NFL мрежата NFL Football

22 Юни, 2009 от AlexV · Оставете коментар

nfl nfl nfl network NFL Network’s NFL Football

Ако имате нужда от корекция футбол проверите NFL Network. С кабелна компания Comcast е само около $ 7.00 и промяна. Аз не се опитвам да се насърчи за друга компания, просто се опитвам да позволи на хората, които са футболни ръководители кажа за един голям място, където те могат да получат корекция, и това е NFL мрежа, когато те замествам цели футболни мачове, обикновено Matchups че имаше големи облицовки или са добри най-вече през всички четири тримесечия.

Но това не е най-добрата част. Те показват игрите без почивки между играна така че те по-бързо. Ако те ти показват стари предавания в тяхната цялост, а след това определено мога да видя, че е проблем. А за тези от вас, мисля, че допълнително $ 7,00 + на месец е твърде много, за да попитам за още един канал, моля, имайте предвид, че е на цената на един цял спортен пакет, който включва състезания, фехтовка, (един куп други глупости), но вероятно Най-важното е NBA TV канал.

Не забравяйте, че този канал е чудесно за редовните и след сезона, както и може да се слушат по всяко време на деня, ако не сте доволни от събират от Sports Center.

Plaxico Burress актуализира: Изглежда, че той ще играе през 2010 г.

01 април 2009 от MarkM · 2 Коментари

Plaxico Burress at his March 31 trial

Plaxico Burress му 31 март опити

Днес Burress Plaxico делото е завеща до по-късна дата от 15 юни. Много хора бяха скептично настроени weither това ще се случи или не, но това може да е признак, че неговата висока цена правния екип може да е близо до сделка правно основание, което ще му позволи да играе в предстоящия сезон в NFL. Независимо че изглежда сякаш Plaxico ще трябва да направи някакъв вид затвор, но въпросът е кога. Доколкото си спомням Джамал Люис прекарва отстъпка-сезона в затвора, няколко години назад заради обвинения за трафик на наркотици, и може би това е възможно, можем да видим нещо подобно за Giants суперзвезда Wide-навън. Няма съмнение, че Plaxico не искате да похарчите всяко време в затвора. И все пак, изглежда все по-ясно, че ще бъде трудно за Plax да стои далеч от голямата къща. Ню Йорк пистолети закони са малко зад борда и са привидно противоконституционен, така че това ще бъде един много интересен случай, без съмнение, ако някога го прави пред съда. Екипът ще подкрепи Plaxico на 15 юни в Ню Йорк наказателен съд град от протести на съдебния процес! Така че, ако искате да подкрепят Giants Superbowl шампион широк навън, от идиотско либерално правителство град, който желае в затвора го най-вече заради славата му, моля се появи! Plaxico, нараня никого, освен себе си и той сега се лишени от основни свободи, че Томас Джеферсън, един от нашите бащите-основатели, пламенно вярва инча Jefferson заяви своите силни убеждения в правото да се носи оръжие consitently. Един пример за това е фактът, върху Page 334 от известната си Томас Джеферсън Papers когато пише, "No свободен човек винаги ще бъде забранено използването на оръжия. Най-силната причина за хората да запазят правото си да притежават и носят оръжие е, в краен случай, за да се защитят срещу тиранията в правителството ". Осъзнайте, че нито един гражданин в Ню Йорк може да кандидатства за разрешително скрие, и да получите носене lisence е един много труден процес, с надеждата, че хората няма да се опитвам да се получи един. Звучи малко несправедливо го doens't? Независимо, чувствам, че на места в оръжейни закони са нелепо, поради тази причина. Забрана на оръжия и ги прави по-трудно да се придобие законно само засилва тези, които не спазват правилата, който много прилича на стероиди забрана в спорта. Тези, които мамят се печели, в системата. Тези закони служат само за да помогне престъпници остане finaiced и власт над спазват закона население на New York City.

Трудните Sports телефон някога.

5 февруари 2009 от MadisonMadnuff · 2 Коментари

phone Toughest Sports Phone ever.

Е-често, когато съм прекалено зает, за да стигнем до компютър I проверка на спортния свят и Sportsroids чрез мобилния ми телефон.   На мобилния ми телефон да получа пълен достъп до интернет и дори може да въвеждате и изпращате статии за този сайт.   Аз просто мислех, че ще информира света, че този телефон е най-добрият телефон toughmans.   Телефонът ми е Pocket PC Verizon xv6700 и тази сутрин тя падна от джоба ми на път за фитнеса.   Аз не забелязах, че е паднал и се измъкна от мястото за паркиране, около половината път от много забелязах, аз не са имали телефона ми, така че аз изтеглена назад в пространството, да се върна в залата, за да видите, ако оставил си.   При излизане от колата видях телефона си в място за паркиране с големи драскотини и вдлъбнатини, както и смачкан метал върху мишката ми двигател.   Тогава осъзнах, че аз току-що прегази телефона ми в Lincoln LS.   Вдигнах телефона и го е безжизнена няма пулс, няма да се включи, на екрана е празен и надраскани и аз почти се просълзявам.   Тогава просто като бях в магазина, за да получите нов телефон го извити обратно към живота право в ръцете ми и го каза на мен "слаба батерия".   Мислех, че "Amazing Аз просто избяга този телефон над с моята кола и тя продължава да работи" той не само продължават да работят, но всички бутони работят, както и сензорен екран с изключение на няколко драскотини е добре, както добре.   Просто си мислех, че ще споделя това с вас, защото смятам, че е шибан невероятно, "знаете ли колко тежи Lincoln Ls (много)."   Но за съжаление като трудни футболисти Ironmen и боксерки от недалечното минало този телефон е преустановена   и   вече не е за продажба, така че ако искате да го купите, че не мога да предполагам, че е вярно това, което казват в спорта и в живота ", те не ги правят като те се използват за."

Atlanta Falcons да спечели две семена в NFC?

22 декември, 2008 от AlexV · Оставете коментар

I think Arthur Blank, the owner of the Atlanta Falcons, is ready to let go at this point.

Мисля, че Артър Blank, собственик на Атланта соколи, е готова да пусне на предприятието.

Едно нещо, което ме вбесява голям време след 16-та седмица е следната ... защо никой не споменава, че соколи имат шанс да заключа номер две семена в NFL? Ако Falcons изпълни силно не-вековна задача да победят на отпадъците напълнена Saint Louis Rams в Атланта този уикенд, а Каролина Пантерс са победени в Ню Орлиънс през следващата седмица, Атланта соколи в крайна сметка спечели NFC South. Вече знаем, че гигантите са заключени горната семена, като победи Каролина в OT неделя вечер, но Кардиналите в най-добрия може да завърши 9-7 в NFC West, и Bears или Vikings може да приключи в 06.10, за да спечели NFC North. Какво означава това? Или соколи или пантери са гарантирани от две семена.

Но защо никой не говори за това? Защото всеки тъп анализатор има в мнението си, че Falcons прекрасен рулиране в пост Майкъл Вик смъртта е просто за финализирането им Wild Card кей. Но Здравейте! Те могат дори да получите чао! Това би било напълно огромна!

Не само, че те преодоляват фиаско миналата година и да направи плейофите с новобранец QB, но сега те имат шанс да поведе в силно жизнеспособна позиция за постигане на Super Bowl с една победа за домакините и една победа пътя, толкова дълго, колкото на гигантите спечели първата си игра. Искам да кажа, Боже, те може да свърши домакин на NFC Championship ако Giants губят първия мач!

Някой да говори за това. Гледал съм PTI, спортен център, и чух всяка FOX, CBS, NBC и анализатор и коментатор и никой от тях не е мислил за това. Това ме вбесява и аз почти се надявам на Бога, че Falcons получите две семена да се види дали всички те имат тъпи външен вид на лицата им.

Carolina ... pleeeeease губят. Аз вече знам соколите имат Овни игра в задния си джоб, така че не се притеснявам за теб. Късно.

CHIPZ казва: "Затегнете коланите момчета, отиваме в плейофите!"

25 Ноември 2008 г. От CHIPZ · 1 Коментар

hines ward1 269x300 CHIPZ SAYS, Buckle up boys, were going into the PLAYOFFS! След като вратата за последните два седмица правят задълбочени изследвания всички заплатени от да подобрят своите знания футбол фантазия, аз съм само излезе с едно решение - несъответствия! Добре, излъгал за да се плаща да се направи задълбочено проучване. Въпреки това, той не взема ракетен учен да се знае, че ние виждаме много несъответствия с нашите играчи и ние не знаем на кого да започне да се сваля повече. Така че тук е проблема, че аз ще отговоря в тази статия, които трябва да започнем?

Играй умно. Сега не е време да се търсят спящи прогнози, освен ако Вашият стартера е наранен. Wide приемник Хайнс Уорд на Питсбърг Стийлърс е пример за много несъвместими стартера. Ако го има, не мога да рискувам да не го започне в 13 седмица, въпреки че е направил ужасна в 12-та седмица. Куотърбек Брейди Куин на Cleveland Browns е друг противоречие стартера. Той направи страхотно в 11 седмица, но трябваше да напусне след първото полувреме в 12-та седмица, за да куотърбек Дерек Андерсън в евентуално да предизвика някаква надежда в се върне. Единствената разлика между Брейди Куин и Хайнс Уорд е, не, не започвайте Брейди Куин. Потърсете друг куотърбек най-скоро. Куотърбек Мат Касел на New England Patriots е страхотно защитник и винаги съм вярвал, че ще произвеждат и той. Ако той не е бил избран, го взема сега и го стартира, ако имате проблеми куотърбек.

reggie bush1 240x300 CHIPZ SAYS, Buckle up boys, were going into the PLAYOFFS! Спринт Back Реджи Буш на New Orleans Saints е вратаря, но аз няма да го започне в 13 седмица. Точно сега, движение назад Pierre Thomas на New Orleans Saints се търсят доста добра, особено с 12-та седмица на играта завършва с 87 бързам ярда и два тъчдауна бързам срещу Грийн Бей Пакърс. Светиите може да му позволи да получите още няколко пренася Реджи Буш, ако му позволи да играе в 14 седмица да се даде възможност на Буш да получи останалата част той се нуждае. Изчакайте седмица 14 или 15, преди да започнете Буш отново. Ако имате проблеми с управлението на вашия гръб положение и трябва да се направи на плейофите, може да искате да се помисли за отпадане Реджи Буш. Потърсете Kevin Faulk на New England Patriots, Mewelde Мур на Питсбърг Стийлърс и Пейтън Хилис на Денвър Бронкос, ако те не са били качват.

peyton hillis 300x225 CHIPZ SAYS, Buckle up boys, were going into the PLAYOFFS!

Спринт Back Тейтъм Bell на Денвър Бронкос се очакваше от много футболни собственици фентъзи като потенциален мотика място за спане, но в крайна сметка като щастлива случайност. Аз не бих разчитал на него до края на сезона. Спринт Back Пейтън Хилис ще извършва повечето от пробиви за Денвър, докато той продължава да прави това, което той е правил през последните 2 седмици. В 12-та седмица, той извършва 12 пъти за 74 ярд със средно 6 ярда на носене.

The Cleveland Browns, Philadelphia Eagles, и Сиатъл Seahawks сме екип трябва да стоят настрана от. Аз няма да започне нито един от своите играчи с изключение на Tight Крайна Kellen Winslow на Cleveland Browns, защото те се борят отбори, които няма да произвежда за вас. Куотърбек Donovan Mcnabb на Philadelphia Eagles се бори в момента и не получава никакви подкрепа от тима, треньорът му, или неговите фенове. Мислено, той ще слезе и докато той може да докаже, че може да излезе от неговия спад, не го стартира. A след като първи избор кръг проект, движение назад Брайън Уестбрук на Philadelphia Eagles също е играч, който може би не искате да започнете. Той все още е наранен и въпреки че той играе през болката, той очевидно не е производство на статистики той трябва да за да спечели. Виж, за да го седнете за 13 седмици.

Виж си начало и ги запазете, ако не сте на стартери съм, изброени в тази статия на пейката. Не забравяйте, че играете умен и не рискува нищо. Вашият отбор е на линията и трябва да се направи на плейофите! Оставете коментар и аз ще отговори на тях с някакви съвети мога да предложа.

CHIPZ SAYZ ... ръкавицата!?

07 ноември 2008 от CHIPZ · 1 Коментар

Brandon Marshall WR Denver Broncos

Брандън Маршал WR Денвър Бронкос

По време на Денвър Бронкос и дивеч Кливланд Браун през миналия четвъртък, ние всички се питат: "Какво става с ръкавици?" След Wide приемник Брандън Маршал получи играта печелившата тъчдаун от Jay Cutler куотърбек. Ние вероятно никога няма да знаят какви са реалните намерения, дължащи се на много умен Wide приемник Brandon Stokley които можем да се спекулира, изтича до Брандън Маршал и му казал: "Не го прави!"

Моята първоначална реакция, след като той се превърна в ръкавица от панталоните му се, "той ще удари някой в ​​лицето с него!" Въпреки това, това е нещо, което мисля, че ще направи, или може би дори и Теръл Оуенс ще направя. В интервю за ESPN, Брандън Маршал твърди, че той извади бяла ръкавица, за да символизира Последната президентските избори между сенаторите Маккейн и Обама. CHIPZ SAYZ, "Аз все още не мога да повярвам, но хей, ние никога няма да знаем."


6 ноември, 2008 от CHIPZ · 2 Коментари

brady quinn cleveland browns 236x300 CHIPZ SAYZ... QUINN TASTIC?

CHIPZ sayz, "Куин-тастично? или Куин-untastic? "Брейди Куин на Cleveland Browns е изготвен след сезон 2006 от Нотр Дам и се седеше по време на целия сезон 2007, а другата половина на сезон 2008. Смятате Старши треньор Romeo Crennel направи лошо решение в начална куотърбек Дерек Андерсън в 2007 и 2008 Сезон? По мое мнение, това е един много умен ход. Бъдещият отбор на Cleveland Browns е следвало да Брейди Куин като лидера си ... като начална куотърбек. Така че, защо сега?

brady quinn notre dame 236x300 CHIPZ SAYZ... QUINN TASTIC?

Аз съм силно вярващ, че започва новобранец куотърбек е много лош ход. Куотърбек Винс Йънг на Tennessee Titans е да се смята този, който ще доведе отбора си до Super Bowl, но въпреки това, той не успя мизерно. Много хора смятат, че за кодиране защитник не е подходящ в NFL, защото Everyones твърде бързо и това просто не работи. Не го обвинявам за това. Винс Йънг беше твърде млад и не знаят как да използват оръжията си с най-голям потенциал. Това е все едно да дадете 16 годишно хлапе на Ferrari. Ти просто не го прави! Коя е причината, поради куотърбек Кери Колинс е, че толкова много успехи. Той има опит и знае как да използва своя екип.

Куотърбек Дерек Андерсън е добър гръб защитник, но не е изходен материал. Прокарване Брейди Куин за сезон и половина просто ще го зрял и му позволи да се учат и да разбират напълно обидно наръчника на отбора. Старши треньор Romeo Crennel вероятно предназначени да седне Брейди Куин за целия сезон на 2008 г. само за да го започнат през сезон 2009, но поради факта, че в NFL, всичко е въпрос на незабавно удовлетворение, затова Старши треньор Romeo Crennel знаеше, че му работа беше на линията и трябваше да направи ход. Дали е твърде рано да се започне Брейди Куин или сме доста вероятно гледаш друг голям защитник? Само игра тази вечер ще покаже.

Ако сте собственик Fantasy Football, аз не бих препоръчал започване Брейди Куин. Той изигра само един мач през сезон 2007, когато той отиде 3 за 8 хвърлят за 45 ярда, което не е стабилно, но това не е достатъчно, за да се определи дали ще се справят добре за вас като собственик Fantasy Football. Той ще имат труден път за него до края на целия сезон, защото на техните силни противници те ще играят срещу за оставащия сезон. Това е мястото, където момчетата се открояват сред мъжете! И това е начина, по който късметче се разпада!

DeAngelo зала на пазара, след като е снет от Raiders

05 ноември 2008 от AlexV · 1 Коментар

DeAngelo Hall is looking for a new place to call "home" in the NFL. But where can he find one?

DeAngelo Hall се търси ново място, където да нарече свой дом. Но чиито търсите?

С мотивите за решението да се откаже от два пъти Pro Bowl cornerback DeAngelo Hall от Raiders неясно, това е малко по-трудно да се допълват отборите, които ще искат да го вземе. Ако той е бил отрязан поради характера въпроси, а след това има отбори, които, въз основа на традицията, най-вероятно ще направи нищо повече от обмисли идеята като Pittsburgh или Green Bay. Тогава там са отбори като Далас. Те вече са направили някои опияняващи и спорна движи през този сезон и не бих брои Джери Джоунс и Ко да се възползват от възможността. Но тогава пак, кой знае със сигурност защо той е бил отрязан?

I'm sure Antoine Winfield won't mind having DeAngelo Hall by his side in Minnesota.

Сигурен съм, че Антоан Winfield няма да се притесняват като негов колега Pro Bowler като DeAngelo Hall от негова страна.

Въз основа на разстояние от това, аз не бих се изненадал, ако Vikings го вдигна, както добре. Това е отбор, който вече е направил голям отбранителен ход бране Джаред Алън в извън сезона, и да се добави в корнер от калибъра на Хол на вече голям брой единия ъгъл в Antoine Winfield вероятно ще създаде една от най-страшните дуа на Лигата на тази позиция.

Аз също чувствам, че New England е в неизвестност Asante Самуил, така че аз няма да ги брои на картината. Другите отбори ще сложа в микса ще бъдат Каролина Пантерс, тъй като те биха искали да се превърне в най D в NFC юг със соколи и Buccaneers защити играе добре в по-голямата част.

И накрая, аз ще отида с Arizona като много голяма възможност. Кардиналите от сега трябва да знаят, че те са доста много за заключване, за да спечели тяхното разделяне, блокиране разстроен този понеделник вечер у дома си в пустинята от 49ers. Ако те желаят да двубоят по-добре с истинските претенденти и парвенюта на Лигата след силна ъгъла като DeAngelo Hall ще им помогне значително.

Fantasy спадане на запаса, Реджи Буш става хирургия!

20 Октомври 2008 от MarkM · Оставете коментар

Reggie Bush is out.

Реджи Буш е вън.

Реджи Буш призна пред обществеността, че ще бъдат намалени артроскопска операция на коляното скоро. Светиите се надяваме, че операцията само показва предполагаемия проблем на менискуса на лявото си коляно. Той трябва да се оправи да отида, те мислят в 3 до 4 седмици. Има и някои доклади, че той ще може да се върне след 2 до 3 седмици. Буш беше контузен тази седмица в края на второто тримесечие, докато връщането на шута. Наистина е жалко, Реджи идваше на силна, а сега той е езда на бор. Единственото положително в тази ситуация е, че се дължи на момента на увреждане Реджи ще получите допълнителни седмици на почивка безплатно, благодарение на седмица 9 чао за светиите. Светиите определено са били малко от нараняване бъг тази година.

Fantasy Съвети

Ако можете да definatly вземете Big Макалистър за момента. Той е само собственост в 70% от фентъзи лиги, така че си струва времето, за да се провери. Той ще бъде много полезно за спечелването на следващите няколко седмици, предвид липсата на Буш.

Alex V на NFL Седмица 7 снимки

17-ти октомври 2008 от AlexV · Оставете коментар

SD в BUF Сигурна съм, от сега всеки е забелязал западните отбори не правят много добре, когато те пътуват до Далечния изток. Но мисля, че Сан Диего оправя.

NO в CAR-New Orleans е толкова непоследователна. Но аз мисля, че ще го получи заедно в Каролина.

MIN в Chi-И двата отбора имат добра защита, добри текущите игри, и средно преминаващи игри. Аз ще поема отбор у дома ... Чикаго.

PIT на CIN-Синсинати е зашеметен и Биг Бен е 5-0 всички времена в Синсинати. Стийлърс спечели.

TEN на KC-Kansas City няма дори да Larry Johnson за тази игра. Titans печалба.

BAL в МВР-Маями е подвижен твърде силно обидно за Joe Flacco да поддържа темпото и съвсем скоро това Рейвънс "отбрана ще започне да се забавя, тъй като те нямат обидно помощ.

SF в NYG-гиганти се издъни миналата седмица, но те ​​не могат да загубят до този боклук 2-4 у дома. Джайънтс спечели.

DAL на STL-Romo или Джонсън? Кой знае? The Cowboys са свилоточене загуби две от последните си три. Просто имам чувството, че това е разстроен в процес на изграждане. Овни печалба.  

DET в HOU-Хюстън може да играе най-малко конкурентни и са показали нарушение. Детройт само близо Играта беше миналата седмица, когато те са загубили 10-12. Хюстън трябва да ги разкъсва.

IND в GB-Въпреки че Indianapolis изглежда удари своя крачка миналата седмица, Аарон Роджърс играе доста звездна и защитата Пакър е по-добре от Колтс ". Ще дойда с Green Bay.

NYJ в OAK-Brett Favre е побеждаван в Оукланд всички времена. Това трябва да остане същият.

CLE най-БЕШЕ И двата отбора са пълни противоположности един от друг миналата седмица. Вашингтон е във възход и е загубил до дъното жител, докато Кливланд беше разочарование и победи претендент шампионат. Сега, когато имам главите си прав, аз ще взема Вашингтон.

SEA в TB-Сиатъл е 1-4 и е направо брутален от двете страни на топката. Тампа печели.

DEN на NE-Денвър е несъвместим последните няколко седмици, но Patriots са едни и същи. Ще взема Pats у дома срещу футболни IQ Belichick си.

Джери Джоунс Dooms Dallas Cowboys Future

15-ти октомври, 2008 от MarkM · 2 Коментари

Roy Williams WR Cowboys

Roy Williams WR Cowboys

Джери Джоунс го прави отново. Днес той направи ход за придобиване на цялата Roy Williams в последните часове преди крайния срок търговията NFL. Джери сега има DB и WR са на същото име. Yuppie! Sorry Jerry, this move is just flat out stupid. Това е вид търговия, където той ще изглежда или като гений или да изглежда като кретен. We are pulling for retard. Sportsroids вярва, че този ход няма да му помогне в печалба през тази година и ще се унищожи отбора си в бъдеще. Да сте се най-добрите таланти широко навън. Да той е по-добър от Crayton или Austin. But why would you give up a 1st,3rd and 6th round picks for this guy? Да не говорим, сега той трябва да се научи нов цифрови и система. Seriously Jerry what were you thinking? Обзалагам се, че е нещо като това: "Добре, ние просто загубили Pacman Jones, и Терънс Нюман е бил наранен, и най-големият ни проблем е, че нашата отбранителна backfield е в безпорядък. Oh wait I know! Позволява да получите нова предварително Мадона широк приемник, че ще го оправи! ". Моят въпрос е:" Как може по-добре към отбора през следващата година, ако имате само 2-ри кръг вземете? Не мога да чакам да видя да загуби ума си, защото от Roy Williams, аз не мога да чакам да го видя. Obvoiusly Джери Джоунс мисли, за да отлети на преврат скоро, ако той прави това. Ако Оуен улов намаление и те губят своята ще бъде WW3 в Далас. Като се замисля, може би този ход е да изплаши до в не експлодира, но се съмнявам. Обичам да и всичко, което иска е да спечелим, и на конкурентното му природа е това, което го прави добър. Джери, не се опитвайте да стъпите на това. Ще загуби тази битка Jerry. Хей не мислиш Джери започва да изглежда малко като Ал Дейвис. Може би просто трябва да се забавя, и осъзнава, че вече има достатъчно звезда да накара хората да говорят за каубои и да научат как и къде да си купя правилните парчета, за да прави неговата организация неудържими. Roy Williams е WR с голям потенциал, но все пак има много да се докаже. Рой се публикуват само един 1000 + двор сезон в своята кариера 5 години. Сериозно първото, третото и шестото кръгли кирки! О, да те подаде оставка Roy в нов договор, както добре. Нейната 5-годишен договор! Джери топките!

Какво ще кажеш за тези каубои? Лично аз мисля, че всички те са кора не хапят!

ХЕЙ JERRY! SPORTSROIDS has something to say to you…..

Dallas Cowboys Owner, Jerry Jones

Dallas Cowboys Собственик, Джери Джоунс

Bad движи = Bad News Джери! Ти просто обречени бъдещето на вашия екип.


Pacman Jones back in the hot seat!

October 10, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Adam "Pacman" Jones

Adam "Pacman" Jones

Dallas Cowboy, Adam Jones has apparently been up to his previous antics again. After fighting his own security in a bathroom this past weekend, he may be looking at a fresh new suspension. I wish they had fantasy Fallout football, him and Chris Henry would be 1st and 2nd picks overall. Pac is already on his 2nd strike with commisioner Roger Goodell. It a shame to see that even the mighty Cowboys couldn't save this young man from himself, let alone the story hungry media, who does breath down his neck a lot. I even heard that pacman ties his shoes wrong in a article I read somewhere!(Joke) Either way we as fans are very critical of pacman. There could be several reasons for the public criticisms. I think, mostly it is because he has the athletic talent and is in the position to make millions and it seems he just doesn't care about embracing his opportunity. Realizing that one day Adam will grow up and out of this “I am a tough guy” charade. He will then realize that he was one of the lucky ones. I just hope it happens before it's to late. He might get suspended again by the league, probably ending his career in the NFL. When asked about the new Pacman incident, Roger Goodell stated, “I don't think there is any misunderstanding about the position Adam has put himself in with respect to his behavior,” he said. “There are certain things I expect of him. I would tell you I'm disappointed we're even discussing this.”

Фалшива самоличност ALA New York Jets

19 Септември 2008 от sportsroids · 1 Коментар

Фалшива самоличност

от Boinger

Joe Namath

Joe Namath

Каква е идентичността на новото Йорк Джетс? Отговор: Те нямат идентичност. Не Joe Namath, не торбата обмен и не Fireman Ed. Дори и голяма Brett Favre няма да се определи нито да промени това. Рибата тон не може да се поправи и дори Belichick видях написаното на стената и хукна New England. Не е дълга поредица от голямо QB си. Не е историята на една силна серия / предава ориентирана офанзива / Защитата неумолима сила. Това просто не е там. Чувалът обмен? Те отдавна са забравени. Никой не пристъпи към извършване на тази традиция. Предната Службата е имала един лош проект след друг и продължава с опитите издърпайте вълна над очите фенове с голям не треньори ИМЕ глава. Те дори се опита да заблуди всички да мислят, че те са сериозни за да се върне в Ню Йорк. Споделянето им стадион с Giants допълнително ги entrenches като "втори отбор" в този град. Когато Доналд Тръмп е обядва с Бил Гейтс те споделят една салата? NO! Така че, защо трябва на Jets бъде споделянето на стадиона с Giants, че не е, когато близо до тяхната база от фенове?

The New Meadowlands Stadium

The New Meadowlands Stadium

Той получава по-трудно и по-трудно дори да искат да изкоренят за тях вече. Ако имате достатъчно късмет, за да получите билети все още трябва да изгони до тази дупка в блатото те обадя вкъщи. Те имат нужда от голяма промяна. New собствеността ще бъде страхотно. Нов дом в Ню Йорк, ще бъде още по-добре. Може би те биха могли да намерите някои празно пространство в Бронкс?

Новите Бомбардировачи Bronx

19 Септември 2008 от sportsroids · Оставете коментар

Новите Бомбардировачи Bronx

от Boinger

New York Jets

New York Jets

Imagine heading into the Bronx to watch the game. You get down to 161 and River, walk along the L and down through the gates. You peek out through the tunnel and see the field and the palyers and as you emerge from the belly of the cement cathedral your ear ear drum rumbles when you hear the crowd chant J – E – T – S JETS JETS JETS!!! Come on think about it. The New Bronx Bombers! A whole new stadium for gang green. No more crossing over the bridge (or two) no more sitting in traffic (on the NJTP) and no more “Lets go Yankees”?

The Jets need a new place to call home. A place to call their own. Who knows maybe even new uniforms and a new name. They could call themselves the Bronx Bombers and change their logo to the stealth fighter and make their uniforms black or maybe even camouflage. The “old” Yankee Stadium site would be perfect. Forget about midtown what a bad idea that was. Imagine showing up in the boogie down for some FOOTBALL! How awesome would that be? A new stadium complete with all the fan friendly amenities. The Weeb Ewbank Rotunda. The Emerson Boozer bar. The Gang Green Gridiron Grill. The Mark Gastineau Promenade. O'Brien's Irish Pub where they only serve green beer. Vinny's Pizza. Joe Namath Plaza. They could even put in a gay bar and call it the “Sac Exchange” HA!

Whining on Wannstedt. A SportsRoids exclusive

September 18, 2008 by sportsroids · 2 Comments

Whining on Wannstedt

От Madison Mad'nuff

Pittsburgh Panthers Coach Dave Wannstedt

Pittsburgh Panthers Coach Dave Wannstedt.

As the Pitt Panthers continue their season one has to wonder if Wannstedt was the right choice for the University. To me Waanstedt is just another big name hire that most people knew would not work. When you are a Pittsburgh guy like Wannstedt is, and are beloved by the city it makes it easy for Pitt to hire the guy, but why? This is eerily reminiscent of the Nebraska Cornhuskers the only difference is Wannstedt has not been fired yet. But if he does not produce this year I would expect him to be. When you remove a guy like Walt Harris who (I will admit) couldn't go all the way or recruit the best but still had the ability to build a program; and replace him with a big name you better have that guy deliver and Wannstedt has not. So when do you pull the plug? I say now before Pitt loses 6 more games. Walt Harris was able to come up with some big time names at least, Larry Fitzgerlad, Antonio Bryant, Latiff Grim, Keavan Barlow, and Wannstedt has not . To Me Waanstedt was on his way out last year but then Pitt pulled of the miracle and bet WVU. Which earned Wannstedt another shoot to win 5 or 6 games and get fired. Walt Harris at least had a winning record, Pitt needs to end this and pick up or hire a proven coach from a smaller school, “Frank Solich anyone”? “I'm just sayin”

Kurt Warner Fantasy Stock Rising

17 септември, 2008 от sportsroids · Оставете коментар

Kurt Warner Fantasy Stock Rising

от Alex V

Cardinals QB Kurt Warner

Кардиналите QB Kurt Warner

Fantasy Sports не винаги са за получаване на голямо име, или име, което най-малко е в един момент голяма ... като Кърт Уорнър. Просто защото човекът е на 37 години не трябва да бъде последният фактор за това дали трябва да го вземе. Човек винаги трябва да мисля, "производство" при вземането на решение за това кой да добавят към своите Fantasy отбор. В този момент през сезона, Кърт Уорнър е родословна, и би било голяма вземете за тези от вас, които страдате от някое от следните заболявания Фентъзи футбол; "Брейди Отнесени Syndrome", "Карсън Палмър Me спускане, "и" Jamarcus Russell ме кара Виж Stupid. "В действителност, с номера, той е вложил досега, той е доказано, че е толкова добър, ако не и по-добре, за надминаване мъдър, че е, отколкото някои от куотърбекове палатка в игра.

Досега този сезон Kurt Warner е натрупал 558 минаваща ярда (279 в игра), а 70,4% завършване процентни, когато повечето добри QBs са спиращ около долната до средата на 60-те години, и той има четири тъчдаун минава натрупване на две на играта (всичко Достатъчно е 1.875 ТД в игра за един играч да достигне 30 в редовен сезон) за вълнуващата 128.5 QB рейтинг. Ако Warner може да продължаваш така, той ще се проектира, за да продължи с 4464 ярда преминаване с 32 тъчдаун пасове. Миналата година само четири куотърбекове достигна 30 + TD пас марка; Том Брейди (50), Tony Romo (36), Ben Roethlisberger (32), и Пейтън Манинг (31). Сега, като се вземат в предвид, че може би прогнозите ще кос малко, той все още изглежда да бъде някъде между 3600 и прогнозираното 4464 минаваща ярда, и най-малко в средата на 20 марки в категорията тъчдаун пас, а той все още не е хвърлил а мотика, все още.

Warner's fantasy stock is on the rise for 2008.

Warner фантазия наличност е във възход за 2008 г.

Когато се вземат предвид всички тези фактори и начина Warner извършва през миналия сезон, като в посока нагоре трябва да бъде лесно да се види. Миналата година той започва в единадесет мача и играе в още три. В тези игри Warner минаваше за 27 ТД, докато общо 3417 ярда, минаваща и управление на проекта 62,3 процента, при не толкова големи 17 общо засичания. Но вече за защитник на неговата възраст, който също играе с пострадалото рамото, това са забележителни номера!. И само една година по-късно, вие също можете да притежавате Kurt Warner като пълно работно време стартер и здравословен при това!

Това е, което трябва да се мисли за, ако умът ви е fettering за това дали да се откажа от един долар на Warner. Имам силно усещане там, че някои играчи Fantasy отида за това дали даден играч е с високо ниво на престиж и ако анализатори екипа на проекта на играча да се развива успешно и да направи плейофите и или Super Bowl. Е познайте какво? Prestige не ви накара големите статистики цялото време, нито пък наелектризиращ играчите харесват тези от вас, които са хвърлили един сезон в канала, веднага щом изготвят Майкъл Вик (когато той е бил всъщност играе). Обзалагам се, че някои хора казват "Ами Kurt Warner очевидно ще да направя нещо, когато той има Anquan Boldin и Лари Фицджералд." Ами без майтап! Друга голяма причина да го вземе! Затова помнете приятели. Ако отчаяно се нуждаят от защитник в този момент от сезона, давай напред и да пренебрегват кардинали шансове за успех през този сезон, но не подценявайте шансовете Кърт Уорнър, за да спечелите някои игри.

Warner и останалите опоненти и когато те класират миналия сезон при преминаване отбраната:

Седмица 3 @ Washington

Седмица 4 @ New York Jets

Седмица 5 срещу Бъфало

Седмица 6 срещу Далас

Седмица 7 - Bye

Седмица 8 @ Каролина

Седмица 9 @ Сейнт Луис

Седмица 10 vs San Francisco

Забележка: YPG са закръглени до най-близката десета.

Fantasy Sports, Защо ни е грижа?

17 септември, 2008 от sportsroids · Оставете коментар

By The Boinger

Седя тук измиване безплатно в списъка средство за резервно QB, TE и "FLEX OPTION". Diligently разглеждане на статистически анализ на JT O'Sullivan, Tony Scheffler и Chansi Стъки, когато изведнъж той ме удари - ляв юмрук на дъщеря ми! HA! Тя ме хвана доста добър също от другата страна на страна на главата ми болезнено чукат ми очилата в моста на носа ми. След като я изпрати горе хлипа от доста човекоядец като вербална въжето разбрах, тази статия е зареди. Защо ни е грижа толкова много за спорта?
Може би, като мен, останалата част от вас са бивши спортисти от някакъв вид. Ти игра спорт на всяка цена от минутата, в която са достатъчно възрастен, за да люлка пръчка и удари скала точно до или реализация на него след като сте преминали от или незначителна / голямо разочарование от някакъв вид. В този момент вашата страст за видео игри пое и си станал "геймър" или Madden наркоман като мен. Които по-късно се превърна в фентъзи спорт. Шансовете са някъде по средата има си и може би все още са една бира Играчът лига софтбол или дори треньорът флаг футбол или помощник на местния отряд университет. Във всеки случай, дори ако това е просто гледане на любимия си отбор по телевизията всяка вечер по някаква причина всички ние пука много за спорта.
Дори докато седя тук написването на тази трябва да има някаква форма на спортни развлечения канал в източването по телевизията. Но защо? Това наистина не прави голяма разлика в живота ни, нали? Разбира се, че се чувства добре да корен за победител. Това е хубаво да се види своя отбор да спечели. Дори по-добре да ги видите да спечели шампионата. Но не ги е грижа толкова много за теб? Те няма да играят безплатно Гарантирам ти, че. Никой от нас ще работи безплатно, Бихме? Въпреки, че удовлетворението, което получавате от чувство на удовлетворение след всъщност играят и практикуване и спечелил победа е на висота.
Сега, ако там играят и се забавляват независимо от резултата и се наслаждаваха на получаване на някои физически освобождаване тогава добре за вас. Вие сте по-напред от останалите. И все пак има още тези от нас, които хвърлят прилеп с отвращение при вземане на в софтбол. Искам да кажа на топката е с размерите на грейпфрут и е на практика постави на чай за нас тя идва в толкова бавен. Ние сме същите, които хвърлят "джойстика" надолу и натиснете бутона за рестартиране, когато нашият живот изтече или цифрово засилено QB хвърля прихващане. Ние бяхме същите, които проби пръчка метла на две той се увиват около полюс след като зачеркнат в игра стик топката в 5-ти клас. Надявам се всички ние сме надраснали този етап или поне признават, че в някакъв момент, че поведението е просто глупаво дори ненужни.
Е, все пак е, че дойде при тази Надявам се можете да запазите всичко пред себе си. Насладете му се. Забавлявайте се с нея. Играем за победа, но запази това, което е важно на преден план. Добре, трябва да тръгвам и да се извини на дъщеря ми и я научи как да се промъкне с лакът в под коша, когато навън бокса.

PS Взех Tony Scheffler и пусна Todd Heap.

It might be time to say goodbye to Todd Heap as a Starting Fantasy TE.

Това може би е време да се сбогува с Todd Heap като се започне Fantasy TE.

Best Sports Related Fights

September 17, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

by Mark M

This is a short list of memorable fights involving sports figures or teams.

1. Strahan Fights Tom Arnold On The Best Damn Sports Show .

I think Strahan gets hurt. He makes some funny sounds.

Check it out

2. Jim Everett Fight Jim Rome.

Many poeple say that Jim Rome had it coming. Well we all know Rome is a jerk anyways.

3. Mascot Fights

We all love these ones


Bucky Badger gets light up

4. And of course Finally Fan Fights


You can always trust that Red Sox Fans and Yankee Fans are getting into it

Many Raiders fans should be in a jail and this just proves it….UNREAL…STUPID…JERK

Big Blue's JUSTIN TUCK is a defensive Monster

September 17, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Mark M

I said it from day one, that Justin Tuck has more ability then the media wanted to give him credit for.

Justin Tuck's Interception for a TD

Justin Tuck

Gee whiz, look at all the ESPN columnists and SportsCenter announcers now say they all love “Justin Tuck” and portraying him as the next coming of Christ for the New York Defensive line. They said without Strahan and Osi that the Giants Justin Tuck could not fill “hole in the Giants Defense” and therefore defensively the Gmen would struggle. This is like political nonsense almost. When you are wrong you are wrong, the Giants D is looking pretty solid. I even saw some Cowboy fan say on a blog that “Tuck is no strahan, and without Osi they probobly will loose all but two games this year”. Wow! I thought to myself, “what an idiot”. Regardless, I know when to say, “Hey I was right” and “You were wrong”. I would just like to also mention when a DE intercepts a pass and runs it back for a TD, that player is something special. The Big Blue D will have bad games this year, so please don't think they are flawless.They, however, will be one of the top 8 units in the NFL, I promise. So if you need a DST or Defense for your fantasy team try to get JUSTIN TUCK and his Big Blue Crew, cause they will be a top team in Sacks and Interceptions this year regardless of their tough schedule.

Be on the watch for LB Gerris Wilkinson he has alot of potential and will definitely look great this year.

Check out the play


Undefeated Teams in the NFL look to Remain Unscathed

September 16, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

мили по-висока в Денвър. I gotta pick the Broncos, and not cause they're at home, but because with Cutler in the line-up they've improved steadily from last year up until this point. The Saints have been up and down since the beginning of last season and now 2008 as well.

Pittsburgh is 2-0. Philly scored like crazy on Monday Night Football putting up 30 points on offense (with the other seven coming off a Tony Romo fumble that turned into a recovery in the End zone by the Eagles). The Steelers have to go into Philadelphia to remain 3-0. When it comes to evading tackles and chucking the ball for big gains and/or crucial 3 rd down conversions, the Steelers' Ben Roethlisberger and the Eagles' Donovan McNabb are two of the best. But, the Steelers are more consistent with their running game, and are usually un-phased on the road (scrap any indication of their 3-5 road record from last season meaning anything for this season. As far as I am concerned, they lost four actual meaningful road games as their fifth road loss came in week 17 against the Ravens when the Steelers had locked up a playoff spot and were playing for nothing. The Steelers did what playoff teams do… win at home, where they were 7-1, and perform decently on the road.). Donovan McNabb is, at times, flustered when playing against a 3-4 defense, so I give the edge to the Steelers to improve to 3-0.

The last teams with a chance to go undefeated are the Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers. This is one of the toughest games of the week to call. It would be a lot easier for me to call if it were at 1:00pm or even one of the 4 o'clock games. If that were the case I would pick Dallas as they have everything Green Bay does; solid defense, playmakers in the running game and passing game, except… Romo is a more proven quarterback than Aaron Rodgers. However, due to the fact that this game is on Sunday Night Football in Green Bay, I go with the Packers to be 3-0 and the Cowboys to be 2-1. But there is one more reason I have to go with Green Bay; Aaron Rodgers has been playing with a chip on his shoulder in the two games this season so far. I have no doubt in my mind he knows that losing this game, or at least a bad performance, could quickly raise any doubts that he had erased with his wonderful performances in weeks 1 and 2. That psyche is enough for me to say that the Packers will win again this weekend.

So there you have my predictions for who will remain undefeated after week 3. There are 10 teams with the chance to improve to 3-0, and two of them, the Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers, barring a tie, are guaranteed to lose. The interesting thing is that based on the match ups, many of them could remain unbeaten. Can't wait to see what happens!

Justin Fargas; Jimmy-Tapped on National TV

September 16, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Mark M

On Sunday Sept 14th Justin Fargas was injured in the second qtr of the Oakland vs Kansas City game. They said he had a pulled groin injury, however we at SportsRoids believe he was viciously assaulted by Pat Thomas. SportsRoids, believes that Justin is a victim of a horrific crime. Justin Fargas's genitals public execution has not only effected his pay, but his starting position. He should be paid back the losses not only from the league but also by Pat Thomas. Fines must be handed out. SportsRoid's wishes to have a moment of silence during the next Raiders match up commemorating the player that was.

The Victim

The Victim

Genital Assasin.

Genital Assasin.

Drunk behind the wheel, Raiders DL Kelly arrested for DUI

September 16, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Mark M

Tommy Kelly has been arrested for DUI after the Raiders first win of the season. Things just can't get any better for the Raiders, with the Coaching controversy as well as the Injury to Justin Fargas. Now their 50.5 Million dollar Defensive Lineman is in Jail. The Raiders organization just can't get a brake. Either way this is just another example that someone else (—NOT–AL DAVIS—) should be behind the Wheel of this organization.

Tommy Kelly, the highest paid DT ever in NFL history, is in Jail on DUI charges

Tommy Kelly, the highest paid DT ever in NFL history, is in Jail on DUI charges

Exposed Defenses

September 16, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Exposed Defenses.
by Madison Mad'nuff

Well In a shootout the dazzled and bewildered all that watched the Cowboys beat the Eagles. These were high powered offenses that torched their opposing defenses all game save for the mistakes.

The Eagles Fell short againt the Cowboys on monday night losing 41-37

The Eagles came up short against the Cowboys on Monday night football losing 41-37

Westbrook loses the game with a fumble on what would have been a scoring drive. Romo keeps the Eagles in the game with a fumble in the ends zone that leads to a touchdown. But if you look at this impressive performance, from a different perspective it is not that impressive. They have both systematically shown how to exploit each others defenses “IN WEEK 2”. Teams now have a blue print for the rest of the year on what works against these defenses, they have been exposed and I mean full nudity. Now they are still very good defenses but , the Eagles are going to have a lot of trouble next week and so are the Cowboys. When a defense gets torched
like both did last night other teams take note. If I am going against the Cowboys I know that if my Quarterback can scramble people will be open, and if it's the eagles I know a little speed and time will make them eat their own blitzes. So what does this mean it means that each team is going to have a very tough time all year from now on. Which means that things are going to turn out how I thought in the NFC East, with Eagles winning the division Cowboys second and Giants coming in third.

Laveranues Coles…CATCH THE DAMN BALL!

September 16, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By The Boinger

Laveranues Coles, #87 WR, New York Jets

Laveranues Coles, #87 WR, New York Jets

Dear Laveranues, Brett Favre is a better quarterback than Chad Pennington. It took Randy

Peyton The General

September 15, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Peyton The General by Madison Mad'nuff

Peyton Manning is a true field general.

Peyton Manning is a true field general.

While it is still too early to tell which teams will remain consistent in the league it must fell good for the Colts to be able to rely on Mr. Consistent Peyton Manning. Is it me? or does this guy will his way to
wins. In the face of a 15-0 deficit and a none existent running game; he pulls off the comeback helping the team score 18 straight to win the game. Subscribing to my “you have to score at least 15 points to beat the Colts rule” I thought that they would lose this game against the Vikings. But again Peyton finds a way to out score you; if you score 14 he gets 15, if you get 15 he gets 18, if you get 35 he gets 36. I mean you can't beat this guy he is unstoppable. A field general to say the least when the game is on the line he always finds a way to pick apart the Defense, it really doesn't make any sense! Because at the beginning of the game he sucked, and then BAM he goes out and wins the game. It's like he knows what the defense is going to do before they do, and then before the snap he makes adjustments “TO THE FUTURE!!!” amazing.

Come Back Sunday

September 15, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Mark M

Today in the NFL, we saw four 4th quarter comebacks performances. This made for amazing football Sunday. The Redskins, Denver Broncos and Buffalo Bills all surpassed their opposition in the final quarter of their respective games.

1. Redskins vs. Saints-

Going into the 4th quarter the skins trailed 15 – 24. They were trailing until Santana Moss beat whipped Tracy Porter for 67 Yards for the game winning late TD. Drew Brees had a chance to stage a comeback yet, he through a INT.

Final Score was 29-24, Redskins.

Santana Moss beats Tracy Porter for 67 yard TD strike

Santana Moss beats Tracy Porter for 67 yard TD strike

2. Colts Vs. Vikings-

Peyton Manning has not looked like himself over the first 2 weeks of the NFL season. However, in the closing quarter of the Game this week, he helped stage a comeback in the 4th quarter. Trailing at one point by 0 – 15 the colts come up with some miraculous plays, to pull out this one. One to defiantly check out would be A. Gonzalez/Reggie Wayne TD in the 2nd half. Peyton who was struggling the 1st half, stayed posed like the true pro that he is and delivered the “W” by getting Adam Vinatieri, in range for a late game winning field goal. I think you know can figure out what the outcome of that was. (Vinatieri is awesome)

Final Score was 15-18, Colts.

Clutch kicker,Adam Vinatieri, celebrates as hits a game winning FG in week 2.

Clutch kicker,Adam Vinatieri, celebrates as hits a game winning FG in week 2.

3. Broncos vs Chargers-

The Chargers have given up two late game comebacks in the last two weeks. It seems that for them no lead is safe. The Broncos, had a great lead going into the 4th. Broncos lead 27-31 over the Bolts going into the 4th. The Chargers scored and placed the broncos up against the proverbial wall. The Broncos answered however, and decided to go for the game winning 2 pt conversion in the closing minutes of the game. Big Rookie Eddie Royal came up with the catch for the Broncos, propelling them to their 2nd win of the NFL season.

Eddie Royal was a rookie standout once again, catching the game winning TD and 2pt conversion in the final minutes of the game.

Eddie Royal was a rookie standout, once again, catching the game winning TD and 2pt conversion in the final minutes of the game.

Final Score : 39-38, Broncos.

4. Buffalo Vs. Jaguars-

With three OL out, the Jaguars knew they were going to have a tough day against Marcus Stroud and his new squad. The Bills were trailing going into the 4th quarter by 3 going into the 4th. The Bills, however came out with the Victory due to the outstanding play of QB Troy Edwards, who completed 20 of 25 passes for 239 yards and 1 TD.

Final Score was 20-16, Bills.

Trent Edwards showed great skill and veteren leadership in week 2 victory against the Jaguars

Trent Edwards showed great skill and veteran leadership in week 2 victory against the Jaguars

Defense Wins Championships?

September 13, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Пила под: Футбол

Randy Moss Highlight Videos

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

ROID RAGE: A SportsRoids Exclusive

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Roid Rage

От Madison Mad'nuff

Steriods, a SporsRoids Exclusive.

Steriods, a SportsRoids Exclusive.

Well you may be thinking, “hey Sportsroids, how come you don't have an article on steroids?”. Well here it is. Steroids is a touchy subject to try a just to bring it up to someone who has used them before. A close source of mine who deals with many NFL players said that they feel over %30 of players in the NFL are using some type of illegal performance enhancing drugs not necessarily steroids. I find this number to be high but my question is why. I feel that steroids users are cheaters, I mean any one can get an A on the test if the answers are right in front of them. Така ли е? The whole entire fun of watching sports is partly in knowing that you yourself could never do the things most of these guys can. So when you add steroids to the mix you lose that. Hell if used roids I'd probably be in the NFL right now running a 4.4 forty at 250 pounds but why put my body through that. If I can't do it through hard work alone I don't' want to do it, and my friends that is the American way. Every time someone brings up roids I think of the movie “The Program” where
Vlatamire gets caught using roids, and the black linebacker is like “what the hell you using that stuff for” and he is like “Come on man some people just aren't as talented like you are man I just want to play” or something like that anyway. I always thought that was funny, how pathetic.

So my question to you is how do you feel about Roids my friends, not Sportsroids we all know you love us, but steroids, let me know.

Early Surprise Teams set to do Battle in Week 2 – Chicago Bears at Carolina Panthers

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Early Surprise Teams set to do Battle in Week 2 – Chicago Bears at Carolina Panthers

От Alex V

This is a matchup that intrigues me deeply. Both the Bears and the Panthers pulled of rather huge week one upsets against Super Bowl contenders while playing on the road. The Bears did it with their usual run-oriented, turnover free passing offense, and ball-hawking defense that brought them success back when they reached the Super Bowl. The Panthers on the other hand blew a nine point lead in the fourth quarter, and still managed to come back and win in the last second of the game.

Dante Rosario Panthers TE

Dante Rosario Panthers TE

I really like this matchup, because there are two possible after-thoughts once the game is over. One of these squads should inevitably win, barring a rare tie. But the game could end up being sloppy where despite bad play, one of the teams had to end the week 2-0. On the other hand, if the winner of the game can play well, or even great, then the January chatter begins to amount. Let's look at how each team succeeded this weekend.

Rookie Matt Forte, seems to have all the tools to be a great NFL RB

Rookie Matt Forte, seems to have all the tools to be a great NFL RB

Пила под: Футбол
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Fantasy QBS: Who to start, Big Ben or Rodgers?

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Нека да погледнем на тези две QBs в ретроспекция. Big Ben Roethlisberger и Аарон Роджърс в неделя и понеделник, съответно, както показа, че те могат да преминат, и тече, ако е необходимо. They didn't just merely pass, but they hit their receivers with good accuracy on a consistent basis. Aside from throwing the ball; they both display a knack for knowing when to leave the pocket and make a play with their feet, whether they're scrambling results in a throw, or a rushing gain of their own.

Aaron Rogers, Starting QB for the Green Bay Packers

Aaron Rogers, Starting QB for the Green Bay Packers

Този уикенд, Big Ben натрупал едва 137 минаваща ярда, но е стигнал до този номер става 13 на 14 с една незавършване идва на вън-на-джоб странична хвърлят за избягване на натиска. На два пъти, без добър външен вид downfield или в междинните платна, минаваща, Бен излетя за общо 17 ярда (8.5 ярда на носене). Арън Роджърс беше също толкова точна ще 18 за 22 преминаване, но той също засечено и избяга с футболния общо осем пъти за 35 ярда (4.4 ярда на носене). В крайна сметка, Roethlisberger завърши с две TD хвърляния и 93% процентни завършване, и Роджърс завърши нощта с 82% на проекта процент, един TD пас

Santonio Holme and Ben Rothlisberger celebrate

Santonio Холм и Бен Rothlisberger празнуват

един бързам TD.

Big Ben Rothlisberger QB Steelers

Big Ben Rothlisberger QB Steelers

С номера като тези, двете куотърбекове доказа, че ефективността може да бъде смъртоносно, дори и ако те не се постигне 200 + минаваща ярда в техните игри. Някои от най-ефективните куотърбекове са тези, които позволяват на играта, за да дойде при тях без да се налага въпроса. If a quarterback keeps to his mechanics at the outset of each play, and lets his natural ability come second, the law of averages is going to have to allow a big-play opportunity to develop here and there, just as much as the law of averages will tend to allow a smart, short-yardage pass or chance for a decent gainer on ground to develop.

С това се каза, този уикенд ще започна Аарон Роджърс, тъй като той става срещу слаба защита в Детройт Лайънс. The Vikings have been constantly hyped up as a potential stout, havoc-wreaking defense for the 2008 NFL season, and Aaron Rodgers obviously didn't think so. As for Big Ben, he too could have a big night, but I see some potential troubled waters as the Browns could end up having a big day defensively after their practical no-show against Dallas this past Sunday. Add that to the fact that they're on live television this Sunday night at home, I would have to plead that Rodgers is the safest bet.


September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · 2 Comments

Fantasy Football Team Cancers

By Mark M

Marques Colston Top flight WR? I think not...

Marques Colston Top flight WR? I think not...

I am writing this post just to make fun of all the people who drafted Marques Colston in the 1st or the 2nd round in their respective Fantasy drafts. I never understood the high Marques Colston pick ever, I know he is tall, strong and talented but has he ever really been a consistent #1 WR for anyone?

Colston just doesn't show up enough each week to be picked high

Colston just doesn't get it done as a fantasy #1 WR

I swear he can have 200 yard games, but sometimes he just doesn't even show up. Let me give you the examples to prove my point. Over Colston's career he has never beaten a team with an above average secondary. Just for example whenever he has played the eagles, he has done nothing special. In 2007, he only had 3 catches for 16 yards with his long being a 11 yard run. Ok, still not satisfied? In 2006, he had 4 catches for 40 yards with a TD, not a bad day but certainly not what you expecting from your top Fantasy draft pick WR. So the eagles may be his kryptonite right? Nope, I would say his big weakness is playing against any team in the NFC east. Colston's best performance was the one that I just stated (40 yards and 1 TD) against any NFC East team. You can't be a top flight receiver if an entire Division of the NFL has your number in my book.

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Matt Cassel Fantasy Stock Rising

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Matt Cassel has a lot of upside even though his last start was in High School

Matt Cassel has a lot of upside even though his last start was in High Schoo.

The final key reason for joining in the “Cassel Run” is the aging defense of the Patriots. New England's defensive unit may be slowing down as the season moves along with veterans starters at the linebacker position; Teddy Bruschi, 35, Mike Vrabel, 34, and Adalius Thomas, 31. Even in the secondary where strong safety Rodney Harrison sits at age 35, the burden may be on the defensive line in a 3-4 scheme to create pressure for the majority of the Patriots' games this season. This should create more situations where the Patriots will be forced to pass, rather than to prefer to pass like last year when going to Tom Brady was the ideal option.

My suggestion… at least don't sleep on the potential of Matt Cassel. What he lacks in game experience, he could wind up making up for in the privilege of having gotten to watch and learn from one of the greats, in Tom Brady.

Bronco Legend Al Wilson Retires

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Al Wilson Retires

Al Wilson punished Defenders for eight season for the Broncos

Al Wilson punished defenders for eight seasons for the Denver Broncos.

I wanted to make some room on SportRoids to give a shout out for the recently announced retiree Al Wilson. For those of you unfamiliar with him, Al Wilson was the starting middle linebacker for the Denver Broncos from 1999 through 2006. Out of a possible 128 regular season games, Wilson only missed three of them, and ended up as the starter in 120.

Al Wilson will be remembered by NFL fans as one of the greatest sideline-to-sideline middle linebackers of the league, and by Broncos faithful as one of the greatest defensive player in Denver history. During eight seasons playing in the National Football League, he managed to make the pro bowl five out of eight. The greatest thing about him was that he proved his worth by being an all-around defensive player by posting stats in all the significant categories, as opposed to being a standout in one or two.

Al Wilson, great sportsman, helps up Tom Brady after sacking him.

Al Wilson, great sportsman, helps up Tom Brady after sacking him.

As a pass rusher, Wilson averaged around three sacks per season for his career. As a coverage man, when he didn't get one of his five career interceptions, he averaged 6.8 pass deflections per year. As a playmaker Wilson averaged a forced fumble per season, and as a sure tackler, averaged 70 solos, 19.9 assisted, for a total of 89.9 per campaign.

Aside from his renaissance man-like statistics, Al was one of the more recognizable emotional defensive leaders of the NFL, and will undoubtedly be missed. He was only 31 years old when he suffered his inevitably career-ending injury on December 3 rd .


Selvin Young Fantasy Stock in Jeopardy

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Mark M

Mike Shanahan has seriously put a fear into the hearts of all those fantasy owners who Drafted Selvin Young for the 2008 season. On Monday Night Football it became painfully apparent that Shanahan did not intend to hand

Selvin Young looks like a great RB but will he get the touches

Selvin Young looks like a great RB but will he get the touches?

the ball to Young after the 1st & 2nd carries of the game. We also saw what seemed as the emergence of RB Andre Hall who was another undrafted free agent signed by Tampa Bay in 2006. Andre played for south Florida and was a standout RB, however, he never got the a look in the draft much like Selvin Young. Nevertheless, Selvin scored a TD late in the game when he was given only 7 carries in the entire game. Regardless, are we going to see a 50-50 split? Who knows? Personally, I don't even think Mike Shanahan knows. Another fact life, that diminishes both these fine RBs is that Selvin and Andre won't be getting many looks in short yardage/goal-line situations. They have Micheal Pittman and rookie Ryan Torain (currently recovering from surgery) for that. Selvin or Andre ? who knows…

Selving Young & Andre Hall practice hard in hopes of being the #1

Selvin Young & Andre Hall practice hard in hopes of being #1.

Big Ten = Big Problems

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Big Ten Problems

от Madison Mad'nuff

Penn State

Penn State

Well Ever since Jimmy T. became the Head coach of Ohio State all he has done is win. But it seems like he has done it, at the cost of the rest of the Big Ten. Wrestling recruits away from the other teams, locking up great coaches, beating the mess out of what is supposed to be his equal…Michigan. Jimmy T. is poised to go to a third straight BCS Championship game, but it seems no one else in the Big Ten will even have a shot. What happened? The Big Ten used to be The Conference that produced the winners. But not any more. Let's face it, they are dismal at best. It is likely Jimmy T., since taking all the recruits and top coaches every year preventing the other teams from getting better, has prevented the other teams in the teams in the big 10 from getting better while his team has arguably been ranked year in and year out #1 at the beginning of the season. Oh how the mighty have fallen and after week one of College football it seems it will be at least another year before the Big Ten is back to its Old Glory.

And speaking of Glory , check this out!

Nice Naked Backs ladies. I love girls that know what they like!

Nice naked backs ladies. I love girls that know what they like!

Who are the Top NFL QBs?

September 11, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Madison Mad'nuff

So there is always the debate about who is the top quarterback in leagues, is it Brady is it Peyton? But the truth of the matter is that after the top three there is huge separation in the field of Quarterbacks. To me there are only three Quarterbacks that are at the highest level right now, and sorry guys Romo and Favre are not part of them. Four years ago I would have given you a top five of pretty debatable equal players but some of those guys couldn't hold up over the time. So without further ado here is my top 5 quarter backs in the league now.

1. Peyton Manning

2. Tom Brady

3. Carson Palmer
These three guys ability and skill are on a completely different level than any other quarterback in the league. Brett has his magic and no one plays the way he does but let's be honest he still has the cannon but
other than last year his last four years have not been that great. Both in ability and Statistics.

4. Donovan McNabb

Donovan Mcnabb

Donovan Mcnabb

Just look at the numbers look at the history and most of all look at the ability when he is healthy he is playing at level much like that of the top 3.

Number five is tricky you can place a lot guys here again just showing how much the level of quarter backs drops once you get past the top three. So is it…Favre?…Romo?…Eli?…Big Ben? or is it maybe even Drew Breeze? Drum roll…

Not quite yet. At first I was going to call it a tie but you can't have a tie in top list that is just plain stupid so I had to bump Romo out. Yes he doesn't make it. Защо? he has only started three years and has never
won a playoff game. Also if you look back in his past 2 years starting he has never cracked top 3 as far as ratings are concerned. Which means this year he probably will not either.

So number five on the list goes to Big Ben,

Ben Rothlisberger #5 our our QB list

Ben Rothlisberger #5 our our QB list

5. Ben Roethlisberger

If you look at his career he has one of the highest winning percentages ever, for the start of his career, He is also constantly in the top five for ratings which encompasses a quarterbacks overall play and most importantly after having a down year in 2006, last year (2007) he threw for 33 TDS silencing critics say what you want about one the most winning quarterbacks ever, one super bowl ring 33 TDS recently, and one of the highest QB ratings for a career ever he is currently playing at the level of a top 5 quarter back in the league. Don't Agree?
comment Then and give me your list. I'm out…

Reggie Bush High School Highlights Video

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Look at Reggie dominating at Helix High in California. Get a rare look at what he looked like before he became the legend at USC.


Down goes Brady, Down goes Frazier!

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Madison Mad'Nuff

Down Goes Frazier:

Look at Tom Brady's leg, legs aren't supposed to bend like that !

Look at Tom Brady's Knee. Ouch!

Down Goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!! Tom Brady went down in week 1 with a torn ACL and now it seems the MVP is out for the season. I don't expect any miracles but with the Patriots you never know. So as all of New England sheds a tear, and the rest of the free world throws a party and no one is partying harder than Miami, Buffalo, and New York fans. Not because a great athlete got hurt. Nope not at all. No one wants anybody to get hurt, but no nobody wants to see Tom Brady play against their teams either. I will admit that I to cracked I rejoiceful smile when I found out, (Come on you did too, admit it) . “What does this mean?” you ask. It means no Super Bowl repeats for the Pats. Wait but it's week 1 you say. Let's be honest with Tom Brady out the Pats are going to struggle all year.

Eddie Royal's steals the Spotlight

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · 5 Comments

by Mark M

Man oh man, the rookie wideouts are getting it done early this year in the season. Desean Jackson put up huge numbers on sunday, and now Eddie Royal stole the show. The Bronco's used him alot. I mean, they had plays for him that were creative and entertaining, built in to showcase his talents. He ran the ball off of WR pitches, he caught a good amount of passes and he even attempted to throw a pass. Eddie Royal was everywhere. Eddie's performance makes it hard to believe that he is even a rookie, because he played like an all star.

Regardless, This guy is a huge fantasy asset. ESPECIALLY In leagues that count kick return yards for receivers. It seems, because of his speed, he has alot of planned looks written in the playbook. If he is available in your league, be sure you pick him up. The opportunity to sign a WR like this out of the free agency comes very seldom in fantasy Sports. Eddie Royal had the best Rookie debut performance for any Bronco ever with 9 grabs 146 yards 1 TD, 2 carrys, 9 rushing yards, and 0/1 passing for 0 yards.

Eddie Royal pulls in a catch during Bronco's minicamp.

Eddie Royal pulls in a catch during Bronco Rookie Minicamp

Eddie Royal's steals the Spotlight

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · 5 Comments

by Mark M

Man oh man, the rookie wideouts are getting it done early this year in the season. Desean Jackson put up huge numbers on sunday, and now Eddie Royal stole the show. The Bronco's used him alot. I mean, they had plays for him that were creative and entertaining, built in to showcase his talents. He ran the ball off of WR pitches, he caught a good amount of passes and he even attempted to throw a pass. Eddie Royal was everywhere. Eddie's performance makes it hard to believe that he is even a rookie, because he played like an all star.

Regardless, This guy is a huge fantasy asset. ESPECIALLY In leagues that count kick return yards for receivers. It seems, because of his speed, he has alot of planned looks written in the playbook. If he is available in your league, be sure you pick him up. The opportunity to sign a WR like this out of the free agency comes very seldom in fantasy Sports. Eddie Royal had the best Rookie debut performance for any Bronco ever with 9 grabs 146 yards 1 TD, 2 carrys, 9 rushing yards, and 0/1 passing for 0 yards.

Eddie Royal pulls in a catch during Bronco's minicamp.

Eddie Royal pulls in a catch during Bronco Rookie Minicamp

Brett Farve video tape of Halloween Prank

September 8, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Brett Farve has been known for being one the biggest jokers in the NFL. He has played pranks on numerous players and teamates over the years. SportsRoids recently got a hold of one of his pranks that he played early in his career with don beebe. Watch as Brett Farve and Don Beebe play a joke on thier coach Mike Holmgrem, on Halloween

Desean Jackson Highschool Highlight Tape

September 8, 2008 by sportsroids · 5 Comments

We have found a Highlight tape of Rookie week 1 Standout Desean Jackson. His college coach said he has 4.29 speed which is freakish. This is his highschool Highlight tape, he looks incredible. Check out Donovan's new weapon in High School at Poly in California. [youtube=]

Donovan Mcnabb Is BACK!

September 8, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Donovan Mcnabb made a lot of Fantasy owner's smile today. He whipped the St. Louis Rams outscoring there offense 38-3. Donovan silenced all his critics today, for at least a week, throwing for 361 yards on 22/33 attempts. He had 3 TDs and no INTs today. His QB rating today was a overwhelming 131.0 rating.

Donovan Carved up the Rams Defense today, leading the eagles to a 38-3 slaughter of the Rams.

Donovan Carved up the Rams Defense today, leading the eagles to a 38-3 slaughter of the Rams.

Another notable performance came form Brian Westbrook, who ran for 91 yards and 1 TD. The Eagles Defense also looked great holding Steven Jackson for less than 50 yards on the ground. Overall the Rams had only 166 yards of Total Offense.

Steven Jackson was stopped cold today by the Eagles. He had less than 50 yards on 14 carrys.

Steven Jackson was stopped cold today by the Eagles. He had less than 50 yards on 14 carrys.

A new Rookie Standout has emerged in the Philadelphia Offense. His name is DeSean Jackson #10. Today in his NFL debut he had 6 catches for 106 yards. Not bad for the rookie return man who was thrust'd into a bigger role by the absence of Eagles WR Kevin Curtis AKA “White Chocolate”. Jackson has the potential to get over 200 yards of production, in any game, counting his special team return yards. This was his original role on the team. So, anyone in a Fantasy league who get points for return yards should jump on this player fast, as he is now a fantasy stud one week into his professional career. -Mark M

The Rookie Desean Jackson was killing it, going for 106 yards on 6 receptions.

The Rookie Desean Jackson was killing it, going for 106 yards on 6 receptions.

Chargers get ousted by Panther's Jake Delhomme and big time TE, Dante Rosario.

September 7, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

In the biggest upset of week 1 on Sunday, Jake Delhomme lead his team back to score a final game winning TD as the clock expired. The final 25-24 was a huge upset for the San Deigo fans. The Panthers ousted the chargers without the aid of their superstar WR, Steve Smith, who was suspended 3 weeks for punching teamate Ken Lucas in minicamp.

Dante Rosario #88 Caught the game winning TD in the Panters big upset to the Chargers

Dante Rosario #88 Caught the game winning TD in the Panters big upset to the Chargers

Standout performances:
1. Phillip Rivers, played very well went 12/17 with 217 yards and 3 TD and no Ints
2. LT- Had 22 touches for 97 yards (0 TD's)
3. Jake Delhomme, was very posed on the final game winning drive. Over the course of the game he amassed 247 yards through the air with 1 TD and no Ints.
4. PLAYER OF THE GAME: Dante Rosario #88 TE Caught 7 balls for 96 yards and the game winning touchdown. Not bad for a little known TE.

-Mark M

Chargers get ousted by Panther's Jake Delhomme and big time TE, Dante Rosario.

September 7, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

In the biggest upset of week 1 on Sunday, Jake Delhomme lead his team back to score a final game winning TD as the clock expired. The final 25-24 was a huge upset for the San Deigo fans. The Panthers ousted the chargers without the aid of their superstar WR, Steve Smith, who was suspended 3 weeks for punching teamate Ken Lucas in minicamp.

Dante Rosario #88 Caught the game winning TD in the Panters big upset to the Chargers

Dante Rosario #88 Caught the game winning TD in the Panters big upset to the Chargers

Standout performances:
1. Phillip Rivers, played very well went 12/17 with 217 yards and 3 TD and no Ints
2. LT- Had 22 touches for 97 yards (0 TD's)
3. Jake Delhomme, was very posed on the final game winning drive. Over the course of the game he amassed 247 yards through the air with 1 TD and no Ints.
4. PLAYER OF THE GAME: Dante Rosario #88 TE Caught 7 balls for 96 yards and the game winning touchdown. Not bad for a little known TE.

-Mark M

Jason Campbell Season Opener in Review By Alex V

September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

I'm gonna start things off with Jason Campbell. He's honestly got a lot of the physical tools that can make for a great quarterback; mobility, a pretty strong arm (as shown when he overthrows it deep), and he's also six feet and five inches tall.

Jason Campbell is not looking very good.

Jason Campbell is not looking very good.

However, he hasn't got the smarts. What is up with the five yard passes when you need six on third down while a defender is ready and waiting to make the tackle after the catch. He threw a yard short on almost every third down in the game when the Redskins called a pass. Surprisingly, the one time his “short-comings” actually worked came on third down and eleven with 20 seconds to go in the first half; The Skins were on the Giants 14 yard line and needed to get down to the eleven so they could move the chains, and lo-and-behold, what does Mr. Campbell do? He throws the ball to Santana Moss at the ten!… who then actually manages to break for 13 yards into the end zone. I mean, you gotta figure that one of his short third down passes would have resulted in a first down eventually. Too bad they all couldn't. After that touchdown, the Redskins continued with more nowhere marches down the field. The Giants pounded the ball down their throats and Brandon Jacobs received 21 handoffs for 116 yards, and Derrick Ward performed more than admirably with 9 caries for 39 yards. Each runner had 5.5 and 4.3 yards per carry respectively.

Brandon Jacobs as made an event out of crushing Redskins.

Brandon Jacobs as made an event out of crushing Redskins.

Son of a bust! Somebody actually thought both these guys would be good?! Now I remember why I don’t read Sports Illustrated

Son of a bust! Somebody actually thought both these guys would be good?! Now I remember why I don't read Sports Illustrated

Anyways, the Giants may want to work on turning more of those field goal drives into touchdowns, and the Redskins may want to start getting Campbell to look just a yard or two further down the field, and try to get Chris Cooley involved, who finished the game with one catch for seven sorry yards. Bottom line, the G-Men did what they were supposed to do. They didn't blow out the Redskins, but their efforts ultimately culminated into a dominant performance, and a resoundingly convincing win.

-Alex V

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Early Predictions – “Don't Worry Be Happy”

September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

The Giants win the Superbowl and the 2008 Opening day game (wo who). Great, and on Sunday the rest of the league goes out to play, meaning at days end half the league will be undefeated and the other half will be left at 000 percent. But to me, the first 3 games of the NFL season are dicey at best. I bet any coach or player will tell you the same. The teams just aren't firing on all 8 cylinders in these three games which is why it is so hard to see just who are the elites early in season. Take for example the Detroit Lions. That year they started off 3-1 and they didn't even make the playoffs. So what am I saying you ask? Whats my point?

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

I just saying don't get to excited if your team wins this week and be sure not to call of work Monday if your team loses, remember there are 15 games left to play and you won't see your real team till week 4 anyways.

-Madison Mad'nuff

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Early Predictions – “Don't Worry Be Happy”

September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

The Giants win the Superbowl and the 2008 Opening day game (wo who). Great, and on Sunday the rest of the league goes out to play, meaning at days end half the league will be undefeated and the other half will be left at 000 percent. But to me, the first 3 games of the NFL season are dicey at best. I bet any coach or player will tell you the same. The teams just aren't firing on all 8 cylinders in these three games which is why it is so hard to see just who are the elites early in season. Take for example the Detroit Lions. That year they started off 3-1 and they didn't even make the playoffs. So what am I saying you ask? Whats my point?

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

I just saying don't get to excited if your team wins this week and be sure not to call of work Monday if your team loses, remember there are 15 games left to play and you won't see your real team till week 4 anyways.

-Madison Mad'nuff

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September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

1. Неделя, 07 септември Cincinnati Bengals в Балтимор Рейвънс 13:00

MY PICK: Ravens

2. Sunday, Sept. 7 New York Jets at Miami Dolphins 1 pm


3. Неделя, 07 септември Kansas City Chiefs в New England Patriots 13:00

MY Прогноза: Pats

4. Sunday, Sept. 7 Houston Texans at Pittsburgh Steelers 1 pm

MY PICK: Pittsburgh

5. Неделя, 07 септември Джаксънвил Джагуарс в Tennessee Titans 13:00

MY Прогноза: Jacksonville

6. Неделя, 07 септември Detroit Lions в Атланта соколи 13:00

MY Прогноза: соколи

7. Неделя, 07 септември Seattle Seahawks на законопроекти Бъфало 13:00

MY PICK: Bills

8. Sunday, Sept. 7 Tampa Bay Buccaneers at New Orleans Saints

MY Прогноза: Saints

9. Неделя, 07 септември Сейнт Луис Рамс на Philadelphia Eagles 13:00

MY Прогноза: Eagles

10. Неделя, 07 септември Dallas Cowboys в Cleveland Browns 16:15

MY PICK: Dallas

11. Неделя, 07 септември Каролина Пантерс в Сан Диего 16:15

MY Прогноза: зарядни

12. Sunday, Sept. 7 Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers 4:15 pm

MY PICK: 49ers

13. Sunday, Sept. 7 Chicago Bears at Indianapolis Colts 8:15 pm

MY Прогноза: Колтс

14 понеделник, 08 септември Minnesota Vikings на Грийн Бей Пакърс 19:00

MY Прогноза: Грийн Бей Пакърс

15 Monday, Sept. 8 Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders 10:15 pm

MY Прогноза: Денвър Бронкос

-Mark M

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NFL recap: Giants Beat Redskins in Season Opener

September 5, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Plaxico Burress out jumps Redskins DB

Plaxico Burress out jumps Redskins DB

The 2009 NFL season opened today, with The Washington Redskins at the New York Giants. There were many things that happened at the game. Micheal Strahan came out of a Novelty Lombardi trophy and made a speech before kickoff. Then many fans at half time boo'd team owner Steve Tisch during “The Cancer Awareness Event half-time show” due to the his new policy on Personal Seating Licenses at the new Giant Stadium. It was pretty sad to say the least. While this man is making a speech about his fathers fight with cancer most of the fans were just booing. No one cared about the man's personal pain over the loss of his father. Nope, not at all. The crowd instead vocalized the fact that they are angry and pissed off about PSL's. Well, we all know NYC can be a tough town. Regardless, The New York Giants topped the Redskins 16-7. Plaxico Burress had another standout performance, picking up where he left off last post season, racking up 133 yards on 10 receptions. Other notable performances were Brandon Jacobs and Justin Tuck. Jacobs ran for 116 yards on 21 carries. Justin Tuck recorded a Sack on the first play from scrimmage.

Justin Tuck Celebrates a Sack

Justin Tuck Celebrates a Sack

It was a great game for the Defending Superbowl Champion New York Giants. The only issue they seemed to have was Red zone production. It is still very early in the season, so we will have to wait and see what they can do in the red zone in the next game on Sept 14th, in St Louis.

-Mark M

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SportsRoids New Logo

September 5, 2008 by sportsroids · 2 Comments

Check out our new logo and let us know what you think.



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Real Men Eat Leather They Dont Wear it

September 5, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Check out LT he eats leather. Hey wait a minute! That could that be a piece of Rudi Johnson's missing luggage! Someone get the Detroit Lions on the phone and call the authorities!

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Mad'Nuff's Superbowl Picks NFL

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Mad Nuff writes:

Well it's the beginning of the season so who is going to win the Superbowl? TO early to tell?

Get your popcorn ready T.O.

Get your popcorn ready TO

Not for me. I am going to call it right here and right now before the season even starts, before a single snap is taken. Bold you say. Very; but I called it when the Steelers won in 05 and called it when the Colts won in 06 before a single snap was ever taken.Will I be right? probably, but the statistics are against me. So who am I saying? You really want to know?

Well For the AFC I have the Pittsburgh Steelers after winning the Division and fighting through the toughest schedule in the NFL the Steelers will push out to the super bowl.

Steelers 2008 Defense huddles up

Steelers 2008 Defense huddles up

For the NFC I have the Dallas Cowboys. Yes the boys, no they are not my boys (I hate them) but I gotta keep it real. After they come in second behind the Eagles in the Division the Cowboys will make the push to the Super Bowl. Which means a repeat of the 1995 match up probably with the Steelers playing the colts in the AFC Championship game again. With the Steelers winning it all. Защо? After losing to the Cowboys in the regular season they will win this rematch because in the NFL the losing team always has the upper hand. So there you have it folks. My super bowl picks, so make sure you write them down, note the time, date and lock it up because I called it.

-Madison Mad'Nuff

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Can you feel that? NFL Highlights tape from 2007

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

KICKOFF IS HERE! Here are some highlights from 2007 to get you ready! (Warning: Low quality image)

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NFL Hits Tape

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment


I hope you all enjoy, this videos of NFL greats laying the wood!

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Rudi Johnson & Tatum Bell and the case of the missing underwear

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Tatum make sure you don't take the football or my underwear.

Tatum make sure you don't take that football or my underwear! (CAUGHT RED HANDED)

Tatum Bell was recently released from the Detroit Lions to make room for aging superstar Rudi Johnson on Monday. Bell was sent home, but apparently before he left he took Rudi Johnson's Gucci luggage with him. This whole debacle was even caught on security camera. The red handed Tatum Bell wrote off the fiasco as a simple mistake. Who knows what to believe? Bell must have been salty about losing his roster spot. We're willing to bet Tatum doesn't even own Gucci bags!

Rudi Johnson of the Detriot Lions

Rudi Johnson of the Detroit Lions

Rudi Johnson told reporters, “I got the bags back – empty,”. He then explained: “he's got a bunch of my underclothes. What he's going to do with that, I don't know. He's got some socks and boxers.”
Understandably, Rudi was not elated with the event. The guy you replace steals your Designer Gucci bags…

Well ,if it were up to me, football players wouldn't have or use Gucci bag's (aka man purse). They would carry their clothing in a burlap sack as the way I envision the players of yesterday may have. Possibly stow their gear in token helmets from bested opposing teams. I mean really, could you see Jack Lambert or Dick Butkus strolling into the locker room with Gucci luggage?

Take a look for yourself:

Dick Butkus would never have had a Gucci bag just look at him.

Dick Butkus would never have had a Gucci bags just look at him.

Jack Lambert would have probobly eating you alive if he saw you with Gucci luggage in the Steel Curtain's locker room

Jack Lambert would have probably eating you alive if he saw you with Gucci luggage in the Steel Curtain's locker room.

I just can not see these men using or being around those you use Gucci or other designer's bags. Sure, they may have chewed down some leather in their day, but we're willing to bet these sports icons wouldn't get caught dead with Designer Man Purses.

-Mark M

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Ricky Williams does it right and becomes “Ricky The Role Model”

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams has been through all the uppers and downers the NFL can offer. He has been through much controversy in his career and it is refreshing to see a player attempt to get it right the 2nd time around. Even though Ricky Williams had gone to school in Texas, he never graduated, and it is great to see him now taking that initiative at age 31 to go back to school. Ricky has enrolled in classes Nova Southeastern University, and plans on trying to become a Doctor one day. Ricky told reporters, ”I like seeing people feel better, and I know what it feels like to deal with pain,”. It is a cold hard fact that Williams knows what it is feels like to deal with pain. The way the dolphins ran him into the ground was awful. His number was called almost 420 times a season for over two years straight. It was just hard to watch. It's good to see that he is doing things right and going back into school, so that when he is done with the game, he as something to fall back on. This story should be all over the news just because it sends out the right message to our youth. Look at Ricky, he is starting to become a role model. Run Ricky Run…….

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

-Mark M

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Ricky Williams does it right and becomes “Ricky The Role Model”

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams has been through all the uppers and downers the NFL can offer. He has been through much controversy in his career and it is refreshing to see a player attempt to get it right the 2nd time around. Even though Ricky Williams had gone to school in Texas, he never graduated, and it is great to see him now taking that initiative at age 31 to go back to school. Ricky has enrolled in classes Nova Southeastern University, and plans on trying to become a Doctor one day. Ricky told reporters, ”I like seeing people feel better, and I know what it feels like to deal with pain,”. It is a cold hard fact that Williams knows what it is feels like to deal with pain. The way the dolphins ran him into the ground was awful. His number was called almost 420 times a season for over two years straight. It was just hard to watch. It's good to see that he is doing things right and going back into school, so that when he is done with the game, he as something to fall back on. This story should be all over the news just because it sends out the right message to our youth. Look at Ricky, he is starting to become a role model. Run Ricky Run…….

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

Ricky Williams of the Miami Dolphins

-Mark M

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Mario Williams “Draft Pick in review”

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

14 sacks Last season, Mario Williams has solidified himself as an Elite DE in the NFL. This should silence all those people who snickered at him being a 1st overall pick over Reggie Bush. This year he should rack up over 10 sacks. With his NFL combine results, its no wonder they took a chance on him. Mario stands at 6 foot 7 inches tall. He weighs 295 Pounds. At the combine he ran a 40 yard dash in 4.66, accomplished 35 reps 225 bench press, and had a vertical jump of 40.5″.

I don't know to me that is freakish athleticism and it sounds like they made the best choice.

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

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Mario Williams “Draft Pick in review”

September 4, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

14 sacks Last season, Mario Williams has solidified himself as an Elite DE in the NFL. This should silence all those people who snickered at him being a 1st overall pick over Reggie Bush. This year he should rack up over 10 sacks. With his NFL combine results, its no wonder they took a chance on him. Mario stands at 6 foot 7 inches tall. He weighs 295 Pounds. At the combine he ran a 40 yard dash in 4.66, accomplished 35 reps 225 bench press, and had a vertical jump of 40.5″.

I don't know to me that is freakish athleticism and it sounds like they made the best choice.

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

Mario Williams of the Houston Texans

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Justin Tuck and The so-called “Giant hole” in Big Blue's Defense

September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

When you rush the passer with speed and you're over 275 pounds, you know your an elite NFL DE. Justin Tuck is one of the few who can say, “I can do it all on the DL” in the NY Giants defensive unit.

Justin Tuck we salute you!

Justin Tuck we salute you!

He has the size and strength of a DT and the speed of an elite DE. Micheal Strahan, has stated that “Justin Tuck” has more talent than he ever did. This year everyone has been down on the Giants because they have lost Strahan and Osi to retirement and injury, respectively. But lets really take a look at that Defensive unit. The core Antonio Peirce is there. He is like the glue that holds this big blue ship together. The Giants have elite pass rushers in Justin Tuck, Mathias Kiwanuka, and possibly Gerris Wilkinson.

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Yes I said it, Gerris Wilkinson. He has great overall athletic ability so if they utilize him correctly he can bring a lot of pressure from the edges.

Regardless of pass rush, they have a very sturdy Secondary. The Corners are Webster (whom pretty much locked down TO Donald Driver Joey Galloway last postseason), Sam Madison (possible HOF), Aaron Ross(Standout Rookie) and Terrell Thomas (2nd Round Pick) as well as Kevin Dockery. Aaron Ross and Corey Webster can track down the ball very well in man or zone coverage. The Giants also have solid Safeties, in Sammy “Good” Knight, James Butler and 1st round pick Kenny Phillips. This secondary can play, I assure you. Big Blue's safeties don't only have the ability to cover but these players are likely to take anyone, who comes over the middle of the field, head clean off. This unit can either pulverize you or run with you. This secondary has a swagger, atheletic ability, and great experience.. They could prove to be one of the better secondaries (Top 10) in the NFL this year.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

-Mark M

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Justin Tuck and The so-called “Giant hole” in Big Blue's Defense

September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

When you rush the passer with speed and you're over 275 pounds, you know your an elite NFL DE. Justin Tuck is one of the few who can say, “I can do it all on the DL” in the NY Giants defensive unit.

Justin Tuck we salute you!

Justin Tuck we salute you!

He has the size and strength of a DT and the speed of an elite DE. Micheal Strahan, has stated that “Justin Tuck” has more talent than he ever did. This year everyone has been down on the Giants because they have lost Strahan and Osi to retirement and injury, respectively. But lets really take a look at that Defensive unit. The core Antonio Peirce is there. He is like the glue that holds this big blue ship together. The Giants have elite pass rushers in Justin Tuck, Mathias Kiwanuka, and possibly Gerris Wilkinson.

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Gerris Wilkinson ready for some extra reps in practice

Yes I said it, Gerris Wilkinson. He has great overall athletic ability so if they utilize him correctly he can bring a lot of pressure from the edges.

Regardless of pass rush, they have a very sturdy Secondary. The Corners are Webster (whom pretty much locked down TO Donald Driver Joey Galloway last postseason), Sam Madison (possible HOF), Aaron Ross(Standout Rookie) and Terrell Thomas (2nd Round Pick) as well as Kevin Dockery. Aaron Ross and Corey Webster can track down the ball very well in man or zone coverage. The Giants also have solid Safeties, in Sammy “Good” Knight, James Butler and 1st round pick Kenny Phillips. This secondary can play, I assure you. Big Blue's safeties don't only have the ability to cover but these players are likely to take anyone, who comes over the middle of the field, head clean off. This unit can either pulverize you or run with you. This secondary has a swagger, atheletic ability, and great experience.. They could prove to be one of the better secondaries (Top 10) in the NFL this year.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

Kenny Phillips has Talent which could land him the starting Safety spot soon.

-Mark M

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NFL KICKOFF only two days away

September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

With NFL, kick off only two days away. We have been seeing many different things going on in the NFL.

Teams are preparing for the season openers and our evaluating Injuries and recent free agency pick ups. Thats nothing new but do you know what is?


One thing that I found very interesting is that I heard a report that Chad Johnson, had legally changed his name to Ocho Cinco.



We all had seen by now that Lynch has been cut by the Patriots whom one can assume will just pick him back up with a lower contract deal.

We also heard the awful news, that Jacksonville Offensive Tackle would not be playing on the field this week because he is fighting for his life, in critical condition. Our prayers go out to him and his family.

Richard Collier was shot in the early morning on 9/02/08

Richard Collier was shot in the early morning on 9/02/08

“The guys are in shock. You see this kind of thing happen all the time on TV, but you never expect it in your own backyard. He's a good dude. I just pray for him and his family and wish the best for them. I'm sure he'll pull through.” explained Fred Taylor, Veteran RB for the Jags.

This pre-season for the Jags has not been that forgiving. Just think only a couple of weeks ago Matt Jones was stuck with a felony drug charge for possession of cocaine, a couple of days ago Fred Taylor was all over the news for being cited as a public disturbance, and now this. The Jags this year seem to be on a bad news media roller coaster.

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Common NFL Defensive Formations

September 3, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

3-4 Defense Formation

3-4 Defense Formation

The 3-4 Formation is a common defensive Formation run by many teams. The “3-4″ stands for 3 Down lineman and 4 Defensive Linebackers. Please Note: The Middle Defensive Lineman is referred to as the Nose Tackle instead of the DT (Defensive Tackle) because he lines up on the nose of the offensive center. Nose Tackles are often the largest players on the defense. Chris Jenkins and Casey Hampton are great examples of what a Nose Tackle should be. Several NFL teams which are known for running this package are The Pittsburgh Steelers, The New York Jets, Baltimore Ravens in addition to many others.

4-3 Defense Formation

4-3 Defense Formation

This is a very commonly used formation and is the basis for most teams in the NFL's defensive play books. Teams which have thrived running this defense are The Giants, The Falcons and The Eagles to name a few.

4-3 Over Defensive Formation shift

4-3 Over Defensive Formation shift

The word “Over” shows us that there has been a shift in the alignment of the Defensive Linebacking core. As your can see in “Over” we see that the OLB shifts to the strong side of the field. How to determine what is the strong side of the field will be discussed in a separate post.

4-3 Defense Under Formation Shift

4-3 Defense Under Formation Shift

“Under” is the polar opposite of the “Over” formation shift call. Look the linebackers have lined up shifting to the other side of the field. This side is the weak side, however, this will also be augmented with an additional post. Please note: The shifted lineback in both of these formation shifts (”Over”&”Under”) line up closer to the line than they would normally. This will aid in stopping the outside run, holding containment of the running backs (Not letting them get outside), as well as free them up for a Pass rush for a sack(tackling the Quarterback behind the line of scrimmage)

Nickle Defensive Formation

Nickle Defensive Formation

This is a Defensive set that is used primarily in passing situations (EG 3rd and 10). We see that one of the Linebackers from the 4-3 defense has been substituted for a member of the defensive secondary(Safeties & Cornerbacks). This new member of the Defense is referred as the Nickelback and that is where this Formation gets its name. Nickel Formation = Nickelback on the field. Това е просто толкова просто. Almost every team in the professional level has this defensive play set.

Dime Defense Formation

Dime Defense Formation

The Dime, is a very aggressive defense against the pass. It is usually not run in possible rushing situations due to its instability against the run. As you can see only one linebacker remains on the field while the rest of them have been substituted out for additional Cornerbacks. This formation is a long passing situation defense and is utilized by most NFL teams. The better a team's secondary is the more likely the dime formation will be effective.

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Jerome Mcdougle pick up by G-Men

September 1, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Jerome Mcdougle was acquired by the New York Giants on 8/28/08

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September 1, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

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