
4月29日,2010年大苗 · 留下评论

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一个令人难以置信的娱乐第一轮倒挂转向东部会议和西方看到一系列无人统治,但在第二轮主要粉笔。 荣誉的表演提出了菲尼克斯野狼,科罗拉多雪崩队和洛杉矶国王谁执行,每个队的淘汰赛出现多年来首次超过令人钦佩。 洛杉矶国王队和科罗拉多雪崩表明他们将成为可行的球队每个球员的年轻群体,只会从中吸取经验教训,继续获得好了好一阵子。 八大系列七了至少六场比赛,这意味着第二轮了一个可怕的很多,不辜负。



4。 匹兹堡 - 8。 蒙特利尔

加拿大人没有什么多数人认为是不可能的,一旦该系列得到了3-1华盛顿优势。 据认为,上限是爆冷,但没有在蒙特利尔最终被拉断与国防底价...脆弱。 华盛顿不能得分,传统的智慧告诉你,如果蒙特利尔可以关闭华盛顿的话,肯定他们将能够做同样的事情到匹兹堡...对吗? 不太可能。 关闭的加拿大人首先依赖于雅罗斯拉夫Halak过于沉重再好不过了。 Halak可能有一个在他的几个这样的游戏,但他不能起到这样的晚上和夜间出剩下的路。 此外,企鹅是比华盛顿更多的物理团队和结果可以穿你更有效地比上限可能。 也是永远存在的无形的企鹅,这是他们的经验。 华盛顿不确定他们能否赢得事情不好时,但匹兹堡没有在他们的怀疑,因为他们知道(2-0两次,上赛季回来后,在第5场比赛5-0损失在红翼总决赛),他们有能力击败任何人在任何时候,无论在什么情况下。 虽然蒙特利尔将被证明是一个难缠的对手匹兹堡,它不可能,克罗斯比和公司将由一个顽强HABS队推翻。 匹兹堡将继续前进。

6。 波士顿 - 7。 费城

这可能是最有趣的比赛在这纸轮。 两支球队都发挥了非常物理的游戏,所以会有很多交易的大热门。 除了,但是飞行物具备的优势。 虽然两队都依靠二次得分上,提前2轮飞行物好得多的主要得分选择。 这是不可能的,卡特,Briere,其余的将在这次检查中举行。 波士顿显示,在本赛季的过程中,未能得分(我想他们会当我拿起他们赢得了东部季前赛喜欢的球队中的Nothing),可能不会改变。 出于这个原因,我到费城。


1。 圣何塞比5。 底特律

最后打击的第一轮恶魔和推进到轮在第一次,似乎想永远2恭喜圣何塞。 圣何塞幸运,他们事先没有从他们的三巨头(Marleau,希特利,Thorton)多得分。 他们肯定会需要,要改变,如果他们想要的任何希望击败红翼。 再次,我们可以谈X和O的所有夜长,但是当它归结为它,我只是不能挑对阵活塞。 每年它似乎像他们采摘成熟一个高达的,未来西部联盟队和底特律总是证明大家都错了。 因此,我选择底特律摘掉圣何塞。

2。 芝加哥主场迎战3。 温哥华

两支球队都逃脱什么样子将由第三期复出的第一轮冷门。 对我们来说很幸运,他们并没有因为去年在同一轮两队之间的争斗是必须看电视,今年可能会更加美好。 两支球队都是伟大了前面凯恩和公司为芝加哥和Sedin双胞胎和船员温哥华。 将有两支球队的进攻机会众多,所以你看在比赛中,这样的吗? 当然的目标趋向。 坦率地说,芝加哥的netminding被可怕的,所以他们已经在该类别中的缺点,现在添加的事实,他们将争夺另一端罗伯托Luongo和它的更麻烦的老鹰。 然而,去年他们能够得到Luongo和他们当然可以做到这一点,今年再次。 老鹰队需要他们的守门员是充分发挥,他们会处理,其余。 我拿起芝加哥赢得整个事情在今年年初,我不会背下来了... ...芝加哥胜。


2010年4月13日, 大苗 2评论

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1。 华盛顿与8。 蒙特利尔

雅罗斯拉夫Halak是这个系列的关键。 所有Halak,需要做的是保持华盛顿在海湾,如果他能管理,加拿大人将获得大量的得分机会,对华盛顿的瑞士奶酪防御。 两件事情,我们肯定知道:蒙特利尔不能阻止华盛顿的得分和华盛顿无法阻止蒙特利尔得分。 头号正如我所说的关键是Halak也蒙特利尔发挥得非常好纪律曲棍球每场比赛的每一分钟,这是非常重要的。 这只是游戏的性质,但糟糕的决定(坏的推移,懒惰冰球的追求,等等)和坏的处罚将是蒙特利尔的季后赛生活的结束,技术就要犯错误。 华盛顿有足够的人才,克服错误,它将使缺乏足够的自卫和点状干扰投篮,但不蒙特利尔。 很多人认为华盛顿成熟采摘,这可能是真实的的,但如果蒙特利尔不保持自己的错误率相比,华盛顿的非常低的资本将打击他们离开。 即使蒙特利尔不说坏的罚款,他们依靠他们的花名册上球员的季后赛经验,有人带着他们的框,一点一滴事项。 如果蒙特利尔可以做这些事情,他们就赢,但说我在五个首都。

2。 新泽西州与7。 费城

费城将赢得这个系列。 它几乎没有做飞行物的能力,更多的是与新泽西州的不足之处。 鬼子过于依赖得分,先使用的中立区的陷阱和马蒂布洛德尔扼杀了其他球队。 新泽西不会总是得分第一和有铅保护,也没有能力来自被2个或更多的目标应该费城,遥遥领先。 这不是1995年了,新的非霍奇金淋巴瘤是不利于新泽西州的系统产生一个伟大的赛季后成功。 伊利亚科瓦利丘克得分他们最大的威胁面前,他们也提出了谚语墙。 每场比赛最有可能会接近,因为红魔发挥如何,但它的费城的一系列胜利。

3。 布法罗 - 6。 波士顿

瑞安米勒是世界上最好的的守门员今天和波士顿熊不能不能得分。 已经说得够多了,骑兵队的系列。

4。 匹兹堡 - 5。 渥太华

克罗斯比晚,但已经热,其中包括有一个非常小的国防和一吨的得分机会和许多目标,结果两对纽约长岛的游戏。 企鹅的日子不好过阻止全队的同时也没有得分的最大威力(授予Gonchar和马尔金受到伤害,所以应确保本身)。 曾经有人说过,只是需要企鹅杀进季后赛,现在的时机已经到来,他们会更有动力得到他们的共同行动,过去几年的经验的基础上,去取回,以在至少东部决赛。 不过,我认为,渥太华参议员说,。 参议员已经在本赛季的最后一个月,在发布会上最好的球队之一,是打一个单位以及令人难以置信的。 失去亚历科瓦廖夫将渥太华的挫折,但他们仍然有丹尼尔Alredsson,贾森Spezza,和迈克费舍尔,所以他们不会被向往得分上冰的礼物。 他们defensemen都相当大,因此将匹配相对较好的企鹅“行从上到下。 得分机会,将需要对渥太华的企鹅的工作更比与岛民。 也许渥太华最大的缺陷是布赖恩埃利奥特缺乏季后赛经验。 虽然在所有位置上的经验是最重要的守门员,除非你肯Dryden或帕特里克罗伊事宜。 然而,企鹅一直在玩(不一致),他们是一个心烦的时机已经成熟,我认为渥太华参议员将做到这一点。


1。 圣何塞与8。 科罗拉多州

也许,技术分析,我认为这场比赛将是浪费时间。 圣何塞在这里一次又一次和科罗拉多州是一个overachieved所有赛季的长队。 我认为科罗拉多州的时间将是非常好的,但它只是在他们的卡不是今年。 圣何塞有更多的经验,是一个整体更好的球队,根本不会输到科罗拉多州。 圣何塞需要这个系列。

2。 芝加哥主场迎战7。 纳什维尔

在季后赛中的纳什维尔,因为任何有助于曲棍球在非传统市场的增长是一个良好的比赛和联赛的事情,总是好的。 纳什维尔之前一直在这里,但一直没有闯过第一轮(没有,因为他们已经在季后赛中每一个在其短暂的历史中发挥了底特律的耻辱)。 是什么让纳什维尔的最好机会,在这一系列的成功,是他们不依赖于任何一个人提供他们的所有罪行。 史蒂夫沙利文,帕特里克Hornqvist,马丁Erat,贾森阿诺特,JP杜蒙,和Shea韦伯都有40 +点的季节,这是一个非常积极的迹象,因为芝加哥,不能简单地集中在一个家伙在希望保持在海湾的Preds。 纳什维尔的问题是,上赛季他们放弃了许多的目标,因为他们取得了这并不是一个好兆头播放时喜欢帕特里克凯恩,乔纳森Toews,帕特里克夏普和合作。 在最好的七大系列四。 虽然我的根曲棍球在纳什维尔成功的游戏,我认为芝加哥将过多Preds世界杯决赛圈的道路上移动过去纳什维尔正如我在赛季开幕预测好。

3。 温哥华与6。 洛杉矶国王

这是伟大的看到洛杉矶国王在季后赛。 我一直在说,因为休赛期,这支球队是真正的,他们一定不辜负所有季节,在这里,他们在赛季后。 安泽Kopitar已显着全年和乔纳森快速已在网线线的固体。 我说,在今年年底之前开始,不仅将国王进入季后赛,但他们也赢得他们的第一轮系列,我不会回来。 不幸的是,为国王(对我)有违背无疑是最好行的曲棍球在所有年即与Alex Burrows和有时瑞安Kesler Sedin双胞胎。 哦,罗伯托Luongo家伙是不是一半坏。 很多人认为这是今年以来,温哥华,以克服他们所面对过去,终于来到了西。 在采摘这一个,我会去对我的头说,国王将采取一系列,但他们更好地依靠巨资罗布Scuderi的世界杯冠军从一年前的经验,因为他们需要它。

4。 凤凰 - 5。 底特律

可怜的凤凰。 产生的休赛期,不知道他们发挥今年赛季开始前,甚至在那里他们将在明年的所有权问题尚未最后确定。 尽管所有联结起来,而不是球员只得到了进入季后赛,但家中的第一轮冰,伟大的权利! 这是错误的。 所有艰苦的工作产生他们打底特律红翼队在第一轮的奖励,什么是一个伟大的赛季奖励EH? 我们可以打破的巅峰对决,直到母牛回家,但它是愚蠢的,我来接对阵活塞。 我希望凤凰给底特律的伟大斗争,甚至设法击败他们,但是这是不可能的,这就是为什么我给这个系列的红翼的。



2月2日,2010年大苗 · 留下评论

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虽然所有的冰动作(“大交易”),也有几支球队的一些大的推动在冰面上。 这些最近推的最好的是目前裸奔在10场比赛中,计数,而温哥华Canucks连续赢得了七个华盛顿首都。 两个条纹当然是相当令人印象深刻,但我认为连胜都不是真的,大不了。 已关闭的华盛顿首都第一沿着这条道路之前。 与其说赢得10直,但他们已经把得分一吨的目标,并通过他们的分裂steamrolling,同时也处理一些相当不错的非分区对手的以及大的数字。 华盛顿的问题仍然是相同的的今天,因为它是在两年前,这是一个缺乏防守。 它似乎对自己的球队,只是每个人都可以进球,但是当谈到最好的七大系列,你不能简单outscore其他球队7-5每场比赛,最终,你将不得不停止从得分优秀的球队。 它本质上是反向新泽西州华盛顿即锁定新泽西州,因为可以保持任何人在常规赛的得分,并堆放点,但来到季后赛时间,他们不能取得足够的和失去的问题;而华盛顿可以outscore人的常规赛,但来到季后赛时间,他们不能阻止任何人,并得到消除。 已建成的首都,并预计在季后赛中赢得另一个早期的首轮出局将不会削减它与前端办公室或球迷,但直到他们开始防守的正是将要发生。

温哥华Canucks有点不同情况从华盛顿。 温哥华的问题是,在过去他们一直依赖于Luongo,谁执行令人钦佩的这么多的整个赛季,一旦季后赛辊围绕他倾向于打破,他们根本没有犯罪,他保释出来的方式,他他们经常捞出。 因此,对于时刻温哥华连胜只是一个历史表明挑逗他们将依靠Luongo太多再次不迟于第二轮被淘汰。 X因素但温哥华(华盛顿没有)是亚历巴路士Sedin双胞胎同一行出现。 我们都知道Sedin双胞胎能得分的人知道亚历巴路士会发展成这样的得分威胁自己? 如果亚历巴路士在这样的赛季后,瑞安Kesler了他的比赛只是有点温哥华Canucks你看到运行七个直现在可能是同一个团队,吊在6月的斯坦利杯。


10月11日,2009 年大·留下评论

我已经给了赛季初的敬礼渥太华参议员。 我没有(仍然不)认为他们今年将是非常好的,但我必须把功劳是由于。 参议员3-1-0这使他们之上的东北部。 当然,击败了参议员三支球队都很难在亚特兰大,多伦多的季后赛球队,和岛民。 然而,当你在一个团队,有经验丰富的参议员在过去两个赛季,你采取什么成功,你已经和它运行的问题。 他们本,并最终使其进入季后赛? 不太可能。 但他们已经赢得三个四个到目前为止,作为一个足球教练曾经说过,你是你的记录说,你现在渥太华是一个3-1首位团队。

另一个赛季初的卡尔加里火焰敬礼。 有很多,对他们的压力取胜,赢得现在,说这是好开始作为一个有希望在卡尔加里。 不仅火焰开始4-1,但这些胜利对分工的对手,其中包括两次对省级对手埃德蒙顿。 科胜始终贯彻在积分榜上一点点额外的重量,但他们最大的竞争对手在很短的顺序两个的,特别是甜的。 Mikka Kiprusoff已固体迄今张贴柯蒂斯备份McElhinney净损失4-0记录。 也许在这个良好的开端的最好的部分是杰罗姆Iginla第四是球队的得分王,这意味着其他球员都完成自己的工作。 ,如果卡尔加里要继续获得成功的生产型,他们需要得到Iginla的配角;到目前为止好。

翻转端,赛季初雷斯多伦多枫叶。 没有人合理预期的多伦多是一支伟大的球队,但有些人认为,他们将竞争和可能争夺一个季后赛席位。 但到目前为止,他们已经不显示了。 多伦多零胜(旧约损失开幕之夜的一点要归功于)和寻找最可怕的。 他们走的一件好事,是新的守门员乔纳斯Gustavsson目前,受伤的是谁否定,现在和VESA Toskala是可怕的。 他们在进攻上马马虎虎,在防守上不是那么好,有一个可怕的惩罚杀害单位,因此他多伦多枫叶臭,最终。


9月30日,2009 年大·留下评论

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底特律红翼队是最好的最好的一次,尽管失去了Hudler和霍萨他们会简单地使用机器,他们已经创建了一个农场系统重载没有慢半拍。 只有在底特律的突出的问题是克里斯奥斯古德谁把欠佳的数字,去年十月至三月的常规赛发挥。 显示在季后赛一直奥斯古德的MO,但如果他是不一致的,因为他是上赛季今年在底特律活塞队的分裂的其他球​​队的崛起可以找到强大的红翼队争取一个季后赛席位。

事情只要在芝加哥冰帕特里克凯恩可以留落冰的麻烦。 凯恩与帕特里克夏普和乔纳森Toews(其中包括)返回沿而老兵约翰大怒和玛丽安霍萨已被添加到一个已经星光熠熠名册。 就像对口北芝加哥的唯一真正的未知净尼古拉Khabibulin现在埃德蒙顿油工的成员。 鹰队之间的管道,以提供稳定的最丰富的,也许最有可能的人是瓦尔HUET已显示出一些伟大的迹象。 无论谁最终获得并保持开始的工作作为守门员去,去芝加哥。 如果他们netminder consistenly好,然后芝加哥能够赢得这一切,如果没有那么他们就不会,但无论哪种方式在未来的季后赛。

哥伦布得到了上赛季后赛季曲棍球的第一次品尝,主要是骑回惊喜的新秀netminder史蒂夫梅森。 虽然梅森将无法享受与去年相同数量的个人成功,它是我的论点球队将票价更好的整体。 里克纳什是蓝色夹克的短名单上的明星,但哥伦布已超过其他球队是凝聚力。 本集团已经历了很多失去,和去年他们经历了获胜的滋味。 去年的成功感觉很好,他们并没有赢得一场比赛后的赛季毫无疑问的辛酸,留下了他们的嘴在的苦味,只会令它们一起工作,彼此难以成为一个更好的阵容。

温哥华去年的赛季后一路横扫季后赛的圣路易斯蓝调亚历巴路士坚持骑罗伯托Luongo。 季后赛的各种亚历巴路士(根据一些),加人队球迷希望这只是走出来的党。 锁定Sedin双胞胎是巨大的温哥华是一个严重的竞争者的任何希望,但过去几个赛季已经证明,他们可以不依赖于他们的所有罪行Sedin。 有三个实线是他们缺乏导致他们季后赛的成功是有限的几年。 添加马修施耐德的经验将大大提高他们的blueline,但将瑞安凯斯勒和上述亚历巴路士喜欢撑起这支球队到一个新的水平。 圆一个一个给定的,但两年以后的一轮是温哥华。

卡尔加里火焰,它是短期的和甜的。 他们可以使这一轮季后赛的火焰“(他们会今年再次),但问题再次是他们将有足够的纪律第一轮退出了他们的挫折和转化为发挥更完善的曲棍球。 它不再有关卡尔加里的技能,他们已经得到了,它的刚毅精神,以更好地作为一个团队的金额。

洛杉矶国王将可能成为本赛季的西部联盟中最有趣和令人兴奋的故事。 最全puckheads同意,这支球队是在上升,但我认为不仅他们在上升,但他们将赢得他们的第一轮季后赛系列赛。 肯定它使我在绑定其他季前赛的预测,但我要说的这一个取代所有其他的预测,我异常的情景中,他们发挥团队我认为,将推进西部总决赛。 一般来说,我很简单,就是作为一个整体的“国王”组织正在做什么信心。 多年来,他们采取了他们的舔,但已经花了很多时间学习这些肿块,并提出了一些非常有天赋的球员,在关键领域。 他们有很多很好的年轻球员,在达斯汀布朗,亚历山大弗罗洛夫(到他的职业生涯总理标题),杰克约翰逊,坛斯托尔(也为这个黄金标题)和乔纳森快速谁是极其可靠的目标,去年是可能只会变得更好。 伴随着这个年轻的人才,他们增加了经验丰富的退伍军人刚刚摘下来一个斯坦利杯冠军匹兹堡企鹅在瑞安史密斯和Rob Scuderi。 国王在合适的时间合适的人在正确的地方,除非受伤,这支球队是现在准备是成功的。

最后是先生的奖杯,获奖的圣何塞鲨鱼没有改变自己的球队在动作数量方面,但动作质量已恒星。 丹尼希特利回升,在牺牲乔纳森Cheechoo,将是一个美妙的的除了这支球队。 常规赛的成功并没有被鲨鱼的问题(许多西部球队也是如此看来),但希特利投入严重争他们渡过了难关,赢得了西部。 希特利不能只得分了很多目标,但他之前已享有相当的成功,使他伴随着他的肩膀上的芯片,显示在渥太华说,他仍然可以发挥的经验是沿着圣何塞中的又一步骤正确的方向。

唯一的其他团队,可以使任何噪音,他们应该进入季后赛阿纳海姆鸭子。 他们的经验是什么套上面休息,但不幸的是,也许是他们最大的资产是他们最大的垮台。 鸭子是谁失去了在每个位置上的又一步骤,只希望能留,直到交易截止日前密切老龄化的团队,也许在那里他们可以为一个年轻的球员一个漫长的季后赛清新的腿一动。 埃德蒙顿市也不甘落后,但他们属于需要在西方成功的明星力量和体力发挥。 干扰球,是埃德蒙顿的最强的方面,但是,去年是真实的,以及使他们不会得到他们要么。 没有其他球队,甚至到了季后赛,更遑论制造噪音,一旦他们那里有一个祷告。

与所有的说,我认为芝加哥黑鹰队,使西部,因为他们将找到他们需要净的,会比去年进一步。 芝加哥将在波士顿熊人会长久的匹兹堡企鹅累,坐西朝东。 这真棒原来的六个比赛,这将是一个非霍奇金淋巴瘤的营销梦想。 经过一个令人难以置信的的背部和第四战的斯坦利杯总决赛将再次去芝加哥黑鹰队在这一点终于让玛丽安霍萨葫芦作为2009-2010年的斯坦利杯冠军的斯坦利杯的七场比赛! 享受开幕当晚大家!


6月30日,2009 年大·留下评论

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可以说最精彩的部分国家冰球联赛休赛期开始日(星期三),这是免费代理期间开始。 导致该草案在极少数的动作,留下了很多神秘的开展玛丽安霍萨,阿列克谢科瓦廖夫,佐久Koivu,玛丽安Gaborik,罗布Scuderi(其股票后,便在季后赛中他的表现方式与市场上的一些大牌)在许多人可能会要求大的时间交易的其他球员。 周杰伦Boumeester将最有可能被关闭的市场(禁止任何灾难)自由球员之前开始,所以开始日(星期三),我们能期待什么? 只有10万美元工资帽队负担巨大的合同签署大牌? 队最有增益的狂热呢?

也许最明显的地方,开始是在蒙特利尔的加拿大人刚刚摘下来一个非常令人失望的季后赛,有十个球员成为不受限制的自由球员(UFA)。 这将留下一个陨石坑,以填补在一个地方,那里的球迷都饿了斯坦利杯,但没有看到一个自1993年以来。 在所有的可能性加拿大人(在新的所有权)将在一个新的方向,而不是试图辞职科瓦廖夫这样的大牌,因为这个核心小组一直没有成功的打在蒙特利尔要求。 我会感到很惊讶,如果他们试图辞职了很多自己的球员,但他们将有很多的决定,使。 如果不出意外,蒙特利尔,可以挂在事实上,他们有一个守门员在凯里价格谁应该为未来几年​​,如果他只是恢复了他的信心的坚实的帽子。

一个团队,这是可能的风口浪尖上,有很多获得免费代理明尼苏达狂放。 明尼苏达森林狼队的干扰球是固体,尼克拉斯Backstrom只是提名Vezina战利品,他有一个伟大的在​​他面前的防守单位。 随着中说,明尼苏达州的根本需要得到一些目标的得分手,只需要一个,并应保持季后赛的他们本赛季的两点。 玛丽安霍萨想到作为一个选项或者Sedin双胞胎温哥华,这两个选项将提供他们所寻求的得分的野生。

也有可能会或可能不会在圣何塞改组,尽管其巨大的常规赛成功的赛季后,他们在第一轮中退出。 有些人建议的干扰球,是所有需要加以解决和斯科特Clemmensen可能只是圣何塞涉嫌干扰球,需要的答案。 布赖恩鲍彻和叶夫根纳博科夫没有一个比在我看来,但在圣何塞前端办公室传言足够的工作表明了面值,这是不是在赛季后,他们不是很高兴。

联赛的球队的可能性是无尽的自由球员,一旦启动,但有可能发生的动作类型的味道位。 这,应该是一个曲棍球球迷无处不在,尤其是那些认为自己的球队只有一个移动或两个客场在斯坦利杯的运行非常令人兴奋的一天。 有没有太多的休赛期的天,产生兴奋,这是其中之一,所以希望这是一个愉快的那些需要的总决赛结束以来,曲棍球修复。


5月15日,2009 年大·留下评论

2009 nhl playoffs 300x260 NHL Round Two a Treat for All
第二轮来到密切周四晚上和两个圆的方式。 随着NHL的三个系列七个游戏和其他6个令人难以置信的娱乐游戏系列高今晚举行的头部。 底特律/阿纳海姆和波士顿/北卡罗来纳州把蛋糕上的两个令人难以置信的游戏最终在熊的手杖赢得一场比赛七加班七个表演锦上添花​​。 它像我爱冰球下降到了很多人的青睐,自2004年停工,但是这一轮国家地图上的非霍奇金淋巴瘤回。 休闲球迷调整和基地继续增长,收视率暴涨结果。 一刀切的体育迷都浸透了每一个第二轮的希望决赛阶段未设置为一个失望的时刻。 但随着赌注越来越高,我们到第三轮,它似乎不大可能,类似的东西会发生。 期待下一轮会在很短的时间内的时间,但现在是时候了,反映后,第二轮,只是欣赏我们所看到的。

的笔和帽子偷走了很多明星的力量,令人难以置信的故事新秀netminder西麦Varlamov,六个令人难以置信的娱乐游戏,包括三个加班比赛和每场比赛中至少有一个领导变革的头条新闻。 笔,帽不仅是一个伟大的演出,但他们进一步升级较劲,将是未来几年内引起轰动。 其他在东部第二轮系列没有戏剧金额近笔上限,直到比赛七。

熊和拐杖,给了我们一个希望得到游戏七的一切。 每个队在一个游戏中的点与熊早1-0领先卡罗莱纳州的作战之前在连续两个净只看到波士顿发送加班带头作用。 在加时赛期间,有丰富地扼杀了巨大的干扰球,沃德和托马斯的机会。 只是因为它似乎喜欢的游戏,以双倍的加班斯科特沃克注定埋下了蒂姆 - 托马斯之后的反弹,得分职业生涯第一次季后赛的目标... ...男孩什么时间做。

在西方的顶篷是最后两个斯坦利杯冠军在阿纳海姆和底特律之间的战斗。 尽管阿纳海姆被种子第八许多人觉得鸭子有机会收起了卫冕冠军。 两队争夺游戏游戏,直到该系列终于在最后一场比赛7个系列的其余部分的方式去。 守门员都放在一个伟大的演出结合了很多沉重的击球和其它两支球队都在一个点或另一个裁判打勾戏剧。 然而,卫冕冠军在最后显示得分系列赢得三分钟余留在第三期的目标,他们的砂粒。

最后,我们将提到新贵黑鹰放好罗伯托Luongo和高飞扬温哥华Canucks。 老鹰队在各自的第一轮系列,并加人走过了非常不同的路径。 温哥华steamrolled圣路易斯而芝加哥战斗放好一个撞的,但有弹性的卡尔加里火焰队有很高的期望,因此许多人认为经验丰富的加人将能够处理一个很好的,但年轻的黑鹰队的“时间尚未到来。“在芝加哥的球迷和球员的人一样,有不同的计划,作为年轻球员发挥每场比赛像他们一直前承受早期的信息由温哥华,并最终通过的砖墙,是罗伯托Luongo提前破坏决赛。

也许在任何运动有史以来最好的季后赛两轮... ...我们还有两轮去。 在大会总决赛大家见你!


2009年5月10日, 大苗 2评论

round two picture 300x203 NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining

两个回合的季后赛已经远门柱赛季的最好成绩,这点和兴奋,继续建设。 让我们在每个系列的简单介绍一下这一点。


3。 华盛顿首都队VS 4。 匹兹堡企鹅
这已经基调系列以来的第二轮抽签出来了,也没让人失望。 的五场比赛中有四个已确定一个目标,两个人在加时赛决定。 大明星奥韦奇金  NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining  NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining 加强板在聚光灯下的出色表现为所有北美上看起来。 也有大量的戏剧,引导双方在一个点上礼投诉或其他奥韦奇金击中谢尔盖Gonchar创造了整个电波很多争议的膝盖上,膝盖。 该系列产品已为NHL的完美展现hardcore和休闲球迷都调不失望。 写这篇文章的企鹅后,已放弃在华盛顿首次以3-2领先。 匹兹堡终于得到了一些二次得分在比赛五,它被证明是两队之间的差额,作为大牌明星继续相互抵消。 企鹅的球迷会喜欢这个系列完成六个,但世界各地,怎么可能这个系列的高潮任何比如果把它归结于周三在Verizon中心七个游戏?

1。 波士顿熊VS 6。 卡罗莱纳飓风
对于许多人来说,这已经是高供电熊半决赛似乎将蒸汽辊飓风进入决赛的三个会议的令人震惊的。 但是比赛一结束,因为它已被所有卡罗莱纳州。 CAM病房,埃里克斯塔尔和Jussi约基宁已经令人难以置信的领导不可能3-1领先的手杖。 该系列的差异归结卡罗莱纳州最优秀的球员在最高水平的表演,而熊没有多,因为他们每年都能够依靠自己的螺栓。 Zdano特别甜心以来的游戏之一,他关闭埃里克斯塔尔是相同的。 对于熊拿回他们更好地利用它们的大小,创建罪行,并继续向凸轮病区的压力成系列。 波士顿赢不了只是感到沮丧时,沃德了很好的效果,并试图落入他们的防守风格时,他们最多只能由一个或捆绑游戏时,打不丢失,而不是取胜。 有很多的速度上的手杖和熊需要一些自己的步伐,以消除速度。 但是千万不要以为这是一种侥幸,因为猎犬有充足的人才,并已承诺在2006年赢得世界杯之前,土地。


2。 底特律红翼队VS 8。 阿纳海姆鸭子
乔纳斯希勒一直扮演非常好,直到周四晚上,当他是老将netminder JS Giguere拉。 总之,鸭子发挥了令人难以置信的好,其规模和技术的使用,坚持与底特律相同的属性。 大部分已被写入对此sportsroids在最近几天的系列,您可以通过点击这里。 在这一点上唯一的区别是,无论谁在净阿纳海姆起着几乎完美无瑕的,而其余的鸭子做他们一直在做一直的。 底特律可能会最终赢得这个系列,但鸭子显示砂砾吨,其中有一个非常有趣的,悬疑系列的。

3。 温哥华加人队VS 4。 芝加哥黑鹰队
芝加哥黑鹰队已经表明,他们是不能简单地与季后赛第二轮,他们觉得他们有机会去与他们的团队的化妆进一步的内容。 芝加哥与明星,我们没有理由相信,他们不能进入决赛,并可能超越。 另一方面加人都需要依靠罗伯托Luongo太多,赢得他们的游戏和他们打,如果他们继续,直至barrowed时间。 正如这篇文章被写入加人已在第二期后,终于得到一个垫Sundin目标2-1领先。 Sundin,Kesler,Sedin双胞胎和挖洞的家伙,发挥最高水平可能在每场比赛的每一分钟,为加人为了得到不仅仅是第二轮。 Luongo只能单独进行,但至今。 无论结果如何,但该系列已相当有趣(很像的其他三个),或许他们对待我们的每一个球迷爱的游戏七。


5月5日,2009 年大·留下评论

canucks victory 300x208 Canucks Take Pressure Off Luongo

星期二晚上,温哥华加人队交手的芝加哥黑鹰队在他们的系列三个游戏完美的客场比赛。 温哥华得到平息人群的第一个目标,并增加了他们的领先优势,前芝加哥能够得到董事会。 进球后的进球数两个能源已吸出的建设加人能够保护他们的领导,同时加入另一个目标的过程中,要引导花剩下的比赛。 芝加哥得到了董事会,但在前面加人队打出一个伟大的团队游戏 Luongo(需求没有帮助提醒你),将头家没有比并列系列差,不能建立任何的势头。 老鹰队的球迷,可怕的是,加人队赢得了作为一个团队的这场比赛并没有尝试Luongo完全依靠自己做所有。 如果温哥华次像他们周二系列的其余部分,然后芝加哥将像我们一样享受全面的高清三个。


5月3日,2009 年大·留下评论

ovechkin scores 300x195 Ovechkin Wins Round One; Luongo Cant Carry Weight Himself
克罗斯比与奥韦奇金 1回合去Ovie 华盛顿首都经久匹兹堡企鹅 3-2星期六在Verizon中心。 基于流的游戏,这应该是一个相当长的系列,可追溯到来回。 在游戏中的差异(除了西麦Varlamov一个令人难以置信的保存)是华盛顿的出色发挥威力outdueling匹兹堡企鹅“headscratchingly”坏的权力游戏。 如果企鹅想要赢得系列赛,他们必须得到他们的力量的发挥,至少是平庸。 眼下,他们有他们的权力发挥单位的大量人才,但他们是在浪费通过设置它不善它。 设置两个发挥威力线分割Malkin和克罗斯比和更好地利用Kunitz型和卡介苗等,有一个说,克罗斯比和卡介苗,并与Kunitz型和马尔金的另一行线。 分裂的时间当然不能伤害也无法作出任何改变它,真的,因为它没有奏效。 企鹅是真的只有一个电源每场比赛的发挥目标离完全不可阻挡的团队进攻。 另一方面首都只需要继续做什么,他们一直在做。 同时播放,即使实力较强的保持他们的权力发挥主导。 他们的速度和能力不能停止与该名男子的优势(何况是两个人的优势),只要他们说,Varlamov认为他们会赢得系列赛。 另一个豪华的上限,现在是能够有侵略性,而不用担心受到惩罚。 这不是裁判不要求对他们的处罚,这只是企鹅是不使华盛顿为自己的错误付出。 底线,匹兹堡的电力发挥大干快上,如果他们赢得系列赛,如果再这样下去的道是现在,华盛顿将赢得无论什么事情发生。

luongo yields goal 300x200 Ovechkin Wins Round One; Luongo Cant Carry Weight Himself

在西部,芝加哥黑鹰队对温哥华Canucks星期六晚上又卷土重来,清除早在温哥华的两个球领先。 只有这个时候,老鹰队能够复出棒,接着击败6-3绑在他们的系列,一个前往芝加哥的加人。 星期六的损失是温哥华第一次在季后赛不会是他们最​​后的,因为它们在碰撞过程与消除。 当然,他们已经能够下车,快速启动,在前两场比赛中,勉强挂在赢的比赛之一,但温哥华依靠Luongo太多每晚的基础上帮助他们摆脱困境。 Luongo依托已经足够好了,对一个更劣势的对手的第一个系列,但它不会对芝加哥。 温哥华需要从他们的大枪多了一大堆,如果他们要生存。 如果罗伯托Luongo是温哥华最好的球员,为他们赢得的,他们这一轮结束前将被淘汰。


4月30日,2009 年大·留下评论

Although the east has the so called “dream match-up” the second round of the Western Conference probably has the series with the most potential as the last two Stanley Cup Champions will go head-to-head.


ducks vs red wings 300x204 Last Two Champs Battle Headlines West Round Two

2。 Detroit Red Wings vs. 8. 阿纳海姆鸭子
The seeding in this series explains who has home ice advantage and that is it. The match-up itself is a very even one as each team equals the other in talent and experience alike. Coming into the playoffs the defending champion Red Wings had only one question, goaltending. But after their first round sweep of Columbus it looks like Chris Osgood is back to form when it matters the most. Ahead of Osgood the Red Wings have continued to suffocate teams by scoring goals while limiting the other team's scoring chances by holding on to the puck for so much of the game. In large part perhaps the best and maybe only way to stop Detroit's offensive zone, puck-possession style is by asserting one's physical presence… enter the Anaheim Ducks. Not only do the Ducks equal Detroit in skill and experience but also in size. The Ducks are big up front and at the blue line which is what propelled them to the Stanley Cup just two years ago where they beat the Red Wings along the way I might add. Quite possibly the only weakness for the Ducks is netminder Jonas Hiller and that's only because he has never been here before. Hiller proved himself worthy in the first round by shutting out the President's Trophy winning Sharks and if that continues then consider that question answered.

So what is the X-factor in this series? For the Red Wings to win they simply have to do what they did in the first round and have done time and time again in the past, simply play their game from start to finish. For the Ducks they have to keep themselves out of the penalty box, but if they do go to the box they need to take a Red Wing with them when they can—via fighting majors or retaliation penalties—and when they do yield Detroit a power play they need make sure their penalties are because of hard play and not because of stupid interference or holding calls. The Ducks will also need to see if they can get Osgood to return to his 2008-2009 regular season form in which both is GAA and save percentage were terrible. However in the end it will be the Detroit Red Wings who take this evenly matched series in seven.

hawks vs canucks 300x193 Last Two Champs Battle Headlines West Round Two

3。 Vancouver Canucks vs. 4. 芝加哥黑鹰队
Many people would say this is another evenly matched series that can go either way but I tend to disagree. Roberto Luongo gets the edge in goaltending over Nikolai Khabibulin although give Khabiblulin another feather in his cap since he has won a Cup whereas Luongo has not. Outside of the goaltending comparison the Blackhawks have a much better overall team than the Canucks. On paper the teams are evenly matched but the Canucks rely way too much on Luongo to bail them out time and time again; that has worked out so far but is not likely to continue indefinitely. Alex Burrows stepped up big time for the Canucks in round one scoring huge goals with none being bigger than the series clinching goal in overtime of game four. The Sedin twins have been good but outside of the two of them and Alex Burrows playing above his pay grade in round one the Canucks did not get much support from the rest of the team. Mats Sundin should now get a chance to heal and could make a difference for the Canucks but since arriving in Vancouver he has mostly underachieved despite playing well down the stretch.
As for the Blackhawks, they have an enormous amount of skill up front (Kris Versteeg, Martin Havlat, Patrick Sharp, Jonathan Towes to name a few) while also possessing a very strong blueline with Ben Eager, Duncan Keith, and company. Sure they lost two games against Calgary while Vancouver swept through St. Louis but the Hawks were up against much stronger competition who they squashed in the last two games of that series. So all the Blackhawks have to do to win is to continue to play as a very strong unit while Vancouver's best chance of winning is relying heavily on Luongo. With that in mind, the Hawks have a much wider margin of error than the Canucks do and will win the series in six as a result.

Enjoy round two everybody!


2009年4月18日, 大苗 · 1条评论

bill guerin scores 300x217 Stanley Cup Playoffs Make Grand Entrance

Well the playoffs are now in full swing as every series will have played two games by the end of Saturday. So let's take a look and how the respective series are unfolding:


1。 Boston Bruins VS 8.Montreal Canadiens
The final score of game one was about what everybody expected but the level of competition between the two clubs was probably higher than most thought. Boston roared out to a 2-0 lead but the Canadiens battled back to tie the game at two before ultimately going down 4-2. But the rivalry is hot and despite the perception of a major mismatch it doesn't seem likely to be over anytime soon. Game 2 is tonight before the series shifts back to Montreal so we'll see what surprises are in store for us.

2。 Washington Capitals VS 7. 纽约别动队员
Jose Theodore didn't make it past the first game as he was benched for rookie back up netminder Simeon Varlamov after Washington's 4-3 loss at home to the Rangers. Again many people felt the Rangers were completely outmatch by the fire power of the Capitals and that the only chance the Rangers had offensively is if Theodore didn't play well. Theodore did not play all that well in game one and the Rangers stole one from Washington but surely things would be different now that Theodore was benched. Varlamov did indeed play very well in net for Washington Saturday afternoon as the Rangers were only able to net one behind the rookie netminder. Unfortunately for the Caps Henrik Lundqvist was up to the challenge and shut Ovechkin and company out. Now the series shifts back to New York with the Rangers having a commanding lead and looking for the sweep. Sportsroids when against the grain in predicting a Rangers win in this series and so far the Rangers have no disappointed.

3。 New Jersey Devils VS Carolina Hurricanes
In a series that many felt would be evenly matched has surely turned out to be that way. After game one the Canes looked to be greatly overmatched; but after Carolina took game two in overtime we've got ourselves a series. The two teams are so similar in every aspect of the game and that makes the series a virtually toss up on paper. Sportsroids said Carolina in five and although that seems unlikely now we are sticking to our guns! Regardless of what happens there is a lot of great hockey ahead of us in this series.

4。 Pittsburgh Penguins VS 5. 费城飞人
The Flyers seemed greatly outmatched after game one but game two was an entirely different story. Philly took the earlier lead but Pittsburgh battled back to tie. Then the Flyers took another lead only to see penalties allow the Penguins back into a game seemingly headed to the win column for the Flyers. But take nothing away from Pittsburgh, they dominated game one and although were largely outplayed in game two they took advantage of Flyer mistakes and now have a strangle-hold on the series. Don't expect the Flyers to quit though as they move home to play in front of their rowdy and very unforgiving fans at Wachovia center. Sportsroids told you this would go seven games, and although that is still possible if Pittsburgh wins either of the games in Philadelphia the Flyers will be in serious trouble. The Flyers won't fold but don't expect Pittsburgh to take their proverbial foot off the gas.


1。 San Jose Sharks VS 8. 阿纳海姆鸭子
People were wondering if the Sharks were finally ready to take it to the next level or if the same old Sharks would show up again in the playoffs. One game does not a series make but for at least one night it's the same old Sharks. Granted, the Ducks are not far removed from a Stanley Cup Championship but the Sharks at least need to score a goal. There is still a long way to go but if San Jose continues to play like they did in game one they will be making an early exit.

2。 Detroit Red Wings VS 7.Columbus Blue Jackets
As I write this post the Red Wings are leading the Blue Jackets 3-0 at the second intermission, this after winning game one 4-1. The Blue Jackets have been a great story all season but the playoffs are too much for them and so they are done.

3。 Vancouver Canucks VS 6. 圣路易斯蓝调
The Blues were another good story going into the playoffs but after making a pretty good showing in game one they were completely shut down by Vancouver in game two losing 3-0. Like Columbus, St. Louis is an up and coming team with great goaltending but they appear to be severely overmatched by the Vancouver Canucks.

4。 Chicago Blackhawks VS 5. 卡尔加里火焰
Game one of this series was probably the most entertaining game of the first round so far. Game one had everything you could want in a playoff hockey game: lead changes, scrums, great individual battles, fantastic goaltending and overtime! Sure Martin Havlat ended the party early by scoring only 12 seconds into the overtime period but if game one was any indication of how the rest of the series will go then this and the Carolina-New Jersey series have the potential to become classics.

Like you, we at sportsroids will be watching intently to see how the rest of round one unfolds. Enjoy the ride hockey fans!

Sportsroids.com's Western Conference Playoffs Predictions

April 14, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

stanley cup playoffs 20091 300x262 Sportsroids.coms Western Conference Playoffs Predictions
The Western Conference welcomes newcomers (Columbus), perennial powerhouses (Detroit) and those who haven't been there in quite a while (Chicago, St. Louis). Those facts make for a very interesting two months so we at sportsroids will try to make it simply for you by previewing the match-ups.

1。 San Jose Sharks VS 8. 阿纳海姆鸭子
The first all California NHL playoff match-up since the 1960s puts the old dogs against the new kids on the block… in a way. San Jose has had some very good teams in recent years and have experienced a fair amount of playoff success by getting their consistently and winning their fair share of games. Despite the wins racked up since their inception into the league in the early 1990s, the Sharks have yet to reach the hockey summit. Expectations are now higher for them than ever before after a disappointing year last season leading to the firing of Ron Wilson in favor of Todd McClellan who brought the Sharks their first ever President's Trophy. The Sharks are a relatively young team but the fans are tired of second round exits and are very much expecting a strong run at the Stanley Cup from the Sharks. On the flip side are the Anaheim Ducks who have been in the league less time than San Jose but already have two Cup finals trips to show for along with a Stanley Cup Championship two short years ago. In that regard the Ducks are the old dogs because they have “been there, done that” where San Jose has not. Bottom line is, the series will come down to experience versus youth; although I think Anaheim is a very dangerous team (despite their 8 th seed) who can cause a lot of damage if they get out of the first round. However, I think the Sharks time is now, their coach, city, and players are all read to take that next step and it starts with a six game series win over the in-state rival Ducks.

2。 Detroit Red Wings VS 7. 哥伦布蓝色夹克
Much like the Sharks-Ducks series the Red Wings have been there done that and Columbus hasn't… ever. This is the first playoff go around for the city of Columbus and the Blue Jackets franchise. There will be a lot of energy in the Nationwide Arena game four as the Blue Jackets host their first playoff game. Despite all the energy the Blue Jackets will have going into Detroit the Red Wings will have too much fire power for the Blue Jackets to succeed. Goaltending has been dicey all season for Detroit but as Chris Osgood has shown before when it counts he is top-notch. Blue Jacket stars Rick Nash, RJ Umberger, Kristian Huselius, and rookie phenom Steve Mason will give Columbus a punchers chance in this series but will come up short. Cronwall, Zetterberg, Lindstrom, Franzen, etc. will be way too much for upstart Columbus… Detroit in five.

3。 Vancouver Canucks VS 6. 圣路易斯蓝调
Both teams have been hot as of late as St. Louis came from being down and out all the way up to the sixth seed; while Vancouver was 12 points down to Calgary only to surge back to snatch the division title from the Flames. When two hot teams meet on a playoff collision course there are usually a lot of fireworks and should make for a very entertaining series. The Blues have a lot of talent on their team in guys like Brad Boyes, David Backes, David Parron, rookie sensation TJ Oshie and goaltender extraordinaire Chris Mason. They fought hard to reach this point and have a city that hasn't seen the playoffs in quite some time pretty charged up. St. Lous will undoubtedly put up a great fight and may very well pull off the upset. However, the Sedin twins, Alex Burrows, Mats Sundin, and Roberto Luongo (the X-factor and probably the most important piece to Vancouver's puzzle) will push forward in the playoffs and dispose of the Blues in five.

4。 Chicago VS 5. 卡尔加里
The Blackhawks are finally back to the playoffs and the city is on fire, burning with passion for their hockey team. Martin Havlat, Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews, and Patrick Sharp along with solid goaltending from Nikolai Khabibulin earned Chicago home-ice in the first round and some very excited fans. Many think Chicago can be very good for a long time but this year may be just a bit too early for the Blackhawks. They are up against a very tough first round opponent who are under a lot of pressure to finally perform in the playoffs after underachieving since their Cup Finals appearance in 2004. The Flames have assembled a lot of stars—Jarome Iginla, Mike Cammalleri, Dion Phaneuf, and Olli Jokinen to name a few—but the most important player on the ice will be Mikka Kiprusoff. The highly touted netminder has been nothing short of spectacular for Calgary over the years but has played a lot of games over the years (including this season) and has faced a ton of shots. Kiprusoff can hold up but will need help from the team in front of him to take some of the pressure off and limit the shots the Blackhawks get on net. 25-30 shots per game are ok but once you get higher than 30 consistently Kiprusoff is only human and will break down. Limiting shots on goal for Calgary is of the utmost importance if they want to finally have the success many think they can achieve. Although they blew their division lead down the stretch I think the Flames have the right pieces assembled to go deep into the playoffs…starting with a six game series victory over Chicago.

Flames and Hawks Sputtering; Carey Price Sighting in Montreal

March 31, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

A few stories of note as the season comes to a close concerning the races for playoff positioning:

blackhawks snowed 300x225 Flames and Hawks Sputtering; Carey Price Sighting in Montreal

1。 The Chicago Blackhawks have played well virtually all season, but the last few weeks they have encountered some pretty hard times. Including their loss to Montreal Tuesday night the Blackhawks have lost nine of their last 13 and are in danger of falling out of fourth position and losing the first round home-ice advantage that goes with it. Perhaps it's the fatigue of a young team going through a long year of high-level performances culminating in a losing stretch as they anticipate the commencement of the playoffs. The dip in play by Chicago is understandable but just because they haven't made it to the post-season in a while doesn't mean the fans will be at all forgiving if their late season struggles turn into a first round exit.

carey price save 300x200 Flames and Hawks Sputtering; Carey Price Sighting in Montreal

2。 Tuesday night was a good one for Montreal Canadiens fans everywhere for not only did they down the Blackhawks 4-1 but Tuesday finally marks the return of the good Carey Price. Facing 29 shots, Price stopped 28—giving up only a flukie goal by Patrick Sharp in the third period—price shut down Chicago pretty well. But moreso than simply stopping shots, Price finally looked comfortable again in net; he was standing his ground, staying poised, and didn't seem like he was overplaying every shot. This is a great sign for the Canadiens who need top-notch play from all positions but especially in net if they plan on making the playoffs and making noise once they get there. At the moment the Canadiens will likely take whatever position they can as long as they qualify for the playoffs but if they stay in 8 th as they are now the hated Boston Bruins would be on tap first…and the plot thickens.

flames doused 300x187 Flames and Hawks Sputtering; Carey Price Sighting in Montreal

3。 The trade deadline moves by the Calgary Flames have not had the desired effect as they have lost eight of 13 since March 4 th . At first the Flames were having some issues with defense and goaltending but now that those have sured up a bit Calgary is having a hard time finding the back of the net. Calgary has scored only four goals in the last four games and were shutout two games in a row by Pittsburgh and Columbus respectively in back-to-back contests. Much like Chicago, the Flames have played well all year but are now in danger of losing the top spot in their division and may actually end up qualifying for the post-season without first round home-ice advantage. Meanwhile the Vancouver Canucks have really hit their stride and are quickly gaining on Calgary and may in fact pull the division right from under the feet of the Flames.

Roberto Luongo Raises Bar

November 12, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

roberto luongo 300x197 Roberto Luongo Raises Bar Wednesday night against the Colorado Avalanche, Vancouver Canucks netminder Roberto Luongo set a new team record for consecutive shutout minutes at 242 minutes 36 seconds. The mark was set after Luongo's streak came to a close in a 2-1 shootout loss to Colorado. Shutout streaks are pretty hard to come by in this new NHL and yet this is the second time in as many years that Luongo has posted such a streak. A goaltender playing at such a high-level is huge for any team but it is especially big for Luongo because he is the team captain. I know many hockey insiders have not only questioned this move but outright criticized the team doing it. Generally speaking there is some truth to these criticisms but for Vancouver maybe different is better. At the moment the Canucks sit atop arguably the most competitive division in hockey with an offense that can be described as good on its BEST day. So to all who question having Luongo as the Canucks' captain, if it works for them then what difference does it make who the captain is? At the end of the day the object is to win and so far so good for the Roberto Luongo led Vancouver Canucks.