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Devils + Bruins = Dreadful

March 30, 2010 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment 

sleeping fan 300x226 Devils + Bruins = Dreadful

It’s possible that once the seedings are all set Boston and New Jersey could match-up against one another in the first round; God helps us all if they do. That will be one of the least entertaining playoff series of all time. It begs the question what would be more exciting, watching the Bruins and Devils square off or watching paint dry? It’s a tough decision indeed. Neither team can manage to score very often or even to create a whole lot of shots on goal. On Tuesday night in the two teams “thrilling” 1-0 overtime win for Boston it took almost a full 65 minutes for New Jersey to muster 21 shots on goal while Boston put up a more respectable 34 shots—all-in-all in made for a dreadful hockey game. Had it not been for Patrice Bergeron scoring the game-winner in over time one could have made the argument that there only be two stars given to the goaltenders and a third to the fans for actually sticking around to watch the thing. I’m all about playing defense because you certainly cannot win without it and I do not demand every game finish 5-4 but at least some sustained offensive pressure would be nice. So no matter who you cheer for pray to the hockey gods that the Devils and Bruins avoid each other in the first round—and in the rest of the playoffs completely for that matter. The sanity of hockey fans everywhere depends on it.