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Michael Vick has signed a 2 year contract with Philadelphia Eagles

August 13, 2009 by MarkM 

eaa3c558 1992 4b6b b586 9366733abe6a Michael Vick has signed a 2 year contract with Philadelphia Eagles

Michael Vick has signed a 2 year contract with Philadelphia Eagles. I to say the least am surprised. After resigning Donovan, I would have thought the Eagles organization would have never done something like this. They have been secretly trying to replace Mcnabb for several years now, but this move will only elevate any problems Donovan has had with this organization. I thought that Vick would fit very well on the redskins and would have been a great move for that organization. He fit in perfectly in washington and I am wondering if the eagles made a hard move because they knew that the Redskins could have had a serious interest. Either way, I am happy for Michael, who will now have the ability to get back to his life as a player, after paying back his debt to society.

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