Laveranues Coles…CATCH THE DAMN BALL!
September 16, 2008 by sportsroids
By The Boinger
Dear Laveranues, Brett Favre is a better quarterback than Chad Pennington. It took Randy
Moss one quarter to prove he was still Randy Moss last year when opening the season against the Jets. The Patriots went from “contenders” to outright “favorites” after that game because Randy Moss went out and caught the damn ball. He did not cry and whine or beg or plead or offer any built in excuses about playing with a new QB or being in a new system. In fact neither did Wes Welker. They had no problem going out every down, running their routes, catching the ball or even making blocks down field. Now why should it be any different for you? You went out and made a big deal about your contract for a second time now with the Jets and you have not produced. You have not proved that you are the go to guy for any one of your QB’s. Tony Romo went out and won the job because he could find T.O. no problem any time any place. Everything else fell into place for him after establishing that. You do not offer that to your QB. Not Brett, Kellen,Chad,Patrick Ramsey, Mark Brunell or Vinny. If they cannot count on you to be there on every down why do you deserve number 1 money? What do you offer any team as a number 1? At best even with a HOF as your QB you were still at best a BYE week replacement fantasy WR. So far through two game you have not done anything to prove otherwise. Chansi Stuckey is outplaying you. Is he better than you? No! No? Well he sure is playing like it and he is playing with more desire than you and it shows. Not
to mention he’s got no problem catching passes from a guy who never threw a pass his way before a few weeks ago. If you cannot get excited about playing every week with Brett Favre then what are you doing here? We anxiously await your answer or your departure, which ever comes cheaper!
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