
2009年8月5日通过Theboinger · 发表评论

Forever Banned From The Game But Acquitted In Court


我经常思考的天气还是不皮特·罗斯的问题应该得到的名人堂。 通常我的回答结尾:“如果罗斯得到在随后乔·杰克森也应该得到”。 然而,现在我终于明白为什么他们都没有必须永远进去。

棒球名人堂的古柏,纽约就是贝比鲁斯是永远不朽。 想想看,一分钟。 乔治·赫尔曼“贝贝”露丝。 这是有益健康的。 这是所有美国。 这是纯粹的。 名人堂是梵蒂冈和贝比鲁斯是耶稣。 他没有发挥过那里。 他没有发明了比赛,但他的救星。 他是完美? 号让他谁是没有瑕疵先拿石头。 但是,这是不是露丝或耶稣基督为此事。

不,这是关于诚信。 这就是为什么类固醇是一个大问题。 我知道人们都烦死了,累了听它的。 人是盲目的,也麻木了整个类固醇问题。 那就是罚款。 我太。



这个问题的答案均​​是没有! 然而,我向你保证,无论赤脚乔和皮特·罗斯很乐意买卖他们眼前一亮的名人堂出来“无罪”你不能有你鱼与熊掌兼得了。 简单的说:如果你想玩你得的报酬。 这是先例规定所有那些年前Kennisaw山兰迪斯。 这是非常的原因,我们甚至有委员在首位; 以保持运动的完整性。

如果何塞·坎塞科已被质疑,随后从棒球早在1986年,我们将永远不会有一个“类固醇时代”如果艾伦·胡伯塞利格做了正确的事情,并要求严格的药物政策在1994年没有例外,我们永远不会有过遭受取缔这个时代的痛苦。 你的耻辱塞利格先生。 你太无耻了!

如果我们继续视而不见,而不是关心这个问题,这是永远不会消失,只会变得更糟。 让任何人从这个时代入口处名人堂已经发现后“脏”是reprehensbile。

如果你想清理运动禁止他们的生活! 让他们知道,现在,而不是把它留给一些心脏出血体育记者20年从现在开始。


2009年8月5日通过Theboinger · 发表评论

我经常思考的天气还是不皮特·罗斯的问题应该得到的名人堂。 通常我的回答结尾:“如果罗斯得到在随后乔·杰克森也应该得到”。 然而,现在我终于明白为什么他们都没有必须永远进去。

棒球名人堂的古柏,纽约就是贝比鲁斯是永远不朽。 想想看,一分钟。 乔治·赫尔曼“贝贝”露丝。 这是有益健康的。 这是所有美国。 这是纯粹的。 名人堂是梵蒂冈和贝比鲁斯是耶稣。 他没有发挥过那里。 他没有发明了比赛,但他的救星。 他是完美? 号让他谁是没有瑕疵先拿石头。 但是,这是不是露丝或耶稣基督为此事。

不,这是关于诚信。 这就是为什么类固醇是一个大问题。 我知道人们都烦死了,累了听它的。 人是盲目的,也麻木了整个类固醇问题。 那就是罚款。 我太。




如果何塞·坎塞科已被质疑,随后从棒球早在1986年,我们将永远不会有一个“类固醇时代”如果艾伦·胡伯塞利格做了正确的事情,并要求严格的药物政策在1994年没有例外,我们永远不会有过遭受取缔这个时代的痛苦。 如果你米耻辱塞利格先生。 你太无耻了!


如果你想清理运动禁止他们的生活! Sportsroids Shoeless Joe


2009年6月11日通过AlexV · 1条评论

He's had Ravens behind his back all the way in Baltimore. Now let's how long he stands in front of some Jets.

他有乌鸦身后都在巴尔的摩的方式。 现在,让我们来看看他的立场在一些喷气机面前......多久,如果我们甚至可以看到他身后的喷气机。

这雷克斯瑞安肯定是让自己的名字与一个自信和傲慢的嘴。 迄今为止,这个大块头被注意到两次出现言语恶名和虚拟闲来无事过去他的名誉作为巴尔的摩乌鸦队的防守协调员。

当他正在接受采访的电台节目,被问及面对新英格兰爱国者队主教练比尔Belichick每年两次的第一次。 他说:“我不是来这里亲吻比尔贝利奇克的戒指”更多或更少。 让我来分析一下。 大多数人会给他贝利奇克适当的会费和国家,他们的目标一定竞争/挑战自己的对手。 然而,他一出现,使类似​​于1930年的时代私酒可能会说的声明。

第二个问题是他对迈阿密海豚评论这里开始的中后卫钱宁 - 克罗德时,他声称自己从来没有听说过他。 克罗德肯定回应的真理。 他说,瑞安是一个“OTA超级碗冠军”,如他赢得了休赛期的,如果他真的做功课,他会知道谁是迈阿密海豚队首发中后卫了。

现在,我敢肯定,瑞恩也认识他。 我不是说一个人是这样说的,在开放不感兴趣。 但我说,如果他的球队并没有最终看起来体面,甚至今年,他可能只是看起来像一个真正的冲洗袋。 如果他结束了其短暂的生命在纽约,那么他会真的看起来像一个白痴。 他能成为下一个迈克·泰斯; 大,身材魁梧,胖脸颊,认为他是一个暴徒,有尊重他的团队,但不能赢得一场该死的东西。


2009年3月1日由AlexV · 发表评论

27245 Brian Dawkins to the Broncos: What Was He Thinking?

这是真正令我感到诧异,当我看到布莱恩·道金斯离开了费城老鹰,他演奏了他的整个职业生涯迄今的同一个地方。 但它没有这么多的事实,他不会是一个鹰了,但越是这样的,他会去丹佛的事实。 这到底是他在那儿干什么?

我们现在应该都知道,几乎所有的球队都有成功的机会,甚至每个赛季赢得了超级碗。 然而,在该列表的底部将必须是丹佛野马。 我早就想通道金斯想要一个成熟的团队或电流竞争者玩,但在这种情况下,我不能说他已经发现无论是。

丹佛野马,它的搞笑地说这个,都没有成功,因为这有杰克·普拉默! 我的意思是,我知道周杰伦卡特勒正在进入自己的,但他现在还没有。 另一件事,是不是在丹佛是一个很好的防守。 我不知道,如果道金斯人物自己是他们的救世主像我敢肯定,天真野马前台做,但它会占用大量超过一个伟大的免费安全,以加强团队,这是26日对通和27日与运行。 最重要的是,他们放弃了28分每场比赛是四触地得分。 这是荒谬的。

我的意思是,他可以做他想做当然是。 我不是他的爸爸。 而且我并不认为这是一个可怕的想法野马玩。 我只是以为他是一定会寻找一个竞争者,无所不及的家伙。 那好吧。


2009年2月26日通过AlexV · 发表评论

亚利桑那红雀队仍然可以被视为竞争者。 他们去了很远的过去的这个赛季NFL ......一路超级碗。 如果它没有被几冤枉路(即拦截造成了后卫詹姆斯·哈里森100码TD回报,在超级杯历史上最长的发挥,二摸索的四分卫),所有的事情都保持不变的那场比赛,他们会一直冠军。


但是,这并不重要,因为他们不是冠军,匹兹堡钢人队创建和/或强迫主教到这些错误。 但毫不隐瞒它; 这个团队完全改变其做法,当季后赛开始的。


他们的进攻依然一样爆炸,因为它已经在空中,然后他们终于决定要依靠运行多一点。 对于明年,红雀现在知道,他们能有效地运行球。 随着Edgerin詹姆斯年纪越来越大,和蒂姆·海托华是不是一个有效的备份罢了,红雀有足够的空间,以起草一份力量或快速,或什么样的后面,可以是一个亲的投球手。 和诚实,他们不能比詹姆斯和海托华差很多。  


每个人都知道的超级杯输家不是在季后赛的第二年,但要记住的走势,红雀仍处于较差师带两支球队必须重建,公羊和49人队,一队本赛季是真正的混乱并与马特Hasselbeck,西雅图海鹰老化QB。 我知道这听起来很虚伪,因为华纳是37还是讨厌死了,但他却是个例外老四分卫的表演,当他们长大缩小的规律。


另一个反对的机会强有力的论点可能是,如果他们不能保持Anquan博尔金,他们将不会像爆炸。 然而,我们必须记住,他们既没有和他一起玩,或做了,而他的伤病在季后赛生病,和拉里·菲茨杰拉德还撕了。


我相信亚利桑那红雀是正确的,他们需要的人。 他们发现许多心脏在超级碗被倒17-7和20-7后防守,因为他们仍然坚持着自己的枪,并举行了Steelers害羞端区的两倍。 当然,他们搞砸了底,但他们仍然表现出了很多的勇气的。 不要惊讶地看到他们在超级杯,如果它确实发生了。 另外,同程的NFL已经过去几个赛季,我认为可以在超级杯让我感到吃惊的唯一球队是狮子和49人队。 “纳夫说。


2009年1月29日由AlexV · 3评论

vince lombardi trophy for super bowl xlii2 Arizona Cardinals vs. Pittsburgh Steelers Super Bowl Primer 现在是时候写的东西有点不可想象。 之间的对决“巨人”我不确定,但决斗没有预见到在本赛季的开始......是的。 在2009年2月1日版的NFL一年一度的超级碗比赛中,“主机”亚利桑那红雀将得到发挥匹兹堡钢人队,5次冠军,为荣誉而战的他们的第一次环......他们甚至会去选择哪支球队穿着自己的主场球衣!



亚利桑那红雀队的三他们的最后五场常规赛的输家去了,到了三连胜后赛的赢家。 不仅做了,他们这样做与拉里·菲茨杰拉德,23渔获419码季后赛历史上领先的性能,但他们这样做,是通过迫使对手失误,并通过生成一个可敬的地面进攻。

在他们的三场季后赛胜利,枢机主教迫使一共有13次失误; 8拦截和五摸索,平均为4.3%的游戏。



对于所有的主教已收到,作为一个以前常年浮躁的专营权,最终达到一个超级碗的一致好评,他们仍然设法放弃每场259.6的传球码(38.4比他们在常规赛排名第22 221.2ypg)和平均每场20.6分,这是只有6.1比26.7,在常规赛少。



钢人队受益匪浅面临8-8圣迭戈闪电队在划分圆的特权,和一个11-5第六种子巴尔的摩乌鸦队在主场后,他们打乱了1号种子田纳西泰坦,在AFC冠军赛。 然而,他们仍然赢得了他们的游戏通过继续他们的第一次成功的分位列国防(1​​3.9),总码数(237.2),传球码数(156.9)和排名第二的防守运行(80.2ypg)。 他们能够巴尔的摩举行到14分,尽管圣地亚哥管理24,这主要是因为他们得到了在第四季度的2次达阵,而钢人已经乘坐舒适的领先优势。

最后,钢人队也能够得到本罗特利斯伯格谁没有拦截,255码和反对谁给了刚刚175.5ypg乌鸦一个TD,高效17-26,186码,1 TD游戏两个非常坚实的表演针对充电器,而骑27进146码郊游由威利 - 帕克。


底片匹兹堡简单; 如果本罗特利斯伯格恢复到了他15整型,低59.9%,完成的百分比,以及80.1 QB评价他时常不稳定常规赛的发挥,那将最有可能产生亏损,因为它会为很多球队。 但更大的问题是,是什么样的了红雀队一直使用的燃料他们非凡的赛季后来看事情,所以如果它发生,它很可能是“再见钢人”。

而且即使匹兹堡已经用他们的防守来克服许多从罗特利斯伯格的不好打,他们可能会捉襟见肘“留在游戏中”与他们的防守,如果他们没有足够的补充,他们的进攻。 红雀队传球进攻,排名第2,在常规赛292.1ypg,表明在这些季后赛放缓完全没有征兆。 即使他们通过进入运行更经常更平衡的做法,他们仍然管理每场比赛256.6码在空中。

最后,X因素是休息两周的Anquan博尔金在大赛之前获得。 亚利桑那能够产生这种码数没有他迄今,返回博尔金可以帮助平衡的东西出来反对的第一个排名传递防线钢人队的。



如果有任何四分卫将是不容易遭受失望,它应该是库尔特华纳,因为他还没有抛出一个客场比赛整个赛季。 我还看到他抛出一个INT,而是一个INT不破坏球队的希望取决于在什么时候在游戏中被抛出。 本罗特利斯伯格曾在游戏中显得很平庸,本赛季倍,而且非常精湛,在其他时间特别晚。 他一定会想弥补他2005年超级杯的表现,他去了9-21,123yds,2整型,并有一个微不足道的22.6四分卫评分。

仅仅因为这个概念(即本想弥补他的第一个超级杯,并承认向媒体),我应该挑选钢人赢得这场比赛。 不过,我只是没有看到火任何钢人的眼睛像我库尔特华纳的眼睛(这将被灌输到他的年轻球队在乱堆,并在场边)看到的。 我只是觉得“只是一个游戏”的方式为钢人队是有点太靠近无精打采的一面,我觉得大本觉得说他想弥补他的外表是不够的。 IE,他不会。

钢人最终可能看起来像百思不得其解,在他们的对手的能量一队,并唤醒呼叫可能来得太迟。 红雀赢得令人信服,如果不是得心应手。


2009年1月22日由AlexV · 发表评论

Mike Tomlin Coach of the 2009 Pittsburgh Steelers


2月1日,亚利桑那红雀队会做战对匹兹堡钢人队。 除了惊人的外观由亚利桑那州获得他们的第一个超级杯,还有一个非常令人吃惊的趋势开始猜测......也就是说,如果钢人队赢了这场比赛。

在钢人队最后四​​个超级碗露面,他们在1979年面对反对洛杉矶公羊队,赢得了31-19,达拉斯牛仔在1995年失去了27-17,西雅图海鹰,21-10获胜,而现在的亚利桑那红雀队。 如果钢人队夺冠,那将意味着他们的最后三个冠军将来到针对目前NFC西部队。

早在1979年,现在圣路易斯公羊队,依然是NFC西部的一部分,但该部门包括了旧金山49人队,新奥尔良圣徒队和亚特兰大猎鹰队。 由于休斯顿德州人的到来,该部门现在包括圣路易斯公羊,亚利桑那红雀队,西雅图海鹰和49人队。


然而,最引人注目的一件琐事显然是因为这三个队的超级碗露面对钢人队是他们的第一次。 难道这意味着红雀队,尽管一个伟大的故事,注定要误事一语中的非字面意义? 谁知道,如果这个世界是什么,以及卡并输了,它不应该被看作是远远超过野生巧合。 无论哪种方式,这是非常该死的冷静......特别是如果你是一个球迷的Steeler。


2009年1月12日由Theboinger · 发表评论

Manny Ramirez Awaits A Suiter


如果事情发生在洋基正在采取措施,以允许它在我们发言。 今天我们了解到,华盛顿国民是intrested在aquiring RF赛维尔·奈迪和IF /尼克·斯威舍在纽约洋基队。 虽然细节未定义作为尚未肯定此举将使在洋基房间曼尼·拉米雷斯拥挤的外场,同时仍保留青年人才梅基·卡布瑞拉和Brett加德纳。 当然,无论是两个,如果没有这两个可以同时被打包,将与拉米雷斯在签字与纽约结束交易。 因为通常不是在美国职棒大联盟的情况下签后换是不可能的。 然而,这将是不成熟的排除这种可能性。 寻找洋基带回家超级杯前的布朗克斯本地人。


2009年1月9日通过Theboinger · 发表评论

Tim Tebow Two Time Natinal Champion


我会是第一个承认,我只是不喜欢科比。 我绝对想呕吐,他每次打拔跳投倒在球门线的时间。 直到今天,我还以为他不会有太大的职业生涯在NFL之一。 然而,昨天晚上我看来开始改变了一下。 当然不是,因为福克斯广播公司说服了我,他是弥赛亚。 (难道他们可怕的还是什么?)当我看到珀西哈文萧条的长远把短吻鳄恢复经营这让我想到阿德里安·彼得森和今年的NFL季后赛。 所有一年之久,我们都得听关于维京人是一个超级碗的竞争者,如果他们有一个QB忿忿不平。 所以,我心想谁是他们会发现,可以让他们渡过了难关? 他们现在建造取胜。 他们需要一个领导者在该罪行和老将只是不会提供给他们,Tavaris杰克逊将永远不会成为那个人。 我要告诉你们,山姆布拉德福德和民族的想成为菜鸟级QB的,其余的都没有在附近,去年的选秀类的水平。 所以,不要忘记另一个马特·瑞安/乔·弗拉科类型季后赛。 Then as the Gator offense got rolling I thought of Vince Youngs performance in both Rose Bowls and wondered if Jeff Fisher wouldn't roll out the “Wildcat” this weekend with Vince against the Baltimore Ravens.

Then it hit me. 科比的维京人。 Just like that. I think he would be the perfect fit for the Vikings offense. 他可以整天跟阿德里安·彼得森运行的进攻在他的身后,或他的身边。 他轻松成为该罪行,可能是球队的领袖。 他是完美的角色。 He would not have to worry about passing the ball all that much. 与国防和背后攻击线的运行游戏试着想象不必停止他和彼得森每次下来。 在很短的传球抛出偶尔的深球和拉跳投这里和那里,你已经得到的东西。 不是吗?

Tennessee Titans vs. Baltimore Ravens Playoff Primer

January 5, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Game one of second round NFL playoff action starts off with a rematch of a 13-10 victory by the Titans in Baltimore against the Ravens, but this time in Tennessee. The game will be televised nationally on CBS at 4:30pm on Saturday, January 10th.

比赛第二轮淘汰赛NFL的行动之一,复赛13-10胜利泰坦在巴尔的摩对乌鸦的,但这次在田纳西州开始了。 本场比赛将在全国电视转播的CBS在下午4:30上周六,1月10日。

在这一周中,分区季后赛回合NFL的,心是真正打破。 在我看来,没有什么比作为一个再见的团队,失去你的第一场比赛更尴尬。 这是几乎一样,如果所有的好你的团队所做的一切换不,同样,对于路队,这意味着你只足够好,赢得了外卡轮。 分区刑事回合周末的第一场比赛将采用巴尔的摩乌鸦队试图深入到田纳西州拉断了巨大的客场胜利。




再次,乌鸦队防守将是他们的比赛依靠的阶段; 3 中以点联赛允许的(15.2), 第二中码(261.1ypg),第2 在通过(179.7ypg),和第3 对运行(81.4ypg)。 他们的防守的吝啬在他们周六的胜利对迈阿密海豚出现了大汗,因为他们被迫乍得边宁顿到投掷四拦截,当他只有七,直到这一点。 最重要的是,他们还强迫他们恢复了摸索。


什么是更是他们的排名较高,几乎所有主要类别的防守比悍将; 在码(293.6ypg)7 ,9 在传递(199.8ypg),和 6 对运行(93.9ypg)。 泰坦击败他们的场均得分为14.6,但那是只为0.6个百分点的差异。


除了 ​​乌鸦的防守,乔·弗拉科在他的第一次季后赛的表现应该巴尔的摩支付巨额股息他现在进入他的第二个。 在那场比赛中,他的数据是远远固体; 9-23 135码。 这是唯一的好了slunky 39%完成。 但是,如果有任何潜在因素,他的表现,这是很明显他没有犯任何失误,而且令人惊讶的,平均每完成15.0码的事实。 什么这表明的是,当他居然没有找到合适的目标,这是一个很大的发挥。


他已经有了一个季后赛的比赛里,他看到了他的防守抬他。 现在,他知道,如果他可以只加强了位,并与他的防守打喜欢的话可以,他的球队是成功的首要位置。




迈阿密之间的差异通行证防御(在227.8ypg 25 )和田纳西州通过防务(9 在199.8ypg)为16点的排名。 如果乔·弗拉科不能增加他完成的百分比,并被迫把球更多的对泰坦固体冲的防御,那么乌鸦可能是一个漫长的一天。 甚至能看见弗拉科表演有点像彭宁顿那样的类型。


在此之后,克里柯林斯扔上赛季,屁股反对弗拉科的12,但遗憾的是,这似乎是泰坦可能在乌鸦唯一的优势七拦截。 太糟糕了他们乔·弗拉科一直没有容易引发打假球,本赛季。 呵呵...我们也看到发生了什么乌鸦面对谁只有三七分常规赛INT的最后一个四分卫。




我们已经知道,乌鸦有更好的防守。 但是,什么是更是一个事实,即他们的进攻是不是太离谱无论是。 在每场比赛的总码乌鸦18 ,在324和泰坦21日的313.6。 虽然泰坦27 通过(172.6),与乌鸦28 排名(175.5),这是对0.7码使他们几乎在这方面平等的差异。 真正的踢球者进来乌鸦 4排抢进攻在每场比赛对土卫六的 7位的排名148.5码在每场比赛137.4码。 乌鸦,因为事实上,甚至更多的积分每场比赛有24.1,对泰坦,23.4。 然而,每场比赛的点数也是0.7区区差异。


真正的决定因素的进攻将是乌鸦强 ​​运行游戏,更好地发挥决策防守。 我还预测另一个决定因素是年轻的乔·弗拉科对老克里·科林斯的表现。 他们统计的线条,虽然类似,都留下一件事了。 其中,上周我提到库尔特华纳的经验将接管马特·瑞安的,这个星期,这将是弗拉科超过柯林斯的青春。 华纳仍然是一个动态的四分卫。 而在他们的球队的罪行弗拉科和柯林斯的角色是管理游戏,而不是把球过来,对弗拉科更有助于缓解他的过渡作为一个新秀四分卫,并柯林斯那是因为他是在他的职业生涯的缺点。


但是,除了这一切,最有说服力的统计如下。 田纳西泰坦常规赛的对手合并记录是92-115,和乌鸦是123-94。 这只是告诉我,乌鸦一直有自己的勇气测试了很多往往比惊人的悍将了这一点。




2009年1月2日由AlexV · 发表评论

eagles picture and vikings picture Minnesota Vikings vs. Philadelphia Eagles Playoff Primer


野生卡周末2009年的最后一场比赛可能是最难预测的。 它具有两个团队的努力,以确保季后赛出生,但在同一时间超过能够推进岗位季节过去的明显的胜利是他们中的一个将得到这个周末。 对北美印第安人在16周由10-3得分,老鹰已经吹一场比赛在华盛顿下降到8-6-1的记录,并在需要击败牛仔在费城,并希望海盗和熊将失去在幸运的是,他们17周,所有三个这些场景成为现实。 至于维京人,他 ​​们会夺得NFC北区不管,因为在休斯敦熊损失17周,但可能在最后一周的胜利保证了分区冠军。 由于他们在明尼苏达州20-19击败巨人队在最后一分钟50码射门得分,完成10-6,他们能够撑起讨价还价的结束。 现在什么展现了18周的两支球队,一是充满费城老谋深算的退伍军人,另有之间的较量与年轻的在明尼苏达州的集合,也许崭露头角的人才。




其中一个是森林狼可以依靠赢得这场比赛的关键因素是,他们拥有联盟顶级的防守抢放弃只76.9码每场比赛去对抗一个老鹰的地面进攻是排名22位,每场比赛106.1码的事实。 夫妇,与事实老鹰是在通行证企图联赛4 22日在冲的庭院与106.1每场比赛,而维京人有一个很少用奢侈品:有机会扮演一个对手谁几乎是一维的。


一个在防守足球最常用鼓吹策略是迫使对手是一维的,即试图让对手打你通通过加载了争球线有八人面前的能力。 什么我们在这里是一个团队在费城谁按优先已经是一维的,主要喜欢通过。


第二个因素,帮助维京人是四分卫Tarvaris杰克逊改进打法,因为他回到了首发阵容。 在他的两场比赛中开始新赛季,他是30-59,好了51%的完成率一个TD,而分别投掷为178和130码。 现在,杰克逊已经上升到之际在本赛季张贴740码,8次达阵,只有一拦截,同时完成64%他的通行证的最后三年半的游戏。 这一切,都在QB位置维京人是在格斯Frerotte寻找提供的稳定性。




老鹰的优势在于他们的防守和经验。 尽管维京人的运动第一排名来看防守,他们的防守传球只有18 在联赛中,放弃每场比赛215.6码。 不与费城的防守配合以及他们排在第4 在国防运行,92.2ypg和3 共传防守,182.1ypg。 这种类型的运行防守是更比固体,并应能够保持阿德里安·彼得森,联盟顶级拉什与1760码,在检查的大部分。 我强调“大部分”的,即使老鹰急于D是只有三个海盗背后的斑点,彼得森仍然是联盟的领先拉什是有原因的,因为这个,我相信他会至少有一个大放送中本场比赛。


真正站出来为老鹰的防守是他们的传防守,因为杰克逊,虽然他有所好转,目前还只是平均在他的回报,这是唯一的2.9码比什么都鹰放弃更多的185码通过空气。 这意味着,他可以很容易地被限制在100-150码,如果维京人的主要威胁将是一个,从彼得森最,三大涨幅居前的发挥杰克逊只是一个游戏的管理风格,东西都不敢仰视。




虽然维京人在家里玩这个周末,他们面对老牌球队谁更习惯于在重大比赛中打了老鹰。 即使花了四连胜的NFC冠军赛游戏多诺万麦克纳布终于得到他的球队一个超级碗,他仍是更精明的季后赛比年轻人Tarvaris杰克逊,因为是整个老鹰队。 虽然两支球队都是伟大的,在停止运行,费城平均每场比赛244.4码通过空气,并与两家具乐部的排名差距过防御为15点(维京人队18 零下老鹰第三等于15),则这就是本次大赛的真正优势所在。




2008年12月31日, AlexV · 6评论

On Sunday, January 4th, at 1:00pm eastern, the Miami Dolphins and Baltimore Ravens will line up against each other one last time in Miami in a Wild-Card Weekend matchup.


野生卡周末的比赛之三将有两支球队,从上赛季有惊喜周转。 但两队,最大的惊喜是上赛季的倒霉蛋1-15迈阿密海豚做一个完整的180与11-5本赛季的战绩,同时也赢得了AFC东部冠军。 乌鸦,虽然总是很强大的防守,只不过是短期的或者令人惊讶,因为他们从5-11,去年去了11-5今年。 What makes their turnaround so remarkable was that they did it with rookie quarterback Joe Flacco, and if it weren't for injuries to both Kyle Boller and Troy Smith before week one, Joe Flacco may not have gotten his first start until later in the season and who knows what happens. With that being said, let's take a look at the key phases of each team's game.


这两个队的罪行似乎连一个又出来。 The Dolphins score 21.6 points per game and the Ravens 24.1 points per game. 虽然海豚在地上的乌鸦148.5平均只有118.6码,迈阿密外抛出巴尔的摩由每场比赛227码以175.5的曲子。 This shows that the Ravens outrun the Dolphins by 29.9 yards per game, and the Dolphins pass for 51.5 yards more than the Ravens.

即使这样说,传统智慧显示,团队配合较好的运行游戏将会胜出。 并且应该是这样的情况下,在这里。 什么是更是乌鸦3 防守反对票81.4ypg运行,以及高达2日与通放弃179.7ypg。 问题海豚有,即使他们得到了他们的主场框框玩,是他们25 对通行证在227.8ypg,和10 与在101.2ypg运行。 在各方面,放弃101.2码一场比赛在地面上并不坏,但是,当罗尼·布朗和Ricky威廉斯的二人是很好的一个伟大共1575码和威利斯McGahee,Le'Ron麦克莱恩的乌鸦三人和雷水稻联合为一个优秀的数字像2028,那么不仅是乌鸦卫冕运行得更好,但他们背着球更好。


尽管乌鸦超过了海豚在必要的季后赛取得成功的一些关键统计类别,他们没有在路上打对投影季后赛球队在赛季前就非常好; 在印第安纳波利斯,他们失去了3-31,在巨人,他 ​​们失去了10-30。 他们只是反对什么被认为是季后赛球队的长处是在匹兹堡的时候,他们在加时赛20-23输了,在海豚的时候,他们赢得了27-13,而最后,当他们击败小牛33-24。

请允许我淡化。 The Steelers and Ravens are diehard division rivals and always play each other tough. 牛仔的游戏对乌鸦最后两个驱动器2像差类型剧; 82场得分奔跑随后77场得分奔跑。 任何一支球队将幸运地获得任何这些长度的运行整个赛季。 最后但并非最不重要的,当乌鸦击败海豚在迈阿密7周,它放弃了海豚的战绩为2-4。 从那时起,迈阿密已经9-1和正在播放在一个稍微不同的电平比该段时间。

另一件事的海豚都去为他们的是,他们有失误最少在联赛中只有13乍得边宁顿不得不说是他最好的一个赛季,因为他第一次肩袖损伤职业生涯最高的3653码,19次达阵,只是7次拦截,同时完成他的通行证67.4个百分点。 新秀QB乔·弗拉科,虽然他有一个伟大的赛季的新秀,2971码,14次达阵,12个int(更不用提他的11摸索),并完成了他传球的60.0%,他仍然是一个菜鸟,绝对是容易出错。



虽然海豚在家里玩,和骑情绪高了空前的成功乍得边宁顿的赛季复出的一年,我不得不去的乌鸦。 They can negate their opponent's run, and kill them with their own. 此外,乔·弗拉科迅速被塑造成自信的游戏经理谁可以做一些剧本在这里和那里的巴尔的摩一直在寻找。 我只看到乔·弗拉科有,顶多一次失误,并与他们的第二排总防御(261.1ypg)和第三排的防守,每场比赛(15.2)放弃了点,乌鸦可以很容易地克服它。 我不能看到一队谁战胜像西雅图队没有QB马特Hasselbeck两点,奥克兰两点以及旧金山五个,都在家里,圣路易斯四马路击败这种坚韧不拔的乌鸦队。


San Diego Chargers vs. Indianapolis Colts Playoff Primer

December 30, 2008 by AlexV · 2 Comments

This Saturday at 8:00pm eastern, if you like pro football (and aren't a biased homer), don't miss the potential fireworks of the Colts at Chargers playoff game on NBC.

This Saturday, January 3rd, at 8:00pm eastern, if you like pro football (and you aren't a biased homer), don't miss the potential fireworks of the Colts at Chargers Wild-Card playoff game on NBC.

The night cap of day one on Wild-Card Weekend will have two teams on display that can light up the scoreboard. Whereas the Colts have reverted to a more proficient scoring style over the past few years with the peak-point maturity of Peyton Manning, the Chargers have remained a team that can put up points in bunches. This game should have all the makings of a contest that comes down to which team does the best with it's last offensive drive, and a last chance hail-mary or “lateral push” doesn't count.


Everyone knows that both teams have more-than capable and playoff-tested quarterbacks. Peyton Manning has practically carried his team whose run game which ranked 31 st in the league with a meager 79.6 yards per game, and was able to post his ninth 4,000 yard plus season with 4,002 yards, threw 27 touchdowns against a respectable twelve interceptions, while completing 66.8 percent of his passes. These numbers were good enough to earn him a 95.0 QB rating.


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Chargers Host Broncos in Deciding AFC West Showdown in Week 17 Sunday Night

December 21, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

The San Diego Chargers duke it out against the Denver Broncos for AFC West supremacy next Sunday night.

The San Diego Chargers duke it out against the Denver Broncos for AFC West supremacy next Sunday night.

据官方消息。 The word literally just came through about thirty seconds ago, and it will be the San Diego Chargers, who were widely thought to be finished with their season, having a chance to make a miraculous comeback and enter the playoffs by winning their division. What's even more is the fact that they'd be doing it with an 8-8 record if they were to win.


This game showcases two of the big number producing quarterbacks in the league in Philip Rivers who has the league-high in TDs, 32, and Jay Cutler whose been shredding defenses for a good portion of the season. This game also features two teams who have been highly inconsistent, and where now, it is truly “put up or shut up” time.


Everybody whose anybody remembers what happened the first time these two teams met this season, when referee Ed Hochuli called a fumble by Jay Cutler as an incomplete pass that cost the Chargers the game in Denver. Now it's either going to be the Chargers getting their revenge, or Jay Cutler proving that the Broncos were the better team all along… and I simply can't wait to see what happens.

NFL Playoff Outlook

December 18, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

all the teams in the nfl1 NFL Playoff Outlook

With just two weeks of play left in the regular season of the 2008-2009 year, a few teams have locked up a spot in the playoffs while others are still fighting to make it. What is about to unfold in this article is, what are in my mind, the teams that will make it.

We already know the Steelers and Titans have locked up spots and first round byes in the AFC. In the NFC the Giants have clinched their division while the Cardinals have as well. First I will go over the locks to get in.

In the AFC the only sure-fire lock I have is the Indianapolis Colts. If they beat Jacksonville this Thursday in Florida, they're in. With the way the Jags have disappointed, I do not even see them using the rivalry bug as added motivation to beat Indianapolis.

In the NFC, surprisingly, the Carolina Panthers have not clinched even with an 11-3 record, which is a testament to the competitiveness of the NFC. However, one more win or one more loss from another team or two would put them in. The Cowboys have been hot lately. I don't care about Romo's performance in Pittsburgh. The game was still close, and it has been their only slip up since his return from injury. They face the Ravens at home, and Eagles in Philadelphia. The Eagle game should be tough and they easily can lose, but to me, I think all of the air got sucked out of the Raven team with their last minute loss to Pittsburgh last weekend.

The Vikings should clinch their division as the Bears face the Packers on Monday Night at home, but then travel to Houston the last week. Houston is on pace to finish up 9-7 and Andre Johnson should be able to shred their weak pass defense.

After that I don't think Tampa will get in as they have slipped up and their weaknesses are beginning to be exposed. The Falcons and Eagles to me will be the ones to fighting for the 6th seed in the NFL as they have both been consistent as of late.

Back in the AFC, I'll take the Patriots to win their division. They are at home against the Cardinals who have clinched, and then at a bum Buffalo team. That would put them at 11-5. The reason I see this happening is because the as-of-late inconsistent Jets should lose in Seattle this weekend, and the Dolphins will beat the Kansas City Chiefs. But when they play each other in New York, I'll take a last-ditch effort by Favre to even their records at 10-6, giving one of them the 6th seed.

The only seed I am unsure of is the 4th seed in the AFC as the Broncos are 8-6 and Chargers 6-8. If the Chargers beat Tampa Bay in Tampa this weekend, which is not an oversight, and the Broncos lose at home to the Bills, which is still a bit of a stretch even if the Broncos aren't so consistent, then they will be playing in San Diego for the division in week 17. If that happens, I'll take the Chargers.

So that's how I believe the “tournament” brackets will be set up come January.

Steelers Defense Looking Tough, but Not so Much on the Offense

December 10, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

cowboys steelers head to head Steelers Defense Looking Tough, but Not so Much on the Offense

That Steelers defense must be really strong. It has to be with the offensive performance the Steelers put on in their near-miss, 20-13 victory over the Dallas cowboys on Sunday.


The Steelers were able to put up seventeen unanswered points in the fourth quarter after riding three total since the close of the first half. When the Steelers had just about enough time for two more scoring drives after failing to punch it in on 4 th and one from the one yard line, the Pittsburgh offense finally came through.


But why is it that once again, another team with great defense is having trouble finding an offense that can't return the favor? Even with the Cowboys putting on a great show as their corners continuously blanketed their receivers, save for a big play to Holmes in the second half, one would think that Ben Roethlisberger could easily guide his team to at least seventeen to twenty-one points per game against the Cowboys? The final seven points came on defense off an errant throw from Tony Romo that was picked off by Deshea Townsend and taken 25 yards into the end zone.


Either way, the Steelers are 10-3 and in the driver seat for at least the two seed and a first round bye in the playoffs. But, they still show signs of another of plenty teams who look too inconsistent to call a Super Bowl shoe contender.

Third Quarter NFL Contenders

December 2, 2008 by AlexV · 3 Comments

all the teams in the nfl Third Quarter NFL Contenders

The NFL has hit its third quarter mark, and after twelve of the most up-and-down weeks of football in recent history, it is still a bit of a stretch to call anybody a true lock for the Super Bowl save for the New York Giants. 然而,仍然有几支球队的肯定甩开了大多数人的可行超级碗的竞争者。


一线队,响亮,是巨人。 This is the best team in the league as far as everyone being on the same page. 他们都表现出极大的深度,克服几乎所有的伤害,甚至是自我强加的枪伤。 他们一负的布朗在克利夫兰,他们下降了14〜35分是真正的头饼刷。 然而,那场比赛绝对可以举行一个星号作为一个像差,因为布朗尼已经可怕的大部分。 巨人已经从一支潜在谁扮演的情绪,到只是平了知道如何赢得一个团队。 They are a well-oiled machine and are unphased by whatever distractions, whatever home field advantages their opponents have, and whichever fallen soldier opponents might be playing for.


The second team that comes to mind in my view is the Pittsburgh Steelers. 他们输给了老鹰只是那些日子里,在那里一切正常良好的进攻之一。 他们对两名曼宁低迷导致球队,但似乎有他们的共同行动,因为他们曾经因为令人信服地赢得了大部分。


A team like the Jets had their slumps early on against teams like Oakland where they lost 16-13, and only scored ten points at home against the Patriots, then rip off a five game winning streak, blow out the previously undefeated Titans in Tennessee, and suffer another inexcusable slump to the no-defense Broncos at home losing 34-17. 这不是一个竞争者的东西,而是一个团队的潜力,但有点太不一致有信心英寸


我的下一个队是巴尔的摩乌鸦队。 说你想了解他们的新秀四分卫什么。 他们是在玩灯灭,并击败对手,他们都应该击败的方式很好的球队都应该...大。 They have had their share of slumps, namely a 30-10 loss to the Giants, and a 31-3 loss to the Colts. 不过,他们已经采取了匹兹堡宾夕法尼亚OT,失去了20-23,但是那是在年轻的乔·弗拉科的已经崭露头角的职业生涯刚刚第四周。 如果乌鸦进入季后赛,满足了小马队和巨人再次,它应该是一个更接近的典型,在同一赛季两队之间的第二次会议上很少有史以来第一次会议的副本。 Oh, and don't count them out to win the AFC North as they still get Pittsburgh one last time for sure at home in two weeks and trail the Steelers by just one game.


乌鸦之后,小马队不容忽视。 他们不断设法取胜,和少数的胜利被移交给他们。 然而,就是这样的运气加上自己的季后赛经验,可以是一个坏兆头他们的对手来了季后赛,如果他们进去。是的,我指望运气的因素。 他们表现出的那种运气就是好得是真实的,即泰坦,钢人队和布朗队的比赛。


在那之后,我会说,牛仔都是卧铺。 They slumped big time early on. 他们没有他们的共同行动,因为他们似乎显示一队谁已经看到了自己在超级杯的继承人。 现在,他们背水一战,他们正在寻找像样的团队了。


至于其他队像黑豹和海盗队,他们的努力令人钦佩的肯定,但他们的四分卫,分别为杰克德尔霍姆和杰夫·加西亚,只是太不协调。 亚利桑那红雀队就像圣徒...伟大的传球进攻,而不是更多。 唯一的区别是他们的分工很臭。 一个团队,可能是接近的竞争者是亚特兰大猎鹰队。 他们正在前进的里程碑在他们的重建过程中,在8-4,和也许是一个或两个以上的生产季节,好失败的赛季后经验就可以成为一个常年的竞争者。




2008年11月12日通过AlexV · 发表评论

NYJ 6-3在NE 6-3

喷气机队也开始表现出一定的一致性,在过去的两个星期赢得令人信服的反对水牛城票据和公羊。 他们现在面临着他们本赛季最大的游戏迄今为止在新英格兰上周四晚。 新英格兰已经证明,生活中没有布雷迪仍然是可控的,但我认为喷气机队稳步提升防守,后面的托马斯·琼斯坚实的地面上的比赛,最近成交少,容易路过布雷特·法弗会后悔的一天。

DEN 5-4在ATL 6-3

The Falcons are becoming a model of consistency. 他们跳出来大年初线索的能力是显着的一个年轻的团队。 They play at home against the league's 28 th ranked passing defense and 27 th ranked rushing defense. That doesn't bode well for a Bronco team playing against an efficient Matt Ryan, and yard-racking Michael Turner. 猎鹰队获胜。

DET 0-9 at CAR 7-2

Carolina has the luxury of facing a team like the Raiders last week, who even if Delhomme throws four interceptions again to, should still beat. 我没有看到杰克折腾,很多选秀权这个星期。 黑豹轻易取胜。

PHI 5-4在CIN 1-8


NO 4-5 KC 1-8

The Saints are proving that all they have is a superb passing game that can't save a running game hovering around mediocrity, and a defense benchmarking at incapability. The Chiefs have not been the walk-in-the-park they were earlier this season losing by one point to San Diego last weekend, losing to Tampa Bay at home in OT the week before, and only losing by four in New York to the Jets the week before that. I'm going with KC

BAL 6-3 at NYG 8-1

巴尔的摩乌鸦队的得分居然在进攻上的这些日子。 事实上,他们正在成为巨 ​​人的镜像; 强大的压力,导致防守,跑锋的多能稳定,高效和发挥决策传球进攻。 找一个势均力敌的比赛与更有经验的巨人现身之上。

MIN在5-4 TB 6-3

If there is one thing that the Minnesota Vikings have to have learned in last week's heart attack inducing one-point win to the Packers last week it is the following… give the ball to Adrian Peterson. 我相信格斯Frerotte的传球试图将几乎一半被砍掉上周的28.尽管海盗队素以坚固的防守,我将银行的彼得森横行。 Vikings win convincingly.

OAK 2-7在MIA 5-4

Although the Raiders now share the same record as the underachieving Seahawks who came to within two points of upsetting the Dolphins in Miami last week, I wouldn't count on a similar performance from them this week. 令人惊讶的海豚将移动到6-4和第二位AFC东部。

CHI在5-4 GB 4-5

Green Bay should count their lucky stars that they have this opportunity. They get the division leading Bears at home with a chance to get a tie-breaker on Chicago and second place in the division if they win, and a first place tie if they win and the Vikings lose. 我会带包装工清理东西在他们的传球后,本周罗杰斯是一个不那么伟大的15-25只有142码的传球,没有达阵。 包胜。

HOU 3-6 at IND 5-4

The Texans look to make up for the 21 points they gave up in the last seven plus minutes of a week five loss to the Colts at home. 然而,小马队已经取得两连胜,并期待被找回的争夺。 小马队夺冠。

STL 2-7在SF 2-7

这个师的对决甚至不值得讨论,但为了公平起见,让我们做到这一点。 The Rams looked back to what they were with Scott Linehan as coach in their 47-3 loss to the Jets last week. 在另一边,49人队看起来与肖恩·希尔团队在中心周一晚间更可信。 悲惨的表现,他们在亚利桑那州穿上后,我就以旧金山取胜。

ARI 6-3海上2-7

The Cardinals have a chance to clean house in Seattle this week with a win. 他们可以玩另外一个薄弱部门的对手,他们都是2-7(圣路易斯和旧金山是其他二)。 尽管老鹰在家,我看不出有相互紧密失望红雀像他们那样对niners拍摄过去的这个星期一。 红雀队夺冠。

TEN以9-0 4-5 JAC

克里柯林斯上周(30-41 289码,二阵,也没有在INT)的表现让泰坦显得更加合理的联赛唯一保持不败的球队。 The Jaguars proved nothing in beating the Lions last weekend 38-14. 泰坦赢得轻松。

SD 4-5 PIT 6-3

钢人队搞砸了上周末在主场以马队......或者我应该说本罗特利斯伯格搞砸了。 历史应该说,本会希望弥补他的表现,但我不那么肯定了他的信心现在。 He has been getting hit too many times, and blew two games to the Manning brothers at home that should have been in the bag. On the other hand, San Diego has hardly been consistent this year. Steelers win convincingly with their number one defense and a better performance from Big Ben.

DAL 5-4在WAS 6-3

This game marks the return to the Dallas lineup of Tony Romo. 这支球队已经在相当绑定自从他离开。 寻找罗莫有一个庞大的游戏,也许把他的球队在他的背上。 北美印第安人来了断自己最糟糕的进攻表现,因为他们本周一负的巨人在本周9周一晚上输给匹兹堡得分只有六分后。 Their points came from two field goals after going three-and-out when they recovered and opening onside kick attempt by the Steelers, and another three-and-out after an INT on Ben Roethlisberger. 寻找达拉斯高辛烷值犯罪以及韦德菲利普斯的防守型打法调用取下来的红皮华盛顿的回报。

CLE 3-6 at BUF 5-4

法案没有辜负炒作的最后两个星期。 而事实上,他们已经失去了三他们的四到迈阿密,纽约和新英格兰(按顺序),谁是所有分区的对手,不是一个好兆头。 Brady Quinn was solid in his first start going 23-35, 239 yards, with two TDs and no interceptions against Denver last Thursday. 不过,我要在家里国家舞台法案。

Are the Tennessee Titans for Real?

November 6, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Kerry Collins has hardly put up the numbers of a quarterback one can rely on. How long until the Titans need a quarterback who can pick up the slack when the defense needs help?

Kerry Collins has hardly put up the numbers of a quarterback one can rely on. How long until the Titans need a quarterback who can pick up the slack when the defense needs help?

The Tennessee Titans have been the poster child of consistency thus far in the NFL. I mean, when you keep winning, it doesn't get anymore consistent than that. However, they have had the luxury of a soft schedule for the better part of the 2008 season.

So far they've beaten the underachieving Jaguars, recently first-win getting Bengals, choppy Houston Texans, similar Minnesota Vikings at home, barely came back to beat the Ravens with a   dismal 13-10 final score, atrocious Kansas City Chiefs, struggling Colts, and got pushed into overtime at home to the promising 4-4 Green Bay Packers. This week, they get to play the Bears with Rex Grossman.

This team has received as much hype thus far as it has a favorable schedule. But seriously, how far can a 35 year old quarterback in Kerry Collins, sporting a 72.9 QB rating overall, with 3 total TD passes versus 3 INT passes expect to get? I know old-timers like Favre and Warner are still capable, but they are probably the first older quarterbacks to have Super Bowl potential since Randal Cunningham with the Vikings.

I know defense wins championships, but in recent history, the only team that can be considered to have become Super Bowl Champs solely on defense and good running with a game managing quarterback are the 2000 Baltimore Ravens who had Trent Dilfer.

It is a delicate matter what Vince Young seems to be going through this season, and is certainly nothing to look at without sympathy. But after he failed to improve in his second season, and add that to the personal issues in his third, and the Titans could be in trouble.

Vince Young's personal issues are a delicate matter. But after failing to improve in his second season, plus the issues in his third, then the Titans could be in trouble.

I see this team falling hard at some point in this season and eventually turning the ball over to Vince Young. Even then, that is not a safe bet. It will be interesting to see how the Titans look entering the playoffs.

Alex V's NFL Week 7 Picks

October 17, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

SD at BUF-I'm sure by now everyone's noticed the western teams don't do too well when they travel to the far east. But I think San Diego's got this.

NO at CAR-New Orleans is so inconsistent. But I think they'll get it together in Carolina.

MIN at CHI-Both teams have good defense, good running games, and averaging passing games. I'll take the team at home… Chicago.

PIT at CIN-Cincinnati is reeling and Big Ben is 5-0 all time in Cincinnati. Steelers win.

TEN at KC-Kansas City won't even have Larry Johnson for this game. Titans win.

BAL at MIA-Miami is rolling too hard offensively for Joe Flacco to keep up with and pretty soon this Ravens' defense will begin to slack since they have no offensive help.

SF at NYG-The giants blew it last week, but they can't lose to this 2-4 trash at home. Giants win.

DAL at STL-Romo or Johnson? 谁知道? The Cowboys are reeling losing two of their last three. I just have a feeling this is an upset in the making. Rams win.  

DET at HOU-Houston can at least play competitively and have shown offense. Detroit's only close game was last week when they lost 10-12. Houston should shred them.

IND at GB-Even though Indianapolis seemed to hit its stride last week, Aaron Rodgers is playing pretty stellar and the Packer defense is better than the Colts'. I'll go with Green Bay.

NYJ at OAK-Brett Favre is undefeated in Oakland all-time. That shall remain the same.

CLE at WAS-Both teams were complete opposites from one another last week. Washington was on the rise and lost to a bottom dweller, while Cleveland was a disappointment and beat a championship contender. Now that they've got their heads on straight, I'll take Washington.

SEA at TB-Seattle is 1-4 and has been downright atrocious on both sides of the ball. Tampa wins.

DEN at NE-Denver has been inconsistent the last few weeks but the Patriots have been the same. I'll take the Pats at home against Belichick's football IQ.

NFC North Race Tightens Up After NFL Week 6

2008年10月14日通过AlexV · 发表评论

在NFL 6周再一次证明了联赛的变化,从一周到一周的性质如何。 One good example of this is three of the four teams in the NFC North.

The one team that doesn't “count” is the Detroit Lions. They are rather sad getting smashed their first four games by a total score of 159-76 and losing by an average of 16.6 points which is over three scores. 它们被立即排除此对话。


I guess he's looking up 'cause so are things in Minnesota. The Vikings have tied for the division at 3-3 after a 1-3 start.

I guess Adrian Peterson is looking up as are things for the Vikings after their 1-3 start.

Aaron Rodgers could make a statement for his team and for himself by beating Indianapolis this weekend.

Aaron Rodgers could make a statement for his team and for himself by beating Indianapolis this weekend.

熊看上去是在良好的状态中达到3-2记录和播放猎鹰过去的这个周日。 然而,他们丢失,下降到3-3。 The Vikings are the opposite at 3-3 and looked to be in good shape since they were 1-3 and have now won two in a row to match the Bears. 这两个面脱落本周末在芝加哥,那场比赛的胜者将被捆绑为师铅或先用4-3纪录禁止打领带。

同时,包装工,下探三连胜后,得到了在西雅图一个客场胜利,达到3-3。 然而,他们面临的马队在绿湾本周末可能会很容易失去,并下降到3-4。 如果他们赢了,他们会维持目前的分工导致4-3(绿湾拥有服务器在维京人和熊,因为它们是在2-0的划分)。




Big Games on Sunday in NFL Week 6

October 11, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Kyle's feeling better now!


This rookie better play within himself this weekend if his team is going to win.

This rookie better play within himself this weekend if his team is going to win.Steve Smith are number one in the NFC South, but must win to remain as such.Look for Kurt Warner to light it up some more this weekend at home against Dallas

The first game that holds some bearing is the 3-2 Bears at the 3-2 Falcons. Both teams have a chance to be 4-2 and both surprises in the league. Kyle Orton looks a little better and his defense is strong as ever, while the Falcons play inspired football with solid play from a rookie QB, Matt Ryan, and a first time fulltime starter at RB, Michael Turner. The defense has John Abraham, but not much else. Huge game for the NFC playoff race! I will have to go with the Bears experience on this one.


Baltimore plays host to Indianapolis. Both are 2-2 and need to get above .500. The Ravens' defense may be tight, but the Colts' defense has not been too bad without Bob Sanders, and Peyton Manning is something else compared to Joe Flacco. Colts win.


Carolina will be in Tampa Bay where both teams at 4-1 battle to lead the NFC South. The Bucs offense has been trifle even though they still have a solid defense. The Panthers combine solid defense with above average offense. I'll take the Panthers.


Finally, Dallas, 4-1, will meet Arizona, 3-2, on the road. Although the Cowboys have a stronger defense, I am going with the Cardinals to pull off the upset. The Cowboys may boast a powerful offense, but the Cardinal offense can be just as potent. I just have a feeling that Kurt Warner and his team are confident and excited to play the Cowboys who will be caught sleeping.


These are the best games between teams based on records of wins and losses.

Kurt Warner Fantasy Stock Rising

September 17, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Kurt Warner Fantasy Stock Rising

by Alex V

Cardinals QB Kurt Warner

Cardinals QB Kurt Warner

Fantasy Sports aren't always about getting the big name, or a name that at least was at one point big… like Kurt Warner. Just because the guy is 37 years old should not be the final factor on whether or not you should pick him up. One should always think “production” when making a decision on who to add to their Fantasy team. At this point in the season, Kurt Warner has been a stud, and would be a great pick up for those of you who are suffering from any of the following Fantasy Football diseases; “Brady's Gone Syndrome,” “Carson Palmer's Letting Me Down,” and “Jamarcus Russell is Making Me Look Stupid.” In fact, with the numbers he has put up so far, he has shown to be as good, if not better, stats wise that is, than some of the marquee quarterbacks in the game.

So far this season Kurt Warner has amassed 558 passing yards (279 per game), a 70.4 percent completion percentage, when most good QBs are lingering around the lower to mid 60's, and he has four touchdown passes accumulating to two per game (all it takes is 1.875 TDs per game for a player to reach 30 in a regular season) for an amazing 128.5 QB rating. If Warner can keep this up, he will project to finish with 4,464 passing yards with 32 touchdown passes. Last year, only four quarterbacks reached the 30+ TD pass mark; Tom Brady (50), Tony Romo (36), Ben Roethlisberger (32), and Peyton Manning (31). Now, taking in account that perhaps the projections will skew a bit, he still looks to be anywhere between 3,600 and the projected 4,464 passing yards, and at least a mid-20 mark in the touchdown pass category, and he still hasn't thrown a pick yet.