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Big Tony loves the Nes classic, Blades of Steel, now on Sportsroids Internet Arcade

May 3, 2009 by MarkM 

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Blades%20of%20Steel Big Tony loves the Nes classic, Blades of Steel, now on Sportsroids Internet Arcade

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Yes this is the time that all of our hockey fans have waited for. We have decided to place Blades of Steel into the Arcade. Due to the overwhelming mass of comments we have received requesting this game we have it. So There you go Big Tony, you can now play it anytime and anywhere! This is the NHL game that started it all without a doubt, before there was NHL from EA, there was Blades of Steel by Konami. Come one come all and play this classic at the Sportsroids Internet Arcade!

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One Response to “Big Tony loves the Nes classic, Blades of Steel, now on Sportsroids Internet Arcade”

  1. Big Tony on May 7th, 2009 11:56 am

    Thanks Mark! Enjoy the game everyone!

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