在WWE巨星的下一集的人群可以得出一个像样的头号竞争者的比赛为洲际冠军正在发生。 战斗是迈克·诺克斯,芬利,以及最近的夏季大满贯洲际挑战者多尔夫Ziggler。 其中的一个人将有资格获得新的WWE按次付费查看“突破点”面对雷伊的Mysterio所以让我们打破什么是利害攸关。
对于多尔夫Ziggler我们已经知道。 他提出了一个勇敢的努力对一个经验丰富的兽医WWE在雷伊的Mysterio在夏季大满贯。 如果他赢了这个头号竞争者的比赛中,他无疑会需要击败的Mysterio这个时候他的恶名继续移动。
对于芬利这将是一个点回到了风头,我们称之为按次付费查看。 这家伙已经敲开了ECW冠军的门,但从来没有得到被放了机会。 也许裂缝洲际金会为他。
最后,麦克诺克斯,这让他在荣耀他的真正的第一枪。 到现在为止,他主要足以为出风头。 但是,如果你们还记得他的仇隙与雷伊Mysterio的不是很久以前那么肯定是有理由相信他能兑现这个机会。
除了这个重头戏,展会将设有飓风在对阵保罗Burchill的一场旗鼓相当的比赛和普里莫结肠和杰克扬鞭之间的高度有趣的对决。 扬鞭和科隆的风格有很大的不同,它应沿着与头号竞争者的较量了一个有趣的夜晚。
大概是这样来的节目的主要好处是有机会看到你通常只得到了在特殊的场合或在WWE草案......混合品牌摔跤(通常为三小时周一晚RAW特价商品)是什么。 虽然这显然是市场的好处,它仍然是一个相当振作任何WWE风扇和一些值得强调。
一天晚上,你可能会用的对决品牌间的较量混合,或者你甚至可能会得到一个偶然的头号竞争者的比赛的情况一样而回,基督教和芬利之间。 在这方面,它是一种很酷的,我认为它喜欢表演的那些谁看到职业摔跤是他们过去的时间; 你只是要得到偶尔的比赛有什么利害攸关的好,随机搭配的娱乐。
另外,除了从展会确实为球迷它也帮助了那些没有安排见行动相当经常为别人会在星期一夜生,星期五晚上的SmackDown和ECW巨星。 在这样的情况,WWE巨星是非常有趣的电视。
在极端的规则,昨晚发生了什么事? 四个冠军旁落。 这实际上是一个有趣的一点,因为我敢肯定,不会发生太频繁。 我们已经看到大量的支付每视图,其中前两个冠军(WWE冠军和世界重量级冠军)将易手而不是两个,共四个。
而其中,涉及我是巴蒂斯塔拿下兰迪顿为他的WWE冠军。 奥顿是有点过渡冠军。 他是不是真的卫冕他的冠军称号对众多的对手,而是不断捍卫其对同一人在每个进站并最终失去了其中之一。 这只是继续做他的性格看起来像一个孩子争吵谁应该从来没有冠军在首位。 另外,巴蒂斯塔是一个meathead。
我在SD节目的决定非常感兴趣。 这并不是因为CM朋克兑现他的MITB,虽然我引述说我很想看到它在CM朋克现金,或许有跑了Umaga下来,萨摩亚丢弃他,使他失去了机会,无论如何,(那可悲永远不会发生,因为今天了Umaga被释放的原因未透露),我其实很高兴有这样的结果。 原因之一......面对一个玩家廉价shotted另一张脸的球员。 这可能会导致一些非常好的阴谋。
至于洲际冠军,我不关心。 这个称号一直易手频繁,这是很好的看到两个主要eventers争夺它。 我也很高兴的托米梦想家。 我想你可以说付出了他的辛勤工作,但它似乎也像一个忠实的老狗“帕特 - 上的背”养老金计划。
我真的很喜欢托米梦想家的努力中环,并认为他是最好的批发商(也许不应有的话)的业务。 我会想念他的。
从看电视MAD那里Bret牡鹿翻转出来的意志Sasso和MAD电视摄制组和演员的休息这部影片。 你认为这是假的? 这很难说,在我看来。 事实上,这看起来上演的唯一一块视频是当Bret牡鹿开始踩住萨索的椅子。 萨索的尖叫声听起来有点过头了,再加上,小品脱落就像一个快速简单的写了以引入愤怒的爆炸,Bret牡鹿带出。
现在看这个视频里哈特和萨索所谓的“摆平”的事情。 现在,这当然是假的。 但是,你知道如何在职业摔跤,他们有时会起到真正的恩怨和仇恨关闭,并使用该戏剧创造一些属于自己的电视上。 谁知道? 也许在什么MAD电视的那个情节展开很久以前是真实和哈特,萨索,黑夫人“peaced”事情,并决定有它的乐趣。
这些比赛包括WWE冠军兰迪 - 奥顿巴蒂斯塔主场迎战在铁笼中,洲际冠军雷伊的Mysterio主场迎战克里斯Jericho在没有畅所欲言的比赛,世界重量级冠军主场迎战边缘杰夫强壮的梯子比赛,摔角桑蒂娜普里米尔小姐与玛莱拉雪薇琪Guererro在生猪笔比赛,约翰Cena与大展示在提交比赛,CM朋克主场迎战了Umaga在萨摩亚表带配搭,和ECW冠军基督教与杰克扬鞭,与托米梦想家在三重威胁铁杆规则匹配。
所有这些比赛中,只有没有畅所欲言的铁杆三重威胁是真正的极致。 我认为,在纪念托米梦想家后者应该是晚上的重头戏。 我怀疑这将是虽然。 我也不是太高兴了欢送梦想家是一个三重威胁。 让男人去脚趾到脚趾与一个人对他的最后一轮。 如果你想创建真正的戏剧,有它是对另一好人......基督教(像Ric天才的反对肖恩Michaels的最后一场比赛)。
如果你想获得感兴趣ECW老球迷(因为我怀疑他们会真正永远不会赢得了),不要警察走出去在边缘与下一个老ECW卡被关押了一堆罕见的对决规定。 那好吧。
大家都应该知道,又出现了WWE和丹佛掘金队之间最近的日程安排冲突。 周一晚RAW的5月25日版本来是要举行的丹佛掘金百事中心,直到掘金设法使它的NBA西部决赛。 这里是我的想法在WWE的响应。
响应的第一部分是在开场时,文斯 - 麦克马洪加强在环与另一绅士打扮成掘金队老板斯坦·克伦克。 这包括麦克马洪让了一些水蒸气在一些现场空气中的时间,他做了克伦克的中间名,伊诺斯有趣的形式,并与像“维纳斯”字押韵为“天才”。他当然是躲避明显的“阴茎”,但提出一定要提到它在其他的话。 他还批评了丹佛掘金队的工作人员(可能是没有球加紧克伦克并告诉他:“你错了。)。
最后,麦克马洪说了一些关于NBA的掘金还是“推”的WWE和球迷和麦克马洪说:“我们推回来了!”而扼杀了地狱,那想成为斯坦“挪”克伦克。 我不得不说,这是推雷鸣,我觉得真的麦克马洪很想让克伦克知道,如果两个人不被专业精线及潜在的侵权法的处罚分离的限制会发生什么。
最后,重头戏在湖人队的球衣,约翰·塞纳,巴蒂斯塔,最有价值球员,杰里“国王”劳勒,与惊喜的回报巨星肯·肯尼迪介绍了五种超级巨星与五个男人的掘金球衣(都是坏人)兰迪·奥顿,特德DiBiase小科迪罗德,该MIZ,和大展示。 这不是比标准标记队比赛周一晚爱生每周有看似较多,但与明星穿着NBA球衣。
昨晚在周一晚RAW的WWE“震撼的事情了”,因为他们一直在呼吁通过其持有草案,其中任何随机摔跤手可以结束了三个品牌的RAW,SD节目和ECW之间正在起草(以课程的意义)。 虽然该草案是一个完整的瓦罐,你几乎总能看到大牌回来RAW像巴蒂斯塔和雷伊的Mysterio去年那样,和小钱批发商像弗拉基米尔科思洛夫(ECW的唯一选秀权)去极端的土地,它仍然是有趣的。
我认为这是一个伟大的主意,杰里科和Mysterio的转移到SD节目现在三倍H回来在RAW因为一个简单的原因很大; 对每一个SD节目总冠军的争夺实际上现在看起来他们的对决。 事实上,这并不等搭配起来比其他真正的超级巨星(克里斯 - 杰里科,杰夫强壮,雷伊的Mysterio,CM朋克,边缘,或许还有其他一些)唯一的家伙是谁凯恩也被从原起草的Smackdown。 没有那些家伙会比过渡冠军更只要三倍H为各地。 另外,凯恩是一个流浪汉,可用于创建一些真棒“大卫与歌利亚”式的比赛。 和诚实,让我们不要对伟大的Khali开始。 他可以扔在挑起一些收视率,但没有标题他。 我也觉得对于移动这样的家伙谢尔顿本杰明和R真理让路。
另一件事我喜欢的是中级职称之间的切换; 雷伊的Mysterio把他的洲际冠军,以SD节目,和MVP带着他的美国锦标赛RAW,因为他是从SD节目起草的最后一晚。 在所有的真理,我认为美国的称号,是所有WWE最甜蜜的看着皮带,并期待更好的RAW比SD节目。 最后,你明白我的芯片客大下巴块弗拉基米尔科思洛夫过的科幻他就废了了几场比赛,并让别人像基督教,杰克扬鞭,和芬利好看。 我不会介意看到科思洛夫在它去与托米梦想家任。
总而言之,我认为这是一个不错的选秀,并有没有真正许多头scratchers。 不错的工作,WWE。
我很抱歉地说,这一点,我觉得很多非孩子死忠球迷可能不同意,但最后这个人之间站在回合约翰·塞纳和边缘是一个重磅炸弹。 我不在乎别人怎么说,但因为回来时,第一次这两个长期争斗,比赛往往倍剧烈和残酷,并与最后的男子站在规定,应该是相同的。
我甚至结束时,两人便随机匹配的第一个封地后记住的时间。 这几乎是一种享受,因为看到他们的故事的历史。 而关于它的伟大的事情是,编排通过插入了大量的擒拿摔跤垫演习进入战斗渗出这一点。
现在,两人将一决高下,看看谁是最后一个人的地位和阴谋这场比赛是一样的一如既往; 以上的价格处理那个讨厌的机会主义者,边缘。 这将是有趣的,看看事情如何发挥出来之后,如果预期(中奖以上的价格),实际发生。 什么将薇琪Guererro做的,让她在争夺世界重量级冠军“意中人”? 并且以上的价格和边缘将创建一个第二部分,以他们的世仇?
我不得不说,消费54.99美元或什么后,这是在摔角,我是不是太深刻的印象。 没有比赛的似乎有太多的光泽,有的似乎结束有点快为好。 一切的一切,就像过去几年一直,它是在有时有点令人失望。
一场比赛真的似乎已经失去了它的优势是钱存在银行梯子比赛。 我觉得看7人试图得到一个简要的情况下,在阶梯环的顶部中间变老了一段时间后,即使每年只发生一次。 但是,尤其是重复的,当再次有少数选手是谁,我们绝对知道会不会赢得比赛。
另一种是留在我的嘴里酸酸的味道比赛是两人之间Hardy的比赛。 首先,我并没有完全被领先进入对决的故事情节深深吸引。 我觉得这太突然和在我们的观众太用力。 这仅仅只是取得了比赛unadmirable,并与马特强壮赢得它没有提供任何封闭兄弟的仇恨一样的传奇摔角的口径应的事件。
但是,最大的让所有的下来是这是为WWE标题的第二个主要事件,也尊重,三倍H和Randy Orton的之间。 现在,我会放弃,因为它的长度的一些比赛,因为信贷H和奥顿也由冲压的废话了对方的当一个人在其他下来,几乎要被取消资格每次都得展示自己“不喜欢”的一另一种,但和不守时的结局,我不得不放弃一个大拇指向下。
今年的摔角狂热有点经典。 有没有大的促销噱头像亿万富翁与亿万富翁或拳击手与摔跤手。 大部分的比赛都是直线前进,没有野生规定和WWE是要仅仅依靠本国人民来做戏。 我认为这是一个好主意。 有了这样说,这里是我的预测。
我敢打赌,杰里科消除了所有三个,但他们随后的四个Ric天才会打在杰里科底。 杰里科获胜,但仍然得到他。
我真的没看太硬到这个,只是发现这是一个比赛,当我准备今天写这篇文章。 我就扔了米歇尔·麦库尔的名字。
我还在我的发言是坚持基督教绘画回到了WWE的部分是,他有一个标题王朝在他的第一年回合同的保证。 基督教的胜利。
飞鸿是不是失去了他完美的16-0连胜在WrestleMania的比赛没什么意思。 肖恩Michaels掌握在和平。
该MIZ和莫里森一直持有到他们的头衔太久。 这两个波多黎各人将获胜。
这是一个艰难的一个。 但是,我想肠道有去与杰夫强壮。
以上的价格有赢。 边缘和大展示参与那恶心的三角恋爱,和约翰Cena需要一个冠军。
我要的一个电话打乱。 而且我觉得奥顿赢得有点心烦的。 我觉得WWE真的想冲击我们。
4月25日在今年的摔角,HBK将寻找打破新纪录......不是他自己虽然。 迈克尔将步入平方环对承办和他在WrestleMania 16-0纪录面临关闭。 这一回合看起来是亮点在今年的赛事之一,它应该是一个伟大的比赛。
你知道如何WWE喜欢让比赛去很长一段时间,每当他们被标榜为顶级联赛。 这肯定是被视为此类因此预计不久的众多瀑布脚,一些伟大的计数器和终结技后踢出局。 我甚至无法想象野生这将是,如果肖恩Michaels实际上能够踢出一个墓碑在一个点上。
至于预测走,最安全的选秀似乎是承办。 这将是一个大问题,如果他的纪录终于被挫败,但是,这将是一个有点突然,如果肖恩Michaels要成为一个这样做的。 这是不作为,如果这两名男子已经明争暗斗了很长时间了,所以这是很难理解为什么迈克尔会刚刚走进摔角手和承办他的首次亏损那里。 我看不出这种事情发生。
兰迪奥顿是推动他的性格的信封。 在这过去的星期一夜生,他DDT'd斯蒂芬妮麦克马洪,这是真棒。 他不仅敲她出来,一旦有雷电华,但他再回来,并显示三倍H,他是不是把她出的佣金与其他硬招瞎搞。
甚至每当他只是徘徊在她的,而她奠定了在画布上是一个边缘的方式。 但要真实,我很高兴别人的拿到了东西拉类似的东西了。 看起来这摔角开始感到这将是乏味的三倍H和兰迪·奥顿之间的对决是保持有趣的事情每次。
我想主要的原因之一是这是一个很长一段时间,一个旗鼓相当的比赛是为WWE冠军的第一个时期。 这是在所有的WWE最令人垂涎的头衔,但其匹配的是由猎人和赫尔姆斯利顿兰德尔体现了两个人物的关系动荡基于以上。
无论是两个已经争得不可开交了谁是最强壮的人,谁就会抓着标题很长一段时间来。 这个故事情节是只有一件事情是谁更好的男人。 而这......“这很酷。”
我不能等到4月5日的三重威胁世界重量级冠军比赛在WrestleMania今年。 我认为这会是绝对好吃。 思前想有点困难,即使摔跤已经出现在环之前在一起,这场比赛的高潮发生的相当快,基于纯娱乐编排后,这场比赛可能是艰难的。 所有三个摔跤运动员有很多的环娱乐特质。
让我们先从冠军。 边缘被戏称为终极机会主义者。 我不在乎别人说什么。 这混蛋能搏斗! 他有多少次拉在去年的摔角比赛反对承办甜蜜的柜台? 它必须是大约八倍。 再加上他的矛,但一个很普通的举动,仍然是一个毁灭性的之一,几乎总是看起来真棒,每当他打了。
大展示也是一个很好的取悦观众。 他是一个大的,坚韧的,残酷的,秃顶的男人。 他有呛满贯,以及何时可以解除人一样高,因为他可以,那些看起来总是雷鸣。 现在,他添加了“右手”,这无非是表演出来的接收器看起来像,因为任何的迈克·泰森的最难的一个冲右刺拳/钩。
最后,还有约翰Cena。 他在环的能力一直为人所诟病。 他唯一的真身砰能力是一个侧面猛击他倾向于之后他的两连胜的肩膀弓步,以每场比赛提供的。 尽管他的保留节目可以使用更多的动作,他依然会在环的两个顽强的脚跟字符。 真的,他一直有看起来像他长出了,每当他在擂台上,这是我怎么想的,他弥补了自己的摔跤能力来之不易的工作的能力。
我认为这是一场比赛不应该被忽视的“WWE宇宙,”我敢肯定不会。 这可能不会是最后的两个主要事件,因为我敢肯定的事情是展开的方式,该插槽将留给三倍H和Randy Orton的为WWE冠军。
Former WWE Superstar Test is Dead
March 15, 2009 by AlexV · 5 Comments
I went onto the WWE's website this morning and to my shock, the head article was that Test, former WWE Superstar and Motley Crue body guard, had passed away. I must say that after a good five seconds I was not surprised at all that another pro wrestler, whose last in-ring action was as recent as 2007, is dead. What angers me is the way the WWE attempts to commemorate his “passing” away.
The headline on their website reads “Test Passes Away” as if to suggest that the guy was 80 years old or something. Why the hell would they use that verbiage for a guy that couldn't be more than 42 years of age? He obviously has “passed” by some cause that the WWE doesn't want to get any bad press for.
What doesn't sit well with me even more is the WWE's half-hearted effort with a literally one paragraph article about the man. And they say they extend their “deepest condolences” to the Test family. I doubt the WWE even knows his damn family.
I'm not going to lie. I love pro wrestling. But some of the stuff they do is just way too obvious, and I'm not talking about the show itself. And even though Test was not one of the biggest headliners, and we still don't know for sure how he left our world, he still deserves a little more than the obituary-like comments that his former employers gave him.
如果你快速浏览一下的选手今年的钱在银行梯子比赛在WrestleMania那么这就是你所需要的。 参赛者是CM朋克,去年的冠军,马克·亨利,凯恩,最有价值球员,谢尔顿本杰明·科菲·金斯顿和基督徒笼子。 时间圆了“肯定穷人”的“maybes,”和一个“应该是。”
第一个和最简单的绝对不是必须是马克·亨利。 我不知道如何400+一斤胖子是要爬梯子的步骤下他的体重可能只是突破。 并且是纯粹的分析,没有在世界上最强的男人的游戏只是没有光泽了。
二号将不得不看哦。 他无非是一个怪胎秀像伟大的Khali,在那里最好的,他们有一个,也许在早期戈斯其职业生涯的两枚总冠军王朝时的摔跤动作和丑陋的杯子有限的阵列仍具有一定的销售力。
A“中间也许”可能是MVP,因为它已经因为他赢得了一会儿,这将是一个巨大的惊喜。 他一直没能吸引太多关注的SmackDown像WWE预期,但也许钱存在银行里的胜利可能是一个最后的努力为人民预订比赛。
在“maybes”是谢尔顿本杰明,CM朋克和科菲·金斯顿。 Since Shelton's move to Smackdown he has beaten Matt Hardy for the US Title and held it for about three quarters of a year. What's even more is that he has notably been bulking up and expanding his arsenal of wrestling moves with a little extra mic time to boot. He could be a superstar that the WWE is grooming, and with his increased size, he would be a more believable WWE or World Heavyweight Champion at this point in his career.
Speaking of champions, CM Punk, who won the brief case last year could have a chance to repeat. Eventually, someone will have to win this event twice which is a gimmick that the WWE likes to use to create history (ie Stone Cold wining three Royal Rumbles, and Undertaker's 16-0 record at Wrestlemania). Punk would not be a bad choice for this page in wrestling history, even if his title reign as champion was used as a tool to bring back a title to Monday Night RAW.
As for Kingston, he is a showman and people like him. But perhaps as time goes on, he'll be nothing more than that and a consistent Intercontinental Title holder.
Now for mister “should be”… Christian Cage. Even though he has only been back for around two months, he is easily the biggest superstar of all those in this contest. If the WWE wants to continue to make this match intriguing, he probably should win. But the main reason he is the favorite is that most likely the WWE made an agreement with him that he would become a champion within the first year of his contract.
And that's a lot more than he's had for a good while on TNA!
昨晚RAW时,预订者将最后踩了争夺的Smackdown的标题,并添加约翰Cena的比赛(好像这不是必然的)。 该WWE试图让我们相信,有以上的价格一个很好的理由,由薇琪Guererro加入是相当滑稽。 “显然”以上的价格暴露的大展示和格雷罗州之间的暧昧恋情,但在这样做之前,他用它作为黑邮件进入到了比赛。 我想这显示出以上的价格的性格讨厌的一面:勒索署理总经理到放置在你高调回合,等到它的正式,那么暴露你的筹码而已。 尽管这个情节主线是耐人寻味(即使是WWE的标准还没有喧宾夺主),我觉得很多球迷可能会同意他们正在变短了这个转出。
我认为在大多数情况下,大家都知道,摔角今年不会一直没有老总以上的价格领衔的同样的事情。 然而,故事情节不是一个摔角足够多汁。 其结果是非常明显有了这样以上的价格出来的胜利。 但即使有其明显的结论,事情并不像它看上去那样。
At the previous Pay-Per View, No Way Out, Cena looked flat out like a scrub. When he was released from his chamber, he showed off a few of his moves in one volley of positive momentum as if he had been down-graded to an up-and-coming superstar, and then received three straight finishers; a Code Breaker from Chris Jericho, a 619 from Rey Mysterio, and finally a spear from Edge who pinned him right after. So, it's not as if Cena had been cheated when he lost his title. He lost it fair and square, and Edge's last minute entry into that Elimination Chamber doesn't have anything to do with that. 这很好。 I like a little twist every now and then, and I don't think I would be alone in saying that no one expected Cena to get bounced from a match so quickly, especially being the one defending the title.
However, if the WWE is trying to make it look like Cena deserved to be in that spot I just do not see it. This storyline is nothing more than a big dumb brute (Big Show), a spoiled brat (Edge), and a knucklehead punk (Cena) all claiming they deserve the title, with neither having some kind of destiny-filled storyline befitting a Wrestlemania. They're just three little kids in the schoolyard bickering about who is the best and who ought to be starting quarterback.
Overall I feel the decision for the match being a Triple Threat just goes to show the lack of star power that the WWE has right now when most of the same people who head-lined last year's event are doing it all over again this time around.
昨晚在周一晚RAW,薇琪·格雷罗终于兑现给他,他对边缘复赛以上的价格的合同义务。 然而,边缘做了什么,他总是做的,他做了什么,因为他得到了SmackDown的,和他在他的第一仇隙与做...以上的价格欺骗。
我所有的作弊WWE。 这是kniving,聪明,并保持故事有趣。 你不能等到那个家伙终于被抓住,或者他捍卫他的冠军称号,其中规定称号转手就取消资格。 而很多时候我甚至喜欢看到一个人就会上当受骗了一些作弊了。 但是,这一次,它是太明显了,因此喧宾夺主它在面对所谓的宇宙WWE一巴掌。
边缘没有欺骗任何特殊方式。 他做了很多的冠军骗子做的,那是用自己的皮带作为武器。 这只是我迷惑不解。 为什么会重启WWE仇隙持续了相当长一段时间已经在第一时间左右,而老调重弹了相同的技巧是什么时候?
Now the bookers are trying to fool us by having Vickie Guerrero, acting RAW General manager, name Big Show as number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. That's crap. Nobody is going to believe that outside of the little kids who still think it's real. If this Wrestlemania matchup does not get altered somehow by the time it goes live, I will be astounded. And if it actually does end up being the Big Show and Edge, I will be forced to predict something unprecedented to happen.
For now though, my prediction will be that Cena somehow will qualify for the match and it will be a Triple Threat. We'll see though.
Why TNA Stinks
February 25, 2009 by AlexV · 71 Comments
In this day and age, the WWE has one main rival. That rival is called TNA. And it sucks.
I'm going to write this article for those who know more or less about each franchise in pro wrestling. For those of you who know, TNA did have a solid stretch of success and intrigue in their story lines not too long ago, when they had guys like Jay Lethal and AJ Styles gaining some notoriety.
But now, they're a bunch of bums running on their last legs. They keep trying to lure disgruntled WWE stars to go to their show, and once they do, they immediately make an impact over the homegrown TNA talent.
Remember when Kurt Angle first came on the scene? What did he do? He faced the undefeated Samoa Joe for the “whatever” title they call it down there and won. What's even more is that guys with lots of potential like AJ Styles had been relegated to follower duty behind Christian… another former WWE mainstay.
It's stupid little desperate moves like this that make TNA look like it may be dwindling down. One thing I cannot stand is their match choreography. Sometimes it seems like the wrestlers are so busy doing flips and moves that showcase their athletic ability, but when they make a hit on someone it's just too unbelievable. The only guy who makes crazy moves like that in the WWE is Rey Mysterio, when he flips guys like Kane solely with the force of his legs wrapped around his opponent's necks.
Anyways, TNA will go down hard because they don't have faith in building up their own guys, and keep trying to lure WWE vets like Angle, Christian, Booker T, Rhino, Sting, and others to boost up their ratings (Looks like Christian wised up and got out).
Oh, and somebody needs to introduce Shark Boy to Stone Cold. I don't think he would like little Shark “Ass” Boy too much.
Undertaker Goes For 17-0
February 21, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
On April 5th one thing is for sure at Wrestlemania. Undertaker will be fighting to stay undefeated. As many people already know, the Undertaker, aka the Phenom, is undefeated at Wrestlemanias with a perfect record of 16-0. On the next edition of Monday Night Raw, JBL and Shawn Michaels will be facing off for the chance to end that streak.
All I can say is the Undertaker is most likely going to stay undefeated. But please God do not let him stay so against JBL. He has absolutely no chance to pull something like this off. And I mean that in real life or by story line.
First of all, even Shawn Michaels is a stretch to just abruptly beat this record, and then JBL… c'mon. He will go down so hard with a choke slam, a tombstone, and whatever else the Undertaker can do.
Now, if his opponent does happen to be Shawn Michaels, who it should be, there is still some doubt for the Undertaker. As long as it's Michaels and 'Taker, the match should be intriguing even though it's almost certain that either of the two would lose to Undertaker. We'll see .
Ric Flair Makes an Appearance on Monday Night RAW
February 9, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
What's up with Ric Flair stepping back into the ring for an episode of Monday Night RAW ? I wonder if there's some sort of storyline they are trying to develop, but if so, it can't be that good. It kind of also means that some of what Chris Jericho was getting on him about tonight is true.
To open up RAW Ric Flair got into the ring and started riling up the crowd. Nothing really memorable was said here, and nothing that hinted at a possible storyline for the future or Wrestlemania. He just kept assuring the crowd that he would not return to the ring but that he still loved the business. Then comes in Jericho, bashing him about being a sellout and contemplating how long it would take Flair to return to the ring.
Jericho also went as far as to accuse Flair of living the life of the character that Mickey Rourke portrayed in the move “The Wrestler.” Finally, Flair couldn't take it anymore and he cold-clocked Jericho in the face and onto the canvas.
Whatever Flair's “return” means, I still don't see the point of it. Even if he says he's no sellout, does his “storyline story” really mean anything? But it probably does comes down to just a 50+ living cash cow coming back to do his thing.
John Cena Defends World Heavyweight Title at Royal Rumble vs. JBL
January 20, 2009 by AlexV · 2 Comments
It's time for some rivalry renewal this year at the Royal Rumble. These two have fought already in 2008, but not for any titles like they did when Cena won his first ever WWE Championship. They had their New York Parkling Lot Brawl match, and a few other scuffles in the summer of 2008. Now the tides have turned and JBL's got a lot more than swagger in his corner. He has his newest “employee” in Shawn Michaels.
Having Michaels playing puppet for JBL certainly heightens the intrigue of this match. If it had just been JBL by himself going up against John Cena, the obvious outcome would be Cena holding his title. Now with Shawn Michaels in the fray, things could definitely be interesting.
One would certainly have to think that a late Sweet Chin Music by HBK toward the end of the match could end up costing Cena his title, especially after what transpired during the contract signing on Monday Night Raw this week.
John Cena was trying to explain to Michaels that he still saw the good in him. Michaels didn't even flinch, showing no hint that maybe he'll change his ways at the Rumble, and then followed that attitude up with a tough punch to Cena's face. This then resulted in a super clothesline, or “Clothesline From Hell” as JBL likes to call it, from the Texas, excuse me, New York redneck.
Now for prediction time. I look for a bunch of momentum changes to occur in this match as usual. Cena may even take a Super Kick from HBK, but it'll be while JBL is on the mat, giving Cena just enough time to regain his strength and kick out. After that, with a little more fighting, I see Michaels going for another Super Kick, Cena getting out of the way somehow, and then Cena capitalizing on this good fortune by picking up the pinfall.
It's a great storyline, but I still think it's too early for Cena to lose his belt this early in his title reign.
Royal Rumble 2009 is Upon Us: But Who Will Win?
January 19, 2009 by AlexV · 6 Comments
On January 25th, the 2009 Royal Rumble will be taking place on Pay-Per View. This is a really hard Rumble to call. Last year's was too, but as soon as Cena showed up as the 30th and final entrant into the match, it was murder she wrote, and everyone knew Cena was going to win. But this year is not the same case.
There aren't any side stories or feuds that suggest who may win. Orton and Cena never finished their feud, but I just don't think that would be Wrestlemania worthy. The Undertaker has wrestled the past two Manias in main events, and I think they have to let the torch pass down on that one. Big Show is once again becoming the “Oohs” and “Ahhs” drawing jobber that he was before he left, JBL is fighting Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship, and his employee, Shawn Michaels is not allowed to participate in the Rumble.
This leaves a few surprises for me. Chris Jericho was recently fired. Maybe he comes into the Rumble as a surprise contestant and pushes the last man over after he has already used up all of his energy? Triple H definitely comes to mind, but I still do not think he has had enough build up to win this year's Rumble. Even Vladimir Koslov could be a trendy pick, but he hasn't worked hard enough to pull that kind of thing off.
But, I'm going to go with my boy Jeff Hardy to come in and do the unthinkable. I know he got hurt, but I have a feeling it's all part of the plan. As long as you can defend your title within 30 days, you're straight. So he can participate in a Rumble and still be well below that mark.
Jeff Hardy Supplants the Big Show on Friday Night Smackdown in Non-Title Action
December 28, 2008 by AlexV · 2 Comments
On last Friday Night Smackdown, it appeared that a feud might be brewing between Jeff Hardy and Big Show. The kind of feud that starts off with the champion, Hardy, losing a few times to the Big Show, but inevitably ends with Jeff Hardy retaining his title to further build up the drama of the moment when he actually does.
But to my surprise, Smackdown did things a little different this time. They had Hardy actually beat the Big Show. Although the victory wasn't without question as Hardy won by count-out, it still makes things fairly interesting for the next few episodes of Smackdown as we still do not know who will be Hardy's opponent for the Royal Rumble.
Another interesting tidbit is the fact that there may be three Divas matches at the Rumble. First, there is the obvious Monday Night Raw, Women's Championship match that may take place. Second, Maryse just beat Michelle McCool on Friday night to become Divas Champion, so she too could be defending her title at the Royal Rumble. Third, in the match that Maryse won, Maria was the guest referee, and Michelle McCool decided to take out her frustrations of losing on Maria.
So the WWE is attempting to create a somewhat “gripping” women's feud, and surprisingly, this one isn't all that bad. And I mean, that's pretty cool but then again not really. Don't get me wrong. The Divas are really hot and they are truly great eye-candy, but most of the time as soon as one their matches begins, the “God please let this end” woes ensue. Tune in to see what the hell unfolds!
Predictions for John Cena's Opponent at the 2009 Royal Rumble
December 23, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
After the December 22nd edition of Monday Night Raw, the pool of possible opponents to challenge for John Cena's World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble dwindled down to four. Shawn Michaels Super Kicked Kane in the face and got the pin. Then JBL was about to be 619'ed before his newest “employee” Shawn Michaels pulled him out of the ring and slapped him in the face to get JBL the win by having his opponent Rey Mysterio disqualified for interference. Then the douche bag, Randy Orton advanced by default because apparently his punt on Batista on the last Raw was too much for him to handle. After that, Chris Jericho advanced by way of a mid-air Code Breaker on CM Punk.
Now the four winners will meet next week on Monday Night Raw in a Fatal Four Way match where the winner will face John Cena at the Rumble. Of the possible four, you have to eliminate first and foremost, Shawn Michaels. He has been relegated to the role of puppet to JBL, and will be forced by his new master to do everything in his power to help JBL win. The next man out is Chris Jericho. He has already had the opportunity to beat Cena in the last two Pay-Per Views, Armageddon and Survivor Series. The WWE Universe does not want to be subjected to the obvious outcome of a Jericho loss again.
Finally, we have two men left. JBL and Randy Orton. This is so tough to call. First of all, the Randy Orton and Cena feud was never able to come to fruition as Cena suffered his first of two pure injuries prior to last year's No Mercy, where he was set to face Orton in a Last Man Standing Match. However, Orton wouldn't be a bad pick to win the Rumble for that same reason so that he could face Cena at WrestleMania (Truth be told, I think Batista will win it).
JBL on the other hand is a good option because we know he's not going to win the Rumble, and he would obviously lose to Cena if they fought because there is no way the bookers would let Cena put JBL over. At least not yet. Furthermore, the Royal Rumble is the king of all WWE Pay-Per Views where the title-holders retain their belts.
So for me, I am going to say that the big-talking New Yorker from Texas will be coming out victorious on next week's edition of Monday Night Raw. Then after that it will be some showman trash talking mic skills being spewed from JBL's mouth on John Cena for almost an entire month as the Royal Rumble won't take place until January 25th, where he will eventually, and undoubtedly, lose.
Vladimir Koslov Needs to Lose!
December 20, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
I am getting very tired of Vladimir Koslov not getting the chance to finish up a match on Smackdown, and even at the Pay-Per View last week, Armageddon. It seems like every time he faces off against a big player, Undertaker, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, etc… he doesn't get to finish a match.
There are better ways to bring up new talent in pro wrestling than having a guy constantly win or remain undefeated by countless disqualifications. If his undefeated record keeps staying alive, then by the time the bookers decide he's ready to lose, he's going to go under like guys like Umaga and Great Khali, where they only get title matches that feature more than two contestants, and they're in it solely for “Oohs” and “Ahs” because of the caricature nature of their persona or gimmick.
Plenty of guys have made names for themselves without having to start their careers with long winning streaks. John Cena lost his first match, and lost a few title matches before he got into the limelight. Guys like Triple H and Edge weren't in the running for Supercards until years later in their careers. And the latest example of this is Jeff Hardy.
All of these stone faced characters that are being brought up as early unbreakables fall hard after their first losses and they then become closer and closer to becoming full-time jobbers as they steadily lose their luster.
Two Hardys and a Hardass!
December 16, 2008 by AlexV · 2 Comments
如何这三个冠军在WWE! 在ECW我们有马特强壮拿着ECW冠军。 这家伙已经打零工相当困难的也许是一年,然后一些,还是让之前的SmackDown上MVP之前做了他的首次亮相,他们开始了他们的世仇和双打冠军的统治。 神秘的杰夫·哈迪赢得了WWE冠军过去的这个星期天在哈米吉多顿与他的熄灯表演获得了他的第一个主标题。 然后,我们有最终的hardass ......约翰Cena。 我的意思不是hardass在这个意义上,他是个混蛋。 如果有的话,以上的价格是一张脸的球员 的最好的例子之一,另外,他的世界重量级冠军。 我说的是一个牢不可破的好人hardass。
说到面孔,这三个家伙是面对字符为WWE。 我只是认为这是一个有点不同的,有趣的,看看他们都与他们搏斗品牌的称号。 对于男人喜欢哈代兄弟,这种类型的成功是一个漫长的时间来了。 哈代兄弟被不断地受到来自纯粹的摔跤能力的人群绘图“惊呼”和“Ahhs”,两者有短即将到来的单打对手时,他们并没有标注它的历史。
同样,杰夫开始自己的声音时,他回到了上周一晚RAW的WWE。 他走了出来,并有大量的标题比赛,举办洲际锦标赛几次,有大仗的喜欢了Umaga的,并再次,已经来了短总冠军的机会。 在他第二次进站,唯一的区别一直感觉他的时间最终会成为一个品牌冠军。
然后我们有以上的价格。 I already did my story on “The Champ.” (See 'John Cena… A Man to Be'). He looks like he'll be hanging onto his belt for quite a while. But with the recent heightened frequency of titles changing hands on RAW and Smackdown, perhaps neither of the three is a lock to hold onto their belts for an extended period of time. Either way, all three reigns have the potential to be very exciting.
December 11, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
What's up with the WWE these days? I remember a time when almost every match and storyline was worth watching or following respectively. 这是一个时间,按次付费观看次数没得依靠有近每场比赛是冠军的比赛,并开始混合的品牌。 Nowadays you have the RAW title holder, Smackdown title holder, ECW title holder, and whatever Womens/Divas champion all defending their belts on the same night at almost every Pay-Per View.
There are good aspects of this and bad. 坏消息是,它已经表明,单独支付每查看每个品牌(RAW,SD节目,ECW)并没有足以吸引电视购物。 但好的是,这些比赛除了吸引称号的比赛已经开始为所有的人真正关心。 I mean, when you had one Pay-Per view that was just Smackdown feuds, the only stuff that really mattered was a US Title match, the main event for the World Heavyweight Championship (now on RAW), and perhaps one pretty good grudge match like Undertaker and Great Khali. Other than that, every other match would be a bunch of filler for the most part. 的东西,孩子们会喜欢。
However, now with the Supercards having mostly title matches or actually intriguing grudge matches, the Pay-Per Views really have become more purchase-worthy. But don't put some new marketing changes past the WWE anytime soon. 对于任何那些谁一直在看最近的,我相信你已经注意到了公然暴露了星期一夜生一直在努力创造自己的洲际冠军,他们8人比赛反对威廉富豪的称号。
总而言之,任何真正的摔跤迷一定不会让至少从紧跟事情上,自己心爱的节目这阻止他们。 WWE的似乎是在一个发情(特别是当文斯 - 麦克马洪已经放弃数百万他自己的钱的球迷),但说实话,没有人比得到职业摔角更降浊在其最好的,而对于那些你们谁已经手表,你知道我在说什么!
Three Full Hours of Monday Night Raw for Your Sports Entertainment Enjoyment
December 6, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
The three hour special of RAW looks like it will be pretty good. They've got three Pay-Per View worthy matchups and a three hour time slot for the WWE Universe's enjoyment. But if you ask me, the most entertaining stuff will be whatever gimmicks and comedic skits they come up with because I have a strong feeling that the three top-flight bouts, Cena vs. Edge, Batista vs. Triple H, and Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy won't end in “one-two-threes” or tap outs.
First up, we have John Cena vs. Edge in a champion against champion match. Chris Jericho will most likely have already had his match against Jeff Hardy as well as Batista and Randy Orton. I am more than certain they all will interfere in this match as all six fighters have in one way or another between themselves at Armageddon.
I can see it now. Cena and Edge duking it out in what so far will have been an entertaining struggle. Then comes Jericho who faces Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship at Armageddon, and Orton, who faces Batista for no reason at Armageddon, interfering by beating up Cena. After that it'll be Batista taking out Orton who he faces at Armageddon, and then Triple H and Jeff Hardy running to the ring and messing with Edge, who they both face in a Triple Threat.
Even so, the show should not be missed as most three hour RAW specials are usually high quality.
它看起来像“直边巨星,”没有比CM朋克其他已收到来自他的家乡伊利诺伊州芝加哥的居民一些真正的好新闻。 他被选中,以填补大司马为感恩节大游行上周四的作用。 这是什么意思为所有WWE超级巨星和小混混一样? 一些急需的积极和面向家庭新闻界说,已经很难得为WWE在最近几年。
我认为这是伟大的超级巨星,可以开始被认识的性状较大量使用类固醇和“鸡肋”娱乐等。 像CM朋克家伙是什么WWE需要。 众人爱他,到目前为止,他是一个真正的直边的超级巨星。 所以,荣誉给他带来了亮点的WWE。
谁知道? Maybe even fellow Chicago native and now president-elect Barack Obama will also have something nice to say about Mr. Punk as well.
John Cena… A Man to Be
How in the world is John Cena on top of the RAW food chain once again? It must be a combination of his stunning charisma and persistence to be one of the main, if not the immediate, faces of the WWE. After his second injury in under a year, Cena has fought just one match and become the new World Heavyweight Champion in the WWE above other top superstars that have been attempting to build their reputations on the raw roster in recent weeks and months; Randy Orton, Dave Batista, and Chris Jericho would be the main names to call out.
Nonetheless, it is John Cena who remains and regains his role as… the Champ. He is what many people would agree is the new Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. He's got the same uncanny comeback ability, the crowd-pleasing mic skills and character, and of course his own version of “The People's Elbow,” the “Five Knuckle Shuffle.” When it comes to dedicated WWE roster superstar, bordering on corporate lapdog, John Cena is that at its finest.
However, I really can't call John Cena a lapdog. You can see it in his body language that the guy truly lives and breathes the WWE. Whether it be the fame that draws him, or that he wants to prove his plenty doubters wrong, he is always lingering or hovering at the top and has been since his first WWE Championship reign. I could even describe his desire to be at the top as somewhat greedy and even maniacal, as he is always the front man in pictures and even WWE pay-per view promo art where he was still injured and was not even going to be wrestling, and much less present at whatever show was being promoted.
But the fact of the matter is that John Cena has put his time in and he has earned the right to be where he is, even if he hasn't had as long a tenure as his other fellow wrestlers. His goal from the outset of his trip to California after graduating college was not to become a WWE namesake. He wanted to be a body builder for crying out loud! He was then presented the opportunity by an acquaintance at a gym to join the ranks of the professional wrestling world, and then most likely and unexpectedly, he fell in love with the whole aura of the business.
So, with all that being said, even though it seems odd that Cena can just come out of an injury induced hiatus to instantly be at the top spot of professional wrestling once again, don't ever take away the fact that he has worked hard and spewed his blood, sweat, and tears to be where he is right now and continue to preserve his image.
WWE Championship to be Defended at Survivor Series November 23rd
November 14, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
Well, it finally happened. Triple H will officially be defending his title against the upstart “Moscow Mauler” Vladimir Koslov on Sunday November 23 rd at Survivor Series. 我个人感到非常高兴这个决定谁是本本上的Smackdown的比赛。 I wasn't going to be pleased with some triple threat, guaranteed victory for Triple H involving Koslov and Jeff Hardy.
I think this should be a great match. I expect some well thought out and tediously calculated choreography to be displayed in the ring between Triple H and Koslov. 每个人都知道什么三倍H可以做; spine busters galore, pedigrees, and he can slug it out too. And although I'm not a big fan of the Koslov finishing move (the head butt) I must say that the more I watch him, the more versatile his repertoire of moves becomes. He can mat wrestle, place wrestlers in submission holds, pull of some impressive counters, and of course some tough and devastating tosses.
这已经伤害科思洛夫唯一迄今是他的不败纪录。 我不会是唯一一个同意,谁出来从成立以来到Pro摔跤泪的家伙往往会脱落很难当他们遭受的首次亏损。 有输给老牌批发商你第一次和常年超级卡主赛事的球员 像三重H之间有很大的区别
Look what happened to Umaga after he suffered his first two losses to John Cena, both of which were title matches. Where did he go after that? He has since become nothing more than an “Oohs” and “Ahhs” drawer from the crowd (perhaps his “goo-goo, gaga” big baby ranting hasn't helped him much either). 再加上,他唯一一次获得冠军的比赛是当它涉及到至少两个其他参与者,并在主要赛事商会和性质的其他规定。
The one thing I will give Koslov is that his character doesn't seem to be too stale. I mean, don't get me wrong, his accent and premature English speaking skills could use some work. But the “on a mission” MO of his character and the fact that when he enters the ring, although he has proven cocky at times, still keeps an honest look on his face like he knows anything is possible and that he could potentially lose a match when he gets in the ring, especially when pitted against the non-jobbers, Undertaker and more “formidable” opponents like the Great Khali, intrigues me about him.
三倍H应该拿起了胜利,但它确实非常轻微出现像科思洛夫可能有机会。 Either way, Triple H will do what he does, and we should get to see more of what Boris… eh hem, Vladimir Koslov can do.
Chris Jericho set to Defend World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena at Survivor Series
On November 23 rd , John Cena makes his return from injury to do battle with Chris Jericho in an attempt to regain what he had lost in his first of two injuries in just under a year… the top spot on Monday Night Raw with the World Heavyweight Championship. What makes this match so intriguing is that it will take place in the hometown of John Cena in Boston Massachusetts.
It may seem a little surprising that Cena's first scheduled match after his injury is for the title already, but that's what Cena has earned being one of the WWE's practical poster-boys. Even during his injury he was regularly attending promotional charity events for the WWE, as well as appearing as a guest on television shows for Nickelodeon.
As for the match itself, I can only see one possible outcome… John Cena regains the title. I do not see anytime available for the WWE to build up a Cena-Jericho feud, nor do I see Cena losing his first match back from the injury, and especially in his hometown.
And if you're thinking about the possibility of a bitter Batista interfering and causing a disqualification, there would be no advantage for him in doing this as his personality fears nobody. His character simply does not care who is holding the title at a certain time because he always feels he should win. Plus, the WWE has yet to set up any actual Survivor matches for Survivor Series, and I'm pretty sure that's where we'll be seeing our beloved “Animal” for the Pay-Per View.
So for now, I'd say “the time is here” and “the time is now” for John Cena to be back on top on Monday Night Raw.
Pure Comedy on Recent Installments of Friday Night Smackdown
Smackdown has been getting busy the past few weeks building the feuds of Shelton Benjamin and R-Truth, tag team Champs and brothers, Carlito and Primo Colon versus Miz and John Morrison, and even the Big Show and Undertaker. However, one of the funniest growing feuds is that of superstars Vladimir Koslov and Triple H.
The WWE has been known to play off the realities of their superstars in the past to create drama-filled action; Hardy and Edge over the love of Lita, and Ric Flair and Mick Foley in the whole “Glorified Stuntman” argument just to name a few. And now in the present, in the feud between Triple H and Koslov, it is the origin of Koslov and his ESL level of speech that have The Game rolling on Smackdown.
一周前,昨晚的录音,科思洛夫在再次辩称他是如何值得一标题射击,这在那。 However, you really have to pay attention closely as his English is not very good. Apparently Triple H had to as well when he replied “Koslov, I didn't understand a word you just said.” This Friday, Triple H stood in the ring before Koslov and called him “Boris.”
Koslov's reply was sputtered, coming in clear in a few of his sentences, and garbled in others. 什么导致必须是的slyest戳复出的言论在最近的历史上SD节目...
Be sure to tune into Smackdown next Friday night at 8:00pm Eastern on My TV Network where Koslov will face off against the Undertaker. And as per General Manger Vickie Guerrero, if Koslov wins, he will get a shot at Triple H's WWE Championship which will most likely be at this coming Survivor Series on Pay-Per view.
- [R真理在SD节目的兴起
October 18, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
I want to talk about a guy who is making waves on the Smackdown roster as of late. 他是谁出来风扇级椽子说唱的人,刚做完击败MVP这个过去的星期五,在非冠军行动前一周淘汰美国名将本杰明·谢尔顿。 这个新人我讲的为R真理,在TNA原名罗恩杀害。
他的高空飞行的滑稽动作已经引起了很大的欢呼人群在过去几周,并表示他有一些令人印象深刻的环技能。 除了 他在环技能,他也是什么的公关人士为WWE。 当他进入赛场开始比赛,他出来了风扇的休息区敲击自己的主题曲“怎么了?”,并允许风扇或两个一起唱,他将它们传递话筒时,歌曲是“这是怎么回事? !
他的演讲技巧是不是很大,但他背后的故事收益同情的人群。 这是一个典型的芯片在肩膀上东山再起的故事。 A man from the rough areas of Charlotte North Carolina who has spent time in prison and now aims to turn things around with Pro Wrestling.
该WWE近来一直试图利用商业宣传片空气星期前的新人,甚至他们搏斗的第一场比赛来炒作他们的新的人才。 This is one superstar that might be in the spotlight in the near future. 美国冠军三重威胁匹配网络周日涉及谢尔顿本杰明,MVP和R真相任何人?
ECW Championship on the Line at Cyber Sunday
October 15, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
Finlay has never been a real Super Card draw so I don't see that changing. When the fans select Evan Bourne, the WWE will plan an exciting matchup that will elevate Evan Bourne's status with the fans.
Three potential opponents have been selected for the WWE Universe to vote for to face Matt Hardy for his ECW Championship; Mark Henry, Evan Bourne, and Fit Finlay. At this point in Matt Hardy first title reign as the ECW champ I do not yet see him losing the belt. However, there will still be one benefactor in this match and his name is Evan Bourne.
Evan Bourne is a lock as Matt Hardy's challenger at Cyber Sunday. The kid has the “little-engine-that-could” perception going for him and the fans for the most part seem to like it. Mark Henry is washed up and is mainly used for his former World's Strongest Man status. He's just a big oaf that looks like the monster he is when he slams someone, and also the jobber that he truly is when he gets laid out by less heavier wrestlers.
Hopefully for Bourne he can build off that.
WWE Championship on the Line at Cyber Sunday
October 12, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
At Cyber Sunday we'll be treated to a title match where HHH will defend his belt against Jeff Hardy, Vladimir Koslov, or the two of them at once. Either one of them alone, or both for that matter at the same time, is going to be a handful for HHH.
Jeff Hardy brought HHH to the brink of defeat at No Mercy, while Koslov is a wrestler that neither HHH nor Jeff Hardy know all that well. The upper hand would look to be Koslov's when looked at in this light.
However, I would still say it's too early for the WWE and Smackdown brand to give the title to Koslov or Jeff Hardy, and HHH is going to win. I just see him losing it in a long, hard-fought singles match against another face wrestler in the future.
As for who HHH is going to wrestle and who fans are going to vote for, I'd have to say everyone's going to pick the Triple Threat match. It usually allows for a lot of excitement, but the title rarely changes hands whenever there are more than two wrestlers in the ring.
WWE Cyber Sunday Chris Jericho vs. Dave Batista – Referee?
October 9, 2008 by AlexV · 3 Comments
Furthermore, Chris Jericho just won his title, and this isn't CM Punk, so I think it's still too early for him to lose it. But, everyone knows that Jericho doesn't have the power to pin Batista straight up or win convincingly. So what will the WWE do?
With all that being said, I can't wait to see what Vince McMahon, Shane, Stephanie, or Mike Adamle have planned for this. I am going to predict the following. Anyone should know that Chris Jericho will retain his title. But how?
I predict that on one of the Monday Night RAW shows before the Pay-Per View that Stone Cold will get into it with Batista, prompting Austin to screw Batista over in the match.
Some kind of a crazy disqualification involving either of the three during the match. Maybe one of them bumps into Steve Austin and he gives them a Stunner? Perhaps Lance Cade gets involved? 让我们拭目以待。