
2010年4月29日由大托尼 · 发表评论

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这导致东部转向倒过来,西边一个非常有趣的第一轮锯统治任何人,但造成了大部分粉笔第二轮。 荣誉的表演提出了菲尼克斯野狼,科罗拉多雪崩队和洛杉矶国王队谁在多年的演出超过极好每个队的第一场季后赛亮相。 洛杉矶国王队和科罗拉多雪崩队证明了他们将是一个可行的队伍相当长一段时间,因为每个年轻的一批球员只会从中吸取经验教训,继续让自己变得更好。 八大系列七赴至少有六场比赛,这意味着第二轮中得到了非常多的辜负。




加拿大人做了什么,多数人认为是不可能的,一旦得到了一系列以3-1华盛顿优势。 据认为,该上限是脆弱的一个冷门,但不是的方式,蒙特利尔,最终被拉断底价...辩护。 华盛顿未能得分,传统智慧告诉你,如果满地可关闭华盛顿话,肯定他们将能够做同样的事情,匹兹堡...对不对? 不太可能。 首先加拿大人依赖过于倚重雅罗斯拉夫·哈拉是再好不过了。 哈拉可能有几场比赛中他这样的,但他不能发挥这样的夜晚和夜晚的方式休息。 此外,企鹅是一种更实际的团队比华盛顿,因此可以更有效地穿上​​你失望远远超过可能的上限。 还有一个一直存在的无形的企鹅,这是他们的经验。 华盛顿是不确定他们能否赢得当事情变得糟糕,但匹兹堡不会有疑问的,因为他们知道,(从2-0次,上赛季5-0损失在5场比赛的红翼在回来后总决赛),他们必须击败任何人在任何时候,无论在什么情况下的能力。 虽然蒙特利尔将被证明是一个强硬的对手匹兹堡这是不可能的克罗斯比和公司将被顽强的哈布斯队被推翻。 匹兹堡将继续前进。


这可能是最有趣的比赛,在这一轮在纸上。 两队都发挥着非常实际的游戏让很多的大热门将被交易。 除此之外但是飞行物有优势。 虽然依靠二次得分两队都提前到圆2飞行物有更好的首要得分选择。 这是不可能的,卡特,布里埃,其余的将在办理入住手续,今次举行。 波士顿表明无力得分(完全不像球队,我认为他们会当我拿起他们赢得东部季前赛)在赛季的过程,而且可能不会改变。 出于这个原因,我正在费城。



恭喜圣荷西的最后战斗的第一轮恶魔和推进,以2轮的第一次在什么似乎是永远的。 幸运的是圣何塞,他们管理没有太多的进球,以促进他们的三巨头(马尔,希特利和桑顿)。 他们一定会需要的改变,如果他们想击败红翼的希望。 再次,我们可以谈论X和O的整夜,但是当它归结到它,我只是不能挑对阵活塞。 每年好像他们是由一个行动和未来的西部联盟球队成熟采摘和底特律总是证明每个人都错了。 因此,我挑选底特律摘下圣何塞。


两支球队逃过什么样子会是第一轮的冷门了第三个时期的回击。 幸运的是我们,他们并没有因为去年的争夺战中,两队之间的同一轮是必须看电视,今年将有可能更好。 两支球队都是伟大的锋线与凯恩和公司为芝加哥和SEDIN双胞胎和船员温哥华。 将有进攻机会称誉为两个队,所以你有什么期待在比赛中则这样呢? 当然,目标抚育。 坦率地说,芝加哥的netminding一直如此糟糕,他们已经在该类别中处于不利地位; 现在的事实补充说,他们会在另一端作战罗伯托的Luongo,它是为老鹰就更麻烦了。 但在去年,他们能够得到的Luongo他们肯定能做到这一点,今年再次。 所有老鹰队需要他们的守门员是要充分发挥他们会处理其余部分。 我拿起芝加哥赢得了整个事情在今年年初,我不会退缩,现在...芝加哥获胜。


2010年4月13日由大托尼 · 2评论

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雅罗斯拉夫·哈拉的关键是这个系列赛。 哈拉所有需要做的就是保持华盛顿在海湾,如果他能设法做到这一点的加拿大人将得到足够的进球对华盛顿的瑞士奶酪辩护的机会。 两件事情,我们肯定知道:蒙特利尔不能阻止进球华盛顿和华盛顿不能得分停止蒙特利尔。 正如我所提到的头号重点是哈拉,而且这是非常重要的蒙特利尔发挥得非常好纪律曲棍球每场比赛的每一分钟。 技术失误将作出这只是比赛的性质而做出错误的决定(传球不好,懒散冰球的追求,等等),并采取惩罚不好就会满地的季后赛生命的尽头。 华盛顿有足够的人才来克服失误就会使和缺乏足够的防御和点状干扰球,但蒙特利尔没​​有。 很多人认为华盛顿是成熟采摘 - 这可能是真的,但如果蒙特利尔不会保留他们的错误率相比,华盛顿的非常低的资本会打击他们离开。 即使在蒙特利尔并说需要一个糟糕的惩罚,他们必须依靠的球员在他们的名册季后赛经验拿别人与他们的盒子,一点一滴的事项。 如果蒙特利尔可以做这些事情,他们就赢了; 但说我正在首都五。


费城将赢得这个系列赛。 它有什么与飞行物的能力,更多的是与新泽西州的不足之处。 鬼子太依赖先得分,然后用中性区的陷阱和马蒂布洛德尔扼杀了其他球队。 新泽西不会总是首先得分,并有导致保护,也没有要回来被降2个或更多的目标应该费城获得了遥遥领先的能力。 这不是1995年了,新的非霍奇金淋巴瘤,不利于新泽西州的系统得到季后赛的成功有很大的量。 他们还放了众所周知的墙在伊利亚·科瓦利丘克他们最大的得分威胁面前。 每场比赛将很可能是因为魔怎么打接近,但它是费城的一系列胜利。


莱恩·米勒是世界上最好的守门员今天和波士顿棕熊队不能不能得分。 说够了,军刀采取系列。


克罗斯比已经热的晚,但包括两场对阵纽约岛民谁拥有一个非常小的防御,而导致一吨的射门机会,许多目标。 企鹅有过困难时期的得分停止球队的同时,也没有最大的得分实力本身(授予Gonchar和马尔金受到伤害,这样应该确保自己了)。 据指出,企鹅只是需要去进入季后赛,现在的时机已经到来,他们会更主动地得到他们的共同行动,建立在过去几年的经验,去要回的至少东部决赛。 不过,我觉得渥太华参议员可能有话要说的。 参议员已经在发布会过去一个月本赛季最好的球队之一,并正在发挥令人难以置信的好为单位。 失去亚历克斯·科瓦廖夫将是一个挫折,渥太华,但他们仍然有丹尼尔Alredsson,杰森Spezza和迈克费舍尔所以他们不会向往的得分呈现在冰面上。 他们的防守队员都相当大,这样会匹配相对较好的企鹅“从上线到底层。 射门机会,需要对企鹅对渥太华更多的工作比它与岛民。 也许是渥太华最大的败笔就是布莱恩·埃利奥特缺乏季后赛经验。 而重要的经验在所有位置,除非你肯·德莱顿或帕特里克·罗伊它是守门员最重要的。 不过,有多大的企鹅一直在玩(不一致),他们是成熟的不安,我想渥太华参议员将做到这一点。



是技术分析中我怎么觉得这个比赛了会去也许是在浪费时间。 圣何塞一直在这里一次又一次和科罗拉多州是一个团队长已经超额完成整个赛季。 我认为,在美国科罗拉多州的时间会很不错,但它只是没有在卡为他们今年。 圣何塞有更多的经验,是一个整体更好的球队,而根本不会输给科罗拉多州。 圣何塞采用此系列。


有纳什维尔在季后赛总是很高兴,因为无论有助于非传统市场曲棍球成长是本场比赛和联赛是一件好事。 纳什维尔曾来过这里,但并没有成功地闯过第一轮(没有羞耻的,既然他们已经在其短暂的历史上发挥底特律在每一个打进季后赛)。 是什么给了纳什维尔在这一系列成功的最佳机会,他们不依赖于任何一个人,提供他们的所有罪行。 史蒂夫沙利文,帕特里克Hornqvist,马丁ERAT,杰森 - 阿诺特,JP杜蒙,乳木果和韦伯都具有这是一个非常积极的迹象,因为芝加哥不能单纯强调一个人在保持Preds在海湾的希望超过40个点的季节。 纳什维尔的问题是,上赛季他们放弃了尽可能多的目标,因为他们拿下了这并不是一个好兆头玩帕特里克·凯恩,乔纳森托斯,帕特里克·夏普和共同的喜好时。 在四中七最佳系列。 虽然我根曲棍球的成功在纳什维尔的游戏的好,我认为芝加哥将是太多的Preds,并会搬过去纳什维尔自己的方式向世界杯总决赛,因为我预测,在赛季的开幕。


这是伟大的看到洛杉矶国王队重回季后赛。 我一直在说,因为休赛期,这个团队是真实的,他们肯定没有辜负所有的季节,在这里,他们是在季后赛。 安泽Kopitar已经非常显着全年和乔纳森快速已经在网线对线稳固。 我说这一年开始之前,不仅将国王队杀入季后赛,但他们也将赢得他们的第一轮系列赛,我不会从退缩。 不幸的是,国王(对我来说),他们必须去补防的曲棍球全年,即SEDIN双胞胎与亚历克斯挖洞,有时瑞恩凯斯勒说是最好的路线。 哦,那罗伯托的Luongo家伙是不是半坏的。 很多人认为这是在今年温哥华克服他们所面对过去,终于走出了西方。 我会去反对我的头在挑选这一个,说国王将采取系列,但他们更倚重罗布史古德利杯获胜的经验,从一年前,因为他们会需要它。


可怜的凤凰。 遏制回到休赛期的所有权问题,不知道他们要去哪里,今年打本赛季开始前,甚至在那里他们将在明年还没有最后确定。 尽管所有的球员团结在一起,而不是只得到自己进入季后赛,但家庭冰在第一轮,大右!? 错了。 所有的辛勤工作得到他们的打底特律红翼队在第一轮的奖励,什么奖励一个伟大的赛季吧? 我们可以打破的巅峰对决,直到母牛回家,但是这将是愚蠢的我挑对底特律。 我希望凤凰给了底特律的一个伟大的斗争,甚至设法击败他们,但这是不可能的,这就是为什么我给这个系列的红翼。



2010年2月2日由大托尼 · 发表评论

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虽然所有的脱冰的动作(“大交易”),是由有几支球队做冰的一些大举措。 这些最近的推最好是华盛顿首都谁是目前在裸奔了10场比赛,并计数,而温哥华加人队已经连续赢得了七人。 这两种条纹是相当令人印象深刻的当然是,但我既不连胜真的那么大不了的意见。 首先在首都华盛顿一直沿着这条道路前。 与其说获奖10直的,但他们已经忍受了大的数字被攻入一吨的目标,并通过他们的分工steamrolling同时也处理了一些相当不错的非分区的对手也是如此。 华盛顿的问题今天仍然相同,因为它是在两年前,这是一个缺乏防守的存在。 好像几乎每个人都对自己的球队能够进球,但是当它涉及到一个最佳的七大系列产品,你不能简单地得分超过其他球队7-5每场比赛最终你将不得不从得分阻止优秀的球队。 它本质上是华盛顿,即自锁定新泽西可以保持从得分在常规赛的人,并堆放了点,但季后赛到来时,他们不能得分不够而失去反向新泽西问题; 而华盛顿可以得分超过任何人在常规赛,但季后赛到来时,他们不能阻止任何人,被淘汰了。 首都已建成,预计将在季后赛赢球,又提前一轮退出将不会与前端办公还是球迷削减它,但直到他们开始防守这正是会发生什么。

温哥华加人队在一个位的华盛顿不同的情况。 温哥华的问题是,在过去,他们一直依赖于这么多的Luongo,谁执行令人钦佩的所有赛季曾经在季后赛临近时,他往往会打破,他们根本没有罪将他保释出来。在路上经常捞出出来。 因此,在目前的温哥华连胜无非是挑逗的历史表明,他们将依靠的Luongo太多再次和不迟于第二轮淘汰。 在X-因子为温哥华然而(某物华盛顿不必)是亚历挖洞对与SEDIN双胞胎同一线的出现。 我们都知道SEDIN双胞胎能得分,谁知道亚历克斯·伯罗斯会发展成这样的得分威胁自己? 如果亚历克斯·伯罗斯扮演这种方式在季后赛和Ryan凯斯勒可他的比赛只是有点温哥华Canucks看到流失七连胜,现在可能是吊斯坦利杯六月份同一支球队。


2009年10月11日由大托尼 · 发表评论

我不得不放弃了赛季初的敬礼渥太华参议员。 我没有(现在仍然不)想他们会是很不错的,但今年我必须把功劳是由于。 参议员是3-1-0这使他们之上的东北部。 诚然,参议员击败三支球队是很难季后赛球队在亚特兰大,多伦多,和岛民。 然而,当你已经遇到的问题的参议员,在过去两个赛季球队你把你有什么样的成功,并运行它。 他们将建立了这一点,并最终使其进入季后赛? 不太可能。 但是,他们已经赢得了三四个到目前为止并作为一个足球教练曾经说过你是什么你的记录说你是和现在渥太华是一个3-1第一名的球队。

另一个赛季初敬礼卡尔加里火焰。 有一个很大的压力,他们赢得现在赢; 认为这是一样好开始为一个可能希望在卡尔加里。 不仅做到了火焰开始4-1,但其中三个胜场都反对分裂的对手,包括两名反对省埃德蒙顿的对手。 科胜始终贯彻在积分榜上一点点额外的重量,但它是特别甜采取两个来自他们最大的对手在非常短的时间。 Mikka Kiprusoff已经稳固迄今张贴4-0纪录备份柯蒂斯McElhinney是净损失。 也许,所有在这个良好的开端的最好的部分是,杰罗姆Iginla是第四对球队的得分王,这意味着其他人都完成工作。 如果卡尔加里想继续成功,生产他们需要Iginla的配角获得的类型; 到目前为止,一切都很好。

在另一端,一个赛季初嘲笑的多伦多枫叶队。 没有人有理由认为多伦多是一支伟大的球队,但有些人认为,他们将竞争力,并可能争夺一个季后赛席位。 但到目前为止,他们还没有体现出来。 多伦多零胜(一点感谢的OT损失开幕之夜),并看着可怕的大部分。 一个好东西,他们会是新的守门员乔纳斯Gustavsson的谁是目前受伤的否定,对现在和VESA Toskala是可怕的。 他们是如此,那么在进攻上,没有那么防守好,并且有一个可怕的惩罚杀害单位,ERGO他多伦多枫叶臭,结束。


二○○九年九月三十〇日由大托尼 · 发表评论

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底特律红翼队是最好的最好的一次,尽管失去了Hudler和霍萨他们会简单地使用他们已经创造了重装农场系统的机器没有慢半拍。 在底特律唯一悬而未决的问题是,克里斯·奥斯古德的常规赛打谁到三月竖起数字欠佳,去年十月。 显示了在季后赛中一直是奥斯古德的密苏里州,但如果他是今年的不一致,因为他是上赛季其他球队的崛起在底特律的分工能找到强大的红翼队争夺一个季后赛席位。

事情正在查找在芝加哥冰只要帕特里克·凯恩能趋吉避凶落冰。 凯恩与帕特里克·夏普和乔纳森托斯(等等)的回报,而退伍军人约翰·麦登和玛丽安·霍萨已被添加到一个已经明星云集的阵容。 就像他们的同行芝加哥北部的唯一真正的未知因素是净的尼古拉Khabibulin现在是埃德蒙顿油人队的一员。 最有经验的,也许是最有可能的人提供稳定的老鹰之间的管道是瓦尔休特谁表现出伟大的迹象。 不管是谁最终获得并保持了开始的工作作为守门员而去,去芝加哥。 如果他们的netminder是consistenly好的话芝加哥能赢得这一切,如果没有的话,他们不会,但无论哪种方式季后赛是他们的未来。

哥伦布拿到季后赛曲棍球的第一口味上赛季骑为主的惊喜新秀netminder史蒂夫·梅森回来。 虽然梅森将不享受个人成功与去年相同数量的这是我的论点是,球队将有良好表现全面。 里克·纳什是分上的蓝色夹克的短名单但哥伦布比其他球队的凝聚力。 本集团已经历了很多失去一起消失了,去年他们经历了获胜的滋味。 去年的成功,感觉很好,对他们没有赢得一场比赛,在赛季后的辛酸毫无疑问留在口中苦味,只会把它们放在一起更加努力为彼此成为更好的球队。

温哥华乘坐罗伯托的Luongo一路的赛季后,去年横扫圣路易斯蓝调无缘季后赛的亚历克斯·伯罗斯的棒。 季后赛是一冒出来的各种聚会亚历克斯挖洞(根据一些),并加人队的球迷都希望这只是这一点。 锁定了SEDIN双胞胎是巨大的的是一个严肃的竞争者温哥华,但近几个赛季所有的希望已经表明,他们不能依靠SEDIN的他们所有的罪行。 有三个实线是东西,他们都缺乏了几年引起他们季后赛的成功是有限的。 添加马修施耐德的经验将大大提高他们的蓝线,但将高达瑞安凯斯勒和上述亚历克斯挖洞的喜欢这支球队撑起来了一个新的水平。 第一回合是给定的,但第二轮及以后达至温哥华。

对于卡尔加里火焰是短暂而甜蜜。 他们可以把它圆了季后赛的一个(因为他们今年将再次这样做),但问题再次为火焰更是将他们有足够的纪律,采取第一轮退出他们的挫折与它翻译成打的多的声音曲棍球。 它不再是技能卡尔加里,他们已经得到了,这是具有精神刚毅上进的团队数量。

洛杉矶国王队可能会是西部联盟本赛季最有趣的和令人兴奋的故事。 最重要的是puckheads同意,这支球队是在上升,但我认为他们不仅在上升,但是他们会赢得他们的第一轮季后赛系列赛。 当然它使我处于困境,据其他季前赛的预测去,但我说的这一个取代所有其他的预言我做除在其中所扮演的球队,我认为将晋级总决赛从西方的情景。 一般来说,我只是说有信心在什么国王队组织作为一个整体在做什么。 他们已经采取了这一步棋,多年来却花了很多的时间去学习那些肿块,并提出了一些非常有天赋的球员在关键领域。 他们有很多优秀的年轻球员达斯汀·布朗,亚历山大·弗罗洛夫(标题进入了职业生涯的黄金),杰克·约翰逊,震动斯托尔(也前往这个黄金)和乔纳森快速谁是非常可靠的目标,去年是可能只会变得更好。 伴随着这个年轻人才,他们加入莱恩史密斯和Rob史古德利老将谁刚刚脱落斯坦利杯冠军的匹兹堡企鹅。 国王有合适的人在合适的位置,在合适的时间和禁止伤害这个团队已作好准备,现在是成功的。

最后是总统的奖杯殊荣的圣何塞鲨鱼队谁做一点改变自己的球队在动作的数量,但招式质量方面一直恒星。 达尼·希特利被拾起,以牺牲乔纳森Cheechoo,并且将是一个美好的,除了这个阵容。 常规赛的成功不是因为鲨鱼(多西队的真正看起来是)一个问题,但希特利使他们渡过了难关陷入严重的竞争赢得了西部。 希特利不仅可以得分了很多球,但他享有的成功相当数量的前,所以他一起在他的肩膀上的芯片的经验显示那些在渥太华,他仍然可以发挥就会搬出圣何塞沿着另一步正确的方向。

唯一的其他球队,可以使任何噪音,他们应该进入季后赛的阿纳海姆鸭子。 他们的经验就是设置它们上面休息,但遗憾的是也许是他们最大的资产是其最大的区别。 鸭子是一个老龄化的团队谁失去的又一步,在每一个位置,只希望能贴近,直到交易截止日,他们也许可以使一招一个年轻的一群玩家更新鲜的腿一个漫长的季后赛。 埃德蒙顿也不甘落后,但无论他们功亏一篑在西部取得成功所需要的明星影响力和体力的发挥。 干扰球,是埃德蒙顿最强的方面,但是这是真的,去年也因此他们不会得到他们要么。 没有其他球队甚至已经获得季后赛更不用说制造噪音,一旦他们到达那里的祈祷。

所有这一切说,我认为芝加哥黑鹰将是球队让出了西部,因为他们会发现,他们需要在网上什么,会更进一步比去年多。 芝加哥将在波士顿棕熊队谁将会拖垮匹兹堡企鹅队的疲惫团坐西朝东。 这样就建立了一个真棒最初六人对战这将是一个营销梦想的非霍奇金淋巴瘤。 经过一个令人难以置信的背部和第四战斯坦利杯总决赛将再次去七场比赛在这一点上,芝加哥黑鹰队会最终使玛丽安霍萨悬挂斯坦利杯为2009-2010年斯坦利杯冠军! 享受开幕之夜大家!


2009年6月30日由大托尼 · 发表评论

nhl money bag Free Agency Extravaganza
可以说,非霍奇金淋巴瘤休赛期最精彩的部分在周三开始,那就是自由球员时期的开始。 导致该草案在极少数的行动,留下的谜团很多,开展与市场上一些大牌明星,包括圣母霍萨,阿列克谢科瓦廖夫,佐久Koivu先生,玛丽安Gaborik,和Rob史古德利(其股价就一路上扬了他在季后赛的表现后, )许多其他球员谁可能会被要求大的时候交易之中。 周杰伦Boumeester将最有可能成为引爆市场(不包括任何灾难)自由球员市场开始之前,让我们可以期待从周三开始? 随着工资帽只会由10万美元能买得起球队签下大牌巨大的合同? 哪些球队最有从狂热到收获?

也许最明显的地方,开始是在蒙特利尔所在的加拿大人刚摘下来一个非常令人失望的季后赛中,谁拥有十的选手,成为不受限制的自由球员(UFA)。 这会留下一个坑,以填补在一个地方,球迷们都饿了斯坦利杯,但还没有见过一个自1993年以来在所有的可能性加拿大人(新业主)会在一个新的方向,而不是试图辞职大牌像科瓦廖夫因为这个核心小组一直没有成功,在蒙特利尔打要求的类型。 如果他们试图辞职了很多自己的球员,但他们将有很多的决定,使我会感到惊讶。 如果不出意外,满地可挂的事实,他们在凯里价格守门员谁应该是坚实的未来几年,如果他只是恢复他的信心走出自己的帽子。

一支球队如果可能的风口浪尖上,有很多的自由球员获得的是明尼苏达狂放。 明尼苏达州的干扰球是实心的尼克拉斯·斯特罗姆只是提名Vezina战利品和他有在他面前一个伟大的防御单位。 随着中说森林狼只需要获得自身的一些目标的得分手还是只有一个,而应该弥补两点保留了他们无缘季后赛过去的这个赛季。 玛丽安·霍萨想到作为一个选项或者在SEDIN双胞胎了温哥华,这两个选项将提供野生与他们所寻求的得分王。

There also may or may not be a shakeup in San Jose despite their enormous regular season success the post-season saw them exit in the first round. Some have suggested goaltending is all that needs to be addressed and Scott Clemmensen may just be the answer for San Jose's alleged goaltending needs. Brian Boucher and Evgeni Nabokov did a more than adequate job in my opinion but rumblings in the San Jose front office suggests that it was not up the par in the post-season and they are not very happy with that.

The possibilities are endless for teams all over the league once free agency starts but there is a bit of a taste of the types of moves that could happen. It should be a very exciting day for hockey fans everywhere especially those who think their team is only a move or two away from making a run at the Stanley Cup. There aren't too many offseason days that produce excitement and this is one of them so hopefully it is an enjoyable one for those needing a hockey fix since the end of the finals.


May 15, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

2009 nhl playoffs 300x260 NHL Round Two a Treat for All
第二轮落下了帷幕周四晚上那叫一个两回合它的方式。 随着三大系列将第七场和其他令人难以置信的有趣的6场系列非霍奇金淋巴瘤应保持其高昂着头今晚。 底特律/阿纳海姆和波士顿/北卡罗来纳州将锦上添花了两个令人难以置信的比赛七场演出达到高潮了第七场加时赛的猎犬比熊队赢了。 As much as I love hockey it has fallen from the graces of many people since the lockout in 2004, but this round has put the NHL back on the national map. 休闲的球迷都在调整和基地持续增长的收视率节节上升的结果。 Sports fans across the board have soaked up every moment of round two with many hoping the stage isn't set for the Conference Finals to be a letdown. But with the stakes getting higher as we move onto round three it seems highly unlikely that something like that will happen. The time will come in short order to look forward to the next round but now is the time to reflecting upon round two and simply appreciate what we saw.

The Pens and Caps stole the headlines with plenty of star power, the incredible story of rookie netminder Simeon Varlamov, and six unbelievably entertaining games including three overtime contests and at least one lead change in every game. 笔和帽子,不仅把一个伟大的演出,但他们进一步升级较劲,这将是轰动了几年。 其他第二轮比赛在东部没有戏剧的钢笔帽近量,直到第七场。

The Bruins and Canes gave us everything one hopes to get out of a game seven. Each team had a lead at one point in the game with the Bruins taking the early 1-0 lead before Carolina battled back to net two in a row only to see Boston send it to overtime. In the extra period there were chances aplenty stifled by tremendous goaltending by both Ward and Thomas. 而且,正如它似乎像本场比赛注定了两个加时赛斯科特·沃克背后埋藏蒂姆 - 托马斯反弹赢得他职业生涯第一次季后赛的目标......而男孩什么时候去做。

In the West the headliner was the battle between the last two Stanley Cup Champions in Anaheim and Detroit. Despite Anaheim being seeded eighth many felt the Ducks had a chance to put away the defending champs. The two teams battled game to game until the series finally culminated in a game seven that went the way of the rest of the series. Both goaltenders put on a great show combined with a lot of heavy hitting and lots of drama with both teams getting ticked at the referees at one point or another. In the end however the defending champs showed their grit by scoring the series winning goal with three minutes remaining in the third period.

Lastly we'll mention the upstart Blackhawks put away Roberto Luongo and the high-flying Vancouver Canucks. In their respective first round series the Hawks and Canucks traveled very different paths. Vancouver steamrolled St. Louis while Chicago had to battle to put away a banged-up but resilient Calgary Flames squad that had high expectations; 因此许多人认为经验丰富的加人将能够处理的好,但是年轻的黑鹰队的“时代尚未到来。”在芝加哥的球迷和球员的人一样,有不同的计划,为年轻的球队打每一场比赛一样他们承受的早期线索温哥华,并最终通过砖墙是罗伯托的Luongo推进到决赛破坏之前曾经来过。

Perhaps one of the best playoff rounds in any sport ever… and we've still got two rounds to go. See you in the Conference Finals everybody!


May 10, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

round two picture 300x203 NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining

Round two of the playoffs has been the best round of the post-season by far to this point and the excitement continues to build. Let's take a brief look at each series up to this point.

Eastern Conference:

3. Washington Capitals VS 4. Pittsburgh Penguins
This has been the keynote series since the second round draw came out and it has not disappointed. Four of the five games have been decided by one goal and two were decided in overtime. The big stars Ovechkin  NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining and Crosby  NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining have stepped up to the plate and have excelled in the spotlight as all of North America looks on. There has also been plenty of drama to boot with both sides making complaints about the officiating at one point or another and Ovechkin hitting Sergei Gonchar knee-on-knee which has created plenty of controversy across the airwaves. The series has been the perfect showcase for the NHL as hardcore and casual fans alike tune in and are NOT disappointed. As of the writing of this article the Penguins have taken a 3-2 series lead after dropping the first to in Washington. Pittsburgh finally got some secondary scoring in game five and it proved to be the difference between the two teams as the big stars continue to cancel each other out. Penguin fans would love for this series to finish in six, but for the rest of the world how could this series culminate any better than if it comes down to game seven on Wednesday at Verizon Center?

1,波士顿棕熊队VS 6卡罗来纳飓风
对于许多这一直是三大会议半决赛的高性能熊的令人震惊的是看似要蒸滚飓风对进入决赛。 但是,由于游戏的一个端它一直都卡罗莱纳州。 凸轮病区,埃里克·斯塔尔和尤西约基宁一直令人难以置信的带领猎犬,以一个不太可能3-1领先。 该系列的差异归结为表演的最高水平,而熊队一直没能依靠自己钉一样,因为他们有全年卡罗莱纳州的最好的球员。 Zdano甜心尤其是还没有从比赛之一,他关闭了埃里克·斯塔尔一样。 对于熊取回入编他们必须更好地利用它们的大小,以创造进攻,继续施压凸轮病区。 波士顿赢不了只需感到沮丧时,沃德发挥好,通过努力又陷入他们的防守风格时,他们最多只能由一个或游戏时打成平手,打不输,而不是赢。 有很多速度上的猎犬和熊需要中和的速度与自己的某些脚步。 但不要认为这是侥幸,因为猎犬有大量的人才,并已应许之地赢得了世界杯,2006年之前。


2,底特律红翼VS 8阿纳海姆鸭子
乔纳斯·希勒一直扮演得非常好,直到周四晚上,当他被拉到了老将netminder JS Giguere。 总体鸭子都发挥令人难以置信的利用自己的规模和技能来坚持使用相同的属性底特律。 很多人都写了这个系列的sportsroids在最近几天,你可以通过点击看到这里 在这一点上,唯一不同的是,谁在网阿纳海姆扮演拥有几乎完美无瑕,而鸭子的其他部分做他们一直在做的一直。 底特律最终可能会赢得这个系列,但鸭子都表现出一吨砂已经取得了一个非常有趣的和悬疑系列。

3,温哥华加人队VS 4。芝加哥黑鹰
芝加哥黑鹰队已经表明,他们不是简单地满足于能够进入季后赛第二轮中,他们觉得他们有机会与他们球队的化妆走得更远。 随着恒星芝加哥有没有理由相信,他们不能进入决赛,也许不止于此。 加人队,另一方面也需要依靠太多的罗伯托的Luongo赢得比赛对他们和他们玩barrowed时间,如果他们保持了起来。 由于这篇文章被写入加人队已经2-1领先后终于得到一个目标,从席子Sundin第2期。 像Sundin,凯斯勒的SEDIN双胞胎和巴路士家伙有在尽可能高的级别每场比赛的每一分钟,以使加人队获得超越只是第二轮的发挥。 的Luongo仅只能携带他们,但至今。 不管结果如何,不过系列一直是相当有趣(就像其他三个),也许他们会把我们带到一个第七场的每一个球迷喜欢。

Canucks Take Pressure Off Luongo

May 5, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

canucks victory 300x208 Canucks Take Pressure Off Luongo

Tuesday night the Vancouver Canucks played the perfect road game against the Chicago Blackhawks in game three of their series. Vancouver got the first goal quieting the crowd and increased their lead before Chicago was able to get on the board. After scoring goal number two the energy has been sucked out of the building and the Canucks were able to spend the rest of the game protecting their lead while adding another goal in the process to boot. Chicago got on the board but could not build any momentum as the Canucks played a great team game in front of Luongo (who needs no help mind you) and will head home with no worse than a tied series. The scary thing for Hawks fans is that the Canucks won this game as a team and didn't try to rely completely on Luongo to do it all himself. If Vancouver plays like they did Tuesday the rest of the series then Chicago will be enjoying round three in HD like the rest of us.

Ovechkin Wins Round One; Luongo Can't Carry Weight Himself

May 3, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

ovechkin scores 300x195 Ovechkin Wins Round One; Luongo Cant Carry Weight Himself
的第1轮克罗斯比与奥维金去OVIE作为首都华盛顿熬过了匹兹堡企鹅 3-2日在Verizon中心。 根据游戏的流量,这应该是一个相当长的一系列来来回回。 The difference in the game (aside from an incredible save by Simeon Varlamov) was Washington's stellar power play outdueling a “headscratchingly” bad power play for the Pittsburgh Penguins. If the Penguins want to win the series they have to get their power play to at least be mediocre. Right now they have an enormous amount of talent on their power play unit but they are wasting it by setting it up poorly. Set up two power play lines that splits up Malkin and Crosby and better utilizes Kunitz and Guerin so that there is a line with say Crosby and Guerin and another line with Kunitz and Malkin. Splitting up the time certainly can't hurt nor could making any change to it really because it hasn't worked. The Penguins are really only one power play goal per game away from being a completely unstoppable team offensively. The Capitals on the other hand just have to keep doing what they've been doing. Keep dominating on their power play while playing fairly strong at even strength. Their speed and skill cannot be stopped with the man advantage (let alone a two-man advantage) so as long as they have that going and Varlamov holds up they are going to win the series. Another luxury the Caps have right now is being able to be aggressive without fearing being penalized. It isn't that the refs aren't calling penalties on them it's just that the Penguins are not making Washington pay for their mistakes. Bottom line, if Pittsburgh's power play gets going they win the series, if it continues the tract it is on now Washington will win no matter what else happens.

luongo yields goal 300x200 Ovechkin Wins Round One; Luongo Cant Carry Weight Himself

Out West, the Chicago Blackhawks made another comeback against the Vancouver Canucks Saturday night erasing Vancouver's early two goal lead. Only this time the Hawks were able to make the comeback stick and went on to defeat the Canucks 6-3 tying their series at one heading to Chicago. Saturday's loss was the first for Vancouver in these playoffs and won't be their last as they are on a collision course with elimination. Sure they have been able to get off to a quick start the first two games—barely hanging on to win game one—but Vancouver relies way too much on Luongo to bail them out on a nightly basis. Relying on Luongo worked well enough in the first series against a more inferior opponent but it will not work against Chicago. Vancouver needs to get a whole lot more from their big guns if they want to survive. If Roberto Luongo has to be Vancouver's best player for them to win they will be eliminated before the end of this round.

Last Two Champs Battle Headlines West Round Two

April 30, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

Although the east has the so called “dream match-up” the second round of the Western Conference probably has the series with the most potential as the last two Stanley Cup Champions will go head-to-head.

Western Conference:

下一篇: 曲棍球
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Stanley Cup Playoffs Make Grand Entrance

2009年4月18日由大托尼 · 1条评论

bill guerin scores 300x217 Stanley Cup Playoffs Make Grand Entrance

Well the playoffs are now in full swing as every series will have played two games by the end of Saturday. So let's take a look and how the respective series are unfolding:


1. Boston Bruins VS 8.Montreal Canadiens
The final score of game one was about what everybody expected but the level of competition between the two clubs was probably higher than most thought. 波士顿呼啸而出,以2-0领先,但加拿大人作战回来才最终下降4-2扳平比分的两个。 但竞争是热的,尽管专业不对口的看法似乎并不可能是在短期​​内。 Game 2 is tonight before the series shifts back to Montreal so we'll see what surprises are in store for us.

2. Washington Capitals VS 7. New York Rangers
何塞西奥多没能过去的第一场比赛,因为他被换下场的菜鸟备份netminder缅瓦尔拉莫夫后,华盛顿的4-3损失在主场以流浪者。 Again many people felt the Rangers were completely outmatch by the fire power of the Capitals and that the only chance the Rangers had offensively is if Theodore didn't play well. Theodore did not play all that well in game one and the Rangers stole one from Washington but surely things would be different now that Theodore was benched. Varlamov did indeed play very well in net for Washington Saturday afternoon as the Rangers were only able to net one behind the rookie netminder. Unfortunately for the Caps Henrik Lundqvist was up to the challenge and shut Ovechkin and company out. 现在移师回纽约与具有领先优势,并寻找横扫游骑兵。 Sportsroids when against the grain in predicting a Rangers win in this series and so far the Rangers have no disappointed.

3. New Jersey Devils VS Carolina Hurricanes
在一系列的许多人认为会是势均力敌肯定已经变成了这样。 游戏一前一后的猎犬看着大大打败; but after Carolina took game two in overtime we've got ourselves a series. 两队在比赛的每个方面非常相似,这使得该系列中的几乎折腾了纸上。 Sportsroids said Carolina in five and although that seems unlikely now we are sticking to our guns! 不管发生什么事情有很多伟大的冰球摆在我们面前的这个系列。

4. Pittsburgh Penguins VS 5. Philadelphia Flyers
The Flyers seemed greatly outmatched after game one but game two was an entirely different story. Philly took the earlier lead but Pittsburgh battled back to tie. 于是飞人又过了带头只看到点球让企鹅回到游戏似乎走向了胜利柱的传单。 But take nothing away from Pittsburgh, they dominated game one and although were largely outplayed in game two they took advantage of Flyer mistakes and now have a strangle-hold on the series. 不要指望传单,虽然戒烟,因为他们移动的家在他们的粗暴和非常无情的球迷面前,在瓦乔维亚中心球场打球。 Sportsroids told you this would go seven games, and although that is still possible if Pittsburgh wins either of the games in Philadelphia the Flyers will be in serious trouble. The Flyers won't fold but don't expect Pittsburgh to take their proverbial foot off the gas.


1. San Jose Sharks VS 8. Anaheim Ducks
People were wondering if the Sharks were finally ready to take it to the next level or if the same old Sharks would show up again in the playoffs. 一个游戏没有了一系列令,但至少有一个晚上是同样的老鲨鱼。 当然,鸭子被不远处的一个斯坦利杯冠军,但大鲨鱼至少需要进球删除。 还有很长的路要走,但如果圣何塞继续发挥像他们在游戏人做,他们将作出提前退出。

2,底特律红翼VS 7.Columbus蓝色夹克
As I write this post the Red Wings are leading the Blue Jackets 3-0 at the second intermission, this after winning game one 4-1. The Blue Jackets have been a great story all season but the playoffs are too much for them and so they are done.

3,温哥华加人队VS 6圣路易斯蓝调
The Blues were another good story going into the playoffs but after making a pretty good showing in game one they were completely shut down by Vancouver in game two losing 3-0. 像哥伦布,圣路易斯是一个行动和未来的团队以极大的干扰球,但他们似乎受到严重的温哥华加人队打败。

4. Chicago Blackhawks VS 5. Calgary Flames
这个游戏系列之一可能是在第一轮中最有趣的游戏至今。 Game one had everything you could want in a playoff hockey game: lead changes, scrums, great individual battles, fantastic goaltending and overtime! 当然马丁Havlat藉由得分只有12秒,进入加时赛,但最终的早期党,如果游戏之一,是任何迹象显示如何在系列的其余部分将继续那么这和卡罗来纳州,新泽西州系列有成为经典的潜力。

Like you, we at sportsroids will be watching intently to see how the rest of round one unfolds. 享受骑曲棍球球迷!

Sportsroids.com's Western Conference Playoffs Predictions

April 14, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

2. Detroit Red Wings VS 7. Columbus Blue Jackets
Much like the Sharks-Ducks series the Red Wings have been there done that and Columbus hasn't… ever. This is the first playoff go around for the city of Columbus and the Blue Jackets franchise. There will be a lot of energy in the Nationwide Arena game four as the Blue Jackets host their first playoff game. Despite all the energy the Blue Jackets will have going into Detroit the Red Wings will have too much fire power for the Blue Jackets to succeed. Goaltending has been dicey all season for Detroit but as Chris Osgood has shown before when it counts he is top-notch. Blue Jacket stars Rick Nash, RJ Umberger, Kristian Huselius, and rookie phenom Steve Mason will give Columbus a punchers chance in this series but will come up short. Cronwall, Zetterberg, Lindstrom, Franzen, etc. will be way too much for upstart Columbus… Detroit in five.

3,温哥华加人队VS 6圣路易斯蓝调
Both teams have been hot as of late as St. Louis came from being down and out all the way up to the sixth seed; while Vancouver was 12 points down to Calgary only to surge back to snatch the division title from the Flames. When two hot teams meet on a playoff collision course there are usually a lot of fireworks and should make for a very entertaining series. The Blues have a lot of talent on their team in guys like Brad Boyes, David Backes, David Parron, rookie sensation TJ Oshie and goaltender extraordinaire Chris Mason. They fought hard to reach this point and have a city that hasn't seen the playoffs in quite some time pretty charged up. St. Lous will undoubtedly put up a great fight and may very well pull off the upset. However, the Sedin twins, Alex Burrows, Mats Sundin, and Roberto Luongo (the X-factor and probably the most important piece to Vancouver's puzzle) will push forward in the playoffs and dispose of the Blues in five.

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Flames and Hawks Sputtering; Carey Price Sighting in Montreal

March 31, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

A few stories of note as the season comes to a close concerning the races for playoff positioning:

blackhawks snowed 300x225 Flames and Hawks Sputtering; Carey Price Sighting in Montreal

3. The trade deadline moves by the Calgary Flames have not had the desired effect as they have lost eight of 13 since March 4 th . At first the Flames were having some issues with defense and goaltending but now that those have sured up a bit Calgary is having a hard time finding the back of the net. Calgary has scored only four goals in the last four games and were shutout two games in a row by Pittsburgh and Columbus respectively in back-to-back contests. Much like Chicago, the Flames have played well all year but are now in danger of losing the top spot in their division and may actually end up qualifying for the post-season without first round home-ice advantage. Meanwhile the Vancouver Canucks have really hit their stride and are quickly gaining on Calgary and may in fact pull the division right from under the feet of the Flames.

Roberto Luongo Raises Bar

November 12, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

roberto luongo 300x197 Roberto Luongo Raises Bar Wednesday night against the Colorado Avalanche, Vancouver Canucks netminder Roberto Luongo set a new team record for consecutive shutout minutes at 242 minutes 36 seconds. The mark was set after Luongo's streak came to a close in a 2-1 shootout loss to Colorado. Shutout streaks are pretty hard to come by in this new NHL and yet this is the second time in as many years that Luongo has posted such a streak. A goaltender playing at such a high-level is huge for any team but it is especially big for Luongo because he is the team captain. I know many hockey insiders have not only questioned this move but outright criticized the team doing it. Generally speaking there is some truth to these criticisms but for Vancouver maybe different is better. At the moment the Canucks sit atop arguably the most competitive division in hockey with an offense that can be described as good on its BEST day. So to all who question having Luongo as the Canucks' captain, if it works for them then what difference does it make who the captain is? At the end of the day the object is to win and so far so good for the Roberto Luongo led Vancouver Canucks.