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To Harrison’s defense.

May 21, 2009 by MadisonMadnuff · 6 Comments 

james harrison 300x237 To Harrisons defense.



Well by now we have all heard about James Harrison’s comments on not going to the White House.  My questions is why is everyone making a big deal about it.  Harrison stated that

“This is how I feel — if you want to see the Pittsburgh Steelers, invite us when we don’t win the Super Bowl. As far as I’m concerned, he [Obama] would’ve invited Arizona if they had won.”

I completey agree with him now persoanly I would go and vist the President.  But what he is saying is that it just isn’t that big of a deal to him.  Every time a team wins the Super Bowl they go and vist the White House “everytime”  When somethig happens eveyrtime it is no longer special it is just tradition.  Harrison is saying that he wants to go to the White House when  he is a special guest for a special reason other thatn the fact that he won.  You play football to win the Super Bowl period.  You do not play football to win the Super Bowl and go the the White House.  If Obama was a huge Steelers fan and in the middle of the season invited the team to the Whtie House because of that I am sure James Harrison would go because then it would be special.  He didn’t go last time and he is not going again, not a big deal.