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Bret Hart’s “Flip Out” from Back in the Day

June 4, 2009 by AlexV 

Brett Hart isn't playing around here... or is he?

Brett Hart isn't playing around here... or is he?

Watch this video from MAD TV where Bret Hart flips out on Will Sasso and the rest of the MAD TV crew and actors. Do you think it’s fake? It’s hard to tell in my opinion. In fact, the only piece of the video that looks staged is when Bret Hart begins to slam Sasso with the chair. Sasso’s screaming sounds a little bit overdone, plus, the skit comes off like a quick simple write-up in order to lead into the explosion of anger that Bret Hart brings out.

Now watch this video where Hart and Sasso supposedly “settle” things. Now this of course is fake. However, you know how in pro wrestling they’ll sometimes play off of real grudges and hatreds and use that drama to creat some of their own on television. And who knows? Perhaps what unfolded on that episode of MAD TV so long ago was real and Hart, Sasso, and the black lady “peaced” things up and decided to have fun with it.


One Response to “Bret Hart’s “Flip Out” from Back in the Day”

  1. Bret Hart’s “Flip Out” from Back in the Day | WWE Fan on June 5th, 2009 3:55 am

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