · 5 Comments

We have found a Highlight tape of Rookie week 1 Standout Desean Jackson. His college coach said he has 4.29 speed which is freakish. This is his highschool Highlight tape, he looks incredible. Check out Donovan's new weapon in High School at Poly in California. [youtube=]


September 8, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Donovan Mcnabb made a lot of Fantasy owner's smile today. He whipped the St. Louis Rams outscoring there offense 38-3. Donovan silenced all his critics today, for at least a week, throwing for 361 yards on 22/33 attempts. He had 3 TDs and no INTs today. His QB rating today was a overwhelming 131.0 rating.

Donovan Carved up the Rams Defense today, leading the eagles to a 38-3 slaughter of the Rams.

Donovan Carved up the Rams Defense today, leading the eagles to a 38-3 slaughter of the Rams.

Another notable performance came form Brian Westbrook, who ran for 91 yards and 1 TD. The Eagles Defense also looked great holding Steven Jackson for less than 50 yards on the ground. Overall the Rams had only 166 yards of Total Offense.

Steven Jackson was stopped cold today by the Eagles. He had less than 50 yards on 14 carrys.

Steven Jackson was stopped cold today by the Eagles. He had less than 50 yards on 14 carrys.

A new Rookie Standout has emerged in the Philadelphia Offense. His name is DeSean Jackson #10. Today in his NFL debut he had 6 catches for 106 yards. Not bad for the rookie return man who was thrust'd into a bigger role by the absence of Eagles WR Kevin Curtis AKA “White Chocolate”. Jackson has the potential to get over 200 yards of production, in any game, counting his special team return yards. This was his original role on the team. So, anyone in a Fantasy league who get points for return yards should jump on this player fast, as he is now a fantasy stud one week into his professional career. - 标记m

The Rookie Desean Jackson was killing it, going for 106 yards on 6 receptions.

The Rookie Desean Jackson was killing it, going for 106 yards on 6 receptions.


September 7, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

在周日1周的最大冷门,杰克Delhomme带领他的团队得分的最后一场比赛,赢得的TD时钟过期。 最后的25-24是一个新Deigo球迷巨大的翻倒。 黑豹推翻充电器,没有他们的超级巨星WR史蒂夫·史密斯,谁,冲压teamate肯·卢卡斯在minicamp被禁赛3个星期的援助。

Dante Rosario #88 Caught the game winning TD in the Panters big upset to the Chargers


1。 菲利普河流,打得非常好,217码和3运输署并没有诠释了12/17
2。 LT - 有22个涉及97码(0运输署)
3。 杰克Delhomme,造成最终比赛获胜的驱动。 在游戏过程中,他积累了247公尺,通过空气与TD和没有诠释。
4。 比赛的球员 ​​: 但丁罗萨里奥#88 TE的捉住了7个球96码,比赛获胜的触地得分。 不坏一点点被称为TE的。

- 标记m


September 7, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

在周日1周的最大冷门,杰克Delhomme带领他的团队得分的最后一场比赛,赢得的TD时钟过期。 最后的25-24是一个新Deigo球迷巨大的翻倒。 黑豹推翻充电器,没有他们的超级巨星WR史蒂夫·史密斯,谁,冲压teamate肯·卢卡斯在minicamp被禁赛3个星期的援助。

Dante Rosario #88 Caught the game winning TD in the Panters big upset to the Chargers


1。 菲利普河流,打得非常好,217码和3运输署并没有诠释了12/17
2。 LT - 有22个涉及97码(0运输署)
3。 杰克Delhomme,造成最终比赛获胜的驱动。 在游戏过程中,他积累了247公尺,通过空气与TD和没有诠释。
4。 比赛的球员 ​​: 但丁罗萨里奥#88 TE的捉住了7个球96码,比赛获胜的触地得分。 不坏一点点被称为TE的。

- 标记m


September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

I'm gonna start things off with Jason Campbell. He's honestly got a lot of the physical tools that can make for a great quarterback; mobility, a pretty strong arm (as shown when he overthrows it deep), and he's also six feet and five inches tall.

Jason Campbell is not looking very good.

Jason Campbell is not looking very good.

However, he hasn't got the smarts. What is up with the five yard passes when you need six on third down while a defender is ready and waiting to make the tackle after the catch. He threw a yard short on almost every third down in the game when the Redskins called a pass. Surprisingly, the one time his “short-comings” actually worked came on third down and eleven with 20 seconds to go in the first half; The Skins were on the Giants 14 yard line and needed to get down to the eleven so they could move the chains, and lo-and-behold, what does Mr. Campbell do? He throws the ball to Santana Moss at the ten!… who then actually manages to break for 13 yards into the end zone. I mean, you gotta figure that one of his short third down passes would have resulted in a first down eventually. Too bad they all couldn't. After that touchdown, the Redskins continued with more nowhere marches down the field. The Giants pounded the ball down their throats and Brandon Jacobs received 21 handoffs for 116 yards, and Derrick Ward performed more than admirably with 9 caries for 39 yards. Each runner had 5.5 and 4.3 yards per carry respectively.

Brandon Jacobs as made an event out of crushing Redskins.

Brandon Jacobs as made an event out of crushing Redskins.

Now don't overlook the Redskins' running game last night. Clinton Portis managed 84 yards on 23 carries. Most good backs should be closer to, if not over, a 100 at that point, but the Redskins sporty new west-coast offense was of no help what so-ever save for just after the Rock Cartwright 50+ yard kick return before the end of the first half. But when your aerial attack is not helping you, 84 hard-earned yards is somewhat admirable. Eli Manning on the other hand looked good. I don't care about his one interception. Not because the Redskins would inevitably go three-and-out as a result, but mainly because he just looked sharp. (You see, I have always viewed Eli Manning as such; I call him something I made up about a year ago… an “Interception Quarterback.” He'll get his fare share of picks while maybe lingering atop the league in that category, and he might just be barely hovering above or just below a 60% completion percentage, but he'll be getting the job done on third down, and most of the time when the game matters.). He hooked up with Plaxico on big gains, and used Steve Smith on third downs, perhaps showing that Smith might become a possession man on thirds down.

Eli running the ball for a rare rushing TD after juking out a Redskin LB

Eli running the ball for a rare rushing TD after juking out a Redskin LB

Bottom line, people want to talk up Jason Campbell for his attributes, and also because I personally believe that for whatever reason, a lot of NFL fans seem to sympathize with him since he's got the “He's a good kid” look. But let me tell you something, so does Alex Smith and Joey Harrington, and so did guys like Tim Couch and Akili Smith. Cute faces… ugly games.

Son of a bust! Somebody actually thought both these guys would be good?! Now I remember why I don’t read Sports Illustrated

Son of a bust! Somebody actually thought both these guys would be good?! Now I remember why I don't read Sports Illustrated

Anyways, the Giants may want to work on turning more of those field goal drives into touchdowns, and the Redskins may want to start getting Campbell to look just a yard or two further down the field, and try to get Chris Cooley involved, who finished the game with one catch for seven sorry yards. Bottom line, the G-Men did what they were supposed to do. They didn't blow out the Redskins, but their efforts ultimately culminated into a dominant performance, and a resoundingly convincing win.

-Alex V

Early Predictions – “Don't Worry Be Happy”

September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

The Giants win the Superbowl and the 2008 Opening day game (wo who). Great, and on Sunday the rest of the league goes out to play, meaning at days end half the league will be undefeated and the other half will be left at 000 percent. But to me, the first 3 games of the NFL season are dicey at best. I bet any coach or player will tell you the same. The teams just aren't firing on all 8 cylinders in these three games which is why it is so hard to see just who are the elites early in season. Take for example the Detroit Lions. That year they started off 3-1 and they didn't even make the playoffs. So what am I saying you ask? Whats my point?

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

I just saying don't get to excited if your team wins this week and be sure not to call of work Monday if your team loses, remember there are 15 games left to play and you won't see your real team till week 4 anyways.

-Madison Mad'nuff

Early Predictions – “Don't Worry Be Happy”

September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

The Giants win the Superbowl and the 2008 Opening day game (wo who). Great, and on Sunday the rest of the league goes out to play, meaning at days end half the league will be undefeated and the other half will be left at 000 percent. But to me, the first 3 games of the NFL season are dicey at best. I bet any coach or player will tell you the same. The teams just aren't firing on all 8 cylinders in these three games which is why it is so hard to see just who are the elites early in season. Take for example the Detroit Lions. That year they started off 3-1 and they didn't even make the playoffs. So what am I saying you ask? Whats my point?

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

I just saying don't get to excited if your team wins this week and be sure not to call of work Monday if your team loses, remember there are 15 games left to play and you won't see your real team till week 4 anyways.

-Madison Mad'nuff


September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

1。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Cincinnati Bengals at Baltimore Ravens 1 pm

MY PICK: Ravens

2。 Sunday, Sept. 7 New York Jets at Miami Dolphins 1 pm


3。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Kansas City Chiefs at New England Patriots 1 pm


4。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Houston Texans at Pittsburgh Steelers 1 pm

MY PICK: Pittsburgh

5。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans 1 pm

MY PICK: Jacksonville

6。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons 1 pm

MY PICK: Falcons

7。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Seattle Seahawks at Buffalo Bills 1 pm

MY PICK: Bills

8。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Tampa Bay Buccaneers at New Orleans Saints

MY PICK: Saints

9。 Sunday, Sept. 7 St. Louis Rams at Philadelphia Eagles 1 pm

MY PICK: Eagles

10。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Dallas Cowboys at Cleveland Browns 4:15 pm

MY PICK: Dallas

11。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Carolina Panthers at San Diego Chargers 4:15 pm

MY PICK: Chargers

12。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers 4:15 pm

MY PICK: 49ers

13。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Chicago Bears at Indianapolis Colts 8:15 pm

MY PICK: Colts

14 Monday, Sept. 8 Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers 7 pm

MY PICK: Green Bay Packers

15 Monday, Sept. 8 Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders 10:15 pm

MY PICK: Denver Broncos

- 标记m


2008年9月5日, sportsroids · 1条评论

Plaxico Burress out jumps Redskins DB


今天开幕的2009年NFL赛季与华盛顿红皮队,纽约巨人。 在比赛中发生的很多事情。 迈克尔斯特拉恩出来新奇隆巴迪奖杯和开球前讲话。 那么很多球迷在中场休息时boo'd球队老板史蒂夫蒂什在“肿瘤防治宣传活动的一半时间显示”由于他个人在新的巨人体育场座位许可证的新政策。 至少可以说,这是很伤心。 虽然这名男子是一个关于他的父亲大部分球迷只是起哄与癌症斗争的讲话。 没有人关心的人在失去父亲的个人痛苦。 不,不是全部。 的人群,而不是发声的事实,他们是愤怒和生气有关客运营业证。 好吧,我们都知道,纽约市是一个艰难的小镇。 Regardless, The New York Giants topped the Redskins 16-7. plaxico布瑞斯有另一个突出的表现,拿起就离开最后的赛季后,费尽了133米10招待会。 其他著名的演出布兰登·雅各布斯和Justin塔克。 雅各布21日运载116码跑。 贾斯汀塔克从混战的第一出戏录得一麻袋。

Justin Tuck Celebrates a Sack

Justin Tuck Celebrates a Sack

这是一个伟大的比赛卫冕超级碗冠军纽约巨人。 他们似乎有唯一的问题是红色区域生产。 它仍然是在本赛季初,所以我们将不得不等待,看看他们可以做什么,在红色区域在接下来的比赛日14日在圣路易斯。

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September 5, 2008 by sportsroids · 2 Comments

Check out our new logo and let us know what you think.




September 5, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Check out LT he eats leather. Hey wait a minute! That could that be a piece of Rudi Johnson's missing luggage! Someone get the Detroit Lions on the phone and call the authorities!


September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Mad Nuff writes:

Well it's the beginning of the season so who is going to win the Superbowl? TO early to tell?

Get your popcorn ready T.O.

Get your popcorn ready TO

Not for me. I am going to call it right here and right now before the season even starts, before a single snap is taken. Bold you say. Very; but I called it when the Steelers won in 05 and called it when the Colts won in 06 before a single snap was ever taken.Will I be right? probably, but the statistics are against me. So who am I saying? You really want to know?

Well For the AFC I have the Pittsburgh Steelers after winning the Division and fighting through the toughest schedule in the NFL the Steelers will push out to the super bowl.

Steelers 2008 Defense huddles up

Steelers 2008 Defense huddles up

For the NFC I have the Dallas Cowboys. Yes the boys, no they are not my boys (I hate them) but I gotta keep it real. After they come in second behind the Eagles in the Division the Cowboys will make the push to the Super Bowl. Which means a repeat of the 1995 match up probably with the Steelers playing the colts in the AFC Championship game again. With the Steelers winning it all. 为什么呢? After losing to the Cowboys in the regular season they will win this rematch because in the NFL the losing team always has the upper hand. So there you have it folks. My super bowl picks, so make sure you write them down, note the time, date and lock it up because I called it.

-Madison Mad'Nuff

你能感觉到吗? 橄榄球亮点从2007年的磁带

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

开球这里! 下面是从2007年的一些亮点,让你准备! (警告:低质量的图像)


9月4日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论




September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Tatum make sure you don't take the football or my underwear.

Tatum make sure you don't take that football or my underwear! (CAUGHT RED HANDED)

Tatum Bell was recently released from the Detroit Lions to make room for aging superstar Rudi Johnson on Monday. Bell was sent home, but apparently before he left he took Rudi Johnson's Gucci luggage with him. This whole debacle was even caught on security camera. The red handed Tatum Bell wrote off the fiasco as a simple mistake. Who knows what to believe? Bell must have been salty about losing his roster spot. We're willing to bet Tatum doesn't even own Gucci bags!

Rudi Johnson of the Detriot Lions

Rudi Johnson of the Detroit Lions

Rudi Johnson told reporters, “I got the bags back – empty,”. He then explained: “he's got a bunch of my underclothes. What he's going to do with that, I don't know. He's got some socks and boxers.”
Understandably, Rudi was not elated with the event. The guy you replace steals your Designer Gucci bags…

Well ,if it were up to me, football players wouldn't have or use Gucci bag's (aka man purse). They would carry their clothing in a burlap sack as the way I envision the players of yesterday may have. Possibly stow their gear in token helmets from bested opposing teams. I mean really, could you see Jack Lambert or Dick Butkus strolling into the locker room with Gucci luggage?

Take a look for yourself:

Dick Butkus would never have had a Gucci bag just look at him.

Dick Butkus would never have had a Gucci bags just look at him.

Jack Lambert would have probobly eating you alive if he saw you with Gucci luggage in the Steel Curtain's locker room

Jack Lambert would have probably eating you alive if he saw you with Gucci luggage in the Steel Curtain's locker room.

I just can not see these men using or being around those you use Gucci or other designer's bags. Sure, they may have chewed down some leather in their day, but we're willing to bet these sports icons wouldn't get caught dead with Designer Man Purses.

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September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams has been through all the uppers and downers the NFL can offer. He has been through much controversy in his career and it is refreshing to see a player attempt to get it right the 2nd time around. Even though Ricky Williams had gone to school in Texas, he never graduated, and it is great to see him now taking that initiative at age 31 to go back to school. Ricky has enrolled in classes Nova Southeastern University, and plans on trying to become a Doctor one day. Ricky told reporters, ”I like seeing people feel better, and I know what it feels like to deal with pain,”. It is a cold hard fact that Williams knows what it is feels like to deal with pain. The way the dolphins ran him into the ground was awful. His number was called almost 420 times a season for over two years straight. It was just hard to watch. It's good to see that he is doing things right and going back into school, so that when he is done with the game, he as something to fall back on. This story should be all over the news just because it sends out the right message to our youth. Look at Ricky, he is starting to become a role model. Run Ricky Run…….

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

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September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams has been through all the uppers and downers the NFL can offer. He has been through much controversy in his career and it is refreshing to see a player attempt to get it right the 2nd time around. Even though Ricky Williams had gone to school in Texas, he never graduated, and it is great to see him now taking that initiative at age 31 to go back to school. Ricky has enrolled in classes Nova Southeastern University, and plans on trying to become a Doctor one day. Ricky told reporters, ”I like seeing people feel better, and I know what it feels like to deal with pain,”. It is a cold hard fact that Williams knows what it is feels like to deal with pain. The way the dolphins ran him into the ground was awful. His number was called almost 420 times a season for over two years straight. It was just hard to watch. It's good to see that he is doing things right and going back into school, so that when he is done with the game, he as something to fall back on. This story should be all over the news just because it sends out the right message to our youth. Look at Ricky, he is starting to become a role model. Run Ricky Run…….

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

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9月4日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论

14 sacks Last season, Mario Williams has solidified himself as an Elite DE in the NFL. This should silence all those people who snickered at him being a 1st overall pick over Reggie Bush. This year he should rack up over 10 sacks. With his NFL combine results, its no wonder they took a chance on him. Mario stands at 6 foot 7 inches tall. He weighs 295 Pounds. At the combine he ran a 40 yard dash in 4.66, accomplished 35 reps 225 bench press, and had a vertical jump of 40.5″.

I don't know to me that is freakish athleticism and it sounds like they made the best choice.

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans


9月4日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论

14 sacks Last season, Mario Williams has solidified himself as an Elite DE in the NFL. This should silence all those people who snickered at him being a 1st overall pick over Reggie Bush. This year he should rack up over 10 sacks. With his NFL combine results, its no wonder they took a chance on him. Mario stands at 6 foot 7 inches tall. He weighs 295 Pounds. At the combine he ran a 40 yard dash in 4.66, accomplished 35 reps 225 bench press, and had a vertical jump of 40.5″.

I don't know to me that is freakish athleticism and it sounds like they made the best choice.

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

Justin Tuck and The so-called “Giant hole” in Big Blue's Defense

September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

When you rush the passer with speed and you're over 275 pounds, you know your an elite NFL DE. Justin Tuck is one of the few who can say, “I can do it all on the DL” in the NY Giants defensive unit.

Justin Tuck we salute you!

Justin Tuck we salute you!

He has the size and strength of a DT and the speed of an elite DE. Micheal Strahan, has stated that “Justin Tuck” has more talent than he ever did. This year everyone has been down on the Giants because they have lost Strahan and Osi to retirement and injury, respectively. But lets really take a look at that Defensive unit. The core Antonio Peirce is there. He is like the glue that holds this big blue ship together. The Giants have elite pass rushers in Justin Tuck, Mathias Kiwanuka, and possibly Gerris Wilkinson.

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Yes I said it, Gerris Wilkinson. He has great overall athletic ability so if they utilize him correctly he can bring a lot of pressure from the edges.

Regardless of pass rush, they have a very sturdy Secondary. The Corners are Webster (whom pretty much locked down TO Donald Driver Joey Galloway last postseason), Sam Madison (possible HOF), Aaron Ross(Standout Rookie) and Terrell Thomas (2nd Round Pick) as well as Kevin Dockery. Aaron Ross and Corey Webster can track down the ball very well in man or zone coverage. The Giants also have solid Safeties, in Sammy “Good” Knight, James Butler and 1st round pick Kenny Phillips. This secondary can play, I assure you. Big Blue's safeties don't only have the ability to cover but these players are likely to take anyone, who comes over the middle of the field, head clean off. This unit can either pulverize you or run with you. This secondary has a swagger, atheletic ability, and great experience.. They could prove to be one of the better secondaries (Top 10) in the NFL this year.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

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Justin Tuck and The so-called “Giant hole” in Big Blue's Defense

September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

When you rush the passer with speed and you're over 275 pounds, you know your an elite NFL DE. Justin Tuck is one of the few who can say, “I can do it all on the DL” in the NY Giants defensive unit.

Justin Tuck we salute you!

Justin Tuck we salute you!

He has the size and strength of a DT and the speed of an elite DE. Micheal Strahan, has stated that “Justin Tuck” has more talent than he ever did. This year everyone has been down on the Giants because they have lost Strahan and Osi to retirement and injury, respectively. But lets really take a look at that Defensive unit. The core Antonio Peirce is there. He is like the glue that holds this big blue ship together. The Giants have elite pass rushers in Justin Tuck, Mathias Kiwanuka, and possibly Gerris Wilkinson.

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Yes I said it, Gerris Wilkinson. He has great overall athletic ability so if they utilize him correctly he can bring a lot of pressure from the edges.

Regardless of pass rush, they have a very sturdy Secondary. The Corners are Webster (whom pretty much locked down TO Donald Driver Joey Galloway last postseason), Sam Madison (possible HOF), Aaron Ross(Standout Rookie) and Terrell Thomas (2nd Round Pick) as well as Kevin Dockery. Aaron Ross and Corey Webster can track down the ball very well in man or zone coverage. The Giants also have solid Safeties, in Sammy “Good” Knight, James Butler and 1st round pick Kenny Phillips. This secondary can play, I assure you. Big Blue's safeties don't only have the ability to cover but these players are likely to take anyone, who comes over the middle of the field, head clean off. This unit can either pulverize you or run with you. This secondary has a swagger, atheletic ability, and great experience.. They could prove to be one of the better secondaries (Top 10) in the NFL this year.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

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2008年9月3日, sportsroids · 1条评论

与NFL,只有两天的路程揭开序幕。 我们已经看到许多不同的事情在NFL。

队本赛季开证人和我们的评估受伤和最近免费代理接机准备。 那什么新鲜事,但你知道是什么吗?





We all had seen by now that Lynch has been cut by the Patriots whom one can assume will just pick him back up with a lower contract deal.

We also heard the awful news, that Jacksonville Offensive Tackle would not be playing on the field this week because he is fighting for his life, in critical condition. 我们祈祷他和他的家人。

Richard Collier was shot in the early morning on 9/02/08


“这些家伙都在震动。 You see this kind of thing happen all the time on TV, but you never expect it in your own backyard. 他是一个很好的家伙。 我只是为他和他的家人祈祷,希望对他们最好的。 弗雷德·泰勒,退伍军人为尖齿经常解释说:“我相信他会渡过难关。

这个赛季前的尖齿一直没有宽容。 只是觉得只有几个星期前马特·琼斯是一个藏有可卡因重罪药物收费卡,几个天前弗雷德·泰勒是新闻作为扰乱公共秩序的引用,现在这个。 在JAGS今年似乎是一个坏消息媒体过山车。


September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

3-4 Defense Formation

3-4 Defense Formation

The 3-4 Formation is a common defensive Formation run by many teams. The “3-4″ stands for 3 Down lineman and 4 Defensive Linebackers. Please Note: The Middle Defensive Lineman is referred to as the Nose Tackle instead of the DT (Defensive Tackle) because he lines up on the nose of the offensive center. Nose Tackles are often the largest players on the defense. Chris Jenkins and Casey Hampton are great examples of what a Nose Tackle should be. Several NFL teams which are known for running this package are The Pittsburgh Steelers, The New York Jets, Baltimore Ravens in addition to many others.

4-3 Defense Formation

4-3 Defense Formation

This is a very commonly used formation and is the basis for most teams in the NFL's defensive play books. Teams which have thrived running this defense are The Giants, The Falcons and The Eagles to name a few.

4-3 Over Defensive Formation shift

4-3 Over Defensive Formation shift

The word “Over” shows us that there has been a shift in the alignment of the Defensive Linebacking core. As your can see in “Over” we see that the OLB shifts to the strong side of the field. How to determine what is the strong side of the field will be discussed in a separate post.

4-3 Defense Under Formation Shift

4-3 Defense Under Formation Shift

“Under” is the polar opposite of the “Over” formation shift call. Look the linebackers have lined up shifting to the other side of the field. This side is the weak side, however, this will also be augmented with an additional post. Please note: The shifted lineback in both of these formation shifts (”Over”&”Under”) line up closer to the line than they would normally. This will aid in stopping the outside run, holding containment of the running backs (Not letting them get outside), as well as free them up for a Pass rush for a sack(tackling the Quarterback behind the line of scrimmage)

Nickle Defensive Formation

Nickle Defensive Formation

This is a Defensive set that is used primarily in passing situations (EG 3rd and 10). We see that one of the Linebackers from the 4-3 defense has been substituted for a member of the defensive secondary(Safeties & Cornerbacks). This new member of the Defense is referred as the Nickelback and that is where this Formation gets its name. Nickel Formation = Nickelback on the field. 它只是简单的。 Almost every team in the professional level has this defensive play set.

Dime Defense Formation

Dime Defense Formation

The Dime, is a very aggressive defense against the pass. It is usually not run in possible rushing situations due to its instability against the run. As you can see only one linebacker remains on the field while the rest of them have been substituted out for additional Cornerbacks. This formation is a long passing situation defense and is utilized by most NFL teams. The better a team's secondary is the more likely the dime formation will be effective.


9月1日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论



9月1日,2008年sportsroids · 发表评论

Sportsroids is a non biased real world gathering for sports enthusiasts to share up to date news, information and content within the sports world. We cover all major sports and sports figures. We provide expert analysis on all current sports issues and events through our world class expertise. Inject yourself into a world of opinions and cold hard facts.