
2009年8月18日由AlexV · 发表评论

Let the drama begin.


现在每个人都知道在NFL最新的头转向收购。 无女士和先生们,我们不是在谈论迈克尔 - 维克。 这是返回返回布雷特法夫尔先生。 我看看在维京人的时间表,我没兴趣巨大的皮卡前。 但是,让我们都一起来看看现在法夫尔已经加入了俱乐部。


接下来的三场比赛是艰难的;主场对阵巴尔的摩,匹兹堡,在绿湾的家。 我想说匹兹堡的比赛是一个损失。 对绿湾的人可能是一个单纯纯洁的情感基础上的枪战,可能会有两种方式。 对阵乌鸦数字是铁石心肠,,我会给Vikes,在家里给他们带来6-2中途在那一个边缘。

之后,他们得到休息一个星期之前,他们面对的是狮子再次在家里,然后在家中,不一致的西雅图和芝加哥以及具有防御性和广泛的接受困境在家。 我认为所有这三个使他们以9-2胜。


如果维京人要扎实,他们应该赢得那些过去的​​五场比赛中的一个或两个。 如果他们塑造成一支伟大的球队,然后12-13胜应该是在地平线上。 弗尔可能是40岁,在过去的上一年度的一半,并已显示出衰败的迹象,但他在明尼苏达州有一个成熟的深威胁伯纳德贝里安,和把队上我回拉什阿德里安彼得一起起动值得切斯特·泰勒。



2009年6月22日由AlexV · 发表评论

nfl nfl nfl network NFL Network’s NFL Football

如果你需要一个足球修复检查NFL网络。 与康卡斯特公司只有7.00元左右和改变。 我并不想为另一家公司,以促进,我只是试图让足球主管是谁的人了解一个伟大的地方,在那里他们可以得到修复,而当他们是NFL网络重播整个足球游戏,通常对决有很大的饰面或好,主要是通过四个季度。

但是,这是不是最好的部分。 他们展示的游戏,而在戏剧之间的休息时间,以便他们走得更快。 如果他们发现你的老广播的全部,那么我肯定可以看到,是一个问题。 而且你以为,一个额外的$ 7.00 +一个月是太多要求多一个渠道,请注意,是一个整个运动包,包括赛车,击剑,(一大堆其他的废话),但可能价格最重要的是,NBA的电视频道。



2009年6月11日由AlexV · 1条评论

He's had Ravens behind his back all the way in Baltimore. Now let's how long he stands in front of some Jets.

他有他背后所有的方式在巴尔的摩乌鸦。 现在,让我们来看看他站在前面的一些喷气机多久... 如果我们甚至可以看到他身后的喷气机。

此雷克斯瑞安肯定了自己的名字,用自信和傲慢的嘴。 到目前为止,这个大个子正在注意到两个发生口头上的名声和虚拟闲来无事过去他的名誉作为巴尔的摩乌鸦队的防守协调员。

刚来时,他被在一个电台节目采访,被问及面对新英格兰爱国者主教练比尔·贝利奇克每年两次。 他说:“我不是来这里吻,比尔贝利奇克环”或多或少。 让我分析一下。 大多数人会放弃贝利奇克他适当的会费和状态,他们的目标绝对竞争/挑战自己的对手。 不过,他出来,使1930年的时代私酒可能会说类似的声明。

第二个问题是迈阿密海豚队的首发中后卫钱宁 - 克劳德在这里时,他声称他从来没有听说过他的意见。 克罗德真理肯定回应。 他说,瑞安是一个“OTA超级碗赢家”在他赢得了休赛期,如果他真正做他的功课,他知道谁是首发中后卫是迈阿密海豚队。

现在,瑞恩知道他,我敢肯定。 我不是说一个人说话像在开放这一点是不是有趣。 但我说,如果他的团队并没有结束,寻找体面的,甚至今年,他可能只是看起来像一个真正的冲洗袋。 如果他结束了在纽约有一个短暂的一生中,那么他真的会看起来像一个白痴。 他可能成为下一个迈克·泰斯大,身材魁梧,面颊脂肪,认为他是一个暴徒,他的团队的尊重,但不能赢得一个该死的东西。


2009年5月29日由AlexV · 1条评论

Never too early for Fantasy Football!


1。 汤姆·布雷迪 - 你可以想想,伤害所有你想要的,但是当你的因素,100%的汤姆·布雷迪投掷了50次达阵,仅有8诠释逾4,800码,然后可以负担阻碍了流动性的版本布雷迪少5至10 TDS,也许600或减码。 不要忘了他的球队的核心已经固若金汤乔伊 - 加洛韦。

2。 易建联 - 这不是胜在这场比赛中,计数的数字。 在他3年的任期在新奥尔良,因为缺乏生产在圣徒的运行游戏,易建联有4400 +,4400 +和5000 +码,26,28,34次达阵分别所有。 他失去了什么,他的潜在高INT率(11,18和17也分别)拼成的平均每场比赛289.79码,只错过了一个在过去五年开始在新奥尔良(无)。

3。 科特 - 华纳 - 主教无可争议的首发满一年后,他恢复了他精准的过去67.1%的完成率,累积了4,583的传球码(286.44一场比赛),一个很酷的30次达阵反对向上和向下14整数。 布里斯一样,它不是你在这场比赛中得到多少胜的数字。 现在,拉里·菲茨杰拉德已经成为了勒布朗 - 詹姆斯,他的位置后,他的季后赛发挥,科特 - 华纳应该是在另一个大的一年。 你们有些人可能担心安全栅博尔金的潜在损失,但请记住,在那些季后赛他的上场时间是非常有限的,而杰拉德和史蒂夫Breaston的肯定产生。

4。 佩顿·曼宁 - 它可能会作为一个惊喜,佩顿·曼宁是我的名单上四个。 他仍然是良好的平稳3,800-4,100码本赛季和充足的高20低30在TD数字。 然而,他并不码每场比赛的潜力,如前面提到的QBS附近的任何地方,因为他的球队的防守绝对是高于布里斯和华纳,以及优于布雷迪的。

5。 菲利普河流 - 菲利普·里弗斯显示在2008年,他可能是一个很大的数字家伙。 他完成了与4,009码,和职业生涯新高的34次达阵。 它不会是一个延伸到质疑他的潜力,由于他在2006年和2007年赛季的一致性。 在那些年里,他全身心为3300 +和3100 +码,22和15次达阵,分别所有。 然而,上赛季我们开始看到巨大的招牌,磨损和撕裂,这可能是一个很大的原因,他的人数激增在过去的一年相比,那些前两个LaDainian汤姆林森。 因此,在这方面,它不会是一个延伸,以及看到他有一个伟大的幻想类型的季节,今年再次。


2009年4月14日由MarkM · 2评论

What I think the Lions logo should be !


is everyone is a genius in Detriot?


我讨厌NFL和狮子正努力成为超级秘密的新标识的改变。 相信我,这是NFL不会激发任何人。 这支球队上赛季去0-16,而不是一个新的标志,这些球迷应该有一个新的团队与真正的球员和教练。 这是一种哑无论哪种方式,这支球队是要臭今年,新的标识或没有,不要紧,他们是一个二流NFL组织和不改变任何时间很快。 狮子是不是过去海盗爱国者。 他们不会改变他们的标志,然后开始有竞争力的,相信我。 这些球队都具有良好的O和D线,而狮子不! 好吧,因为NFL不会推出这个新的标志,直到本赛季,我只是想断送了自己的乐趣,并发布新标志的概念,反正。 吮吸底特律享受您的新猫猫标志!

Not that much of a difference!


The New thundercats bus!

新THUNDERCATS总线! 雷猫Hoooooe!

medium 090324 new lions logo The Lions New Logo isnt going to excite fans of a 0 16 team!

Another Possible design, yet I doubt it !



2009年4月12日由MarkM · 发表评论

Donte Whitner of the Buffalo Bills


老实说,如果你还没有听说过这个,这是因为它涉及到不太知名的NFL球员。 然而,我相信,在接下来的几个星期将会有重大消息。 这个星期六晚上小特德·吉恩主持什么将是他的生日派对在一夜间俱乐部在克利夫兰。

Ted Ginn Jr. on the right was quite the track star in highschool!


这没什么不寻常的,因为迈阿密WR出生和长大在俄亥俄州克利夫兰外面,他有很多朋友在该地区。 现在,这里的多汁的一部分。 泰德是还有很多他的高中足球哥们,他使用了与维尔高中的朋友。 本组的几名球员和NFL球员,包括丹特惠特纳安全水牛城票据。

Donte Whitner was also team mates with Ted Ginn Jr. at OSU


现在,我有没有问题,这个故事,直到这一点。 有什么错与球员挂出他的家乡附近与他的老同学,但你需要认识到在何时何地。 NFL球员在夜总会,在深夜是一个方程要求灾难。 有没有人学到了什么,在过去的3年中形成的悲惨事件? 我的意思是真正考虑到所有的枪击和鲁钝的战斗中,玩家现在应该认识到,你去任何地方,你很可能有针对性的一个真正的劲敌。 有些人谁愿意扔下抢你的,只是说他们这样做是为了一个名人! 所以,回到故事,丹特在党的惠特纳在3:00左右我已经得​​到了一些人发生口角,与在俱乐部,已经打破了一个相当大的争吵。 下班的警察谁在俱乐部,试图减缓惠特纳,然后惠特纳决定把他们继续战斗,这是故事开始得到真正的坏。 不久,值班警员到达现场,丹特做什么? 他试图广场下车,然后在这样做,得到tazered! 这是愚蠢的只是平了。 小特德·吉恩首先应该知道比拥有一个公共俱乐部一行。 但是,如果这样做,你计划,吉恩应该确保一方僻静的一个私人房间,有它自己的酒吧 ,独立的入口,当然安全。

Darrent Williams death should be a reminder that people target players, late night near or in clubs!


玩家需要比这更聪明,你是不是一个普通的人你是一个白痴仇敌,那些想炫耀他们击败了,被抢了,或杀了一个NFL球员的目标 丹特惠特纳得到的不是同情,从我做起,尤其是考虑到他试图方达“打警察”。 这仅仅是愚蠢的。 他不仅使自己看起来很愚蠢,但他10次联赛中,这已被战斗的想法,很多的球员都是罪犯更难。 我们都听过吃豆子,坦克,雷·刘易斯,贾马尔·刘易斯在过去的20年中,有法律问题和其他许多问题。 NFL应该开始对这个问题更加积极主动。 如果你的行为像一个混蛋在社会比你没有被雇用的业务由NFL。

Roger Goodell it is time to be stern and protect the game and help save the player! Do the right thing.

罗杰古德尔是船尾和保护的游戏,并帮助节省玩家的时间! 做正确的事。

这样的行动不应该与NFL,但可悲的是,由于像这样的球员。 我个人认为,应暂停丹特惠特纳毫无疑问,从NFL。 这样的行动是不能接受的,任何其他行动将只是一个巴掌打在手腕上。 NFL球员不能这样,没有孩子的缘故,而不是风扇的缘故,但对于游戏的缘故。 丹特惠特纳的队友马肖恩 - 林奇是司机在去年夏天的命中和运行事件,但只有一张罚单逃脱。 需要结束这种类型的行为,尤其是出的凯尔特人球员。 这些球员需要像其他人一样要被追究责任。 我知道球员陷入困境,但来的人! 谁不! 如果你还没有听说过但丁惠特纳到现在为止,我相信你一定不会忘了他的名字。 鲁钝的行动有时可以激发球员普及,这只是可怕的念头。 我们一直在寻找的球员,我们可以修复的,而我认为这仅仅是愚蠢的,因为我们是繁殖和培育这种类型的行为。 我生病了这样的新闻。 玩家有一个巨大的礼物,它是没有浪费这样弄脏的好名字的人不仅来到你的面前也之后。

Listen Donte

将丹特 - 惠特纳听我不得不说的是什么!



2009年4月9日由MarkM · 1条评论

Robert Thomas, the new co-star of NFC Easts Reading Rainbow!


那么它是很好看的红人试图修复的怪物他们在华盛顿马库斯创建,切割他,让他受伤别的地方和别人的片酬。 但是,他们已经取得了相当大的错误,如果他们认为罗伯特·托马斯是要填补马库斯的鞋子。 托马斯从来没有真正取得成功的任何地方,他曾经在NFL。 罗伯特·托马斯在第一轮起草公羊,希望他可以取代伦敦弗莱彻于2002年。 这一计划告吹,罗伯特·托马斯发表时只有36辆滑车与Rams.One拉姆的球迷,我知道说,“他是其中一个最知名的第一轮萧条”在2002年的选秀大会上同时打了16场比赛。 公羊典当罗伯特·托马斯在交易发生在2005年年底绿湾。 罗伯特历时只有1个赛季,包装工和被切断。 托马斯后来拿起攻略和发挥只有2年确定,发布的数字,如36铲球和62辆滑车。 然后,托马斯得到了相当严重受伤上赛季BOOOM的他现在是在红人! 这家伙的最好的事情是在他7年的职业生涯中,他只有完全健康的,其中2。 想到这个家伙受伤,毫无疑问明年年初。 他是一个容易受伤的球员替换马库斯·华盛顿,其最大的问题是受伤,他仅仅是可笑的。 华盛顿方式更多的上升空间,因此,一个更高的要价。 我当然希望他们不认为他们将开始托马斯,因为这将是愚蠢的。 这个29岁的后卫是不是华盛顿的答案,我当然希望他们知道这一点。 我真的希望他们仍试图得到一个伟大的LB草案中,脑Orakpo或詹姆斯Laurinaitis的有人喜欢将是巨大的! 提前获得LB确保此举将增加在LB红皮深度,理解托马斯预计不会永远启动!

Robert Thomas trying to stop LT



2009年4月8日由AlexV · 发表评论

Matt Hasselbeck's career may be on its last legs.


西雅图海鹰可能会寻找摆脱马特Hasselbeck或至少测试出一个潜在的替代。 有在联盟谈判,“海鸟”一直在考虑这一点,并与四个选秀权在今年的选秀中,可以很容易地发生。

马特Hasselbeck已经是33岁,最四分卫的一拳左右的时间开始去酸味,这绝对是正确的。 过去的这个赛季,他只打了七场比赛,即使他受伤了,他的功劳,他仍然发挥可怕的和不可靠的,这一直是他最好的特性。 他的统计分别为57.8评级,五达阵,的10INTs,和一个令人难以置信的52.2%,完成百分比。

我不明白这一点。 如何四分卫只是从伟大到这样不好? 所有伟大的四分卫似乎有东西滚动进展顺利多年成一排,然后一个赛季,噗! 他们开始发臭的房子,投掷游戏,这一切都从那里下坡。



2009年4月1日由MarkM · 2评论

Plaxico Burress at his March 31 trial


如今,器Plaxico布瑞斯案叫众人起誓,直到6月15日以后的日子。 许多人都持怀疑态度的weither这种情况会发生与否,但它可能是一个迹象,表明他的高价位的法律团队可能会接近一个认罪协议,将允许他在即将到来的赛季NFL玩。 不管它好像器Plaxico将不得不做某种坐牢,但问题是什么时候。 我记得贾马尔·刘易斯在监狱里度过了他的淡季,一两年回因贩毒收费,也许这是可能的,我们可以看到类似巨人巨星广。 这是毫无疑问器Plaxico并不想花时间在监狱里。 然而,这似乎越来越明显,这将是艰难的贝齿留出的大房子。 纽约市的枪支法律是有点过分,似乎是违宪的,所以这将是一个非常有趣的情况下,毫无疑问,如果它曾经使它审判。 将支持的Sportsroids.com队器Plaxico 6月15日在纽约市刑事法院纠察审判! 所以,如果你想支持巨人队超级碗冠军宽出,从鲁钝自由的城市政府,希望他坐牢,这主要是由于他的名人,请出示! 器Plaxico,伤害任何人,除了他自己,他现在被拒绝,托马斯·杰斐逊,我们的开国元勋之一,热切相信英寸杰斐逊​​说,他坚定的信念,有权携带武器consitently的基本自由。 这一事实的一个例子是在第334页,他的著 ​​名的托马斯·杰斐逊论文时,他写道,“ 没有自由的人,将永远被禁止使用武器 最强的人保留有权保留和携带武器的原因是,作为最后的手段,来保护自己免受政府的暴政“。 实现没有在纽约市的公民可以申请为隐瞒许可证,并得到一个随身携带许可证中是一个非常艰难的过程中,希望人们不会试图得到一个。 听起来有点不公平好好尝试一下呢? 无论如何,我觉得城市的枪支法是荒谬的,因为这个原因。 只有加强禁止武器和使它们更难被合法收购存储那些谁不遵守规则,很像steriods禁止在体育。 那些欺骗的胜利,在系统中。 这些法律只会帮助犯罪分子在入住finaiced功耗比守法的纽约市人口。


2009年3月29日由AlexV · 发表评论

Big Game Torry Holt can still catch. Why isn't anyone throwing pitches at him?

“大博弈”托里霍尔特仍然可以赶上。 为什么没有人扔在他的球场吗?

淡季一直在这里两个月左右,现在被释放后托里霍尔特圣路易斯公羊清除800万美元的薪金空间,和马文·哈里逊不辞职,因为他的年龄,他们仍然是无家可归。 我认为这是一个巨大的惊喜,因为即使霍尔特,32和36的哈里森,在年龄,他们仍然能够帮助球队的一大途径。

This guy can still catch too! Look at that!

这家伙仍然可以赶上! 瞧瞧吧!

霍尔特的总数今年64渔获量为796码。 但是,这是14起动,前四个赛季,他平均每赛季95.5渔获。 另外,他已经玩了很多年与容易出错的马克·巴格,还是把这些数字,有一个防滑,似乎每个人都准备放弃他。 事实上,全队唯一表现出兴趣是美洲虎,是因为他们发布马特·琼斯,雷吉 - 威廉姆斯,杰里·波特。 因此,事实上,这家伙只是一个NFL球队感兴趣,只是因为那支球队是绝望令我感到困惑。

至于哈里森,他没有生产霍尔特在过去两个赛季分别为20和60的渔获。 然而,今年他有20次接球,他只打了5场比赛,虽然去年他投下巨大的通行证,最引人注目的一场比赛在匹兹堡,他似乎干净的东西后,在本赛季滴。 所以说实话,对我来说,那个赛季他打了五场比赛,甚至不应该的因素,什么样的能力,他可能已经离开。 加丢了球有没有随着年龄的增长,他一直有确定的手。 如果他一度下探大通行证,这意味着他仍然知道如何为他们打开。 到底如何,是不是有一些像熊或酋长看着他吸团队。 这太让我吃惊。


Bloggin法案:是翻天覆地的事情了吗? 法案成功的机会是什么?

3月26日由AlexV · 发表评论

T Izzle, is the Dizzel, in the Buffalo Bizzel.


我不知道如果每个人都像他已经困扰水域布法罗退出球队的自愿锻炼,他最近曾报道看起来。 我的意思是,它是第一个真正的官方功能已举办他的新球队,他很可能已经提高毛发以及用这一招的问题。 然而,对我来说,只是让生活的家伙。

首先,他已经35岁。 严重的是,如何大不了这是愚蠢的小三或四个一天工作? 它必须从字面上几个举重会议上,一些标准的空调,和三精的一日三餐。 我认为,如果一个35岁的男子是谁在他的职业生涯的第14个年头说,他不希望去义务工作了,谁在乎。 一直在联赛中这么久现在,他知道他的身体对压力的反应,或太少太少,他带领TD联赛中捕获超过过去三年。

我不会跳就到了,只是还没有。 让我们拭目以待,如果他有一个副业长篇大论,或者说他的头脑有点太多日前向媒体开始严厉斥责他。

认真乡亲...条例草案吸。 他们没有机会。 他们在赛季开始的4-0和口吃加强它的方式,其余的3-9完成。 这不是冠军的东西,也不是特伦特·爱德华兹或流浪汉对接的水牛城票据。 他们将很容易被横扫汤姆·布雷迪的爱国者,许多去年的季后赛球队将被摧毁。



3月24日由MarkM · 5评论

Braylon Edwards could be traded!


大家真的很简单,如果你失去了一个6'6的球员像器Plaxico布瑞斯你最好相信,你会寻找某种身材高大,速度快的长球威胁来代替他。 巨人毫无疑问兴趣研究,所以不要相信媒体的炒作! 另外,不要惊讶,如果你看器Plaxico得到嵌顿于3月31日,巨人队在选秀日进行交易。 我可以看到一个中队的WR的的Gmen交易为了使这个达成交易。 这包括史蒂夫·史密斯,无论巨人否则说。 马里奥·曼宁厄姆是最绝对是一个芯片,在那笔交易中,考虑到他的学习习惯,巨人将很好。 研究这个故事时,不要相信媒体或巨人的代表,他们希望这整件事很嘘,嘘,直到器Plaxico的未来是完全开放和判断。 埃里克Mangini是防守型教练,如此反复,不感到惊讶,如果他们进行交易,包括巨人的防守线球员之一。

Braylon Edwards at Michigon


另外,我希望每个人都知道,这是非法的,任何一支球队的代表谈论的球员是谁目前正在与另一支球队的合同。 因此,实现杰里·里斯否认媒体带来了他的所有指控。 巨人将努力让Braylon,但唯一真正的问题是他们有多少愿意要走到他没有搞错?


2009年3月23日由MarkM · 1条评论

detroit lions 2 284x300 Jay Cutler should be a Lion after the NFL Draft Day
就个人而言,我讨厌狮子做生意在NFL。 我相信他们是最糟糕的运行组织从地上爬起来。 他们通过咀嚼教练和QB的速度比其他任何球队在NFL。 她们甚至傻到充当如果Kitna是一家专营QB​​。 我不是教练,即使我知道这不会工作。 由于狮子摧毁了他们的关系,巴里·桑德斯,他们刚刚取得了大错,大错后,在NFL选秀。 只是想着,他们拿起乔伊 - 哈灵顿比查尔斯·罗杰斯在明年第二顺位选择让我恶心到我的肚子。 他们过于专注在这最后十年汇票技能岗位,但他们从来没有在QB妥善解决他们的需求。

Yep thats the life of a Lions fan


狮子需要大修,然而,本赛季在进攻线,该草案将是OL深。 因此,有更多的潜力得到一个伟大的O型前锋,后来在草案。 了解这一事实,他们可以尝试土地卡特勒,下跌的第一顺位选择与野马。 他们将仍然是一个伟大的OT能够降落在第12顺位选择。 如果他们不交易,只是没有其他考虑交易选秀权卡特勒石狮仍然会在第一轮第20顺位,以解决任何其他问题,他们希望通过选秀修复。 如果狮子不锁定卡特勒交易选秀权,他们只是简单的哑因为卡特勒在我眼里,是一个“已知的”特许经营QB,你可以建立你的团队。 他是实打实的,并具有丰富的经验来证明这一点。 你能说,草案中任何其他的QB吗? 桑切斯号有很多上攻斯塔福德是真的不战斗考验,至少在NFL。 杰伊·卡特勒可以填补这个角色,立即狮子能把他下跌或交易完全挑的。

Jay Cutler could be a big answer for the Lions problems




March 19, 2009 by admin · Leave a Comment

Vick getting his work in

Vick getting his work in

Ever since the incarceration of Michael Vick, several business's have promoted a new dog chew toy. This toy is one that is built tough enough that it can stand up to even the gamiest pitt's.

These toys are honestly hysterical. So, let your dog bite Vick back! I admit, I have never seen one of these toys in person but I am sure not going to wait to get my hands on one. These probably won't be available for long considering Vick is getting out of Jail soon. The reason I say this is because I feel that there is some sort of legal issues involved with this toy . We will all agree that a player is allowed to protect his own likeness, and I am pretty sure that Vick's people did not come up with this concept. So when he exits jail i would assume Vick will sue, so that he can recover the funds that they made unfairly using his likeness. So if you think they are funny make sure to pick them up NOW! Before they disappear from the market forever!


2009年3月16日由AlexV · 12评论

Jay Cutler could be making many fans of some other lucky team smile sometime soon.


昨日,据报道,赞成碗四分卫的丹佛野马队,杰伊·卡特勒,已正式要求交易。 今天,我们的人,开始考虑他可能在那里结束了,如果他的要求很荣幸。 我敢肯定有很多球迷在那里,他的球队可以使用一个家伙谁打得像许多分析家预见潜在的特许经营型四分卫杰伊·卡特勒。 舀乔希McDaniels新的主教练,谁是爱国者的进攻协调员,希望交易卡特勒马特·卡塞尔,因为他已经熟悉他的系统。 ,因为这已经激怒了年轻的卡特勒和他现在想要去......但在哪里?!

要开始消除一个容易的过程,每一个球队在亚冠是因为球队通常不喜欢送的明星球员离开会议专营权。 虽然卡塞尔终于被交易到另一个亚冠球队,像他的前任的爱国者,在酋长,这是“我会刮伤你回来,如果你挠我的”交易。



在NFC东部,达拉斯有托尼·罗莫,NY曼宁,费城多诺万麦克纳布。 到目前为止,华盛顿红皮队的杰森 - 坎贝尔仍然有很多证明,而卡特勒似乎比他迄今在自己的职业生涯都比较有前途的方式更。

在NFC北,包装工亚伦罗杰斯和维京移动投掷他们的年轻的QB Tarvaris杰克逊成从休斯敦与新收购的贤者Rosenfels的竞争。 我不认为,能吸引狮子的气味,所以熊是绝对的热点。 他们已经没有任何成功与雷克斯·格罗斯曼,最小凯尔顿。

在NFC南,圣徒夸易建联,猎鹰在新秀的一年马特瑞安的一颗年轻恒星。 黑豹看着有一些伟大与心怀不满的朱利叶斯辣椒的交易筹码,但现在看起来他可能是一个爱国者很快。 然而,与杰克德尔霍姆是他们目前的来电信号,你仍然不能指望他们了。 再有就是那些老将杰夫·加西亚摆脱了海盗。

在那之后,在NFC西部,海鹰马特Hasselbeck谁不过去他更好的日子,显然是安全的,因为主教QB Kurt华纳。 这两队交叉,你有49人亚历克斯·史密斯的进步,令人失望的业绩和圣路易斯公羊,谁应该开始思考前一段时间下降马克·巴格。

所以你有它。 顶级的候选人到总统有杰伊卡特勒!


2009年3月16日由MarkM · 发表评论

Julius Peppers


爱国者今年超过飞溅在淡季。 我们的Sportsroids来源已经证实,这笔交易是非常接近完成。 辣椒可能会起到OLB爱国者系统,所以这将是一个有趣的变化,辣椒。 如果爱国者拉断这一举动,在2010年,他们将是一个非常不同的球队。 他们将收到一个淡季等级为A +,从我,因为他们签署雷博登,朱利叶斯辣椒,乔伊 - 加洛韦,肖恩温泉和弗雷德·泰勒。 我希望他们赢得分区冠军。

杰伊·卡特勒将迫使交易! 乔希McDaniels需要一个QB,所以最大的问题是将卡特勒去?

2009年3月16日由MarkM · 发表评论

Jay Cutler has asked for a trade on March 16 2009


这NFL淡季已经有很多的风风雨雨。 器Plaxico布瑞斯在海上失踪,两名NFL球员含羞监狱的时候,已经从美国队布法罗,丹特STALLWORTH已经撞死行人。 有趣的是,我相信他们都没有感到不堪重负新野马的主教练,乔希McDaniels,谁是他愤怒的特许经营QB被活活吞噬。 杰伊·卡特勒是无奈之举,我们都知道,我们也不会开心在丹佛。 要求的行业,可能仅仅是一个权力卡特勒移动,但我真的怀疑它。 他已经没有必要迫使他的薪水。 就个人而言,我知道他需要被感动。 他曾表示,他“不相信他的教练”,这是一个坏的配方周杰伦和野马。 如果他们不处理他看来,坦帕湾和纽约两地,似乎是一个非常适合的。 喷气机队是需要一个QB,我知道克莱门斯和拉特利夫将无法得到它完成。 他们移动到固定Brett Farve的是惊人的周转。 而且,由于布雷特退役,为了保持竞争力,本赛季他们将需要做出动作。 我敢肯定,雷克斯瑞恩明白拉特利夫没有特伦特Dilfer的是,他会看到卡特勒的值,这个淡季。 坦帕湾海盗队没有保持它的秘密,他们正在寻找取代加西亚,由于他年事已高。 未遂的三队交易,已将卡塞尔丹佛每个人都知道,和卡特勒坦帕的,所以他们是糖尿病的年轻四分卫感兴趣毫无疑问。 卡特勒个人从来一直是我的最爱,这将是有趣的,看他打球没有WR马歇尔。 我不相信,坦帕是他的好去处,但你永远不知道。 我肯定希望周杰伦成为一个Jet在2011年。 我当然希望约翰逊的家人不搞砸一个!

Come on Woody make this move!! Pick up Cutler

来吧,伍迪作出这一举动! 拿起卡特勒

器Plaxico的关键时刻。 法院日期3月31日即将到来。 他真的搬起石头砸自己的脚吗?

March 10, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Plaxico Burress of the New York Giants

Plaxico Burress of the New York Giants

The saga of Plaxico Burress has been forgotten by the media this off-season due to the release of so many great WR's, which include Terrell Owens, Joey Galloway, Marvin Harrison, Laveranues Coles and TJ Houshmandzadeh. The Plaxico story started last year, when the New York Giants Veteran Superbowl hero, Plaxico Burress, shot himself in the leg while partying at a popular New York City Club around the Mid point of last years NFL season. Outside of the fact that he shot himself, he was also carrying an unregistered firearm in the City of New York, a subject Mayor Bloomberg has been adamant about curbing.

Plaxico Burress on X-mas

Plaxico Burress on X-mas

我感觉好像彭博一直在等待一个黑色的人搞砸了,给他不能坐牢肖恩梳子枪收费几年前。 彭博已经改变了法律和现在,conviently,黑色的超级巨星现在在火线下降 现在,贝齿在彭博的怜悯,除了纽约法院。 这两个机构都在寻找的一个例子,是器Plaxico完美? 在任何其他国家,这将是一个轻罪,将产生严重的经济处罚和强制社区服务连接到它。 然而,在纽约市,器Plaxico正面临3至15年徒刑。 我希望人们认识到,仅仅是愚蠢的。 枪不杀了人,白痴枪杀死人。 因为纽约州政府认为,他们在纽约有太多的白痴,他们发现,枪禁令和严厉的处罚是最简单的方式来震慑犯罪分子! 然而,他们忘了记住不可逆转的事实关于谋杀和罪犯的是,他们没有规律可循的! 器Plaxico已经把自己在恶劣的情况下,是的,他真的拍了他的球队的机会重复去年的脚,但器Plaxico没有做过的一件事是任何人的牺牲品。 器Plaxico不是刑事,作为一个不应该受到惩罚。 然而,彭博认为是显示,纽约市民有机会,他能做些什么,以一个黑色的图标,选择拥有枪支。 器Plaxico的审判将于3月31日,将委派如何与NFLPA他重新安排的会议将于4月1日。 如果被监禁器Plaxico他将巨人或NFL没有收到钱,毫无疑问。 他立即被切断,因为它是我的假设似乎是巨人,他在这一点上保持他们的距离。 菲尔Simms似乎是唯一的人,在公共配套WR和他不再有termendous的影响纽约巨人的移动。 彭博带走了巨人的关心和支持,据报道,恐吓电话到纽约业主。 我希望的是,这个年轻人得到了机会继续踢足球,而不是在一些监狱州北部。 出于这个原因, Sportsroids.com 3月31日将在纽约,支持器Plaxico与我们的官方的“免费贝齿”的T恤在法庭门外。 您将能够通过该网站订购这些衬衫。 当页面时,我会发布的链接。 谢谢大家保持roiding。

到OUT。 为什么不交易他吗?

Pack your bags T.O.

Hold the Popcorn the Movie hasn't started yet!!!

那么牛仔,很多人都在问为什么不交易他,而不是削减他已被切断。   The Cowboys gave up a lot to get Roy Williams and the possible could have gotten some of that back by trading TO.   在这种情况下,你必须权衡这一举措的利弊,只要你有一个喜欢你的球员 ​​可以得到一个第二轮选秀权或证实兽医在贸易,但交易块的过程是漫长和繁琐的(几乎诉讼程序一样)。    它可以采取一切的方式进入下个赛季他们从贸易中得到他们想要的东西,他们甚至可能无法得到他们想要的东西从交易到。   那么这将带来媒体马戏团回到达拉斯再次对球队投入了很多的压力。    The Cowboys decided to get rid of TO now,   just for the later reason.   通过切割,他已经不再是一个部分的时间和组织可以在新的方向上移动。    他被切断的主要原因是因为越来越多的情绪在更衣室和组织,与众多的人,谁是队球员和工作人员,就需要去一部分。   Also by doing this it is easy for the coaches to begin work on the plays and routes that they will focus on in the off-season if TO was on the trade block, they would still have to factor him in, just in case he was coming back next year.   尽管TO值作为贸易牛仔切割他做出了正确的决定。


March 1, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

27245 Brian Dawkins to the Broncos: What Was He Thinking?

It was real surprising to me when I saw that Brian Dawkins had left the Philadelphia Eagles, the same place he played his entire career thus far. But it wasn't so much the fact that he wasn't going to be an Eagle anymore, but more so the fact of where he would be going… Denver. What the hell is he doing there?

We should all know now that just about any team has a chance to succeed and even win a Super Bowl every season. However, at the bottom of that list would have to be the Denver Broncos. I would have figured Dawkins to want to play for a proven team or a current contender, but in this case I cannot say he has found either.

The Denver Broncos, and it's funny to say this, have not been successful since that had Jake Plummer! I mean, I know Jay Cutler is now coming into his own, but he isn't there yet. Another thing that isn't in Denver is a good defense. I don't know if Dawkins figures himself to be their savior like I'm sure the naïve Broncos front office does, but it's going to take a lot more than a great free safety to bolster a team that was 26th against the pass and 27th versus the run. On top of that, they gave up 28 points per game which is four touchdowns. That is ridiculous.

I mean, he can do what he wants of course. I'm not his daddy. And I don't necessarily think it was a terrible idea to play for the Broncos. I just thought that he was a guy that would definitely be looking for a contender and nothing less. 哦,好。

Whoseyomamma! 此举今晚发生!

March 1, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Where will he go?

Where will he go?

The biggest WR in this years free agent market will be moving teams at this weeks end! TJ Houshmanzadeh will make his decision on where he wishes to play in 2009 tonight! The top two teams in this debate have been the Seattle Seahawks and the Minnesota Vikings. We will keep you all updated on this topic. Feel free to chime in a comment if you hear anything new develope or you just want to talk about Housh! TJ has stated that he would come to a final choice on the evening of March 1st!


February 26, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

The Arizona Cardinals can still be considered contenders. They went very far this past NFL season… all the way to the Super Bowl. If it hadn't been for a few costly mistakes (ie interception resulting in 100 yard TD return for longest play in Super Bowl history by linebacker James Harrison, and two fumbles by the Quarterback) and all things were to remain constant in that game, they would have been Champions.


I believe the Arizona Cardinals are right where they need to be. They showed lots of heart in the Super Bowl defensively after being down 17-7 and 20-7, because they still stuck to their guns and held the Steelers shy of the end zone twice. Of course they blew it at the end, but they still showed a lot of moxie. Do not be surprised to see them in the Super Bowl if it does happen. Plus, with the way the NFL has been the past few seasons, I think the only teams that could surprise me in the Super Bowl are the Lions and 49ers. 'Nuff said.


February 21, 2009 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Ray Lewis is looking like a Jet in 2010

Ray Lewis is looking like a Jet in 2010

I am pretty sure that the Jets are making a move on Ray Lewis soon. They have released a lot of their depth at the Linebacker position, and seem to be positioning themselves monetarily to make a move on Ray Ray! I would love to see Ray Ray play for gang green because of the type of leader he is, however I don't feel that Baltimore has left him with much in the tank, so I hope the Jets don't go over a 2 year deal to aquire him!! If they don't sign Ray Ray they will sign Baltimore's other big free agent LB Scott. However, if Ray does come to New York, both New York teams would have great Inside Linebackers. I hope Mr Johnson doesn't screw this one up because the Jets have a more of a chance with an accused murderer in the LB core, trust me!

Ray Ray Big Hit Video Below!

Blue Jackets Success Good for Hockey in the USA?

February 19, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

blue jackets logo 300x283 Blue Jackets Success Good for Hockey in the USA?
The Columbus Blue Jackets have registered a point in eight straight games and have won seven of those contests including a four game winning streak. This recent streak, backed by the stellar play of netminder Steve Mason, puts the Blue Jackets in prime position to make the playoffs for the first time in the team's brief history. Helping Mason lead the Jackets success this season is mister Blue Jacket himself Rick Nash who has been a very bright spot on a team which has had very limited success—that is, until now. Offseason acquisitions Kristian Huselius (Calgary) and RJ Umberger (Philadelphia) have helped make the Jackets a viable contender this year and possibly for years to come. With a core group of relatively young players Columbus will be making plenty of noise on the ice for many years to come.

The success of the Blue Jackets thus far this year is only half the story because what we're seeing is a potential hockey hotbed in its infancy. Until this year the only hockey presence in Ohio that has had any sustainable success has been via the Ohio State University. Although success at the University level is great the potential for Ohio to blossom in terms of hockey almost certainly requires the success of a major professional team. The significance of the Jackets being in Columbus is that they are the highest level of professional sport in the city which means there is no competition for fan fair from the popularity giant that is the NFL. Success for the Blue Jackets can make them the darlings of the city and would be the first of its kind in the US since other cities tend to have other pro teams in one of the other three major sports. With that in mind, the on ice play of Rick Nash and company is not significant only to the potential of the Blue Jackets and the city of Columbus, but it could also be a major victory for the popularity of the sport of hockey in the US So American hockey fans, if your team happens to fall out of contention throw a cheer the way of the Blue Jackets, their success might help you out more than you realize.


February 18, 2009 by MarkM · 2 Comments

dogs get revenge They want to trade Michael Vick...So wheres the story?

Yes it has become public that the Atlanta Falcons are actively looking for trades for Michael Vick, but all I want to know is, “where is the story in that?” Michael has so many negative strings attached to him now, you would either have to be a brilliant man or a complete idiot to want to employ him. So, let me ask you once again “where is the story in the fact that Atlanta wants to trade him?”

Larry O'Dell from the The Associated Press seems to think that the big news is that;

“Imprisoned NFL star Michael Vick's suburban Atlanta home will be offered for sale to the highest bidder on March 10 2009″

Run Mikey RUN!!

Run Mikey RUN!!

Personally I don't find it newsworthy when someone reports that someone who has claimed bankruptcy and is currently incarcerated, is being forced to auction off their house. No S%^* Sherlock!

Michael Loves the media!

Michael Loves the media!

I don't hate Vick, I just don't see importance of these recent story's. He has been kicked out of the NFL until Godell allows him back, and considering the current trend of rehablitated players like Pacman Jones, It is not hard to see that it won't be easy for Vick to get back on the field. It just isn't going to happen. If Godell just lets Vick play again in the NFL, The league would stand to take a massive hit in attendence as well as popularity! Plus, even if Vick were to return where would he even fit in? I think the real story is that the idiots in the Media are going to empower this moron and help him make some extra cash on his way to the NFL Hall of Shame, who recently enshrined Bam Norris and Rae Carruth.

Matt Ryan: Top Draft Choice picked by the Atlanta Falcons

Matt Ryan: Top Draft Choice picked by the Atlanta Falcons

The Falcons have no use for him as a QB considering that they drafted Matt Ryan who played pretty well this season(87.7 QB Rating, compared to Vick's last campaign in 06 of 75.5 QB Rating). “I want to ask one more time where is the story in this guy?” Atlanta has a better QB and a better team, that has no need for Vick and his “hood life issues”.The Media should not talk about this guy until he is allowed back in the NFL. It's just that simple, NO ONE WIlL TRADE FOR A PLAYER WHO IS SUSPENDED!!!! SO SHUT UP STUPID MEDIA! Go CRY ABOUT BARRY BONDS OR SOMETHING!!!

Roddy White shows his support to his ex-QB

Roddy White shows his support to his ex-QB

Another thing that has really upset me is the way people percieve Vick as a QB. I will agree that Vick has phenomenal atheletic talent, there is no denying that. Michael Vick has a gift for scrambling and sprinting, but I will tell you one thing people, for all the oooos and the aaghs this man isn't worth his weight in dung as a QB. Vick is not a leader, and Vick is not a role model which he has never claimed to be thank god.

nfl split3 580 They want to trade Michael Vick...So wheres the story?

Greatest QB's of all time in my eyes (screw brady!)

Doug Williams during rookie season in Tampa Bay

Doug Williams during rookie season in Tampa Bay

People think of Vick as the quintessential black QB, because he is fast, quick, shifty and he has a very strong arm. However, Vick is not a good representation of great African American QB and that is what really upsets me about this situation. There are plenty of great black QB's who could be the benchmark for what is it to be a great African American QB, But for some reason when I ask someone to name a “Black QB” most people think of Michael Vick. Why is it that no one talks about Doug Williams, who was the first black QB to win a Superbowl. Why is it that the NFL has moved so far from empowering the legends of Steve Mcnair or Warren Moon?

Warren Moon of the Houston Oilers

Warren Moon of the Houston Oilers

We need to move on from morons like Vick and celebrate the players who actually played the QB postion well, repositioning these greats back into the in the minds of NFL fans. Yeah Vick is controversial and exciting, but at one point that wasn't the only thing the NFL and all the media cared about! So I ask you, “when did that change?”

我需要一个新的运 ​​动

February 16, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment

Adriano Moraes atop KingsCourt

Adriano Moraes atop KingsCourt

My father used to say that Rodeo was the only sport. That no one was tougher than a Cowboy. He himself used to “bulldog” back in his day. Though those days were short lived after having seen a man have his head stomped in and spend the rest of his days talking to himself. Dear old Dad wore cowboy boots, snap button shirts and had a license plate that read RODEO: Everything Else Is Just A Game!

I have to say that with all that is going on in the seemingly unwatchable professional sports world that I must agree. Parity in football sucks. The last ten Superbowl champs just do not measure up to those before them. Baseball is a mockery now. The commissioner is coward. The players union is run by as group of arrogant jackasses empowered by lazy good for nothing drug addict ball players. Even the government is standing on ceremony now in their day late and dollar short effort to rectify the situation. NBA basketball is a disgrace. Between what they allow on and off the court coupled with the FACT that they have a gambling problem how could anyone take it seriously? Hockey lost me when the Sabres lost to the Stars on a goal that should not have counted in a game that decided the Stanley Cup Champ. I would still rather be playing NHL Hockey on Sega. And don't bother with any other sport. You are lucky I felt generous enough to include Hockey in the conversation. Next you will want to whine about soccer and tell me it is “so popular”. Yeah well not here in the real world United Stated where its biggest star bailed to go back over seas and play for less money. Soccer is a baby sitting service for terrible parents who do not love their kids and are afraid they might get hurt playing a real sport.

Which brings me to Rodeo. Beer drinking, tobacco chewing, jeans and denim shirt wearing men atop 1200lbs of raw power! Even the advertisements at these events are manly. You will not see advertisements (at least not yet) for weenie girlie men and their “ED” or hair loss. You see ads for trucks, guns, hunting, beer, sponsor tags for tobacco and even some good old fashioned down home Americana: www.borderpatrol.gov. 这是惊人的。 我喜欢它。 I can not get enough. I am sure one day ESPN and the advertising industry will ruin it like they have ruined every other sport worth watching. For now it really is the only thing worth watching.

The last three weeks, at work behind the bar, I have turned off both college and pro basketball, ESPN's Sportscenter, MLB network and all three New York area hockey teams in favor of VS coverage of bull riding. At first I get “what the hell are doing?” or “Whoa, what the..” “Hey put that back”. Yet every time I put on the rodeo after the first bull comes out from the chute it gets very quiet as the entire bar is focused on the one tv that is showing the bull riding. The only noise you hear from the crowd is when a cowboy gets “throwed” from his horse. Absolutely no one is watching the other 5 tv's that are all showing basketball, hockey etc. And when I turn it off the whole place erupts with an emphatic “WHOAAAA, PUT IT BACK!”

Rodeo: Everything Else IS just a game.

卡尔洛斯,丹斯比可能成为巨 ​​人?

February 9, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Karlos Dansby

Karlos Dansby

I was shocked when I heard some people in a local bar talking about Karlos Dansby possibly becoming a Giant. First of all, I would like to state that I believe Dansby to be a hell of talent. He would be a great player for any NFL team, but my one question is how could they pay him and still keep the defense in tact? Antonio Peirce, who is the undisputed leader of the Big Blue defense is looking for more money, money which he knows he deserves. I would love to sure up the LB core, but at what cost? Antonio Peirce may be the reason for the recent successes the Gmen have had against the run, considering their effectiveness directly correlates when Antonio came from the Redskins. We know Dansby wants a big market, and we can only assume he wants a”Big Market Paycheck”. It is for this reason, I implore all New York Giants fans to be careful what they wish for, It would be nothing short of a tragedy to see Pierce (The Defense's QB) walk since Reese might not be able to procure his needed funds, after the signing of such a LB as Dansby.

The Capt

The Capt


January 24, 2009 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

herman edwards Edwards out:  Making Sense of all the Coach Firings

Well this year we have seen an unprecedented amount of coaches losing their jobs, coaches with winning teams and coaches with losing teams, as well as coaches who didn't even get to finish the season.   It is important to take note of what actually is happening in NFL.   Many people are confused or surprised by the amount of caches getting fired and while it may seem ridicules it is only logically.

The reason that so many coaches have been sent packing is because of the initial firings of Crennel and Mangini.    With a number of other coaches being sent packing the week following the end of the regular season a domino effect was created.   As the Marque coaching minds of Crennel and Mangini hit the market; well as a slew of coordinators that are ready to be head coaches teams took note.   What this meant is that teams the likes of the Rams, Lions, and Browns had a chance to lock these great coaches in.    While teams on the bubble like Denver, Tampa Bay, Kansa City, New York Jets, and Raiders who may have been happy with the performance or at least the skill of their coaches were forced to make a decision.   This meant that if they did not get rid of these good coaches they would not be able to pick up the next crop of great coaches for some time.    So they released their head coaches to hit what is really a coaching free agent market.    With the successive firing of each coach like Mangini, Shannahan, Gruden, and now Edwards, teams would be stupid to let other teams pick these great coaches up, so in turn they got rid of their coaches.   What you are going to see really is a giant change of hands as most of these coaches end up as head coaches at another team.   Don't expect this to happen again anytime soon as you will see all the great coaches will get at least 3 years to prove their worth meaning little coaching firings occurring during that time.


January 22, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Mike Tomlin Coach of the 2009 Pittsburgh Steelers

Mike Tomlin Coach of the 2009 Pittsburgh Steelers

On February 1st, the Arizona Cardinals will do battle against the Pittsburgh Steelers. Aside from the surprising appearance by Arizona to get to their first Super Bowl, there is a very surprising trend beginning to surmise… that is if the Steelers win the game.

In the Steelers last four Super Bowl appearances they have faced off against the LA Rams in 1979, winning 31-19, the Dallas Cowboys in 1995 losing 27-17, the Seattle Seahawks, winning 21-10, and now the Arizona Cardinals. If the Steelers win, that will mean that their last three titles will have come against present NFC West teams.

Back in 1979, the now St. Louis Rams, still were a part of the NFC West, but that division consisted of the San Francisco 49ers, New Orleans Saints, and Atlanta Falcons. Since the arrival of the Houston Texans, that division now includes the St. Louis Rams, Arizona Cardinals, Seattle Seahawks, and the 49ers.

Another interesting tidbit, like this year's Cardinals, the only other 9-7 team to ever make a Super Bowl were those same aforementioned LA Rams.

However, the most striking piece of trivia has to be that all three team's Super Bowl appearances against the Steelers were their first ever. Could this mean that the Cardinals, although a great story, are doomed to drop the ball in the non-literal sense of the phrase? Who knows, and if the world is what it is, and the Cards do lose, it shouldn't be viewed as much more than a wild coincidence. Either way, it's pretty damn cool… especially if you're a Steeler fan.


January 9, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment

Tim Tebow Two Time Natinal Champion

Tim Tebow Two Time Natinal Champion

I will be the first to admit that I just do not like Tim Tebow. I absolutely want to vomit every time he hits the pull up jumper down on the goal line. Until today I thought he would not make much of a career in the NFL either. However, last night my opinion began to change a bit. Certainly not because the Fox broadcasters convinced me he is the Messiah. (Were they terrible or what?) As I watched Percy Harvin bust that long run to put the Gators back in business it made me think about Adrian Peterson and this year's NFL playoffs. All year long we had to listen to grumblings about the Vikings being a Super Bowl contender if they had a QB. So I thought to myself who are they going to find that could get them over the hump? They are built to win now. They need a leader on that offense and a veteran is just not going to be available to them and Tavaris Jackson will never be that guy. And I have news for you, Sam Bradford and the rest of the nation's would-be rookie class of QB's are no where near the level of last year's draft class. So forget another Matt Ryan/Joe Flacco type playoff run. Then as the Gator offense got rolling I thought of Vince Youngs performance in both Rose Bowls and wondered if Jeff Fisher wouldn't roll out the “Wildcat” this weekend with Vince against the Baltimore Ravens.

然后,它打我。 Tebow to the Vikings. 就这样。 I think he would be the perfect fit for the Vikings offense. He could run that offense all day with Adrian Peterson behind him or beside him. He easily becomes the leader of that offense and probably the team. He is perfect for the role. He would not have to worry about passing the ball all that much. With that defense and that run game behind that offensive line try to imagine having to stop both he and Peterson every down. Thrown in a short passing game the occasional deep ball and a pull up jumper here and there, you've got something. 没有吗?

Rutuu Bites, Wild Patient, Caps Finish

January 7, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

polar bear hockey 300x213 Rutuu Bites, Wild Patient, Caps Finish

Tuesday night Jarkko Ruutu of the Ottawa Senators apparently bit Sabres' defensemen Andrew Peters in the thumb. It is awful that Ruutu did that and hopefully he is severely punished, but it is the hope of hockey fans everywhere that the casual fan will not once again only see hockey in this light (since ESPN eats stuff like this up) and think that's all that goes on in hockey. If all they did in NFL coverage was show guys getting poked in the eye or really bad facemask penalties and quarterbacks getting knocked out or guys getting paralyzed it would give football a bad name for sure but we all know that stuff does not happen frequently and the NHL should be given the same consideration. So please, if you have casual fans as friends and think this is how it is all the time please just get them to follow a number of games and they will quickly see it is not an every game occurrence.

Now to the better side of hockey and that would be two great match-ups Tuesday night between the Boston Bruins and Minnesota Wild, and the game of the night between Washington and Philadelphia. Boston was defeated 1-0 by Minnesota making it two in a row for Boston cooling off the then hottest team in the league. What is to be learned from that game is Minnesota is simply better at running the dreaded neutral zone trap than the Bruins head-to-head. Boston has been able to open up the ice to score more goals now but if other teams are paying attention Minnesota taught them a great lesson. If you slow the game down and play most of it at center ice Boston will get so frustrated because they are so hungry to score that they end up skating in circles and don't get anything going. Patience is the best way to beat Boston not trying to outscore them.

As for Washington and Philly, all that needs to be said about that at the moment is that if you're looking for the anti-Ruutu game, this was the one to watch. That game was everything that makes hockey such a great game to watch.


January 6, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment

Harry Carson Of The New York Giants Meets John Elway, Tom Jackson And Three Other Denver Broncos for The Superbowl XXI Coin Toss


Why is it so hard for people to wrap their head around a tie? 为什么它如此重要,有一个胜利者被宣布? More importantly why is the crucial outcome of such events decided by a coin flip? The NFL should eliminate overtime. 点是什么? Can we just for once be satisfied with two teams being equal on “any given Sunday?” Not Superbowl Sunday of course but the third Sunday in November really should not be a big deal. 它应该吗? 胜率摆正自己在赛季结束的时候,无论如何,以确定所有分区冠军以及外卡队。 他们有“领带断路器”的地方可能发生的任何可能的混乱。 “Winning isn't everything” right?

I propose two things. First the NFL eliminate overtime completely from the regular season. I know I would be considered crazy to suggest it be eliminated from the playoffs and Superbowl as well so I will not go there. 场常规赛将结束在平局结束时的调节。 Playoff games would be decided by letting time run out and continuing on without stopping using just the play clock until someone scores. To make it more challenging, eliminate field goal trys after regulation. 无论是平底船或4下来去了。 Imagine the madness as Wade Phillips is rushing the field goal unit on to the field as time is winding down in regulation while Tony Romo and Terrell Owens are waving them off to keep running plays to try and win it in a runoff? 你能想象杰里·琼斯,赛后新闻发布会吗?

Second I propose the elimination of coin flips all together including at the start of the game. 让我们面对它,每支球队都想要同样的事情:为了赢得折腾推迟到下半年。 那么为什么不给路队开始每场比赛的球,让主队以选择目标,以捍卫? Each team will start half their games with the ball and the other half on defense. In the playoffs the same rule should apply.

来自一个硬币上的投注之前,每一个超级折腾的家伙。 TAILS永远不会失败!


January 5, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Game one of second round NFL playoff action starts off with a rematch of a 13-10 victory by the Titans in Baltimore against the Ravens, but this time in Tennessee. The game will be televised nationally on CBS at 4:30pm on Saturday, January 10th.

Game one of second round NFL playoff action starts off with a rematch of a 13-10 victory by the Titans in Baltimore against the Ravens, but this time in Tennessee. The game will be televised nationally on CBS at 4:30pm on Saturday, January 10th.

In this week, the Divisional Playoff Round of the NFL, hearts are truly broken. In my mind, there is nothing more embarrassing than being a bye team and losing your first game. It is almost as if all the good your team did was all-for-not, and similarly, for the road team, it means you were only good enough to win in the Wild Card round. The first game of Divisional Round weekend will feature the Baltimore Ravens attempting to go down to Tennessee to pull off a huge road victory.


Advantage Ravens


Once again, the Ravens Defense will be the phase of their game to rely on; 3 rd in the league in points allowed (15.2), 2 nd in yards (261.1ypg), 2 nd in passing (179.7ypg), and 3 rd against the run (81.4ypg). The stinginess of their defense showed up profusely in their Saturday victory in Miami against the Dolphins as they forced Chad Pennington into throwing four interceptions, when he had only seven up until that point. On top of that, they also forced a fumble which they recovered.


What is even more is they rank higher in almost every major category defensively than the Titans; 7 th in yards (293.6ypg), 9 th in passing (199.8ypg), and 6 th against the run (93.9ypg). The Titans beat them in points per game at 14.6, but that is only for a difference of 0.6 points.


Aside from the Ravens defense, the performance of Joe Flacco in his first ever playoff game should pay huge dividends for Baltimore as he now goes into his second. In that game, his numbers were far from solid; 9-23 with 135 yards. That was only good for a slunky 39% completion. But if there are any underlying factors in his performance, it was obviously the fact he committed no turnovers, and amazingly, averaged 15.0 yards per completion. What this suggests was that when he actually did find the right target, it was a big play.


He already had the one playoff game where he saw his defense carry him. Now he knows if he can just step it up a bit, and with his defense playing like it can, that his team is in prime position for success.


Advantage Titans


The difference between the Miami pass defense (25 th at 227.8ypg) and the Tennessee pass defense (9 th at 199.8ypg) is 16 spots in the rankings. If Joe Flacco cannot increase his completion percentage, and is forced to throw the ball more against the Titans solid rushing defense, then the Ravens could be in for a long day. Maybe even the type that sees Flacco performing somewhat like Pennington did.


After that, Kerry Collins threw seven interceptions on the season, ass opposed to Flacco's 12. But sadly, that seems to be the only advantage that the Titans could have over the Ravens. And too bad for them Joe Flacco hasn't been prone to throwing games away this season. Oh… and we also saw what happened to the last quarterback the Ravens faced who only three seven regular season INTs.




We already know that the Ravens have better defense. But what is even more is the fact that their offense isn't too far off either. In total yards per game the Ravens are 18 th at 324, and the Titans 21 st at 313.6. Although the Titans are 27 th passing (172.6), versus the Ravens 28 th ranking (175.5), it is for a difference of 0.7 yards making them virtually equal in that aspect. The real kicker comes in the Ravens 4 th ranked rush offense at 148.5 yards per game against the Titan's 7 th place ranking at 137.4 yards per game. The Ravens, as a matter of fact, even score more points per game with 24.1, against the Titans, 23.4. However, that points per game number is also for a mere difference of 0.7.


The real deciding factor offensively is going to be the Ravens stronger running game, and better play-making defensively. I also predict another deciding factor to be the performance of young Joe Flacco against that of old Kerry Collins. Their stat lines, although similar, are leaving one thing out. Where as last week I mentioned the experience of Kurt Warner would take over that of Matt Ryan's, this week it will be the youth of Flacco over Collins. Warner is still a dynamic quarterback. Whereas Flacco and Collins roles in their team's offenses is to manage the game and not turn the ball over, for Flacco it is more to help ease his transition as a rookie quarterback, and for Collins it is because he is on the downside of his career.


But aside from all this, the most telling stat is the following. The combined records of the Tennessee Titans regular season opponents was 92-115, and the Ravens was 123-94. This just tells me that the Ravens have been having their mettle tested a lot more often than the surprising Titans up to this point.


Ravens move to within one victory of the Super Bowl.


January 3, 2009 by MarkM · 1 Comment

mangini sesemi street 300x186 Top 10 reasons to fire your head coach in 2009...

10。 He has a name that rhymes with “Big weeny!”

9。 He likes to drop his pants during practice.

8。 He takes pride in the fact that he coached the worst team in NFL history!

7。 Even Brett Farve couldn't win a superbowl for him…

6。 He had 24 wins and 40 losses during his career with the team

5。 He coaches the lions…

4。 His daddy's name is “Bum”

3。 He just couldn't decided on a RB and instead accomplished the feat of hurting all 5!

2。 He started 8-3 this year, with a handpicked Superbowl squad and still failed to make the playoffs!

1。 He was once the “Man-Genius” and now…He is only known as “Mangina”.




January 2, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

eagles picture and vikings picture Minnesota Vikings vs. Philadelphia Eagles Playoff Primer

The Minnesota Vikings host the Philadelphia Eagles in the Metrodome on Sunday, January 4th, at 4:30pm on FOX.

The final game of Wild-Card weekend 2009 may be one of the toughest to predict. It exhibits two teams that struggled to secure playoff births, but at the same time are more than capable of advancing in the post season past the obvious win that one of them will be getting this weekend. The Eagles had blown a game in Washington against the Redskins in week 16 by a score of 10-3 to fall to a record of 8-6-1, and needed to beat the Cowboys in Philadelphia, and hope the Buccaneers and Bears would lose in week 17. Luckily for them, all three of those scenarios became a reality. As for the Vikings, they would have clinched the NFC North regardless, due to the Bears loss in Houston in week 17, but could guarantee the division title with a victory in the final week. Since they beat the Giants in Minnesota 20-19 on a last minute 50 yard field goal to finish 10-6, they were able to hold up their end of the bargain. Now what has unfolded for week 18 is a bout between two teams, one filled with wily veterans in Philadelphia, and another with a collection of young and perhaps budding talent in Minnesota.


Advantage Minnesota




The Eagles strengths lie in their defense and experience. Even though the Vikings are sporting the 1 st ranked run defense, their pass defense is only 18 th in the league, giving up 215.6 yards per game. That does not match well with the defense of Philadelphia as they ranked 4 th in run defense, 92.2ypg, and 3 rd in total pass defense, 182.1ypg. That type of run defense is more-than solid and should be able to keep Adrian Peterson, the league's top rusher with 1,760 yards, in check for the most part. And I stress “for the most part” as even though the Eagles rush D is just three spots behind the Vikings, Peterson is still the league's leading rusher for a reason, and for that, I believe he will have at least one big run in the game.


What really stands out for the eagles defensively is their pass defense, because Jackson, although he has improved, is still only averaging 185 yards through the air in his return, which is only 2.9 yards more than what the eagles are giving up. This means that he could easily be limited to within 100-150 yards, and if the Vikings main threat is going to be one to, at the most, three big gainers from Peterson and only a game-management style of play by Jackson, things are not looking up.




Although the Vikings play at home this weekend, they face a veteran team in the Eagles who are more accustomed to playing in big games. Even if it took four straight NFC Championship games for Donovan McNabb to finally get his team to a Super Bowl, he is still much more playoff savvy than the young Tarvaris Jackson, as is the entire Eagles team. Although both teams are great at stopping the run, Philadelphia is averaging 244.4 yards per game through the air, and with the disparity in the rankings of the two clubs pass defenses being 15 spots (Vikings 18 th minus Eagles 3 rd equals 15), then that is where the true edge in this contest lies.


Eagles move on.


December 31, 2008 by AlexV · 6 Comments

On Sunday, January 4th, at 1:00pm eastern, the Miami Dolphins and Baltimore Ravens will line up against each other one last time in Miami in a Wild-Card Weekend matchup.


Game number three of Wild-Card weekend will feature two teams that had surprise turnarounds from last season. But of the two teams, the biggest surprise was last season's hapless 1-15 Miami Dolphins doing a complete 180 with an 11-5 record this season while also earning the AFC East title. 乌鸦,虽然总是强的防守,没有什么令人惊讶的短,因为他们今年去从去年5-11 11-5。 What makes their turnaround so remarkable was that they did it with rookie quarterback Joe Flacco, and if it weren't for injuries to both Kyle Boller and Troy Smith before week one, Joe Flacco may not have gotten his first start until later in the season and who knows what happens. With that being said, let's take a look at the key phases of each team's game.


这两个球队的罪行似乎连彼此。 The Dolphins score 21.6 points per game and the Ravens 24.1 points per game. 虽然海豚平均只有118.6米,在地面上的乌鸦148.5,迈阿密抛出巴尔的摩一调227码每场比赛为175.5。 这表明乌鸦逃脱29.9码每场比赛,和海豚,海豚传递超过乌鸦51.5码。

Even with that being said, conventional wisdom shows that the team with the better running game will win. 这应该是这里的情况。 更是乌鸦第三防守对运行在81.4ypg和高达2 与通放弃179.7ypg。 海豚,即使他们得到发挥他们的主场球场的范围,问题是,他们是25 对通227.8ypg和10 与在101.2ypg运行。 在所有方面,放弃101.2码,在地面上一场比赛没有那么糟糕,但是当罗尼·布朗和瑞奇·威廉姆斯的二人为一个伟大的总共1,575码好,乌鸦三人威利斯的McGahee的,Le'Ron麦克莱恩,合并为一个优秀的数字,例如2,028雷赖斯,那么不仅是乌鸦队的防守更好地运行,但他们背着球更好。


即使乌鸦大于海豚在季后赛取得成功所必需的一些主要统计类别中,他们还没有得到很好的道路上打季后赛的球队在赛季前对投影;在印第安纳波利斯,他们失去了3-31在巨人失去了10-30。 Their only strong points against what were considered playoff teams were at Pittsburgh when they lost in OT 20-23, at the Dolphins when they won 27-13, and finally, when they beat Dallas 33-24.

请允许我向淡化。 钢人队和乌鸦是死硬的分裂对手,总是打对方的强硬。 牛仔队的比赛中有两个像差类型乌鸦最后两个驱动器上播放82场得分77场得分运行运行遵循。 任何一支球队都将幸运地得到一个运行这些长度漫长的赛季。 Last but not least, when the Ravens beat the Dolphins in Miami in week 7, it dropped the Dolphins' record to 2-4. 自那时以来,已经迈阿密9-1和播放在一个稍微不同的电平比该段时间。

海豚已经为他们准备的另一件事是,他们已经在联赛中失误最少,只有13。 Chad Pennington had arguably his best season since his first ever rotator-cuff injury with a career-high 3,653 yards, 19 touchdowns and just 7 interceptions while completing 67.4 percent of his passes. Rookie QB Joe Flacco, although he had a great season for a rookie, 2,971 yards, 14 TDs, 12 INTs (not to mention his eleven fumbles) and completed 60.0 percent of his passes, he is still a rookie and is definitely mistake-prone.



虽然海豚在家里玩,骑情绪高昂了前所未有的成功的一个赛季,复出一年乍得Pennington,我也一起去了乌鸦。 They can negate their opponent's run, and kill them with their own. 此外,乔-弗拉科迅速被塑造成谁可以让几戏剧在这里和那里,巴尔的摩一直在寻找自信的游戏经理。 我只看到乔-弗拉科,最多时,有一个营业额,并与他们的第二排的总防御(261.1ypg)和第三排防御放弃每场比赛的点(15.2),乌鸦可以很容易地克服它。 我看不出QB马特Hasselbeck谁击败西雅图等敢死队而不两点两点,奥克兰,旧金山五,所有在家中,和圣路易斯四的道路上击败这种坚韧不拔的乌鸦队一队。

Ravens will move on to play the one-seeded Tennessee Titans next week.


December 30, 2008 by AlexV · 2 Comments

This Saturday at 8:00pm eastern, if you like pro football (and aren't a biased homer), don't miss the potential fireworks of the Colts at Chargers playoff game on NBC.

This Saturday, January 3rd, at 8:00pm eastern, if you like pro football (and you aren't a biased homer), don't miss the potential fireworks of the Colts at Chargers Wild-Card playoff game on NBC.

The night cap of day one on Wild-Card Weekend will have two teams on display that can light up the scoreboard. Whereas the Colts have reverted to a more proficient scoring style over the past few years with the peak-point maturity of Peyton Manning, the Chargers have remained a team that can put up points in bunches. This game should have all the makings of a contest that comes down to which team does the best with it's last offensive drive, and a last chance hail-mary or “lateral push” doesn't count.


Everyone knows that both teams have more-than capable and playoff-tested quarterbacks. Peyton Manning has practically carried his team whose run game which ranked 31 st in the league with a meager 79.6 yards per game, and was able to post his ninth 4,000 yard plus season with 4,002 yards, threw 27 touchdowns against a respectable twelve interceptions, while completing 66.8 percent of his passes. These numbers were good enough to earn him a 95.0 QB rating.


With all of that being said, the Chargers having a passing game that is actually complimented by the run, the Colts having to rely on Peyton manning for most of the season, and a renewed vigor of the San Diego Chargers by their miracle playoff push after overcoming a 4-8 record, I just simply have to give the game to San Diego at home. There is a reason the Colts passing defense was 6th in the league, and that is because their opponents had field days against their 31 st ranked run defense. I am not saying the game won't be close and that Peyton Manning isn't great on the road just as he is at home, but the game can easily slip away from Indianapolis in the second half if they have to go score for score in this contest.


Chargers win.


December 29, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

From one bird "turd" nest to another, the Atlanta Falcons travel to Arizona Saturday July 3rd to face off against the Cardinals at 4:30pm.

From one "turd" nest to another, the Atlanta Falcons head to Arizona this Saturday January 3rd to face off against the Cardinals at 4:30pm.

The first game of Wild-Card Weekend features two teams that I'm sure many people would argue are “one-and-done” teams. However, the fact is, one of these one-and-doners will definitely be advancing with the question of course being who.


The Atlanta Falcons do not have too much upside defensively. The only standout player this season was John Abraham who accounted for 47% of Atlanta's 35 sacks with 16.5 total. That isn't very good. That means of the other typical sackers on a standard NFL team, the three linebackers, the other defensive end, and perhaps the strong safety in some cases would have produced an average of 3.8 sacks a-piece. Too bad for the Falcons that Mr. Milloy, the strong safety, had none. Their 21 st ranked pass defense gave up 220.4 yards per game, and their 25 th ranked run D gave up 127.5 yards per game.


That type of passing defense won't bode well against a quarterback in Kurt Warner who threw for over 4,500 yards this season. As far as the Falcons run defense goes, I guess that isn't too bad as the Cardinals rush offense was good for last with 73.6 yards per game, meaning if they just don't screw up any assignments and miss any tackles, they should be able to post a solid to admirable effort against the run.


But Edgerin James against the Seahawks this week amassed 100 yards on 14 carries. He has been off this season, but he perhaps could be trying to prove that he still has some gas left in the tank since that was his first game in a while, and if there was ever a game for him to do so, this could be it. And I know the argument can be that he did it against Seattle, but with a 25 th ranked run defense, the Falcons aren't much better. 谁知道? Maybe the Cards will run a two-back system with James and Tim Hightower, and they could stay fresh and get a couple decent gainers here and there.


On the flipside of things, the Cardinals defense gave up 26.6 points per game. Most teams wouldn't even stand a chance at being in contention in the finals weeks of most regular NFL seasons with that kind of defense, but luckily for the Cardinals, they played in a bad division. On top of that, Arizona's pass D was 22 nd giving up 221.2 yards per game. But the worst part is that their run defense, who faces Michael Turner (1,699 yards and 2 nd in the NFL), was 16 th giving up 110.2 yards per game.


The Falcons MO all year has been to give the ball to Turner as much as possible so that Matt Ryan only needs to make 2-3 good or big plays a game, usually to Roddy White who was fourth among all wide receivers with 1,382 yards and had seven of Ryan's 16 total TDs.


The bottom line is, with the virtually identical defenses of both teams, if the Matt Ryan-led Falcons had more experience under their belt, this game would have had the makings for an Atlanta win as they could have grinded out the run game and kept the passes to a minimum as the Arizona run game and run defense has basically been non-existent for most of the season.


However… I just have to go with Kurt Warner's will, experience, two stud wide receivers in Larry Fitzgerald and Anquan Boldin, and the home crowd to come out on top. The tandem of Boldin and Fitzgerald are enough to make up for not having a running game against a young team like Atlanta. I think Matt Ryan is just too young to take this game, and for all the criticism that the Cardinals have received in losing four of their last five games, it is almost like Kurt Warner gets to start off fresh again. And I say this because in their recent losses, the Cardinals were getting blown out early to the point where Warner didn't need to bother even trying the rest of whatever game they were playing. And if convention says that players need to stay hot going into the post season, I don't see that as being the case here with Kurt Warner.


Basically, both teams are not looking like Super Bowl contenders, and ultimately, when it comes down to two “one-and-done” type teams, you gotta go with the guys playing at home and especially with having the more experienced quarterback. Cardinals win.


December 22, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

urlacher Monday Night Guarantee This week we have the longest rivalry in the NFL, two teams that give it their all every time they play each other.    The Bears still have a shot at the playoffs but the Packers would like nothing more than to spoil their hopes.    These two teams are equal in talent but the edge has to go to the Bears.    Look for the Bears to just find a way to win, with a true team effort.   


Point Spread 27-18 Bears


December 22, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

I think Arthur Blank, the owner of the Atlanta Falcons, is ready to let go at this point.

I think Arthur Blank, the owner of the Atlanta Falcons, is ready to let go at now.

One thing pissing me off big time after week 16 is the following… why is no one mentioning that the Falcons have a chance to lock up the number two seed in the NFL? If The Falcons accomplish the highly un-venerable task of defeating the waste-filled Saint Louis Rams in Atlanta this weekend, and the Carolina Panthers are defeated in New Orleans next week, the Atlanta Falcons end up winning the NFC South. We already know that the Giants have locked up the top seed by beating Carolina in OT Sunday night, but the Cardinals at best can finish 9-7 in the NFC West, and the Bears or Vikings can only finish at 10-6 to win the NFC North. 这是什么意思? Either the Falcons or Panthers are guaranteed the two seed.

But why is no one talking about it? Because every dumb analyst has it in their mind that the Falcons wonderful turn-around in the post Michael Vick mortem was simply in clinching their Wild Card berth. But hello! They can even get a bye! That would be totally huge!

Not only do they overcome last year's fiasco and make the playoffs with a rookie QB, but they now have a chance to put themselves in a highly viable position of reaching a Super Bowl with one home win and one road win, as long as the Giants win their first game. I mean, geez, they could end up hosting the NFC Championship if the Giants lose their first game!

Someone please talk about it. I've watched PTI, Sports Center, and heard every FOX, CBS, and NBC analyst and commentator and not one of them has thought about this. It pisses me off and I almost hope to god that the Falcons get the two seed to see if they all have dumb looks on their faces.

Carolina… pleeeeease lose. I already know the Falcons have the Rams game in their back pocket, so I'm not worried about you. 后来。


December 21, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

The San Diego Chargers duke it out against the Denver Broncos for AFC West supremacy next Sunday night.

The San Diego Chargers duke it out against the Denver Broncos for AFC West supremacy next Sunday night.

It's official. The word literally just came through about thirty seconds ago, and it will be the San Diego Chargers, who were widely thought to be finished with their season, having a chance to make a miraculous comeback and enter the playoffs by winning their division. What's even more is the fact that they'd be doing it with an 8-8 record if they were to win.


This game showcases two of the big number producing quarterbacks in the league in Philip Rivers who has the league-high in TDs, 32, and Jay Cutler whose been shredding defenses for a good portion of the season. This game also features two teams who have been highly inconsistent, and where now, it is truly “put up or shut up” time.


Everybody whose anybody remembers what happened the first time these two teams met this season, when referee Ed Hochuli called a fumble by Jay Cutler as an incomplete pass that cost the Chargers the game in Denver. Now it's either going to be the Chargers getting their revenge, or Jay Cutler proving that the Broncos were the better team all along… and I simply can't wait to see what happens.


December 18, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

all the teams in the nfl1 NFL Playoff Outlook

With just two weeks of play left in the regular season of the 2008-2009 year, a few teams have locked up a spot in the playoffs while others are still fighting to make it. What is about to unfold in this article is, what are in my mind, the teams that will make it.

We already know the Steelers and Titans have locked up spots and first round byes in the AFC. In the NFC the Giants have clinched their division while the Cardinals have as well. First I will go over the locks to get in.

In the AFC the only sure-fire lock I have is the Indianapolis Colts. If they beat Jacksonville this Thursday in Florida, they're in. With the way the Jags have disappointed, I do not even see them using the rivalry bug as added motivation to beat Indianapolis.

In the NFC, surprisingly, the Carolina Panthers have not clinched even with an 11-3 record, which is a testament to the competitiveness of the NFC. However, one more win or one more loss from another team or two would put them in. The Cowboys have been hot lately. I don't care about Romo's performance in Pittsburgh. The game was still close, and it has been their only slip up since his return from injury. They face the Ravens at home, and Eagles in Philadelphia. The Eagle game should be tough and they easily can lose, but to me, I think all of the air got sucked out of the Raven team with their last minute loss to Pittsburgh last weekend.

The Vikings should clinch their division as the Bears face the Packers on Monday Night at home, but then travel to Houston the last week. Houston is on pace to finish up 9-7 and Andre Johnson should be able to shred their weak pass defense.

After that I don't think Tampa will get in as they have slipped up and their weaknesses are beginning to be exposed. The Falcons and Eagles to me will be the ones to fighting for the 6th seed in the NFL as they have both been consistent as of late.

Back in the AFC, I'll take the Patriots to win their division. They are at home against the Cardinals who have clinched, and then at a bum Buffalo team. That would put them at 11-5. The reason I see this happening is because the as-of-late inconsistent Jets should lose in Seattle this weekend, and the Dolphins will beat the Kansas City Chiefs. But when they play each other in New York, I'll take a last-ditch effort by Favre to even their records at 10-6, giving one of them the 6th seed.

The only seed I am unsure of is the 4th seed in the AFC as the Broncos are 8-6 and Chargers 6-8. If the Chargers beat Tampa Bay in Tampa this weekend, which is not an oversight, and the Broncos lose at home to the Bills, which is still a bit of a stretch even if the Broncos aren't so consistent, then they will be playing in San Diego for the division in week 17. If that happens, I'll take the Chargers.

So that's how I believe the “tournament” brackets will be set up come January.


December 15, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

Monday Night Guarantee


This week we have Cleveland vs Philadelphia this is an easy one I have Philly in the playoffs and they need a win this week.   Expect the McNabb to have a big game as well as Jackson.   Cleveland will not be able to handle the fire power that the Eagles have.


  Point Spread (28-14 eagles)


December 14, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 3 Comments

The top ten for this week is a little late but that is because I actually had to do some research for this one.   It seems like when I came back from vacation the NFL was in turmoil. Pac'Man was reinstated. Players were in trouble for using banned substances. Plaxico Burress had even shot himself in the leg. In light of all these circumstances I have decided to do the NFL's top 10 f*”&k ups.   My criteria is not solely based on behavior, but on the talent of the player as well, meaning bums who got into trouble don't make the list.   Here you go.

1)OJ Simpson

“Come on OJ really?”   I am not going to talk about what OJ did He just should have known that when they had the chance they would get him.   OJ is the clear number one on this list. After dodging one major bullet, OJ decides that he is going to step in front on another one 13 years later.

oj simpson Weekly top 10

2)Rae Carruth

This guy was on a budding franchise known as the Carolina Panthers, and then does one of the most horendous crimes you can commit… murder.   This guy set his wife up, and thought he had gotten away with it.   When the cops came to get him he tried to hide in the trunk of his car? What!!!? Clearly this guy makes one of the top spots on the list.

rae curruth Weekly top 10

3)Nate Newton

The infamous Nate Newton from the infamous Dallas Cowboys - this guy was just crazy.   He was busted with an unbelievable 213 pounds of marijuana.   Nate was quoted as saying “I wanted to be the biggest drug dealer ever.”  

Well Nate, if you believe it you can achieve it. Way to dream big.

nate newton Weekly top 10

4)Bam Morris

Big Bam Morris played for the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Ravens, and like his friend Nate Newton, he got busted for drugs.   However unlike Nate, he just kept messing up; he was charged with possession of 4 kilograms of marijuana and 1 gram of cocaine in 1996, then charged with battery in 1997 and then pleaded guilty to drug trafficking in 2000.   Then just to ice the cake he violated his parole in 2001 and was sentenced to 10 years in jail.

bam morris Weekly top 10

5)Maurice Clarett

This guy wasn't in the league but for a split second, but it doesn't matter now. Still, you really couldn't doubt that he was talented.   However, after getting drafted, despite being out of shape and overweight, he decided that he wasn't going to bust his butt to get into shape for camp.   This lead to him being cut which lead to him trying to rob a store and subsequently being sentenced to jail, for robbery, and holding a concealed weapon without a permit.     


You should have taken the guaranteed money Maurice.

maurice clarret Weekly top 10

6)Plaxico Burress

Plaxico Burress f&**ed up just in time to make this list. I nstead of being known as the guy who caught the winning touchdown in the Superbowl, he is now known as the guy who shot himself in the leg.  

That is an NFL first congrats to Plax.

plaxico burres Weekly top 10

7)Mike Vick

Well we all know the story of Mike Vick and his dog fighting (not to mention that his brother also got into a lot of trouble).   Mike only comes in at 7 on the list because he is a genetic f”*&k up. It is in his genes to mess up. I honestly believe that he can't help it. Again, just look at his brother.

mike vick 300x204 Weekly top 10

8)Pac'Man jones

Pac'Man is another one of those gentic f*&k ups. It seems like he just can't help but to mess up.   Pac'Man made it rain in Las Vegas to the tune of $80,000, but then decided that he wanted the rain back.   When he couldn't get it back there was a scuffle and someone got shot.   “Great job Pac'Man”; and that is just the most publicized incident. He has some many others that it would take 3 articles to go through all of them.

adam jones Weekly top 10

9) Ricky Williams

Ricky is low on the list because he is just plain silly. The guy is one of the most talented backs ever, but he loves to smoke weed.   So much so that after he got suspended multiple times for it, he decided that he would just retire so he could smoke all the weed he wanted.

That is what I call dedication.

ricky williams Weekly top 10

10)Antonio Bryant                                                                   

A more recent name is Antonio Bryant. He is on the list because of his off-field troubles as well, but what really puts him on the list is his talent.   Antonio is one of the most talented receivers in the league but the guy was not even in the league last year.   After some smaller off the field troubles in Dallas, and Cleveland, he capped it off by driving over 100 mph in his Lamborghini while intoxicated which lead to his suspension in San Francisco, and ultimately his dismissal from the team.   The guy was such af*&k up that last year he was eligible to play in the NFL, but no team wanted to take a chance on him and now look at him.   All I can say is “Don't blow it Antonio.”

antonio bryant Weekly top 10

坚持一个岔路口,没错,就大功告成了! 对不起牛郎球迷...

12月11日,2008年由MarkM · 发表评论

Adam "Pacman" Jones of the Dallas Cowboys

The cowboys may have to play the remainder of the season without Adam Jones in the defensive backfield, which is a huge deal considering they don't have any depth at DB. THE BOYS本周将开始他们的的瑞士奶酪二次对巨人。 我期望礼有一个大的游戏。 豆子的消息可能看起来像小新闻,但是当你考虑他们的洗衣的伤病名单,不难跳,把握它的严重性。 杰里·琼斯可能已经纷纷拿起一些自由球员DB的3个选秀权,而不是浪费在敖德萨的#1 WR罗伊·威廉姆斯更适合。 Just look at the secondary for this week's Giants game, I am starting to think they will have no one to actually play Safety. 哈姆林(脚踝)可能不会准备和基思·戴维斯(MCL)是不会玩,记得罗伊·威廉姆斯是在IR。 So who is going to start? 这是一个问题,我不认为韦德菲利普斯知道的任何答案。 Right now it looks like Tra Battle and Courtney Brown will get the start, at the Safety spots. 然而再次因为这个问题你应该期待一场伟大的比赛伊莱和巨人第二年TE凯文老板有几个原因。 茶战役,谁是本赛季早些时候削减充电器,第一个原因是严重不足的,将有望涵盖了TE在某些男人软件包在这个游戏。 在红色区域,这真的会杀了男孩。 康特尼 - 布朗是一个前角,只是没有足够的敏捷发挥在NFL级别的CB。 他是不是一个可靠的球员,在这个大的比赛,他可能会被利用。 这两人只是将不匹配对蓝色巨人的船员宽卖出。


牛仔有一个相当粗糙的即将到来的日程安排,他们将面对纽约巨人队(11-2),巴尔的摩乌鸦队(9-4)和费城老鹰(7-5-1)。 这些都是我不知道,如果他们能够击败,即使他们是健康的团队。 所以,现在与牛仔都撞坏了,我不得不说的是,“坚持一个岔路口。 做好击败西雅图和旧金山,但现实是你还没有进入季后赛! 因此,停止谈论它!!!“


12月10日,2008年由AlexV · 发表评论

cowboys steelers head to head Steelers Defense Looking Tough, but Not so Much on the Offense

,钢人的防守必须是真正的强者。 It has to be with the offensive performance the Steelers put on in their near-miss, 20-13 victory over the Dallas cowboys on Sunday.


The Steelers were able to put up seventeen unanswered points in the fourth quarter after riding three total since the close of the first half. When the Steelers had just about enough time for two more scoring drives after failing to punch it in on 4 th and one from the one yard line, the Pittsburgh offense finally came through.


但为什么再次用出色的防守,另一支球队是很难找到的罪行,不能返回的青睐呢? Even with the Cowboys putting on a great show as their corners continuously blanketed their receivers, save for a big play to Holmes in the second half, one would think that Ben Roethlisberger could easily guide his team to at least seventeen to twenty-one points per game against the Cowboys? The final seven points came on defense off an errant throw from Tony Romo that was picked off by Deshea Townsend and taken 25 yards into the end zone.


无论哪种方式,钢人10-3和至少两个种子和在季后赛首轮轮空的驾驶员座椅。 但是,他们仍然显示另一个看起来太不协调调用一个超级碗鞋竞争者的大量团队的迹象。


December 8, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Antonio Bryant of Tampa Bay Bucs

Antonio Bryant of Tampa Bay Bucs

I don't have much to say about Bryant. He does do some silly things as proved by his delay of game penalty during monday night's game. It's hard to believe that no NFL team wanted to employ him last year! Honestly a 200 yard 2TD game on monday night against a good secondary is an accomplishment that deserves to be acknowledged. Without a doubt, Antonio has cemented himself as Garcia's number 1 target and everyone who can should pick him up now, in thier respective fantasy leagues! He will go up against Atlanta next week and could put up some great numbers for you. Anyone who doesn't beleve in this guy should be brought outside and shot. Antonio has gone over 110 yards in three of his the last seven games, lets all stand up and give the man some respect! At 6′4 Antonio is a huge redzone target, who also has the skill set to brake big gains for the remainder of this season!


December 8, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 1 Comment

steve smith3 300x297 Monday Night Guarantee This week we have the Panthers and the Bucs,   Coming back from vacation I feel like I have a renewed dedication to my picks.      The Bucs gave the Panthers the smackdown last time but this time it will be different.    Look for Steve Smith to come up big this week against the Bucs as the panthers try to win the division.


Point Spread (28-17) Panthers


December 4, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Firm hand of the NFL? My ass.

Firm hand of the NFL? My ass.

It seems as though a judge in Minnesota by the name of Gary Larson has decided to halt the suspensions of the two mammoth nose tackles, Pat Williams and Kevin Williams of the Minnesota Vikings. It also seems as though this judge in Minnesota may manage to find another loophole for players that deserve to be punished.


Although the momentary clearing of these suspensions doesn't give the two players the right to play on Sunday, but rather to be on site and remain somewhat employed, they still may get a chance when the NFL Player's association asks a federal judge to nullify these suspension so that they, and Deuce McAllister, Charles Grant, Will Smith, and Bryan Pittman can all get off on the same account as well for eligibility to play this Sunday.


下一篇: 足球
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2008年12月4日由AlexV · 1条评论

Never underestimate the potential of a Steelers-Cowboys game.


本周达拉斯牛仔队面临的匹兹堡钢人队在PA ...事实上,两队都不错。 我来说,我非常感谢,这个经典的对决将有两个明确的超级碗的竞争者实际上可能是在那场比赛中,在本赛季结束。 没有太多得到优于匹兹堡钢人队的黑色和黄色(Steeler的黄金...对不起球迷。这一区别去新奥尔良圣徒)啮合与牛仔的蓝色,灰色,和白色的球衣。 添加到牛仔8-4和钢人队9-3,这场比赛应该是太棒了!


牛仔有适量的进攻能力,以获得良好的生产对匹兹堡的头号排列的防御。 Romo's return has been vital to the Cowboy offense as they have now averaged 27.6 points per game since he came back as opposed to 13.6 in the three games without him. Pittsburgh is giving up an average of 14.2 points per game, which is first in the league. 这使得这三个超级碗对决那些牛仔经典都是很大的冒犯,这些钢被称为他们的防守。


罗莫会看到,如果他真的回来了加快速度,因为他已经选择去无夹板,他曾在他的投掷手小指。 本罗特利斯伯格似乎已经弥补了他坏在那里,他的演出一个对八个诠释通过TD在三场比赛对巨人,红人,和马队,有三个TDS对两个整数的字符串。 Although that isn't great, that's close enough to the mistake-free kind of game that a number one ranked defense usually asks of their quarterback. Plus, he'll be playing at home.


另一个有趣的花絮是,两支球队都面临着在本赛季的中间部分类似的逆境时,牛仔队失去了3四,本罗特利斯伯格时有他的球队看上去很平庸,他的发挥欠佳。 Now, both squads have won three straight games, and only one's streak will continue (the NFL already had its tie for the next many seasons when the Bengals and Eagles finished 13-13 in week 11). Even more fascinating are the striking resemblance of all three wins.


钢在主场11-10击败充电器减弱秒的游戏以射门得分。 牛仔跑出14-10胜利在华盛顿的时钟。 After that, both teams have won convincingly by an average of 30 and 19 points respectively.


This matchup is almost guaranteed to live up to its historic building, and if you're out of both team's markets and are privileged to get its television feed this Sunday at 4:15pm, you better not miss it.   


December 4, 2008 by MarkM · 1 Comment

Marshawn Lynch's beast mode grill!


I saw this and just started laughing. Just watch Marshawn's face when he tries to answer what his skill set is! 这是无价的。 Haha he goes retarded for a split second. Just look at the difference some time in the league can make, honestly Lynch is such a better interviewer now it's amazing. This video was shot during the combine and may have been featured by Nike in a rookie commercial.


December 2, 2008 by AlexV · 3 Comments

all the teams in the nfl Third Quarter NFL Contenders

The NFL has hit its third quarter mark, and after twelve of the most up-and-down weeks of football in recent history, it is still a bit of a stretch to call anybody a true lock for the Super Bowl save for the New York Giants. However, there are still a few teams that are definitely pulling away from most others as viable Super Bowl contenders.


下一篇: 足球
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2008年12月1日由MarkM · 1条评论

Donovan Mcnabb


Donovan Mcnabb is proving that even with all the garbage he gets from philly fans that he is the best QB for the eagles. This week he threw for 4 td's and no ints as he lead the eagles to victory over the surging Arizona Cardinals. DONOVAN even got boo'd after going 8-8 in the first quarter when he threw his first incomplete pass! Damn I can't wait until he gets out of philly and ends up somewhere were people will appreciate him. 说真的,没有的麦克纳布鹰臭! I mean sure go ahead throw your Star QB under the bus when you season does not pan out the way you cheese-steak eating idiots planned it. 现在呀科尔布这就是答案。 Seriously Dnabb is the 4th most winning-est QB in league history and he has the best winning percentage among all active QB's so how are you going to tell me Kolb gives you the best chance to win? 老实说,他们必须是脸红了很多人在这一天在费城。 I hope the media apologizes to Dnabb because after the last week of punishment they deliberated, they ought to. I love philly i just wish they took care of their hero's that's all!


November 30, 2008 by MarkM · 3 Comments

So you think you are smarter than Donovan Mcnabb? or your team's starting QB try to prove it here with this sample Wonderlic Test, that we dugg up on the Net!

brady quinn 189x300 Free Sample Wonderlic Test!

Please enjoy this sample Wonderlic test.

1。 Look at the row of numbers below. What number should come next? ___________

8 4 2 1 1/2 1/4 ?

2。 Assume the first two statements are true.

1。 The boy plays baseball.
2。 All baseball players wear hats.
3。 The boy wears a hat

Is the final one:

Not Certain

3。 Paper sells for 21 cents per pad. What will four pads cost? ___________

4。 How many of the five pairs listed below are exact duplicates? ___________

Nieman, KM

Neiman, KM

Thomas, GK

Thomas, CK

Hoff, JP

Hoff, JP

Pino, LR

Pina, LR

Warner, TS

Wanner, TS

5。 PRESENT/RESERVE, Do these words:

have similar meanings;
have contradictory meaning;
mean neither the same nor opposite?

6。 One of the number figures in the following drawing is most different from the others.
What is the number in that figure? ___________

test wonderlic picture Free Sample Wonderlic Test!

7。 A train travels 20 feet in 1/5 second. At this same speed, how many feet will it travel in
three seconds? ___________

8。 When rope is selling at $.10 a foot, how many feet can you buy for sixty cents? ___________

9。 The ninth month of the year is:


10。 Which number in the following group of numbers represent the smallest amount? _________

7 .8 31 .33 2 .43

11。 In printing an article of 48,000 words, a printer decides to use two sizes of type. 使用
larger type, a printed page contains 1,800 words. Using a smaller type, a page contains
2,400 words. The article is allotted 21 full pages in a magazine. How many pages must be
in smaller type? ___________

12。 The hours of daylight and darkness in September are nearest equal to the hours of daylight
and darkness in:

13。 Three individuals form a partnership and agree to divide the profits equally. X invests
$9,000, Y invests $7,000, Z invests $4,000. If the profits are $4,800, how much less
does x receive compared to having the profits divided in proportion to the amounts
invested by X, Y, and Z?

14。 Assume the first two statements are true.

1。 Tom greeted Beth.
2。 Beth greeted Dawn
3。 Tom did not greet Dawn

Is the final one:

Not Certain

15。 A boy is 17 years old and his sister is twice as old as he is. When the boy is 23 what will be the age
of his sister? ___________

These are sample test questions and are intended for demonstration purposes only. The Wonderlic Personnel Test is published by Wonderlic, Inc.



2008年11月27日由MadisonMadnuff · 发表评论

本周十大重点节假日,我们在这里Sportsroids十大件事放在一起,NFL球员感谢。 享受。

1)       他们是感谢他们所有的注意力,使他们获得高豆子琼斯在他们的后面,而无需在NFL

pacman Weekly top 10 (Holiday style)

2) They are thankful for guaranteed money on contracts so that way even if they never play a down and   get cut they can still get paid.




5) They are also thankful for the fact that they make more money the people who are in charge of them (buck the establishment)


7) Their thankful that there is no such thing as a thanksgiving diet in the NFL and they get to eat whatever they want at this time of year.

8) 他们感谢为季后赛的排名因为如果除冰与狮子和孟加拉虎的人在他们的日程表由计算机将自动运行。

9) NFL Players are thankful for their superior athletic ability because   当一个高大的男子5'0ft谁重300磅的大麦走了一个氧气面罩没有达到要求到一个广播电台或吸多少,他们写的博客,它是容易让他们耸耸肩它关闭。

fat guy Weekly top 10 (Holiday style)

10)再次感谢NFL球员为他们的钱,钱,钱,钱...... (高音调)钱。



Mad'Nuff Mad Skills Player of the Week (week12)

November 25, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

randy moss MadNuff Mad Skills Player of the Week (week12) Mad'Nuff Mad Skills Player of the week

Randy Moss Autographed Duke Football

This Duke Pro football has been personally hand signed by the New England Patriots wide receiver Randy Moss. This product is officially licensed by the National Football League and comes with an individually numbered; tamper evident hologram from Mounted Memories. To ensure authenticity- the hologram can be reviewed online. 这个过程有助于确保所购买的产品是正品,并消除任何可能的重复或欺诈。


November 25, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

donovan mcnabb signing McNabb, has always needed more respect from philly fans Seriously what is going on in Philly? Honestly, Donovan is heart of the team. With Westbrook hurting, he is their only option. Kevin Kolb is no Jeff Garcia. Donovan has proven his worth, over the donovan mcnabb qb1 300x291 McNabb, has always needed more respect from philly fans past years, winning games with sub par personal. This organization has done nothing to set up Mcnabb, besides the acquisition of Terrell Owens. Philadelphia fans should realize he has put up great numbers without a star receiver over the past 10 years. This guy is the real deal and if you boo him and don't respect him your future really to me looks grim. Donovan has shown to be more than just talent and is without a doubt under appreciated. This team and organization and fan base is ass backwards. This kid is a winner, there is no arguing that. Philly fans better think next time they cheer his benching, because come next year he could be a Bear or even worse a Redskin.

Even after being a college standout

Donovan has been criticized in the NFL from his very first day


November 19, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 2 Comments


This weeks top 10 is the top 10 NFL teammates that you would not want to run into in an alley.   We all know the NFL has some scary guys out their but certain teams have   两个家伙,你只是不想碰上这里是我的前十名之列。

1。 ray lewis Weekly top 10 tereel suggs 300x243 Weekly top 10


You do not want to run into these guys in an alley, or in your house, or at a party hell you don't want to bump into one of these guys at Disney World, who knows what they would do to you if drop some Mickey Mouse ice cream on one of their shoes.



These dudes are huge   有传言说,贾斯汀塔克可以撕裂一个男人的心,用他的赤手把它给布兰登·雅各布斯谁,然后把它,途中秒杀你的心脏在中间的endzone在巨人体育场和运行在您的整个家庭。


3.Brian Urlacher,哈里斯TOMMIE:



takeo spikes Weekly top 10 patrick willis Weekly top 10


Takeo Spikes just looks like he wants to murder you, and Patick Willis looks like he wants to help.





6.James Harrison, Aaron smith:


joey porter 270x300 Weekly top 10 randy starks Weekly top 10

7。 Joey搬运工,兰迪·斯塔克斯:

Joey搬运工是第一个(你不想看到我在一条小巷)的家伙,这是理所当然 ​​的,因为你没有看到Joey搬运工在一个巷子里。   If you are in a alley and Joey Porter is at the same time you just cease to exist.   Hell Randy really doesn't even need to be on this list because of that.





tokka rahzar Weekly top 10


Well we have all seen Ninja turtles right?   Remember Tokka and Rahzar, yeah? Well after that movie they apparently became linebackers for the Green Bay Packers, I mean   这两个家伙是兽,如果你碰到他们,你最好确保你有一些民总数。

10。 约翰·亨德森,迈克·彼得森:

John Henderson is 6'7 and weighs over 300 pounds odds are if you ran into him in a alley Mike Peterson would be sitting on his shoulder talking trash while Henderson slaps you in the mouth just to get hype for a game.

Mad'Nuff Mad Skills Player of the Week

November 18, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment

anquan boldin MadNuff Mad Skills Player of the Week Mad'Nuff Mad skills award week 11


This weeks award goes to Anquan Boldin he just missed 200 receiving yards for the game by one catch.   Anquan Boldin has been a monster all season and this week the Seahawks couldn't find the silver bullet to stop him.   Anqaun piled up 186 receiving yards on Sunday and did it in such an impressive fashion that it was almost like he was playing against High School kids.   It doesn't help that he is also a giant for a receiver and plays next to Larry Fitzgerald another monster receiver, however Anquan was making plays non-stop despite the Seahawks efforts to stop him and that is why Anquan has mad skills.

Marvin Harrison: Still plays while suspected for murder?

November 16, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Marvin Harrison WR Colts

Marvin Harrison WR Colts

Honestly, with all the fines that have been going around the league because of retard Roger Goodell, you would think they would have something to say about Marvin Harrison! “Oh wait, Haven't you heard? I was under the impression that everyone heard yeah ! yeah the bird bird bird bird is the word!”

No seriously, though Marvin Harrison probably shot someone!

Marvin is really feeling the pressure now!

Marvin is really feeling the pressure now!

Yet let that sink in, NFL hero Marvin Harrison is under review for attempted murder!

Now, how do you feel ?

It sucks I know. but what do you expect he is from Philadelphia…

I am very upset that they(NFL league office) let Marvin Harrison still play even though he is pretty much under review of attempted Murder. The story goes that Marvin was visiting his home town of Philadelphia. Marvin frequents and owns a bar called “Playmakers”. Pretty stupid name, I know. Nevertheless during his night at the bar, he got into a altercation with a man. After around 5:20 PM, witness's said that the man left the bar, and then Witness's then saw Marvin leave the bar following the man, then soon after this, gunshots ensued. The man who Marvin had the disagreement was shot in the hand and his son had some serious injuries due to the broken glass in his eyes. They were together in their car, when the bullets hit them. The bullets casings recovered from the incident matched in a ballistics test to a gun that Marvin owns! The ballistic tests showed that the gun that had fired the shots was a custom made Belgian weapon, and police already have determined that Harrison owned such a gun. This is a custom gun, Marvin this just isn't good.

The Police Reported to the press immediately, in hopes of defusing the situation

Early Media Reactions

In a shocking turn, it is sad to see that one of the stand up players in the NFL actually has turned out to be a complete moron.Regardless if he is the shooter, he gun was nevertheless used in this shooting. So what if he didn't shot him, then he is negligent with his firearms and that makes me not respect the All-pro just as well. I know that there are many reports that these charges are bogus, but lets be honest with ourselves, if he did do it would the NFL do everything in their power to cover it up? Yeah I think so. We have once again been let down by one of our NFL hero's (Future HOF) and the NFL has said nothing about this. They instead have just swept it under the carpet, due to Marvin's reputation, and trust me they fear this would hurt the league, and it probably would, but no more than the recent phantom roughing the passer calls. All I am saying is nobody is perfect, and Marvin is an AS*HOLE!! I loved you Marvin how could you do this 2 me!!! I think you did it, and that makes me upset!

The Cops have all the evidence they need to charge Marvin. They have ballistics weapon test and victim cooperation, so there has definitely been something fishy going on. Can you say NFL cover up?

Just look at this list of evidence.

1.Ballistics tests have proved that the shell casings found at the shooting had been fired from Harrison's gun, which is a Belgian-made FN5.7.

This is the FN-57, which is the type of gun that was used in the shooting.

This is the FN-57, which is the type of gun that was used in the shooting.

2。 They have found the weapon at one of Marvin Harrison nearby business's “Chucky's Garage” on Thompson street. Which was close to the incident, even though Marvin had supposedly had reported to the police that the gun was at his home and had never left his home residence.

3。 He and Dixon have had a long traceable history, and this incident was definitely building up.

This makes me sick! Marvin regardless even he didn't fire, Marvin must have allowed some one else to fire upon Dixon with his pistol. The police have a match. What else do they need? Oh right, the Ok from the NFL lawyers ! If Harrison's name was spelled “PACMAN” he would already be receiving the death penalty.


11月14日由MadisonMadnuff · 发表评论

tom brady Bradyless Patriots lose to Jets 那么它似乎布雷特法夫尔将实现的目标,该组织已为他设置的,那就是球队进入季后赛。   喷气机跃升爱国者爱国者虽然在游戏初期能够回来,这是不够的。    You can't help to think that if Brady was playing they would have won that game.    然而,他是不是不会。 The Pats with this loss, have solidified themselves at second place in the AFC East.   为什么呢?   Because of the two teams, the Pats have to play tougher teams, and the Jets look really good, while the Pats are getting by on coaching alone.    Look for the Jets to win the Division and the Pats to struggle to grab a birth in the playoffs.

Week 11 NFL Picks

November 12, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

NYJ 6-3 NE 6-3

The Jets are starting to show some consistency winning convincingly against the Buffalo Bills and Rams in the last two weeks. 他们现在面临的最大的一场比赛,他们本赛季迄今为止在新英格兰上周四晚。 New England has been proving that life without Brady is still manageable, but I think the Jets steady improvement on defense, solid ground game behind Thomas Jones, and lately less turnover-prone passing by Brett Favre will rue the day.

登革5-4 6-3 ATL

The Falcons are becoming a model of consistency. Their ability to jump out to big early leads is remarkable for a young team. They play at home against the league's 28 th ranked passing defense and 27 th ranked rushing defense. That doesn't bode well for a Bronco team playing against an efficient Matt Ryan, and yard-racking Michael Turner. Falcons win.

DET 0-9 at CAR 7-2

Carolina has the luxury of facing a team like the Raiders last week, who even if Delhomme throws four interceptions again to, should still beat. 我没有看到杰克折腾,许多挑选这个星期。 Panthers win handily.

的PHI 5-4 CIN 1-8


没有KC 1-8 4-5

圣徒正在证明,他们所有的就是一个极好的传球,不能保存正在运行的游戏左右徘徊平庸,无能的防御基准。 院长一直没走在公园,他们在本赛季早些时候丢失由一个点到圣地亚哥的最后一个周末,在主场输给坦帕湾OT的前一周,仅输给四在纽约喷气机在这之前的一周。 我要与KC

BAL 6-3 NYG 8-1

The Baltimore Ravens are actually scoring on offense these days. 事实上,他们正在成为巨 ​​人队的镜像;强大的压力造成的防守,更能够稳定运行的背上,一个高效,播放的传球进攻。 看一场势均力敌的比赛,更多的经验丰富的巨人之上。

MIN 5-4 at TB 6-3

如果有一件事,明尼苏达维京人已经学会在上周的心脏攻击诱导一分险胜包装工上周,它是把球给阿德里安·彼得森。 I believe Gus Frerotte's passing attempts will be cut down by almost half of last week's 28. ,即使海盗队稳固的防守是众所周知的,我会银行彼得森横行。 维京人赢得令人信服。

OAK 2-7热火5-4

Although the Raiders now share the same record as the underachieving Seahawks who came to within two points of upsetting the Dolphins in Miami last week, I wouldn't count on a similar performance from them this week. The surprising Dolphins will move to 6-4 and second place in the AFC East.

CHI 5-4 GB 4-5

绿湾应该算他们的幸运之星,他们有这样的机会。 他们得到的分在家中与领先的熊有机会获得一个抢七芝加哥和第二师,如果他们赢了,第一名的领带,如果他们赢了,维京人失去。 I'll take the Packers to clean things up in their passing game this week after Rodgers was a not-so-great 15-25 with only 142 passing yards and no touchdowns. 包胜。

侯IND 5-4 3-6

德州看,弥补了21分,他们放弃了在过去7分钟,每周五的损失马队在家。 然而,小马队已经取得两连胜,并期待取回争。 Colts win.

STL 2-7 SF 2-7

这个师的对决甚至可能不值得讨论,但为公平起见,让我们做吧。 公羊回头一看,他们作为教练在47-3损失到喷气机队上周与斯科特·莱恩汉。 在另一边,49人队作为一个团队在周一晚上与肖恩山心下显得更可信。 悲惨的表现后,他们把在美国亚利桑那州,我会旧金山取胜。

ARI在海上2-7 6-3

主教有机会清理门户本周在西雅图一个双赢。 They get to play another one of their weak divisional opponents, all of whom are 2-7 (Saint Louis and San Francisco are the other two). Even though the Hawks are at home, I cannot see the Cardinals having another close letdown like they did against the Niners this past Monday. Cardinals win.

TEN 9-0江淮4-5

The performance of Kerry Collins last week (30-41, 289 yards, two TDs and no INTs) is making the Titans look all the more legitimate as the league's lone unbeaten team. The Jaguars proved nothing in beating the Lions last weekend 38-14. Titans win easy.

SD 4-5 6-3坑

The Steelers blew it last weekend at home to the Colts… or should I say Ben Roethlisberger blew it. 历史应该说,本将寻找弥补他的表现,但我现在不那么肯定对他的信心。 他已经打中了太多次,,曼宁兄弟在袋子应该是在家里吹两场比赛。 另一方面,圣地亚哥今年几乎一致。 钢人队令人信服地赢得他们的头号防守和更好的性能,从大本钟。


这场比赛标志着返回到达拉斯的阵容托尼·罗莫。 自从他离开这支球队已经在相当长的一个绑定。 罗莫有一个巨大的游戏,也许把他的球队在他的背上。 The Redskins are coming off their worst offensive performance since their week one loss to the Giants after scoring just six points in the week nine Monday night loss to Pittsburgh. 他们的论点来自两个领域的目标后,三出,当他们恢复开放越位反撞力企图由钢,和另一本罗特利斯伯格三和后INT。 看看韦德菲利普斯在华盛顿红皮的防守型打法的回归达拉斯的高辛烷值的罪行。

CLE 3-6 at BUF 5-4

法案没有辜负炒作的最后两个星期。 And the fact that they have lost three of their four to Miami, New York, and New England (in order), who are all divisional opponents, does not bode well. 布雷迪奎因是固体他开始持续23-35,239码,有两个达阵,没有拦截对阵掘金的最后一个星期四。 不过,我会采取的法案,在全国舞台上在家。

Redskins Acquire Bro Bowl Cornerback DeAngelo Hall

November 8, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

It's time for DeAngelo Hall to step up his game again. This time he has to do it in Washington.


华盛顿红皮队同意一年的合同价值80万美元上周五11月7 ,刚刚被豁免的奥克兰突袭者队与角卫的迪安基洛厅。 它没有花费太长时间临鲍勒自己找到一个新的家。 Although there has been a consensus that Hall has been underachieving this past half-season in Oakland, and the previous year in Atlanta, when looked at closely, it is easy to see why Hall can be a good fit for the Redskins.

首先,华盛顿一直饱受伤害在二级,即在角卫;首发肖恩泉,退镍弗雷德·斯穆特,以及备份丽托伦斯。 虽然没有这三个已经受伤长时间,他们都已经受伤经常零星足够的红人不能放过这个机会。

除了 ​​从伤病在华盛顿,也有红皮队不得不面对每年两次在其分工范围内的宽接收稳定。 纽约巨人运动大游戏和大高度,六英尺五英寸,器Plaxico布瑞斯。 我们都知道达拉斯和特雷尔欧文斯,但现在大的游戏,六英尺三拾取,罗伊·威廉姆斯的必要性为霍尔人才的球员 ​​是越来越多的精髓。 最后,老鹰新秀DeSean杰克逊,他34次接球525码有他的步幅达到1,050总的倾向做多与少在他的职业生涯和四分卫多诺万麦克纳布有崭露头角的明星。

长作为迪安基洛霍尔可以恢复水平发挥赢得赛季,在他的职业碗那么红皮将有一个不错的选择。 如果没有的话,他们不失去太多,因为他们只签下了他本赛季剩余。


November 6, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Kerry Collins has hardly put up the numbers of a quarterback one can rely on. How long until the Titans need a quarterback who can pick up the slack when the defense needs help?

Kerry Collins has hardly put up the numbers of a quarterback one can rely on. How long until the Titans need a quarterback who can pick up the slack when the defense needs help?

The Tennessee Titans have been the poster child of consistency thus far in the NFL. I mean, when you keep winning, it doesn't get anymore consistent than that. However, they have had the luxury of a soft schedule for the better part of the 2008 season.

So far they've beaten the underachieving Jaguars, recently first-win getting Bengals, choppy Houston Texans, similar Minnesota Vikings at home, barely came back to beat the Ravens with a   dismal 13-10 final score, atrocious Kansas City Chiefs, struggling Colts, and got pushed into overtime at home to the promising 4-4 Green Bay Packers. This week, they get to play the Bears with Rex Grossman.

This team has received as much hype thus far as it has a favorable schedule. But seriously, how far can a 35 year old quarterback in Kerry Collins, sporting a 72.9 QB rating overall, with 3 total TD passes versus 3 INT passes expect to get? I know old-timers like Favre and Warner are still capable, but they are probably the first older quarterbacks to have Super Bowl potential since Randal Cunningham with the Vikings.

I know defense wins championships, but in recent history, the only team that can be considered to have become Super Bowl Champs solely on defense and good running with a game managing quarterback are the 2000 Baltimore Ravens who had Trent Dilfer.

It is a delicate matter what Vince Young seems to be going through this season, and is certainly nothing to look at without sympathy. But after he failed to improve in his second season, and add that to the personal issues in his third, and the Titans could be in trouble.

Vince Young's personal issues are a delicate matter. But after failing to improve in his second season, plus the issues in his third, then the Titans could be in trouble.

I see this team falling hard at some point in this season and eventually turning the ball over to Vince Young. Even then, that is not a safe bet. It will be interesting to see how the Titans look entering the playoffs.

Week 10 NFL Picks

November 6, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

DEN 4-4骑士3-5


这是一个真正的折腾。 The Bronco defense is atrocious, and the Browns have Brady Quinn starting. 经验不足,一些人才和家乡父老与丢失,但没有发现防御包围,赢得了比赛。


NO 4-4 5-3 ATL


现在仿佛猎鹰已经成为一个团队,是一致的,他们做了什么。 不是说他们做了什么,使得他们的精英团队。 However, the things they are doing are playing solid and potentially explosive offense and better defense than the Saints. 猎鹰队赢了。


TEN 8-0 CHI 5-3


雷克斯格罗斯曼是,,那不好看芝加哥。 加上他们的防守让对手在后面的比赛,并提出了一些坚实的数字有一种倾向。 但我觉得克里柯林斯已经越来越幸运,包装工队和小马队,泰坦前两个对手分别eached,让三拦截溜走。 熊不会让那些通过各种机会,格罗斯曼有一些东西需要证明,熊是在家里...熊手泰坦他们的第一次亏损。


JAC 3-5 at DET 0-8


The Jags continue to play to the level of their opponent. 狮子会已经越来越接近他们本赛季的第一场胜利。 他们这样做对尖齿? 没有这么乐观。 但质疑他的球队的化学反应,心烦杰克戴尔里奥正在酝酿。 不过,我相信尖齿将得到他们的共同行动,在这其中,并赢得。


的BAL 5-3侯3-5


The Ravens defense gave up a lot of yardage and points last week to the Browns, but they are familiar with the Ravens as they play in the same division. 在另一边,德州好看在一些游戏中,并没有继续生产的,甚至在他们的损失。 Ravens win with Joe Flacco seeming to get more comfortable as the weeks go by.


SEA 2-6 at MIA 4-4


迈阿密看起来像一个小队,真正建设一个身份,而“老鹰队没有给迈克Holmgren的持续客场党是值得骄傲的。 海豚在家中轻松取胜。


BUF 5-3 at NE 5-3


New England looked solid against the Colts last Sunday night, as did Matt Cassel. 法案作为一个团队,开始了4-0,由于柔软的时间表和来访的西滨队在充电器露出真面目。 Pats win.


STL 2-6 at NYJ 5-3


布雷特法夫尔依然是容易出现的错误,但公羊的方式扮演的最后一个周末,我认为喷气机可以负担得起在这其中的一些错误。 喷气机队赢了。


CAR 6-2 at OAK 2-6


Boy do the Raiders ever look like trash. They have two wins, and yet the Lions and Bengals are much more competitive than they are as of late. “雷达下”黑豹赢得轻松。


IND 4-4 at PIT 6-2


两个队有大胜利提振信心后,损失就大了前一周的最后一周。 However, Pittsburgh's “Blitzburgh” defense is hitting it's stride and coming into its own. 钢人队在主场赢球,要么罗特利斯伯格莱夫特威克的掌舵。


KC 1-7 SD 3-5


有什么更好的方式为充电器获得健康本周末在酋长主场迎战比的日期。 Even though the Chiefs showed spirit last week, they'll still lose to the Chargers.


NYG PHI 5-3 7-1


老鹰可以返回到形式,但事实仍然是巨人队是一支更好的球队,周围的一切。 Giants win despite the Eagles being at home.


SF 2-6 ARI 5-3


这个游戏有什么丢人的是在星期一夜橄榄球。 Too bad they can't move the schedule around on Mondays. 红雀队赢了,旧金山不会卯足任何“星期一夜魔。”


November 5, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

DeAngelo Hall is looking for a new place to call "home" in the NFL. But where can he find one?

DeAngelo Hall is looking for a new place to call his home. But whose looking?

With the reasoning for the decision to waive two-time Pro Bowl cornerback DeAngelo Hall by the Raiders being unclear, it is a little harder to round out teams that will want to pick him up. If he was cut due to character issues, then there are teams who, based on tradition, will most likely do nothing more than ponder the idea like Pittsburgh or Green Bay. Then there are teams like Dallas. They have already made some heady and questionable moves this season and I wouldn't count out Jerry Jones and Co. to seize the opportunity. But then again, who knows for sure why he was cut?

I'm sure Antoine Winfield won't mind having DeAngelo Hall by his side in Minnesota.

I'm sure Antoine Winfield won't mind having a fellow Pro Bowler like DeAngelo Hall by his side.

Based off of that, I would not be surprised if the Vikings picked him up as well. This is a team that has already made a big defensive move picking up Jared Allen in the off-season, and to add a corner of Hall's caliber to an already great number one corner in Antoine Winfield would probably create one of the league's most formidable duos at the position.

I also feel that New England has been missing Asante Samuel, so I wouldn't count them out of the picture. The other teams I would put in the mix would be the Carolina Panthers as they would like to become the top D in the NFC south with the Falcons and Buccaneers defenses playing well for the most part.

Finally, I would go with Arizona as a very strong possibility. The Cardinals by now have to know that they are pretty much a lock to win their division, barring an upset this Monday Night at home in the desert by the 49ers. If they wish to matchup better with the true contenders and upstarts of the league then a strong corner like DeAngelo Hall would help them tremendously.

NFL梦幻足球Strageties 10周:顶幻想免费代理

November 4, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

If you are worried about your fantasy squad and need to make a couple of big moves to separate yourself from the competition or put yourself back in the race, you've came to the right place.
I have complied a list of players who have great fantasy value and potential for the rest of your season.

NFL WEEK 10 Top Free Agent pickups:

Ryan Torain RB Denver Broncos

Ryan Torain RB Denver Broncos

Torain, Ryan RB Denver Broncos-

Has been suggested to be the Bronco's starting back for week 10. Ryan has great speed and size and will definitely get all the short yardage carries for the broncos for the remainder of the season. Ryan is very highly thought of, and was originally expected to get the starting position in week 1. This is the type of pickup that could completely change your season. So you better pick him up now, because I am sure in at least 80% of leagues he won't be available next week.He is currently available in around Half the fantasy leagues out there so go get him. Its an very simple move. If you need a RB this most indefinable should be your guy for the week 10. He should have a pretty good game against the below average San Diego Chargers.

Cedric Benson RB Cincinnati Bengals

Cedric Benson RB Cincinnati Bengals

Benson, Cedric RB Cincinnati Bengals

Had a great game last weekend against a pretty stout Jacksonville defense. He has proven that people can change, becoming a better player. He is currently owned in only 47% of Fantasy leagues out there, so definitely pick this fool up. After posting a 24 carry 104 yard 1 TD performance, he won't fly under the radar for much longer. After his departure from the Bears, we think he has had a wake up call and is now running, practicing, and playing with more purpose. I have picked him up already for my team and would without any doubts tell you to do the same. Cedric Benson could be a key piece for your 2nd half of your fantasy season. He is on the bye this week, so you can pick him up now if you have the roster space

Brady Quinn, QB Cleveland Browns

Brady Quinn, QB Cleveland Browns

Quinn, Brady QB Cleveland Browns

Oh he is pretty dreamy isn't he? Yeah well the fact of the matter is if your struggling at QB you might want to get this guy, considering he has be named the Starter for the Browns for Week 10. Brady has looked good whenever we have had the chance to see him. He has had a hell of career playing football, and finally he is getting his much awaited shot. He has a rocket arm and a very quick release which makes him a fantasy stud when he has weapons like Braylon Edwards and Kellen Winslow. This guy is not a sleeper either so if you believe in him, just like Mike Golic does pick him up. Mike Golic is not the only fantasy player who has a man crush on Quinn so make sure you pull the trigger.

Carnell "Cadillac" Williams RB Tampa Bay Bucs Carnell Williams RB Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Williams, Carnell RB Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Cadillac is back! Expect to see him return in Week 12. Tampa Bay Bucs starter Earnest Graham has fallen to a nagging Knee issue, and Warrick Dunn has a neck problem, so the need for him is there. He had one of the worst injuries last season I have ever seen, but once again do to modern technology they have rebuilt this guy with more pistons then ever. Also gruden loves this guy and we all know he plays favoriates!! Pick him up if you have the roster space!

My Fantasy Football Prediction:

CADILLAC is going to run me into another fantasy Football Championship!

Jamaal Charles Kansas City Cheifs RB

Jamaal Charles Kansas City Cheifs RB

Charles, Jamal RB Kansas City Cheifs

Had a great outing last week, producing 108 yards on 18 carries. This guy is the named starter for week 10 against the Soft San Diego defense, which may give up a lot of yardage against the Chiefs rushing attack. Pick this guy up for this week only, since Larry Johnson should be back come week 11 as long as he doesn't do anything stupid.

If you need a wide out-

Try to get Derrick Mason, Antonio Byrant, Steve Breaston, Mark Clayton, and Anthony Gonzalez.

Alex V's NFL Week 9 Picks

October 30, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

NYJ 4-3 at BUF 5-2

If Brett Favre can cut down on his mistakes for at least one week he can put his team in great position to perhaps win the AFC East. But the Buffalo Bills have shown more consistency and are better all around than the Jets. For this, the Bills should win at home.

DET 0-7 at CHI 4-3

The last time these two teams met was in week five when Kyle Orton torched the Lions for 334 yards and two TDs with no turnovers. Expect to see more of the same. Bears move to 5-3.

JAC 3-4 at CIN 0-8

The Bengals are a team in absolute despair. They may very well be worse than the 0-7 Lions as they are 32 nd in scoring with 13 points per game (while the Lions are 28 th with 16.3 per game). However, Carson Palmer returns and I'm feeling that the inconsistent Jaguars, who have shown over the years a propensity to play down to the level of their opponent, will be the prime candidate for this team to get its first win against. Bengals win.

BAL 4-3 at CLE 3-5

This is a tough one. Joe Flacco is improving and the Baltimore defense is playing as good as ever minus their 31-3 loss to the Colts. Meanwhile, the Browns have picked up their defense and Derek Anderson has been getting closer to what he looked like last year. I will take the Browns at home in a close game.

TB 5-3 at KC 1-6

Tampa Bay has a great opportunity to get back in the win column versus the lowly Chiefs. As long as Jeff Garcia can protect the ball, the Bucs should win this one. I'll take Tampa Bay.

HOU 3-4 at MIN 3-4

Even though Minnesota is coming off a bye and playing at home, I am taking the Texans in this matchup. The Vikings can't keep a streak going, while the Texans seem to be getting things back together as they are the second hottest team after the 7-0 Titans.

ARI 4-3 at STL 2-5

The Cardinals have been unable to solve their road woes where they have only won when they played the lowly 49ers in San Francisco back in week one. However, they weren't far off last week losing 23-27 and owning the lead for the better part of the game against Carolina. The Rams have been more competitive with Jim Haslett at the helm, but I'm picking the Cards to snag the “W.”

GB 4-3 at TEN 7-0

The 31-21 win the Titans earned against Indy last Monday night was huge. They are looking like one of the strongest teams in the league. But Green Bay did a number on the Colts as well in week 7 winning 34-14 and forcing two pics by Manning just like the Titans on Monday. Although the Titans have better defense (1 st in pts per game), the Packers make up for the yardage they give up ranking 16 th in points with sacks and INTs. I'll take the play of Aaron Rodgers over Kerry Collins to win this game for Green Bay.

MIA 3-5 at DEN 4-3

Get ready for the problems in Denver to unfold even further when they blow it against the strong ground game and 100.5 QB rating and 69.3% completion percentage that Chad Pennington is sporting thus far. Dolphins win big in Denver.

DAL 5-3 at NYG 6-1

The moment in the NFC East that we've all been waiting for has finally arrived. Too bad it won't truly show who the better team is if Brad Johnson is playing as Tony Romo looks to be a potential game-time decision… but just potentially. What's worse is that Dallas' three top corners are out as well, and no name rookie Orlando Scandrick will be called upon to pick up the slack which is great news for Eli Manning. Even if Romo comes in, he'll still be favoring his right pinkie. Giants win.

ATL 4-3 at OAK 2-5

Atlanta looked sloppy in their loss to the Eagles last week, but they looked “rookie quarterback” sloppy. All Matt Ryan has to do to get his team a win against the sometimes feisty Raiders is keep his mistakes to a minimum. But even that might not be enough as I feel the Raiders will pull it out.

PHI 4-3 at SEA 2-5

Don't look now, but Seattle with a 2-5 record is second in its division behind 4-3 Arizona. The Eagles have been somewhat inconsistent this season and a win against a young Atlanta team last week cannot really be taken as proof that they have solved their issues. Expect a tough battle out of both teams with the Eagles pulling out a close one.

NE 5-2 at IND 3-4

Who would have thought that with Brady gone that the Patriots would have a better record than the Colts this far into the season? Make that a records that is two more wins and two less losses better! This is a tough game to call. Matt Cassel may have led his team to victory last weekend and first place in the AFC East, but he still tossed two pics. But on the other end, the Colts' offense seems out of sync as Manning tossed two pics as well. Both team's starting running backs are out, Laurence Maroney for New England, and Joseph Addai for Indy, and both defenses have been questionable. Bottom line, until Cassel shows some more consistency I have to go with Peyton Manning and his team in this one.

PIT 5-2 at WAS 6-2

This is the game where the Redskins get to prove they're no fluke. They may have beaten Dallas and Philly, but as the season has progressed, those two wins don't look like such a surprise anymore. The Steelers are reeling after a mistake-filled, give-the-game-away performance to the Giants last weekend. But… I expect the mistakes to mount for the Steelers which derive mainly from an O-line that can't block and gets called for penalties, while the Redskins will do what they've been doing thus far this season… rise to the occasion against another team that is perceived to be a contender.

Vince Young Not Smart enough to Start?

October 30, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 1 Comment

vince young Vince Young Not Smart enough to Start? The Titans are 7-0 without the help of Vince Young this year but I think the real reason Vince Young isn't starting is not because of his skills it is because of his smarts.   Kerry Collins is a manger for the Titans and there is no implication or even thought that he will replace Vince young in the long run.    Vince is a superior talent all round and his skills are not what's in question.   It seems to me that Vince young just is not smart enough to hold and retain the information it takes to be a great QB.   His learning curve seems to be very low.   The Titans have been unable in 3 years with Vince to put together an entire playbook under Vince's command.   This is because Vince is just taking too long to learn these things.   Eventually he will and that is the reason he is sitting this year, to give him more time to focus on learning the plays and calls it takes to bring a QB to the next level.


It is no Secret that Vince Young has managed to play well in the NFL but this is off of raw talent and instinct.   Vince's scores on the wonderlic test at the combine were telling of this but most teams ignored his   very low scores, (I mean the scores almost said he was retarded) because of his upside, and rightfully so.   But it seems that those scores were telling, of what Vince's situation is now.    Simply put Vince Young is just not smart enough to pick up the information needed to Start for a NFL team at QB and play right   away as well.   He should have sat his first 2 years so that he could learn and then start the 3 rd not the other way around which is the case right now.   Now don't get me wrong Vince is going to be a great QB he practically is right now, but he cannot progress to the next level until he gains enough knowledge to run an entire NFL offense.  

49ers head coach, Mike Singletary could change the NFL for the better!

October 27, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

I was watching football Sunday, and I began to realize something. Today we have big baby, players who only care about money and “loving me some me”. The true team concept may be fading away, in some professional sports. I remember when I would idolized all the players from the past who could play hurt and persevere through any type of pain, injuries and Media criticisms and still maintain their dignity. I mean does any one remember when Ronnie Lott had his finger amputated just so he could play in a playoff game? Could you see any pro Football player doing that now a days? If you dumb let me help you with that answer, NO!

Ronnie Lott's career should be tought to children in school. His dedication to winning and to his team, should be admired and emulated by today's players.

Ronnie Lott's career and story should be taught to all children. His commitment to winning and to his team, should be respected and emulated by all modern day players.

How come today's players have fallen so far from that “old school winning mentality” of whatever it takes? I mean it really can't help that these players are getting 10 million dollar deals before they step foot on the field as rookies, or the fact that players are so babied when it comes to the medical care they receive. All I can think about right now is what I would say to Kellen Winslow Jr, after the grief he caused me this week. Seriously this cry baby is costing me points and I would tell him, “Seriously Kellen, you got a staph infection OK. If you want to blame it on your top Tier medical staff on your NFL football team, go right ahead. I mean hanging out with R. Kelly definitely had nothing to do with this right? Seriously, Kellen lets cry about it some more, oh I am here to listen. You know what F*** it, Kellen How are you going to play on my fantasy squad it is always about you? I want Players who want to win, I need team players. Kellen, You're embarrassing yourself , and you could seriously help this team win more if you just showered up.” Seriously Kellen go into the rap industry and show that your a straight soldier or strap it up like you father did, and play and act like a man.

Also, whatever happened to “I can play” “I am going to play”. I mean Plax can't practice but he sure can play in a game if he feels like it, right? I mean come on I think big blue should buy him like 3 or 4 cell phones because maybe he really can't hear the one in his pants, since he is like 4 feet above it. Either way, Plax should be put on some sort of house arrest, because he obviously is way too arrogant to just show up to practice if he can and in the event that he can't practice he makes habits of not showing to his medical appointments. I am starting to think Plax was the kid who always called in sick when he had a test in school or something. To be honest, thought, I am sick of watching Plaxico Burress, Hines Ward, Chad Johnson, constantly taking practices off. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if in the future NFL practices would be viewed as purely optional.

Regardless, I saw something that really grabbed me and made me feel a lot better though. There was a inkling of hope! The NFL has a new angel. This angel is the 49ers's new head coach and NFL Legend, Mike Singletary. He made a great post game speech that everyone should watch. His attitude pays tribute to an era of football , which could only be described as great. Therefore, his speech hit home with me. I want to Salute Mike Singletary, who is a man I believe in. This team has the right man in the job not because he has all the football answers. Nope not at all. he is not the right man because he has an elite knowledge of defensive formations and schemes. He is the right guy for the 49ers job, however, because he doesn't accept stupid “Me” “I” personality types. Regardless of what the media or the owners will say. He does not and will not accept losing. He wants to change the attitude of a losing team, and I believe with this speech he started his process of doing so.

He called out a “superstar” in Vernon Davis, who is also known as “Click Clack Davis” for his bs commercials. He is also likes to be called the “Cyborg”. He let Vernon know that he is not above the team. This is comical, because this player has his head so far up his a** and he didn't even know till today. Vernon I am renaming you VD . Your like the 49ers infected draft pick, because your attitude about you is killing your team. Either way, I respect Coach Singletary calling Vernon out and making the speech he did. He might be the only hope to infusion some good ol bone crunching sweat and tears back into the NFL, in hopes to bring it back to the way things were, tough and gritty. You know back when whining wasn't acceptable in Football!

This is just embarassing for Football Fans everywhere.

This is just embarassing for Football Fans everywhere.

Alex V's NFL Week 8 Picks

October 25, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

OAK 2-4 at BAL 3-3

Oakland has been one feisty team as of late. I expect them to remain feisty, but it won't be enough to overcome the Baltimore defense and improving play of QB Joe Flacco.

ARI 4-2 at CAR 5-2

Carolina slaughtered the inconsistent Saints last week winning 30-7. The Cardinals come off a huge win against Dallas and a bye week. I look to see Carolina showing some consistency. I'll go with Carolina.

TB 5-2 at Dallas 4-3

Tampa is slowly coming into view from being under the radar. Either way, I don't think Dallas is a smart enough team, collectively, to see this. I think they'll lose at home!

WAS 5-2 at DET 0-6

Washington won already.

BUF 5-1 at MIA 2-4

Miami's head-turning victories against the Pats and Chargers are becoming more and more distant with losses to the Texans and Ravens. The surging Bills continue to surge!

STL 2-4 at NE 4-2

Expect to see a partially competitive game. St. Louis has improved under Jim Haslett, but the Patriots look like they will be playing smart football for most of the remainder of this season. New England wins it.

SD 3-4 at New Orleans 3-4… in London

It's funny. Both teams are highly inconsistent but have massive potential and both share equal records. This game won't prove who's ready to turn things around since they're both so unpredictable. Both have great offense, but I'll take the Chargers who have better defense.  

KC 1-5 at NYJ 3-3

The Jets need to make up for that “barn burner” in Oakland. One would think this is a great opportunity for them to do so, but who knows? I'll still take the Jets at home against the struggling, running back-less, and quarterback-less Chiefs.

ATL 4-2 at PHI 3-3

Both of these teams are coming off of a bye. Even though Philadelphia looks to right its ship after a few stunning defeats this season, I just have a feeling that Atlanta is coming in confident while Philly is thinking it's a team they should beat as long as they play well. Atlanta pulls the upset.

CLE 2-5 at JAC

Cleveland looked like they were righting the ship when they blasted the Giants on Monday Night Football. However, their showing in Washington last weekend wasn't promising and Jacksonville is not a team to play around with. Jaguars win.

CIN 0-7 at HOU 2-4

Houston looks like they're ready to keep opponents on their toes finally. But the Bengals aren't a team you worry about keeping on their toes. Texans win at home.

NYG 5-1 at PIT 5-1

The Steelers will be without Willie Parker, and Santonio Holmes. But they do have Casey Hampton returning to help stop the Giants powerful run game. Eli's stats have dipped lately and I think that will continue this week, and while both teams are getting to the quarterback at a high rate, I will go with the Steelers just because they're at home.

SEA 1-5 at SF 2-5

In all honesty, the Niners should win this game. But in all honesty, both teams are pretty bad. Still, the Niners are a few notches more consistent than the Seahawks. San Fran wins.

IND 3-3 at TEN 6-0

It's make or break time for the Colts. I believe it's wake up time for the Titans who have been riding a fairly easy schedule. I'll take the Colts to pull off what most people will call an upset by getting the victory.




October 24, 2008 by MarkM · 3 Comments

Take a look at the video, and try it out. You can manually create this play as well with hot routes. 始终使用热点航线和快速呼叫,在该行,以确保你总是有你的对手试图猜测你的下一步行动。

Split Slot formation

Beating Zone Coverages In Madden 09

October 24, 2008 by MarkM · 8 Comments

Here are some tips to help you diagnose zones and exploit there weaknesses for Madden 09


October 21, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys


2008年NFL赛季开始之前,有四个神火超级碗的最爱,达拉斯牛仔队,圣迭戈闪电,印第安纳波利斯小马队和新英格兰爱国者。 到目前为止,仅在七个星期以后爱国者似乎有任何类型的竞争平衡,以4-2的战绩,只有一场比赛在东亚足联在5-1领先的水牛城票据。


尽管托尼·罗莫出来了,没有任何借口缺乏努力牛仔表明在34-14井喷在圣路易斯。 They have allowed two upstart teams, the Redskins and Cardinals, and a bottom-feeder in St. Louis get wins against them. 罗莫即使是在对两个暴发户,他平均每场比赛至少有一个营业额。

The Chargers have been the epitomy of inconsistency through seven games going loss, loss, win, win, loss, win, loss en-route to a 3-4 record. 向东行驶并没有帮助他们,因为他们去了三个时区,每一次。 现在,他们必须去八个时区,本周末在伦敦玩圣徒!

The Colts are lucky they aren't 1-5 instead of 3-3. Aside from blowing out the Baltimore Ravens 31-3 in week six, they had to overcome a 15-0 hole in Minnesota, and needed 21 points in the last four minutes of week five to beat the Texans.
Unlike the Patriots, the Cowboys are two games behind NFC East leading Giants at 5-1, the Chargers are essentially two games behind the AFC West leading Broncos (since the Broncos beat them), and the Colts are already three games behind the AFC South leading Titans. 现在我要问...这三支球队是否真的听起来像总冠军的竞争者?

Brady-Less Patriots Still a Force in the NFL

October 21, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

The 2008 week seven edition of Monday Night Football was not what most viewers probably expected it to be. They expected to see the highly-touted Broncos offense rack up yardage and if the Patriots were to have a chance at this game they would have had to keep up somehow behind the inexperience throwing arm of Matt Cassel.

However, the Broncos turned the ball over five different times and gave up huge rushing lanes to Sammy Morris and the other representatives of the New England backfield. Matt Cassel was able to complete an efficient outing going 18 for 24 passing, 185 yards, 3 TDs and no interceptions. And what's more is that the Patriots have kept pace with the 5-1 Buffalo Bills after boosting their record to 4-2.

The Pats may not be a favorite Super Bowl pick anymore after the season ending injury of Tom Brady but they are doing what most coaches preach as the best way to secure a playoff berth, and that's win your division. If the veteran talent of the New England Patriots can continue to support Matt Cassel and win some games, they may be able to surpass the young roster of the Buffalo Bills at the end of the season.


October 20, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

This may be a season where Tony Dungy won't have any answers.

This may be a season where Tony Dungy has no answers.

印第安纳波利斯小马队已经被证明是向上和向下的球队本赛季。 他们已经失去了一场势均力敌的比赛,美洲虎在家里,曾拉过4 季度的复出击败维京人队和德州人(这是野生的一千年型复出),并已吹出来的一对NFC北队在熊和包装工。 There only convincing win has come against a team they usually beat and who was sporting a rookie quarterback in the Ravens.

Manning is suffering through his worst completion percentage since he was a rookie at 60.7%, has 8 TDs w/ 7 INTs, with an 80 rating.

曼宁遭受他最坏的完成百分比,因为他是一名新秀在60.7%,有8个TDS / 7诠释,与80等级。

In the past the Colts have been able to get away with torrid defense because they had a strong run game to back up their passing attack. However, this year their running game has been downright terrible. They are averaging an even 70 yards per game on the ground which is last in the league. 相反,他们是29 放弃153.5码每场比赛的奔跑在防御。

This is not the stuff of a recent Super Bowl champion, even if they do not have Bob Sanders who vaulted them to that title in the 06 playoffs. 人们可能会认为,现在他们至少可以起到平均防御看到他们的单位是多么有经验,但一直没有的情况下,本赛季。

This has been one of the weirdest teams to follow so far and with their second toughest schedule based on opponents' winning percentages the year prior, the future seems bleak… bleak as in no playoffs.

Fantasy Stock Falling, Reggie Bush is getting surgery!

October 20, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Reggie Bush is out.

Reggie Bush is out.

Reggie bush admitted to the public that he will be getting arthroscopic knee surgery soon. The Saints are hopeful that the surgery only shows the assumed problem the meniscus in his left knee. He should be fine to go, they think in 3 to 4 weeks. There have also been some reports that he will could be back in 2 to 3 weeks. Bush was injured this week late in the 2nd Quarter while returning a punt. It is really a shame, Reggie was coming on strong, and now he is riding the pine. The only positive in this situation is that due to the timing of the injury Reggie will get an extra week of free rest, due to the week 9 bye for the Saints. The Saints have definitely been bit by the injury bug this year.

Fantasy Advice

If you can definatly pick up Big Macallister for the time being. He is only owned in 70 % of fantasy leagues, so it is worth the time to check. He will be very productive for the next couple of weeks considering Bush's absence.

Alex V's NFL Week 7 Picks

October 17, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

SD at BUF-I'm sure by now everyone's noticed the western teams don't do too well when they travel to the far east. But I think San Diego's got this.

NO at CAR-New Orleans is so inconsistent. But I think they'll get it together in Carolina.

MIN at CHI-Both teams have good defense, good running games, and averaging passing games. I'll take the team at home… Chicago.

PIT at CIN-Cincinnati is reeling and Big Ben is 5-0 all time in Cincinnati. Steelers win.

TEN at KC-Kansas City won't even have Larry Johnson for this game. Titans win.

BAL at MIA-Miami is rolling too hard offensively for Joe Flacco to keep up with and pretty soon this Ravens' defense will begin to slack since they have no offensive help.

SF at NYG-The giants blew it last week, but they can't lose to this 2-4 trash at home. Giants win.

DAL at STL-Romo or Johnson? 谁知道? The Cowboys are reeling losing two of their last three. I just have a feeling this is an upset in the making. Rams win.  

DET at HOU-Houston can at least play competitively and have shown offense. Detroit's only close game was last week when they lost 10-12. Houston should shred them.

IND at GB-Even though Indianapolis seemed to hit its stride last week, Aaron Rodgers is playing pretty stellar and the Packer defense is better than the Colts'. I'll go with Green Bay.

NYJ at OAK-Brett Favre is undefeated in Oakland all-time. That shall remain the same.

CLE at WAS-Both teams were complete opposites from one another last week. Washington was on the rise and lost to a bottom dweller, while Cleveland was a disappointment and beat a championship contender. Now that they've got their heads on straight, I'll take Washington.

SEA at TB-Seattle is 1-4 and has been downright atrocious on both sides of the ball. Tampa wins.

DEN at NE-Denver has been inconsistent the last few weeks but the Patriots have been the same. I'll take the Pats at home against Belichick's football IQ.

Big Game Brewing in NFC South matchup between Saints and Panthers

October 15, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Will Drew Brees stellar production continue this weekend in Carolina? He is currently averaging 332 yards per game through the air and is on pace to throw for over 5,300 yards. Even though that shouldn't happen, it's still pretty darn good for six weeks of play and he'll definitely reach over 4,000.

Drew Brees leads all signal callers this year with 1,993 passing yards through only six weeks of play.
The Panthers have lost buzz due to their egg in Tampa this past weekend. They've also maintained a trend of high pre-season promise and regular season inconsistency they started when John Fox arrived in Carolina. 11-5, 7-9, 11-5, 8-8, 7-9 are the season records since 2003 when Fox became head coach. So far this year they are 4-2 and the trend would suggest they make the playoffs. But seriously, the Panthers are at home and could convincingly beat the Saints.
The Panthers may even be able to settle Brees down with their 2 nd ranked passing defense and against the 25 th ranked rushing offense of the Saints, that is all they may need to do to get the upset.
John Fox may resemble this photo if his team allows Drew Brees to pick them apart.

John Fox may resemble this photo if his team allows Drew Brees to pick them apart.

Either way, this should be an exciting matchup as both teams are fighting to keep pace with 4-2 Tampa Bay in the NFC South who faces a real barn burner at home against the Seahawks this weekend.

Jerry Jones Dooms Dallas Cowboys Future

October 15, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Roy Williams WR Cowboys

Roy Williams WR Cowboys

Jerry Jones does it again. Today he made a move to acquire all the Roy Williams in the final hours before the NFL trade deadline. Jerry now has A DB and a WR who share the same name. Yuppie!!! Sorry Jerry, this move is just flat out stupid. This is the type of trade where he will either look like a genius or look like a retard. We are pulling for retard. Sportsroids believes that the move won't help him in win this year and is going to destroy his team in the future. Yes you're getting a top talent wide-out. Yes he is better than Crayton or Austin. But why would you give up a 1st,3rd and 6th round picks for this guy? Not to mention now he has to learn a new playbook and system. Seriously Jerry what were you thinking? I bet it was something like this, “Ok, we just lost Pacman Jones, and Terrance Newman has been hurt, and our biggest issue is that our defensive backfield is in disarray. Oh wait I know! Lets get a new pre-madonna wide receiver, that will fix it!”.My question is, “How can better the team next year if you have only a 2nd round pick? I can't wait to see TO loose his mind because of Roy Williams, I can't wait to see it. Obvoiusly Jerry Jones thinks TO might fly the coup pretty soon if he is doing this. If Owen's catches decrease and they loose its going to be WW3 in Dallas. On second thought, maybe the move was to scare TO into not exploding, but I doubt it. I love TO and all he wants is to win, and its his competitive nature is what makes him good. Jerry, don't try to step on that. You'll loose that battle Jerry. Hey don't you think Jerry is starting to look a little like Al Davis. Maybe he should just slow down, and realize that he already has enough star power to get people talking about the cowboys and learn how and where to buy the right pieces to make his organization unstoppable. Roy Williams is a WR with great potential yet he has much to prove. Roy has only posted one 1000+ yard season in his 5 year career. Seriously 1st, 3rd and 6th round picks!!! Oh yeah they resigned Roy to a new contract as well. Its a 5 year contract!! Jerry your nuts!

How' bout those cowboys? Personally, I think they are all bark no bite!

HEY JERRY !!! SPORTSROIDS has something to say to you…..

Dallas Cowboys Owner, Jerry Jones

Dallas Cowboys Owner, Jerry Jones

Bad moves = Bad News Jerry! You just doomed your team's future.

Are the Buffalo Bills Really that Good?

2008年10月14日由AlexV · 发表评论

The Buffalo Bills have been a topic of discussion all season long. Their early success has created much buzz about them being shoe-ins for the AFC East title. I don't see why that is though. Sure, they were 4-0, and they went down in Arizona while JP Losman played most of the game. However, JP Losman didn't give up 41 points. At the end of week 7, the look of the AFC East will be a lot different and it can all culminate fair ly easy.

Trent Edwards is still young but he still has a chance to win this division.

Trent Edwards is still young but he still has a chance to win this division.

In week 7, the Jets are playing in Oakland who looked like they had no spirit when they played the Saints this past weekend losing 34-3. If the Jets win, they are 4-2 and that would be no surprise if they did.

New England plays host to Denver on Monday Night Football. This game should not be easy for New England to win. They'll have to grind it out big time. However, they're at home in front of a national audience and if they do pull it off, they're 4-2 as well.

This is one marriage that could develop into a healthy relationship.

This is one marriage that could develop into a healthy relationship.

Miami hosts the Ravens who have a great D and little-to-no offense. If they win, they'll be 3-3.

Finally, those loveable Bills play host to the San Diego Chargers. Albeit the Chargers are only 3-3, they are still a good 3-3. If the Bills lose, they'll be 4-2. Now picture this possible version of the AFC East standings at the end of Week 7;

AFC East

BUF 4-2

NE 4-2

NYJ 4-2

MIA 3-3

Doesn't look too clear cut anymore now, does it? I didn't think so.

NFC North Race Tightens Up After NFL Week 6

2008年10月14日由AlexV · 发表评论

本周六再次证明了在NFL联赛性质的变化,从一周一周。 这方面的一个很好的例子是三个在NFC北四支球队。

The one team that doesn't “count” is the Detroit Lions. 他们得到粉碎了他们的前四场比赛平均16.6分,超过三个分数159-76总比分失去而伤心。 从这个谈话中,他们会立即排除。


I guess he's looking up 'cause so are things in Minnesota. The Vikings have tied for the division at 3-3 after a 1-3 start.


Aaron Rodgers could make a statement for his team and for himself by beating Indianapolis this weekend.

Aaron Rodgers could make a statement for his team and for himself by beating Indianapolis this weekend.

熊看了达到3-2记录和播放猎鹰过去的这个周日,在良好的状态。 However, they lost and dropped to 3-3. 维京人是在3-3对面,看着在良好的状态,因为他们是1-3,已经赢得了两成一排,以配合熊。 面对这个周末在芝加哥的那场比赛,最终获胜者将分裂主角或并列第一,与4-3纪录除非领带。

同时,包装工,下降三连胜后,在西雅图有一个客场胜利,并达到3-3。 然而,他们面临的马队在绿湾本周末,可以很容易地失去降至3-4。 如果他们赢了,他们将维持目前的分裂主角4-3(绿湾拥有服务器上的海盗和熊,因为他们是在他们的分裂2-0),。





九十七年十月十三由MarkM · 发表评论

Plaxico Burress Catches a TD against the Browns on monday night

Plaxico Burress Catches a TD against the Browns on Monday Night Football

10月14日上午12:20,我刚才看过的所有时间最严重的红色区域的表现。 The one thing about the New York Giants that just doesn't seem to be good this year is their red zone stragety. I understand that Plaxico is not in the good graces of the organization, but when you take him out of the game in the red zone in the third quarter it just makes no sense. 6'5器Plaxico布瑞斯谁已经被证明是最好的Gaints红区在2008年赛季的目标之一,取​​出,曼宁扔了一通,而不是图默,导致昂贵的挑6。 I realize that you can't throw only to one player, However Plax deserves a target in every red zone trip, without fail. 这是一个男人的跳跃能力和规模在联赛中是无与伦比的。 The Giants need to get off their high horses and get Plax the ball in the Red-Zone, or risk doing what they did today, just look terrible. 我不禁怀疑,如果这个问题在播放通话可以在反应器Plaxico近期暂停。 无论如何,如果你付出的球员,你更好地使用他就我而言。 此外,试图拦截的endzone在角落里的一通高几乎是不可能的,尤其是当后卫是短比WR约6到7英寸。

Andre Johnson is a fantasy stud!

October 12, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

andre johnson big texans sportsroids Andre Johnson is a fantasy stud!

Andre Johnson comes up big for Texans in 29-28 victory

Andre Johnson today proved to all the owners willing to take a chance on him that he was well worth the risk. He racked up 178 Yards today, with 1 TD on 10 catches today against the Miami Dolphins. Many would argue that he lead the Texans to their 1st win of the 2009 season today. Andre is a perfect Fantasy WR for several reasons. I really feel he is like the younger more gifted T. Owens. Andre has great speed and great size as well as great leaping ability, making him a fantasy #1 week in and week out. Before he was injuried in 2008 he was averaging around 100 yards per game and leader for WR in TD's and yards. Sportsroids would like to salute all the fantasy football owners who took the chance on the repaired Andre Johnson.

TE Tony Gonzalez Might Be Traded To The New York Giants

October 11, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

tony gonzalez sportsroids te possible trade TE Tony Gonzalez Might Be Traded To The New York Giants

There have been some pliminary reports that TE Tony Gonzalez is looking for a trade to a seroius contender. The teams that he has voiced an interest in included the New York Giants, a team that was at the top of his list. It is very possible that this trade could happen. He could get moved for as little as 3rd or a 5th round pick. Tony Gonzalez is a great player, however to come in right before the Oct 14 trade deadline and learn a entire Offense would be tough. He is at an advanced age but this move could definatly help the Gaints defend thier superbowl title this year. We think this could happen, and you heard it here first.

Kellen Winslow is out for Monday with Hydrocele

October 11, 2008 by MarkM · 1 Comment

swollen balls hydrocele sportsroids Kellen Winslow is out for Monday with Hydrocele


科伦温斯洛是在医院肿胀,他的小“战士”。 The condition he has is called Hydrocele, which is when fliud accumulates the fleshy membranes that encase the testicles. 可以固定非常简单的手术,但是我们不认为科伦就能玩这个星期一。 If he is on your fantasy squad barring a miracle you should look towards another TE this week.

Kellen Winslow TE of the Cleveland Browns


然而,这是很高兴知道我有TE在NFL最大的球。 已经有许多报告说,他们也肿了柚子的大小上周四的这一周。


October 11 2008上由AlexV · 发表评论

Kyle's feeling better now!


This rookie better play within himself this weekend if his team is going to win.


持有一些轴承的第一场比赛是3-2熊在3-2猎鹰。 两支球队都拥有机会成为4-2和双方在联赛中的惊喜。 凯尔顿看起来更好一点,和以往一样,他的防守强,而猎鹰与稳定的发挥起到启发足球从一个新秀QB,马特瑞安,和第一次全职首发在RB,迈克尔特纳。 辩方有约翰·亚伯拉罕,但仅此而已。 Huge game for the NFC playoff race! 我将不得不去与熊在这一个经验。


巴尔的摩做东印第安纳波利斯。 Both are 2-2 and need to get above .500. 乌鸦的防守可能是紧张,但是小马队的防守一直没有太糟糕了,没有鲍勃·桑德斯,和佩顿·曼宁是别的东西相比,乔-弗拉科。 Colts win.


卡罗来纳州将在坦帕湾,两队4-1战带领NFC南。 The Bucs offense has been trifle even though they still have a solid defense. 黑豹结合稳固的防守与高于平均水平的罪行。 我会采取黑豹。


最后,达拉斯,4-1,将满足亚利桑那州,3-2,在道路上。 虽然牛仔有更强的防御,我要与主教拉断底价。 The Cowboys may boast a powerful offense, but the Cardinal offense can be just as potent. 我只是有一种感觉,库尔特·华纳和他的团队有信心,有兴奋玩牛仔,谁就会陷入沉睡。



Pacman Jones back in the hot seat!

October 10, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Adam "Pacman" Jones

Adam "Pacman" Jones

Dallas Cowboy, Adam Jones has apparently been up to his previous antics again. After fighting his own security in a bathroom this past weekend, he may be looking at a fresh new suspension. I wish they had fantasy Fallout football, him and Chris Henry would be 1st and 2nd picks overall. Pac is already on his 2nd strike with commisioner Roger Goodell. It a shame to see that even the mighty Cowboys couldn't save this young man from himself, let alone the story hungry media, who does breath down his neck a lot. I even heard that pacman ties his shoes wrong in a article I read somewhere!(Joke) Either way we as fans are very critical of pacman. There could be several reasons for the public criticisms. I think, mostly it is because he has the athletic talent and is in the position to make millions and it seems he just doesn't care about embracing his opportunity. Realizing that one day Adam will grow up and out of this “I am a tough guy” charade. He will then realize that he was one of the lucky ones. I just hope it happens before it's to late. He might get suspended again by the league, probably ending his career in the NFL. When asked about the new Pacman incident, Roger Goodell stated, “I don't think there is any misunderstanding about the position Adam has put himself in with respect to his behavior,” he said. “There are certain things I expect of him. I would tell you I'm disappointed we're even discussing this.”

Justin Fargas; Jimmy-Tapped on National TV

September 16, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Mark M

On Sunday Sept 14th Justin Fargas was injured in the second qtr of the Oakland vs Kansas City game. They said he had a pulled groin injury, however we at SportsRoids believe he was viciously assaulted by Pat Thomas. SportsRoids, believes that Justin is a victim of a horrific crime. Justin Fargas's genitals public execution has not only effected his pay, but his starting position. He should be paid back the losses not only from the league but also by Pat Thomas. Fines must be handed out. SportsRoid's wishes to have a moment of silence during the next Raiders match up commemorating the player that was.

The Victim


Genital Assasin.

Genital Assasin.


2008年9月13日由sportsroids · 发表评论


一些新的东西,我们在这里,我们将继续改进,并加入到这个精彩的网站是马克和Mad'Nuff的显示,您可以点击链接在底部或只听页面上侧。 我们会想给你许多节目可能的,但反馈是非常重要的。 所以,请听,给我们一些,也不要害怕,提供你的读者和听众想听到的主题。 我们也会接受任何和所有的幻想相关的问题,这样我们就可以帮你把你的团队,朝着你的目标赢得了冠军。 点击下面的链接下载或流媒体。

SportsRoids Mark & Mad'Nuff Sports Show Episode #1


2008年9月13日由sportsroids · 发表评论


一些新的东西,我们在这里,我们将继续改进,并加入到这个精彩的网站是马克和Mad'Nuff的显示,您可以点击链接在底部或只听页面上侧。 我们会想给你许多节目可能的,但反馈是非常重要的。 所以,请听,给我们一些,也不要害怕,提供你的读者和听众想听到的主题。 我们也会接受任何和所有的幻想相关的问题,这样我们就可以帮你把你的团队,朝着你的目标赢得了冠军。 点击下面的链接下载或流媒体。

SportsRoids Mark & Mad'Nuff Sports Show Episode #1

Defense Wins Championships?

2008年9月13日由sportsroids · 发表评论



其中历史最悠久的论点在今天的NFL一直的观点,它需要一个强大的防御成为冠军。 在过去几年像巴尔的摩乌鸦队,坦帕湾海盗队和匹兹堡钢人已经能够留在竞争争至少,如果不是冠军的争夺,由于他们在防守上发挥出色一致。 然而,在这个作家的眼里,一直是最重要的因素,在帮助队伍拐过街角体面突出的位置四分卫。

在过去的10年里,几乎每一个超级碗冠军已亲碗口径的带领下,如果不是常年亲碗四分卫。 在大多数情况下,一个出色的防守在每个获奖者的成功起到了关键作用,但在大多数这些球队四分卫,有强烈的参与以及发挥。

在1998赛季的丹佛野马队赢得了冠军约翰Elway,每个人都知道他是多么伟大。 In 1999, the St. Louis Rams became league champions behind the light-out play of MVP quarterback Kurt Warner. 这些球队有这样一个伟大的罪行之一,每个人都会记得草坪上最棒的表演,他们可以克服分面值平均防守赢得比赛。 In 2000, the Baltimore Ravens would make a name in history as one of those teams that could overcome average, but not great, offensive play with a tenacious defense that created turnovers and stymied opponents week in and week out with its defense.

让我们用一个段落,看得更深,在这2000只乌鸦。 That team's defense was so good that it held three regular season opponents to seven points, their Super Bowl opponent to seven points (the New York Giants), one regular season opponent to three points, and three post-season opponents to three points (the Wild Card Denver Broncos and the AFC Championship host Oakland Raiders), and four regular season opponents to zero points. How often does a defense that strong come along? Not too often I would say. I gahter that that the 2000 Ravens and the 1985 Bears were two teams in NFL history that literally succeeded almost an entire season based solely on excellent defense.

In 2001, Tom Brady came along and got his first Super Bowl title when he drove his team downfield to kick a game-winning field goal. 在2002年,另一支球队与一个伟大的防守提出了隆巴迪奖杯,这一次是坦帕湾海盗。 然而,布拉德·约翰逊是坦帕的四分卫,并在13场常规赛,完成了本赛季对六拦截,62.3%,完成的百分比,和92.9四分卫评分(他的职业生涯的最好)的22个达阵传球。 未来两年将总结出来的汤姆·布雷迪的爱国者之上,其中在2003年,汤姆·布雷迪率领的又一驱动器前冲为比赛获胜的射门得分,并于2004年,它是布雷迪和爱国者,谁拿到了奖杯。

In 2005 the surprise Pittsburgh Steelers came out on top. 即使它是在超级碗露面,而不是本罗特利斯伯格的防御,这是大本钟在辛辛那提的耀眼的发挥外卡轮(14-19通过为74%,208码,3次达阵),在印第安纳波利斯在划分圆(14-24次传球,197码和2次达阵有一个INT),并在丹佛AFC冠军赛(21-29传球275码,2次传球达阵,一个冲TD),得到了他们的那里。 In this case it was strong defense and strong quarterback play that produced a champion.

2006年,佩顿·曼宁和小马队的防守强打摘得桂冠。 最后,去年,尽管巨人有一个伟大的传球冲的防御,而在麻袋上领先全联盟,没有人会拿起纽约拔得头筹,如果它没有被曼宁的高度意想不到的亲碗水平发挥整个赛季后,包括超级杯。

我想大家都需要很长的退后一步时,他们认为,防守赢得总冠军,因为在所有的现实需要稳固的防守加上强大的四分卫发挥赢得了超级碗,也有少数例外,每一个现在,然后对双方的球。 所以请记住,一个伟大的防守会带给你体面,但它需要一个伟大的四分卫,需要一个团队来突出!

Super Bowl Winner and Quarterback


1996 Brett Favre

1995 Troy Aikman

1994 Steve Young

1993 Troy Aikman




1989 Joe Montana



1986 Phil Simms



1983 Jim Plunkett

1982 Joe Theismann

1981 Joe Montana







1974 Terry Bradshaw


1972 Bob Griese

1971 Roger Staubach


1969 Len Dawson



1966 Bart Starr

Alex V's Week 2 Predictions

September 13, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

by Alex V

It is hard to gauge a team after only one week of play. But that is what Alex V. is going to do anyways. We'll see how I do and I'll even keep track! Week in and week out from here-on-in. We're gonna see who actually gives a shit!


The Panthers went toe-to-toe with the Chargers last weekend and showed a lot of heart pulling out a two-minute drill drive to pull out their victory. However, the Bears showed more consistency with their playmaking defense, strong running, and turnover free passing game. I say the Bears win.


Cincinnati is a team in shambles. They are starting this season right where they left off last year, and if they don't improve soon they'll easily finish the same way they did last year… going nowhere. The Titans won last week with their usual great defense and key, if not strong, offensive play. Aided by a veteran quarterback in Kerry Collins, and a strong defense, I'm going with the Titans over the defensively challenged and no-offensive chemistry having Bengals.


Detroit showed last week that they have no defense. Even though Michael Turner is highly-touted, there is no excuse for giving up that much yardage against a team who should have the box stacked against them while sporting a rookie quarterback. Aaron Rodgers showed a lot of promise last week, and just about every other piece of a 13-3 team from last year remains this year too. This is an easy one. Packers win.


Jacksonville did what they do best last week… play to the level of their opponent. Buffalo looks like a team on the rise. The Jaguars would be hard-pressed to play to the level of Buffalo, because they are running on pure youthful energy and excitement. I'm really feeling Buffalo pulling out the victory in a close contest.


Honestly, who cares about this game aside from Raiders and Chiefs fans? In reality the NFL is crazy, and both these teams have many weeks to turn out one of the surprise teams of the year. But in a strong AFC, that is so not going to happen. This game is a toss-up! I'll go with the veteran experience of the Chiefs over the undisciplined inexperience of the Raiders.


Last week, Indy's offense laid an egg against the Bears. On the contrary, the Vikings kept their game versus the Packers last week competitive. Indy is charged with facing another team like they did last week; strong defense, great running game, and desirably a game-managing quarterback. However, I don't think Tarvaris Jackson is ready to lead this team. Surprisingly though, something in my gut tells me upset special once again. I'm going with the Vikings!


The Rams are another team who have started this season right where they left off last season. The Rams looked like the standard defense they usually are as they missed tackles and gave up big plays, while their inept offense produced just 158 passing yards, and 36 rushing yards to the Eagles 368 passing yards, and 108 rushing yards. The Giants defense looked like they could be just as disruptive as they were last year, even without Michael Strahan and Osi Umenyiora. I won't even bother wasting another sentence analyzing the Rams. Giants win.


New Orleans looks like they are ready to make good on the promise they displayed in 2006. The Redskins look like a team still trying to see where they stand with Jason Campbell at the helm. Even though the Skins won the last time these teams met, I believe it will be the Saints' offense and improving defense that gets the better of Washington.


The 49ers started off pretty decently against the Cardinals last week going up 10-3 at one point. However, they finished on the wrong end of a 23-13 score. The Seahawks look like they are on the usual road to mediocrity that they've been traveling the two years before the Super Bowl run, and the two years since. With JT O-Who taking snaps for the Niners, I give this one to Seattle since they play at home and tend to show a little more consistency there than on the road.


Last week Matt Ryan played solidly going 9 for 13 with 161 yards, one touchdown, and no turnovers. But that was last week. And last week's opponent was the untamed Lions. The Buccaneers will be coming off a crushing season-opening loss against a division rival, like the one they'll be facing this week. And although the Bucs may be getting old, the coaching staff and players should still be wily enough to force the young QB into making a few mistakes. I'll go with the Buccaneers.


The Dolphins will have no business improving too much this year. This team should be rebuilding, but they are starting an aging and skill deteriorating Chad Pennington, and have known highly-regarded draft picks. Even though the Cardinals start an older QB in Kurt Warner, at least he can throw deep consistently, whereas Pennington throws either low or to the other team rather consistently. Cardinals are on the rise, so Cardinals are in the “W” column.


San Diego blew a home opener this weekend by losing. But they allowed that against a team who is easily a contender when Jake Delhomme is in the line-up and, most of all, healthy. Denver looked promising with their blow-out of the Raiders. But Oakland played so badly that it is tough to gauge the Broncos' place in the 2008 season. Until the Broncos beat a worthy opponent, I'll put my money on the Chargers to win this one.


This game is funny. It won't b Brady vs. Pennington. It will be Cassel vs. Favre! Even though the Jets showed big play ability against the Dolphins last week, they still could have lost if Pennington would have been able to get Miami into the end zone in the final two minutes of their game last weekend. The Patriots also won in a rather nail biting fashion as they almost let one go into overtime against the Chiefs. Matt Cassel had to settle into a game he didn't have the feel of from the beginning. The Jets are still growing, while every other piece on the Patriots knows where it stands aside from Matt Cassel. I'll go with the Patriots.


The Steelers last week looked great in almost every facet of the game; an O-line pushing defensive front, ball-hawking and ball-carrier shadowing linebackers, solid secondary play, and great running mixed in with some efficient passing. Cleveland embarrassed themselves at home last weekend against a heavily favored Super Bowl contender in Dallas. But they still could have put up a better fight than they did last week based on their offensive potency during the 2007 campaign. The Browns are playing at home, on prime-time television Sunday night, and should be looking to make up for their virtual no-show from last week. However, until the Browns beat the Steelers as they haven't managed to once in their last seven meetings, I'm still picking the Steelers.


Both teams laid waste to their opponents last week. Donovan McNabb looked great going 21 of 33 for 361 yards, three touchdowns, and no turnovers which shouldn't come as a surprise to people. The only reason he hasn't posted great numbers the last couple seasons is because of injuries and not because he is past his time as a good number of people believe. The Cowboys looked like a team that simply out-matched their opponent with the dynamic play of Tony Romo, great receivers in Owens, Crayton, Whitten, and a sound defense. However, I think what the Eagles have demonstrated over the last few years is that they always play with passion whereas the Cowboys seem to go through the motions and let their talent do the talking. I'm going with the Eagles to attain a close, but convincing win against the Cowboys on Monday Night Football


Good old hurricane Ike has forced these two teams to move their games to Monday Night as well… just not Monday Night Football. The Ravens managed to beat the hapless Bengals last week with good defense and a few key plays here and there on offense (namely rookie quarterback Joe Flacco's 38 yard rushing TD). Houston looked downright awful last week as they struggled to move the ball all day, and didn't tackle worth a lick on defense. However, the Texans are the same team from last year that finished 8-8 and looked to be improving, while the Ravens are still the same team that finished last year at 5-11 and looked like they needed to rebuild with the retirement of Steve McNair. I'm going with the Texans at home.

Randy Moss Highlight Videos

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

ROID RAGE: A SportsRoids Exclusive

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Roid Rage

Madison Mad'nuff

Steriods, a SporsRoids Exclusive.

Steriods, a SportsRoids Exclusive.

Well you may be thinking, “hey Sportsroids, how come you don't have an article on steroids?”. 在这里。 Steroids is a touchy subject to try a just to bring it up to someone who has used them before. A close source of mine who deals with many NFL players said that they feel over %30 of players in the NFL are using some type of illegal performance enhancing drugs not necessarily steroids. I find this number to be high but my question is why. I feel that steroids users are cheaters, I mean any one can get an A on the test if the answers are right in front of them. 对吗? The whole entire fun of watching sports is partly in knowing that you yourself could never do the things most of these guys can. So when you add steroids to the mix you lose that. Hell if used roids I'd probably be in the NFL right now running a 4.4 forty at 250 pounds but why put my body through that. If I can't do it through hard work alone I don't' want to do it, and my friends that is the American way. Every time someone brings up roids I think of the movie “The Program” where
Vlatamire gets caught using roids, and the black linebacker is like “what the hell you using that stuff for” and he is like “Come on man some people just aren't as talented like you are man I just want to play” or something like that anyway. I always thought that was funny, how pathetic.

So my question to you is how do you feel about Roids my friends, not Sportsroids we all know you love us, but steroids, let me know.

Fantasy QBS: Who to start, Big Ben or Rodgers?

September 12, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Let's look at the both of these QBs in retrospect. Big Ben Roethlisberger and Aaron Rodgers on Sunday, and Monday, respectively, both showed that they can pass, and run if necessary. They didn't just merely pass, but they hit their receivers with good accuracy on a consistent basis. Aside from throwing the ball; they both display a knack for knowing when to leave the pocket and make a play with their feet, whether they're scrambling results in a throw, or a rushing gain of their own.

Aaron Rogers, Starting QB for the Green Bay Packers

Aaron Rogers, Starting QB for the Green Bay Packers

This weekend, Big Ben amassed a mere 137 passing yards, but he got to that number going 13 of 14 with the one incompletion coming on an out-of-pocket sideline throw to avoid pressure. On two occasions, with no good looks downfield or in the intermediate passing lanes, Ben took off for a total of 17 yards (8.5 yards per carry). Aaron Rodgers was equally accurate going 18 for 22 passing, but he also tucked and ran with the football a total of eight times for 35 yards (4.4 yards per carry). In the end, Roethlisberger finished with two TD tosses and a 93% completion percentage, and Rodgers ended the night with an 82% completion percentage, one TD pass and

Santonio Holme and Ben Rothlisberger celebrate

Santonio Holme and Ben Rothlisberger celebrate

one rushing TD.

Big Ben Rothlisberger QB Steelers

Big Ben Rothlisberger QB Steelers

With numbers like these, both quarterbacks proved that efficiency can be deadly, even if they didn't accomplish 200+ passing yards in their games. Some of the most effective quarterbacks are those that allow the game to come to them without forcing the issue. If a quarterback keeps to his mechanics at the outset of each play, and lets his natural ability come second, the law of averages is going to have to allow a big-play opportunity to develop here and there, just as much as the law of averages will tend to allow a smart, short-yardage pass or chance for a decent gainer on ground to develop.

With that being said, this weekend I would start Aaron Rodgers since he's going against a weak defense in the Detroit lions. The Vikings have been constantly hyped up as a potential stout, havoc-wreaking defense for the 2008 NFL season, and Aaron Rodgers obviously didn't think so. As for Big Ben, he too could have a big night, but I see some potential troubled waters as the Browns could end up having a big day defensively after their practical no-show against Dallas this past Sunday. Add that to the fact that they're on live television this Sunday night at home, I would have to plead that Rodgers is the safest bet.


September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

SportsRoids Author, Madison, Mad'Nuff

Madison has extensive ties within NFL. From his father being a First Round Draft Pick of the Pittsburgh Steelers to his brother working as a trainer for several NFL Teams. It's no wonder he is a great judge of NFL talent. However, Mad'Nuff is not empowered by relation alone. His previous work experience links him directly to the League, working for NFL Europe. This Division 1, AA Collegian Football Player, Mad'Nuff, has an extensive knowledge of the game surpassed by few. Madison graduated from Duquesne University with a BSBA, concentrating in Sports Marketing.

Madison “Mad'Nuff,” has been nicknamed as such for being an elite Madden Player. Mad'Nuff is a derivative from the character Sho'Nuff in the Movie The Last Dragon , featuring Bruce Leroy. Madison “Mad'Nuff” without a doubt, is the Shogun of Madden.


September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

SportsRoids Author, Madison, Mad'Nuff

Madison has extensive ties within NFL. From his father being a First Round Draft Pick of the Pittsburgh Steelers to his brother working as a trainer for several NFL Teams. It's no wonder he is a great judge of NFL talent. However, Mad'Nuff is not empowered by relation alone. His previous work experience links him directly to the League, working for NFL Europe. This Division 1, AA Collegian Football Player, Mad'Nuff, has an extensive knowledge of the game surpassed by few. Madison graduated from Duquesne University with a BSBA, concentrating in Sports Marketing.

Madison “Mad'Nuff,” has been nicknamed as such for being an elite Madden Player. Mad'Nuff is a derivative from the character Sho'Nuff in the Movie The Last Dragon , featuring Bruce Leroy. Madison “Mad'Nuff” without a doubt, is the Shogun of Madden.

Brett Farve video tape of Halloween Prank

September 8, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Brett Farve has been known for being one the biggest jokers in the NFL. He has played pranks on numerous players and teamates over the years. SportsRoids recently got a hold of one of his pranks that he played early in his career with don beebe. Watch as Brett Farve and Don Beebe play a joke on thier coach Mike Holmgrem, on Halloween

Early Predictions – “Don't Worry Be Happy”

September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

The Giants win the Superbowl and the 2008 Opening day game (wo who). Great, and on Sunday the rest of the league goes out to play, meaning at days end half the league will be undefeated and the other half will be left at 000 percent. But to me, the first 3 games of the NFL season are dicey at best. I bet any coach or player will tell you the same. The teams just aren't firing on all 8 cylinders in these three games which is why it is so hard to see just who are the elites early in season. Take for example the Detroit Lions. That year they started off 3-1 and they didn't even make the playoffs. So what am I saying you ask? Whats my point?

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

John Kitna should not be making any early 10 win predictions this year.

I just saying don't get to excited if your team wins this week and be sure not to call of work Monday if your team loses, remember there are 15 games left to play and you won't see your real team till week 4 anyways.

-Madison Mad'nuff
