
2010年4月29日由大托尼 · 发表评论

habs down caps Round Two Intrigue
这导致东部转向倒挂,西一个令人难以置信的有趣的第一轮锯系列统治任何人,但造成了大部分粉笔第二轮。 荣誉的表演提出了菲尼克斯野狼,科罗拉多雪崩队和洛杉矶国王队谁在多年的演出超过令人钦佩的各队的第一次季后赛的外观。 洛杉矶国王队和科罗拉多雪崩队证明了他们将是一个可行的团队相​​当长一段时间,因为每个年轻的一批球员,只会从中吸取经验教训,继续让自己变得更好。 八大系列七去至少有六场比赛,这意味着第二轮得到了一个可怕的很多辜负。




加拿大人做了什么,多数人认为是不可能的,一旦得了一系列以3-1华盛顿优势。 据认为,键帽是脆弱的一个冷门,但不是的方式,最终蒙特利尔被拉断底价...辩护。 华盛顿无法得分和传统智慧告诉你,如果蒙特利尔可以关闭华盛顿话,肯定他们将能够做同样的事情到匹兹堡,对吧? 不太可能。 首先加拿大人依赖过于倚重雅罗斯拉夫哈拉是几乎完美。 哈拉可能有几场比赛中他这样的,但他不能发挥这样的夜晚和夜晚的休息的方式。 此外,企鹅是一个更为物理团队比华盛顿,其结果可以更有效地穿你下来远比可能的上限。 还有一个一直存在的无形的企鹅有,那就是他们的经验。 华盛顿是不确定他们是否能赢得当事情变得糟糕,但匹兹堡并不有疑问,因为他们知道,(从2-0次,上赛季5-0的损失在游戏中5红翼在回来后总决赛),他们必须击败任何人在任何时候,不管在什么情况下的能力。 虽然蒙特利尔将被证明是一个强硬的对手匹兹堡这是不可能的克罗斯比和公司将被顽强的哈布斯队被赶下台。 匹兹堡将继续前进。


这可能是最有趣的比赛,在这一轮在纸面上。 两队都发挥着非常实际的游戏让很多的大热门将被交易。 除此之外然而飞人有优势。 虽然依靠二次得分两队都提前到2轮的传单有更好的首要得分选择。 这是不可能的卡特,布里埃,其余的将在检查这阵子举行。 波士顿表现出无法得分(没有像球队我还以为他们会当我拿起他们赢得东部季前赛)整个赛季的进程,这可能不会改变。 出于这个原因,我正在费城。



恭喜圣何塞最后战斗的第一轮恶魔和推进,以2轮的第一次在什么好像永远。 幸运的是圣何塞,他们管理没有太多的得分来推进他们的三巨头(马尔,希特利和桑顿)。 他们肯定会需要一个改变,如果他们想击败红翼的希望。 再次,我们可以谈论X和O的通宵达旦,但是当它归结到它,我只是不能接对阵活塞。 每年,好像他们是由一个和未来西部的会议团队成熟采摘和底特律总是证明每个人都错了。 所以我挑选底特律摘下圣何塞。


两支球队逃过什么样子会是第一轮的冷门了第三个时期的回击。 我们是幸运的,他们并没有因为去年的战役中,两队之间的同一轮是必看的电视,今年将有可能更好。 两支球队都是伟大的前场与凯恩公司为芝加哥和SEDIN双胞胎和船员温哥华。 将有机会进攻嘉豪两支球队,所以你有什么期待在比赛中,像吗? 当然,目标抚育。 坦率地说,芝加哥netminding一直如此糟糕,他们已经在该类别中处于劣势; 现在的事实补充说,他们会在另一端争夺罗伯托的Luongo,它是为老鹰就更麻烦了。 但在去年,他们能够得到的Luongo,他们肯定能做到这一点,今年再次。 所有的老鹰队需要他们的守门员是充分发挥,他们会处理其余部分。 我拿起芝加哥赢得了整个事情在今年年初,我不会退缩,现在...芝加哥获胜。


2010年4月13日由大托尼 · 2评论

crosby holding cup 288x300 NHL Playoff Preview/Predictions


雅罗斯拉夫哈拉的关键是这个系列。 所有哈拉所要做的就是让华盛顿在海湾,如果他能设法做到这一点的加拿大人将获得大量的得分反对华盛顿的瑞士奶酪防御机会。 两件事情,我们肯定知道:蒙特利尔不能阻止得分华盛顿和华盛顿无法从得分阻止蒙特利尔。 正如我所提到的头号重点是哈拉也实在是非常重要的蒙特利尔发挥极其出色纪律曲棍球每场比赛的每一分钟。 技术失误将作出这只是比赛的性质而做出错误的决定(坏传球,懒冰球的追求,等等),并采取惩罚坏的将是蒙特利尔的季后赛生命的尽头。 华盛顿有足够的人才来克服失误就会使和缺乏足够的防守和参差不齐的干扰球,但蒙特利尔没​​有。 很多人认为华盛顿是成熟采摘,而这可能是真实的,但如果蒙特利尔不保留自己的错误率相比,华盛顿的非常低的资本将打击他们离开。 即使在蒙特利尔没​​有说拿一个糟糕的点球,他们不得不依靠的球员在他们的花名册的季后赛经验拿别人与他们的盒子,一点一滴事宜。 如果能蒙特利尔做这些事情,他们就赢了; 但说我走的是资本在五年。


费城将赢得这个系列赛。 它有一点做的飞行物的能力,更多的是与新泽西州的不足之处。 鬼子太依赖得分第一,然后用中性区的陷阱和马蒂布罗德扼杀了其他球队。 新泽西州不会总是首先得分,并有导致保护,也没有要回来,从被打倒2个或更多的目标应该费城获得了遥遥领先的能力。 这不是1995年了,新的非霍奇金淋巴瘤,不利于新泽西州的系统产生季后赛的成功有很大的量。 他们还提出一个众所周知的墙的伊利亚·科瓦利丘克他们最大的得分威胁面前。 每场比赛极有可能是因为魔怎么打接近,但它是费城的系列取胜。


瑞恩·米勒是世界上最好的守门员今天和波士顿熊不能不能得分。 足够的说,军刀采取系列。


克罗斯比已经热的晚,但包括两场对阵纽约岛民谁拥有一个非常小的防守,并且导致一吨的得分机会,许多目标。 企鹅有过困难时期,从得分阻止球队的同时,也没有最大的得分实力本身(授予Gonchar和马尔金受到伤害,这样应该确保自己了)。 有人说,企鹅只是需要去进入季后赛,现在的时机已经到来,他们会更主动地得到他们的共同行动,建立在过去几年的经验,去要回在至少东部决赛。 但是,我认为渥太华参议员可能有话要说有关。 参议员已经在发布会上,在过去一个月的赛季最好的球队之一,并正在发挥令人难以置信和单位。 失去亚历科瓦廖夫将是一个挫折渥太华,但他们仍然有丹尼尔Alredsson,杰森Spezza,和迈克费舍尔所以他们不会向往的得分呈现在冰面上。 他们的防守队员都是相当大的,这样将匹配,相对较好的企鹅“从上线底部。 射门机会,需要对企鹅对渥太华更多的工作比它与岛民。 也许对于渥太华最大的缺陷是布赖恩·埃利奥特缺乏季后赛经验。 而重要的经验在所有位置,除非你肯·德莱顿或帕特里克·罗伊它是守门员最重要的。 不过,有多大的企鹅一直在玩(不一致),他们是成熟的不安,我想渥太华参议员将做到这一点。



是技术分析中的我怎么觉得这个比赛了会去也许是在浪费时间。 圣何塞一直在这里一次又一次和科罗拉多州是一个团队长已经超额完成整个赛季。 我认为,在美国科罗拉多州的时间会很不错,但它只是没有在卡他们这一年。 圣何塞拥有更多的经验,是一个整体更好的球队,而根本不会输给科罗拉多州。 圣何塞采取这一系列。


有纳什维尔在季后赛总是很高兴,因为无论有助于非传统市场曲棍球成长是本场比赛和联赛是一件好事。 纳什维尔一直在这里过,但一直没有成功地闯过了第一轮(不丢人的,既然他们已经在其短暂的历史中扮演底特律在每一个打进季后赛)。 是什么让纳什维尔在这一系列成功的最佳机会,他们不依赖于任何一个人提供他们所有的罪行。 史蒂夫·沙利文,帕特里克Hornqvist,马丁ERAT,杰森 - 阿诺特,JP杜蒙和谢伊·韦伯都有这是一个非常积极的信号,因为芝加哥不能仅仅着眼于一个人在保持Preds在海湾的希望超过40点的季节。 纳什维尔的问题是,上赛季他们放弃了尽可能多的目标,他们取得这并不是一个好兆头打帕特里克·凯恩,乔纳森托斯,帕特里克·夏普和共同的喜好时。 在四的七一个最好的系列。 虽然我根曲棍球成功在纳什维尔的游戏的好,我认为芝加哥将太多的Preds,并会搬过去纳什维尔途中到决赛,因为我预测,在赛季的开幕。


这是伟大的,看看洛杉矶国王队重回季后赛。 我一直在说,因为休赛期,这个团队是真正的,他们肯定没有辜负所有的季节,在这里,他们是在季后赛。 安泽Kopitar已经非常显着全年和乔纳森快速已经在网线对线固体。 我说今年开始之前,不仅将国王队杀入季后赛,但他们也将赢得他们的第一轮系列赛,我不会从那个退缩。 不幸的是,国王队(对我来说),他们都上去攻击曲棍球全年,即SEDIN双胞胎亚历巴路士有时瑞安凯斯勒说是最好的路线。 哦,那罗伯托的Luongo家伙是不是半坏的。 很多人认为这是在今年温哥华克服他们所面临的过去,终于来到了西。 我会违背我的头在采摘这一个,并说,国王将采取系列,但他们更倚重罗布史古德利杯获胜的经验,从一年前,因为他们需要它。


可怜的凤凰。 遏制回休赛期的所有权问题,不知道他们在那里今年将发挥在赛季开始之前,甚至在那里他们将在明年还没有最后确定。 尽管所有的球员团结在一起,而不是只得到了自己进入季后赛,但家里的冰在第一轮,伟大的右!? 错了。 所有这一切辛勤工作得到他们的打底特律红翼在第一轮的奖励,什么奖励为一个伟大的赛季吧? 我们可以打破的巅峰对决,直到母牛回家,但是这将是愚蠢的我来接对阵活塞。 我希望凤凰给了底特律一个伟大的斗争,甚至设法击败他们,但是这是不可能的,这就是为什么我给这个系列的红翼。


火焰消失; 企鹅的麻烦; 新的挑战者底特律。

2010年4月8日由大托尼 · 发表评论

flames die out 300x200 Flames Die Out; Penguins in Trouble; New Challengers for Detroit.
谁曾想到在交易截止日前,收购由前枫叶球员伊恩·怀特,贾马尔 - 迈耶斯,马特Stajan,尼克拉斯·Hagman的,和VESA Toskala的卡尔加里火焰会导致火焰无缘季后赛? 各位怎么样,除非有人卡尔加里火焰组织有过任何决策的能力在里面; 老实说,他们在想什么? 整个赛季多伦多发挥不佳长但不知怎么走了不少球员的表现不佳的球队将提高发挥卡尔加里的水平呢? 抢了这些家伙本来是在火焰得分困境,帮助,相反,它什么也没做。 有传言纷飞周围的火焰组织为在几乎每一个层面一个巨大的变化,在休赛期,也许这是理所当然的。 前进的道路上做出很多决定促成了卡尔加里的消除,从季后赛的争夺,但在最近的举动有很多的发言权在他们舒展运行徒劳的。 为火焰进入本赛季的目标是最终闯过首轮......有趣的事情如何变化。

他们6-3输给了华盛顿首都手中周二卫冕斯坦利杯冠军跌至0-10结合对新泽西州和华盛顿这个赛季。 尽管战绩企鹅设法把自己的位置,有家庭冰在季后赛第一轮中,仍然有机会赢得大西洋赛区。 但事实上抛开什么对两名在东上最好的球队的战绩0-10意味着企鹅在季后赛? 数字本身并不意味着一大堆,因为常规赛头对头记录没有延续到季后赛,但是这就是为什么他们失去了很多次这些球队是更大的故事。 华盛顿压根儿到企鹅他们做了什么大家都一年就是进球得分和得分多一些。 没有什么复杂的关于首都“的游戏,很多专家都认为,当谈到时间来尝试玩和最佳的七个系列击败一支球队缺乏防守将是相当不利的。 更令人震惊的的企鹅是他们的表演对新泽西州。 鬼子用他们的中立区的陷阱,不仅击败了企鹅,但他们在每一个六场比赛他们打的主导匹兹堡。 企鹅管理的5只在6场比赛,没有任何的目标,其中被关闭,包括2场完封。 似乎有一些事情,作为真正给企鹅中立区的陷阱头疼,今年比以往任何时候貌似更。 这种风格影响了他们这么大的坦帕湾闪电利用对企鹅在同一系统最近完美击败匹兹堡2-0。 如果鬼子现在的闪电已经创建了一个蓝图如何支配企鹅则很可能是在季后赛中其他优秀的球队也可以使用相同的系统,实际上导致企鹅被淘汰早在第一轮。 入门拒之门外通过对两个不同的团队三个不同场合的陷阱是没有侥幸,这就是为什么对新泽西州的0-6战绩是可怕的匹兹堡。

最后,这一切都结束了,但喊了西! 每一个季后赛席位已经敲定,现在我们只需等待,看看有什么的巅峰对决将是。 今年的比赛包括上赛季的几个不同的面孔为洛杉矶国王队,科罗拉多雪崩队,纳什维尔掠夺者和菲尼克斯野狼都只是从一个赛季前家里看后,合格的为季后赛的发挥。 这将是非常高兴看到一些新的血液的行列中了西方,但我们不能忘记的常旅客在底特律红翼队是目前在季后赛的19 连续的一年。 在西部山顶可以在任何的新队取代红翼? 收听下一次,当我们预览西部,我给的理由底特律会(或不会)重返总决赛又一次。



2010年3月7日由大托尼 · 发表评论

avalanche glory days 230x300 Olympics End but Great Hockey Continues
今天一个星期前,世界看到的最好的曲棍球比赛在相当长的一段时间,肯定是奥运赛事的最好的一场比赛之一。 尽管美国人表示极大的韧劲是加拿大为首的西德尼·克罗斯比谁离开了温哥华冬奥会的金牌曲棍球王。 Crosby的加班目标标志着一个梦幻般的2周曲棍球,产生了大量不可预知的时刻结束。 虽然这是加拿大人谁爬上山顶,到最后真正的赢家是冰球迷在世界各地。 所以我趁这个时候来祝贺加拿大人对他们的胜利,敬礼曲棍球的比赛一般,并告别了什么是一个真棒2周曲棍球。

随着奥运会,现在在我们身后,我们转型从一组伟大的冰球另一个为NHL拉伸运行进入全面铺开。 因为它代表今天6点通过在东部11一共有四点分开,而争夺 7和 8点在西方是一个更紧密的比赛。 在接下来的几周内,我们将找出谁做出了正确的举动在交易截止日前,谁应该做得更多。 我们会看到,如果新贵凤凰可以科罗拉多(回光辉岁月上面描述的?)可以保持游戏高到足以保持季后赛的位置自己的水平,因为它是这两个队今天装配的新概念。 可在底特律红翼队设法巩固季后赛席位还是会被排除在外,第一次因为恐龙漫步地球? 难道匹兹堡企鹅补充足够的新面孔,以他们的阵容来确保了他们可能不得不把他们入队在东部击败任何不足之处? 有华盛顿首都终于解决他们足够的把自己弹射到严重的杯子竞争者类别防守的困境? 为什么没有波士顿,谁是在东部头号种子,去年,没有做更多,以解决他们无法得分? 在这期间谁将会赛季结束亚历奥韦奇金或西德尼·克罗斯比以前更多的球? 所有这些问题将得到解答在接下来的一个月,这意味着曲棍球球迷将要由现在宠坏直到斯坦利杯总决赛在6月结束。 好好装备自己puckheads因为这将是真棒!


2010年2月2日由大托尼 · 发表评论

alex burrows scores 300x208 Washington and Vancouver Tease
虽然所有的非冰动作(“大交易”),是由有几支球队进行冰上一些大举措。 这些近期推的最好是华盛顿首都谁是目前裸奔在10场比赛和计数,而温哥华加人队已经连续赢得七人。 这两种条纹都相当可观,当然,但我既不连胜真的那么大不了的意见。 首先在首都华盛顿一直沿着这条道路前。 没有那么多的殊荣的10直的,但他们已经忍受了巨大的数字藉由得分一吨的目标,并通过他们的分裂steamrolling,同时也处理了一些不错的非分区的对手也是如此。 华盛顿的问题,今天仍然一样,因为它是在两年前,这是缺乏防守。 这似乎是几乎每个人都对自己的球队能够进球,但是当它涉及到一个最佳的七大系列,你不能简单地得分超过其他球队7-5每场比赛最终你将不得不从得分阻止优秀的球队。 它本质上是华盛顿,即起锁定新泽西可以保持从得分在常规赛的人,并堆放点,但季后赛到来时,他们不能得分不够而失去反向新泽西州的问题; 而华盛顿可以得分超过任何人在常规赛,但季后赛到来时,他们不能阻止任何人,被淘汰了。 首都已建成,预计将在季后赛赢球,又提前一轮退出将不会与前端办公还是球迷削减它,但直到他们开始防守这正是会发生什么。

温哥华加人队在一点点从华盛顿不同的情况。 温哥华的问题是,在过去,他们依靠这么多的Luongo,谁执行令人钦佩的所有赛季,一旦季后赛打滚,他往往会打破,他们根本没有罪将他保释出来的路上,他经常捞出出来。 因此,就目前的温哥华连胜无非是挑逗的历史表明,他们将依靠的Luongo过多再次和不迟于第二轮淘汰。 的X因素温哥华但是(事华盛顿没有)是亚历巴路士对与SEDIN双胞胎在同一行的出现。 我们都知道SEDIN双胞胎可以得分的,谁知道亚历克斯·伯罗斯会发展成这样的得分威胁自己? 如果亚历克斯·伯罗斯扮演这种方式在赛季后和Ryan凯斯勒可达他的比赛只是有点温哥华加人队,你看流失七连胜,现在可能是吊斯坦利杯六月同一支球队。


2010年1月23日由大托尼 · 1条评论

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NHL的两个最大的明星了冰对彼此的自一年前他们的经典东部半决赛的第一次。 我说的西德尼·克罗斯比,当然和企鹅对亚历奥韦奇金及首都华盛顿的。 这是联盟最大的两个明星不仅对决也是两人在曲棍球上最好的球队,但是。 本场比赛是一个非常有趣的比赛,最终看到了华盛顿匹兹堡关在第三阶段采取游戏6-3,但比赛本身并没有故事情节。 不幸的是,更大的问题是,本场比赛没有电视转播上的插座的人全国各地能看到。 当然这是正在播出的NHL网络上,但谁的人有通道的数量不仅在纯数字的限制,但也只限于人谁已经爱上这个游戏。 这个游戏需要的是对将达到最高人数可能,而平日的比赛不会对NBC和我接受这一点,仍然可以一直在对战站。 诚然,NHL没有最好的电视合同,但他们甚至没有最大化的交易,他们确实有潜力。 曲棍球是一个梦幻般的运动,但我这样的人不必坚信这一点,它是散风扇谁调整到去年的季后赛系列赛谁需要看到游戏的最好的球员一个展示今年再次以接近比赛吸引他们; 但是,机会是他们没有看到比赛,因为因果球迷可能不具备NHL网络。 与之形成鲜明对比的这种在同一个晚上的NBA是展示套管2的勒布朗 - 詹姆斯和科比在TNT其最大的明星很多更多的人有机会获得。 这简直是​​NBA中做营销比NHL的一个更好的工作的一个例子。 在我最起码意见NHL有一个产品,它的NBA场,每天晚上它是更好的营销只是在NBA的一部分的问题是一样好。 如果NHL要保持游戏的增长,简单地采取了伟大的产品,给群众(谁无疑会喜欢他们所看到的),那么他们必须要注意的细节; 否则联赛将继续走了一步两步后退,当涉及到扩大其知名度在美国。

在冰上新闻埃德蒙顿油工不具有最好的一年。 有很多原因,埃德蒙顿一直在努力,但也有毫无疑问,没有人已经失去了撕心裂肺比油工。 对上周五晚上在达拉斯星埃德蒙顿的对决就是这样一个令人心碎的损失的完美典范。 刚刚超过一分钟走下来一个目标油工拉着他们的守门员赞成第六攻击者,并与1:02左在时钟两队战成3。 队员们心花怒放,球迷们激动,它看上去像埃德蒙顿打算至少从他们的西部联盟的对手偷点。 然而,甚至没有一分钟后心痛来袭埃德蒙顿再次詹姆斯·尼尔拍着家里只有23秒后的反弹将提前达拉斯好。 说你想了解的方式埃德蒙顿失去什么,以及如何,他们已经失去了本赛季的所有比赛一样,但一晚就好像每个人都在埃德蒙顿就有理由来庆祝一个勇敢复出,而不是最后的第二次失败,但它...是不是意味着要。 在任何情况下感觉不好的专业运动员很辛苦,但在这种情况下,我觉得不好的油工组织和他们的球迷,他们可以买一个的胜利?

最后,我会失职,如果我没有提到的暴发户纽约岛民都具有成功的令人难以置信的金额。 上个赛季,这是一个最差的球队在冰面上的联赛,并与一吨风暴落冰处理至于其未来的长岛。 尽管持续关冰问题的岛民都相当一个赛季放在一起在冰面上,并在首要位置进入季后赛。 信贷可能去的家伙像约翰·塔瓦雷斯谁被选为头号总体过去的这个休赛期,或者隐藏的宝石像马特Moulson谁已经超出了所有人的预期。 另外还有netminder德韦恩Roloson恒星打谁,尽管他的年龄已经表现非常令人钦佩的整个赛季。 不管答案是什么,岛民们组建了一个团队,努力工作每一场比赛,继续变得更好随着赛季的推移,用自己的职业道德结合自己的技能,也许是偷游戏,他们不应该,否则取胜。 偷一个双赢时不时就必然会发生任何年轻打败的球队。 在但是岛民击败这样的强队新泽西和底特律在极短的很有说服力的方式的情况下(已关闭两队出来)是不是偶然的。 你没有赢得与顶级球队比赛,但他们关闭了,除非你是好的,无论你相信与否人,纽约岛民是一支优秀的球队。 我去年所说,早在本赛季,我在这个团战晚上喜闻乐见的方式和夜间出来,它终于开始得到回报他们。 这有可能是岛民还是会功亏一篑季后赛,今年,但如果他们继续玩的方式,他们都是球队将有什么可羞耻的,并有一些伟大的事情建立在为下个赛季。 已经有很多的感觉好故事的球队,本赛季,但没有比这个纽约岛民队更好谁是看似超出预期迄今。 如果你看他们在任何一个晚上检查出来的机会,这是一个很大的乐趣。



2009年10月22日由大托尼 · 1条评论

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经过最NHL球队都打了8场附近重要的是要注意(如每年应说这个时间),由于他们似乎并没有底团队,因为他们看起来那么糟没有顶级球队一样好。 所以,钢笔和流浪者队的球迷保持你的眼皮上,并枫叶球迷真的会变得更好。

洛杉矶国王队是真实的。 已经有一些争论他们是否已经准备好,现在是好还是仍然有一年的时间。 做好后一个非常良好的开端应该没有疑问,在任何人的心中,他们已经准备好,现在竞争。 因此,对于那些在东海岸,如果你不看其他任何游戏西海岸球队全年确保赶上LA的主场比赛,如果你能很值得观看的团队刚刚开始绽放。

早期的迹象表明,大西洋赛区的东部和太平洋赛区在西方是在每个会议中最有竞争力的部门。 因此,他们可能会拥有最多的球队在季后赛到来四月。

华盛顿首都是在会议中允许目标方面倒数第三。 令人兴奋的是进攻是看他们能忘掉赢得任何东西比,如果他们不打更好的防守分工等(这不是完全的守门员)。

渥太华参议员一直打得很好。 享受它,而它持续参议员的球迷,因为他们是一个骗局。

感谢凤凰狼球员谁也不许任何离冰戏从夏天开始影响他们。 他们打得非常好,现在和球队将是他们能够继续专注于曲棍球全年的固体。 季后赛? 可疑的,但它们是不容易的W代表任何人。 荣誉的球员,并保持良好的工作。




2009年10月20日由大托尼 · 发表评论

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通过六场比赛亚特兰大鸫鸟有九分是第二个使他们在东南赛区。 这是正确的乡亲亚特兰大鸫鸟背后的华盛顿首都只有一个点,在东南赛区首位。 这似乎不是很多,因为它是在本赛季,但在去年这么早过六场比赛的鸫鸟队只有两个胜五点这标志着一个赛季开头没有取得很多成功的鸫鸟,直到他们从季后赛的争夺淘汰。 所以,最大的问题是可以亚特兰大保持这种持续了整个赛季? 该舍名册未加载比伊利亚Kovalchu,谁是开了一个很好的开始,但它并不需要一支充满巨星赢得你只需要一个团队的球员谁相信对方,并一起工作以及其他大牌。 眼下事情看起来还不错,他们所得到的固体干扰球,带领发挥威力个联赛,并在十大刑罚杀戮。 每个人都将得到一个更好的感觉,其中亚特兰大站,在未来的几场比赛的过程中,因为他们的两个接下来的三场比赛都对亚历奥韦奇金及资本。 不仅做到了鸫鸟队至少需要在这些比赛中的竞争,但他们需要偷两分,即使他们没有赢得任何比赛。 首都是在东南赛区的百里挑一的机会是只有一支球队将现身该部门,并进入季后赛。 如果亚特兰大想证明联赛,但更重要的是给自己和他们的球迷,他们是一个合法的球队,他们必须表现出了对两场比赛对阵奇才。


2009年9月27日由大托尼 · 发表评论

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我会通过预测谁,我想会使其进入季后赛(排名不分先后),那么我们将在每个团队代表简要至少看起来开始。 因此,这里是前八支球队排名不分先后:

匹兹堡企鹅队也许应该进入本赛季夺冠热门,因为他们的球队是很多相同的,他们是直到别人赢得冠军的冠军。 他们也失去了抢史古德利但总体来说,你要喜欢他们的机会来捍卫自己的会议标题。

纽约流浪者队失去了斯科特·戈麦斯,但增加了玛丽安Gaborik谁,如果他能保持健康,会增加得分力量一个非常坚实的,但没有壮观的阵容。 对流浪者的好处是,即使他们不进球一吨的目标亨里克Lundqvist的将让他们在大多数游戏中,将偷了几下,将整个给他们一个机会赢取最每逢大赛,他们都参与英寸拥有有机会赢得每一场比赛实际上并没有赢得他们不过而这也正是Gaborik将是对他们非常重要。 如果Gaborik保持健康,他的分数足够的进球让他们足够的积分,让他们进入季后赛。 在Gaborik不受到伤害,这将会使纽约在外面找的,并会打开大门的卡罗来纳飓风潜入季后赛席位的情况。 卡罗来纳州也是一个坚实的团队,但凸轮病区不能独自做到这一点,他们将不能够依靠尤西Jokkinen全年发挥,他在季后赛中的方式一样。 但是,如果任何一支球队应该在所有脱落(即格拉斯哥流浪者)打开门的猎犬。 无论哪种方式,既不团队将是一个严重的斯坦利杯的竞争者。

新泽西恶魔被窜他们内心1995年通过把雅克·勒梅尔回船长的船。 一切都没有为红魔自1995年以来改变,因此,他们可以继续像一个运转良好的机器与他们的新,老,教练。 新泽西州是一个很有系统的团队,所以与马丁布洛德尔打后面那个系统,你必须铅笔他们进入季后赛,并作为总冠军的竞争者。 自从上个赛季的首轮出局,以北卡罗来纳州的一些球员已经改变,但随着有条不紊红魔将回到季后赛再次它并不重要。

在每一个过去两年的费城飞人已经把很好的球队在冰面上,但遇到了一列货运火车在匹兹堡企鹅队的形式前往总决赛。 飞人得到了更严厉的加老将克里斯Pronger但他们的愚蠢行为也无疑是在目标,这是一个问题仍然有待解决。 费城去全国各地的池塘引诱雷金刚砂回北美所以判决仍列对干扰球问题是否是固定的(有人可能会争辩说,金刚砂的态度会导致更多的问题比它解决)。 底线,飞人人才将让他们进入季后赛,并在这一点上他们所需要的固体(不壮观)净发挥摆正自己的位置,赢得了斯坦利杯。

波士顿凯尔特人队的前途是光明的,因为他们的技能等级是很多与去年相同。 菲尔·凯塞尔被交易了一些选秀权而谈到波士顿如何自信是从上到下自己的球队。 他们仍然有甜心曼宁的蓝线,他们能得分,在一顶帽子的下降。 有很多去年约蒂姆 - 托马斯的问题,他将不得不再次回答这些同样的问题在今年。 如果托马斯能够始终如一地打好熊会从他们的经验中学习,去年,应视为热门,至少达到东部决赛。

关键的布法罗军刀是保持健康。 上赛季水牛是一个明确的季后赛球队,直到伤病袭击他们像一个球破坏和他们的季后赛​​希望轰然倒塌。 因此,如果军刀“明星保持健康,他们将是一个力量,如果他们不那么水牛是不是一种力量......就这么简单。

华盛顿首都能得分一样让利。 在进攻区5对5和发挥威力,他们都只是势不可挡。 键帽都大大缺乏防守,但肯定成绩足以弥补了在一个漫长的赛季的过程中。 华盛顿最大的垮台去年净,这是他们最大的未知的一次。 谢苗·瓦尔拉莫夫肯定要好得多比任何人所能预料在上赛季的季后赛,但他的回答长远? 毫无疑问,瓦尔拉莫夫有天赋,但他还年轻,有作为的年轻过来成长的烦恼,每一个球员的经验。 如果瓦尔拉莫夫快速增长那么我们有理由相信,上限可以赢得一切,但如果他不那么球迷DC将是“摇摆的红色”到季后赛第二轮,并没有进一步。

蒙特利尔加拿大人做了三个非常好的东西,在休赛期:让科瓦廖夫去,拿起布赖恩Gionta和斯科特·戈麦斯,并摆脱了科瓦廖夫的(我提到的话)。 阿列克谢科瓦廖夫是一个很有天赋的球员,但他太不一致的,在产生足够的戏剧本身就是一个地方造成太大的戏剧。 Gionta和戈麦斯提供稳定,在冰面上领导和可以把记分牌点。 这两名球员花费的时间在新泽西所以每个知道如何发挥作用的完善。 只要凯里价格可以保持他的信心和球迷给这个团队的机会,他们可以是非常危险的。

作为会议的其余很少有谈论。 纽约岛民明确重建所以最好的任何人都可以期望从他们是约翰·塔瓦雷斯和公司刚刚从提高游戏的游戏。 据我估计岛民有更多的问题,落冰(对业务结束)比他们做的就可以了。 海岛知道他们正在重建,并正在采取措施努力成为一个优秀的团队中的时间。 这是相对于闪电,鸫鸟,参议员,枫叶,和黑豹。

坦帕有大量的人才,但什么也没做是与去年没有一个守门员,可以把他们的任何地方。 亚特兰大只是普通的差,可能不会改善非常的所有可能性。 渥太华不断变化的教练,不凝胶作为一个团队,已经失去了他们最好的球员达尼希特利之一,并决定加入科瓦廖夫是稳定/改善他们的球队(很愚蠢)的最佳方式。 多伦多不能决定他们是否想尝试现在赢得或建设未来。 去年,他们有足够的人才留在非季后赛球队的大部分在今年的顶部,今年他们都在差不多的位置。 最后是佛罗里达豹谁没有一大堆的人才(有遗失bouwmeester后)并没有得到多少球迷的支持,这使得一个非常糟糕的情况。

所以这是概括地说东(信不信由你)。 收听下一次西部预览以及我的斯坦利杯总决赛挑选和赢家。


2009年9月22日由大托尼 · 2评论

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那么它已经等了很久了,但对于最终的NHL赛季在我们身上,因此这样的sportsroids.com的NHL部分的回报。 我只是一样兴奋,一样有人为本季转速再次让我们正事了。

匹兹堡企鹅队又回到了捍卫自己的标题和除罗布史古德利损失的团队是差不多的,因为他们现在是在他们赢得了世界杯的那一天。 尽管如此,重复着将是一项艰巨的任务,因为他们不仅是卫冕冠军,但为了重复他们必须达到斯坦利杯总决赛中连续第三年。 与此同时,他们还有两个最好的球员在自己的球队在世界所以这将是有趣的,看看这个故事在匹兹堡如何发展。

作为联赛的其余部分也有很多有趣的故事要留意包括一些老面孔在新的地方(例如达尼希特利圣何塞,玛丽安霍萨芝加哥),以及少数人的回归从他们的消失的行为(雷金刚砂在费城,西奥弗勒里在卡尔加里)。 也有很多的问题需要询问双方和未来的团队,以及那些谁一直在风口浪尖上,但还没有完全提出,下一大步:
在东方,可以华盛顿今年起到足够的防守让他们进入决赛,并有可能使他们的总决赛第一场亮相中奥韦奇金时代? 将费城终于得到净一贯的打法,他们缺乏在过去两年,将有可能让他们渡过了难关? 请问东南赛区继续成为两匹马的比赛,也可以坦帕湾终于把自己的才华起来不够好,成为严重的季后赛竞争者? 而什么是真正打算在蒙特利尔和渥太华,有他们终于得到了他们各自的行为在一起吗?
在西部,将芝加哥抓住这个机会废黜的底特律红翼队在中部赛区? 是达尼希特利的答案圣何塞终于翻译他们的常规赛胜利进入季后赛的辉煌? 是洛杉矶国王队准备将他们的年轻人才进入季后赛的外观? 是卡尔加里准备踢过去几年他们的第一个首轮出局的习惯? 什么是成交与土狼,它们是移动还是什么?

当然,伴随着上述所有问题的存在是在地平线上,今年无论是冬季经典(1月1日在Fenway公园),两件大事,并在温哥华今年二月奥运曲棍球比赛。 有这么多谈,并期待这个赛季。 在接下来的几天里,我将逐一发布会预览,让您不仅谁将会赢得每个但其他故事提防喜欢什么球队将超额和那些会让人失望。

这么多的活动和讨论,这是伟大的再次说话冰球。 我们在这里sportsroids.com都很兴奋,开始第二年的曲棍球博客中,有你真好与我们联系!

熊-传单; 帽子和出奥韦奇金

2009年7月16日由大托尼 · 发表评论

fenway park Bruins Flyers In; Caps and Ovechkin Out
非霍奇金淋巴瘤已宣布,2010年冬季精英赛将在芬威公园举行的波士顿棕熊队和费城飞人之间。 一般而言,我可以不在乎是谁在玩这个游戏,因为作为这场比赛我会看的独特性,运动的粉丝和并享受它从开始到结束。 这就是说,我不明白为什么NHL和NBC已经决定,熊,传单匹配将会有更好的抽签在美国比说布鲁斯 - 首都对决。 这是事实,这两支​​球队都有大电视市场,这将导致从两个参与城市独自一个巨大的平局。 然而,在今天的NHL比亚历山大奥韦奇金中没有大明星; 不管你对他的看法,我认为所有的球迷都认为他是最令人兴奋的曲棍球运动员在整个世界从他的冰上表演给他脱冰的个性之一。 不仅有人在DC和波士顿地区是兴奋这场比赛,但冰球迷遍布全国各地及休闲运动爱好者都将走出自己的方式来观看奥韦奇金在一场比赛中发挥特殊的冬季经典就成了。 不仅要奥韦奇金及上限可以玩这个游戏,而不是飞人的明星力量,而且在这个游戏,因为费城对阵波士顿推开一个企鹅,传单冬季经典的比弗体育场多年的想法。 这使得决定把费城在这场比赛-了失误的双重打击对NHL和NBC的一部分。 今年的收视率会受到影响,因为奥韦奇金是不是在它(应该是)因为一个潜在的未来的比赛,可能也造成巨大的收视率,并亲自风扇投票一直向后推下去。 如此反复,而我会不管看这场比赛谁打它,它是可能的,这种比赛了还是会得到一个巨大的吸引力,并在很大程度上是娱乐,我仍然认为NHL和NBC有伤害的潜力冬季经典不仅是2010年,但在不久的将来也是如此。


2009年6月16日由大托尼 · 发表评论

NHL Awards Vegas
作为匹兹堡企鹅组织和球迷继续庆祝他们的俱乐部的胜利和人民在底特律继续舔自己的伤口曲棍球世界其他地区展望未来。 在NHL颁奖晚宴是周四6月18日,上当然NHL免费代理6月26日和NHL词条草稿开始7月1日。 与NHL奖项首先我们来看看在三个最大的奖励(根据我)的争夺和我预测谁将会获胜; 这些奖项是Calder奖(最佳新秀顶),诺里斯奖杯(前防守队员),Vezina战利品(顶守门员),和哈特奖杯(联赛MVP)。

Calder奖提名的有史蒂夫·梅森(CBJ),鲍比·瑞恩(ANA)和克里斯Versteeg(CHI)。 鲍比·瑞恩就在鸭子一个令人难以置信的影响,今年将在阿纳海姆肯定大的主要力量在未来几年,但他并没有带回家这个奖杯。 克里斯Versteeg是一个非常年轻的球队,这将是美妙的岁月里与男人喜欢帕特里克·凯恩帕特里克·夏普和邓肯·基思(等等)的一个重要组成部分,但它不是他的奖杯赢要么。 在我看来,赢家已经成为哥伦布蓝衣史蒂夫·梅森,因为如果不是他的蓝色夹克就不会取得季后赛更不用说在第六像样的种子。 梅森带领完封10并首先在目标反对平均(GAA)在西部联盟,在2.29的联赛。 他们有一些人才梅森在哥伦布面前,但他是球队的骨干,如果他发挥像这样在今后的岁月里与时间才能改善了蓝色夹克可以使大量的噪音,但不梅森他们赢得了“吨去任何地方。 所以,就我而言,2008-2009年Calder奖得主将是克里斯·梅森。

诺里斯奖杯代理人是Zdeno甜心(BOS),迈克·格林(WSH)和尼克拉斯林德斯特罗姆(DET)。 迈克·格林有一个美好的赛季为华盛顿,但他更多的时候,他打得比一个很好的防守队员一个额外的前进。 格林连得有规律,发挥在华盛顿的一个主要角色以两个点在东部,但他的防守缺乏相比其他两名参选人。 尼克拉斯林德斯特罗姆又回来了再次试图赢得诺里斯的 7次在他的职业生涯,并提名无数次。 林德斯特罗姆一直是底特律活塞队的成功,多年来为多年来球队变化面前的重要组成部分特罗姆仍然是一个常数,好像他的比赛从来没有减弱。 我不认为林德斯特罗姆会赢得今年却再次​​他的存在上的冰和领导,关闭它是首屈一指的。 最后但并非最不重要的是谁,我认为会赢得这一奖项,这是Zdeno甜心。 的周转波士顿,从8 1日的一个主要部分是发挥领导Zdeno甜心展出本赛季。 他一直是个好球员,但他加强了majorly今年不仅打进及时球也表白自己身体帮主宰了一些球队整个赛季的过程中。 由于这些事情的结果,我认为Zdeno甜心将被授予奖杯诺里斯。

Vezina战利品被提名人是尼克拉斯·斯特罗姆(MIN),史蒂夫·梅森(CBJ),蒂姆 - 托马斯(BOS)。 尼克拉斯·斯特罗姆有一个美好的季节为野生,但两件事情,伤害了他的机会是A.他效力于一支球队没有进入季后赛,并且B.他在雅克·勒梅尔中立区的陷阱,其中有对声誉起到做一个守门员的生活变得“容易”在守门员是否是公平与否。 因此一个人谁可能是值得赢得这个奖项将在寒冷的被排除在外。 这是一个类似的故事史蒂夫·梅森在他绝对值得获奖,而是因为他将在所有的可能性赢得卡尔德龙奖杯,他赢得了Vezina战利品的胜算并不好。 在运行梅森三个可能做了最让他的球队,因此或许应该赢得这一奖项,但它是值得怀疑的,他将采取奖杯回家。 这使得蒂姆 - 托马斯谁可能赢得这一奖项只是淘汰过程,但尽管托马斯当然值得赢得奖项和他的提名也赚了。 托马斯带领GAA在2.10的联赛以及节省百分比0.933,是下了很大的压力,在波士顿进行,因为许多人认为他不可能是一个顶级的守门员。 他证明了大家都错了,他的一致性,本赛季应该相应奖励。 虽然它可能是真实的,托马斯将赢得的最后一个人站在三达为获奖托马斯能够赢得这一奖项了对整个联盟的任何其他守门员这就是为什么他会得到奖励在展会上月18

今年的哈特奖杯被提名人帕维尔秋克(DET),叶夫根马尔金(PIT)和亚历山大·奥韦奇金(WSH)。 这可能是最值得期待的奖项整场演出中,绝对是最竞争激烈的奖项争夺之一。 每个被提名人​​是值得作为该奖项作为下的,这使得它的调用,因为每个球员是他的团队各自的成功是如此之少分离它们如此重要,最难的奖项之一。 帕维尔秋克有一个令人难以置信的一年完成5 助攻(65)和4 在点97,他是最好的双向球员在世界上,并发挥了很大一部分的成功量底特律红翼有经历在过去的几年中尤其如此。 秋克在双方的进攻和防守型打法的东西,每支球队渴望走出自己的球员,至少足够在做着更不用说擅长秋克做的方式。 站出来对球队的超级巨星的道路秋克也确实说了很多关于他的比赛,使他成为一个值得哈特奖杯的候选人。

接下来是叶夫根马尔金谁了一个令人难以置信的赛季在匹兹堡领导助攻全联盟70和总体点113马尔金已采取游戏的时候吃不了艰难的在能力,做到了这一点,一次又一次背着球队在他的回去。 他是一个球员谁是伟大的进球,当他需要也使得他周围的球员更好,而他在冰面上。 马尔金是一个相当不错的双向选手,虽然不如秋克,谁可以备份检查,其中最好的,把匆忙的其他球队成为一个伟大的反击匹兹堡。 以身作则是一个马尔金实力,是一个顶级之所以企鹅从球队去外面寻找在季后赛主场冰的优势在第一轮的时间很短的时间。

最后但并非最不重要的是马尔金的俄罗斯同胞队友亚历山大·奥韦奇金。 什么奥韦奇金可以在冰面上做的是明确的,因为他带领的目标联赛56名列第二的点110奥韦奇金是一个爆炸性的球员谁有助于使华盛顿的权力发挥的最好的迄今为止的联赛之一,可以帮助通过计分的大球比赛华盛顿也许不应该是另有如果他们被支配自己到底保持在一个游戏中的上限。 也许奥韦奇金最大的弱点是,他是不是在防守区域非常好,有一种倾向,如果其他球队控制在华盛顿区的冰球,同时也不允许快速突破反击消失。 尽管如此,能源奥韦奇金带来的游戏其他玩家身上汲取养分,肯定让他们更好的进攻比他们可能是在其他情况下。 因此,在价值方面,以一个团队可能没有一个谁更意味着他们的团队比奥韦奇金是指在资本,因为他是该组织的生命线。 所有这一切说,很难说谁都会通过看这三个家伙在纸上赢得该奖项。 但是,它可能会回落到马尔金玩弄在西德尼·克罗斯比另一颗恒星和秋克有一堆他周围的人谁是自己的权利巨星的事实。 奥韦奇金,另一方面不具备脱颖而出的超级巨星在他周围,因此亚历山大·奥韦奇金将是你的2008-2009年NHL MVP。

这是一个美好的季节,NHL奖项是一个伟大的方式来思考如何美妙的赛季已经甚至还包括,尽管有这些是常规赛的奖项季后赛。 我希望这个赛季,因为它是最好的NHL在最近的历史上这是一件好事,他们当然可以建立在每个人都喜欢。 现在赛季结束它是一个新的开始的每一个人,所以应该有事情要谈这个夏天有相当数量为球队准备让自己下赛季的一杯运行。 感谢您阅读本赛季大家,我希望你继续跟着就在这里sportsroids.com,我们覆盖的休赛期,进入训练营发生的事情来月。


May 21, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

malkin celebrates 300x176 Malkins Masterpiece
Game two of the Eastern Conference Finals had a bit more intensity than the first and the contest was much closer than the 7-4 final indicates. 本场比赛的结果给出匹兹堡2-0系列领先,但上周四晚的大新闻是叶夫根马尔金的发挥。 匹兹堡超级巨星接管了比赛,在第三阶段的得分在连续两个进球,包括一个宏伟的反手顶级的目标马上面对过深的卡罗来纳州的区域,打破这个本来紧张的比赛大开。 这些是分开的其他伟大球员的超级巨星的事情; not only did Malkin break the game open, he stole momentum away from Carolina almost completely and scored his third goal unassisted and in an incredible manner. Nothing should be taken away from the rest of the team—including Marc-Andre Fleury who looked a little rattled early on but made some key saves at the end of the game—but this night belonged to Evgeni Malkin who helped make Cam Ward look human. 现在的企鹅有机会扼杀卡罗莱纳州,采取了一系列3-0领先的球队转移到罗利游戏三种。 匹兹堡是不太可能采取系列在这一点上的猎犬一直弹性整个赛季和企鹅赢得了上一轮下降2-0到华盛顿后,理所当然的。 上周六晚的球迷将摇摆RBC中心和猎犬不会消失束手就擒。


May 18, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

staal vs staal 300x191 Pens Canes Battle for Eastern Conference Title
东部决赛开始,卫冕东部冠军匹兹堡企鹅队,最后球队赢得斯坦利杯在卡罗来纳飓风东之间明天晚上。 These two teams may not have the natural rivalry Pittsburgh had with Washington but there is plenty to keep us entertained. Most notably is the sibling rivalry that puts Eric Staal (Carolina) against brother Jordan Staal (Pittsburgh) for the first time in the playoffs. While there no doubt the utmost respect between the brothers anyone who has a sibling knows that there's nothing like beating a sibling and claiming bragging rights in the family. There is also the Pittsburgh connection that Hurricanes assistant coach Ron Francis has as he won two Stanley Cup titles with the Penguins in 1991 and 1992. But the best motivation for each team is the fact that this series is for a chance to play for the Stanley Cup! No professional hockey player needs any more motivation than that. So let's take a look at each team, their respective keys to victory and my prediction of how this series will turn out. [After going 4-4 in round one the sportsroids.com predictions are now at 7-5 and looking to improve!]

The Carolina Hurricanes are only three years removed from hoisting the Stanley Cup and still have a number of members from the 2006 team on the 2009 version which is an invaluable asset. The most important of that group is Conn Smythe winning goaltender Cam Ward. Ward has been the key to Carolina's success all year long; he has been the reason they qualified for the playoffs and why they were able to advance past both New Jersey and Boston, two teams who many had going to the Finals. In order for Carolina to have any chance of defeating Pittsburgh Cam Ward must be top-notch. Carolina simply does not have the fire power to outmuscle Pittsburgh in an offensive shootout so it is imperative that Cam Ward shuts them down. Aside from Ward the Hurricanes will have to make use of their speed and grit to be victorious. The Canes do not have a whole lot of size so they will have to use their speed to create scoring chances and make sure they get optimal scoring performance from Eric Staal and Jussi Jokinen just as they have thus far in these playoffs. Carolina will also need to use their speed to be gritty down low in both zones and be the first to loose pucks in the neutral zone and in the defensive zone. But even if Carolina does all that if Cam Ward isn't almost perfect they still won't win.

关键的匹兹堡? 惊喜惊喜,这是得到凸轮病房! We know the star power that exists on the Penguins and their ability to get secondary scoring from people all over the line-up. Generally speaking the Penguins simply need to keep playing the way they've been playing throughout the playoffs and also need to have Fleury return to the form he was in against the Philadelphia Flyers. One can talk about strategy from the Penguins' prospective all day long but the bottom line is they need to get to Cam Ward. If Pittsburgh makes Cam Ward look human they will advance in the series with little trouble; if they don't the series will go a long way, Pittsburgh will start to get frustrated and before you know it Carolina will be headed to the Stanley Cup Finals. Despite all that, barring major injury, I don't think Carolina matches up well with Pittsburgh and although the games will be very close it will be Pittsburgh advancing to the Stanley Cup Finals defeating Carolina in five games. And so for the second it will be the Pittsburgh Penguins taking on the Detroit Red Wings for the right to hoist Lord Stanley's Cup.


2009年5月15日由大托尼 · 发表评论

2009 nhl playoffs 300x260 NHL Round Two a Treat for All
Round two came to a close Thursday night and what a round two it ways. With three series going to game seven and the other an incredibly entertaining six game series the NHL should hold its head high tonight. Detroit/Anaheim and Boston/Carolina put the icing on the cake with two incredible game seven performances culminated with a game seven overtime won by the Canes over the Bruins. As much as I love hockey it has fallen from the graces of many people since the lockout in 2004, but this round has put the NHL back on the national map. Casual fans are tuning in and that base is continuing to grow as the ratings have skyrocketed as a result. Sports fans across the board have soaked up every moment of round two with many hoping the stage isn't set for the Conference Finals to be a letdown. But with the stakes getting higher as we move onto round three it seems highly unlikely that something like that will happen. The time will come in short order to look forward to the next round but now is the time to reflecting upon round two and simply appreciate what we saw.

The Pens and Caps stole the headlines with plenty of star power, the incredible story of rookie netminder Simeon Varlamov, and six unbelievably entertaining games including three overtime contests and at least one lead change in every game. The Pens and Caps not only put on a great show but they further escalated a rivalry that will be sensational for years to come. The other second round series in the east did not have nearly the amount of drama as the Pens-Caps until game seven.

The Bruins and Canes gave us everything one hopes to get out of a game seven. Each team had a lead at one point in the game with the Bruins taking the early 1-0 lead before Carolina battled back to net two in a row only to see Boston send it to overtime. In the extra period there were chances aplenty stifled by tremendous goaltending by both Ward and Thomas. And just as it seemed like the game was destined for double overtime Scott Walker buried a rebound behind Tim Thomas to score his first career playoff goal… and boy what a time to do it.

提起下: 曲棍球
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May 12, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

canes vs bruins 300x197 Bruins Canes Game Seven... Why Should You Watch?
Yet another series is game seven bound in the Eastern Conference after Boston's 4-1 thrashing of Carolina Tuesday night. Unlike the Pens-Caps series however, this series has lacked any drama from the prospective of the casual fan. Each goaltender has been hot in some games while the other was hot in others but never at the same time and aside from a 3-2 overtime win by Carolina in game three there has been nothing to write home about. Perhaps the most exciting thing about the series generally is that Carolina took a 3-1 lead on the seemingly high-flying top-seeded Bruins who some thought my cruise into the Conference Finals. The Canes certainly showed their worth having taken a 3-1 lead over the mighty Bruins, a Bruins team that has since flexed its muscle to force game seven. So why should anybody watch the Bruins-Canes finale Thursday night? Because both teams will be pressing hard, the energy from the fans will be high and you better believe both netminders will be fired up and on their respective games. Because Boston could be yet another one seed that fails to reach the finals and be eliminated by a sixth seeded team to boot. Because no matter how good the game is Thursday night the Bruins fans will not be satisfied and although they may applaud their team at the game's conclusion they will NOT be so kind in the time to follow. The Boston sports teams have been so successful in recent years that the Bruins losing will be quite gratifying for follows of sports generally outside of New England. But if none of that appeals to you then there's always the fact that game sevens generally consists of some of the best hockey you'll ever see so if you pass on this one you'll be kicking yourself for some time to come.


May 11, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

ovie game seven pic Pens Caps Game Seven Bound fedetanko staal game seven pic 252x300 Pens Caps Game Seven Bound

What else should anybody have expected but to see Pittsburgh and Washington go to a seventh game. After an intense back and forth battle Monday night both teams will have to retool and focus their energies on playing what is all but certain to be another incredible match-up. The difference in the game will likely not be Washington having home ice advantage, or superstar play from Crosby, Ovechkin, Malkin, Semin, etc, but it will come down to the goaltenders. Sure it seems obvious that the last line of defense will determine who wins and who loses but it is more than the obvious. Which of the two will make the big save at the right time and who will make the easy save when it's necessary? Which will push the play up the ice when the puck comes into his respective zone or make a simple play when a simple play is required rather than trying to be a hero with the puck? Smart play from the netminders, not just great saves, will be the difference in game seven. As the games have gone on Varlamov has been the one people are waiting to fall apart, and it was believed that finally happened in game four. But he has stood his ground and been able to battle back from the adversity he faced. The series is six games old and he has not caved yet and he won't—quite frankly neither will Fleury. Varlamov has played well but Fleury has another level to take his game to, it's a level we saw last year in game five of the finals and it's a level we'll see Wednesday night. Because of Fleury kicking it into another gear he will simply outduel Varlamov and the Penguins will head into round three.

PS This is my 100 th entry. Thanks very much to everyone who reads these and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them. Here's to the next 100!


May 10, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

round two picture 300x203 NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining

Round two of the playoffs has been the best round of the post-season by far to this point and the excitement continues to build. Let's take a brief look at each series up to this point.

Eastern Conference:

3. Washington Capitals VS 4. Pittsburgh Penguins
This has been the keynote series since the second round draw came out and it has not disappointed. Four of the five games have been decided by one goal and two were decided in overtime. The big stars Ovechkin  NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining and Crosby  NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining have stepped up to the plate and have excelled in the spotlight as all of North America looks on. There has also been plenty of drama to boot with both sides making complaints about the officiating at one point or another and Ovechkin hitting Sergei Gonchar knee-on-knee which has created plenty of controversy across the airwaves. The series has been the perfect showcase for the NHL as hardcore and casual fans alike tune in and are NOT disappointed. As of the writing of this article the Penguins have taken a 3-2 series lead after dropping the first to in Washington. Pittsburgh finally got some secondary scoring in game five and it proved to be the difference between the two teams as the big stars continue to cancel each other out. Penguin fans would love for this series to finish in six, but for the rest of the world how could this series culminate any better than if it comes down to game seven on Wednesday at Verizon Center?

1. Boston Bruins VS 6. Carolina Hurricanes
For many this has been the shocker of the three Conference Semi-finals as the high-powered Bruins were seemingly going to steam roll the Hurricanes right into the Conference finals. However, since the end of game one it has been all Carolina. Cam Ward, Eric Staal and Jussi Jokinen have been unbelievable leading the Canes to an unlikely 3-1 series lead. The difference in the series comes down to Carolina's best players performing at the highest level while the Bruins have not been able to rely on their studs as much as they have all year. Zdano Chara in particular has not been the same since game one where he shut down Eric Staal. For the Bruins to get back into the series they have to better utilize their size to create offense and continue to put pressure on Cam Ward. Boston cannot win by simply getting frustrated when Ward plays well and by trying to fall back into their defensive style when they're only up by one or when the game is tied, playing not to lose rather than to win. There is a lot of speed on the Canes and the Bruins need to neutralize that speed with some pace of their own. But don't think this is a fluke because the Canes have plenty of talent and have been to the promised land before winning the Cup in 2006.


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奥韦奇金赢得第一回合; 的Luongo不能携带自己体重

May 3, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

Dream Match-Up Highlights Round Two

April 28, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

1. Boston Bruins vs. 6. Carolina Hurricanes
The Bruins breezed through the first round sweeping the hated rival Canadiens right out of the playoffs. Despite picking Montreal to win (in the interest of not flip-flopping from my preseason Eastern Conference Champ) I had serious doubts about their performance down the stretch and how they would fair in the playoffs and sure enough they laid an egg. Although Boston swept the series the lame duck Canadiens probably would have made any team look like juggernauts. Nevertheless, the Bruins are very well rested and do have a lot of fire power, enough to have swept the season series from the Hurricanes anyway (not to mention the top seed in the East). So far Tim Thomas has continued his stellar play despite the doubts surrounding his style of play and his lack of consistent success in his career before this year. In front of Thomas are the likes of Zdano Chara who has been unbelievable for the Bruins all year and it continued in round one. Pair Chara's dominance at the blue line with a very strong core of forwards and the Bruins have all the makings of what could be a very special playoff run.
Opposite the Bruins are the Carolina Hurricanes who are very much a different team today from the one Boston saw in the regular season. 瑞安 Whitney, Chad LaRose, and Eric Staal have played incredibly well thus far in the post-season each with at least five points against the best goalie in the game today in Martin Brodeur. The Canes also have a world class netminer of their own in Cam Ward who came up huge for them all season and certainly in the playoffs keeping them in game seven in particular. This team has a lot going for it on the ice with their talent but also their experience with key members from their Stanley Cup winning team of a few years ago still around. So what can we expect from this series? Well the goaltending for both will most likely be stellar but beyond that the comparisons end. Boston is more of a big bruiser type club that loves to slug it out and play a hard hitting, defensive type game. Whereas the Canes are a smaller, quicker club who will generate a lot of offense and as a result rely heavily on Ward defensively. Carolina is on an emotional high at the moment by they just finished a grueling back-and-forth seven games with New Jersey. The Canes experience will keep them in the series but the Bruins will simply out class the Canes and send them packing in six.

crosby vs ovechkin 300x150 Dream Match Up Highlights Round Two

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April 20, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

caps win 300x226 Hello Caps, Au Revoir Canadiens

The Washington Capitals sprung back to life Monday night entering Madison Square Garden down 0-2 but leaving with a 4-0 shutout and their first win of this post-season. Alexander Semin led the way with the first two goals of the game and the Caps never looked back. Alexander Ovechkin finally made his presence known by assisting on the first two goals by Semin and making an unbelievable back-checking play to prevent a possible breakaway goal for New York. The stars stepped up for Washington on Monday but they weren't the story; instead rookie goaltender Simeon Varlamov stole the show stopping all 33 Ranger shots to post his first career shutout. Coming into this series many felt the glaring weakspot for Washington was between the pipes but if Varlamov can keep this up the Rangers fast start in this series may be negated by the weekend. The Caps may have lost the first two games at home, but after their performance in game three we may have the makings of a very long and entertaining series.

bruins beat canadiens 242x300 Hello Caps, Au Revoir Canadiens

The story is a bit different for the Montreal Canadiens who followed a poor performance in game two with a fast start but slow ending in game three against Boston. The Canadiens fed off of the home crowd energy to take a 1-0 lead (their first of the series) but that was neutralized soon thereafter. As the game settled in it unfolded more like game one with the Canadiens hanging in there until the very end with a chance to tie and/or win late. The Bruins however stayed the course and showed why so many people picked them to steamroll the Canadiens. Boston is by far the superior team with stellar skill accompanied by dominating size. Montreal tried to get bigger in the offseason but as the season unfolded they ended up once again relying on skill and speed to carry them to success. That philosophy did not work last year and is not working this year. Boston may not be heads and shoulders ahead of all the competition in the Eastern Conference but they are proving that to be so when it comes to the Canadiens.

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April 18, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

bill guerin scores 300x217 Stanley Cup Playoffs Make Grand Entrance

Well the playoffs are now in full swing as every series will have played two games by the end of Saturday. So let's take a look and how the respective series are unfolding:


1. Boston Bruins VS 8.Montreal Canadiens
The final score of game one was about what everybody expected but the level of competition between the two clubs was probably higher than most thought. Boston roared out to a 2-0 lead but the Canadiens battled back to tie the game at two before ultimately going down 4-2. But the rivalry is hot and despite the perception of a major mismatch it doesn't seem likely to be over anytime soon. Game 2 is tonight before the series shifts back to Montreal so we'll see what surprises are in store for us.

2. Washington Capitals VS 7. New York Rangers
Jose Theodore didn't make it past the first game as he was benched for rookie back up netminder Simeon Varlamov after Washington's 4-3 loss at home to the Rangers. Again many people felt the Rangers were completely outmatch by the fire power of the Capitals and that the only chance the Rangers had offensively is if Theodore didn't play well. Theodore did not play all that well in game one and the Rangers stole one from Washington but surely things would be different now that Theodore was benched. Varlamov did indeed play very well in net for Washington Saturday afternoon as the Rangers were only able to net one behind the rookie netminder. Unfortunately for the Caps Henrik Lundqvist was up to the challenge and shut Ovechkin and company out. Now the series shifts back to New York with the Rangers having a commanding lead and looking for the sweep. Sportsroids when against the grain in predicting a Rangers win in this series and so far the Rangers have no disappointed.

3. New Jersey Devils VS Carolina Hurricanes
In a series that many felt would be evenly matched has surely turned out to be that way. After game one the Canes looked to be greatly overmatched; but after Carolina took game two in overtime we've got ourselves a series. The two teams are so similar in every aspect of the game and that makes the series a virtually toss up on paper. Sportsroids said Carolina in five and although that seems unlikely now we are sticking to our guns! Regardless of what happens there is a lot of great hockey ahead of us in this series.

4. Pittsburgh Penguins VS 5. Philadelphia Flyers
The Flyers seemed greatly outmatched after game one but game two was an entirely different story. Philly took the earlier lead but Pittsburgh battled back to tie. Then the Flyers took another lead only to see penalties allow the Penguins back into a game seemingly headed to the win column for the Flyers. But take nothing away from Pittsburgh, they dominated game one and although were largely outplayed in game two they took advantage of Flyer mistakes and now have a strangle-hold on the series. Don't expect the Flyers to quit though as they move home to play in front of their rowdy and very unforgiving fans at Wachovia center. Sportsroids told you this would go seven games, and although that is still possible if Pittsburgh wins either of the games in Philadelphia the Flyers will be in serious trouble. The Flyers won't fold but don't expect Pittsburgh to take their proverbial foot off the gas.


1. San Jose Sharks VS 8. Anaheim Ducks
People were wondering if the Sharks were finally ready to take it to the next level or if the same old Sharks would show up again in the playoffs. One game does not a series make but for at least one night it's the same old Sharks. Granted, the Ducks are not far removed from a Stanley Cup Championship but the Sharks at least need to score a goal. There is still a long way to go but if San Jose continues to play like they did in game one they will be making an early exit.

2. Detroit Red Wings VS 7.Columbus Blue Jackets
As I write this post the Red Wings are leading the Blue Jackets 3-0 at the second intermission, this after winning game one 4-1. The Blue Jackets have been a great story all season but the playoffs are too much for them and so they are done.

3.温哥华加人队VS 6.圣路易斯蓝调
The Blues were another good story going into the playoffs but after making a pretty good showing in game one they were completely shut down by Vancouver in game two losing 3-0. Like Columbus, St. Louis is an up and coming team with great goaltending but they appear to be severely overmatched by the Vancouver Canucks.

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2009年4月13日由大托尼 · 发表评论

stanley cup playoffs 2009 300x262 Sportsroids.coms NHL Eastern Conference Playoff Preview
The playoff match-ups are all set and read to launch Wednesday evening. To start the first of two playoff previews I will take a look at the Eastern Conference match-ups, give you some notes about them and make a pick. 这是今年迄今为止让我们得到正确的预览最好的部分。

1.波士顿棕熊队VS 8.蒙特利尔加拿大人
那么这是一年后的幼苗已经交换,但在第一轮比赛了相同的加拿大人和棕熊队投入更多的汽油,两者之间的竞争烧。 两队都略有不同,但关键件已经改变。 凯里价格和蒂姆 - 托马斯都回来,带来了他们的季后赛​​经验,他们都没有了去年。 每个netminder有辉煌和不称职的延伸系列中的最后一年,并与各自的皮带下的经验,他们应该在每次在网上比较坚实的。 Zdano甜心有一个梦幻般的一年,而防守马克Savard,大卫Krejci,和其他人表明你能得分很多在克劳德·朱利安系统目标。 蒙特利尔失去了马克·斯特赖特和去年的版本阿列克谢·科瓦廖夫,但他们获得了一些规模和韧性瑞安O'byrne和乔治Laraque(这是他们迫切需要对76个赛季)。 还有很多其他的事情要考虑,我们可以谈了一整天,晚上这个系列......所以谁的优势呢? 熊有一个伟大的赛季,但真正走向结束,包括一个6-1输给一个军刀队在球场上再花月气急败坏。 蒙特利尔没​​有本赛季最佳的最终要么但尽管到目前为止,如此之快,他们都在,这就是他们的熊分开,尽管赔率加拿大人结束了,他们想成为下跌。 一系列成果:蒙特利尔6。

2. Washington Capitals VS 7. NY Rangers
这是守门员,简单明了的战斗。 尽管上限明星电力当它归结到真刀真枪的较量,我会采取亨里克Lundqvist的超过何塞西奥多任何一天。 华盛顿能进球,因此他们将偷一两场比赛,但在最后的流浪者将在五六个前进。

3.新泽西恶魔VS 6.卡罗莱纳飓风
多远马丁·布罗德把恶魔? 新泽西州这样做很好,没有他,一旦他回到它就像球队又回到了防守的时光,依靠布罗德赢得1-0。 那些日子已经过去了,如果他们发挥,对联盟最炙手可热的球队和康涅狄格州斯迈思殊荣的守门员,他们将失去之一。 Ward has been unbelievable and with Eric Staal and Erik Cole in front of him the Devils are in serious trouble. All-in-all it's an even match-up on paper, but once you reach the playoffs if Pittsburgh taught us anything last year you go with the hot team. 炎热的团队卡罗莱纳州,因此猎犬把它在五年。

4.匹兹堡企鹅队VS 5.费城飞人。
It's the battle of Pennsylvania, division rivals, and the home of the “Crosby is a diver!” 领带与报复传单的头脑去年的季后赛颠簸后,在什么可以想要在一系列企鹅的手中? Crosby and Malkin more than likely have to play well for the Penguins to advance but it's possible to see Pittsburgh in round two without top-notch play from their two stars. 什么企鹅不能有距离netminder马克 - 安德烈·弗勒里不一致的发挥。 当弗勒里是他在联盟中最好的守门员之一,显示了是什么让他这样的高度吹捧的业余球员闪烁。 但是,当弗勒里是出了球队的其余部分通常不够好将他保释出来。 在冰面上的另一面同样为马蒂伯龙。 即使理查兹,卡特,Knuble等都是惊人的,如果伯龙是关闭的飞人完成。 所以关键这个比赛上来就是干扰球; whoever wins the battle of the goalies will lead their team to round two. 那么,谁赢了? Marc-Andre Fleury won last year and will win again this year. 两支球队都会有自己的时刻,但企鹅将赢得七...(传单会踢自己,有上赛季的最后一天失去了家庭冰)。

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Top-Notch Theodore is Caps Only Prayer

March 16, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

jose theodore 300x205 Top Notch Theodore is Caps Only Prayer

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Four Important NHL Lessons to Learn

January 19, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

phoenix coyotes playoff bound 300x225 Four Important NHL Lessons to Learn
There was a lot of action in the NHL this past weekend as there is every weekend but there are four big things we learned and should keep in mind the rest of the year:

1. The Washington Capitals are for real. They have been on a roll lately but nothing like Saturday when they beat the East leading Boston Bruins 2-1 at Verizon Center. And after defeated the new trap playing penguins (more on that later) and the similar defensive style of the Bruins who supplement that with great goal-scoring the Caps showed they can beat anybody and play any style. Their team speed breaks that trap better than any other team in the East and they can win high scoring AND low scoring games… the rest of the league should be on high alert.

2. The Pittsburgh Penguins have finally figured out that with all their injuries a change in strategy is necessary and the trap is just what the doctor ordered. In casual conversation with a friend on December 12 th I mentioned the Penguins need to run a trap if only temporarily to keep themselves in games until they get some guys healthy and sure enough a month and a day later they run it and win against the Flyers. Now they have won two of three and despite all the injuries are in a playoff position. The Penguins are now a team to worry about again and once they get guys healthy the teams at the top of the standings should worry… just ask the Flyers and Rangers.

3. The San Jose Sharks beat Detroit 6-5 on Saturday. They are not going to fade away… the Western Conference has been warned.

4. The Phoenix Coyotes (yes Phoenix) is a viable team and WILL make the playoffs.

Have a great holiday everybody.

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Mid-Season Reflection

January 16, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

stanley cup 195x300 Mid Season Reflection

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Flyers Soaring in Philly

December 20, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

flyers 223x300 Flyers Soaring in Philly Everything this is clicking right now in Philadelphia as the Flyers have won 7 of 9 including a 7-1 waxing of the formerly white hot Washington Capitals Saturday afternoon. A great part of their success has been impeccable special teams play; over the last nine games the Flyers are 16 of 40 on the power play (an unbelievable 40%) and have killed 34 of their opponents' last 44 power play chance (an equally impressive 77.3%). They Flyers are also showing they can win tough one-goal-games battling to the last minute as well as being able to protect a leads by turning games into blow-outs. Goaltending has been a bit inconsistent so if you're looking for a chink in this team's armor that is where to look. Overall this is a complete team that looks like they can make a lot of noise come playoff time. Philadelphia has great size at all five positions on the ice which is important come playoff time to not only wear down the other team but to be able to stand tough against a team trying to return the favor. Clearly this team can score as they have nine players in double-digits in points and six with double-digit goal totals. Special teams numbers mean more now in the playoffs with the rule changes than ever before so in yet another category advantage Flyers. What can put Philly over the top is not only last year's playoff experience but this time they have Simon Gagne healthy and will in all likely hood have Kimmo Timonen for the duration of their playoff quest. Barring a disaster it may be about time the powers that be learn there are two “L”s at the end of Hartnell and that Timonen is spelled with only one “M” if you get my drift.

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Sundin Back, Sharks Lose, Caps Roll and More

December 18, 2008 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

nhl live every shift 300x116 Sundin Back, Sharks Lose, Caps Roll and More

Lots of news, little time, let's go around the league in a flash.

- Mats Sundin has finally decided on a team, he's going to Vancouver. Great, now can we please stop talking about him?

- Detroit put a hurting on San Jose Thursday night 6-0. Be not afraid, the game means little because San Jose is still better than Detroit in the long run. I picked San Jose to win the Stanley Cup and I am not backing down now.

- My other finals pick (Montreal) ended Philly's five game winning streak on Thursday in convincing fashion. Despite a few hick-ups the Canadiens' season is going well so far. If Kovalev ever gets his scoring woes in order they will be in very good shape.

- The Pittsburgh Penguins scored 6 goals to defeat Atlanta by three on Thursday after a long lay-off. Any win for the Penguins right now is a good win but their defensive troubles continue to be a thorn in their side.
- Yes Boston has 22 wins and 48 points good enough for first in the east; however come playoff time it will be hard for their overachieving players to keep playing at this high of a level. Kudos to their play so far though.

- The Washington Capitals are on fire, winning their fifth in a row Thursday night and looking tremendous in every facet of the game: special teams, offense, defense, and goaltending. Washington is rolling… remember them come playoff time.

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Hurricanes Spoil Captials' Visit

December 8, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

carolina hurricanes stanley cup 240x300 Hurricanes Spoil Captials Visit The Washington Capitals had a chance to really separate themselves from the bulk of the Southeast Division Sunday as the Carolina Hurricanes welcomed Alex Ovechkin and company to town. Going into the game the Hurricanes had not exactly been world beaters riding a three game losing streak and were losers of 6 of their last 7 earning only three points with a coaching change thrown in their to boot. The Capitals were better en route to Raleigh winning 4 of 6 before Sunday but had only won four of the last nine. Despite their struggles the Capitals had a chance to take an 8 point lead on second place Carolina and although it is early they would have established themselves as the solid Southeast Division frontrunners. Then the puck dropped and save for Ovechkin the Capitals more-or-less did not show up. The Canes outclassed the Caps and if it was the first time watching both teams one might think the Canes were the division leaders. Michael Leighton was outstanding in goal stopping 38 or 39 shots including 10 of 11 from Ovechkin alone who was also turned away on a penalty shot. Despite having only 25 shots themselves the Canes were more efficient putting three pucks behind Jose Theodore two from leading scorer Ray Whitney and one from a struggling Eric Staal. Carolina showed they are not going anywhere and are not conceding the division to Washington but if they want to win Eric Staal has to score more. It is great that Ray Whitney is scoring goals, if Staal does not get going the Canes will find themselves watching the playoffs from home yet again.

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Surprising Stretch for Florida Panthers

December 4, 2008 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

florida panthers logo 300x297 Surprising Stretch for Florida Panthers The Florida Panthers have been mediocre at best and unbearable at worst so far this season. Their power play ranks 22 nd in the league accompanied by a better but still very average penalty kill coming in at 16 th in the league. Although they are giving up a respectable 2.75 goals per game which is 13 th overall they are tied for 25 th in goals scored. Tomas Vokoun and Craig Anderson have put up very good numbers both posting save percentages north of 90% but have been given very little support in front of them. With these numbers, opening the month of December against top teams like the New York Rangers, Washington Capitals and Buffalo Sabres was surely not going to bode well for the struggling Panthers. To borrow a line from Lee Corso, not so fast my friend. The Panthers defeated all three teams outscoring them 10-4 including a shutout of the then east leading Rangers at MSG; a team they had lost to only two days prior at home. While this only improved the Panthers record to 11-11-3 on the season they are at least showing some signs of life and finally scoring goals to accompany stellar goaltending. I would hardly expect Florida to keep up this sort of streak because they do not exactly have the talent to sustain it over the course of the season. However, if the Panthers can manage to keep up the scoring both Anderson and Vokoun have shown they are consistently good between the pipes which means they could be viable contenders in a very weak Southeast Division.

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Do Not Sleep On Ovechkin and Capitals

November 20, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

alexander ovechkin 300x225 Do Not Sleep On Ovechkin and Capitals Alexander Ovechkin tallied 5 points (a goal and 4 assists) Wednesday night as the Washington Capitals defeated the Anaheim Ducks 6-4. Many people in the league have talked about: how well the Bruins are playing in front of Tim Thomas, the Penguins are off to their best start since 1995, San Jose rolling, Marian Hossa gelling with another great Detroit Red Wings team, Minnesota's fantastic defense, and of course year 100 pour Les Canadiens de Montreal—but do not sleep on the Washington Capitals. The defending Southeast Division champions are once again leading a fairly mediocre pack of teams with a quarter of the season gone. Most will focus on Ovechkin but the Capitals have a more complete team surrounding their superstar this year. Alexander Semin is racking up the points thus far and although the defense is nothing to write home about they absolutely do an adequate job in front of the goaltending duel of Brent Johnson and Jose Theodore who have preformed more than admirably through the first 18 games of the season. Washington will be a very scary team come playoff time because they can score enough to beat anyone on any given night, have a great home ice advantage where they have yet to lose a game in regulation, and now have a team with a full tank of playoff experience. Although I think the Caps need more of a physical presence to be a championship contender (sorry but Donald Brashear cannot do it all himself) they can certainly make a lot of noise nonetheless come April.

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