炎が消えてしまう。 トラブルでペンギン。 デトロイトのための新しい挑戦。

による2010年4月8日ビッグトニー · コメントを残す

flames die out 300x200 Flames Die Out; Penguins in Trouble; New Challengers for Detroit.
誰がかつてのメープルリーフの選手イアン·ホワイト、ジャマル·メイヤーズ、マット·スタジャン、ニクラスハグマン、とのVesa Toskalaのカルガリーフレームズのによる買収はプレーオフが欠落して炎をもたらすことはトレード期限に考えたでしょう? どのようにすべての意思決定能力を持っていたカルガリーフレームズの組織​​内の誰も除くEVERYBODYについて】 正直に彼らが​​何を考えていた? トロントは何とかプレーのカルガリーのレベルを上げるだろうと不採算チームから選手の多くを取って長いまだ不十分すべてのシーズンを果たした? これらの人をひったくりではなく、それが何もしなかった、炎のスコアリングの苦境を支援することになった。 おそらく当然のこと、炎の組織はオフシーズン中に大きな変化はほぼすべてのレベルのためにあることを周囲に渦巻く噂がある。 道に沿って行われ、多くの決定は、プレーオフの競合からカルガリーの排除に貢献したが、最近の動きは彼らのストレッチ実行無益で発言がたくさんあった。 今シーズンに入ってくる炎のための目標は、物事がどのように変化するか...最終的に最初のラウンド乗り越えるために面白かった。

火曜日にワシントンキャピタルの手で彼らの6-3損失でディフェンディングスタンレーカップチャンピオンは、ニュージャージー州とワシントンに対する組み合わせ0-10この季節に落ちた。 そのレコードにもかかわらず、ペンギンはプレーオフの最初のラウンドで家庭氷を持っているし、まだアトランティック·ディビジョンの勝利でショットを持っている立場に自らを置くことができました。 しかし、その事実はさておき、東で最高のチームの2に対して0-10記録がプレーオフでペンギンのために何を意味するのでしょうか? レギュラーシーズン頭に頭のレコードはプレーオフに持ち越されませんので、番号自体は、全体の多くを意味するものではありませんが、それは彼らが大きな物語でこれらのチームに何度も失った理由です。 ワシントンは、単純に、彼らはすべての年の人に何をやったかペンギンに行なったし、それがスコアを獲得し、いくつかのより多くのスコアである。 首都」ゲームと多くの専門家約複雑なものは何もありません、それが演奏すると、ベスト·オブ·7シリーズでチームを破っしようとする時間が来るとき防御の欠如はむしろ有害となります同意するものとします。 ペンギンのためのより憂慮すべきは、ニュージャージー州に対する彼らの公演です。 悪魔はペンギンを破ったが、彼らは、彼らがプレイ6試合のそれぞれでピッツバーグを支配するだけでなく、それらの中性ゾーントラップを使用していました。 ペンギンは近い2完封を含むそのうち6コンテスト-なしで唯一の5ゴールを管理する。 これまでよりも今年は一見より頭痛として本当にペンギンを与えニュートラルゾーントラップについて何かがあるようです。 このスタイルは、彼らにタンパベイ·ライトニングは最近、ピッツバーグを2-0で破って完璧にペンギンに対して同じシステムを活用していることをそんなに影響を与えている。 悪魔となりましたライトニングはペンギンを支配する方法については、ブループリントを作成した場合、それはプレーオフで他の良いチームでも同じシステムを使用して、実際には早くも最初のラウンドとして排除さペンギンになる可能性があるという可能性があります。 二つの異なるチームと三つの異なる場面でトラップによってシャットアウト得ることはまぐれではないとニュージャージー州に対してその0-6レコードはピッツバーグのために怖いです理由です。

最後に、それはすべての上だが、西を叫ぶ! すべてのプレーオフスポットがクリンチされており、現在、我々は単にマッチアップがどうなるかを参照するのを待つ。 LAキングス、コロラドアバランチ、ナッシュビルプレデターズ、及びフェニックスコヨーテズはちょうどシーズン前に家から見た後にポストシーズンのプレイのためのすべての有資格を持っているように今年のコンテストは昨シーズンからいくつかの異なる面が含まれています。 それは、西からランクにいくつかの新しい血を見るのは素晴らしいことだろうが、我々は19 番目の年連続でプレーオフに存在しているデトロイト·レッドウィングスの頻繁なチラシを忘れることはできません。 新チームのいずれかが西カンファレンス山の上部にあるレッドウィングスを置き換えることはできますか? 我々は西をプレビューし、私はデトロイト(またはしない)、まだ再び決勝に戻ります理由を与える次回でチューン。



によって2010年3月7日ビッグトニー · コメントを残す

avalanche glory days 230x300 Olympics End but Great Hockey Continues
週間前の今日の世界ではかなりの時間で最高のホッケーゲームの一つを見て、確かにオリンピック大会の最高のゲーム。 アメリカ人によって表現多大な粘り強さにもかかわらず、それはゴールドメダルバンクーバーのゲームを左シドニー·クロスビーが率いるホッケー王カナダだった。 クロスビーの残業目標は、予測不可能な瞬間の過多を生み出しホッケーの幻想的な二週間の終わりをマーク。 それは山の頂上に登った人のカナダ人であったが、最終的には本当の勝者はホッケーファン、世界中のだった。 だから私は、彼らの勝利にカナダ人を祝福するために、一般的にホッケーの試合敬礼するために、そしてホッケーの素晴らしい二週間だったものに別れを告げるために、この時間がかかる。

NHLストレッチ実行がフルスイングに入るようになりました私たちの背後にあるオリンピックで、私たちは別の偉大なホッケーの1セットから移行します。 それはイースタンカンファレンスで11を通して今日スポット6を現状では西の7 番目と8 番目のスポットのための戦いがさらに緊密なレースである間4点の合計で区切られます。 今後数週間にわたって、私たちは、貿易締切で右に移動した、誰がより多くを行っている必要があります誰が見ていきます。 成り上がりフェニックスは、コロラド(バックの上に描か栄光の日々には?)今日組み立てられたそれはこれらのチームの両方のための新しい概念のようにプレーオフの位置を維持するのに十分高いプレーのレベルを保つことができることができれば我々が表示されます。 デトロイト·レッドウィングスはプレーオフスポットを凝固させるために管理することができ、またはそれらは恐竜が地球を歩き回っ以来初めて取り残されるのですか? ピッツバーグペンギンズは、彼らが東に打つためにチームに入れなければならなかった可能性のある欠陥をアップすることを確認するために彼らのラインアップに十分な新しい顔を追加しましたか? ワシントンキャピタルは、最終的に深刻なカップ候補のカテゴリーに身をカタパルトするのに十分な彼らの守備の苦境に対処してきた? なぜボストン - 誰が中東でトップシードは昨年-ませ得点することができないことに対処するために複数の操作を行いましたしませんでした? シーズンの終わりアレックス·オヴェチキンやシドニー·クロスビー前に、より多くのゴ​​ールをしますすべての中に? これらの質問のそれぞれは、来月の上に答えてくれる、それはホッケーファンが6月にスタンレーカップ決勝の最後まで今から甘やかさされようとしていることを意味します。 これは素晴らしいことになるだろうのでそうpuckheadsをギアアップ!


によって2010年2月2日ビッグトニー · コメントを残す

Dion Phaneuf shoots 300x220 Recent Big Trades Amount to Little
OKの右カルガリー/アナハイムとトロント間の瞬間の "大きな取引」に紹介しています。 で、その結果を関係する名前と言った名前の契約のサイズをつかん見出しにもかかわらず、最終的な正味の効果はゼロです。 ヴェサToskalaとジェイソン·ブレイクのためにトロントにジャンSabastienジゲーレを送信しようとする動きで最初に見て、 この取引の勝者? アナハイム、しかしかろうじて。 ジゲーレはスタンレーカップのタイトルと、彼は今3シーズンの大半のために最高の状態で基準以下されており、ジョナスヒラーによってアナハイムのnetminderを出発物質として取って代わられたレコード上のコン·スマイスのトロフィーと信じられないほどの実績を持っていますが。 確かにポイントはジゲーレはせいぜい今の平均であることを同じままで、もはや単にテーブルに何についての追加何自分のキャリアに関係なく、誰の仕事のパフォーマンスに影響を与えないだろういくつかの深刻なオフアイスの問題があった。 ダックス用として、彼らは下り坂になりまし世紀前のように思える何でサンノゼの恒星のプレーオフの実行後にスパイラルが、何をやっていないのVesa Toskalaを得る。 Toskalaは彼のために非常に高い期待を持っていたトロントのための重大な失望している。 近年ではToskalaは、随時、彼に期待偉大さを皆のフラッシュを示しているが、全体的に、彼はたるみの選ぶことができていないし、彼の精神的な強さは確かに問題となる。 したがって、このトレードでgoaltendingどちらのチーム「勝」に関して。 しかしアナハイムにあるためジェイソン·ブレイクの買収のわずかなエッジ全体的なを与える。 ブレイクは単に彼の幸運(同様に、チームの残りの部分)トロントで最悪のためのターンを見ているかなり良い選手です。 おそらく景観の変化は、彼がフォームに戻るために必要なすべてのです。 それは彼らがむしろ一貫滞在のための彼の数字はトロントで悪かったことをそんなにありません。 彼のプラス/マイナス、しかし彼の周りの貧しい才能のボリュームを話すノーズダイブを取った。 ブレイクは、彼の数字を維持することができた場合は、最大それは彼の周りにわずかに良いチームはすべての違いを作ることができることが考えられます。 ブレイクに関するアナハイムための1の注意点は、彼が36歳であるということですので、従来の知恵は彼の数字は非常にすぐに減少開始するためにバインドされていることを示しています。

それは右のそれに来るとき、カルガリーとトロントの他の貿易のためとして、それは基本的にウォッシュです。 ディオン·ファヌフが取引に関与して最大の名前であり、彼は彼の期待が非常に高くなっている多くの年のための強固なプレーヤーれている間。 彼はまで生きるためにまだ持って期待。 おそらくそれは、誰かがノリストロフィーを獲得した後、彼はちょうどそれを行うか、ファヌフで何が起こったかを正確に生じた障害が、多くの点にあると期待していることを予言することは非現実的である。 ファヌフの契約の大きさは、カルガリーしか彼らのBLUELINE上のアンカーであるだけでなく、チームをリードしていないトンに彼を期待していたことを証明ニクラスリドストロムの同類は非常に多くの年のデトロイトで行われている無形資産とのプレーオフ時間を来る。 それは単にファヌフのために起こったと率直に言って、トロントで起こることはほとんどありませんしていません。 ファヌフのスタイルは私の意見では、彼は実際に今トロントでプレーオフ悪い結果として、遊びの西カンファレンスのスタイルのために多くの方が適しています。 この契約に投げ込ま選手の残りの部分として、それはどちらか、誰が言うことができるようになりますそうだチームは、それらを取得する際に、悪い動きをした。 しかし、同じトークンによって、任意のプレイヤーが本当にインパクトの多くを作るとは考えにくいです。

最後に、貿易の前面には、クリス·ヒギンズとアレスKotalikためのレンジャーズへカルガリーからのOlliヨキネンとブランドン·プラストの動きである。 ヨキネンがちょうど二つの季節前にフェニックスからカルガリーに行く以来の失望が、何もなかったので、ここでの大きな勝者はカルガリーである。 ヨキネンは彼の信じられないほどのゴールスコアリングの腕前を持つ約束の地へのカルガリーを導く手助けすることが期待された。 残念ながら、それは単に、たとえば今年は500万ドル作り、それを表示する11の目標を持っている人ヨキネンのためであることを意味していなかった。 11ゴールをすることは守備志向defensemenための 3または4 行目のウィンガーのための素晴らしい成果であるが、あまりにも悪いヨキネンはそれらのでもない。 それは彼が私達が確かに知っニューヨーク一つのことに移動するには反応するだろう、それは彼らがカルガリーに取得し、彼らはまだヨキネンとして失望をできるだけ多くなくなり、一度KotalikとPrustはちょうど約何でもできるがいかに不確実だがされている。 この貿易の明確な勝者はカルガリーフレームズです。 もちろん、すべてのもののように、唯一の時間は、これらのチームと何が起こるか教えてくれますが、今のそれははるかにこれらの動きの結果として変化しますしないように思える。


によって2009年12月8日ビッグトニー · コメントを残す

Canadiens Sabres Hockey

1.フィラデルフィアフライヤーズは、彼が成功のかなりを経験していたもので、四季の後にジョン·スティーブンスを解雇した。 フライヤーズはひどいとスティーブンだった2006年から2007年シーズンに彼らはペンギンによって排除されたイースタンカンファレンス決勝にチラシをリー​​ドすることにより、その季節を追跡。 そして、もちろん、昨シーズンスティ​​ーブンスは彼らのクロス状態のライバルが再びプレーオフからそれらを排除見るために再びプレーオフでフライヤーズを持っていた。 確かに、負けについての良いものは何もないが、リーグで最高の、最終的には最高のチームの一つによってプレーオフから排除ばかりで恥は本当にありません。 これまでのところ、このシーズンフライヤーズは平凡だったが、現在は中東で13 番目に座ってプレーオフの競合の外にはほとんどありませんが、それそれの前のすべてのチームの手でゲームはそれがプレーオフスポットに属しているだろう、手にこれらのゲームに勝つので、もしフライヤーズ。 その後、スタンレー獲得したカップを-が、私は考えていないコーチングの変更を行ったユーザーピッツバーグ昨年変更され、この初期のシーズンコーチング変更-と私はmidseasonコーチングについての私の言葉を食べることを余儀なくされたと何が起こるかはまだ分からないそれはフィラデルフィアのための違いの1ビットを行います。 そこにチームの才能のかなりの量であり、レイ·エメリーはゴールではかなり良いされているが、チラシの問題はスケートで戦うのではなく、ホッケーの試合に勝つためにしようとに重点を置く。 物理的なプレーは、実際には重要であり、優勝チームになりつつに向けた重要な一枚だが、規律されているが、勝利の中心部に短剣です。 彼らはまた、彼らの最後の9試合で、彼らは、7つの異なる機会に少なくとも三つの目標をあきらめたので、ネットである誰の前でより良い防御をプレイしている。 新監督ピーター·ラバイオレットに犯罪しかし、誰それはスティーブンスに持っているものよりフライヤーズは彼らが誰であるかがないので、私はシーズンは彼と一緒にどんな異なって行くとは思わない。 (フライヤーズに私のプレシーズンの考えについては、次のリンクを参照してくださいhttp://sportsroids.com/2009/09/27/eastern-conference-outlook/

私はアレックスオベチキンは、彼が本当に汚い選手として彼自身の名前を作っているプレー見て楽しむだけ多く2.。 北米のすべては、セルゲイGoncharの彼の膝上膝ヒットは昨年の第二ラウンドプレーオフシリーズです見て、今オヴェチキンはハリケーンdefensemenティムグリーソンに同じことをやって懸濁液を務めている(オヴェチキンも、同じプレーで負傷)。 そこにいくつかの他の疑わしい演劇はオヴェチキンのレコード上にあり、彼らが構築し続ける場合、それは彼のイメージを汚染チェックします。 リーグ内の他のプレイヤーは、彼の信じられないほどの攻撃的な存在感が、ホッケーとオヴェチキンができるよりもそれ以上は名誉のゲームであるとオヴェチキンが彼の汚いプレーを続けた場合、彼は静かに行くことはありませんいくつかの非常にタフな男に答える必要があるでしょう。ゲームに影響を与えることはできません。 だから私は、キャップコーチブルース·ボードローだ場合、私は彼自身のよりよい制御を維持し、そうでなければキャップのチャンピオンシップ願望のために汚いプレーを停止しなければならないことをオヴェチキンにそれを明確に作っています、重大な危険になります。

3.ハリケーンズは、ディフェンディングチャンピオンのペンギンを破って14試行で今季初道路の勝利を得た。 ハリケーンはとても悪いですなぜheadscratcherが、今年の彼らの最初の道の勝利に私からそれらへの皮肉なお祝いです。 ここでは、より多くの道路勝への...またはとにかく、少なくとももう1つ。

4.最近2をイン - 行失ったバッファローセイバーズは静かにライアン·ミラーの信じられないプレーが率いる非常に成功したシーズンを抱えているにもかかわらず。 いつでもあなたのnetminderあなたはおそらく多くのゲームに勝つために行くより多くのなら信じられないほどの1.90 GAAを掲示されている。 しかし、このような偉大な数字にもかかわらず、ミラーは一人で行くことができないと、これまで彼は確かではありません。 ティムコノリーとデレク·ロイは右翼ジェイソン·ポミンビルとそう遠くないの後ろにそれぞれ19と18ポイントとトマスバネックで21点(各6ゴール15アシスト)で道を切り開いている。 バッファローは、派手なチームではないが、彼らは非常に一貫性があり、先にスコアボード上で自分自身を見つけるゲームの終わりに来て、それが問題となります。 彼らのパワープレーもセイバーズは外に滞在することができます彼らにリーグで21回「ベスト」を置く恒星よりも小さいですが、彼 ​​らはリーグで最高の3 番目であるペナルティキルでそれに対抗し、それは非常に重要です/それが印象的な、ペナルティボックス。 セイバーズはストレッチランで怪我によって押しつぶされる前に、昨年非常に良好であったが、今のところ、このチームは、昨年のよりも優れていると、彼らはこれを続ければ、東は、あなたがそれを知っているる前あなたが揺れれますので、通知にする必要があるセイバーズの手と次のラウンドに彼らに幸運を希望する。


コメントをするすべての人にPSは、そんなにありがとう、そうすることを続けてください。 (あなたが気づいている可能性がある)彼らの多くは、サイトに投稿されていませんが、これらがそのように、彼らはすぐに掲載されますのために来て、コメントを保管してください掲載されているとき、私は制御できません。 みんなありがとう。


によって2009年11月23日ビッグトニー · 1つのコメント

 Three Cheers for Shanahan
私はこの短いと甘い維持します。 発表は、ブレンダン·シャナハンが正式に21非常に成功した年後にNHLから引退したことをこの一週間降りてきた。 シャナハンは、複数のスタンレーカップ選手権、オリンピック金メダル、世界選手権、そして(今ホッケーのワールドカップとも呼ばれる)カナダカップのタイトルを獲得した。 ゲームは毎回行っていたどんなにはシャナハンは彼ができる攻撃的なゾーンでパックを触れたので、彼が果たした-からの彼の5 NHLが停止またはチームカナダ·シャナハンのための彼の時間の誰も約だけの追随を許さないだった存在を提供どんなにスコア。 ブレンダン·シャナハンは非常に立派な、すべての若い選手がに目指すべき道であるように、上と氷オフ自分自身を行った。 彼はクラスの行為だったとNHLはすべてのそれらの年に彼を持っていることのために優れていた、おそらく彼はNHLと彼の引退でホッケーの試合の両方に貢献していきます。


によって2009年9月30日ビッグトニー · コメントを残す

clarence campbell conference Western Conference Outlook



デトロイト·レッドウィングスは再び最高の最高であると彼らは単に彼らがビートをスキップせずにリロードするために作成されてきた農業システムのマシンを使用しますハドラーとホッサを失ったにも関わらず。 デトロイトの唯一の未解決の問題は、3月まで10月から昨年基準以下の数値を出すクリス·オズグッドのレギュラーシーズンプレイである。 プレーオフで、最大表示すると、常にオズグッドのMOされているが、彼は昨シーズンだったので、彼は今年のように矛盾している場合は、デトロイトの部門の他のチームの台頭はプレーオフスポットのために戦って強大なレッドウィングスを見つけることができる。

観光限りパトリック·ケインが氷からトラブルのうち滞在することができますようにシカゴで氷の上に探しています。 パトリックシャープと(特に)ジョナサン·トウーズリターンと一緒にケインベテランジョン·マッデンとマリアン·ホッサはすでにスター勢ぞろいの名簿に追加されていながら。 ニコライKhabibulinは今エドモントン·オイラーズのメンバーであるとして北シカゴの唯一の本当の未知への対応のような多くは、ネットである。 パイプ間ホークスのために安定性を提供するための最も経験豊かな、そしておそらく最も可能性が高い人は、偉大さの兆しを示しているクリストバルユエです。 最終的に取得し、ゴールキーパーが行くように開始する仕事を続けるどんなにので、シカゴを行く。 彼らのnetminderがconsistenly良いであれば、シカゴはそれをすべてに勝つ、そうでない場合、彼らはしませんが、プレーオフは彼らの将来にあるいずれかの方法することができます。

コロンブスは主に驚きの新人netminderスティーブ·メイソンのバックに乗って最後のシーズンポストシーズンホッケーの最初の味を得た。 メイソンは、昨年のように個々の成功と同じ量を楽しむことはありませんが、チームがより良い全体的な運賃になるというのが私の競合である。 リック·ナッシュはブルージャケッツ上の星の短いリスト上にあるが、何コロンブスは、他のチームの上に持ってすることは凝集性である。 このグループは一緒に失うことの多くを経験してきたと、昨年、彼らは勝利の味を経験した。 昨年の成功は彼らに良いと感じたし、ポストシーズンで間違いない試合に勝つしないの苦味が口の中に苦味を残し、唯一のより良いチームになるために、互いのために懸命に働くためにそれらを一緒にもたらすでしょう。

バンクーバーは昨年ずっとポストシーズンにロベルトルオンゴに乗ってアレックスバローズのスティックにプレーオフからセントルイス·ブルースをスイープ。 プレーオフ(一部によれば)アレックス·バロウズのための一種の出てくるパーティーだったとカナックスのファンはそれだけということでした期待しなければならない。 Sedinの双子をロックすると、バンクーバーに深刻な候補であることのいずれかの希望のために巨大だったが、過去数シーズンは、彼らの罪のすべてのためSedinのに頼ることはできないことを示している。 3の実線を持つことは、彼らが制限されるために彼らのポストシーズンの成功の原因は数年前から欠けているものです。 マチューシュナイダーの経験を追加すると、非常に彼らのBLUELINE向上しますが、それは次のレベルにこのチームを下支えするためにライアンケスラー、前述のアレックス·バローズの同類までとなります。 ラウンド1が与えられますが、ラウンド2以降バンクーバーまでです。

カルガリーフレームズにとっては短いと甘いです。 彼らは最初のラウンドの終了の彼らの欲求不満を取り、より多くの音ホッケーに翻訳するのに十分な規律を持つことになります(これらは今年もやるように)彼らはプレーオフの1を丸めるためにそれを作ることができますが、炎のためにまだ再質問です。 それはそれは量がチームとして自分自身をより良くするために精神的な不屈の精神を持つだ、もはやカルガリーためのスキルについて、彼らはそれを持ってません。

ロサンゼルスキングスは、おそらく今シーズン西カンファレンスの中で最も興味深く、刺激的な話になります。 ほとんどすべてのpuckheadsこのチームは上昇傾向にあるが、私だけでなく、彼らが増加傾向にあるが、彼らは彼らの最初のラウンドプレーオフシリーズに勝つことだと思うことに同意します。 他のシーズン前の予測が行くようにそれは限りバインドで私を置きますが、私はこの1つは、私は彼らは私が西から決勝に進出すると思うチームをプレイするシナリオを除いて作る、他のすべての予測に取って代わる言っていることを確認。 一般的に私は、全体としてのキングス組織がやっていることで、単にものと確信しています。 彼らは長年にわたって彼らのなめをとっているが、それらの塊から学ぶ多くの時間を費やしていると重要な分野でいくつかの非常に才能のある選手を入れている。 彼らは昨年のゴールで非常に信頼性があったあるダスティン·ブラウン、アレクサンダーフロロフ(彼のキャリアのプライムに向かって)、ジャック·ジョンソン、瓶詰めストール(また、このプライムに向かって)とジョナサン·クイックでは良い、若い選手がたくさんあるだけ良くなる可能性が高い。 この若い才能に加えて、彼らはただ、ピッツバーグ·ペンギンズとスタンレーカップチャンピオンをオフに来ているライアン·スマイスとロブ·スカッデリでベテランを追加した。 キングスは、このチームは今、成功するために態勢を整えて適切なタイミングで適切な場所で右の人々を持っているし、怪我がなければ。

動きの量が、移動の質の面でチームを変更するには、少しを行っている。最後に大統領のトロフィーを獲得しているサンノゼシャークスは恒星となっている。 ダニーヒートリーは犠牲にアップ選ばれたジョナサン·チーチュー-とこのチームに素晴らしい追加となります。 レギュラーシーズンの成功は、(それはそう多くの西のチームの真の)サメのために問題となっていないが、ヒートリーは西に勝つために、深刻な競合にこぶの上にそれらを置きます。 ヒートリーは、目標の多くを得点することはできませんが、彼は彼がまだ中に別のステップに沿ってサンノゼを移動しようとしているプレーができるように彼の肩上のチップと一緒に彼の経験は、オタワのものを表示するようにする前に、成功のかなりの量を享受してきた右方向。

どんな音を立てることができる唯一の​​他のチームは、彼らがプレーオフはアナハイム·ダックスされていることを確認しなければならない。 彼らの経験は、残りの上にそれらを設定しますが、残念ながら、おそらく彼らの最大の資産は彼らの最大の没落あるものです。 アヒルは、全ての位置でさらに別のステップを失っているだけ、彼らは多分長いプレーオフ実行の新鮮な脚を持つ選手の若いグループの移動を行うことができますトレード期限まで近い滞在することを期待することができ老化チームです。 エドモントンは、そう遠くないのどちらかの背後にあるが、彼らはスターパワーと西で成功するために必要な物理遊びの及ばない。 Goaltendingはエドモントン最強の側面ですが、彼らはどちらか彼らを得ることはありませんので、それは同様に昨年本当だった。 他のチームも、彼らはそこに着く一度音を立ておろかプレーオフに得ることの祈りを持っていません。

でのすべてのことは、私は、彼らがネットに必要なものを見つけると、昨年よりもさらに一歩を行くようにシカゴブラックホークスが西の外にそれを作るためにチームになると思うと述べた。 シカゴは、東を取るためにピッツバーグ·ペンギンズの疲れグループを長持ちしますボストンブルーインズにかかります。 これはNHLのためのマーケティングの夢になります素晴らしいオリジナルの6マッチアップを設定します。 信じられないほどの背中と第四の戦いの後スタンレーカップ決勝は再びシカゴブラックホークスは最終的にマリアン·ホッサは2009年から2010年スタンレーカップチャンピオンズとしてスタンレーカップをホイストすることができます、その時点で7試合を行く! 夜の皆を開いてお楽しみください!

Eastern Conference Outlook

September 27, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

penguins prince of whales winner Eastern Conference Outlook

As the hour draws closer and the puckheads continue to salivate over the tease that is the hockey preseason it is time to supplement the appetizers before the hockey fest begins.

Eastern Conference Preview:

I'll start by predicting who I think will make it to the playoffs (in no particular order) then we'll look at least briefly at where each team stands. So here are the top eight teams in no particular order:
Pittsburgh Penguins, New York Rangers (Carolina Hurricanes?), New Jersey Devils, Philadelphia Flyers, Boston Bruins, Buffalo Sabres, Montreal Canadiens, and the Washington Capitals.

The Pittsburgh Penguins should probably be the favorites going into the season because their team is a lot the same and they are the champs until someone else wins the title. They did lose Rob Scuderi but overall you have to like their chances to defend their conference title.

The New York Rangers lost Scott Gomez but have added Marian Gaborik who—if he can stay healthy—will add scoring power to a pretty solid but not spectacular line-up. The nice thing about the Rangers is that even if they do not score a ton of goals Henrik Lundqvist will keep them in most games, will steal a few, and will overall give them a chance to win most every contest they are involved in. Having a chance to win every game is not actually winning them however and that's where Gaborik is going to be important for them. If Gaborik stays healthy he scores enough goals to get them enough points to get them into the playoffs. In the event that Gaborik does get hurt that will leave New York on the outside looking in and will open the door for the Carolina Hurricanes to sneak into a playoff spot. Carolina too is a solid team but Cam Ward cannot do it alone and they will not be able to rely on Jussi Jokkinen to play all year the way he did in the playoffs. But if any team should fall off at all (ie the Rangers) that opens the door for the Canes. Either way, neither team will be a serious Stanley Cup contender.

The New Jersey Devils are channeling their inner 1995 by bringing Jacques Lemaire back to captain the ship. Nothing has changed for the Devils since 1995 and as a result they can continue like a well-oiled machine with their new, old, coach. New Jersey is very much a system team so with Martin Brodeur playing behind that system you have to pencil them into the playoffs and as championship contenders. Some players have changed since last season's first round exit to Carolina but it matters not as the methodical Devils will be back in the playoffs again.

過去2年間のそれぞれにおいてフィラデルフィアフライヤーズは氷の上で非常に良いチームを入れているが、ピッツバーグペンギンズの形で決勝に向かう貨物列車に遭遇しました。 フライヤーズはベテランクリス·プロンガーを追加することで厳しい得たが、彼らの愚かさは間違いなく目標にされている、それはまだ働いなければまだ問題です。 フィラデルフィアは、評決はgoaltendingの問題を解決するかどうかに出まだあるので、(1はエメリーの態度は、それが解決しますよりも多くの問題が発生しますと主張している場合があります)戻って北米にレイ·エメリーを誘惑するために池を越えました。 ボトムライン、フライヤーズ才能がプレーオフにそれらを取得し、その時点で、彼らが必要なすべてのスタンレーカップを獲得する立場に自分を置くために固体(壮観ではない)ネットプレーである。

彼らの才​​能レベルは昨年と同じロットであるため、ボストンの将来は明るいです。 フィル·ケッセルはボストンが上から下に自分のチームとどのように自信を持ってに話すいくつかのドラフトピックのために取引された。 彼らはまだキャラがBLUELINEを配乗している、彼らは帽子のドロップで得点することができます。 ありティム·トーマスについての質問の多くは、昨年だったと、彼は今年も、同じ質問に答える必要があります。 トーマスは一貫して再生することがある場合にもブルーインズは、昨年の経験から学びますし、少なくとも東の決勝に到達するためにお気に入りを考慮すべきである。

バッファローセイバーズための鍵は、健康を維持することです。 Last season Buffalo was a clear playoff team until injuries struck them like a wrecking ball and their playoff hopes came crashing down. So if the Sabres' stars stay healthy they will be a force, if they do not then Buffalo is not a force… it's that simple.

The Washington Capitals can score like none other. In the offensive zone 5-on-5 and on the power play they are just about unstoppable. The Caps are greatly lacking defensively but certainly score enough to make up for that over the course of a long season. The biggest downfall of Washington last year was in net and that is their greatest unknown once again. Semyon Varlamov was certainly much better than anyone could have expected in the playoffs last season but is he the answer long term? There is no doubt that Varlamov has talent but he is still young and with being young come growing pains that every player experiences. If Varlamov grows quickly then there's reason to believe the Caps can win it all, but if he doesn't then it the fans in DC will be “rocking the red” to the second round of the playoffs and no further.

モントリオール·カナディアンズは、オフシーズンに3つの非常に良いことをした:コワリョフを手放す、ブライアン·ジョンタとスコットゴメスを拾って、(私はすでに言及しなかった)コワリョフを処分した。 アレクシーコワリョフは非常に才能のある選手だが、彼はあまりにも矛盾していましたし、自分自身で十分なドラマを作成し、所定の位置にあまりにも多くのドラマを引き起こした。 Giontaとゴメスは氷の上でリーダーとしての安定性を提供し、スコアボード上の点を置くことができます。 両選手はそう、それぞれが完璧に役割を再生する方法を知っているニュージャージー州で時間を過ごした。 限りキャリー価格として彼の自信を維持し、ファンはこのチームに彼らが非常に危険なことができチャンスを与えることができます。

会議の残りの部分についてはについて話をするのは非常にほとんどありません。 ニューヨーク·アイランダーは明らかにそのように再構築している誰もが、彼らから望むことができる最高のは、ジョン·タバレスと会社はただのゲームからゲームに改善することである。 私の推定では島民は彼らがそれを行うよりも氷オフ(事業終了に)はるかに多くの問題を抱えている。 島々は、彼らが再構築され、時間内に良いチームになるに向けてのステップを取っている知っている。 これはライトニング、スラッシャーズ、上院議員、メープルリーフス、およびパンサーズと対照的である。

タンパは才能をたくさん持っているが、昨年であり、どこでもそれらを取ることができますゴールキーパーを持っていないと何もしなかった。 アトランタは単なる不良であり、おそらくすべての可能性で非常に改善されません。 オタワのコーチを変え続け、チームとしてゲル化しないダニーヒートリーで彼らの最高の選手の一人を失っている、とコワリョフを追加する彼らのチーム(非常にダム)を改善/安定化するための最良の方法であると判断しました。 トロントは、彼らが今勝つか、将来のために構築しようとするかどうかを決定することはできません。 昨年、彼らは一年のほとんどのための非プレーオフチームのトップに滞在するのに十分な才能を持っていたし、今年、彼らは同じ場所約内にある。 最後に、(bouwmeesterを失った後の)才能の全体の多くを持っていないフロリダパンサーズが非常に悪い状況になり多くのファンの支持を得ることはありませんです。

だから、一言で言えば東は(それを信じるかどうか)です。 次の西のプレビューのための時間だけでなく、私のスタンレーカップ決勝でのチューニングは、ピックアップし、勝者。


August 5, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment

Forever Banned From The Game But Acquitted In Court

Forever Banned From The Game But Acquitted In Court

私は頻繁に天候の質問を熟考したか、ピート·ローズは殿堂に入るべきではない。 通常、私の応答は、「ローズが入った場合、その後ジョー·ジャクソンはまた、中に取得する必要があり "で終わる。 それらのいずれも、これまでに取得しなければならない理由しかし、今私は最終的に実現する。

The Baseball Hall Of Fame in Cooperstown, New York is where Babe Ruth is immortalized forever. Think about that for a minute. George Herman “Babe” Ruth. It is wholesome. It is All-American. It is pure. The Hall Of Fame is the Vatican and Babe Ruth is Jesus. He did not ever play there. He did not invent the game but he was its savior. Was he perfect? No. Let he who is without flaw cast the first stone. But this is not about Ruth or Jesus Christ for that matter.

No, this is about integrity. This is about why steroids IS a big deal. I know that people are sick of it and tired of hearing about it. People are blind and also numb to the whole steroid issue. And that is fine. I am too.

But let me present it to you this way: How many people have been banned for life by throwing a Worlds Series, Super Bowl, or even a Stanley Cup since “Shoeless” Joe Jackson was banned for life?

How many people have been banned from baseball for betting on games since Pete Rose was banned for life?

The answer to both is NONE! Yet I assure you both Shoeless Joe and Pete Rose would gladly trade in their spots in the Hall Of Fame to come out “Not Guilty” You can not have your cake and eat it too. Simply put: If you wanna play you gotta pay. That is the precedent set forth all those years ago by Kennisaw Mountain Landis. It is the very reason why we even have a Commissioner in the first place; to preserve the integrity of the sport.

If Jose Canseco had been questioned and subsequently banned from baseball back in 1986 we would never have had a “steroid era” If Allan Huber Selig had done the right thing and demanded strict drug policy in 1994 without exception we would never have had to suffer through the pain of this era. Shame on you Mr. Selig. SHAME ON YOU!

If we continue to turn a blind eye and not care about this issue it is never going to go away and is only going to get worse. Allowing anyone from this era entrance to the Hall Of Fame after having been found “dirty” would be reprehensbile.

If you want to clean up the sport BAN THEM FOR LIFE! And let them know it now rather than leave it up to some bleeding heart sportswriter twenty years from now.


August 5, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment

私は頻繁に天候の質問を熟考したか、ピート·ローズは殿堂に入るべきではない。 通常、私の応答は、「ローズが入った場合、その後ジョー·ジャクソンはまた、中に取得する必要があり "で終わる。 それらのいずれも、これまでに取得しなければならない理由しかし、今私は最終的に実現する。

The Baseball Hall Of Fame in Cooperstown, New York is where Babe Ruth is immortalized forever. Think about that for a minute. George Herman “Babe” Ruth. It is wholesome. It is All-American. It is pure. The Hall Of Fame is the Vatican and Babe Ruth is Jesus. He did not ever play there. He did not invent the game but he was its savior. Was he perfect? No. Let he who is without flaw cast the first stone. But this is not about Ruth or Jesus Christ for that matter.

Lemaire Returns to Devils

July 14, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

lemaire devils Lemaire Returns to Devils
After a shocking and disappointing first round exit at the hands of the Carolina Hurricanes the New Jersey Devils were searching for a coach after Brent Sutter resigned. New Jersey's search has come to an end and the name will be familiar to Devils fans everywhere as Jacques Lemaire was rehired after first leaving the team in 1998. Lemaire was there for the beginning of the New Jersey glory days leading them to their first Stanley Cup title in 1995 which came about by perfecting the neutral zone trap which in a lot of ways contributed to the changes in the rules since the NHL's return from the lockout of 2004-05. Although New Jersey later won to Cups without Lemaire (2000 and 2003) they have not returned to the winner circle since then despite a fair amount of regular season success.

I think it is unlikely that Jacques Lemaire will be able to push New Jersey back over the top because of how much the game has changed. Although the neutral zone trap is still an effective strategy to winning a lot of games in order to win a championship you need a balance of great defense and scoring. With the changes made to the game allowing it to open up more (less clutching and grabbing) it hinders part of what yielded the immense success of the Devils in the mid 1990s and pre-lockout portion of the new millennium. Having a goaltender like Martin Brodeur certainly makes up for a lot of shortcomings but it only pushes New Jersey so far in the right direction but not quite over the top. The Devils have not made any big ticket off-season acquisitions and if they want to contend for the Stanley Cup they will probably need to get another big scorer to go along with Zach Parise's 45 goals and 94 overall points. Other players like Patrick Elias and Jamie Langenbrunner are very good players but they are not top scoring forwards and in my judgment unless one of those guys steps up or the Devils get another big-time scorer, Jacques Lemaire will not be able to push New Jersey over the top.

Team Cohesion = Championships, Not Amount Spent

July 2, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

hossa break Team Cohesion = Championships, Not Amount Spentscott gomez rangers Team Cohesion = Championships, Not Amount Spent
When free agency began there were a lot of teams with a lot of needs and as a result the early hours have seen plenty of shuffling around. It's funny to see how quickly teams respond to players leaving, for instance there is the news that Dwayne Roloson is heading to Long Island and shortly thereafter Edmonton makes a deal to acquire Stanley Cup winning netminder Nikolai Khabibulin. Teams spend a lot of money trying to improve their rosters and to play a bit of cat and mouse with their rivals. There are even GMs who learn from other GMs how to circumvent the salary cap to get their man; last year Detroit signs the likes of Zetterberg to long term deals and low and behold the rival Blackhawks do the very same thing when they signed Marian Hossa to a 12 year deal. So does spending all of this money, playing mind games, etc. really result in better chances at winning the Stanley Cup? Ask the pre-salary cap Detroit Red Wings and the answer will be yes but that system has not lended itself to very much success otherwise. Consider the Montreal Canadiens and New York Rangers of the past few years; so much money spent on those considered to be big stars but yielded very little success compared to expectations.

talbot with cup Team Cohesion = Championships, Not Amount Spent

A great example of what it takes the win is the current Stanley Cup Champion Pittsburgh Penguins. Sure they have the superstars in Malkin and Crosby but anyone who watched the playoffs knows their performances alone were not enough. Guys like Staal (a star perhaps in the making but not their yet), Kennedy, and Talbot played key roles in bringing the Penguins the title and clearly would not have won without them. Picking up a few pieces along the way (not to mention a timely coaching change) and the Penguins had the cohesion needed to take home the Cup. We will know more about the makeup of the teams come training camp but in the meantime if you're keeping a close eye on your teams moves in free agency be looking at the whole picture. It's not just about signing the big scorer or even a big time goalie; what you should look for is if your team is putting together a cohesive unit. Make sure there is a role for every superstar signed and look to see if every role that needs to be filled is done so and you don't have a bunch of guys all signed to do the same thing. If there is a place for everyone the deals work, and if there isn't Championships become a pipe dream.

Free Agency Extravaganza

June 30, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

June 9, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

pens over wings 300x208 Penguins Win, Treat Fans to Game Seven
The Pittsburgh Penguins answered the call Tuesday night to force game seven on Friday in Detroit. Pittsburgh used a lot of energy to dominate the entire first period and second putting up two goals before Detroit could get on the board. A few interesting notes about Tuesday's game are as follows: Sidney Crosby only played 17 minutes while Tyler Kennedy played 19; neither Malkin nor Crosby figured in on the score sheet; the players (excluding goaltenders) who had the best game were probably Jordan Staal, Tyler Kennedy, Brooks Orpik and Rob Scuderi; and last but not least Chris Osgood played a great game and the Penguins still won. Marc-Andre Fleury huge because he kept Detroit out of the net toward the end of the game which was exactly how Pittsburgh needed him to play after yielding five goals in game five. No save was any bigger than the breakaway save on Dan Cleary which probably would have put the Penguins behind the eight ball in terms of momentum.

On the other end were the Detroit Red Wings who were outplayed for most of the night but all-in-all did not play a bad game. Detroit was able to completely shut Malkin and Crosby out –at least kept them both off the score sheet—which most people ahead of time would have said that Detroit completing such a task would result in them hoisting the Stanley Cup. Chris Osgood also played a very solid game—as previously mentioned—a performance good enough for a victory on most nights. The unfortunate thing for Detroit was that they probably set out that night saying they would make the role players for the Penguins beat them on this night and Pittsburgh did just that. It's unlikely that the Red Wings will panic as a result but it definitely gives them something to think about going into game seven.

It's probably too early to make do any serious predictions about game seven just yet. With that in mind it's probably safe to say that the sports world will be very excited in anticipation of this game. There are storylines aplenty as there have been all series long, and if nothing else the Penguins have garnered more respect from the Red Wings than they had before the series started. All of the stats will be thrown out the window once the puck drops on Friday night and it should be quite a treat for everyone from the diehard hockey fan to the casual fan of sport. Let the hype begin as Pittsburgh and Detroit prepare for a one game playoff for the Stanley Cup!

Detroit a Win Away; Penguins Collapse, Need Not Panic

June 7, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

pittsburgh debacle 275x300 Detroit a Win Away; Penguins Collapse, Need Not Panic
After game three the tide had indeed turned in favor of the Pittsburgh Penguins as they parlayed their momentum into a 4-2 game four win to even the series at two. That momentum carried into the first period of game five which saw the Penguins outshoot Detroit 10-8 but resulting in the Red Wings taking a 1-0 first period lead. Then the wheels fell off… Three straight power play goals put the Red Wings ahead 4-0 and they never looked back. Pittsburgh lost its composure as they continued to tack up the penalties that ultimately led to the dismissal of Marc-Andre Fleury and a 5-0 Detroit win putting them only one win from their second straight Stanley Cup Title and Pittsburgh's second straight finals loss. Fortunately for the Penguins the score does not carry over into the next game so they can start anew as they face series elimination prior to game seven for the first time in these playoffs and only the third time in the last two years. All Pittsburgh has to do in game six is forget about the second period of that game and return to their first period form of game five—and with the home crowd on their side that should be fairly easy to accomplish. There is no need for them to panic because they have amazing skill, talent, speed, coaching, and leadership to aid them in forcing a game seven in Detroit.

For Detroit it's the same old story. They are one win away from winning their second straight title and fifth since 1997. They have allowed their experience and skill (along with impeccable coaching from Mike Babcock) to carry them through adversity by staying disciplined and focused. The Penguins can learn a whole lot from Detroit in how they bounced right back from dropping two in a row in Pittsburgh and having a game four second period to forget. As long as they remain patient, whether any early storm, and stay out of the penalty box (as they did Saturday night) they will no doubt be raising the Stanley Cup around 10:20pm or so Tuesday night.

From the causal Fan's point of view hopefully game six is as entertaining as the rest of the series had been prior to period two of game five. And I see no reason why it wouldn't be. If for no other reason excitement should build because for the first time this year the Cup will be in the house! Enjoy the game everyone.

[*Some of you may have noticed the drop off in the consistency of my posts the past couple of weeks. I was on vacation and had some unforeseen computer problems which did not allow me to post when I would have liked. But now I am back to my home computer and things are fine again; so thank you all for your patience and for sticking with me!]

Stanley Cup Finals Sure to Excite

May 30, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

Ladies and gentlemen the time has arrived as hockey fans the world over gear up for the sports biggest club competition final featuring the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Detroit Red Wings. The storylines in this series are plenty as the defending champs try to stave off last year's runner-up in the new and improved Pittsburgh Penguins. Beyond all of the hype and excitement is where we find the keys to victory for each team. For Pittsburgh they need to have their best players be their best players and have each role player take his role and embrace it every step of the way. If someone is in a scoring slump he shouldn't try to do too much to make up for the slack simply allow everyone else to fill in the void and focus on doing one thing and doing it well. Crosby, Malkin, and Fleury will have to be at the top of their game for sure but the team needs to rely a lot on last year's journey and the success of veterans like Billy Guerin whether it's on game day or at practice. Detroit on the other hand needs to overcome their health problems. The biggest hurdle for them is have played three overtime contests in the last round and are licking their wounds as a result. Otherwise the team has nothing to worry about as just about all of them have experienced an enormous amount of success. Unlike last year however this series will have a different tone and the Pittsburgh Penguins will use their grit, experience, and skill to raise the Stanley Cup for the first time since 1992 and the third time in team history. No curse here for touching the Prince of Whales Trophy folks, it will be the Penguins taking home the 2008-2009 Stanley Cup Title. Enjoy the Finals everyone!

Pens-Canes Battle for Eastern Conference Title

May 18, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

staal vs staal 300x191 Pens Canes Battle for Eastern Conference Title
The Eastern Conference Finals start tomorrow night between the defending Eastern Conference Champion Pittsburgh Penguins and the last team to win the Stanley Cup out of the east in the Carolina Hurricanes. These two teams may not have the natural rivalry Pittsburgh had with Washington but there is plenty to keep us entertained. Most notably is the sibling rivalry that puts Eric Staal (Carolina) against brother Jordan Staal (Pittsburgh) for the first time in the playoffs. While there no doubt the utmost respect between the brothers anyone who has a sibling knows that there's nothing like beating a sibling and claiming bragging rights in the family. There is also the Pittsburgh connection that Hurricanes assistant coach Ron Francis has as he won two Stanley Cup titles with the Penguins in 1991 and 1992. But the best motivation for each team is the fact that this series is for a chance to play for the Stanley Cup! No professional hockey player needs any more motivation than that. So let's take a look at each team, their respective keys to victory and my prediction of how this series will turn out. [After going 4-4 in round one the sportsroids.com predictions are now at 7-5 and looking to improve!]

The Carolina Hurricanes are only three years removed from hoisting the Stanley Cup and still have a number of members from the 2006 team on the 2009 version which is an invaluable asset. The most important of that group is Conn Smythe winning goaltender Cam Ward. Ward has been the key to Carolina's success all year long; he has been the reason they qualified for the playoffs and why they were able to advance past both New Jersey and Boston, two teams who many had going to the Finals. In order for Carolina to have any chance of defeating Pittsburgh Cam Ward must be top-notch. Carolina simply does not have the fire power to outmuscle Pittsburgh in an offensive shootout so it is imperative that Cam Ward shuts them down. Aside from Ward the Hurricanes will have to make use of their speed and grit to be victorious. The Canes do not have a whole lot of size so they will have to use their speed to create scoring chances and make sure they get optimal scoring performance from Eric Staal and Jussi Jokinen just as they have thus far in these playoffs. Carolina will also need to use their speed to be gritty down low in both zones and be the first to loose pucks in the neutral zone and in the defensive zone. But even if Carolina does all that if Cam Ward isn't almost perfect they still won't win.

The key for Pittsburgh? Surprise Surprise, it's get to Cam Ward! We know the star power that exists on the Penguins and their ability to get secondary scoring from people all over the line-up. Generally speaking the Penguins simply need to keep playing the way they've been playing throughout the playoffs and also need to have Fleury return to the form he was in against the Philadelphia Flyers. One can talk about strategy from the Penguins' prospective all day long but the bottom line is they need to get to Cam Ward. If Pittsburgh makes Cam Ward look human they will advance in the series with little trouble; if they don't the series will go a long way, Pittsburgh will start to get frustrated and before you know it Carolina will be headed to the Stanley Cup Finals. Despite all that, barring major injury, I don't think Carolina matches up well with Pittsburgh and although the games will be very close it will be Pittsburgh advancing to the Stanley Cup Finals defeating Carolina in five games. And so for the second it will be the Pittsburgh Penguins taking on the Detroit Red Wings for the right to hoist Lord Stanley's Cup.

NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining

May 10, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

round two picture 300x203 NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining

Round two of the playoffs has been the best round of the post-season by far to this point and the excitement continues to build. Let's take a brief look at each series up to this point.

Eastern Conference:

May 7, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

jonas hiller 300x240 The Ducks Are Mighty Again
Coming into Thursday night the Anaheim Ducks had a 2-1 series lead over the defending champion Detroit Red Wings; as I write this they have yet to face off in game four. Regardless of the outcome of Thursday's game the Ducks have proven that despite their eight seed they are not intimidated by the Red Wings nor star struck by their success. The Ducks have had as much success in recent years as the Red Wings with just as many superstars and are playing without fear. Anaheim is hitting Detroit in the mouth disallowing them from using their enormous skill to the fullest potential. The Ducks have certainly relied on playoff newcomer Jonas Hiller—who has stepped up to the challenge and passed the test with flying colors—but they are also taking advantage of the few opportunities they do get to get the puck behind Chris Osgood. As good as the Pittsburgh-Washington series has been many would argue with validity that this series has been at least equally as entertaining. There is a strong possibility that the winner of this series will go on to win the Stanley Cup. Sure the games are on late when played in Anaheim but if you have the chance stay up one night to check this series out. Great goaltending, physical play, incredible skill, and plenty of drama are all contained in this series with a triple overtime game to boot! As a hockey fan or simply a fan of sports in general what's not to like about this series?

PS A lot has happened on and off the ice this week… tune in this weekend for this week in hockey review

Sportsroids.com's Western Conference Playoffs Predictions

April 14, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

stanley cup playoffs 20091 300x262 Sportsroids.coms Western Conference Playoffs Predictions
The Western Conference welcomes newcomers (Columbus), perennial powerhouses (Detroit) and those who haven't been there in quite a while (Chicago, St. Louis). Those facts make for a very interesting two months so we at sportsroids will try to make it simply for you by previewing the match-ups.

1. San Jose Sharks VS 8. Anaheim Ducks
The first all California NHL playoff match-up since the 1960s puts the old dogs against the new kids on the block… in a way. San Jose has had some very good teams in recent years and have experienced a fair amount of playoff success by getting their consistently and winning their fair share of games. Despite the wins racked up since their inception into the league in the early 1990s, the Sharks have yet to reach the hockey summit. Expectations are now higher for them than ever before after a disappointing year last season leading to the firing of Ron Wilson in favor of Todd McClellan who brought the Sharks their first ever President's Trophy. The Sharks are a relatively young team but the fans are tired of second round exits and are very much expecting a strong run at the Stanley Cup from the Sharks. On the flip side are the Anaheim Ducks who have been in the league less time than San Jose but already have two Cup finals trips to show for along with a Stanley Cup Championship two short years ago. In that regard the Ducks are the old dogs because they have “been there, done that” where San Jose has not. Bottom line is, the series will come down to experience versus youth; although I think Anaheim is a very dangerous team (despite their 8 th seed) who can cause a lot of damage if they get out of the first round. However, I think the Sharks time is now, their coach, city, and players are all read to take that next step and it starts with a six game series win over the in-state rival Ducks.

2. Detroit Red Wings VS 7. Columbus Blue Jackets
Much like the Sharks-Ducks series the Red Wings have been there done that and Columbus hasn't… ever. This is the first playoff go around for the city of Columbus and the Blue Jackets franchise. There will be a lot of energy in the Nationwide Arena game four as the Blue Jackets host their first playoff game. Despite all the energy the Blue Jackets will have going into Detroit the Red Wings will have too much fire power for the Blue Jackets to succeed. Goaltending has been dicey all season for Detroit but as Chris Osgood has shown before when it counts he is top-notch. Blue Jacket stars Rick Nash, RJ Umberger, Kristian Huselius, and rookie phenom Steve Mason will give Columbus a punchers chance in this series but will come up short. Cronwall, Zetterberg, Lindstrom, Franzen, etc. will be way too much for upstart Columbus… Detroit in five.

Beware of the Wounded Ducks

April 6, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

ducks stanley cup 300x203 Beware of the Wounded Ducks
With the last week of the season upon us the crazy race to the playoffs in the Western Conference is starting to solidify. The top five spots are already sewed up the only question now is where in the pecking order each team will fall. Detroit and San Jose have been jostling at the top of the conference seemingly since day one, and there is something to be said for that come playoff time. However, the most dangerous team that nobody is talking about resides in Anaheim. The Ducks' biggest challenge this season will be just qualifying for the post-season; but once they're in it will take a lot of pressure off of them and they will be able to shine. The Ducks have already taken themselves out of the bottom of the west where they seemed to be fading away into 7 th position overall. Anaheim's experience is carrying them a long way and it is that very experience that will lead them to post-season success. The likes of Selanne, Pronger, JS Giguere, and the Niedermayer brothers have all been there before and will not shy away from any adversity that comes their way. Keep in mind that just two years ago this team was hoisting the Stanley Cup and last year's early exit was very much a result of sheer fatigue. But now the Ducks are back, they are rolling right along and they can beat anybody at any time. There is no fear in the 2008-2009 version of the Anaheim Ducks and despite the odds against them (namely their age) don't be surprised to see these Ducks go deep into the playoffs and perhaps even win it all.

Roy Eyes NHL Headcoaching Job

April 4, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

patrick roy coaching 300x283 Roy Eyes NHL Headcoaching Job
Rumor has it that Patrick Roy is interested in a headcoaching job in the NHL RIGHT NOW. How Roy would be as a coach at the top level no one really knows but it would be a lot of fun. His personality as a player added a flashiness that was uncanny. Generally speaking Roy's affinity for the spotlight in showtime did not interfere with his on ice play; in fact it probably caused him to raise his game. Imagine that same pizzazz and energy behind the bench. A glimpse of that was seen in his endeavors as a coach at the junior level but with some controversy. At the NHL level that style will in all likelihood create little if any controversy to the extent it did at his junior gig. In fact, that style will probably energize players and fans alike leading to some very entertaining nights whether it's midseason or in the thick of the playoffs. Roy will probably coach in either Montreal or Colorado and no matter which city he lands in there will be storylines-a-plenty. If he ends up in Montreal the media will have a field day with the return of a living legend to where it all started for him in 1986. A love-hate relationship with the fans and media in Montreal will surely develop as the hockey crazed city that defines success by two words and two words only “Stanley Cup.” Roy will know what to expect in that situation and I think he'll thrive on the pressure that will definitely be placed square on his shoulders. So between the fans, the media, (not to mention the unceremonious way in which he left the team as a player)and all of the ghosts of the old forum that are bellowing in the hallways of the Bell Centre, Patrick Roy in Montreal would be anything but dull.

Patrick Roy in Denver would also work out quite well. With the energy he'll bring to the bench (as discussed above) he can reinvigorate a city that has been an unbelievable hockey town since they moved there from Quebec City almost 15 years ago. The team did not have a good year and for the first time in a long time some of the seats at the Pepsi Center remained unoccupied. Putting Roy behind the bench will certainly put fans back in the seats and give the Avalanche some much needed national attention (from both Canada and the US). Of course it wouldn't only be the fans who would be excited about Roy's return to Denver but also the players who would feed off of Roy's fire and passion for the game. And last, but not least, is the hype that would inevitably be created leading up to the four meetings between Patrick Roy and Wayne Gretzky. Two living legends leading their teams against one another is sure to add an extra intangible element to that match-up. As of right now there is really no rivalry between Colorado and Phoenix but with these two guys behind the bench, their respective competitive natures are sure to spill over onto the ice which is a very exciting prospect.

Love him or hate him no matter where Roy ends up his presence will have nothing but a positive effect on his team, the city, and the league as a whole.

Bruins Bittersweet Victory; The Blues Sound Sweet in St. Louis

March 28, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

manny fernandez 300x228 Bruins Bittersweet Victory; The Blues Sound Sweet in St. Louis
Despite their 7-5 win Saturday night the Boston Bruins have a lot of questions to ask/problems to address. First and foremost is goaltending. A lot of people don't really believe in Tim Thomas being able to lead Boston to the Stanley Cup, but Thomas has yet to let them down and can still come up big in the playoffs. However, one question that was answered for certain Saturday was whether the Bruins could rely on Manny Fernandez should Thomas come up short in the playoffs or get injured. Fernandez gave up five goals on 38 shots but at one point had given up four goals on only 26 shots to TORONTO . Most would agree that the Leafs are a competitive team and have been playing great hockey as of late but four goals on 26 shots by a goalie on a playoff team is unacceptable. The one caveat to Fernandez's performance is that the Bruins played awful defense in front of him. Boston still has a legitimate shot at winning the President's trophy but this shaky defensive play and poor goaltending might make the President's trophy their only reasonable shot at hardware this season.

Canadiens Bomb as Ship Begins to Fade Below Surface

March 22, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

sinking ship 300x255 Canadiens Bomb as Ship Begins to Fade Below Surface

Mayday! Mayday! The Montreal Canadiens ' ship is sinking and it's sinking quickly. At the all-star break the Montreal Canadiens were one of the best teams in the league. They had Robert Lang going, Carey Price was living up to the billing by seemingly evolving into one of the best goaltenders in the league, and despite a subpar power play—and Alex Kovalev for that matter—it was smooth sailing in Montreal. Since January 27 th however the story has been much different. Robert Lang was lost for the year with an achillies injury, Price has gone off the deep end, Kovalev's game has not really improved at all, Mathieu Schneider's reacquisition had too short a positive effect, no moves were made at the trade deadling, and now Bob Gainey has replaced Guy Carbonneau with who else but Bob Gainey (and throw in an alleged link to organized crime by the Kostitsyn brothers to boot). A 5-2 loss to rival Toronto made it only four points in their last nine games dropping them to eighth in the east with only one point separating them from complete playoff exclusion. Many solutions have been offered but none have resulted in wins. Now one of sports greatest teams who entered this year optimistic about their chances of ending a 16 year Stanley Cup drought in this their 100 th year anniversary are now headed toward April tee-times. Montreal is sending out an SOS but can anyone save their beloved Canadiens' season?

NHL Stretch-Run a Wild Ride

March 17, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

roller coaster 225x300 NHL Stretch Run a Wild Ride
It's time again to sweep around the league to talk about a few of the stories developing as the playoffs inch closer and closer:

1. Number one Story of the night is the Marty Brodeur has surpassed Patrick Roy in wins to take the all-time lead at 552. There is not much more to be said about Brodeur at this point after the article dedicated to his tying of the record. If you missed it you can click here or on his name above.

2. The Pittsburgh Penguins are in the midst of an eleven game point streak which catapulted them from 10 th into a tie with Philadelphia in fourth position in the Eastern Conference. The acquisition of Kunitz and Guerin has been golden so far as both have contributed majorly on the scoreboard as they play the respective wings next to Crosby on the top line. Roughly 20 games ago many people suspected the Penguins were very likely to miss the playoffs or do little damage even if they managed to scrape by to get in. But now not only are the Bylsma led Penguins in decent playoff position by some of those same people feel they can not only make it to the playoffs but make yet another run at the Stanley Cup. Oh and don't forget about that Malkin guy who scored his 100 th point Tuesday night, they tell me that's kind of a big deal or something.

3. The Montreal Canadiens have been in a virtual free-fall for weeks now. Carey Price has been struggling mightily, Alexi Kovalev has been subpar all season long and Guy Carbonneau has been fired and replaced by GM Bob Gainey who does not have them in much better position. It was supposed to be a celebration in Montreal this year with it being the 100 th anniversary of the franchise with allegedly their best team in a long time. Now the Habs are in 7 th position and barely hanging on with Carolina , Florida , and Buffalo hot on their trail.

4. In the West the LA Kings all the way down in 13 th place still have a legitimate shot at qualifying for the playoffs. Only six points separate eighth from 13 th as the teams play “musical chairs” with playoff positioning almost nightly. Also, the Columbus Blue Jackets have surged as of late and really separated themselves from the lower pack in the West led by rookie sensation Steve Mason. Meanwhile the Chicago Blackhawks —who were once considered to be a shoe-in—have been struggling as of late and risk surrendering the 4 th spot and the first-round home-ice advantage that comes with it

All-in-all there have been a lot of surprises over the last two months and the league continues to entertain. Things you thought you knew just a short time ago have completely changed and that's the beauty of the sport. As fun as the last two months have been they are sure to be topped in the next few weeks. So hang on to your seats hockey fans because as great as it has been thus far you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Top-Notch Theodore is Caps Only Prayer

March 16, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

jose theodore 300x205 Top Notch Theodore is Caps Only Prayer

Monday night the Washington Capitals were defeated 5-1 by the Atlanta Thrashers who, although are much improved from earlier in the season and won their sixth in a row, are way out of playoff contention. There is no doubt the Capitals have a lineup that can make a lot of noise in the playoffs with incredible talents Alexander Ovechkin, Alexander Semin, and Mike Green. They are fantastic in 5-on-5 play, absolutely dominating on the power play, and have ok penalty killing that is made to look much better because of how good the power play is. Donald Brashear gives them size and toughness which added to the rest of the equation would seem to put them in great position to make a run at the Stanley Cup… and then there's goaltending. Jose Theodore's numbers do not appear to be all that bad (GAA 2.81 and .902 save percentage) but he seems to give up goals in spurts and cannot manage to make the big saves consistently enough. He also has a tendency to give up some soft goals which the forces the offensive talent of the Caps to bail him out. Once their first playoff series starts the Capitals cannot afford to have Theodore go through stretches where he doesn't make big saves, gives up soft goals, and yields goals in spurts. When those things happen it spells disaster for any team and an early exit from the playoffs no matter who they play. The bottom line is this; if Theodore can clean up his game just a bit the Capitals are a legitimate threat to not just come out of the east but to win the Stanley Cup. IF Theodore does not then the guys in front of him will be forced to carry too heavy a load and the Capitals immense talent will be wasted because of bad goaltending.

The critics have ridden Theodore all year long because of his streaky play. If Theodore can step up when it counts then all will be forgiven, but if not then the Capitals and all of their talent will be eliminated early and Theodore will more than likely be the one who gets the brunt of the punishment.

Brodeur Ties Record; Devils Eye Bruins

March 14, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

marty brodeur 242x300 Brodeur Ties Record; Devils Eye Bruins

Saturday night, with Patrick Roy in attendance, Martin Brodeur tied the all-time wins mark for a goalie and is now even with the aforementioned Roy with 551 wins. Brodeur has already accomplished just about everything else a goaltender can accomplish and now the all-time wins record will soon be his as well as the shutout record. He's won championships and broken records with nothing but class and dignity. All those who know him whether in the media or on the ice (perhaps except Sean Avery) have always had nothing but high praise for the way he handles himself in every aspect of life. And if all of that weren't enough, his New Jersey Devils have a very good team assembled in front of him. The Devils will certainly make a lot of noise come playoff time, but meanwhile they are in prime position to overtake the once high-flying Boston Bruins for the top spot in the Eastern Conference. So not only can Brodeur claim two major records—after being out for most of the season only to return to the ice in top form—but he may be able to add another division title, regular season conference title, and most of all perhaps another Stanley Cup. Whether you're a fan of the Devils or not, watching Brodeur operate is a real treat for hockey fans everywhere. And as he goes on to break the all-time wins record and soon thereafter the shutout record, appreciate that you're watching a very special player, the type that doesn't come around every day and one we may never see again.

Flames' Defense Burning Out

March 10, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

flames against boards 288x300 Flames Defense Burning Out
The Calgary Flames acquired Olli Jokinen at the trade deadline and many put them as the new Western Conference favorites—or at least up there with San Jose and Detroit—as a result. There is no doubt that acquisition of Jokinen will help Calgary's chances of winning both the west and the Stanley Cup. However, since the trade deadline the Flames have gone 1-3 including losing three in a row by a combined 14-5. Granted, Calgary is on a long east coast road trip which is really hard for any team let alone a team from out west. That said, losing is one thing but giving up 14 goals in three games is pathetic. The Calgary Flames needed more help on defense than anywhere else and Jordan Leopold is a fine player but not enough to make a big enough impact to give Calgary the defensive improvement it needs (you heard that first here on sportsroids right after the trade deadline ). So where does Calgary go from here? They are eight points ahead of the closest team in their division and it is doubtful this losing will continue once they leave the east coast so the playoffs are almost certainly in their sites. But as many fans, observers, etc. will tell you Calgary was not built to just make the playoffs but to be highly successful once they qualify. Size, offensive fire-power, and goaltending are all important aspects of what makes a successful playoff team; the missing part of that equation is strong defense. Limiting scoring chances takes pressure off of the goalie and the offense because if you don't the offense cannot always outscore the other team who will net many pucks if a goaltender—no matter how great—is peppered with puck after puck. The Flames have a lot to figure out in the next few weeks because being outscored 14-5 is the sign of a team headed an early round exit, an abject disaster for Flames fans everywhere.

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Flames Win Big; Penguins, Rangers Improve; Canadiens Do Nothing

March 5, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

ollie jokinen 300x218 Flames Win Big; Penguins, Rangers Improve; Canadiens Do Nothing
Now that the NHL trade deadline has come and gone the general consensus is that the Calgary Flames made the biggest splash acquiring Ollie Jokinen. Many in the hockey world think this acquisition puts them over the top and makes Calgary the new Stanley Cup front runners. Calgary did indeed improve their status greatly but not because of Jokinen but rather because of Jordan Leopold. In recent years the Flames have struggled in the playoffs in large part because of their inability to limit the amount of shots Mikka Kiprusoff. Adding Leopold may be just what the doctor ordered to take some pressure off of Kiprusoff and Dion Phaneuf. With this acquisition and Detroit's goaltending issues the Calgary Flames have now put themselves up there with the San Jose Sharks as the front runners to represent the Western Conference in the Stanley Cup Finals.

Looking to the bottom part of the West perhaps the most notable move was made by Columbus who acquired Antoine Vermette. For the first time Columbus is on the cusp of making the playoffs and now management has shown that they are both serious about making the playoffs and also about winning once they get there.

Turning to the Eastern Conference now it's probably fair to say that no major splashes were made by any of the teams on deadline day. The biggest impact of any trade to this point in the season is probably how Chris Kunitz has played in Pittsburgh netting three goals and five total points in only three games. Pittsburgh added Bill Guerin in the meantime and have won four in a row all without Crosby, so adding Guerin and Crosby to the lineup probably makes Pittsburgh somewhat of a wildcard down the stretch/into the playoffs. Perhaps the “splash” of the day in the east was made by the Rangers who acquired Nick Antropov which may just be the answer to all of their offensive woes and may provide the spark the Rangers need to break out of their recent funk. Erik Cole going back to Carolina means they are sure to score a lot of goals the final month and a half of the season. The bigger question for the Canes is can Cam Ward continue to carry them defensively; they rely on Ward a ton and he will probably get burned out pretty soon.

There were also some “non-moves” that will greatly impact the Eastern Conference race. Most notable was Florida not moving Jay Bouwmeester. If the Panthers were going to make the playoffs or at least make any noise once they got there they were going to need Bouwmeester and now they've got him so Eastern Conference teams beware. Also of great significance is the fact that the Montreal Canadiens did not make a single move. After addressing none of their on ice issues the Canadiens promptly lost to Buffalo 5-1 in a game they were thoroughly outplayed by Buffalo in the final 40 minutes. Many (including myself) believed the Canadiens were the favorites to win the East and they still can do just that, but by not making a single move at the deadline coupled with Price's continues woes their chances are in jeopardy. Mathieu Schneider has done a lot to improve their power play and it's possible that Wednesday night was the exception but considering how poorly they played it's hard to imagine. In the end, no matter how the season turns out these final 19 or 20 games will be an awful lot of fun to watch.

By the way, I know Sean Avery is back in New York… I don't care.

Therrien/Renney Out, Bylsma/Tortorella In. But Will it Matter?

February 23, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

There was only one game Monday night but that didn't mean the NHL would be lacking in drama after an action packed weekend both on and off the ice.

dan bylsma 200x300 Therrien/Renney Out, Bylsma/Tortorella In. But Will it Matter?

On the coaching end Pittsburgh's new head man Dan Bylsma picked up his first two victories as an NHL coach in two 5-4 victories over Montreal and Philadelphia respectively. The Penguins lost to Washington on Sunday but five points out of a possible eight in Bylsma's first four games is a good start for the new headcoach who is hoping to guide the Penguins back into a playoff spot after a disappointing start to the new year for Pittsburgh.

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Staying in the Atlantic Division takes us to New York where the Rangers fired Tom Renney this weekend only to name John Tortorella as his replacement on Monday. Many close to the team believe Tortorella can provide a spark for the Rangers they could not seem to get from Renney. Tortorella has a history of calling out players publically which may inject the Rangers with just the right amount of energy to help save this sinking ship by not only keeping it afloat but guiding them to the playoffs. There is no denying that Renney is a great coach who will ultimately get another job and most likely be successful in that new position. However, Tortorella sweetens the pot by adding his Stanley Cup ring and that demands the utmost respect; something Renney simply couldn't add to the mix.

In the future there will undoubtedly be many coaching changes across the sports landscape—especially in the NHL. In reality, mid-year coaching changes tend to do very little to change the course of a team especially when they are made toward the end of a season. The players normally don't change—save for a few here and there—while a season is ongoing and so the chances of a different outcome no matter the coach is slim to none. And this year will probably be no different as both the Penguins and Rangers will probably continue on the paths they were on before coaching changes were made because personnel remains basically the same. If there's one thing the sports world can learn from the Pittsburgh Steelers is that consistency in coaching and upper management yields sustained, long-term success.

Therrien Out. Schneider to Habs. Rangers Seek Avery?

February 16, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

Every now and then I do a sweep around the league commenting on various topics and I think now is the time for one of those sweeps.
michel therrien 300x201 Therrien Out. Schneider to Habs. Rangers Seek Avery?

Therrien out – Michel Therrien has paid the price for the Pittsburgh Penguins' season of gravely underachieving. Despite having the league's top two scorers in Malkin and Crosby respectively, the Penguins are in 10 in the East and are coming off losses to out-of-contention Toronto and the lowly New York Islanders. Therrien is hardly to blame for Pittsburgh's struggles but coaches are usually the ones to take the blow when a team is struggling because firing players is hardly an option. Baby Penguins (Pittsburgh's AHL affiliate) boss Dan Bylsma has been called up to lead the team for the remainder of the season. Therrien stated he believes the now Bylsma led team will make the playoffs but now having lost two in a row to teams they should have beaten it certainly seems unlikely. The good news for Pittsburgh is that a lot of teams in front of them have been struggling to win games as of late keeping the Penguins in contention.
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Rangers sliding – The New York Rangers have hit a bit of a rut lately losing eight of their last nine, including a five game losing streak and a 4 game slide that was extended Monday night with a loss to home-standing St. Louis. Tom Renney's job is in jeopardy and the Rangers are considering making a move for Sean Avery of all people to help turn them around. When a team looks to Sean Avery to “right the ship” that team is probably in a hole they will never dig out of.
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Mathieu Schneider to Canadiens – The Canadiens—another team in a free-fall—have acquired defensemen Mathieu Schneider from the Atlanta Thrashers for two draft picks. Schneider, now in his 20 th season, returns to the Canadiens after being a part of their last Stanley Cup team in 1993. Perhaps Schneider's presence will serve as a morale boost but not much more than that. The defense may be sured-up slightly with him in the lineup, but in the end the Canadiens' problems stem from Carey Price's collapse, not being able to score on the power play, losing Robert Lang, and Kovalev having an extremely average season. If those pieces don't shape up then it won't matter what Schneider does because he cannot carry this franchise to the promised land alone.

All Star Game Flops; Second Half Mercifully Begins

January 27, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

ovechkin all star game 300x160 All Star Game Flops; Second Half Mercifully Begins
The NHL All-Star break is now over and mercifully so is the NHL All-Star game. It was the highest scoring all-star game and 22 goals scored plus the addition goal awarded for the shootout win for the East really could not have been any less entertaining. Even the skills competition was boring with the modification of the event to try to make it more exciting did the exact opposite. With that said, Tuesday night the de facto second half began and there were some pretty good games on tap. The best of Tuesday's games was in Boston as the Bruins battled the Caps.

Washington and Boston are two of the best teams in the lead not only in team points but in talent level and that makes all of their match-ups particularly intriguing. Washington made Boston come from behind twice in the game before the game was won 3-2 in overtime by Boston on a blocked pass attempt that by chance went into the net behind Theodore. It was unfortunate because both netminders played an incredible third period making incredible shots to keep their respective teams in the game as the aforementioned talent that these two teams are loaded with. Both Theodore and Thomas showed Tuesday night that despite all that talent it is the goalies who need to be the best player on the ice more often than not if any hockey team wants to be a legitimate Stanley Cup contender.

Some other notes worth mentioning before signing off:

Claude Lemieux made his return to Colorado with the San Jose Sharks. The 43 year old signed an AHL deal with San Jose before being called up to play with the NHL club last Tuesday.

The Buffalo Sabres scored 2 goals in the first 1:45 of the first period against Edmonton on route to crushing the Oilers 10-2.

The Detroit Red Wings started the second half of the season with a 3-2 OT loss to Columbus.

NHL Standings Basement Battle

December 24, 2008 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

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In the battle for futility on Long Island Tuesday night the Atlanta Thrashers defeated the New York Islanders 4-2. The game was actually pretty close essentially a one-goal game with a garbage empty-netter to close it out. And while this game perhaps shows that Atlanta is just a little better than the Islanders, the Isles do in fact have a brighter future and it's not just because they will have a better chance at winning the draft lottery.

The Islanders' future on the island is very much up in the air at the moment as they wait out the passing of the “lighthouse project” that will determine its long-term outlook. But for the moment let's table that just for the sake of conversation and focus on other aspects of the two teams. What the Islanders have as an advantage over Atlanta is a rich history with great tradition. The Islanders won 4 straight Stanley Cup titles in the 1980s making them one of the premier hockey teams of the time and historically one of the greatest runs for a team in NHL history. While they have never quite reached that level since they have been competitive at times and their fan base is still pretty much intact. All the Islanders need to do is win again and their building will begin to fill up, fans will start having faith in their team again and there will be a buzz again on the island for their beloved hockey team.

Atlanta has an awful hockey history to accompany their mediocre present. The Atlanta Flames were not a viable team and ended up moving to Calgary after losing their fair share of games and money. Now they have a new team who has been mediocre at best in a city that couldn't care less about hockey and barely supports their NFL team when it's good. As the economy worsens the fate of the Thrashers in Atlanta is up in the air no matter how many games they win. So despite the score Tuesday night it is Islander fans who have reason to celebrate.

Sundin Back, Sharks Lose, Caps Roll and More

December 18, 2008 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

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Lots of news, little time, let's go around the league in a flash.

- Mats Sundin has finally decided on a team, he's going to Vancouver. Great, now can we please stop talking about him?

- Detroit put a hurting on San Jose Thursday night 6-0. Be not afraid, the game means little because San Jose is still better than Detroit in the long run. I picked San Jose to win the Stanley Cup and I am not backing down now.

- My other finals pick (Montreal) ended Philly's five game winning streak on Thursday in convincing fashion. Despite a few hick-ups the Canadiens' season is going well so far. If Kovalev ever gets his scoring woes in order they will be in very good shape.

- The Pittsburgh Penguins scored 6 goals to defeat Atlanta by three on Thursday after a long lay-off. Any win for the Penguins right now is a good win but their defensive troubles continue to be a thorn in their side.
- Yes Boston has 22 wins and 48 points good enough for first in the east; however come playoff time it will be hard for their overachieving players to keep playing at this high of a level. Kudos to their play so far though.

- The Washington Capitals are on fire, winning their fifth in a row Thursday night and looking tremendous in every facet of the game: special teams, offense, defense, and goaltending. Washington is rolling… remember them come playoff time.

Flames Looking to End Playoff Woes

December 17, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

calgary flames 196x300 Flames Looking to End Playoff Woes In the off-season the Calgary Flames acquired a lot of players they felt would help get them over the hump (ie the first round of the playoffs) they have been unable to surmount since the 2004 cup finals appearance. The signing of Todd Bertuzzi, Mike Cammalleri, etc. along with sewing up Curtis Glenncross among others seem to be working pretty well so far as the Flames now sit on top of the Northwest Division after their 6-3 victory in St. Louis Tuesday night despite the three game skid that proceeded Tuesday's game. Winning the division will be a tall order for every team in the division as it is arguably the most competitive division in the league this season, so Calgary certainly cannot count on winning it to secure decent playoff positioning. However, although the ultimate goal is to win the Stanley Cup, step one for Calgary is to win the first round and it seems this is the year that will happen. Jerome Iginla is once again playing very well leading the team in scoring and Kiprusoff's goals against average is a solid 2.98. But what I think will accompany the high-level playoff stars like Iginla and Kiprusoff come playoff time is the team's size. Being able to wear down opponents in a long series is what Calgary will have to do to be successful. In recent years teams they have played in the post-season have not seemed to wear down too much come games 6 and 7 allowing their offense to post high shot totals late in the series helping oust the Flames. This year I think they are better suited for a long series and if they can manage to avoid either Detroit or San Jose in the first round the Flames will advance to round two, then after that all bets are off.

Ottawa Finally Getting it Together

December 9, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

ottawa senators east champs 240x300 Ottawa Finally Getting it Together It is hardly time to crown them Eastern Conference Champions but the Ottawa Senators are finally starting to put things together a bit. After a very rough start to the season including a four game losing streak in November they have all-of-a-sudden won four of the last six and have at least a point in seven of the last eight games. While seems like a very long time ago not much time has passed since the core group of this Senators team breezed through the east playoffs and were playing for the Stanley Cup. There have been a number of issues since then (can you say Ray Emry?) including a collapse after a great start last year capped by an early playoff exit at the hands of Pittsburgh. Despite all that goaltender Alex Auld has played very well giving up 2.06 goals per game accompanied by a solid .924 save percentage, he simply has not enjoyed the goal support needed to be successful. The top line of Heatley, Alfredsson, and Spezza have been playing pretty well posting 75 points between the three of them but they cannot do it alone. If the rest of the team can step up their game just a little bit, the Ottawa Senators could be a scary team come January and beyond. Right now Ottawa sits last in their division and twelfth in the conference with 25 points. However, they are only four points out of a playoff spot and have two games in hand on Buffalo who currently holds that final spot. Should Ottawa put things together with all their talent they can give teams a lot of trouble going down the stretch and into the playoffs; don't sleep on the Senators.

Sharks Shredding Competition

December 6, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

san jose sharks2 300x237 Sharks Shredding Competition Coming into Saturday night the San Jose Sharks had won nine in a row and although the Edmonton Oilers broke that streak the Sharks are still on a tear to start the season. They have a league best 46 points, are tops in goals scored with 100, have allowed 61 goals which puts them tied for fourth in the league and are in the top 10 in both special teams departments (PP=5 th ; PK=6 th ). Not only do the Sharks currently have a 10 game point streak but they have yet to lose in regulation at home; that's at least one point in 16 home games to start the season—30 out of a possible 32—and have more wins (22) than anyone else in the league. The Sharks are solid on specials teams and at even strength which is supported greatly by outstanding goaltending from both Evgeni Nabokov and Brian Boucher whose combined goals against average is an incredible 2.19 and an equally impressive combined saved percentage of .915. Well coached and well prepared for every game are the Sharks who can win high-scoring goal-frenzied games as well as close grinder contests. There is question whether they can remain so consistently good throughout the season and into the playoffs and although they will probably drop off a bit they will certainly be a top Stanley Cup contender nevertheless. If nothing else, win or lose, they are an immensely exciting team to watch and are a treat for hockey fans to watch the world over.

Hurricanes and Laviolette Part Ways

December 3, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

peter laviolette Hurricanes and Laviolette Part Ways ESPN.com is reporting that the Carolina Hurricanes have fired Head Coach Peter Laviolette just three seasons after leading the Hurricanes to the franchise's only Stanley Cup title. Although Laviolette led the team to the highest level possible they have missed the playoffs each of the last two years. Carolina currently stands second place in the weak Southeast division only three points behind Washington but have given up 10 more goals than they have scored thus far this season. The team's power play has struggled mightily scoring only 12.9% of the time and have won only four of their last 10 games and once in their last five. In a strange turn of events Laviolette has apparently been replaced by Paul Maurice who Laviolette actually replaced when he was named head coach five years ago. As it stands now Carolina would be in the playoffs sitting in the 8 th spot just one point ahead of Buffalo but the team clearly needs to turn a the corner. What this will mean for Carolina long-term is yet to be seen but Maurice will be tested right away as the Hurricanes welcome the Pittsburgh Penguins Thursday night. Carolina has plenty of talent in Ray Whitney, Rod Brind'Amour (although he's aging), Eric Staal, and a reliable goaltender in Cam Ward; but now that talent needs to produce wins.

Lightning Scapegoat Melrose

November 14, 2008 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

tampa bay lightning 300x198 Lightning Scapegoat Melrose On Friday (11/14) the Tampa Bay Lightning fired head coach Barry Melrose after only 16 games with the team. Granted, the Lightning posted a less than stellar 5-7-4 record leaving them with 14 points and in 4 th place in the Southeast Division. Although the record is not great it is still very early in the season and the newly hired Melrose was not given much of a chance to make any great strides with the team. Tampa Bay is not out of the playoff hunt by any stretch of the imagination after only 16 games and I am not sure that any problems the team may have had are solved by firing the coach. I wrote before about NHL GMs having too quick a trigger and the trend continues. Not every team can win every game and be in first place all at the same time. It is a long season that consists of many good times and bad but the key is to be persistent and to have patience. Tampa Bay spent a lot of money in the off-season putting essentially an entirely new roster together that needs some time to gel as guys get used to playing with one another. No offense to Rick Tocchet but I do not think there is anything he can do that will put the Lightning in a position that is any better than where they already were. Anything short of Tampa Bay winning every game the remainder of the year makes this a boneheaded, not to mention unfair, move on the part of the Lightning management. And this is why Tampa Bay has had little playoff success since winning the Stanley Cup in 2004.

Penguins Making up for lack of Defense with two Straight Eleventh Hour Victories

November 14, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

The Pittsburgh Penguins are certainly on an emotional high with their two late comeback wins this week.

The Pittsburgh Penguins are certainly on an emotional high with their two late comeback wins this week.

The Pittsburgh Penguins have been a fun team to watch through their past two games. In the two contests, the Penguins have put up seven and five goals respectively and both games have been hotly contested and right down to the wire against two rivals.


On Tuesday night, November 11 th it was Pittsburgh skating at the home of the team that knocked them out in last year's Stanley Cup Finals… the Detroit Red Wings in which they overcame a 6-4 deficit with just under five minutes left in the third period. After forcing overtime with the help of center Jordan Staal's hat trick, it was an assist by Staal to Ruslan Fedotenko that set up the game-winning goal in OT.


Then, on Thursday night on the 13 th the Pens overcame yet another late deficit when they were down 4-3 in the waning minutes of the third period at home to divisional opponent, the Philadelphia Flyers. This game would not be settled in overtime however, as the two teams battled it out in a five shot per team shootout, with the lone goal being scored by a defenseman in Alex Goligoski on Pittsburgh's final attempt.


Now with these two momentum charged high-scoring wins, the Penguins have some self-belief that they can weather the storm before their arguably two top defenseman return to the lineup; Sergei Gonchar and Ryan Whitney.


However, no team can expect to keep winning games like this so they'll have to definitely step up their game plan on the defensive side and start taking charge in the earlier parts of games by getting their goals sooner. But with that being said, these are still two solid wins for a still young team to build off of that has suffered many losses through free agency and injury in this past off season.

Some teams have started out hot in the 2009 NHL season. Can they continue?

October 31, 2008 by MarkM · 1 Comment

NHL Hockey Logo

NHL Hockey Logo

by Tony E

A note to all NHL fans, PLEASE CLAM DOWN! Overall the bad teams are not as bad as they seem and teams that started off too fast are not as good as they seem. Let things settle down, allow teams to mesh and by the end of December we will know more. In the meantime I give you my early season picks that you can take to the bank! In the west a lot of teams will be challenging the Red Wings; namely Minnesota, San Jose, and Anaheim. But the San Jose Sharks match up best and will represent the west in the Stanley Cup Finals. They are big, experienced, and talented, but more-so than that they are disciplined. They run their puck-possession system to perfection and they DO NOT TAKE STUPID PENALTIES. The Sharks will never beat themselves and come playoff time neither will anyone else.

Ryan O'Byrne


Joining San Jose will be the Montreal Canadiens who are off to a flying start. Last year they could score but the team was overpowered by a much bigger Flyers team in the playoffs. However, combining the offensive prowess of the Kostitsyn's and Kovalev with the likes of 6'5” Ryan O'Bryne and Georges Laraque; throw in a more experienced Carey Price and voila, an Eastern Conference championship for the most storied NHL franchise as they celebrate their 100th season. But the greatest celebration will take place in the bay area as the San Jose Sharks will win their first ever Stanley Cup title.