那么它是正式的足球赛季那么之前的任何卡扣采取我将让你我的超级碗回升。 您可能还记得,去年我把它叫做正确的,只是检查的链接。 今年,这是一个有点难以决定。 爱国者看起来像他们将返回到电源和马队,和老鹰看起来像他们将争夺者。 且不说巨人谁可能是今年一个安静的风暴。 所以; 你说谁? 谁去拿下超级杯今年呢?
以及寻找老鹰,使一路超级碗今年。 他们应该赢得他们的分裂去年,但他们最多只是短暂。 现在有更多的火力麦克纳布应该有他有史以来最好的年份之一。 因此,将他们赢了吗? 号这没错老鹰将在超级杯输过...
匹兹堡钢人队:这是正确的重复。 为什么呢? 因为只有伤病能够从今年作为卫冕冠军停止钢人队。 霸菱任何长期受伤大本钟钢人队应该可以拉断重复更容易比人们想象的。 时间上是有很多软的比它去年和深度是坚实的。 所以这些都是我超级碗挑选今年,右下来,而“TJ Hushmazo把它锁起来”
此外Mad'Nuff周一晚上担保回来,更好。 留贴。
现在每个人都知道最新的头转向收购在NFL。 没有女士们,先生们,我们不是在谈论迈克尔 - 维克。 这是布雷特·法弗先生的收益回报。 我拿到一看维京人的日程安排并没有之前多以巨大的皮卡引起我的兴趣。 但是,让我们都来一起看一看现在法夫尔已经加入了俱乐部。
前五场比赛应该产生一个5-0开局; 在克利夫兰,底特律,主场迎战重建旧金山,主场迎战防守挣扎绿湾,并在不称职的圣路易斯公羊。
接下来的三场比赛是艰难的; 主场对阵巴尔的摩,匹兹堡,在主场绿湾。 我想说的匹兹堡游戏是一个损失。 对绿湾一个可以单独基于纯粹的情感枪战,可能会有两种结果。 对乌鸦的游戏人物是铁石心肠,我给了Vikes在那一个是在家里,使他们以6-2中途边缘。
之后,他们得到休息了一个星期,他们再次面对前狮子在家里,然后不一致西雅图的家中,和芝加哥谁具有防御性和广泛的接受危机在国内也是如此。 我认为三者胜将他们9-2。
最后阶段是它变得艰难; 在亚利桑那州的一个陷阱,游戏一样的对决对辛辛那提在家里,在北卡罗来纳州,在芝加哥谁可能是在当时的分工赛跑,主场迎战纽约巨人队谁可能在季后赛或NFC东部冠军争夺也。
如果维京人练得扎实,他们应该赢得一个或两个的最后五场比赛。 如果他们塑造成一支伟大的球队则12-13胜应该是在地平线上。 弗尔可能是40岁,并已显示出衰退的迹象,比上年的后半段,但在明尼苏达,他在伯纳德·贝里安一个成熟深刻的威胁,而把最团队上我的背拉什在阿德里安·彼得森一起首发,值得切斯特·泰勒。
周四晚后,那么有一件事是显而易见,那就是好的变得更好。 昨晚所有的目光都集中在汤姆·布雷迪在他的第一个动作,因为第一场比赛的最后一年。 汤姆·布雷迪被证明是非常好的,他的第一场比赛。 他是正确的,但确实有与深球,你可以告诉大家,他仍持怀疑态度,对他的膝盖时,他已经坐在口袋长麻烦,但除此之外,他看起来很不错。 有一件事我注意到的是在他的膝盖弯曲时,他放弃了回来,在他脚下的轻微反弹或盖章。 他还有很长的路要走,该部门,但我要说的努力闯出一条腿伸直交付和小运动在口袋里的他的老习惯是明显的。 布雷迪看起来很危险,这个即将到来的赛季。
在另一边的卫冕冠军,不管你信不信,看起来他们的防守才变得更好。 这是一个实际的冲击,该首发出战,因为他们没有和能够与出来做尽可能多的心计和blitzing,因为他们会做在常规赛做戏剧的高效性能。 唯一的不足之处,可以看出,在排名第二的角落地方,你可以告诉年轻的角落仍在试图找到他们的步伐。 那肯定的是Polamalu能够弥补空缺为那些角落,而他在比赛中。 现在写下来,“你会看到钢人队的防守更占优势,今年比他们去年的”。 我知道这只是季前赛,但拉斯维加斯已经得到了前两名,今年写的,也许只是没有按照正确的顺序。
亚利桑那红雀队仍然可以被认为是竞争者。 他们去了很远的过去的这个赛季NFL ......一路超级碗。 如果它没有被几冤枉路(即拦截造成了后卫詹姆斯·哈里森100码TD换取在超级杯历史上最长的发挥,二摸索的四分卫),所有的事情都保持不变在那场比赛中,他们本来是冠军。
但是,这并不重要,因为他们不是冠军,匹兹堡钢人队创建和/或强制主教到这些错误。 但毫不隐瞒它; 这支球队完全改变了方法,当季后赛开始。
他们的进攻仍然是一样爆炸,因为它已经在空中,然后他们终于决定要依靠跑多一点。 对于明年,红雀现在知道,他们可以有效地跑球。 随着Edgerin詹姆斯年纪越来越大,并添海托华是不是一个有效的备份而已,红雀有足够的空间,以起草一份力量或快,或什么样的后面,可以亲投球手。 而且说实话,他们不能低于詹姆斯和海托华差很多。
每个人都知道的超级杯输家不是在季后赛的第二年,但要记住的趋势,红雀仍处于较差师带两支球队必须重建,公羊队和49人队,一队本赛季是真正的混乱并与马特Hasselbeck,西雅图海鹰老化QB。 我知道这听起来很虚伪,因为华纳是37还是讨厌死了,但他却是一个例外,老四分卫的表演,当他们长大缩小的规律。
另一个反对他们的机会有力的论据可能是,如果他们不能保持Anquan博尔金,他们会不会像爆炸。 然而,我们必须记住,他们要么不跟他玩或做了,而他的伤病在季后赛陷入困境,和拉里·菲茨杰拉德还是撕了。
我相信,亚利桑那红雀队是正确的,他们需要的人。 他们发现大量的心脏在超级杯被倒17-7和20-7后防守,因为他们仍然坚持己见,并举行了钢人害羞的端区的两倍。 当然,他们搞砸了底,但他们仍然表现出了极大的勇气的。 不要惊讶地看到他们在超级杯,如果它确实发生了。 另外,同程橄榄球已经过去几个赛季,我认为可以在超级杯让我感到吃惊的唯一球队是统一狮队和49人队。 “纳夫说。
在教练组的最终匹兹堡的新掌门人丹Bylsma分别拿起他的第一个两连胜作为NHL教练两个5-4战胜蒙特利尔和费城。 企鹅输给了华盛顿在周日,但五点出来的Bylsma的前四场比赛可能8是一个良好的开端,新的总教练更迭谁希望一个令人失望的开始后,引导企鹅回到季后赛席位的新的一年的匹兹堡。
住在大西洋赛区带我们到纽约,流浪者队解雇了汤姆Renney本周末只有名字John Tortorella作为他的继任者在星期一。 许多接近的研究小组相信Tortorella可以提供一个火花的流浪者,他们似乎无法从Renney得到。 Tortorella有呼叫的玩家公开可注射流浪者与能量恰到好处的帮助,不仅保持它顺流而引导他们到了季后赛保存这个沉船的历史。 不可否认的Renney是一个伟大的教练,谁最终会得到另一份工作,最有可能获得成功的新的位置。 然而,Tortorella熏香锅内加入他的斯坦利杯环,要求最大的尊重; 一些Renney根本无法加进来。
未来还有无疑是整个体育教练很多变化的景观,尤其是在非霍奇金淋巴瘤。 在现实中,今年中期执教的变化往往会做很少改变一支球队的过程中尤其是当他们朝着赛季结束后进行。 玩家通常不会改变,除少数在这里和那里,而一个赛季正在进行中,所以不同的结果的机会,不管教练是微乎其微。 而今年可能会没有任何不同,因为无论是企鹅和流浪者可能会继续对他们在之前执教进行了更改的路径,因为人员保持基本一致。 如果有一件事是体育界可以从匹兹堡钢人学习的是在教练和高层管理收益持续,长期的成功的一致性。
在本周接受采访时特洛伊Polamalu被问及库尔特华纳中兴在NFL,Polamalu接着把它比作汤米·马多克斯的天钢人队。 他说,库尔特·华纳是一个很好的四分之一早在一个伟大的系统,具有伟大的球员 ,那就是这个道理。 虽然库尔特华纳是一个很好的四分卫,我们都看到了如何以及他在纽约演出。 如果这确实是事实那么这里就是你不能与汤米马多克斯赢得超级碗掌舵的另一个真相。 钢人都知道要好好那是什么样, 唯一关心的是,如果库尔特华纳 前NFL最有价值球员和超级杯冠军将使用该注释作为燃料,以帮助他更好的发挥。 我知道,如果我是比较汤米马多克斯的东西我会很不高兴。 现在的目的不是要采取什么Polamalu说断章取义,他其实在做他最好的(因为所有的玩家们这个星期一直在做)什么都不说,但对其他球队的好东西让媒体炒作了。 但是,如果汤米马多克斯涉及的话题也谈不上好来自它。 在另一边,我相信汤米马多克斯的地方说:“是啊,我还挺喜欢库尔特华纳”哈哈哈。
现在是时候写的东西有点不可想象的。 之间的决斗“泰坦”我不确定,但决斗没有预见到在本赛季的开始......是的。 在2009年2月1日版NFL的年度超级碗比赛中,“主机”亚利桑那红雀将会得到发挥匹兹堡钢人队,5次冠军,为荣耀,他们的第一次环......他们甚至会得到选择哪支球队穿着自己的主场球衣!
亚利桑那红雀队从三他们最后五场常规赛的输家去了,到了三连败季后赛比赛的赢家。 而他们不仅为此与拉里·菲茨杰拉德,23渔获物和419码的季后赛历史上领先的性能,但他们这样做,是通过迫使对手失误,并通过产生一个可敬的地面进攻。
在他们的三场季后赛胜利,红雀迫使一共有13次失误; 8拦截,五摸索,平均为4.3每场比赛。
钢人队受益匪浅面临8-8圣迭戈闪电队在划分圆的特权和一个11-5第六种子巴尔的摩乌鸦队在主场之后,他们打乱了1号种子田纳西泰坦队在AFC冠军赛。 然而,他们仍然赢得了他们的游戏通过继续在他们的第一次的成功分排名防御(13.9),总码数(237.2),传球码数(156.9)和排名第二的防守运行(80.2ypg)。 他们能够巴尔的摩举行到14分,尽管圣迭戈管理24,这主要是因为他们得到了在第四季度的2次达阵,而钢人已经坐上了舒适的领先优势。
最后,钢人队也能够得到来自本罗特利斯伯格谁没有拦截,255码,对谁放弃了刚刚175.5ypg乌鸦一款TD,高效17-26,186码,1运输署游戏两个非常扎实的表演对充电器而骑27进146码踏青由威利 - 帕克。
底片匹兹堡是简单的; 如果本罗特利斯伯格恢复到了他15整型,低59.9%,完成的百分比,以及80.1 QB评价他有时不稳定常规赛的发挥,那么这将极有可能产生亏损,因为它会为很多球队。 但更大的问题是,是什么样的了红雀已经使用来推动其非凡的赛季后来看事情,所以如果它发生,它很可能是“再见钢人。”
而且即使匹兹堡已经用他们的防守来克服许多来自罗特利斯伯格的不好打,他们可能会捉襟见肘“留在游戏中”与他们的防守,如果他们没有足够的补充,他们的进攻。 红雀队传球进攻,排名第2,在常规赛与292.1ypg,表明在这些季后赛放缓完全没有迹象。 即使他们所要运行更多的时候更平衡的做法,他们仍然管理每场比赛256.6码在空中。
最后,X因素是休息两周的Anquan博尔金在大赛之前获得。 与亚利桑那能够产生这种码数没有他迄今,返回博尔金可以帮助平衡东西出来反对了第一排传球防守的钢人队。
如果有任何四分卫将是不容易遭受失望,它应该是库尔特·华纳,因为他还没有抛出一个客场比赛整个赛季。 我还看到他抛出一个诠释,但有诠释不破坏球队的希望取决于在什么时候在比赛中被抛出。 本罗特利斯伯格已经在游戏中显得很平庸,在本赛季的时候,也很一流,其他时间特别晚。 他肯定会想弥补他在2005年超级杯的表现他去9-21,123yds,2整型,并有一个微不足道的22.6的四分卫评分。
仅仅因为这个概念(即本想弥补他的第一个超级杯,并承认,媒体),我应该是捡的钢人赢得这场比赛。 不过,我只是没有看到火在任何钢人的眼睛就像我在库尔特华纳的眼睛(这将灌输到他的年轻团队,乱堆,并在场边)看到的。 我只是觉得“只是一个游戏”的方式为钢人队是有点太靠近无精打采的一面,我觉得大本钟认为,他说,他想弥补他的外表是不够的。 IE浏览器,他不会。
钢人队最终可能看起来像百思不得其解,在他们的对手的能量队,并唤醒呼叫可能会为时已晚。 红雀赢得令人信服,如果不是得心应手。
2月1日,亚利桑那红雀将会做战对匹兹堡钢人队。 除了惊人的外观由亚利桑那州获得他们的第一个超级杯,有一个很奇怪的趋势开始猜测......也就是说,如果钢人队赢得了比赛。
在钢人队最后四个超级杯亮相,他们在1979年面对反对的洛杉矶公羊队,赢得31-19,达拉斯牛仔队在1995年失去了27-17,西雅图海鹰,赢得21-10,现在的亚利桑那红雀队。 如果钢人队夺冠,那将意味着他们的最后三个冠军会来攻击目前NFC西部队。
早在1979年,现在圣路易斯公羊队,依然是NFC西部的一部分,但该部门由旧金山49人队,新奥尔良圣徒队和亚特兰大猎鹰队。 由于休斯顿德州人的到来,该部门现在包括圣路易斯公羊队,亚利桑那红雀,西雅图海鹰和49人队。
然而,最引人注目的一件琐事显然是因为这三个队的超级杯出场对钢人队是他们的第一次。 难道这意味着红雀,但一个伟大的故事,注定要落球一语中的非字面意义? 谁知道,如果这个世界是什么样,和卡都输了,它不应该被看作是远远超过野生巧合。 无论哪种方式,它是相当该死的冷静......特别是如果你是一个的Steeler风扇。
将纽约喷气机队不断得到它的权利? 这还有待观察。 现在我让你啃了。 只有两名防守协调员赢得了超级碗在新组织中的第一个头教练工作是汤姆 - 兰德里和比尔Cowher。 兰德里去了达拉斯牛仔队在1960年花了以前的六个赛季的防守协调员为纽约巨人队之后。 比尔Cowher接手匹兹堡钢人队在1992年花了在前三个赛季与堪萨斯城酋长队作为他们的直流兰德里在花大D 29赛季赢得和失去了两个Superbowls后。 Cowher花了15个赛季,在钢市产生1超级杯的胜利和1负。 花了兰德里11年赢得超级杯,并花了Cowher他的整个执教生涯来完成相同的。 迈克·汤姆林很可能增加他的名字这个很短,精英名单。 这使得他最快要在小班这样做。
你们中许多人将要指出的是,每个人都是一个助手在某些时候,他们都不能赢得Superbowls。 当然,像比尔Parcells和比尔贝利奇克名字将浮出水面,以及。 当然,我相信你不会忘记Lovie史密斯和约翰·福克斯。 多久你愿意等待喷气机的球迷?
唐·舒拉+大卫·舒拉= 2 Superbowls
范菲利普斯+韦德菲利普= 0 Superbowls
吉姆·莫拉+吉姆·莫拉JR =季后赛!?!? 0 Superbowls
好友瑞恩+雷克斯瑞安=? Superbowls
野生卡周末的比赛之三将有两支球队,从上赛季有惊喜周转。 但两队,最大的惊喜是上赛季的倒霉蛋1-15迈阿密海豚做一个完整的180与11-5本赛季的战绩,同时也赢得了美联东区冠军。 乌鸦,虽然总是很强大的防守,只不过是短期的或者令人惊讶的,因为他们从5-11,去年去了11-5今年。 是什么让他们转变如此显着的是,他们这样做是与新秀四分卫乔-弗拉科,如果不是因为受伤,无论凯尔波尔和特洛伊·史密斯一个星期之前,乔·弗拉科可能没有,直到后来在本赛季得到了他的第一个开始谁知道会发生什么。 有了这样说,让我们来看看各队的比赛中的关键阶段。
这两个球队的罪行似乎连一出又一出。 海豚得分平均每场21.6分和乌鸦平均每场24.1分。 虽然海豚在地上的乌鸦148.5平均只有118.6码,迈阿密外投巴尔的摩由每场比赛227码至175.5小调。 这表明乌鸦逃脱海豚每场比赛29.9码,和海豚通过对51.5码比乌鸦更。
即使他这样说,传统智慧显示,团队配合的更好的运行游戏会获胜。 并且应该是这样的情况下,在这里。 而更是乌鸦3 次防守对抗的81.4ypg运行,以及高达2日与通放弃179.7ypg。 这个问题的海豚,即使他们得到了他们的主场框框打,是他们25 日对通在227.8ypg和10 日与在101.2ypg运行。 在各方面,放弃101.2码游戏在地面上并不坏,但是当罗尼·布朗和Ricky Williams的二人是很好的一个伟大共有1,575码,而威利斯McGahee,Le'Ron麦克莱恩的乌鸦三人和雷稻组合为一个优秀的数字像2028,那么不仅是掠夺捍卫运行得更好,但他们背着球更好。
尽管乌鸦超过了海豚在必要的季后赛取得成功的一些关键统计类别,他们没有在路上打对投影季后赛球队在赛季前就非常好; 在印第安纳波利斯,他们失去了3-31,在巨人队,他们失去了10-30。 他们只是反对什么被认为是季后赛球队的强项是在匹兹堡的时候,他们在加时赛20-23输了,在海豚,当他们赢得了27-13,最后,当他们击败小牛33-24。
让我淡化。 钢人与乌鸦都是死硬的分裂敌手,总是打对方强硬。 牛仔队的比赛对乌鸦最后两个驱动两个色差式剧本; 82场得分奔跑之后77场得分奔跑。 任何一支球队会幸运地得到其中任何长度的运行整个赛季。 最后但并非最不重要的,当乌鸦击败海豚在迈阿密的第7周,它放弃了海豚的纪录,以2-4。 此后,热火已经9-1,并打出了稍微不同的等级比那段时间。
另一件事的海豚会为他们的是,他们有失误最少在联赛中只有13乍得宁顿不得不说是他最好的一个赛季,因为他第一次肩袖损伤了职业生涯最高3653码,19次达阵和公正7次拦截,而在完成他的通行证67.4个百分点。 新秀QB乔弗拉科,虽然他有一个伟大的赛季的新秀,2971码,14次达阵,12个int(更不用提他的11摸索),并完成了他的传球60.0%,他仍然是一个菜鸟,绝对是容易出错。
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Tagged: afc east , AFC North , Baltimore Ravens , Dallas Cowboys , Indianapolis Colts , joe flacco , le'ron mclain , miami dolphins , NFL , Oakland Raiders , Pittsburgh Steelers , Playoffs , ray rice , Ricky Williams , Ronnie Brown , saint louis rams , San Francisco 49ers , Seattle Seahawks , St. Louis Rams , Super Bowl , Superbowl , Tennessee Titans , wild card , wild card weekend , willis mcgahee
The night cap of day one on Wild-Card Weekend will have two teams on display that can light up the scoreboard. 而小马队已经恢复到一个更专业的得分风格,在过去数年,佩顿·曼宁的峰值点的成熟,充电器仍然是一个团队,可以把点串。 This game should have all the makings of a contest that comes down to which team does the best with it's last offensive drive, and a last chance hail-mary or “lateral push” doesn't count.
Everyone knows that both teams have more-than capable and playoff-tested quarterbacks. Peyton Manning has practically carried his team whose run game which ranked 31 st in the league with a meager 79.6 yards per game, and was able to post his ninth 4,000 yard plus season with 4,002 yards, threw 27 touchdowns against a respectable twelve interceptions, while completing 66.8 percent of his passes. 这些数字是不够好挣他95.0 QB评级。
Philip Rivers, for San Diego, threw his way to his first ever 4,000 yard plus season with 4,009 yards. 他也追平了新奥尔良的易建联在大多数达阵34,完成了他的传球65.3%的有11次拦截。 All this was good for a passer rating of 105.5 which was tops in the NFL. Much like Peyton Manning, he too had to overcome his teams dip in rushing stats as LaDainian Tomlinson went from 1,462, 1,815, and 1,474 yards in the past three years respectively to his lowest output ever in his storied eight year career at 1,110 yards with 3.8 yards per carry. In those previously mentioned seasons, he had 4.3, 5.2, and 4.7 yards per carry respectively. 所以,这应该是他职业生涯的下坡部分的开头。
但即使他这样说时,充电器仍然取得了平均每场107.9码在地上(20 日的联赛中,和11比Indy的第31更好),甚至与他2008年的颓势,汤姆林森仍是最多产的rushers之一联赛。 Furthermore, his production is still better than the Colt's duo of Dominic Rhodes, 538ypg, 3.5ypc, and Joseph Addai, 544ypg, and also 3.5ypc. 他们两个单独获得1082码。 This isn't good, as the Chargers second option, Darren Sproles, had 330ypg with 5.4ypc. If you combine his total with Tomlinson's you'll get 358 yards of extra ground over the two Indianapolis runners.
至于防御走,充电器27 次在联赛中与关,放弃每场比赛247.4码。 On the other hand, the Colts were very good with a 6 th rated passing defense giving up 188.1 yards per contest. As for the rushing defenses, the Chargers ranked 11 th and gave up a respectable 102.6 yards per game. With teams rarely giving every single carry to a feature back, 102.6 yards per game between two to three players isn't terrible. 小马队,然而,是24 日 ,他们放弃了每郊游122.9码。 这种数量的建议,他们的对手的特点是背部通常能够获得至少超过90码在他自己的。 表面上看,小马队允许的七个对手的后背,以获得超过90码到充电器的三种。
Now for the X factors.
Both teams are entering the post-season on hot streaks; the Colts have won nine straight, and the Chargers have won four straight. You would think the Colts did their duty better with that kind of disparity, but let's not forget a few “gimme” games they won this season; 他们第一次打火箭,当QB贤者Rosenfels在比赛即将结束的时刻,摸索球走两次,对匹兹堡的比赛,当他们下来17-7在一个点上与本罗特利斯伯格把三大可怕的拦截,并针对游戏克利夫兰的时候,他们比下降6-3在第四季度和罗伯特·马西斯退回摸索用QB肯多尔西37码一个10-6的胜利。 Without those three wins, the Colts wouldn't even be in the playoffs.
In the Charger's four game streak, their only luck-job win was in Kansas City when they scored twelve points in the final 1:19 of the game to win 22-21. Other than that, they have soared in beating Oakland 34-7, Tampa Bay 41-24, and most recently, Denver 52-21.
With all of that being said, the Chargers having a passing game that is actually complimented by the run, the Colts having to rely on Peyton manning for most of the season, and a renewed vigor of the San Diego Chargers by their miracle playoff push after overcoming a 4-8 record, I just simply have to give the game to San Diego at home. There is a reason the Colts passing defense was 6th in the league, and that is because their opponents had field days against their 31 st ranked run defense. I am not saying the game won't be close and that Peyton Manning isn't great on the road just as he is at home, but the game can easily slip away from Indianapolis in the second half if they have to go score for score in this contest.
Chargers win.
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Cleveland Browns ,
dominic rhodes ,
Houston Texans ,
indianopolis colts ,
joseph addai ,
ladainian tomlinson ,
Oakland Raiders ,
Peyton Manning ,
philip rivers ,
Pittsburgh Steelers ,
Playoffs ,
San Diego Chargers ,
Super Bowl ,
Tampa Bay Buccaneers ,
wild card ,
wild card weekend
With just two weeks of play left in the regular season of the 2008-2009 year, a few teams have locked up a spot in the playoffs while others are still fighting to make it. What is about to unfold in this article is, what are in my mind, the teams that will make it.
We already know the Steelers and Titans have locked up spots and first round byes in the AFC. In the NFC the Giants have clinched their division while the Cardinals have as well. First I will go over the locks to get in.
In the AFC the only sure-fire lock I have is the Indianapolis Colts. If they beat Jacksonville this Thursday in Florida, they're in. With the way the Jags have disappointed, I do not even see them using the rivalry bug as added motivation to beat Indianapolis.
在NFC,奇怪的是,卡罗来纳黑豹甚至还没有与11-3记录,这证明了在NFC的竞争力夺得。 然而,从另一支球队,两个多一个双赢或者一个以上的损失会对她们的牛仔已经热的最近。 我不关心在美国匹兹堡罗莫的表现。 本场比赛仍然接近,它一直是他们唯一的滑起来,因为他伤愈复出。 他们所面临的乌鸦在家里,和老鹰在费城。 老鹰的比赛应该是坚韧的,他们很容易可以输,但对我来说,我觉得所有的空气得到吸出乌鸦队与他们的最后一分钟输给匹兹堡最后一个周末。
维京人应紧抓住他们的分裂为熊面对包装工队在周一晚上在家,但随后前往休斯顿的最后一个星期。 休斯敦是速度完成了9-7和安德烈·约翰逊应该能够撕碎自己的软弱传防守。
从那以后,我不认为坦帕会得到,因为他们已经下滑了他们的弱点开始暴露出来。 猎鹰和老鹰对我来说将是那些以争取6号种子在NFL,因为他们都已被一致为晚。
早在亚冠,我就带爱国者赢得他们的分工。 他们是在主场对阵谁曾夺得红雀队,然后在一个流浪汉水牛队。 这将使他们在11-5。 我看到这种情况发生的原因是因为目前情况,对后期不一致的喷气机应在西雅图失去这个周末,和海豚会击败堪萨斯城酋长。 但是,当他们发挥彼此在纽约,我要尽最后的努力,通过法夫尔到连自己的纪录,在10-6,给其中一人的6号种子。
我不能确定的唯一的种子是在亚冠的4号种子的野马是8-6和6-8充电器。 如果充电器击败坦帕湾坦帕本周末,这不是一个疏忽,和野马在主场输球的法案,这仍然是一个有点夸张,即使野马不那么一致,那么他们将被打在圣地亚哥为17,如果出现这种情况一周的划分,我就带了充电器。
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Arizona Cardinals ,
Atlanta Falcons ,
Baltimore Ravens ,
Carolina Panthers ,
Chicago Bears ,
Dallas Cowboys ,
Denver Broncos ,
Indianapolis Colts ,
miami dolphins ,
Minnesota Vikings ,
New England Patriots ,
New York Giants ,
New York Jets ,
Philadelphia Eagles ,
Pittsburgh Steelers ,
Playoffs ,
San Diego Chargers ,
Super Bowl ,
Tampa Bay Buccaneers ,
Tennessee Titans 永远不要低估了钢人队,牛仔队比赛的可能性。
This week the Dallas Cowboys face the Pittsburgh Steelers in PA… and both teams are actually good. I for one, am very thankful that this classic matchup will feature two definite Super Bowl contenders who might actually both be in that game at the end of the season. Not much gets better than the Pittsburgh Steelers black and yellow (not gold… sorry Steeler fans. That distinction goes to the New Orleans Saints) jerseys meshing with the Cowboy's blue, gray, and white. Add to that the Cowboys are 8-4 and the Steelers 9-3, this game should be fantastic!
The Cowboys have the right amount of offensive capability to get good production against Pittsburgh's number one ranked defense. Romo's return has been vital to the Cowboy offense as they have now averaged 27.6 points per game since he came back as opposed to 13.6 in the three games without him. Pittsburgh is giving up an average of 14.2 points per game, which is first in the league. That makes this as classic as their three Super Bowl matchups as those Cowboys were all known for great offense, and those Steelers were known for their defense.
Now Romo will see if he is really back up to speed as he has opted to go without the splint he had on his throwing hand pinky finger. Ben Roethlisberger seems to have made up for his string of bad performances where he had one passing TD against eight INTs in a three game stretch against the Giants, Redskins, and Colts, to having three TDs against two INTs. Although that isn't great, that's close enough to the mistake-free kind of game that a number one ranked defense usually asks of their quarterback. Plus, he'll be playing at home.
另一个有趣的珍闻是类似的困境,这两个球队都面临着在本赛季的中间部分; 当牛仔四失3,当本罗特利斯伯格有他的球队看上去很平庸,他发挥不佳。 现在,这两个队已经取得三连胜,只有一个人的连胜将继续(美国橄榄球联盟已经有了它的领带在接下来的几个赛季,当孟加拉虎和鹰在11个星期完成13-13)。 更让人着迷都是三胜的惊人的相似之处。
钢人队击败充电器在家里11-10在比赛的减弱秒射门得分。 牛仔跑出华盛顿时钟的14-10的胜利。 在那之后,两支球队都获得了令人信服的平均30和19分分别。
The NFL has hit its third quarter mark, and after twelve of the most up-and-down weeks of football in recent history, it is still a bit of a stretch to call anybody a true lock for the Super Bowl save for the New York Giants. However, there are still a few teams that are definitely pulling away from most others as viable Super Bowl contenders.
The first team, resoundingly, is the Giants. This is the best team in the league as far as everyone being on the same page. They have shown great depth to overcome almost all injuries, and even self-imposed gunshot wounds. Their one loss to the Browns in Cleveland where they went down by a score of 14 to 35 was a true head-scratcher. However, that game can definitely hold an asterisk for being an aberration since the Brownies have been terrible for the most part. The Giants have gone from a team with potential who plays on emotion, to a team that just flat out knows how to win. They are a well-oiled machine and are unphased by whatever distractions, whatever home field advantages their opponents have, and whichever fallen soldier opponents might be playing for.
The second team that comes to mind in my view is the Pittsburgh Steelers. Their loss to the Eagles was just one of those days where nothing goes good offensively. They had a slump against the two Manning led teams but seem to have their act together as they have won convincingly for the most part ever since.
在那之后,我会说牛仔是卧铺。 他们呆呆大的时间很早。 They did not have their act together as they seemed to display the heir of a team who already saw themselves in the Super Bowl. Now with their backs against the wall, they are looking like that kind of team again.
As for other squads like the Panthers and Bucs, their efforts are certainly admirable, but their quarterbacks, Jake Delhomme and Jeff Garcia respectively, are just too inconsistent. The Arizona Cardinals are like the Saints… great passing attack and not much more. The only difference is their division stinks. The one team that could be close to a contender is the Atlanta Falcons. They are moving milestones ahead in their rebuilding process at 8-4, and are perhaps one or two more productive seasons, and a good losing post season experience away from becoming a perennial contender.
Other than that, all of the other teams are just a little too consistent for my blood.
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Arizona Cardinals ,
Atlanta Falcons ,
Baltimore Ravens ,
Carolina Panthers ,
Dallas Cowboys ,
New York Giants ,
New York Jets ,
Pittsburgh Steelers ,
Playoffs ,
Super Bowl ,
Tampa Bay Buccaneers ,
Tennessee Titans Big Ben looks terrible in 2009
The Pittsburgh Steelers have looked nothing more than pathetic the past couple of weeks. First, they lose a game where their defense basically had shut down the Superbowl Champion, New York Giants. Then they loose a game to the struggling 4-4 Colts. There has however been a reason, for all this though. The Steelers don't believe they can run the football.
Troy Polamalu is the Best Safety in the NFL
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Tagged: 2005 Steelers , Alan Faneca , Ben Roethlisberger , Big Ben , Black and Gold , Dan Marino , Jerome Bettis , Mike Tomlin , Pittsburgh Steelers , Pittsburgh Steelers Superbowl , Superbowl 40 , Terrible Towel , Troy Palumalu
Well it's the beginning of the season so who is going to win the Superbowl? TO early to tell?
Not for me. I am going to call it right here and right now before the season even starts, before a single snap is taken. Bold you say. Very; but I called it when the Steelers won in 05 and called it when the Colts won in 06 before a single snap was ever taken.Will I be right? probably, but the statistics are against me. So who am I saying? You really want to know?
Well For the AFC I have the Pittsburgh Steelers after winning the Division and fighting through the toughest schedule in the NFL the Steelers will push out to the super bowl.
For the NFC I have the Dallas Cowboys. Yes the boys, no they are not my boys (I hate them) but I gotta keep it real. After they come in second behind the Eagles in the Division the Cowboys will make the push to the Super Bowl. Which means a repeat of the 1995 match up probably with the Steelers playing the colts in the AFC Championship game again. With the Steelers winning it all. 为什么呢? After losing to the Cowboys in the regular season they will win this rematch because in the NFL the losing team always has the upper hand. So there you have it folks. My super bowl picks, so make sure you write them down, note the time, date and lock it up because I called it.
Well it's the beginning of the season so who is going to win the Superbowl? TO early to tell?
Not for me. I am going to call it right here and right now before the season even starts, before a single snap is taken. Bold you say. Very; but I called it when the Steelers won in 05 and called it when the Colts won in 06 before a single snap was ever taken.Will I be right? probably, but the statistics are against me. So who am I saying? You really want to know?
Well For the AFC I have the Pittsburgh Steelers after winning the Division and fighting through the toughest schedule in the NFL the Steelers will push out to the super bowl.
For the NFC I have the Dallas Cowboys. Yes the boys, no they are not my boys (I hate them) but I gotta keep it real. After they come in second behind the Eagles in the Division the Cowboys will make the push to the Super Bowl. Which means a repeat of the 1995 match up probably with the Steelers playing the colts in the AFC Championship game again. With the Steelers winning it all. 为什么呢? After losing to the Cowboys in the regular season they will win this rematch because in the NFL the losing team always has the upper hand. So there you have it folks. My super bowl picks, so make sure you write them down, note the time, date and lock it up because I called it.