
2009年6月30日通过AlexV · 1条评论

Prepare for even more magic in Orlando next season.


VIN-理智,现在走向了奥兰多魔术队。 为什么我喜欢这招? 这不仅是因为文斯 - 卡特是一个明显的全明星,并表现出超级巨星的潜力,但由于已经载入奥兰多魔术队做了一个举动让自己更加载。 像矩阵...重载。

I的这一举措的积极性比较他们在赛季中期去年的举动时,他们交易来了Raefer阿尔斯通。 当尼尔森下去,魔术拿起阿尔斯通把松弛的照顾。 在阿尔斯通他们已经发现了另一个能控球后卫在场上奔跑的魔术。 现在,他们已经放弃了阿尔斯通和托尼 - 巴蒂文斯 - 卡特。 而在所有的严重性,因为他们有一个还在萌芽尼尔森的一点,那绝对让文斯 - 卡特的价值这两个播放器和其他杂牌他们放弃了得到他。

最后,魔术将进一步被称为谁的成功来自于三个点发挥的球队。 他们还有的Mikael皮特鲁斯,特科格鲁,拉沙德 - 刘易斯,尼尔森和康特尼 - 李谁都能击中匕首3。 即使是有能力安东尼 - 约翰逊能做到这一点。 现在,他们加卡特德怀特 - 霍华德,他们对自己的球队两个真正的全明星球员。 这证明魔术是不愉快的他们本赛季的最终结果,我赞扬他们的。


2009年6月10日通过AlexV · 发表评论

Superman better be ready to overcome super odds.


我的朋友们,奥兰多魔术队成功地使2009必看的NBA总决赛。 正如你们许多人都知道,从来没有人从3-0孔回来了,并与可能出了问题,并保证第五场,这一系列不应该让人们远离......即使勒布朗·詹姆斯不参加。 如果魔术能够获得比赛四为好,这个系列将成为最好的三个。 而虽然魔术已经表明他们能够在季后赛的道路上团结,我真的不喜欢在NBA总决赛2-3-2的格式(团队最佳战绩起到前两个和最后两个主场)。

我会在总决赛2-3-2的格式比较相同的本质优势的球队赢得职业足球的加班掷硬币。 在职业足球加时赛,两队都有机会取胜。 但让球第一有一定的帮助的谁赢得那些掷硬币赢得那些比赛比那些失去球队的比例更高。 再一次我的朋友们,这西装举行的NBA总决赛,而更糟糕的可能。

在NBA总决赛2-3-2格式的历史上,只有两支球队赢得这三场主场比赛中的4场客场比赛之间; 底特律活塞队时,拉里 - 布朗执教,然后在接下来的一年是迈阿密热火队时,韦德震撼。 这要告诉你一件事。 这几乎是不公平的,除非在路上起步的球队明显优于自己的对手更好的常规赛战绩。 不要紧,你在哪里踢球,因为在NBA的季后赛系列赛获胜三连败的任何地方是不容易的,并试图运动量连续三个主场比赛显然不是无论是作为历史证明。

为此,魔术将失去。 他们不偷的前两场比赛中的一个,所以一切都结束了。 六场比赛,也许7。


2009年5月28日由AlexV · 发表评论

Don't count out the Denver Nuggets just yet tomorrow night on ESPN at 9:00pm.


丹佛掘金队和洛杉矶湖人队的西部决赛系列以来,至少可以说,坚实的娱乐相比,近期西部决赛。 而更是这系列有很大的潜力去七场比赛,如果掘金队能够赢得他们的最后一场主场对决明天晚上的比赛在丹佛。 然而,掘金只是戏弄我们与他们不一致的,以完成一个必然的令人信服的消除类游戏的洛杉矶湖人队,也可以他们真的赢了还是得该死接近击败湖人队?

在所有诚实,这些掘金有所提醒,今年的奥兰多魔术队的我。 而魔术队似乎学会如何应对逆境和欲擒故纵的第二轮系列每分钟时,他们所扮演的波士顿凯尔特人队的重要性,掘金可能会发现,在这个系列与湖人队。 我不认为这个系列的游戏的七个奥兰多,当他们击败了凯尔特人队一直在为相同的,但是无序的,是的。

掘金吹响比赛一和三对洛杉矶,他们不得不在第四节的决胜时刻管理的线索。 同样的事情也发生在奥兰多的比赛之一,5人反对波士顿。 唯一不同的是,魔术队举行了放弃了超过20分的领先优势后,赢得比赛之一。 在掘金队的系列游戏2,他们似乎得到它的权利,因为他们做了他们的愚蠢游戏之一,并拿起一个巨大的客场胜利。 魔术似乎做同样的,因为他们吹灭了凯尔特人在比赛三在家里。 但是,这些都是玩笑,因为这两支球队最终带来了他们的系列2-3孔。 此外,在游戏二,奥兰多被吹了波士顿,他们被吹出来后第一场比赛,凯尔特人的四个季度的大部分时间。 这样的情况下,掘金吹灭了湖人的第四场第四节只拿到吹出来的,昨晚在比赛5。

现在,通过跌宕起伏的这些类似的股票来看,掘金看起来他们可能会通过其“采取下一步行动”的发生。 他们只需要在丹佛打一场激烈的比赛的比赛六,并采取一切他们已经在这个对决迄今涉及到洛杉矶进行第七场的情况下,他们肯定可以移动到了总决赛。

让我们不要忘记一个更多的相似,我在掘金和魔术看到了,这是事实,他们都或多或少相同的队伍; 装载有天赋,但缺乏经验,在大多数情况下,但绝对有正当的机会成为冠军。


2009年5月28日由AlexV · 发表评论

Hopefully being back at Quicken Loans Arena will do something to lift the spirits of the LeBron and the rest of his teammates.


克里夫兰骑士队发现自己在其中三​​个已经下降到电线本来是任何人的比赛四场季后赛比赛的后端。 然而,坏消息是,魔术队已经利用了其中的两项情况; 在拉沙德 - 刘易斯三种游戏之一,在十秒钟去了,最近一次是在比赛四在加时赛掀起了勒布朗 - 詹姆斯错失长三。 骑士,谁是最爱许多人赢得这个系列赛,而联赛也许是所谓的“宠儿”,现在需要变得凶猛。 如果有的话,有一个事实,即他们可以依靠燃油一种看法,他们的信心。


骑士今年是在常规赛39-2; 一负的湖人,他们不必担心却谁,除非他们都得到了总决赛,与其他的费城76人队在克利夫兰的最后一场主场比赛,他们休息了勒布朗 - 詹姆斯和莫 - 威廉姆斯。






2009年5月26日由AlexV · 1评价

Vince McMahon certainly "flexed" his muscle on last night on Monda Night RAW.

文斯 - 麦克马洪肯定在周一​​晚的RAW“屈”他的肌肉昨晚(和可能是唯一次的共识要他的一个)。

大家都应该知道,是WWE和丹佛掘金队之间最近的日程安排冲突。 周一晚的RAW在5月25日的版本本来是要举行的丹佛掘金百事中心,直到丹佛掘金队成功地使其在NBA的西部决赛。 这里是我的想法对WWE的回应。

响应的第一部分是在开场时,文斯 - 麦克马洪加强环与另一绅士打扮成掘金老板斯坦·克伦克。 这包括麦克马洪让了一些蒸汽在一些现场空气中的时间,他做了克伦克的中间名,以挪士有趣的形式,用类似“维纳斯”字押韵为“天才”,他当然是躲避明显的“阴茎”,但提出一定要提到它,换句话说。 他还批评了丹佛掘金队的工作人员(可能是没有球加紧克伦克,并告诉他:“你错了。)。

最后,麦克马洪​​说了一些关于NBA还是掘金“推”了WWE和它的球迷和麦克马洪说:“我们推回来了!”而扼杀了地狱那想成为斯坦“伊诺斯”克伦克。 我不得不说,这是推雷鸣,我认为麦克马洪真的很想让克伦克知道,如果两个人不是专业的细线和潜在的侵权法的惩罚的限制,分离会发生什么。

最后的重头戏在湖人队的球衣,约翰Cena,巴蒂斯塔,最有价值球员,杰里“国王”劳勒和惊喜回报巨星肯·肯尼迪介绍了五种超级巨星与五名男子掘金球衣(所有坏人)兰迪·奥顿,特德DiBiase小科迪罗德,该MIZ,和大展示。 这不是比标准标记队比赛的星期一夜原爱每星期有看似较多,但与明星穿着NBA球衣。



2009年5月21日由AlexV · 发表评论

nba a big orlando magic logo Orlando Staves off Cleveland’s first half Big Push – Ready to create one of their Own Now
昨晚20时30分在TNT的东部决赛开始的奥兰多魔术队和克里夫兰骑士队随后的比赛之一。 在早期的持续,这是克里夫兰骑士队看起来像三成球魔术打三节过后的三巨头这是主要是一个顽强的防守造成的。 不过,魔术风化,早期的风暴,最后才拉出来在107-106胜利在第三季度结束时63-48半场落后缩小到78-82赤字。 对我来说,克里夫兰骑士队的由衷早期的小高潮好像是第七场的情感。 太遗憾了,没有第七场,并有至少六个多了去了。
这告诉我的是奥兰多魔术队,与一个伟大的第三季度,和他们有能力在下半年整个单元(相对于上半年,当它几乎是“德怀特 - 霍华德表现出很大的显示“他们),他们可以处理克里夫兰骑士队相当有说服力,如果他们保持这个贯穿了整场比赛。 然而,对我来说最大的因素是,克利夫兰被允许63上半年百分点家伙像莫 - 威廉姆斯,韦斯特,伊尔戈斯卡斯,乔 - 史密斯,当然还有勒布朗 - 詹姆斯被看似火都在同一时间。 但是,你真的不能指望外部太多的这些家伙也许威廉姆斯和詹姆斯是这么热,或具备成为在任何给定时间的能力。
这就是为什么我认为那场比赛中1仅仅是一个热身的,他们总算从胜利逃脱魔术。 现在,骑士可能会努力保持的得分为这个系列的其余部分,如果勒布朗 - 詹姆斯曾被迫在一场比赛中,他的团队上涨13点,在中场休息时的得分49分,还输了,那不好兆头喜爱骑士。


2009年5月20日由AlexV · 1条评论

Who get to crack open that big can of Pepsi Center?!


在WWE和NBA的周一5月25日在美国科罗拉多州丹佛百事中心的重复预订创建全国普遍的嗡嗡声。 大多数人都同情了WWE,他们应该。
如果WWE预订会场第一(好像是这样),那么它应该是他们的场地。 该公司在周一晚上进行,这就是为什么他们提前预订网​​站至今。 正因为有大量的多版本周一晚的RAW前来,而不是洛杉矶湖人队与掘金队的季后赛并不意味着NBA的优先于WWE的。
几个星期前,在NHL季后赛中,匹兹堡的梅隆竞技场有涉及故乡企鹅和华盛顿首都第二轮比赛两队的比赛会被双带雅尼音乐会预定日程安排冲突。 雅尼订首先,与企鹅和资本必须发挥两个晚上在一排。 与谁你惹的祸? 非霍奇金淋巴瘤的调度俯瞰场地的日历。 那么,谁,你在本文中讨论的情况下,怪谁呢? NBA的调度为俯瞰百事中心的日历。
我觉得应该在WWE的青睐的一件事是,他们已经从组织收到像ESPN,CNN最近的认可,甚至其中一些“早上好”节目。 传统上他们被看作是一个马戏团的很多,但越来越多的公众和组织都开始承认他们是真正的专业机构。
我们希望,WWE将得到他们的表演,而且极有可能会,我不知道人们怎么会感觉星期二晚上的RAW,甚至周三晚的RAW ECW起播出星期二。 可能是有趣的,但可能是错误的。


2009年5月19日由AlexV · 1条评论

Let's see where the eastern conference home games will be played in this year's finals.


奥兰多魔术队做了什么,许多人认为他们会,虽然速度比不上一些人认为,这是从他们重复的冠军任何机会阻止伤病困扰的波士顿凯尔特人队。 它可能看起来有些好像魔术还没有准备好要经得起考验的是高效的篮球打骑士谁是领导的,今年以来,超爽的勒布朗·詹姆斯。 然而,在逆境中,他们遇到了波士顿凯尔特人系列(主要是游戏四,五),帮助他们成长为一个团队,绝对可以击败骑士,甚至在令人信服的方式。

怎么样,骑士看起来像他们应该通过魔术只运行自如? 他们是有效率的,每个球员都知道自己的位置,他们都喂了勒布朗 - 詹姆斯的信心? 有时候,这只是不够时,你不能匹配和你的对手。 我说的是纯粹的平原和简单的物理对决。

让我们先从最明显... 6英尺11英寸的德怀特 - 霍华德。 有三个选项来保护他; 安德森Verajao,本 - 华莱士和伊尔戈斯卡斯。 首先,Verajao为6英尺11英寸,这样也不错。 安德森非常顽强,并发挥了很大的精力,但他没有得分,也不是速度和力量,真正抵消了德怀特 - 霍华德。 本 - 华莱士为6英尺9英寸,是一年中的前四届最佳防守球员。 但是,当你在35岁以下因素在他的题外话,这可能是过分的要求的他始终保持霍华德在海湾。 最后,7英尺3英寸的伊尔戈斯卡斯有身高优势,但他不知道他的防守,他也没有身体强度,防止霍华德走上罚球线的一些罚球,并与“黑客-A-德怀特 - “不一定是一个安全的选择,这可能会造成问题。

德怀特 - 霍华德之后,Verajao将不得不寻找拉沙德 - 刘易斯和特科格鲁之后。 这是两个强壮高大前锋谁也超过Verajao他的力量和速度,最明显的,打分。 Verajao充其量,产生一个,也许两个晚上,在那里他可以匹配这些人一个记分明智的,但两个有且仅有一两次不好。

但是,这是不是所有的Verajao将不必担心。 魔术还有两个大个子得分将替补登场的Mikael中皮特鲁斯和托尼 - 巴蒂威胁​​,这并不预示着骑士队,即使他们是在捍卫联赛前两名。

Raefer阿尔斯通和安东尼 - 约翰逊一起可以很容易地抵消威廉姆斯,谁是更多的是五花得分手,而威廉姆斯的备份,德隆蒂 - 韦斯特,谁也需要空间来得分,或者明确的车道孔。 而他能得到一些小巷,他将有德怀特 - 霍华德站在篮下。

这应该是一件容易的事了,任何一队,但魔术队的优势在于,他们没有改变自己的游戏计划或旋转过大,处理克利夫兰的大小。 克利夫兰最有可能将要。 所以,在这方面,这应该是更多的为骑士一个战略性的挑战比这将是奥兰多魔术队。


2009年5月13日由AlexV · 发表评论

Maybe if the basket was really that low, he could actually hit his jumpers.


奥兰多魔术队是一支刚刚彻头彻尾的我的皮肤下得到。 它几乎没有任何与偏颇的看法。 这种文学鞭挞了即将接踵而至,从他们不够努力,但主要是他们的无能而得。

很多人可能认为魔术会击败凯尔特人还算得心应手没有加内特,同系列会不会超过六场比赛,尤其是因为他们是3-1对阵骑士,3-1对阵波士顿和2-0对湖人在常规赛。 你知道为什么他们在常规赛有对这些球队如此大的记录,但并不像它在季后赛(喜欢的方式,他们让费城76人队开始就以2-1领先第一轮系列)? 因为他们保持这样的打法看起来在常规赛那么好,而不是它需要打通了季后赛......之一,心脏和胆量的团队型球队,而且希望不辜负炒作,而比期待。

这方面的一个例子是德怀特 - 霍华德。 多少次,他错过了他短暂的钩子在这个系列? 超过别人谁被认为在某些圈子里“下一个沙克。”他有同样的表达和推动在季后赛像他那样在常规赛比赛,而我也不会感到惊讶,如果他从来没有做过关于可能,AS-良好的可闭眼勾手命中他的。 而谁又能说,他应该活到沙克,但他有时似乎有一个继承人,就好像所有的炒作是真的,就是这样......。 没有必要进行这项工作,或证明它。

那么你有男人喜欢特科格鲁和皮特鲁斯的Mikael看起来像他们所能做的就是拍个三分球。 他们需要发挥聪明得多。 他们是三个种子在东部和运动在整个联盟的第四个最佳战绩,而不是三成球29-53金州勇士队。 特科格鲁和皮特鲁斯需要相信他们的内线越来越强行犯规在波士顿的内线防守。 他们没有借口。 就像他们说的......“你住三个,你死了三个。”

在游戏中4,他们下降了10个左右的六分钟就到了,只有80分的总有一点,需要一个六加分凯尔特人得分荒的帮助,以赶上了1分的领先优势,他们吹了戴维斯的跳投。 然后,在第五场,当他们似乎得到它的权利,因为他们有一个十来分的领先优势在波士顿约四分钟就到了,他们吹了,和三个输了! 你知道那是什么味道的呢? 纯洁,朴素,简单的无能。

直到他们改变,我会是一个什么巴克利表示,几天前的倡导者......“如果他们不能击败凯尔特人没有凯文石榴石,那么如何在世界上,他们希望与他击败他们?”这不是一个可惜下面要说的不是,因为他们只把它自己......神奇的是,第二轮版本的加载球队谁能够永远走不出第一轮的。 除了在这种情况下,他们不能走出第二个“ - 亚历V


2009年5月11日由AlexV · 发表评论

Carmelo Anthony's shot may not have counted had things gone the way they should have. But I'm sure he'll take it.

卡梅罗 - 安东尼的投篮可能没有计算过的事情了,他们应该有办法。 但我敢肯定,他会接受。

上周六五月十九,卡梅罗 - 安东尼最有可能的,但都放了达拉斯小牛队客场与他的1脚,失去平衡的三分球命中到期的时间。 这不仅是一个艰难的篮子里,但它是一个艰难的亏损小牛谁看,以获得新的动力和captalize上终于使得第四qarter一身好功夫这个系列,其中在顶页上一页两场比赛他们gettting粉碎。 为了增加心脏突破,真正的悲伤来自于犯规给了礼船员没有打电话,而且还惊动了NBA道歉一下。 从这场争论,有一点值得我们学习,而且有一点我们可以思考。

我们可以了解的是,一个球员不应该完成的犯规,直到他听到了口哨。 当小牛球员安东尼摸索,他得到了他的坚硬,干净,不错,但是裁判没有看到它(也许)。 安东尼没有听到whislte,他通过posession出场,得到了他的出手了,打它。 接下来的时间,直到你听到裁判不停止的新闻。


上个赛季在洛杉矶湖人队和圣安东尼奥马刺队,在圣安东尼奥之间的西部决赛,布伦特 - 巴里尝试了三,可能有潜在的捆绑系列在2-2。 然而,裁判没有叫德里克 - 费舍尔,这是联盟再次道歉,一个明显的富尔德,并且会对发送巴里线三罚全中。 马刺队去了3-1,而失去了他们的下一场比赛以后,以消除。

也许是巧合,也可能左右。 但是,这就是一个错误的划痕(即蒂姆·多纳吉)会做给你...创造更多的猜测。

第一场比赛的胜利路巨大的-谁的边缘? 奥兰多还是休斯敦?

2009年5月5日由AlexV · 发表评论

Although the two would not face each other lest it be in the NBA Finals, both men's teams, Dwight Howard left, and Yao Ming right, face the unsettling task of taking down two of three teams with the best records in the NBA.

虽然这两个不会面对对方,以免在NBA总决赛中,两人的球队,德怀特 - 霍华德离开了,姚明权,面对拿下两个三队同在NBA的最佳纪录的令人不安的任务。

昨晚我们提供了一个对在TNT游戏的人,几乎下降到线,但最重要的,有路队获胜。 首局比赛精选三种子魔术两号种子凯尔特人队在波士顿与奥兰多得到W的第二场比赛是5号种子火箭队在洛杉矶的1号种子湖人队。 与路队拿出来的是关键镦胜利。 这对于任何一支球队是在一个非常有利的地位,特别是有相当的弱旅,如休斯顿火箭队。 有了这样说,谁拥有最大的优势在哪里?

一个优点两支球队与他们的胜利是赢得了主场。 除此之外,还有其他心理因素,可以提供的优点以及一些缺点。

奥兰多魔术看起来扎实有效,因为他们的工作他们的方式建立一个巨大的领先优势,在这一点却高达至第三季的28分中间。 他们的四大得分手德怀特 - 霍华德,Raefer阿尔斯通,特科格鲁和刘易斯各贴10 +分,他们也收到了迈克尔 - 皮特鲁斯提振谁踩它加10 +点他自己的。 总而言之,这肯定看起来像来自波士顿的7场比赛中疲劳,多加班一系列与芝加哥已经​​开始显现。

这是直到他们开始这看到他们得分超过魔术54-41在下半场,甚至把差距缩小到4分的时候有在比赛还剩下不到两分钟的小高潮。 现在,它是一件事,赢得了路上,拉过一场比赛胜利走向胜利。 但是,当你不能建立28分的领先优势在第三季度对一个团队谁应该是累了,是打不加内特和莱昂 - 鲍威,应该做更多有利于他们打心眼里凯尔特人比后保持夹下做为魔术。

而对于火箭来说,他们设法保持他们的比赛中,整个比赛对湖人队。 即使当洛杉矶改装了9分的劣势在下半场进一分的领先优势,火箭队从来没有waivered坚持了他们的比赛计划中的一回到抓着五到九分舒适线索。 大部分是不得不做控卫阿隆 - 布鲁克斯的细心和错误无球的处理。

最重要的是,他们接到恩情感电梯当姚明受伤后,科比的右膝撞伤进了自己的右膝盖。 姚明是有利于膝盖非常严重,他与他的团队的教练,他是个好人,能回去恳求之前甚至走下球场。 他只在他的回归确实是打了一个大的跳投和水槽6罚全中,以保持在洛杉矶海湾的游戏减弱时刻。 现在,如果这不利于面临着取下来的艰巨洛杉矶湖人那我就不知道什么是任务的第五号种子球队的信心。

因为在他们的胜利加上了姚明的决心,火箭队一贯的游戏玩法,我会给他们的优势结束了魔术的边缘。 至于魔术,它是伟大的,他们赢得的道路上,但他们基本上是命悬一线的比赛即将到期,也许他们还没有面临高度警惕,热衷凯尔特人队。


2009年4月30日由AlexV · 发表评论

Brandon Roy and LaMarcus Aldridge, the anchors of Portlands team, aim to bring the series back to Portland for a decisive game seven tonight in Houston at 9:30pm on TNT.

布兰顿 - 罗伊和拉马库斯 - 阿尔德里奇,波特兰队的基石,旨在使该系列回到俄勒冈州的一​​个决定性的第七场,今晚在休斯顿晚上9:30在TNT。

在NBA季后赛历史上,只有八支球队曾经来自一个3-1赤字回来。 已经有很多次,当球队面临被淘汰,迫使比赛乱七八糟,甚至游戏七人榄球赛,但它仅仅是很难被击败的球队三连胜倍。 波特兰开拓者队面临着同样的困境,并且已经关闭了赤字3-2。 但这支球队有什么样的动机,赢得了系列...这是很简单的

开拓者队似乎是一个队从季后赛心惊肉跳的痛苦。 他们是年轻的。 但是,他们应当将其转换年轻经验不足成青春的热情,试图击败火箭队今晚在休斯顿的想法萦绕在他们脑后,如果他们能成功的话,他们回到波特兰的比赛7。 他们需要利用这个要记住,压力是在休斯敦,他们肯定想在路上第七场的任何部分。

我绝对认为开拓者可以拿起胜利,因为他们进入了季后赛最炙手可热的球队之一,而在常规赛的最后一周,他们击败丹佛和洛杉矶谁是前两名种子在西部地区。 所以不要感到惊讶,如果开拓者成为第九队在NBA历史上是下降3-1后赢得一个系列。


2009年4月29日由AlexV · 发表评论

Mavericks await either the two seeded Denver Nuggets or seven seeded New Orleans Hornets for the next round of the Western Conference Playoffs.


昨晚在TNT的达拉斯小牛队迅速分散马刺的当然是大得分手贾森 - 特里(19分),约什 - 霍华德(17pts)和诺维茨基(31pts)照亮了整个球场篮后常希望破碎的篮子。 正是这些相同类型的供电小牛以平均12.75分,以赢得所有四场演出。 并且,虽然小牛的壮举肯定是道具,值得,这打乱了尽可能多的对他们说因为它马刺。

如果有人说那场比赛的人之前,小牛将击败马刺五场比赛,你会告诉他们,他们最好不要放任何钱。 它是不是像它本来一气挑小牛赢系列,但在五场比赛,并与他们这样做是有,那是什么使这个系列的几乎不朽的比例爆冷纯粹优异的显示。

马刺队不习惯失去大,要少得多,很多时候同一个团队,尤其是对手,他们有一个历史。 是的,这是事实,他们没有马努 - 吉诺比利,但他们每场比赛12.75点失去时,他们最喜欢的是令人震惊的。 Next season they're going to have to hope Ginobli is 100% and they may need to think about replacing the vets like Kurt Thomas, Bruce Bowen, and Michael Finley.

As for the Mavericks, more power to you!

NBA Playoof Outlook

April 27, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Who do you wan't to win?

Who do you wan't to win?

The NBA playoffs are starting to heat up as teams begin to play their game threes and fours. Like many experts like to say, the playoffs don't really start until a series is tied 2-2, or nobody has control until they're up 3-0. So, this is the time when those viewpoints truly come into focus.

For instance, The Utah Jazz barely won game three and were laid to waste in games one and two. The sad thing for them was they didn't fair too well in game four in Utah either, and got beat. They are down 3-1 and should be done.

Over in the east, the Cavaliers swept the Detroit Pistons and get to wait it out a few days before they'll see anymore action.

Back west again, the New Orleans Hornets kind of looked like the Jazz in their game three as they had to scrap just to get a win and bring the series to 2-1 and make things interesting. Now, if they can win their game four, they'll completely change the landscape of the series as Denver had dominated them in games one and two, by evening things out at 2-2.

下一篇: 篮球
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NBA Playoffs: Los Angeles Lakers vs. Utah Jazz

2009年4月17日由AlexV · 发表评论

Tune into ABC this Sunday April 19th at 3:00pm for Game one of the Lakers/Jazz 1st round NBA playoff series.

Tune into ABC this Sunday April, 19th at 3:00pm for game one of the Lakers/Jazz first round NBA playoff series.

The settling of the up and down western conference standings has finally come. The matchups are set, and the playoffs begin this Saturday April 18th. The first bout features the number one seeded Lakers going against the number eight seeded Utah Jazz. Time to discuss.

The Utah Jazz have all season long been noted as a team who can be dangerous come playoff time, and especially for the Lakers since they were able to take their series last season to six games. But that was back earlier this year when the Jazz were in contention for a playoff seed as high as number two. Now the only recognition they are getting is that they can pose problems for the Lakers. Too bad they won't pose enough problems four times.

The Jazz are led by one of the league's top point guards in Deron Williams with his 19.4ppg and 10.7apg. They are also spurred by the much improved play of Ronnie Brewer, Paul Millsap, and even CJ Miles. If you throw in the scrappy play by international stars Mehmet Okur and Andrei Kirilenko, as well as the three point baller in Kyle Korver, you most certainly have a solid unit. However, the Jazz's bad side is not too promising.

下一篇: 篮球
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NBA Playoffs: Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Detroit Pistons

April 16, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

In 2009 the one seeded Cavaliers will do battle against the 8 seeded Pistons on Saturday April 18th at 3:00pm on ABC.

In 2009 the one seeded Cavaliers will do battle against the eight seeded Pistons on Saturday April 18th at 3:00pm on ABC.

Everyone should know by now that the road to the NBA Finals in the eastern conference is going through Cleveland, as long as they win in the first two rounds. With that being said, the first team that gets the chance to test Cleveland's 39-2 home record mettle are the veteran Detroit Pistons.

If there was ever a first round matchup featuring two teams you could believe would be playing in a conference final rather than as soon as the first round, this is it. The Detroit Pistons have been reeling all season and have a losing record and no Allen Iverson. That's not so bad though since they play better without him.

They still have their veteran core in Richard Hamilton, Rasheed Wallace, Tayshaun Prince, and even Antonio McDyess. They also still have the same man-play approach to defense that allows for little scoring and emphasis on forcing opponents to play inside and make free throws.

On top of all this favorable detail, they also have a lot of experience matching up against Cleveland… too bad they don't have enough beating them though.

In the last few years, the Lebron James versus “Bad Boys 2” saga has gotten progressively more favorable for Cleveland. The first time they ever met, the Cavaliers had lost the first two games in Detroit. When Cleveland won game three, then prompting Rasheed Wallace to say “We 'gon bust dey ass in game four,” the Cavs turned things around and won the next two forcing a decisive game seven which the Piston manned up and won.

In all honesty, the Detroit Pistons, ever since losing to San Antonio in the NBA Finals, have been the kings of disappointments. The next season when they Pistons faced off, they ended up losing a back-breaking game 5 to Cleveland when Lebron scored his teams' final 27 points, again, in Detroit. That time, the Cavs took advantage and won game six to get into the finals.

What is the difference between this Pistons team and those two? No Chauncey Billups and no in his prime Ben Wallace. So, in all honestly what's to say that the Pistons, all though very savvy, are ready to beat the Cavaliers four times? 什么都没有。

The Cavs should win this series, even if it goes to seven games.

The New York Knicks better drop the right guys!

April 10, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

David Lee of the New York Knicks

David Lee of the New York Knicks

After watching the New York Knicks play this year, it is sad to realize that they haven't really accomplished anything! This year they won 30 games, which is not really an improvement from what we had saw with Isiah Thomas, whose best season was 39-43. Isiah's team, therefore had 9 games ahead what Mike D'Antoni accomplished this season. The Knicks record this year in fact ranks 6th worst season of all time based on overall wins. If there was anything positive to take from this season it was we have Donnie Walsh. Walsh has made great moves over this season, setting the Knicks up for the future. Understanding that, I trust he will make the right decision on which one of his young stars he will need to keep going into next year.

Nate Robinson of the New York Knicks Fighting J.R. Smith

Nate Robinson of the New York Knicks Fighting JR Smith

Hey Walsh, make the right choice, don't just keep Nate because he's exciting, lets try to get to the playoffs next year, so get him out of here and keep your Stud Forward David Lee. It's just that simple!

Allen Iverson will not be resigned by Pistons, so he will take his celebrity and endorsements into free agency next year!

April 6, 2009 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Allen Iverson will offically hit the free agent market at the end of this season!

Allen Iverson will officially hit the free agent market at the end of this season!

In a strange turn of events the Pistons had decided to trade Chauncy Billups for Allen Iverson during this NBA season. This trade to many seemed silly considering they traded their superstar Point Guard for a hot shot offensive scoring SG, while they still had Richard Hamilton on the team. Others, however thought that they may have been setting themselves up for the free agency class of 2010 and today It seems that was the case. After the recent comments by coach Michael Curry it become evident that the Pistons have no interest in Iverson past this season. Curry said, “It just didn't work; it didn't blend well… There was a lot to do with guys changing roles and accepting different roles you have to play. It's unfortunate things didn't go as we thought they would. ” Curry then told the media that Iverson will sit the remainder of the season. Michael Curry on Saturday night , during his pre-game conference in Philly said, “Hopefully, the time off will get his body back to top condition and be prepared for free agency,” So no matter what the pistons are going to move on, leaving Allen Iverson and his Reebok Sponsorship to the open market!

The State of Detroit

April 4, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

What's happening in Detroit?

What's happening in Detroit?

The Pistons have been on a downhill slide ever since Allen Iverson got injured two months or so ago. Without Iverson they have gone 9-18 and dropped down to a below .500 record, which is something they haven't been this late in the season for over five years. On top of being Iversonless, they've had stretches without Rasheed Wallace, and even Richard Hamilton. Even right now starting point guard Rodney Stuckey is out for some time!

Right now, they are 36-39 and a looking at a seventh seed in the eastern conference playoffs. And with about seven games to go they better watch out, because they are only half a game ahead of the eighth seeded Chicago Bulls, and just two and a half in front of the ninth seeded Charlotte Bobcats. So they are in danger of not even making the playoffs if they really don't get off their schneid.

On top of that, even if they do get in, things aren't looking up. They will face Cleveland or the Celtics as a seven or eight seed right now, and with the Pistons not having home court advantage in any round, that does not bode well.

Is there any Test in the West this Year for the Lakers?

April 1, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Zach Randolph feels the fuel crisis, and sells his car on ebay

March 28, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Zacks ESV Escalade 2007

Zack's ESV Escalade 2007

Zach Randolph of the LA Clip
Zach Randolph of the LA Clip

Zach Randolph is selling his 2007 Cadillac Escalade ESV. I assume since he has moved to LA he really doesn't need this car. This car is hot! It has the entire ESV package. Which includes the HEATED STEERING WHEEL! This car has it all, even expiring contracts! Get in the game like Zach with your Mesh Grill and Custom Suede Interior that would even make Shaq blush. I tell you what check out the car right here Call Nick and tell him Sportsroids.com sent you!

Player Watch: LaMarcus Aldridge

March 27, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

LaMarcus Aldridge is still coming into his own, and is almost at an all-star level.

LaMarcus Aldridge is still coming into his own, and is already close to an all-star level.

Earlier this NBA season SportsRoids talked about the success of LaMarcus Aldridge of the Portland Trail Blazers and how he looked to be growing into a potential all-star player. Now we want to revisit that topic to state we stand by our previous testimony.

Aldridge's points average per game is at a career high 18.1 and his rebounds are at 7.4 which is only .2 less than last year. And what's funny to say is that for a six foot eleven inch tall guy he has started to polish up his inside game.

In the first stages of his playing time he has been more of a jump shooter on the offensive end. But now he is combing that with more lay-ups, big dunks, and some short hooks.

Now look out, because Greg Oden seemed to have hit his offensive stride against the Philadelphia 76ers Monday night. Just keep imagining the potential that these two have as a big man tandem and it just may culminate in this year's playoffs.

The New York Knicks will not make the playoffs because no one can teach them how to get out of thier own way!

March 25, 2009 by MarkM · 2 Comments

f9628d0e 1e77 491e b31a 66b2b22411d4 The New York Knicks will not make the playoffs because no one can teach them how to get out of thier own way!

Honestly after the Knicks lost to the LA Clippers tonight I realized how bad they have become. They promise the fans PLAYOFFS and Al Harrington is making the same mistakes he did when they lost to LA last time. The Knicks had the game in hand until he showboated and received a “T”. Then to listen to his excuses after post game was just pathetic! I love Al Harrington's hustle but he is becoming the new Jeremy Shockey in New York. Hey Al just stay a little more in control, otherwise I love your heart man you are definitely someone I hope to see in the Knicks future! I am interested to see if the knicks can get a win over the last 11 games in the season. Mike D get control of your team. Otherwise, I would like to be the first New Yorker to say Orevua playoffs!

This is becoming the Knicks New Motto

This is becoming the Knicks new motto. 难以置信! Kids should only cheer for a winner. These knicks just aren't that!

Are the Boston Celtics Really Going to be a Three Seed?

March 24, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

These three amigos may be the three seed.

These three amigos may be the three seed.

As the season winds down and everyone has ten or so games left, many teams are inching their way each night jockeying for playoff positioning. In the West you have just about every team up from the two seed and all the way down to the eight seed at no more than three games apart. However, one intriguing race to the playoffs has to be between the currently three seeded Orlando Magic, and second seeded Boston Celtics. I wonder… Is the most looming question whether the Orlando Magic can grab the two seed in the Eastern Conference, or is it are the Boston Celtics really going to be a three seed?

The Celtics had been on a roll all season long, and were as comfortably ahead in the Eastern Conference standings that they were rivaling the Lakers current 9.5 games lead in the Western Conference standings. Now the defending champs have had to deal with injuries to stars like Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, and even to their key players and role players like Rajon Rondo and Tony Allen. If the Celtics, who are only a game ahead of the Magic, get bumped down to a three seed in the playoffs then that means they'll have a chance to play Orlando and Cleveland on the road. That's no easy task.

It is all just so intriguing because if anyone should seem better equipped to win on the road it's the Boston Celtics. They are tied for the third best road record in the league at 25-12, but then again, they allowed their first two playoff rounds of last season go seven games. How did they do that you ask? By losing their first six road games.

Either way, it could be the champs looking like super-cool vets and pulling it off as a three seed, or it'll look a little shocking if they aren't in even their own conference finals.

Shaq has won the first Sportsroids.com's GATBMS Award! (athlete turned bad movie star Award)

March 23, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Shaq as Kazaam

Shaq as Kazaam

After watching Kazaam, I felt that I really had to make some kind of post on his performance. He was once the greatest Center in the NBA, and then he decided to take on more. Shaq is one of the best Athletes of the last 30 years without a doubt. One thing, however, he isn't is a good actor. Kazaam was an awful movie and I really wish I could get that couple of hours of my life back! Honestly, I would rather have my teeth pulled by Muhammad Ali than watch that film again! SHAQ STOP ACTING, RAPPING and start practicing your Free Throws!!

Houston Rockets Itchin' for Second Place!!!

March 18, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

There may be plenty to cheer about come playoff time this season in Houston.

There may be plenty to 'cheer' about come playoff time this season in Houston.

The Houston Rockets have shown considerable improvement since they lost Tracy McGrady for the rest of the season earlier this year due to injury. They have found stability and solid defense and also a decent ability to win on the road where they are 17-17. Last week they even suffered a stretch without Yao Ming when they beat New Orleans in Louisiana, and they have even removed any doubt, thus far, that trading away Rafer Alston would be a problem. They are rolling over a lot of bumps on the road and are still pressing on, and a two seed in the Western Conference playoffs might not be too far out of reach.

As of right now the Rockets are 44-25, 3rd in the west, and two games behind San Antonio, 2nd in the west, and 45-22. So with roughly twelve games to go, they are definitely on the Spurs' heels. What's even more is they have a chance to get in the drivers seat by the end of this week!

Tonight they meet the struggling Detroit Pistons who have lost two straight and are 1-3 in their last four, and the Rockets get to face them in Houston where they are 27-8. Then this Friday, 3/20/09, the Rockets host the bottom-feeding Minnesota Timberwolves who are 20-47 which is good for 6th worst in the league. As for San Antonio, they don't play until Friday as well, but they face the Boston Celtics. Although the Celtics have been struggling to keep up with Cleveland due to their injuries, it would not be an upset to see them win even in San Antonio.

The real kicker is what culminates if the Rockets were two win their two games and the Spurs lost their game this Friday. The two would then play each other in San Antonio for control of the 2nd seed. If the Rockets win then they would grab hold of the Spurs' spot with ten games or so to go in the season.

The west is close from two to eight, and anything can happen. But I would doubt there were too many people who thought the Houston Rockets could be a two seed.

Clippers beat Nets by Novak's 7th three pointer at buzzer!

March 15, 2009 by MarkM · 2 Comments

NOVAK Clippers beat Nets by Novaks 7th three pointer at buzzer!

Baron Davis passes at the buzzer to Steve Novak for the win. The Nets lose in LA putting themselves 1 game further out of the 8th spot. Steve Novak played big putting up 21 points against New Jersey on March 15. He hit the buzzer beating three on March 16th at 12:09 am. Baron Davis played well as well putting up 20 points 10 assists and 6 rebounds. The LA Clippers now have 16 wins on the season! The Nets are in trouble because they had no business losing to a 15-50 team. In the 3rd quarter of this game Devin Harris left due to injury. He has a strained left shoulder. This loss and the Injury to Devin Harris puts a whole new spin on things on which team is going to get the 8th Spot in the east. This was LA Clippers first win since February.

The Elusive Number Eight Seed… in the East

March 12, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Rookie Derek Rose has his squad thinking Playoffs.

Rookie Derek Rose has his squad thinking Playoffs.

With about 18 or so games to go for each NBA team, the playoff races begin to tighten. By now, any true NBA enthusiast should know the situation in the Western Conference and how seeds eight through two are neck and neck. They should also know that the Phoenix Suns are in poor shape in the ninth spot being five and a half games behind the currently eighth seeded Dallas Mavericks. However, over in the Eastern Conference the race for eight is on. With Chicago, New Jersey, Charlotte, Indiana, Milwaukee, and New York no more than two games apart from one another, that battle is still very interesting.

The New York Knicks have improved mightily from last season with the run-and-gun style that has been infused by new head coach Mike D'Antoni. However, they have a run-and-gun with a bevy of role player caliber ballers. It's not like they're the superstar-filled Suns of years past that D'Antoni had before. So, although the Knicks are a much improved team, they shouldn't be making the playoffs any way.

The Charlotte Bobcats were already making positive strides prior to the trade that brought them Raja Bell and Leandro Barbosa at mid-season. Now, they have improved further, but they are still highly inexperienced and will require more time and at least one All-Star player to get in.

The Pacers on the other hand have their All-Star caliber player in Danny Granger, but he has been hurt. They too are like the Knicks and tend to run, but once again, too many role player type people on their team. That's no good.

New Jersey's got All-Star Devin Harris, and former superstar, but more than capable Vince Carter. But they have too many woes at home and they can't be expected to make a run just because they are decent on the road. Decent on the road is great, where they have a 14-17 record, but a non-winning 14-19 home record just won't do it.

The Milwaukee Bucks currently hold the eight spot, but they still have one problem… they are Michael Redd-less. They did a great job in the early going of his absence from his season-ending injury, but now his loss has started to catch up and the Bucks are just 3-7 in their last ten games.

With that being said, the eighth seed has to be given to Chicago. They have the leading candidate for rookie of the year in Derek Rose, and a great scoring pickup up at mid-season in John Salmons who is averaging 18.2 points per game this season. On top of this they have a stable of young guys with playoff experience in Kirk Hinrich, and top-scorer Ben Gordon. Their big men are also efficient; Tyrus Thomas and Luol Deng. Last, but not least, the other guy that game over from Sacramento with John Salmons… veteran and playoff-savvy Brad Miller.

The Bulls, in my mind, are already a team with a bright future, while the others that were mentioned still do not have much to build on except for some true grit. Bulls get in.

Are the Cleveland Cavaliers Ready to Come Out of the East?

March 9, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

LeBron James' career year has him posting 28.1ppg, 7.4rpg, and 7.0apg. Those are the numbers of a star.

LeBron James' career year has him posting 28.1ppg, 7.4rpg, and 7.0apg. Those are the numbers of a star.

Much has been said this year about the great record and stellar play of the Cleveland Cavaliers as a unit. They currently are 2nd in the league in points given up per game only behind the Boston Celtics. Not only do they defend well, but with a league-best 28-1 home record, if they can hold onto their current number one spot in the east, then they would look to be a good favorite to enter the NBA finals. Guess again.

Although the Cavs literally wipe the floor with their non-playoff contenders when they play them, they tend to struggle against the top-tier teams of the league. They can't beat Boston, and always seem to get thumped in the fourth quarter by them, and if they intend to win a championship, they'll need to find a way to beat LA who swept them in convincing fashion with one of those losses resulting in their lone home loss.

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Steph stinks up 1st start this season

March 9, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

large 1235786354300000 Steph stinks up 1st start this season

On Sunday March 8, Stephon Marbury made his debut start for the Boston Celtics, replacing the injured starter PG Rajon Rondo against Orlando. Some people are going to claim that Steph is just rusty, but I really think this is the beginning of the end for Starbury. After refusing to play for more than half a season, Marbury is no longer mentally in the game. It was pathetic experience watching the once omnipresent Point Guard struggle to try to find his once omnipotent court vision once again. Thanks Clyde! Marbury started for the Celtics and ended the game with NO ASSISTS and 4 points in 20+ minutes on the court. He was replaced by Eddie House for the majority of the game, and to be honest I think Steph has really destroyed his career because now he is not the same player he once was. At this point, Rondo is the more talented PG and Marbury has no business playing with this team, Eddy House is a better PG than him, heck bring back Sam I Am (Sam Cassell) but please don't play Marbury. At this point I can only hope is that Steph does not destroy this squad since they are fun to watch. I don't find it shocking that Assists, are down for the Celtics. You have to admit though, thats it is kind of funny that Boston has once again inherited a New York curse!

The West is Still Better than the East

March 4, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

In this year's fine NBA season the Western Conference is still the powerhouse of the league. It's not like that's ever changed since like the last ten years, but this year is definitely one of most notable.

In the East you have five sub-500 teams fighting for an eighth seed in Milwaukee, New Jersey, Chicago, Indiana, Charlotte in order from best to worst, with the best, Milwaukee, sporting a 29-35 record.

Meanwhile in the wild West the Suns and the Mavericks are shifting between the eighth and ninth spots every few games or so. Currently, the Suns are in ninth and they have a 34-26 record. That's better than the eighth seed in the East, Milwaukee, and also would tie them with Atlanta for the fourth seed and homecourt advantage in the opening round of the playoffs.

It's a little different when you get to the higher seeds though. The two seed in the West, the San Antonio Spurs are 40-19. If they were in the east, that too would be no better than the fourth seed in the East. Orlando, who is 44-16 and third in the east, would be second in the west.

Although not surprising, it's still interesting.

Why Michael? Jackson selling cheap sex doll

March 2, 2009 by MarkM · 3 Comments

Michael Jackson's child NBA action figure


So, I thought the NBA's reputation could not get any worse, and then what happens? Yes It is the return of the 360 thriller, Michael Jackson. Mr. Jackson has seemed to come under some financial troubles over the past year and is now auctioning off some of his most prized possessions, including things from Neverland ranch. The one troubling thing is that he has a custom created child figurine that is sporting a Suns jersey on sale. Personally that just seems creepy to me. I will fully admit that Michael was the greatest pop artist in US history but we all know his darker side, and I would like to say shame on the person who decides to buy this sexual voodoo doll for it's predicted 80 to 120 dollar price tag.

Michael Jackson is just creepy looking now. Damn!

Michael Jackson is just creepy looking now. 该死的!

Can the Phoenix Suns make the Playoffs?

February 23, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

suns2007nash Can the Phoenix Suns make the Playoffs?

Currently, the Phoenix Suns are in ninth place in the Western Conference. If the playoffs were to begin today, the recent perennial show-ups, the Phoenix Suns would be no-shows and watching from home (but most likely traveling over seas and playing golf). But either way, they wouldn't make the playoffs.

When the Suns decided to drop Mike D'Antoni after his highly successful run which included two Western Conference Finals, they figured to make the playoffs by default, with the real goal in mind to win a championship. Now they are too busy stuck in a seesaw battle with Utah (8), New Orleans (7), and Dallas (6) to barely get into the playoffs, much less be involved in any championship talk.

Steve Nash seems to be relegating more of the offensive load to his teammates. He used to be more aggressive until this year. Even though Shaq is playing at an All-Star level again, it still doesn't ever seem to be enough for them to get over the contenders or even to consistently win against the other playoff teams. And with recent rumors of exploring ways they could trade away Amare Stoudamire or even The Big Cactus himself, this team is a shade away from being in shambles.

The Suns can still make the playoffs easily. However, fighting for the sixth through eighth seeds means LA, San Antonio, or Denver in the first round. They might just be able to make it in and out quick enough to catch the rest of the playoffs on TV.

Are the Utah Jazz Contenders?

February 22, 2009 by AlexV · 1 Comment

Carlos Boozer of the Utah Jazz

Carlos Boozer of the Utah Jazz

In the past few weeks, the Utah Jazz have the leagues' best hot streak with four straight wins. Two of those wins have come at home where they are 24-6 against the Lakers and the Celtics. Although Garnett did not play the second half, they still held serve and beat two experienced teams and one champion.

With Deron Williams's career highs in points per game with 19.2 and an excellent 10.2 assists per game, it means this guy is averaging a double-double per outing. Carlos Boozer has been out for a while, but the other players have been picking up the slack: Ronnie Brewer with 13.5 points per game, Paul Millsap 14.6ppg, 9.2 rebounds per game, and even CJ Miles with 10.0ppg.

The Jazz are set to welcome back Boozer's 20.5ppg, and 11.7rpg. With that added to the two vets of Mehmet Okur, 18.0ppg, 8.4rpg, and Andrei Kirilenko 12.6ppg, and 5.5rpg and Utah has a seven man rotation that can averaging double-digit points per game. Last season they took LA to six hotly contested games in the second round of the playoffs. What's even better for the Jazz is they pose a lot of matchup problems for opposing teams with their height, size, and strength.

I am not saying the Jazz are in the Finals already, but they could turn some heads and go as far as the Western Conference Finals.


February 21, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Unless you are living under a rock, I am sure you all know that Tony Parker is married to Eva Longoria! To me that makes him the luckiest guy on the face of the earth. We at sportsroids would like to christian this young women as a Sportsroids Hottie as of right now. Here's to you Eva! If you are ever sick of Tony you know who to call!

Here are some great pictures of Eva for all you Roiders to oogle!

Eva watching her man play!

Eva watching her man play!



eva longoria 010 Tony Parker is the luckiest guy on earth: Eva Longoria

I wish my housewife was that desperate!

I wish my housewife was that desperate!

Tony and Eva at thier wedding!

Tony and Eva at thier wedding!

eva longoria nude Tony Parker is the luckiest guy on earth: Eva Longoria

I understand why Tonys game has gone down over the last couple of years. It must be hard to get out the house!

I understand why Tony's game has gone down over the last couple of years. It must be hard to get out the house!

Such a pretty face

Such a pretty face

She sure loves Tony P!

She sure loves Tony P!

Its all fun and games in the NBA!

Its all fun and games in the NBA!

Tony and Eva at the NBA Allstar game

Tony and Eva at the NBA Allstar game

Everyone loves the winner

Everyone loves the winner

Eva cheers on Tony Parker

Eva cheers on Tony Parker

Ooooo Eva be carefull, I dont think Tony would approve!

Ooooo Eva be carefull, I don't think Tony would approve!

Eva Longoria doing the wave all by herself!

Eva Longoria doing the wave all by herself!

What a supportive wife, she even does photography for Tony. How sweet

What a supportive wife, she even does photography for Tony. How sweet

Eva with her Entourage at the Spurs game!

Eva with her Entourage at the Spurs game!

Which trophy do you think Tony cares about more?

Which trophy do you think Tony cares about more?

Tony thats not how you do it!

Tony thats not how you do it!

Knicks trade for Larry Hughes and Chris Wilcox at trade-deadline

2009年2月19日由MarkM · 发表评论

Larry Hughes of the New York Knicks

纽约尼克斯队的拉里 - 休斯

唐尼 - 沃尔什开始看起来像一个天才,就在纽约写下了这支球队了,他们引起轰动,并挑选了两个到期合同,本赛季余下的比赛。 This will not only put them in the running for the Big 2010 free agency mob, it will also give the New York Knicks a chance at this season's postseason. The trade for Larry Hughes consisted of Tim Thomas, Anthony Roberson, Jerome James being sent in a package to the Bulls for the SG. Chris Wilcox was picked up in a straight up deal with Oklahoma City for Malik Rose. The Knicks just got two players that may start for one bench player and four not even in the rotation. 伟大的工作唐尼 - 沃尔什!

Chris Wilcox of the New York Knicks

纽约尼克斯队的克里斯 - 威尔考克斯

The New York Knicks just don't know how to finish

February 11, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

mike dantoni knicks nc1 The New York Knicks just dont know how to finish

Nate The Great Robinson

Nate "The Great" Robinson

Mr. Double Double

Mr. Double Double

I have been quite upset with the Knicks this season. With the hiring of Mike D'Antoni, the Knicks have promised playoffs for the fans this year. The thing is I can't see it happening. The reason it can't happen is simple, you can't win games when you can't finish. Literally the last 5 games the Knicks have played pathetic in the 4th quarter. It's depressing and awful, considering that the talent on this squad seems to have been raised with the acquisition of Al Harrington, Chris Duhan and the promising play of Nate Robinson, David Lee and Wilson Chandler. I really think this team has the potential to be a 4 seed, yet they just seem to be to green. Well time will only tell if they can take that 8 spot and make the playoffs like D'Antoni promised.

Wilson Chandler

Wilson Chandler

Why has the NBA become so unpopular??

February 3, 2009 by Jay K · 4 Comments

kobe angry 300x227 Why has the NBA become so unpopular??

A little bit more than a decade ago Basketball was at it's peak of popularity. People questioned how the NBA be so popular and how come football took a backseat to both basketball and baseball. Critics and fans a like said it was because of the fact that football players wore helmets that masked their faces. Others said that people wanted to see a skill sport rather than one that required and rewarded strength over talent.

Today the NBA is a shell of what it used to be. In fact it has been for years. Since Michael Jordan 's third and final retirement a lot of the luster, excitement, and entertainment has left the industry. Some may point out that scoring is higher than ever. Although that may be true, the fact of the matter is that the way that players are scoring points has caused the game to actually slow down dramatically. Ever since the rule of no hand checking along the perimeter has been in place, faster players like Tony Parker and Rajon Rondo have been abusing the painted area. Although guard play was what David Stern was hoping to incorporate into the game, it slowed it down due to several of ticky tack fouls being called.

The result was higher scoring, but it was all done at a stand still pace… at the foul line. Look at Kobe Bryant last night at the Garden for example. He drops 61 points on the New York Knicks, 20 of which came from the free throw stripe (He went 20/20 at the line).

Another reason comes from over this past summer in which we saw referree Tim Donaghy ruined much of the little credibility the NBA had left. Do you remember about 5 years ago the Lakers and Spurs were playing in the Western Conference Semi-Finals. Derek Fisher hit a jumper with 0.3 seconds left on the clock. From my recollection, they deemed it impossible to even tap a ball in without at least 0.4 seconds remaining on the clock. Now I'm not a Spurs fan or a Laker hater but anyone who saw that game can see that the clock started late, and they gave Fisher enough time to do a turn-catch-and-shoot.

Parity, it doesn't exist. Even today with both conferences looking more and more similar record wise. The fact of the matter is that only two or three teams from each conference have a legitimate chance in winning the title. That doesn't seem so bad right? Well these are the same teams every year for about a 2 to 3 year period. San Antonio, Cleveland, Detriot (Not so much this year), and Phoenix (they too have fallen off) prior to last year's finals were doned to be in the Conference Finals at the minimum.

Rewards for individual achievements for a team based game. It is a given that you cannot win 1 on 5. Yet there is the MVP award. This wouldn't be so bad except the MVP voting makes no sense. The Best player on the Best Team? Then why didn't KG win it last year like he should have? Or is it the best overall player, Then why did Dirk Nowitzki win the MVP (I'm a huge Dirk fan)? The voting system makes no sense and the MVPs each year seem to baffle the true fans. Nash should have won when Dirk won. Shaq should have won when Nash won his first MVP. Kidd should have won, when Duncan won his second MVP.

同情。 The fans don't see themselves in the players. Most of these players are arrogant and selfish and only desire money. For the few times a year we get to play ball with our buddies and friends we play with team work, desire to win, and above all else because we love it. Players these days care only about the dollar in a sport that has lost its ability to create a team first mentality. Look at Gilbert Arenas he signed for $111 million over six years only to not even step on the court once this year. He claimed to be a heroic icon by saving his team millions, while in actuality has crippled them financially and doesn't even play.

Some say there is a race element involved in it as well but I don't believe it. Most football players are black(except at quarterback and on the O-line). Most baseball players are hispanic (at least a majority of the most famous ones). Yet these sports are the two most watched and profitable in the nation. The fact of the matter is that basketball has become slow due to rule changes (hand checking on the perimeter, no-charge zone, zone defenses(No more illegal defense)). People don't like the players (Kobe – accused of rape, Shaq – adultry, Jamal Tinsley & Ron Artest – do I really have to list this?, the Palace at Auburn Hills, over paid players, focus on race (Yao and Yi to reach to Asian Markets)). This league has lost its depth, and more importantly it has lost its passion and its beauty. If you don't believe me then think back to when the Heat played the Nuggets this past year and the hype was that Dick Vitale was going be commenting the game….Not the game itself.

Kobe breaks MSG record of most points scored at MSG

February 2, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Kobe Bryant may have that same look on his face at the end of this season too.


Kobe has already started 2009 with a bang. This week Kobe played the way legends do. Kobe put in 61 points against the New York Knicks in their home arena, breaking Bernard King's long time record of 60 points. The funny thing is when you think about it this point total is 20 points less then his personal best…my lord, Kobe is the #1 player in the NBA…Nuff said!


2009年1月18日由AlexV · 发表评论

kevin garnett holding nba trophy1 5 Contenders

在这一点上有在NBA的5冠军争夺; 在西部,洛杉矶湖人(31-8)和圣安东尼奥马刺26-13,而在东部,克利夫兰骑士(31-7),奥兰多魔术(33-8)和波士顿凯尔特人队(33 - 9)。

现在,我会把马刺在湖人。 I know the records are five games different, but lately I've been seeing Kobe take a lot of shots in the fourth quarter in games against Orlando and San Antonio that just haven't been going down. Pau Gasol is having a great season, but now the Spurs have four guys who can be counted on to hit big shots, and not in any particular order; Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, Manu Ginobli, and now Roger Mason Jr.

Furthermore, the Spurs show no signs of getting older, and they even seem like they are playing “younger” than last year.

在东部,一个团队的整体最佳的一致性一直是骑士队。 The Celtics seem like their big three of Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, and Ray Allen are getting older (More-so Garnett and Pierce), and their role players have not stepped up much in their recent strings of losses. I would have to say that right now Pierce and Garnett seem to be taking a step back, but I know they can turn that around. However, until that happens, I have to keep them under Orlando and Cleveland, even if they are the defending champs.

The Orlando Magic just seem like they play within themselves every game, and that has been just enough to pull out some big road wins this season. But with their ever-growing regularity of settling on huge three pointers down the stretch to win games may not be so hot come playoff time… “You live by the three, you die by the three.”

Finally, it is the Cleveland Cavaliers who are my top pick in the east. 勒布朗 - 詹姆斯似乎进入了自己,仿佛他一直做的那样是不够的。 He is really hitting his peak now, and is relying on his teammates much longer in games than Kobe Bryant.

What's even more is that they (Cleveland) aren't even letting any of the non-contenders come close to beating them at home. If they can hold on to the number one seed come playoff time, and have homecourt advantage in the Finals, I will pick them to win it all.

Eddie Curry racially raped a Man?

January 13, 2009 by MarkM · 2 Comments

eddy curry loves dunking nba Eddie Curry racially raped a Man?

Now what do you do when you think someone has wronged you? 哦对了,指责他性骚扰和种族主义者的意见吧? Seriously what is this pathetic world coming too. Today Eddy Curry has been accused of just this. Seriously can they leave anyone alone. 埃迪 - 库里正在经历一个困难时期,现在,请留下库里ALONE!!......我只是在开玩笑,但我知道埃迪 - 库里不能做任何事情,任何人,因为艾迪实在不是一个混蛋的。 He is just a lazy bum. 我是说真的,他得到了瞎劫,而他在自己的房子里,相信我,他对任何人构成威胁。 但我觉得更有趣的是,谁在指责他的人正试图使这个犹太与黑的问题。 从我看过这份报告,这都没有区别,如果他是犹太人,因为进攻的意见是几乎所有的白人一般,所以为什么他觉得有必要插嘴的事实,他是犹太人? 在NBA.com他们所描述的意见通过书面形式,

Kuchinsky also accuses Curry of exposing himself and harassing the former driver and said Curry referred to his Jewish heritage in a derogatory way, calling him a “cracker,” “white slave,” “white devil” and “grandmaster of the KKK”

我可以说的是知道自己的种族方面的人。 这些侮辱令白永世乐趣作为一个整体,而不是一个特定的群体。 This won't hold up in court, Jesus. 但要重回正轨,埃迪 - 库里是最肯定是无辜的。 我实在看不出这家伙显示他驾驶他的特殊部件及口头招呼他们。 Eddy Curry has four children, so let me ask you when you think he would have a chance to pull this off? 它只是似乎并不现实,,包括至少一个给我。 Personally I know that Eddy Curry would be too lazy to even use the energy to expose himself. Dave Kuchinsky is suing him and supposedly he is seeking 5 million dollars. When I heard that I was like WHAT!!?? 说真的,500万,因为你破坏了一个黑色的超级巨星向你展示他的约翰逊? Was it really that traumatic for you to need 5 million in compensatory damages. 来吧,一百万埃迪 - 库里可以公鸡嫌我在我的脸上,叫我“whitebread”了一整天。 These poeple who are just searching for money need to stop attacking our athletes and get real. 呼啦回你们!

It's Official: Brandon Roy Sets the Tone for the Portland Trail Blazers

December 19, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

Say hello to the league's next young equalizer.

Say hello to the league's next young equalizer.

Coming into this season, everyone knew that Brandon Roy was one of the rising stars in the league. However, up until his 52 point performance against the Phoenix Suns last night, he may very well be a rising super star.

I think the most widespread feeling across the league is that guys like Brandon Roy and LaMarcus Aldridge would make nice compliments to Greg Oden. However, until Greg Oden can begin to score twenty plus points per game, that cannot be said. Brandon Roy at this point is the player that you say “The team goes as far as Brandon Roy goes,” and his main man and sidekick is Aldridge, and not Oden.

Now, with Portland jumping to a 17-6 record which is good for 5th in the western conference, and coming off a recent three-game slump, the huge performance in Portland should propel the team to hit off some three to five game win streaks here and there for the next few weeks.

Go Brandon Roy.


December 18, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Steve Nash and Dirk

史蒂夫 - 纳什和德克

我读每日新闻最近,我无意中发现一篇由Frank Isola的。 这篇文章主要是关于史蒂夫-纳什想念他的教练,愿意来纽约,2010年是比尔Parcells执教的事实纽约尼克斯 Who thinks up this stuff? Do you really think D'antoni thinks, “Lets just move all the stars of my last squad to my new one.” I mean do we just want the Knicks rosters and Sun's rosters just switching jerseys like this? Message to Dolan “These SUNS NEVER WON A TITLE”. 来吧,德安东尼带给我新的血液,带给我更好的捍卫者和不管你做什么,只是请不要连击了纳什和小斯在2010年我会更难过,比第一电影评论家观看Kazaam。 In fact if that were to happen we could petition that the team name should be changed to the New York Geriatrics. 如果我看到尼克斯拿起一个老龄化的超级巨星在2010年谁是超过33,我会大发雷霆,现在只是要多年轻人才可以在此自由球员。 德克和纳什应该越过尼克斯的愿望清单中了!
trans Steve Nash to the Knicks?

Duhon, Harrington and Chandler push Knicks above Nets

December 11, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Al Harrington suits up as a Knick

Al Harrington of the New York Knicks

The highly favored Nets did not pull through on Wednesday night at the IZOD center. Rather they fell victim

Wilson Chandler draws contact and the foul

Wilson Chandler draws contact and the foul

to below par New York Knicks team by a score of 121-109. The Knicks trailed early in the game allowing Devin Harris 14 points in the 1st quarter. It seemed like this night was destined to be a failure from the beginning for the Knicks, we have grown accustomed to seeing. Yet, some thing has changed within the New York Knicks, this team now after the departure of Randolph and Crawford and benching of Curry, refuse to quit. I almost hate to say this but Al Harrington plays with such passion while wearing his hometown orange and blue jersey, it's almost inspiring. Al Harrington lead the knicks with 39 pts, 13 Rebounds, 3 Assists. The Knicks never lead in the 1st half and were getting pushed around until Tim Thomas took over in the 3rd putting up 9 points in about 1 minute. This sparked the crowd and Al Harrington to get to work. Chris Duhon had another great double double performance, with 10 pts and 10 assists. Chandler, who also put up big numbers, rebounded from his bad night in Chicago putting up 24 pts, 9 rebounds, 3 assists.

In other news:

Cuttino Mobley is going to announce his retirement from the NBA tommorow. He is retiring due to a heart condition that will prohibit him from playing basketball. This heart complication was caught during his physical conducted during his trade from the Clippers to the knicks this year. This is pretty upsetting story, but atleast he isn't going to sit on the knicks bench and collect a paycheck while he gets fat and doesn't work hard, due to his “injury or condition”. I applaud Cuttino for knowing when to get out. For Mobley I know there will be life after Basketball. Thats more than what I can say for some knicks!

The New York Knicks might not be that bad

December 9, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

knicks logo The New York Knicks might not be that bad

I will fully admit that I have been a Marbury supporter throughout the entire fiasco of this season. I believed that the kid from Brooklyn could bring us a championship. I still think he is the New York Knicks most talented guard, yet I am starting to realize that the Knicks aren't even in bad shape, without him. They have all been playing so well this season. Nate Robinson has put his name on the map whenever he wasn't hurt and got minutes. Wilson Chandler has shown huge potential and is on the verge of turning into a superstar wing man. Yet, there are two players that deserve special recognition. These two players that are making this season happen.

David Lee Relaxs with the Ladies!

David Lee Relaxs with the Ladies!

The first player I would like to talk about is the cornerstone of the New York organization, Mr. David Lee. Known by some in New York as “Doctor Leebound”. This aggressive young man, plays tenaciously under the boards and does all the dirty work that needs to be done to win games. Unlike Eddy “Fatness” Curry, David is a hard worker and a tough guy which makes up for his lack of size at the center position. David Lee is a breed of player which sadly enough that seems to be dissolving from the league. Nevertheless, I hope he makes the All-star team, because quite frankly he deserves it. The man has averaged 14.4 points and 10.2 rebounds per game. Yep David Lee averages a double double. That's pretty tough to shallow isn't it. He actually has just as many double doubles as Tim Duncan right now with 12 on

David Lee Center of New York Knicks

David Lee Center of New York Knicks

这一年。 This year he has looked like a superstar posting up a numbers comparable to none, for example this year he put up 37 points 21 rebounds game against The Warriors. This guy works hard and does what he needs to do to fit the new system and give his team the edge in any game. Therefore, he is All Star in my book.

Chris Duhan has played like Steve Nash did under Mike D'Antoni, this season for the Knicks

Chris Duhan has played like Steve Nash did under Mike D

The second player i wished to talk about is Chris Duhan. Is it me or the Knicks hell bent on picking up all of the Chicago Bulls scraps, and B side players. Literally at one point we had Crawford, Eddie Curry and Chris Duhan. To me that is just funny. Yet I think this time maybe the knicks are in luck. Obviously I hated this kid before he even stepped into the door at MSG, but I have grown to see that he has fulfilled a huge hole in this knicks organization. He has became a team leader. I did not believe this player would have been such a gifted talent considering he was the Bulls 3rd string PG. I was very upset, in fact, when I heard the rumor, The Knicks are going to trash Marbury in order to start Duhan. Which did turnout to be true. I wanted to vomit at the idea of Chris Duhan, being the “The REAL PG of the New York Knicks”. My nausea was not necessary it turns out, because This season he has had moments of greatness. When a player brakes the assist record for The New York Knicks at 22, that is something special. This guy has heart. Just look at the minutes he plays. Some players can give you 35 minutes, but in that 35 minutes you might not get 100% of the player. He may take brakes and loose concentration, this is not Duhan, he has been averaging 40 minutes per game and plays every possession like it was the first or last. He forces turnovers and he feeds open teamates using Mike D'Antoni's system. Honeslty the last couple of games he has started to look like Steve Nash. Right now he is averaging more assists per game than Nash actually. Chris Duhan is the truth and when he is not on the floor the Knicks look like a terrible team. Chris recently lead the Knicks to victory against the Detroit Pistons in a large upset 104-92. He played for 48 minutes in the uptempo system, which must be brutal, yet he pushes on. Chris has been focal point for the media, and they have also attempted to trick him and say controversial statements about Marbury. Chris Duhan is a solid man, and refuses to converse about such things, unlike idiot child Q. If Duhan does not go to All Star game It will be a travesty, for New York Knicks fans world-wide.

NBA First Quarter MVP?

December 2, 2008 by AlexV · 2 Comments

Dwyane Wade, aka Flash, may very well be holding the MVP trophy at the end of the season.

Dwyane Wade, aka Flash, may very well be holding the MVP trophy at the end of the season.

Who is the Man whose momma spells the name “Dwayne” as “Dwyane?” Who is the Man who leads his team to victory by being the league's top scorer at 28.7 points per game, almost a full point over the one they call “King” with 27.8 in Cleveland? Who is the former Marquette Master that let his team sit back and watch as he carried them to four straight victories once upon an NBA Finals ago? Who is this Man you say? D-Wade?


Yea… that and Dwyane Wade.


For those of you who it isn't too early to be talking MVP yet, Dwyane Wade ought to be your man. He has no Shaq, and at 9-9, has his team just four wins shy of the 13 total they had all of last season. To say he has gotten much help would be a bit of a stretch.


Sure, Michael Beasley has been turning in a pretty fine rookie season at 14.7 points per game with a 45% field goal percentage. Other than, they have no big men and their pick up from last season, Shawn Marion has not presented himself as much of a scoring threat with just 12.3 points per game (coupled by a big 9.3 rebounds per contest), but at 6ft 7in, he is shorter than rookie Michael Beasley at 6ft 9in!


Thus far, Dwyane Wade has played like a man who wants no part of the shame and deplorable play his city and fans suffered through last season, and definitely does not want to be watching most of the playoffs as opposed to playing in at least part of them.


As long as Dwyane Wade can keep carrying his team to victory, especially in the fourth quarter, he has my vote for MVP right now… D-Wade! All the other usual and potential names, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, Steve Nash, Tim Duncan, Brandon Roy, Chris Paul, or Chauncey Billups have an at least decent supporting cast around them.  

NBA Quarter-Mark Outlook

November 30, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

nba logo in the middle NBA Quarter Mark Outlook

So far in the NBA a few teams are back up to their old tricks, a few have been somewhat disappointing, and a good number of upstarts from last year as well as some surprising newcomers have begun to surface.


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Knicks are in trouble…

November 27, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Allen Iverson cuts to the basket on a unaware Knicks Team

Allen Iverson cuts to the basket on a unaware Knicks Team

The New York Knicks , supposedly need to gel, according to Mike D'Antoni. I fear that no amount of time will fix the Knicks woes. The Knicks have absolutely no defense. I mean during The Tuesday night Piston game they made just 4 stops in the 2nd half and the announcer started talking about how they are trying to turn around their Defensive troubles. Mike D'Antoni's system does not focus on defense, which it should, Mike believes in out scoring all and any opponents. With the players they have you'd think they be able to make some stops. I mean Wilson Chandler is one of the longest and most athletic SG/SF in the east, Al Harrington was drafted as a defensive specialist, Chris Duhan was said to be a great defender when he was picked up, so why do they suck so bad? The answer is quite obvious, they are the New York Knicks. They have a losing persona, and that is not changing anytime soon, even if they get what they want in 2010.

Al Harrington suits up as a Knick

Al Harrington suits up as a Knick

Al Harrington first suited up as a Knick on the 25th of November, His first start was on the 26th against the Pistons. He has loads of potentail in this system, not a bad pickup for fantasy basketball. Another noteable aqquistion will be Tim Thomas. He will fit in great in this system, since he already knows it, all he needs to do is get into running shape. Tim Thomas could be a 20 point 10 rebound guy, so if you need help in FFBB take a shot on this guy.

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Mike D'Antoni Infuses New Life into the New York Knicks

November 9, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Mike D'Antoni has made good so far in his tenure with the Knicks as Head Coach.

Mike D'Antoni has made good so far in his first stint with the Knicks.

So far this season, the New York Knicks are 4-2 and have posted some very impressive victories. The latest of which came earlier when the Knicks knocked off the Utah Jazz at Madison Square Garden by a score of 107-99 earlier today.

In the Knicks' four victories they have averaged 110.5 points per game, and all have been quite convincing. Those kinds of numbers seem to be a direct reflection of a Mike D'Antoni coached team. Everyone who watches basketball knows what kinds of numbers the Suns put up when D'Antoni was in Phoenix.

Many people may have criticized D'Antoni and his decision to have starting point guard Stephon Marbury sit out. However, the players seem to be finding their roles under the steady direction of a more true point guard, if not nearly as talented, in Chris Duhon.

Hopefully for the Knicks, they can continue to build of this success.

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NBA – Are the Atlanta Hawks a playoff contender?

November 7, 2008 by Jay K · 4 Comments

Hawks Guard Joe Johnson backing down James Posey in last year's playoffs

Lets rewind the clocks back two years ago. The Atlanta Hawks were dubbed as one of the worst franchises ever in professional sports. They had the longest playoff drought in the NBA, spanning back to the 1998-1999 lockout season. For those of you that don't remember this team featured a young Dikembe Mutombo and Semi-All Star in Steve Smith. The Hawks showed signs of promise as they started off the year 4-1 and were atop the Eastern Conference standings during the infancy of the 2006-2007 season. Joe Johnson had completed one full year in Atlanta under the tutilage of Mike Woodson. The end result? A 30-52 record, finished last in their division, and amongst the worst of the NBA.

Last Year the started the season at 3-10. People had written off this team from the start with good reason I ight add. They finished the season at 37-45 and had snatched the 8th seed for their first playoff birth in 9 years. Of course this is not impressive by any means because this is the Eastern Conference we are talking about, where if you won 3 games in a row you could catapult from the 12 spot to the 7 spot. No as far as I'm concerned they were just as pathetic as they were before. 但是! When the playoffs came around, this was a different team. They pushed the Celtics to a crazy 7 games and almost created a huge upset. We as fanatics all talked about how this team was going to be good next year, and now next year has come around.

The Hawks have started off 3-0 and have beaten Orlando, Philly, and New Orleans, respectively. All three of those teams were playoff teams last year, with Orlando and New Orleans being division winners. There are whispers in the wind of the Hawks being legit this year. I am here to tell you otherwise. The Hawks are still a bad team. After years of poor management of the Coaches and Personnel, poor draft decisions (Not picking Chris Paul or Deron Williams when they had the chance), barely squeaking into the playoffs last year, this team is far from being much better than what they were last year. Teams like Atlanta are young and inexperienced, and live off of the hype of the beginning of the season. This is when coaches can reach them because they are eager to win and to learn. But as the season progresses and the players face the strain of traveling and going through the physical depreciation of their bodies, the true colors of the Hawks will show.

Think about this, Joe Johnson left the Suns to be the “man” on a bad team. In which he isn't even the franchise player, Josh Smith is. Speaking of Josh Smith, you think he wants to play in Atlanta? After how he was treated this offseason because the Hawks didn't want to shell out money to keep a young and athletic shot blocker and scorer. We all know as regular people, who have regular jobs or go to school. We follow the lead of our bosses or teachers. This Atlanta management team is a great example of how to not treat your players or managers. This group of players in Atlanta need more time to develop and need better coaches to help them develop. Despite Joe Johnson having a career year so far (28/5.7/3.7) the other parts of the Atlanta core (Mike Bibby and Josh Smith) are playing rather poorly. The loss of Josh Childress has placed more pressure on Marvin Williams, who has not risen to the occassion (6.5/6/0.5). I guarentee that this team will place out of the playoffs this year or at most the 8th seed again.

But, who knows, miracles can happen. After all Obama did become president.

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Allen Iverson heads to the Motor City – Will Success Ensue?

November 5, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Check out the new threads! Now check out the potential. Read on...

Check out the new threads! Now check out the potential. 阅读...

To think that Allen Iverson has not been thrown into a better situation by being traded from the Denver Nuggets to the Detroit Pistons is a preposterous line of thought. He'll be leaving a team that has been knocked out of the 1st round of the playoffs the last three seasons in only five games in each one of those series.

Stephon Marbury: Breaking News Update

November 5, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Stephon Marbury will play with a New thirst to excel after riding the bench

Stephon Marbury will play with a New thirst to excel after riding the bench

Stephon Marbury has been headlining the news for the last three days, and Sportsroids has consulted with a source who says that, “Stephon may see time sooner than most people think.” Considering he is currently being paid 22 million this year, the source stated, “the New York Knick's management wants to make the most of that investment.” So there is the inside SportsRoids scoop. Marbury will be placed into the rotation within the next month and activated. Also to address all the trade talk rumors, I need to just pose one question, “why would the Knicks trade an expiring 22 million dollar contract if they want to have a chance at D. Wade or Lebron James?”

NBA'S Best Block Video

November 4, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

nba blocks video NBAS Best Block Video


Spurs Offense Sputtering without Star Manu Ginobli?

November 1, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

With Manu Ginobli out, the trio of Duncan, Parker, and Finley look to be the big three for San Antonio.

With Manu Ginobli out, the trio of Duncan, Parker, and Finley look to be the big three for San Antonio.

The San Antonio Spurs are not at their best, obviously, when Manu Ginobli isn't in the lineup, and many league analysts attribute the loss of his extra offense to their early woes. However, I believe their problems originate elsewhere.

Last night, it wasn't a lack of offense that kept San Antonio out of the game. The cutting and driving lay-ups and mid-range jumpers of Tony Parker (24pts), and hooks and short J's of Tim Duncan (27pts) kept the Spurs in the game. But still, their were two other contributors for the Spurs last night; starter Michael Finley chipped in 16 points, and off-season free-agent acquisition Roger Mason scored 14 on 6-7 shooting… also helping to keep San Antonio in the game. The four player's point totals adds up to 81 of the 99 their team posted altogether. That really isn't bad considering teams like the Washington Wizards get an average of 70+ points from their big three, Gilbert Arenas (when actually healthy), Antawn Jamison, and Caron Butler, and are still one of the highest scoring teams in the Eastern Conference, if not the entire NBA.

The problem with last night's loss wasn't a lack of offense for the Spurs, but a lack of defense, and the fact that they allowed 13 offensive boards and countless second chance points to the Trail Blazers. Add that to a hot 10-18, 26 point, shooting night by Brandon Roy, and the Spurs still only barely lost.  

For all the grief the Spurs offense is receiving, the problems look to be emanating more from a lack of fundamental basketball skills, a phase of the game that this team has shown to be the greatest at over the past several years. If they can get back to actual Spurs basketball and not allow a team so many offensive boards, they'll be back on track as one of the top five teams in the West.

Don't count out Roger Mason Jr. He may prove to be a sleeper for the Spurs this season.

Don't count out Roger Mason Jr. He may become a sleeper for the Spurs this season.

Win or Lose, the Golden State Warriors are Great Entertainment

October 30, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Stephen Jackson was second on his team last night with 26 points behind newcomer Corey Maggette who had 27.

Stephen Jackson was second on his team last night with 26 points behind newcomer Corey Maggette who had 27.

For the past two NBA seasons the Golden State Warriors have been an exciting team to watch. Their brand of run-and-gun doesn't always ensure victory, but for what it's worth, it provides a lot of entertainment. Even though Baron Davis has packed his bags and gone to the LA Clippers, after the performance that the Warriors with newly acquired Corey Maggette put on last night against New Orleans, this team promises to deliver.

If you watch the Warriors closely, you will notice that they are never out of a game. They tend to take shots in transition most of the time and it can prove to be killer for them as it was in their 108-103 loss against the Hornets last night, in the sense that it will keep them down by two to four points throughout a large portion of a game when they're playing against contenders. But regardless, this is exciting basketball, and the way that they consistently keep it close, when they aren't blowing their opponents out, further establishes their propensity for elite entertainment.

With the departure of Baron Davis, the Warriors are now led by Stephen Jackson and Corey Maggette. Jackson hits threes and much like Gilbert Arenas will knock down some questionable shots, while he and Maggette can take it to the hole or shoot a smooth “J.” Aside from those two players, the supporting cast is high-flying and tenacious. If the Warriors can continue their place as one of the highest scoring teams in the league then the return of Monta Ellis, the player who made the decision not to resign Davis much easier, will really have this team rolling at the point guard position.


Monta Ellis, out with an injury he earned in a motorcycle accident, has increased his points per game in his first three season; 6.8, 16.5, and 20.2 respectively.

Monta Ellis, out with an injury he earned in a motorcycle accident, has increased his points per game in his first three season; 6.8, 16.5, and 20.2 respectively.

2008-2009 NBA Regular Season Opening Night

October 27, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

LeBron James looks to remind us why they call him "The King."

LeBron James looks to remind us why they call him "The King."

When the NBA opens up their regular season tomorrow, the fans should be treated to a hotly contested battle between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Boston Celtics.

Last season, the two teams went to seven games before Boston finally came out on top. The main stat of the series was the fact that both teams won all of their home games. If the Cleveland Cavaliers are looking to make a statement to open the season, a win in Boston would be a great way to do so.

The second game of the TNT double-header features Greg Oden's NBA regular season debut when Portland travels to LA to face the reigning Western Conference champs.

The Lakers welcome back a promising young star in Andrew Bynum and look to continue their Western Conference dominance from last year when they finished with the best record in the conference. Last season, Portland was off to a surprising early start when they went on a 13 game winning streak at one point, but faded away the remainder of the year. Don't count out the young and talented Trail Blazers to make things interesting.

The schedulers did a decent job putting some spirited potential on the board for day one of the 2008-2009 NBA regular season.  

Greg Oden hopes to be wearing a Jersey and in a puddle of sweat the next time he's in this position.

Greg Oden hopes to be wearing a Jersey and in a puddle of sweat the next time he's in this position.

Andrew Bynum may play a Key Role in putting the Lakers over the Top

October 25, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Perhaps Bynum can continue to be the rising star he was before his injury last season.

Perhaps Bynum can continue to be the rising star he was before his injury last season.

Last season, the LA Lakers took care of business in the first three rounds of the playoffs. They swept the Nuggets in the first round, eliminated the Jazz in six games in the second round, and defeated the Spurs in just five games in the Western Conference finals. It wasn't until the NBA Finals that they hit a wall when they lost to Boston in six games.

This year, they'll welcome back a healthy Andrew Bynum. And if you witnessed his performance in last night's pre-season game against the Oklahoma City Thunder, then you too may see why Andrew Bynum could place the Lakers back in the Finals with a much better shot at winning it all.

Bynum was dominant going 10-15 for a 66% scoring percentage, with 23 points. Bynum also added eight rebounds and three blocks. What was most promising was his poise under the basket. He didn't just get easy dunks all night. He was laying it up and taking short jumpers. The scary thing is he is only 20 years old.

The return of Bynum will give the Lakers two superstar caliber players on the inside with Pau Gasol being the other. The Celtics beat the Lakers last year with their trademark stingy interior defense. If the Lakers can match that this season, then seemingly, their main threat from last season may meet a more formidable Los Angeles team in this years Finals.

If Bynum's production continues to improve, he may be able to keep this guy happy.

If Bynum's prodcution continues to improve it could make this guy a very happy man at the end of the season.

Tim Duncan the best player in the NBA…. Anyone?

October 23, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 1 Comment

TIMMY!!! tim wins another Tim Duncan the best player in the NBA…. Anyone?

For the past 5 years I have been saying that Tim Duncan is the best player in the NBA why?   Because he is.    No really, look at his body of work over the past 5 years 3 rings “come on man you can't argue with that.”   To be honest many people will say Kobe is the best player or Lebron, but isn't the best player the guy who can get his team to the championship and win, and score points, and play defense, and rebound, and be a leader   Tim Duncan does all of this.   I am bringing this up because the NBA season will be starting soon and again Tim looks to be the best player in the league.   I am not going to list his career statistics, but look at them they are very good.   Also very rarely is guard the best player in the league. A guard is not going to bring a team a championship by himself he needs a great big man (not including Jordan), on the other hand a Big man does not need a great guard.   Tim Duncan is not going to score 81 points in a game but he will score 25 with 20 rebounds and 10 assists, and that's what makes a great player.   A guy who helps the team on all levels so argue if you want but look for Tim to get his 5 th ring this year, and prove me right. “TIMMY!!!”

don't agree leave a comment.

NBA League Pass should be a Prerequisite of any Diehard Pro Basketball Fan

October 18, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

NBA League Pass is a bargain at $180.00 for an entire season of 2,460 games.

NBA League Pass is a bargain at $180.00 for an entire season of 2,460 games.

I don't work for the NBA. I work for the SportsRoids authority of America in my spare time. But I must say that the NBA League Pass is something that diehard NBA fans should get. And I'm not talking about diehard fans of one team. I'm talking those who follow all the team's records throughout the season, and who like to watch games because of the talent and action.

If you multiply the 82 games that each team plays each season by the 30 teams there are in the league you get a total of 2,460 games. It seems almost unbelievable! I have enjoyed watching great NBA basketball the past two years as a League Pass owner for various reasons.

The NBA likes to nationally televise the games between the contenders, but there are plenty other teams out there with start talent and superstars that aren't being given face time. There are also a lot of young teams that have promising talent and fans cannot see them grow because they haven't reached their potential yet and the NBA schedulers won't “recognize” them.

I'm telling you, get NBA league pass. You get a whole lot of bang for your buck, and the games between underdogs and contenders are typically more competitive than if they met in a best of seven series. It is just a suggestion.

Preseason Outlook on NBA's top Championship Contenders in 2008-2009 Regular Season

二○○八年一十月十一日由AlexV · 发表评论

Kobe Bryant may have that same look on his face at the end of this season too.

Kobe Bryant may have that same look on his face at the end of this season too.

You know, basketball is unlike pro football where your schedule can be favorable or brutal depending on whom teams are scheduled to play. But in basketball, you play every team. With that being said, I give you my top contenders for the title this season.

The Celtics have such a swagger. They have stifling interior defense and the stars are all leaders either by example or a mixture of that and charisma. They are a confident bunch from top to bottom.

The New Orleans Hornets are young, quick, defensive, and are lead by the best point guard in the league… Chris Paul. They let it slip against the Spurs, but they are young, and the Spurs are another year older.

The Lakers made it to the Finals, and they cruised in their Western Conference playoff matchups. However, the story was much different in the Finals.

The Lakers seemed to outmatch the Western Conference, but the Celtics won convincingly in the Finals against them so I'd put them ahead of LA The Hornets are good, but they are still younger than the Celtics, and ultimately the only have one true superstar against three in Boston.

I'd give the edge to Boston to win it all again.

Michael Jordan's Top 10 Dunks NBA

September 15, 2008 by sportsroids · 6 Comments

Micheal Jordan Skys Above

Micheal Jordan Skys Above Penny Hardaway

I always wanted to be like Mike. Just look at him, it's crazy. There will never be another MJ.

Michael Jordan's Top 10 Dunks NBA

September 15, 2008 by sportsroids · 2 Comments


I always wanted to be like Mike. Just look at him, it's crazy. There will never be another MJ.


September 1, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

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