
2010年4月29日由大托尼 · 发表评论

habs down caps Round Two Intrigue
这导致东部转向倒过来,西边一个非常有趣的第一轮锯统治任何人,但造成了大部分粉笔第二轮。 荣誉的表演提出了菲尼克斯野狼,科罗拉多雪崩队和洛杉矶国王队谁在多年的演出超过极好每个队的第一场季后赛亮相。 洛杉矶国王队和科罗拉多雪崩队证明了他们将是一个可行的队伍相当长一段时间,因为每个年轻的一批球员只会从中吸取经验教训,继续让自己变得更好。 八大系列七赴至少有六场比赛,这意味着第二轮中得到了非常多的辜负。




加拿大人做了什么,多数人认为是不可能的,一旦得到了一系列以3-1华盛顿优势。 据认为,该上限是脆弱的一个冷门,但不是的方式,蒙特利尔,最终被拉断底价...辩护。 华盛顿未能得分,传统智慧告诉你,如果满地可关闭华盛顿话,肯定他们将能够做同样的事情,匹兹堡...对不对? 不太可能。 首先加拿大人依赖过于倚重雅罗斯拉夫·哈拉是再好不过了。 哈拉可能有几场比赛中他这样的,但他不能发挥这样的夜晚和夜晚的方式休息。 此外,企鹅是一种更实际的团队比华盛顿,因此可以更有效地穿上​​你失望远远超过可能的上限。 还有一个一直存在的无形的企鹅,这是他们的经验。 华盛顿是不确定他们能否赢得当事情变得糟糕,但匹兹堡不会有疑问的,因为他们知道,(从2-0次,上赛季5-0损失在5场比赛的红翼在回来后总决赛),他们必须击败任何人在任何时候,无论在什么情况下的能力。 虽然蒙特利尔将被证明是一个强硬的对手匹兹堡这是不可能的克罗斯比和公司将被顽强的哈布斯队被推翻。 匹兹堡将继续前进。


这可能是最有趣的比赛,在这一轮在纸上。 两队都发挥着非常实际的游戏让很多的大热门将被交易。 除此之外但是飞行物有优势。 虽然依靠二次得分两队都提前到圆2飞行物有更好的首要得分选择。 这是不可能的,卡特,布里埃,其余的将在办理入住手续,今次举行。 波士顿表明无力得分(完全不像球队,我认为他们会当我拿起他们赢得东部季前赛)在赛季的过程,而且可能不会改变。 出于这个原因,我正在费城。



恭喜圣荷西的最后战斗的第一轮恶魔和推进,以2轮的第一次在什么似乎是永远的。 幸运的是圣何塞,他们管理没有太多的进球,以促进他们的三巨头(马尔,希特利和桑顿)。 他们一定会需要的改变,如果他们想击败红翼的希望。 再次,我们可以谈论X和O的整夜,但是当它归结到它,我只是不能挑对阵活塞。 每年好像他们是由一个行动和未来的西部联盟球队成熟采摘和底特律总是证明每个人都错了。 因此,我挑选底特律摘下圣何塞。


两支球队逃过什么样子会是第一轮的冷门了第三个时期的回击。 幸运的是我们,他们并没有因为去年的争夺战中,两队之间的同一轮是必须看电视,今年将有可能更好。 两支球队都是伟大的锋线与凯恩和公司为芝加哥和SEDIN双胞胎和船员温哥华。 将有进攻机会称誉为两个队,所以你有什么期待在比赛中则这样呢? 当然,目标抚育。 坦率地说,芝加哥的netminding一直如此糟糕,他们已经在该类别中处于不利地位; 现在的事实补充说,他们会在另一端作战罗伯托的Luongo,它是为老鹰就更麻烦了。 但在去年,他们能够得到的Luongo他们肯定能做到这一点,今年再次。 所有老鹰队需要他们的守门员是要充分发挥他们会处理其余部分。 我拿起芝加哥赢得了整个事情在今年年初,我不会退缩,现在...芝加哥获胜。


2010年4月13日由大托尼 · 2评论

crosby holding cup 288x300 NHL Playoff Preview/Predictions


雅罗斯拉夫·哈拉的关键是这个系列赛。 哈拉所有需要做的就是保持华盛顿在海湾,如果他能设法做到这一点的加拿大人将得到足够的进球对华盛顿的瑞士奶酪辩护的机会。 两件事情,我们肯定知道:蒙特利尔不能阻止进球华盛顿和华盛顿不能得分停止蒙特利尔。 正如我所提到的头号重点是哈拉,而且这是非常重要的蒙特利尔发挥得非常好纪律曲棍球每场比赛的每一分钟。 技术失误将作出这只是比赛的性质而做出错误的决定(传球不好,懒散冰球的追求,等等),并采取惩罚不好就会满地的季后赛生命的尽头。 华盛顿有足够的人才来克服失误就会使和缺乏足够的防御和点状干扰球,但蒙特利尔没​​有。 很多人认为华盛顿是成熟采摘 - 这可能是真的,但如果蒙特利尔不会保留他们的错误率相比,华盛顿的非常低的资本会打击他们离开。 即使在蒙特利尔并说需要一个糟糕的惩罚,他们必须依靠的球员在他们的名册季后赛经验拿别人与他们的盒子,一点一滴的事项。 如果蒙特利尔可以做这些事情,他们就赢了; 但说我正在首都五。


费城将赢得这个系列赛。 它有什么与飞行物的能力,更多的是与新泽西州的不足之处。 鬼子太依赖先得分,然后用中性区的陷阱和马蒂布洛德尔扼杀了其他球队。 新泽西不会总是首先得分,并有导致保护,也没有要回来被降2个或更多的目标应该费城获得了遥遥领先的能力。 这不是1995年了,新的非霍奇金淋巴瘤,不利于新泽西州的系统得到季后赛的成功有很大的量。 他们还放了众所周知的墙在伊利亚·科瓦利丘克他们最大的得分威胁面前。 每场比赛将很可能是因为魔怎么打接近,但它是费城的一系列胜利。


莱恩·米勒是世界上最好的守门员今天和波士顿棕熊队不能不能得分。 说够了,军刀采取系列。


克罗斯比已经热的晚,但包括两场对阵纽约岛民谁拥有一个非常小的防御,而导致一吨的射门机会,许多目标。 企鹅有过困难时期的得分停止球队的同时,也没有最大的得分实力本身(授予Gonchar和马尔金受到伤害,这样应该确保自己了)。 据指出,企鹅只是需要去进入季后赛,现在的时机已经到来,他们会更主动地得到他们的共同行动,建立在过去几年的经验,去要回的至少东部决赛。 不过,我觉得渥太华参议员可能有话要说的。 参议员已经在发布会过去一个月本赛季最好的球队之一,并正在发挥令人难以置信的好为单位。 失去亚历克斯·科瓦廖夫将是一个挫折,渥太华,但他们仍然有丹尼尔Alredsson,杰森Spezza和迈克费舍尔所以他们不会向往的得分呈现在冰面上。 他们的防守队员都相当大,这样会匹配相对较好的企鹅“从上线到底层。 射门机会,需要对企鹅对渥太华更多的工作比它与岛民。 也许是渥太华最大的败笔就是布莱恩·埃利奥特缺乏季后赛经验。 而重要的经验在所有位置,除非你肯·德莱顿或帕特里克·罗伊它是守门员最重要的。 不过,有多大的企鹅一直在玩(不一致),他们是成熟的不安,我想渥太华参议员将做到这一点。



是技术分析中我怎么觉得这个比赛了会去也许是在浪费时间。 圣何塞一直在这里一次又一次和科罗拉多州是一个团队长已经超额完成整个赛季。 我认为,在美国科罗拉多州的时间会很不错,但它只是没有在卡为他们今年。 圣何塞有更多的经验,是一个整体更好的球队,而根本不会输给科罗拉多州。 圣何塞采用此系列。


有纳什维尔在季后赛总是很高兴,因为无论有助于非传统市场曲棍球成长是本场比赛和联赛是一件好事。 纳什维尔曾来过这里,但并没有成功地闯过第一轮(没有羞耻的,既然他们已经在其短暂的历史上发挥底特律在每一个打进季后赛)。 是什么给了纳什维尔在这一系列成功的最佳机会,他们不依赖于任何一个人,提供他们的所有罪行。 史蒂夫沙利文,帕特里克Hornqvist,马丁ERAT,杰森 - 阿诺特,JP杜蒙,乳木果和韦伯都具有这是一个非常积极的迹象,因为芝加哥不能单纯强调一个人在保持Preds在海湾的希望超过40个点的季节。 纳什维尔的问题是,上赛季他们放弃了尽可能多的目标,因为他们拿下了这并不是一个好兆头玩帕特里克·凯恩,乔纳森托斯,帕特里克·夏普和共同的喜好时。 在四中七最佳系列。 虽然我根曲棍球的成功在纳什维尔的游戏的好,我认为芝加哥将是太多的Preds,并会搬过去纳什维尔自己的方式向世界杯总决赛,因为我预测,在赛季的开幕。


这是伟大的看到洛杉矶国王队重回季后赛。 我一直在说,因为休赛期,这个团队是真实的,他们肯定没有辜负所有的季节,在这里,他们是在季后赛。 安泽Kopitar已经非常显着全年和乔纳森快速已经在网线对线稳固。 我说这一年开始之前,不仅将国王队杀入季后赛,但他们也将赢得他们的第一轮系列赛,我不会从退缩。 不幸的是,国王(对我来说),他们必须去补防的曲棍球全年,即SEDIN双胞胎与亚历克斯挖洞,有时瑞恩凯斯勒说是最好的路线。 哦,那罗伯托的Luongo家伙是不是半坏的。 很多人认为这是在今年温哥华克服他们所面对过去,终于走出了西方。 我会去反对我的头在挑选这一个,说国王将采取系列,但他们更倚重罗布史古德利杯获胜的经验,从一年前,因为他们会需要它。


可怜的凤凰。 遏制回到休赛期的所有权问题,不知道他们要去哪里,今年打本赛季开始前,甚至在那里他们将在明年还没有最后确定。 尽管所有的球员团结在一起,而不是只得到自己进入季后赛,但家庭冰在第一轮,大右!? 错了。 所有的辛勤工作得到他们的打底特律红翼队在第一轮的奖励,什么奖励一个伟大的赛季吧? 我们可以打破的巅峰对决,直到母牛回家,但是这将是愚蠢的我挑对底特律。 我希望凤凰给了底特律的一个伟大的斗争,甚至设法击败他们,但这是不可能的,这就是为什么我给这个系列的红翼。



二〇一〇年三月三十○日由大托尼 · 发表评论

sleeping fan 300x226 Devils + Bruins = Dreadful

这是可能的,一旦幼苗都设置波士顿和新泽西州能匹配,对抗彼此在第一轮; 上帝帮助我们所有的,如果他们这样做。 这将是最有趣的季后赛系列赛的所有时间之一。 这引出了一个问题,这将是更令人兴奋,看着熊和恶魔广场关闭或看油漆干? 这是一个艰难的决定确实。 两支球队能设法进球很多时候甚至创造一大堆的射门。 在周二晚上两队“惊心动魄”1-0加时赛赢了波士顿花了几乎整整65分钟新泽西鼓起21射正球门,而波士顿提出了一个更体面的34杆,所有功能于所有在提出一个可怕的曲棍球比赛。 如果不是在帕特里斯伯杰龙得分比赛优胜者在一段时间内人们可以作出的论点有只有两颗星给了守门员和第三的球迷居然坚持围绕观看的东西。 我所有关于防守,因为你肯定赢不了,没有它,我不要求每场比赛结束5-4,但至少有一些持续的进攻压力将是很好。 所以,无论你欢呼祈祷谁在曲棍球神的魔熊和避开对方的第一轮,而在季后赛的其余部分完全与此有关。 曲棍球球迷理智到处都是依赖于它。


2010年1月3日由大托尼 · 发表评论

bruins win winter classic Winter Classic a Mega Success
2010年冬季的经典之所有帐户是一个巨大的成功时,我完全同意。 这一天的魔法并没有被任何东西玷污; 天气是伟大的,耽误了极为出色的冰,球迷被解雇了,而游戏本身是壮观。 三呼为大家谁帮助,使这个游戏发生,因为它肯定给大家,并祝贺波士顿棕熊队和费城飞人在上演一场伟大的演出,让我们大家都希望更多的治疗。

在此期间,另一大新闻出来在节日期间是设定为取冰下个月各国奥队名单公布。 目前易夺冠热门金牌是加拿大和俄罗斯的加拿大人可能缓缴俄罗斯略占优势,因为比赛将于较小的北美冰的大小随着事实的比赛将在加拿大举行这立刻给他们带来了提振。 在另一方面,人们可能会说,被关押在加拿大的比赛产生了微弱的优势,以俄罗斯,因为加拿大人传统上有一吨重的压力,他们赢得了金牌,但无论如何,现在的压力加剧,因为加拿大队会打在回家的冰。 虽然对俄罗斯的压力相当数量以及存在无疑会少了很多对他们比对加拿大人,这将使他们能够简单地放松和打曲棍球,而不用担心任何其他杂念。 尽管有这些因素仍是一个虚拟的两支球队之间在试图挑喜欢的胜负难料,但你真的不能去错要么去为黄金和其他人有可能争夺铜牌。

在非霍奇金淋巴瘤前的休息也有一些球队在裸奔都正确和错误的方向。 圣何塞鲨鱼是目前最炙手可热的球队在联赛中的熏埃德蒙顿4-1日(星期六),以提高他们的连胜八。 尽管连胜球迷在圣何塞持谨慎乐观态度,因为他们一直沿着这条道路前。 在每一个过去三年的鲨鱼已经发布逾百点,赢得了总统的奖杯,去年,和步履蹒跚到来的季后赛时间。 今年的球队是迄今为止,他们有过的最好的,但问题是他们能最终延续这一成功进入季后赛。

另一支球队享受最近的成功是费城飞人。 尽管输给了波士顿,在冬季经典上周五,飞行物已经赢得了五分之四,并已获得至少五连胜的一个点。 还有很长的路要走谁挖自己相当洞飞行物,但似乎他们已成功地扭转乾坤,让一个合法的推向季后赛几乎在一夜之间。

卡尔加里火焰也是一个四连胜之中从后面来击败多伦多3-1在周六之后。 这是一个团队的处境相似,圣何塞,他们曾经有过常规赛的成功,他们一直没能转化为季后赛像样的数目。 强干扰球,是一直存在的卡尔加里但他们从去年的阵容分开是一个更强大的蓝线与另外周杰伦Bouwmeester在休赛期谁是加13日期。 这是他的存在,已经帮助翁Phaneuf了他的比赛了一下,也需要一定的压力过Kiprusoff的这就是为什么今年可能是卡尔加里的最佳机会,他们已经有多年深厚提前进入了季后赛。

匹兹堡企鹅裸奔的很好,但在错误的方向。 在他们3-1击败坦帕湾闪电在周六下午的企鹅已经失去了四连胜在手,在两场比赛中只打进了一个进球,并且吹了3-0的领先,以在本周早些时候的布法罗军刀。 在一个漫长的赛季有很多的风风雨雨,但令人担忧的事情是匹兹堡,他们已经失去了道路。 还有很长的路要走,企鹅有太多的天赋,这样的连胜继续,但他们已经找到一种方法来取得更加一致和保护导线,当他们得到他们。

在连败的最差属于谁失去了8连胜有很大的赛季开局后,亚特兰大鸫鸟队。 真的没有惊喜它只是被亚特兰大老鹰,直到他们告诉我,否则。

嗯,这在联盟一点点的运行。 我希望每个人都喜欢的冬季经典,有一个伟大的时间响起的新年! 有一个伟大的2010大家好!


2009年12月29日由大托尼 · 发表评论

flyers give up goal Winter Classic Ruined by Philly?
第三届冬季经典只有几天了! 有很多的炒作有关芬威公园以其故事棒球历史和耦合的神秘性与曲棍球其根打室外比赛的回报。 该阶段将是不可思议的,兴奋的体育场和出球迷,媒体的狂热开启,球员们都激动,因为他们一天越来越近。 然而,尽管所有的,有一个很大的可能性,该游戏本身将翻牌大的时候。 尽管费城飞人最近取得了一些进展,他们仍然不是一支很好的球队,而波士顿是相当好放在一起,并得到好一点随着赛季的推移。 费城有一个去的不仅仅是战术和战略,以便更深入的问题; 据传言,有些男人不相处过的冰,我倾向于买成,因为它肯定是被表现在他们恶劣的冰上玩。 毫无疑问,很多队伍,多年来已横跨体育与一群男人谁不一般的相处中发挥出色,甚至赢得总冠军,但似乎跑的比,对于传单更深。 还有飞人的更关心赢得比赢得比赛的夜晚和夜晚也需要加以解决,以降低每个玩家的战斗问题。 也许他们试图用解雇约翰·史蒂文斯和雇用彼得拉维奥莱特解决他们的一些断冰的问题,在冰的重点,但似乎不太可能改变的教练会帮助这一点。 至此换帅取得了尽管最近一些成功的差异不大; 我认为这是正确的,因为该飞行物的问题归结为球员们尊重彼此曲棍球条款。 毫无疑问,飞人有一吨的人才对自己的球队,但每个球员都有拿去做他们每天晚上做的最好的,而在某些方面加强一旁,让其他球员谁可以做的更好的东西一点点地带头说区。 但是,如果球员不尊重彼此那么他们都将尽力做好每一件事对自己有完整的鲁莽,并导致球队输球。 这是不可能的,因为周围的游戏[左右,我们希望为客户着想的事件],但在观看比赛保留一些这些东西记住,看看这么多额外的元素,这将变得明显,在冬季经典飞人已经整顿的情况作出任何进展,或者如果他们展示为什么他们目前以及在东方一个季后赛的位置。


2009年12月21日由大托尼 · 发表评论

devils eliminated Dont Fall for the Tricks of the Devils
不要在赛季的前34场比赛被愚弄的新泽西恶魔的成功。 当然,他们在东部首位(与决胜在匹兹堡企鹅),但它不是一个东西来为新泽西来到季后赛的指示。 我们必须给他们功劳是由于,因为他们实际上是在第一和马丁Bordeur正在游戏扎克帕里斯,杰米·蓝根博,特拉维斯Zajac的,和Brian罗尔斯顿的喜欢在脚下后,他的惊人的自我制胜的游戏他面前。 尽管他们的恒星播放由他们表示记录了近年来对新泽西的问题已经开始在季后赛中很坦率地说,本赛季将是没有什么不同。 从一个后勤点规则的改变出来的停摆已经伤害了游戏的恶魔“的风格大大因为他们获益良多,从离合,并抢得这是规则变化的主要目标。 在这个意义上,这使得它更难鬼子来赢得比赛,因为它把更多的压力,他们往往试图保护一球领先,他们可能会定居在做,过去得分。 不仅如此,从什么角度无形的是,现在的团队,不仅有一点过新泽西这是缺乏的过去,但他们也有更大的希望战术优势的事实。

毫无疑问,在魔技能等级是跻身联盟最好的球员,但在较小的球队对决对他们前来游玩季后赛新泽西的风格不压制任何希望,在较小的球队能够击败他们。 相反,试图保护小线索,其他球队开始相信他们居然能够击败新泽西。 因此,这样的团队在成长的信心产生冰发挥得更好,并最终消除新泽西的季后赛。 去年就是一个很好的例子; 所有尊重卡罗莱纳他们不是一个层次上的天资聪明如新泽西州,但对整个系列的,他们能够自顾自地闲逛,直到最后卡罗莱纳州驱逐从季后赛的魔鬼。 在对比的是,卡罗来纳州后,在类似的有波士顿的情况下,在卡罗来纳州去扮演一个才华横溢的企鹅队能够得分卡罗莱纳完全虫对抗,并横扫无缘季后赛。 直到新泽西能够想出办法把团队走在季后赛粉碎他们的意志提前一​​轮退出周期将无限期地继续下去了,今年也不例外。


2009年11月4日由大托尼 · 发表评论


有口皆碑“attaboy”纽约岛民。 有风暴困扰的球队了关于自己的未来冰相当数量,他们没有最好的球队聚集,人们不要指望很他们。 尽管所有的岛民是在一个四连胜,他们和他们的球迷应该会很兴奋之中。 他们不仅赢得了四位一个排,但他们击败强队的过程中,包括上周六以5-0重创的布法罗军刀的。 当然,约翰·塔瓦雷斯预计将是巨大的,到目前为止,他已经进展顺利,但他也有马特Moulson和凯尔Okposo的喜欢伴随着坚实的干扰球来自德韦恩Roloson和马蒂·伯龙的帮助(谁尽管战绩欠佳是搭一些不错的数字)。 季后赛席位不太可能在三岛不久的将来,但正如我之前写的(见:),这支球队正朝着正确的方向在其上冰打来说,有一个非常光明的未来。

另一个“attaboy”的科罗拉多雪崩谁是在西部联盟,这是一个冲击大家在曲棍球世界首位。 在AVS是由多数年轻球员一队谁似乎是每一个玩游戏,家里的钱,因为他们似乎并不知道,他们不应该得到什么好处。 也许是队内最高的故事,是赛季初MVP候选人的表现(是的,我说的话)克雷格·安德森。 安德森已经演奏了全部15科罗拉多的比赛,并张贴惊人的数字,包括0.936保存率和2.11目标反对平均。 这是不可能的AVS能保持这种持续整个赛季,但现在球迷们在科罗拉多州应享有被放在上面,他们已经从第一天开始一个伟大的冰球城市,当然值得。

一大“TISK-TISK”波士顿棕熊队的蒂姆 - 托马斯谁不打也不像卫冕Vezina战利品赢家。 多年来,人们一直担心托马斯的风格,因为它是一种自由的,所有的,导致他在小联​​盟花费了大量的时间。 在去年和畸变? 也许吧,但如果他没有得到它在一起的熊可能会去寻找一个替代,因为今年的期望是非常高的在波士顿。 当然,熊的早期斗争并不完全落在托马斯,但如果球队未能走出谷底,他将是一个简单的替罪羊。

另一个主要的“TISK-TISK”到卡罗来纳飓风。 去年,他们到达了决赛,今年有基本相同的团队(如果不是更好的),因为去年他们有7点到13场比赛......够了说。


2009年10月18日由大托尼 · 发表评论

tim thomas weird Thomas Made of Swiss Cheese?
As Tim Thomas goes so go the Boston Bruins and at the moment that direction is south… in the standings that is. Thomas has started five of the Bruins games so far posting a 2-3 record with a sub .900 save percentage including a game in which he gave up six goals on only 30 shots against the Anaheim Ducks. There is no doubt that Boston misses Phil Kessel (who has yet to play a game yet for Toronto) but if they don't get decent goaltending it won't matter how many goals they score. Thomas has had his doubters over the years but has silenced them a bit in recent history; however now all of those same questions will come up again if things continue they way they have been going. There is plenty of time to go of course but there might not be a whole lot of patience in Boston for the Bruins have very high expectations. In the meantime if things don't turn around for Boston you may see a return of the famous neutral zone trap that just to take some pressure off of Thomas until he can get himself back on track. Personally I do not think Thomas is going to get his act together because he's always been very erratic so when it works it's great but when it doesn't he has no real base to return to in order to simply his game until he regains his confidence. We'll see what happens of course but I haven't been a fan of Thomas in the past and still am not. Nevertheless, despite Thomas' shortcomings the Bruins are good enough to recover and still be a very good team without him playing well (or without him at all) so people in Boston need not panic.

In other news:

Alex Ovechkin is having an incredible start to his year and is well on pace to be the first to score 70 goals in a long time. No matter what you think about Ovechkin and the Caps he's one of the best players in the world and certainly there is no one more exciting to watch in any sport. Will he break Gretzky's record of 92 in a season? Of course not; but he is still the best goal scorer in the NHL in quite some time.

Hey Toronto, how about winning a game eh? They haven't even been competitive in most of their games managing one point in an overtime loss to a Montreal team that is in the midst of a five game losing streak. Toskala is definitely a big problem but scoring only seven goals in the last five games is not a good way to win games either; Phil Kessel will help but no one player can save this team.


二○○九年九月三十〇日由大托尼 · 发表评论

clarence campbell conference Western Conference Outlook



底特律红翼队是最好的最好的一次,尽管失去了Hudler和霍萨他们会简单地使用他们已经创造了重装农场系统的机器没有慢半拍。 在底特律唯一悬而未决的问题是,克里斯·奥斯古德的常规赛打谁到三月竖起数字欠佳,去年十月。 显示了在季后赛中一直是奥斯古德的密苏里州,但如果他是今年的不一致,因为他是上赛季其他球队的崛起在底特律的分工能找到强大的红翼队争夺一个季后赛席位。

洛杉矶国王队可能会是西部联盟本赛季最有趣的和令人兴奋的故事。 最重要的是puckheads同意,这支球队是在上升,但我认为他们不仅在上升,但是他们会赢得他们的第一轮季后赛系列赛。 当然它使我处于困境,据其他季前赛的预测去,但我说的这一个取代所有其他的预言我做除在其中所扮演的球队,我认为将晋级总决赛从西方的情景。 一般来说,我只是说有信心在什么国王队组织作为一个整体在做什么。 他们已经采取了这一步棋,多年来却花了很多的时间去学习那些肿块,并提出了一些非常有天赋的球员在关键领域。 他们有很多优秀的年轻球员达斯汀·布朗,亚历山大·弗罗洛夫(标题进入了职业生涯的黄金),杰克·约翰逊,震动斯托尔(也前往这个黄金)和乔纳森快速谁是非常可靠的目标,去年是可能只会变得更好。 伴随着这个年轻人才,他们加入莱恩史密斯和Rob史古德利老将谁刚刚脱落斯坦利杯冠军的匹兹堡企鹅。 国王有合适的人在合适的位置,在合适的时间和禁止伤害这个团队已作好准备,现在是成功的。

Lastly are the President's Trophy winning San Jose Sharks who have done little to change their team in terms of quantity of moves but the quality of moves has been stellar. Dany Heatley was picked up—at the expense of Jonathan Cheechoo—and will be a wonderful addition to this squad. Regular season success has not been a problem for the Sharks (true of many west teams it seems) but Heatley puts them over the hump into serious contention to win the west. Heatley can not only score a lot of goals but he has enjoyed a fair amount of success before so his experience along with a chip on his shoulder to show those in Ottawa that he can still play is going to move San Jose along another step in the right direction.

The only other team that could make any noise should they make the playoffs are the Anaheim Ducks. Their experience is what sets them above the rest but unfortunately perhaps their greatest asset is their biggest downfall. The Ducks are an aging team who have lost yet another step at every position and can only hope to stay close until the trade deadline where they can maybe make a move for a younger group of players with fresher legs for a lengthy playoff run. Edmonton is not far behind either but they fall short of the star power and physical play needed to succeed in the west. Goaltending is Edmonton's strongest aspect but that was true last year as well so they will not get their either. No other team has a prayer of even getting to the playoffs let alone making noise once they get there.

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Eastern Conference Outlook

September 27, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

penguins prince of whales winner Eastern Conference Outlook

As the hour draws closer and the puckheads continue to salivate over the tease that is the hockey preseason it is time to supplement the appetizers before the hockey fest begins.

Eastern Conference Preview:

I'll start by predicting who I think will make it to the playoffs (in no particular order) then we'll look at least briefly at where each team stands. So here are the top eight teams in no particular order:
Pittsburgh Penguins, New York Rangers (Carolina Hurricanes?), New Jersey Devils, Philadelphia Flyers, Boston Bruins, Buffalo Sabres, Montreal Canadiens, and the Washington Capitals.

The Pittsburgh Penguins should probably be the favorites going into the season because their team is a lot the same and they are the champs until someone else wins the title. They did lose Rob Scuderi but overall you have to like their chances to defend their conference title.

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Bruins-Flyers In; Caps and Ovechkin Out

July 16, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

fenway park Bruins Flyers In; Caps and Ovechkin Out
The NHL has announced that the 2010 Winter Classic will be held at Fenway Park between the Boston Bruins and the Philadelphia Flyers. Generally speaking I could care less who is playing in this game because as a fan of the sport and of the unique nature of this game I will be watching and will enjoy it from start to finish. That said, I cannot understand why the NHL and NBC have decided that a Bruins-Flyers match up will have a better draw in the US than say a Bruins-Capitals showdown. It is true that both teams have large television markets and that will result in a huge draw from the two participating cities alone. However, there is no bigger star in the NHL today than Alexander Ovechkin; no matter what you think of him I think all fans agree that he is one of the most exciting hockey players in the whole world from his on ice performance to his off-ice personality. Not only would people in the DC and Boston area be excited about this game, but hockey fans throughout the country and casual sports fans alike would go out of their way to watch Ovechkin play in a game as special as the Winter Classic has become. Not only should Ovechkin and the Caps be playing this game instead of the Flyers for star power but also because Philadelphia playing in this game against Boston pushes away the idea of a Penguins-Flyers Winter Classic at Beaver Stadium for many years. That makes deciding to put Philadelphia in this match-up a double whammy of blunders on the part of the NHL and NBC. The ratings will suffer this year because Ovechkin is not in it (and should be) and because a potential future contest that could also result in huge ratings and fan turnout in person has been push back indefinitely. So again, while I will be watching this game no matter who is playing in it–and it is possible that this match-up will still get a huge draw and be largely entertaining–I still think the NHL and NBC have hurt the potential of the Winter Classic not only for 2010 but for the near future as well.

NHL Winter Classic Doubleheader?

June 20, 2009 by Big Tony · 4 Comments

NHL Awards Show Upon Us

June 16, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

NHL Awards Vegas
As the Pittsburgh Penguin organization and fans continue to celebrate their club's victory and people in Detroit continue to lick their wounds the rest of the hockey world looks to the future. The NHL awards dinner is Thursday June 18, the NHL entry draft on June 26 and of course NHL free agency starts July 1 st . With the NHL awards first up we'll take a look at three of the biggest awards (according to me) up for grabs and my prediction for who will win; those awards are the Calder Trophy (Top Rookie), Norris Trophy (Top Defensemen), Vezina Trophy (Top Goaltender), and the Hart Trophy (League MVP).

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Pens-Canes Battle for Eastern Conference Title

May 18, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

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2009年5月15日由大托尼 · 发表评论

2009 nhl playoffs 300x260 NHL Round Two a Treat for All
第二轮落下了帷幕周四晚上那叫一个两回合它的方式。 随着三大系列将第七场和其他令人难以置信的有趣的6场系列非霍奇金淋巴瘤应保持其高昂着头今晚。 底特律/阿纳海姆和波士顿/北卡罗来纳州将锦上添花了两个令人难以置信的比赛七场演出达到高潮了第七场加时赛的猎犬比熊队赢了。 就像我喜欢曲棍球它已经从自2004年停摆了很多人的青睐倒下,但是这一轮已经把非霍奇金淋巴瘤回全国地图上。 休闲的球迷都在调整和基地持续增长的收视率节节上升的结果。 体育全线球迷们第二轮每一瞬间吸收了许多希望的舞台没有设置为决赛是一个让人失望。 但随着赌注越来越高,我们移动到第三轮,似乎极不可能的,这样的事情会发生。 时间会在短期内期待下一轮,但现在是时候反省第二轮,只是欣赏我们所看到的。

钢笔帽抢走了头条新闻用大量明星的力量,新秀netminder西麦瓦尔拉莫夫令人难以置信的故事,和六个令人难以置信的有趣的游戏,包括3加时的比赛,每场比赛至少有一个牵头的变化。 笔和帽子,不仅把一个伟大的演出,但他们进一步升级较劲,这将是轰动了几年。 其他第二轮比赛在东部没有戏剧的钢笔帽近量,直到第七场。

熊和手杖给了我们一切人们希望摆脱游戏七。 每个团队都有一个主要的在与熊取早期1-0领先比赛一分前北卡罗来纳州争夺回网两连胜只看到波士顿将其发送给加班费。 在加时赛还有机会丰富地扼杀了极大的干扰球,双方沃德和托马斯。 而且,正如它似乎像本场比赛注定了两个加时赛斯科特·沃克背后埋藏蒂姆 - 托马斯反弹赢得他职业生涯第一次季后赛的目标......而男孩什么时候去做。

在西方的顶篷是在阿纳海姆和底特律的最后两个斯坦利杯冠军之间的战斗。 尽管阿纳海姆是第八种子许多人觉得鸭子还来不及收起了卫冕冠军。 两队争夺的游戏,直到游戏系列终于最终在一场比赛中7是去了系列的其他方式。 无论是守门员把一个伟大的演出结合了很多沉重的打击和许多戏剧与两队越来越打勾的裁判在一个点或另一个。 但是,归根结底,卫冕冠军显示了他们的砂砾通过赢得剩余的第三期三分钟系列的制胜球。

最后,我们会提到新贵黑鹰收起罗伯托的Luongo和高空飞行的温哥华加人队。 在他们各自的第一轮系列赛,老鹰队和加拿大法语游非常不同的路径。 温哥华压倒圣路易斯而芝加哥不得不上阵收起撞式,但弹性的卡尔加里火焰队是有很高的期望; 因此许多人认为经验丰富的加人将能够处理的好,但是年轻的黑鹰队的“时代尚未到来。”在芝加哥的球迷和球员的人一样,有不同的计划,为年轻的球队打每一场比赛一样他们承受的早期线索温哥华,并最终通过砖墙是罗伯托的Luongo推进到决赛破坏之前曾经来过。

也许有最好的季后赛两轮在任何体育项目不断的......和我们还有两轮比赛中去。 看到你在决赛大家好!

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Bruins-Canes Game Seven… Why Should You Watch?

May 12, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

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NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining

May 10, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

round two picture 300x203 NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining

Round two of the playoffs has been the best round of the post-season by far to this point and the excitement continues to build. Let's take a brief look at each series up to this point.

Eastern Conference:

3. Washington Capitals VS 4. Pittsburgh Penguins
This has been the keynote series since the second round draw came out and it has not disappointed. Four of the five games have been decided by one goal and two were decided in overtime. The big stars Ovechkin  NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining and Crosby  NHL Round Two Extremely Entertaining have stepped up to the plate and have excelled in the spotlight as all of North America looks on. There has also been plenty of drama to boot with both sides making complaints about the officiating at one point or another and Ovechkin hitting Sergei Gonchar knee-on-knee which has created plenty of controversy across the airwaves. The series has been the perfect showcase for the NHL as hardcore and casual fans alike tune in and are NOT disappointed. As of the writing of this article the Penguins have taken a 3-2 series lead after dropping the first to in Washington. Pittsburgh finally got some secondary scoring in game five and it proved to be the difference between the two teams as the big stars continue to cancel each other out. Penguin fans would love for this series to finish in six, but for the rest of the world how could this series culminate any better than if it comes down to game seven on Wednesday at Verizon Center?

1. Boston Bruins VS 6. Carolina Hurricanes
For many this has been the shocker of the three Conference Semi-finals as the high-powered Bruins were seemingly going to steam roll the Hurricanes right into the Conference finals. However, since the end of game one it has been all Carolina. Cam Ward, Eric Staal and Jussi Jokinen have been unbelievable leading the Canes to an unlikely 3-1 series lead. The difference in the series comes down to Carolina's best players performing at the highest level while the Bruins have not been able to rely on their studs as much as they have all year. Zdano Chara in particular has not been the same since game one where he shut down Eric Staal. For the Bruins to get back into the series they have to better utilize their size to create offense and continue to put pressure on Cam Ward. Boston cannot win by simply getting frustrated when Ward plays well and by trying to fall back into their defensive style when they're only up by one or when the game is tied, playing not to lose rather than to win. There is a lot of speed on the Canes and the Bruins need to neutralize that speed with some pace of their own. But don't think this is a fluke because the Canes have plenty of talent and have been to the promised land before winning the Cup in 2006.


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Dream Match-Up Highlights Round Two

April 28, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

Round one could not have gone out on a better note with two game seven's ( Devils-Hurricanes and Caps-Rangers ) that did not disappoint in drama and excitement. I couldn't possibly say anything to sum the two games that are surely both instant classics; as a result we'll just turn to round two now that we know the match-ups. So far the sportsroids predictions have yielded a 4-4 record which I'll be looking to improve upon in round two.

Eastern Conference:

bruins over canes 300x234 Dream Match Up Highlights Round Two

1. Boston Bruins vs. 6. Carolina Hurricanes
The Bruins breezed through the first round sweeping the hated rival Canadiens right out of the playoffs. Despite picking Montreal to win (in the interest of not flip-flopping from my preseason Eastern Conference Champ) I had serious doubts about their performance down the stretch and how they would fair in the playoffs and sure enough they laid an egg. Although Boston swept the series the lame duck Canadiens probably would have made any team look like juggernauts. Nevertheless, the Bruins are very well rested and do have a lot of fire power, enough to have swept the season series from the Hurricanes anyway (not to mention the top seed in the East). So far Tim Thomas has continued his stellar play despite the doubts surrounding his style of play and his lack of consistent success in his career before this year. In front of Thomas are the likes of Zdano Chara who has been unbelievable for the Bruins all year and it continued in round one. Pair Chara's dominance at the blue line with a very strong core of forwards and the Bruins have all the makings of what could be a very special playoff run.
Opposite the Bruins are the Carolina Hurricanes who are very much a different team today from the one Boston saw in the regular season. 瑞安 Whitney, Chad LaRose, and Eric Staal have played incredibly well thus far in the post-season each with at least five points against the best goalie in the game today in Martin Brodeur. The Canes also have a world class netminer of their own in Cam Ward who came up huge for them all season and certainly in the playoffs keeping them in game seven in particular. This team has a lot going for it on the ice with their talent but also their experience with key members from their Stanley Cup winning team of a few years ago still around. So what can we expect from this series? Well the goaltending for both will most likely be stellar but beyond that the comparisons end. Boston is more of a big bruiser type club that loves to slug it out and play a hard hitting, defensive type game. Whereas the Canes are a smaller, quicker club who will generate a lot of offense and as a result rely heavily on Ward defensively. Carolina is on an emotional high at the moment by they just finished a grueling back-and-forth seven games with New Jersey. The Canes experience will keep them in the series but the Bruins will simply out class the Canes and send them packing in six.

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Hello Caps, Au Revoir Canadiens

April 20, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

caps win 300x226 Hello Caps, Au Revoir Canadiens

The Washington Capitals sprung back to life Monday night entering Madison Square Garden down 0-2 but leaving with a 4-0 shutout and their first win of this post-season. Alexander Semin led the way with the first two goals of the game and the Caps never looked back. Alexander Ovechkin finally made his presence known by assisting on the first two goals by Semin and making an unbelievable back-checking play to prevent a possible breakaway goal for New York. The stars stepped up for Washington on Monday but they weren't the story; instead rookie goaltender Simeon Varlamov stole the show stopping all 33 Ranger shots to post his first career shutout. Coming into this series many felt the glaring weakspot for Washington was between the pipes but if Varlamov can keep this up the Rangers fast start in this series may be negated by the weekend. The Caps may have lost the first two games at home, but after their performance in game three we may have the makings of a very long and entertaining series.

bruins beat canadiens 242x300 Hello Caps, Au Revoir Canadiens

The story is a bit different for the Montreal Canadiens who followed a poor performance in game two with a fast start but slow ending in game three against Boston. The Canadiens fed off of the home crowd energy to take a 1-0 lead (their first of the series) but that was neutralized soon thereafter. As the game settled in it unfolded more like game one with the Canadiens hanging in there until the very end with a chance to tie and/or win late. The Bruins however stayed the course and showed why so many people picked them to steamroll the Canadiens. Boston is by far the superior team with stellar skill accompanied by dominating size. Montreal tried to get bigger in the offseason but as the season unfolded they ended up once again relying on skill and speed to carry them to success. That philosophy did not work last year and is not working this year. Boston may not be heads and shoulders ahead of all the competition in the Eastern Conference but they are proving that to be so when it comes to the Canadiens.

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Stanley Cup Playoffs Make Grand Entrance

April 18, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

bill guerin scores 300x217 Stanley Cup Playoffs Make Grand Entrance

Well the playoffs are now in full swing as every series will have played two games by the end of Saturday. So let's take a look and how the respective series are unfolding:


1. Boston Bruins VS 8.Montreal Canadiens
The final score of game one was about what everybody expected but the level of competition between the two clubs was probably higher than most thought. Boston roared out to a 2-0 lead but the Canadiens battled back to tie the game at two before ultimately going down 4-2. But the rivalry is hot and despite the perception of a major mismatch it doesn't seem likely to be over anytime soon. Game 2 is tonight before the series shifts back to Montreal so we'll see what surprises are in store for us.

2. Washington Capitals VS 7. New York Rangers
Jose Theodore didn't make it past the first game as he was benched for rookie back up netminder Simeon Varlamov after Washington's 4-3 loss at home to the Rangers. Again many people felt the Rangers were completely outmatch by the fire power of the Capitals and that the only chance the Rangers had offensively is if Theodore didn't play well. Theodore did not play all that well in game one and the Rangers stole one from Washington but surely things would be different now that Theodore was benched. Varlamov did indeed play very well in net for Washington Saturday afternoon as the Rangers were only able to net one behind the rookie netminder. Unfortunately for the Caps Henrik Lundqvist was up to the challenge and shut Ovechkin and company out. Now the series shifts back to New York with the Rangers having a commanding lead and looking for the sweep. Sportsroids when against the grain in predicting a Rangers win in this series and so far the Rangers have no disappointed.

3. New Jersey Devils VS Carolina Hurricanes
In a series that many felt would be evenly matched has surely turned out to be that way. After game one the Canes looked to be greatly overmatched; but after Carolina took game two in overtime we've got ourselves a series. The two teams are so similar in every aspect of the game and that makes the series a virtually toss up on paper. Sportsroids said Carolina in five and although that seems unlikely now we are sticking to our guns! Regardless of what happens there is a lot of great hockey ahead of us in this series.

4. Pittsburgh Penguins VS 5. Philadelphia Flyers
The Flyers seemed greatly outmatched after game one but game two was an entirely different story. Philly took the earlier lead but Pittsburgh battled back to tie. Then the Flyers took another lead only to see penalties allow the Penguins back into a game seemingly headed to the win column for the Flyers. But take nothing away from Pittsburgh, they dominated game one and although were largely outplayed in game two they took advantage of Flyer mistakes and now have a strangle-hold on the series. Don't expect the Flyers to quit though as they move home to play in front of their rowdy and very unforgiving fans at Wachovia center. Sportsroids told you this would go seven games, and although that is still possible if Pittsburgh wins either of the games in Philadelphia the Flyers will be in serious trouble. The Flyers won't fold but don't expect Pittsburgh to take their proverbial foot off the gas.


1. San Jose Sharks VS 8. Anaheim Ducks
People were wondering if the Sharks were finally ready to take it to the next level or if the same old Sharks would show up again in the playoffs. One game does not a series make but for at least one night it's the same old Sharks. Granted, the Ducks are not far removed from a Stanley Cup Championship but the Sharks at least need to score a goal. There is still a long way to go but if San Jose continues to play like they did in game one they will be making an early exit.

2. Detroit Red Wings VS 7.Columbus Blue Jackets
As I write this post the Red Wings are leading the Blue Jackets 3-0 at the second intermission, this after winning game one 4-1. The Blue Jackets have been a great story all season but the playoffs are too much for them and so they are done.

3. Vancouver Canucks VS 6. St. Louis Blues
The Blues were another good story going into the playoffs but after making a pretty good showing in game one they were completely shut down by Vancouver in game two losing 3-0. Like Columbus, St. Louis is an up and coming team with great goaltending but they appear to be severely overmatched by the Vancouver Canucks.

4. Chicago Blackhawks VS 5. Calgary Flames
Game one of this series was probably the most entertaining game of the first round so far. Game one had everything you could want in a playoff hockey game: lead changes, scrums, great individual battles, fantastic goaltending and overtime! Sure Martin Havlat ended the party early by scoring only 12 seconds into the overtime period but if game one was any indication of how the rest of the series will go then this and the Carolina-New Jersey series have the potential to become classics.

Like you, we at sportsroids will be watching intently to see how the rest of round one unfolds. Enjoy the ride hockey fans!

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Sportsroids.com's NHL Eastern Conference Playoff Preview

April 13, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

stanley cup playoffs 2009 300x262 Sportsroids.coms NHL Eastern Conference Playoff Preview
The playoff match-ups are all set and read to launch Wednesday evening. To start the first of two playoff previews I will take a look at the Eastern Conference match-ups, give you some notes about them and make a pick. This is the BEST part of the year by far so let's get right to the previews.

1. Boston Bruins VS 8. Montreal Canadiens
Well it's a year later and the seedings have been swapped but the first round match-up is the same as the Canadiens and Bruins throw more gasoline on the burning rivalry between the two. The teams are slightly different but the key pieces have gone unchanged. Carey Price and Tim Thomas are both back and bring with them playoff experience which neither of them had last year. Each netminder had stretches of brilliance and ineptitude in the series last year and with that experience under their respective belts they should each be relatively solid in net. Zdano Chara had a fantastic year on defense while Marc Savard, David Krejci, and others showed that you can score a lot of goals in a Claude Julien system. Montreal lost Mark Streit and last year's version of Alexi Kovalev but they gained some size and toughness in Ryan O'byrne and Georges Laraque (something they desperately needed against Philadelphia last season). There are plenty of other things to consider and we can talk all day and night about this series… so who has the advantage? The Bruins had a great season but really sputtered toward the end including a 6-1 loss to a Sabres team spending another April on the golf course. Montreal did not have the best end of the season either but despite falling so far so quickly they are in and that's what separates them from the Bruins, despite all odds the Canadiens end up where they want to be. Series outcome: Montreal in six.

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Flames and Hawks Sputtering; Carey Price Sighting in Montreal

March 31, 2009 by Big Tony · 1 Comment

A few stories of note as the season comes to a close concerning the races for playoff positioning:

blackhawks snowed 300x225 Flames and Hawks Sputtering; Carey Price Sighting in Montreal

1. The Chicago Blackhawks have played well virtually all season, but the last few weeks they have encountered some pretty hard times. Including their loss to Montreal Tuesday night the Blackhawks have lost nine of their last 13 and are in danger of falling out of fourth position and losing the first round home-ice advantage that goes with it. Perhaps it's the fatigue of a young team going through a long year of high-level performances culminating in a losing stretch as they anticipate the commencement of the playoffs. The dip in play by Chicago is understandable but just because they haven't made it to the post-season in a while doesn't mean the fans will be at all forgiving if their late season struggles turn into a first round exit.

carey price save 300x200 Flames and Hawks Sputtering; Carey Price Sighting in Montreal

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Bruins Bittersweet Victory; The Blues Sound Sweet in St. Louis

March 28, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

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Bruins Can't Handle Success?

March 19, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

bruins falling 300x186 Bruins Cant Handle Success?
What has happened to the Boston Bruins ? That may seem like a weird question to be asking about a team that just posted their 100 th point Thursday night but it is a legitimate one to ask. After spending most of the season shredding everyone in the league the Bruins have experienced a bad case of the hick-ups as of late. They have lost 11 games in the last month alone, and with a total of 27 losses for the year 11 is an awful lot to suffer in a relatively short period of time. Generally speaking it's not as of Boston is doing one thing in particular wrong that simply needs to be corrected before the playoffs hit. Some nights their goaltending lets them down and they lose 6-4 and others they can't find the back of the net and lose 2-0. There is plenty of blame to go around and the solution to the problem may be complicated but the end result is simple: if the Bruins don't fix their issues they will not enjoy the playoffs for very long no matter who they play. Perhaps it's a leadership issue since most of the guys on the team have not been very far into the playoffs—maybe the addition of Mark Recchi can help with that. It may be a coaching issue or simply a problem of execution, but whatever the reason it needs to be fixed and fast. Granted, the Bruins may have been a little disinterested with the end of the regular season since they were so far ahead of the team behind them. That is no longer the case however as the Devils have put themselves within striking distance of the Bruins for top honors in the east. No matter the reason the Bruins need to figure it out and quickly. With their early season success the expectations for the Bruins have only gone up and in a city where every other major sport has experienced a championship within the last four years the fans will not be very patient. As far as New England sports fans are concerned, going deep into the playoffs will not be enough for the Bruins, they need to win and they need to win RIGHT NOW.

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Brodeur Ties Record; Devils Eye Bruins

March 14, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

marty brodeur 242x300 Brodeur Ties Record; Devils Eye Bruins

Saturday night, with Patrick Roy in attendance, Martin Brodeur tied the all-time wins mark for a goalie and is now even with the aforementioned Roy with 551 wins. Brodeur has already accomplished just about everything else a goaltender can accomplish and now the all-time wins record will soon be his as well as the shutout record. He's won championships and broken records with nothing but class and dignity. All those who know him whether in the media or on the ice (perhaps except Sean Avery) have always had nothing but high praise for the way he handles himself in every aspect of life. And if all of that weren't enough, his New Jersey Devils have a very good team assembled in front of him. The Devils will certainly make a lot of noise come playoff time, but meanwhile they are in prime position to overtake the once high-flying Boston Bruins for the top spot in the Eastern Conference. So not only can Brodeur claim two major records—after being out for most of the season only to return to the ice in top form—but he may be able to add another division title, regular season conference title, and most of all perhaps another Stanley Cup. Whether you're a fan of the Devils or not, watching Brodeur operate is a real treat for hockey fans everywhere. And as he goes on to break the all-time wins record and soon thereafter the shutout record, appreciate that you're watching a very special player, the type that doesn't come around every day and one we may never see again.

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NHL Eastern Conference Stretch-Run Mayhem

February 3, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

eastern conference jersey 300x300 NHL Eastern Conference Stretch Run Mayhem

Unlike the West, the Eastern Conference is a much tighter race top to bottom with the exception of the Boston Bruins who have all but officially secured the top spot as they are 12 points ahead of their closets challenger. But looking beyond Boston a very colorful picture is painted as Washington and New Jersey battle for the second spot separated by only one point and the difference between 4 th and 10 th spot is only 9 points (essentially 3 games). That's right ladies and gentlemen the difference between home ice advantage in the first round and being out of the playoffs altogether is merely 3 games. So you may be asking yourself how all this will end up, who's in and who's out? Well look no further folks, we've got it broken down for you right here.


Washington – The Alexes (Ovechkin and Semin) provide the Caps with enough scoring to hang with anybody from either conference and at any level of the playoffs. Supplement that with great defensive play by guys like Mike Green, outstanding goaltending by Jose Theodore and the toughness of the likes of Donald Brashear needed to wear teams down in the playoffs, you've got a team that can go a LONG way.

New Jersey – No Brodeur? 没问题。 Scott Clemmensen has been great, Parise, and Elias combine skill with leadership, and of course New Jersey always plays amazing defense. Add in Brendan Shanahan as the proverbial cherry on top and you've got yourself an irresistible sundae—ie a team that can rely on its core not only to get to the playoffs, but deep into the second season.

Montreal – Sure they lost Robert Lang for the season (a major blow indeed since he led the team in goals scored overall and power play goals) but now Kovalev and Price and company need to step up their play. They were picked by many (yours truly included) to represent the East in the finals and you better believe they'll be there.

NY Rangers – Everything they expected to get from Wade Redden but haven't has been more than adequately made up for by the play of Henrik Lundqvist. However, his play can only get them to the playoffs so do not expect them to get very far. A lot of their games have been won in shootouts and in case you didn't get that memo there aren't any shootouts in the post-season. Scott Gomez is great too but they miss Jagr and Shanahan so enjoy the Rangers while they last because it won't be long for them in the playoffs.

Philadelphia – They are huge and can score. Big teams who can score make it to the playoffs, and as long as Biron stays solid they will be in excellent shape.

Florida – Netminder Craig Anderson has been fantastic and somehow this team has learned how to score on a more consistent basis. They have a lot of guys who are overachieving and it doesn't look like that will stop anytime soon; however, as Anderson goes so go the Florida Panthers. In my estimation a 2.47 GAA and .930 save percentage are no accident, the Panthers are for real.

Pittsburgh – They have not played well as of late and have a lot of injuries to boot. Despite all that the Penguins have an incredible amount of talent and are becoming a grittier team as they realize they cannot win on talent alone. Losing Malone, Laraque and Hossa (among others) has hurt them more than most realize but regardless the team refuses to quit and their new 1-2-2 trap will help them win enough games to make reservations for post-season play.


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Devils Roll, Canadiens Tumble

January 29, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

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The New Jersey Devils downed the Boston Bruins Thursday night 4-3 in overtime despite blowing a 2-0 third period lead. That makes seven in a row for the Devils increasing their Atlantic Division lead to three points over the Rangers and allows them to slip past Washington for second in the East. This win streak is probably not an indication of what New Jersey will do in the playoffs but it says a lot about their team. When future hall-of-fame goalie Martin Brodeur went out for the season with an elbow injury early in November many wondered how the Devils would react to such a major loss. Scott Clemmensen has been quite impressive after a bumpy start to life without Brodeur in which the Devils lost 5 of 6 including a 4 game losing streak. Fans in New Jersey are now saying “Marty who?” well, not quite but so far so good for the Devils, but what happens in the playoffs is what matters.

On the other side of the spectrum are the Montreal Canadiens who, despite all the good will created from the all star game festivities this past week, are losers are 4 in a row and have questions about second year netminder Carey Price. Price has made three starts after returning from injury and has loss three games yielding 5 goals in each of those starts. The Canadiens and Price had some high expectations coming into this season, and many of those expectations can still be reached but it will take a much better effort from Price and from their once dominating power play. It is important to remember, however, that Price is just a second year player and not every goaltender can have the success so early in his career the way Patrick Roy did; but don't tell Canadiens' fans.

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Four Important NHL Lessons to Learn

January 19, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

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There was a lot of action in the NHL this past weekend as there is every weekend but there are four big things we learned and should keep in mind the rest of the year:

1. The Washington Capitals are for real. They have been on a roll lately but nothing like Saturday when they beat the East leading Boston Bruins 2-1 at Verizon Center. And after defeated the new trap playing penguins (more on that later) and the similar defensive style of the Bruins who supplement that with great goal-scoring the Caps showed they can beat anybody and play any style. Their team speed breaks that trap better than any other team in the East and they can win high scoring AND low scoring games… the rest of the league should be on high alert.

2. The Pittsburgh Penguins have finally figured out that with all their injuries a change in strategy is necessary and the trap is just what the doctor ordered. In casual conversation with a friend on December 12 th I mentioned the Penguins need to run a trap if only temporarily to keep themselves in games until they get some guys healthy and sure enough a month and a day later they run it and win against the Flyers. Now they have won two of three and despite all the injuries are in a playoff position. The Penguins are now a team to worry about again and once they get guys healthy the teams at the top of the standings should worry… just ask the Flyers and Rangers.

3. The San Jose Sharks beat Detroit 6-5 on Saturday. They are not going to fade away… the Western Conference has been warned.

4. The Phoenix Coyotes (yes Phoenix) is a viable team and WILL make the playoffs.

Have a great holiday everybody.

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A Bruins-Sharks Finals? Don't Count On It

January 14, 2009 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

bruins game seven loss 288x300 A Bruins Sharks Finals? Dont Count On It

Monday night the Boston Bruins defeated the Montreal Canadiens 3-1 to improve their East leading point total to 68. Later Monday night the Sharks improved their league leading total to 69 which might lead some to believe that San Jose and Boston are on a Stanley Cup Finals collision course. While clearly possible it is not going to happen, or at least I don't think it will. San Jose still has to get by the Detroit Red Wings which will not be an easy task for a number of reasons namely their experience and goal-scoring ability. Chris Osgood has struggle a bit so far despite his good record and seems to be a weakness for Detroit at the moment but if last season is any indication come playoff time that weakness will morph into a strength. The Bruins seemed to lack a weakness; they play great defense, are scoring like crazy, have great size and will probably have fresh legs come playoff time because the trap they run helps to keep players from exerting too much energy by allowing them to simply stand in the neutral zone to clog it up as the other team comes to them. But two important pieces are missing for the Bruins: one is that their coach Claude Julien has experienced very little playoff success in the NHL. Secondly, Tim Thomas has one year of playoff experience and that was last year against Montreal in a series that he did not play particularly well, enough so that the Bruins brought in Manny Frenandez because they felt Thomas could not be trusted. Not having experience in other positions hurts but when the coach and goaltender both had very little success in the playoffs it is very detrimental to a team and in this case will keep Boston from even reaching the finals. So despite the looks of things now don't count on a Bruins/Sharks finals, but Boston will make a lot of noise nevertheless in the playoffs.

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Rutuu Bites, Wild Patient, Caps Finish

January 7, 2009 by Big Tony · 2 Comments

polar bear hockey 300x213 Rutuu Bites, Wild Patient, Caps Finish

Tuesday night Jarkko Ruutu of the Ottawa Senators apparently bit Sabres' defensemen Andrew Peters in the thumb. It is awful that Ruutu did that and hopefully he is severely punished, but it is the hope of hockey fans everywhere that the casual fan will not once again only see hockey in this light (since ESPN eats stuff like this up) and think that's all that goes on in hockey. If all they did in NFL coverage was show guys getting poked in the eye or really bad facemask penalties and quarterbacks getting knocked out or guys getting paralyzed it would give football a bad name for sure but we all know that stuff does not happen frequently and the NHL should be given the same consideration. So please, if you have casual fans as friends and think this is how it is all the time please just get them to follow a number of games and they will quickly see it is not an every game occurrence.

Now to the better side of hockey and that would be two great match-ups Tuesday night between the Boston Bruins and Minnesota Wild, and the game of the night between Washington and Philadelphia. Boston was defeated 1-0 by Minnesota making it two in a row for Boston cooling off the then hottest team in the league. What is to be learned from that game is Minnesota is simply better at running the dreaded neutral zone trap than the Bruins head-to-head. Boston has been able to open up the ice to score more goals now but if other teams are paying attention Minnesota taught them a great lesson. If you slow the game down and play most of it at center ice Boston will get so frustrated because they are so hungry to score that they end up skating in circles and don't get anything going. Patience is the best way to beat Boston not trying to outscore them.

As for Washington and Philly, all that needs to be said about that at the moment is that if you're looking for the anti-Ruutu game, this was the one to watch. That game was everything that makes hockey such a great game to watch.

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Patience Needed in NHL

December 22, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

anxiety 300x219 Patience Needed in NHL

波士顿棕熊队,底特律红翼队和圣何塞鲨鱼队是仅有的三个队在NHL的全年表现出一致性的任何款项。 The Pittsburgh Penguins once upon a 6 game winning streak, and now it looks like they cannot play defense or hold a lead for the life of them. 有时多伦多却显得很强大的,有时和别人看起来非常像年轻的球队,他们是。 纽约流浪者队开始热出了大门,此后便定居下来了一点,但仍然打得很好。 阿纳海姆开始很缓慢的,但现在他们看起来非常凤凰是可怕的在一个点上,但有似乎把它在一起,成为一个更好的团队自今年年初。 Ottawa was up and down for a while got hot for a moment and now they are looking to have a fire-sale. 团队和故事陪他们不胜枚举上的点是,除在第一个句子中提到的三支球队上面,我们不知道任何人任何东西。 有恐慌在匹兹堡有多大的团队已经迷迷糊糊的,也有传言在蒙特利尔与如何穷其发挥威力是如何完善,熊玩。 底线是球员,教练,前厅经理,分析师和球迷都什么在NHL最需要的是要有耐心,一个团队,这就是存在似乎是最小的。 看到你的团队迟到一月二月上旬,然后开始恐慌。

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The Mighty… Bruins?

November 24, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

boston bruins 244x300 The Mighty... Bruins? Don't look now but the trap-playing great defense of the Boston Bruins is now accompanied by an offense that can score. The rest of the Eastern Conference needs to be on notice that the Bruins have both given up the least and scored the most goals in the league. Over the last few years the Bruins have felt a certain amount of pressure in the Boston area since they were the only team who had not won a major title and even more troubling was they were not even in contention. Head coach Claude Julien and company knew defense alone would not take them to the next level and were called upon to score more goals; boy have they ever answered that goal. With a win over division rival Montreal on Saturday the Bruins have moved into a tie for the conference lead with 32 points after only 21 games played—the Rangers also have 32 points but have played three more games than Boston. The Bruins have also been red-hot as of late winning 9 of their last 10 and are unbeaten in regulation. It is doubtful that Boston will be able to keep up this run and continue to post such big numbers, however the Bruins have proven that they are not going anywhere but up. The Northeast Division is now very much a fight between Boston and Montreal and no matter what happens no one will want to play this new-and-improved Bruins team come April.

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Short Blurbs From Around The League

November 18, 2008 by Big Tony · Leave a Comment

nhl logos poster 198x300 Short Blurbs From Around The League I want to talk about a number of things in short order so a few blurbs on league wide news:

- Do not let Tuesday's 7-2 loss fool you, these are not the same Columbus Blue Jackets from years past. People make pre-judgments about the team based on reputation only but they will make you bite your tongue when they beat your team.

- Yes, the Boston Bruins are that good. They may not dazzle you night in and night out but they play very good defense in front of Tim Thomas who is having an incredible start to the season. The Bruins will absolutely be a force throughout the season and I would NOT want to face-off against them in a best 4 of 7 series come playoff time.

- Brian Burke resigned as Anaheim Ducks GM ( shocker… ). Despite his denials he will most likely end up in Toronto and help their already ahead of schedule rebuilding process. Burke and Ron Wilson may knock heads but it will probably result in victories.

- The Chicago Blackhawks are once again relevant, THANK GOD. Not only is this great for the US since Chicago can be a great hockey town if they have a winner to support but it also serves the league well since the Winter Classic will more than likely be a competitive and intriguing game.

- The Minnesota Wild have played the fewest number of games of all teams in their division and yet they are in first place. Minnesota plays very slow-paced methodical defense that puts teams to sleep, reminds me a lot of the Devils of the mid to late 90s and early part of this decade. All New Jersey did was win 2 cups in a 4 year period and 3 in 8 years; that's good news for Wild fans.

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