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NBA Live 09: Kobe Bryant Busts a chump and scores 96 points (Highlight Video)

January 7, 2009 by MarkM 

hyperdunks kobe bryant la lakers nba live 091 NBA Live 09: Kobe Bryant Busts a chump and scores 96 points (Highlight Video)

I made this highlight video only using footage from one of my online games. I decided I was going to Kobe ball him to death, and I shattered the record of 81 points in a game for Kobe Bryant…The big reason I made this vid, was to let everyone know how bad this kid is. I can’t stand how many quit in NBA live 09 online and I am starting to make videos to hopefully mock and deter people from quitting…Too bad this kid was a chump and quit because I was definitely going to score over 100 points…Enjoy the show..



Kobe Explodes for 96 points on chump


4 Responses to “NBA Live 09: Kobe Bryant Busts a chump and scores 96 points (Highlight Video)”

  1. Mark M on January 20th, 2009 1:40 pm

    This video rocks! Haha that kid really quit I still can’t get over that !!

  2. Mike Jones on February 15th, 2009 2:41 am

    Yeah boi you busted up that chump quitter I can’t stand that stuff on NBA live no mo…Don’t play if you just gonna quit.

  3. charles on March 10th, 2009 5:17 pm

    i hate quitters boiii…

  4. wat the on March 15th, 2009 11:30 pm

    KOBE BRYANT is the best in the whole world

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