NBA Live 09: Kobe Bryant Busts a chump and scores 96 points (Highlight Video)
January 7, 2009 by MarkM · 4 Comments
I made this highlight video only using footage from one of my online games. I decided I was going to Kobe ball him to death, and I shattered the record of 81 points in a game for Kobe Bryant…The big reason I made this vid, was to let everyone know how bad this kid is. I can’t stand how many quit in NBA live 09 online and I am starting to make videos to hopefully mock and deter people from quitting…Too bad this kid was a chump and quit because I was definitely going to score over 100 points…Enjoy the show..
Kobe Explodes for 96 points on chump
Madden 09 Tip: How to run a successful no huddle offense
November 8, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 1 Comment
Running a successful no huddle offense:
Great offensive play for big gains in Madden 09
October 24, 2008 by MarkM · 3 Comments
Take a look at the video, and try it out. You can manually create this play as well with hot routes. Always use hot routes and quick calls at the line to make sure you always have your opponent trying to guess your next move.
Split Slot formation
RB Cross
Beating Zone Coverages In Madden 09
October 24, 2008 by MarkM · 8 Comments
Here are some tips to help you diagnose zones and exploit there weaknesses for Madden 09
August 30, 2008 by sportsroids · 2 Comments
Ah look at our host. How pleasant.
Hey yo Chuck wheres the bathroom?
Oh my, a hot sauce cocktail I haven’t had one of those since college. You the man chuck
Game of Madden 2009 chuck??
Chuck No! I said no chuck NO!!!!!!!
Seriously though This crib is perfect. I mean damn look at the water slide.
Couldn’t get the H1? Come on. If it ain’t a Humvee don’t talk to me.
Chuck I think thats the motor.
The funny thing about this picture is chuck is not even moving. Look at his girlfriend, she is bugging out. He is just trying to figure out how to turn on his own car. I think it is red over blue chuck.
I hate MTV cribs……but I love gina carano and you love her as well click here!