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Monday Night Guarantee

December 8, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff 

steve smith3 300x297 Monday Night GuaranteeThis week we have the Panthers and the Bucs,  Coming back from vacation I feel like I have a renewed dedication to my picks.     The Bucs gave the Panthers the smackdown last time but this time it will be different.   Look for Steve Smith to come up big this week against the Bucs as the panthers try to win the division.


Point Spread (28-17) Panthers


One Response to “Monday Night Guarantee”

  1. Big Tony on December 8th, 2008 11:15 pm

    It had been a bit of a rough stretch for you in the Monday Night Guarantee segment but this week you were spot on. Steve Smith had a huge game and the Panthers totally reversed the fortunes of their first game with the Bucs. A little off with the score but I’ll let that slide. Well done Man’Nuff.

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