WWE Superstars Dale Tres chicos una oportunidad esta semana - Plus Más

25 de agosto 2009 por AlexV · 1 Comment

Be sure to check out WWE Superstars this Thursday August 27th at 8:00pm EST on the WGN America television network.

Asegúrese de revisar WWE Superstars este jueves 27 de agosto a las 8:00 pm EST en la cadena de televisión WGN América.

En el próximo episodio de WWE Superstars la multitud se puede extraer como número uno partido decente Contender por el título Intercontinental está ocurriendo. Los combatientes son Mike Knox, Finlay y Golpe reciente verano Intercontinental Challenger Dolph Ziggler. Uno de estos hombres será la clasificación para el nuevo WWE Pay-Per-View "Breaking Point" para hacer frente a Rey Mysterio así que vamos a romper lo que está en juego.

Para Dolph Ziggler que ya sabemos. Él extendió un valiente esfuerzo contra un veterinario con experiencia en WWE Rey Mysterio en el golpe del verano. Si gana este número uno del partido con la Contender, él, sin duda, necesita vencer a Mysterio este tiempo para seguir avanzando en su notoriedad.

Para Finlay sería un lugar nuevo en el centro de atención que llamamos Pay-Per-View. Este hombre ha estado llamando a la puerta del Campeonato de la ECW, pero nunca tiene la oportunidad de ser puesto de nuevo. Tal vez una grieta en el oro Intercontinental será para él.

Por último, para Mike Knox, que le da su verdadero primer tiro en la gloria. Hasta ahora basta principalmente como un exhibicionista. Sin embargo, si alguno de ustedes recuerdan su feudo con Rey Mysterio no hace mucho tiempo entonces definitivamente hay razones para creer que podía sacar provecho de esta oportunidad.

Aparte de este evento principal, el espectáculo será con The Hurricane en un ajuste de cuentas contra Paul Burchill y un duelo muy interesante entre Primo Colon y Jack Swagger. Swagger y estilos de Colón son muy diferentes y que deben hacer para una noche interesante junto con combate el Number One Contender.

WWE Superstars mantiene el equilibrio

17 de agosto 2009 por AlexV · 1 Comment

Tune into WWE Superstars Thursday nights at 8:00pm eastern on the WGN network.

Sintonice WWE Superstars jueves por la noche a las 8:00 pm hora del este en la red WGN.

Probablemente el principal beneficio que sale de este espectáculo es la oportunidad de ver lo que normalmente sólo se tiene en ocasiones especiales (generalmente tres especiales de una hora de Monday Night RAW) o durante el proyecto de la WWE ... mixta de lucha libre de marca. Aunque esto es obviamente el beneficio comercializado, sigue siendo todo un beneficio para cualquier fan de la WWE y se merece un poco de hincapié.

Una noche que puede ser que consiga enfrentamientos mezclado con combates entre marcas, o usted podría incluso conseguir un número uno del partido con la Contender ocasional como fue el caso hace un tiempo entre Christian y Finlay. En este sentido, es una especie de fresco y yo lo ven como el espectáculo para aquellos que ven la lucha libre profesional como su tiempo pasado; sólo vamos a conseguir una buena mezcla, al azar de entretenimiento con el concurso ocasional que tiene algo en juego.

Yo no esperaría para ver Super Card enfrentamientos en este programa, pero que sin duda tienen un reproductor de Super tarjeta aquí y allá en el ring con alguien más (ver John Cena contra Ted DiBiase).

Y aparte de lo que hace el espectáculo para los aficionados que también ayuda a esas superestrellas que no está previsto que vea la acción tan a menudo como otros lo harían en Monday Night Raw, Friday Night SmackDown y ECW. Así que por eso, WWE Superstars es la televisión bastante interesante.

Cena - Triple H: Ajuste que se enfrentarán en el número 1 Contendientes Partido

30 de junio 2009 por AlexV · 1 Comment

Get ready for this again.

¡Prepárate para esto otra vez.

La próxima semana 6 de julio en Monday Night Raw John Cena y Triple H se enfrentará entre sí por tercera vez en su historia. La diferencia esta vez es que no se enfrentarán entre sí por un título, sino más bien, una oportunidad para hacer frente a Randy Orton por el Campeonato de la WWE. Cuando Triple H derrotó a MVP y Cena derrotó a la mezcla de la primera ronda de este número uno del torneo contendientes, se ganaron el derecho a luchar la próxima semana.

La primera vez que estos dos se enfrentaron fue en uno de los WrestleManias cuando Cena defendía el campeonato de WWE codiciado. Forzó el Juego a rendirse y defendió su título. La segunda vez que se enfrentaron fue Triple H que defendió su título con éxito. Ahora, ¿qué va a pasar ahora? Es sencillo. Cena va a ganar o habrá una Triple Amenaza.

No veo la WWE tener otro partido entre H y Orton, ya que acaba de conseguir agotador. Así que, en ese caso, la amenaza triple parece que el duelo más probable si la WWE está tratando de envolver el cinturón alrededor de la cintura de Triple H, una vez más, ya que parece es el caso. Así que no se sorprenda cuando estoy en lo cierto!

Reglas de la WWE Extreme Continúa el paso de las antorchas

8 de junio de 2009 por AlexV · 3 Comentarios

CM Punk does it again the only way he can... by being a punk...

CM Punk lo hace de nuevo la única forma en que puedo ... por ser un punk ...

¿Qué pasó anoche en Extreme Rules? Cuatro títulos cambiaron de manos. Esto es en realidad un poco interesante porque estoy seguro de que no sucede muy a menudo. Hemos visto un montón de pay-per-Vistas, donde los dos títulos principales (Campeonato de la WWE y el Campeonato Mundial de Peso Pesado) cambiarán de manos, pero no dos más para un total de cuatro.

El único que me preocupa es Batista derribar Randy Orton por su Campeonato de la WWE. Orton es algo de un campeón de transición. Él no está realmente defendiendo su título contra numerosos opositores, sino más bien, sigue defendiéndola contra los mismos tipos en cada temporada y luego, eventualmente pierde a uno de ellos. Eso sólo sigue haciendo su personaje se parece a un bebé peleas que nunca debió haber sido campeón en el primer lugar. Además, Batista es un meathead.

Estoy muy interesado en la decisión de Smackdown. Esto no se debe a CM Punk cobrado en su MITB, y aunque estoy citado diciendo que me encantaría ver a CM Punk en efectivo en y quizás tener Umaga deteriorado y Samoa dejarlo caer de manera que pierde su oportunidad de todos modos, (y que por desgracia nunca puede suceder porque Umaga fue lanzado hoy por razones no reveladas), estoy realmente contento con este resultado. Una de las razones ... un jugador de cara barata shotted otro jugador cara. Eso podría llevar a algunos muy buena intriga.

En cuanto al título intercontinental, no me importa mucho. Ese título siempre ha cambiado de manos con frecuencia, y es bueno ver a dos eventers principales que compiten por la misma. También estoy feliz por Tommy Dreamer. Creo que se puede decir que su esfuerzo valió la pena, pero también parece un plan de pensiones "pat-on-the-back" para un perro viejo leal.

Me gustó mucho el esfuerzo de Tommy Dreamer en el ring y pensé en él como el mejor corredor (quizás inmerecidamente así) en el negocio. Yo lo echo de menos.

Bret Hart de "tirón hacia fuera" de vuelta en el día

04 de junio 2009 por AlexV · 1 Comment

Brett Hart isn't playing around here... or is he?

Brett Hart no está jugando por aquí ... o es él?

Vea este vídeo de la televisión MAD donde Bret Hart voltea sobre Will Sasso y el resto del equipo de televisión MAD y actores. ¿Crees que es falso? Es difícil de decir en mi opinión. De hecho, la única pieza del vídeo que se ve en escena es cuando Bret Hart comienza a golpear Sasso con la silla. Gritos de Sasso suena un poco exagerado, además, el sketch se desprende como una rápida sencilla escritura hasta el fin de llevar a la explosión de ira que Bret Hart pone de manifiesto.

Ahora mire este video donde Hart y Sasso supuestamente "asientan" cosas. Ahora bien, esto por supuesto es falso. Sin embargo, usted sabe cómo en la lucha libre profesional que van a veces juegan fuera de rencores y odios reales y utilizan ese drama al creat algunos de su propio en la televisión. ¿Y quién sabe? Tal vez lo que se desarrollaba en ese episodio de MAD TV hace mucho tiempo era real y Hart, Sasso, y la señora negro "peaced" las cosas y decidió divertirse con él.

Reglas Extreme de Outlook - Parece un poco soso

29 de mayo de 2009 por AlexV · 1 Comment

This is the "face" that would make this Pay-Per-View.

Esta es la "cara" que podría hacer este pago por visión.

One Night Stand de este año, que ha sido absurdamente renombrado a "Extreme Rules," parece que cuentan con un montón de partidos con estipulaciones adicionales bajo la cubierta de un etiquetado "Extreme" (aunque nada fue peor que el cambio de nombre "FU" de John Cena a la "Ajuste de actitud").

Los partidos incluyen Campeón de la WWE Randy Orton vs Batista en una jaula de acero, el Campeón Intercontinental Rey Mysterio vs Chris Jericho en un sin tabúes partido, World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs Jeff Hardy en un partido de la escalera, la señorita Wrestlemania Santina Marella vs Vickie Guererro en un partido de la pluma de cerdo, John Cena vs Big Show en un partido de presentación, CM Punk vs Umaga en un partido de la correa de Samoa, y Campeón de ECW Christian vs Jack Swagger, vs Tommy Dreamer en una triple amenaza reglas del hardcore partido.

De todos estos partidos, solamente sin tabúes y hardcore triple amenaza son verdaderamente extrema. Creo que en honor a Tommy Dreamer este último debe ser el evento principal de la noche. Dudo que será sin embargo. Yo tampoco estoy demasiado contento con la despedida de Dreamer es una triple amenaza. Deja que el chico ir mano a mano con un hombre para su pelea final. Si desea crear verdadero drama, tienen que estar en contra de otro buen tipo ... cristiana (como el último partido de Ric Flair contra Shawn Michaels).

Si usted quiere conseguir los fans de ECW viejos interesados ​​(porque dudo que realmente nunca ser ganados), no lo hagas policía de no ir por el borde con un montón de estipulaciones matchup raras que se celebra bajo una vieja tarjeta de ECW. Oh bien.

Respuesta de RAW al conflicto Pepsi Center Booking

26 de mayo de 2009 por AlexV · 1 Comment

Vince McMahon certainly "flexed" his muscle on last night on Monda Night RAW.

Vince McMahon duda "flexionada" el músculo anoche en Monday Night RAW (y probablemente fue una de las pocas veces que el consenso querían que).

Como todos ustedes deben saber, hubo un reciente conflicto de programación entre la WWE y Denver Nuggets. Se suponía mayo 25 edición de Monday Night RAW, que se celebrará en el Centro de Denver Nuggets Pepsi hasta que los Denver Nuggets lograron llegar a las Finales de la Conferencia Oeste de la NBA. Aquí están mis pensamientos sobre la respuesta de la WWE.

La primera parte de la respuesta estaba en la abertura cuando Vince McMahon dio un paso en el ring con otro caballero vestido como propietario Nuggets Stan Kroenke. Esto incluyó McMahon dejando un poco de vapor en forma de algún tiempo de aire en vivo donde se burlaba de segundo nombre de Kroenke, Enos y rimaba con palabras como "Venus" y "genio". Él, por supuesto, eludió el "pene" obvio, pero se aseguró de hacer referencia a ella en otras palabras. También criticó el personal de los Nuggets de Denver '(probablemente por no tener las bolas para intensificar a Kroenke y decirle "Te equivocas.).

Por último, McMahon dijo algo acerca de la NBA o Nuggets "empujar" la WWE y sus aficionados y McMahon dijo "Nosotros empujamos hacia atrás!" Y apagó el infierno de que los aspirantes a Stan "Enos" Kroenke. Tengo que decir, que empuje era atronador y creo McMahon realmente quería que Kroenke sabe lo que pasaría si los dos no fueron separados por la fina línea profesional y las restricciones de las posibles sanciones de derecho de responsabilidad civil.

Por último, el principal evento contó con cinco superestrellas con camisetas de Lakers, John Cena, Batista, MVP, Jerry "The King" Lawler, y la superestrella sorpresivo regreso Ken Kennedy frente a cinco hombres en jerseys Nuggets (todos los chicos malos) Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase , Cody Rhodes, The Miz y Big Show. Esto no era más que la pelea por equipos estándar que Monday Night Raw le encanta tener aparentemente cada semana, pero con las estrellas que llevan camisetas de la NBA.

Así que, en definitiva, la primera parte era decente, mientras que el segundo le faltaba ningún golpe.

WWE Monday Night RAW y Pepsi Center Madness

20 de mayo de 2009 por AlexV · 1 Comment

Who get to crack open that big can of Pepsi Center?!

Quién llegar a abrir una grieta en esa gran lata de Pepsi Center!

Los dobles reservas de la WWE y de la NBA para el lunes 25 de mayo en el Centro Pepsi Colorado Denver han creado una gran expectativa generalizada en todo el país. La mayoría de la gente está simpatizar con la WWE, y deberían.
Si la WWE reservó el lugar primero (como es el caso), entonces debería ser su lugar. Esa compañía tiene que realizar el lunes por la noche, por lo que nos reservaron el sitio con tanta antelación. El hecho de que hay un montón más ediciones de Monday Night RAW que vienen como opuesto a Los Ángeles Lakers frente a los juegos de playoffs Denver Nuggets no significa que la NBA tiene prioridad sobre la WWE.
Hace unas semanas, durante los playoffs de la NHL, Mellon Arena de Pittsburgh tenía un conflicto de programación que involucra los pingüinos de oriundos y Washington Capitals segundo juego la segunda ronda partido siendo reservado doble con un concierto de Yanni. Yanni reservado primero, y los pingüinos y Capitales tuvo que jugar dos noches seguidas. ¿A quién culpar? Los planificadores de la NHL para vistas del calendario del lugar. Así que ¿quién culpa en el caso descrito en este artículo? Los planificadores de la NBA para la vista del calendario del Pepsi Center.
Creo que una cosa que debe trabajar a favor de la WWE es el reconocimiento reciente que han recibido de organizaciones como ESPN, CNN, e incluso algunos de los "Buenos días" shows. Tradicionalmente han sido considerados como un circo por muchos, pero cada vez más al público en general y las organizaciones por igual están empezando a reconocerlos como una verdadera organización profesional.
Esperemos que la WWE obtendrá su show, y lo más probable es que no sé cómo la gente se sentiría acerca Martes Night RAW, o incluso Miércoles Night RAW desde ECW se transmite los martes. Podría ser interesante, pero podría estar equivocado.

Hacer cosas interesantes - tenga CM Punk perder después de cobrar en dinero en el banco

4 de mayo de 2009 por AlexV · 2 Comentarios

For two years in a row he's Money In The Bank. But for two years in a row, him using it for cheap title reign is old.

Durante dos años consecutivos que es dinero en el banco. Pero durante dos años consecutivos, lo usarlo por un reinado barato es viejo.

Parece que la Pepsi logo tatuaje cargado de CM Punk, también conocido como dinero en el Punk, tiene tantas ganas de vivir de acuerdo con su nombre un año más al convertirse en campeón como un punk. El año pasado, Punk aprovechó golpe de Batista abajo del borde en el segmento de apertura de un episodio de Monday Night RAW la noche después de un Pay-Per-View, que vio Edge tramposo como un Heffer madre acaba de ganarle. En el momento, World Heavyweight Champion Edge estaba "incapacitado". Luego salió el mayor punky de todo ... CM Punk, cobrar su dinero en el banco, la administración de un GTS, y marcando la caída pin para convertirse en uno de los más ligeros de Campeones de peso pesado en reciente historia de la WWE. Lo que una vasija de barro, y lo que un punk.

El pasado viernes en Smackdown, CM Punk estaba buscando sacar provecho de su maletín de nuevo. Tarjeta de duelo La noche ya había Punk frente Edge en un concurso de exposición en el evento principal. Punk luego hizo una estipulación en caso de ganar el partido, que iba a instante en efectivo en su dinero en el banco, golpeó un GTS, y luego la clavija que el punk (no a sí mismo). Sin embargo, poco después de que CM Punk consiguió Edge para ir a dormir, Umaga entró y le azotó antes del anillo frío árbitro la campana para iniciar el partido.

Aquí está la cosa. No me importa demasiado a menudo cuando los luchadores limo su camino en oportunidades de título y reinados. De hecho, creo que es bastante gracioso. Sin embargo, cuando el hombre se denominó la superestrella de las cosas sigue haciendo, yo no veo cómo ayuda a su reputación. CM Punk es una bastante grande favorito de los fans, pero cuando él sigue weaseling su camino en títulos como este, me siento su personaje pierde el respeto. Debido a esto, espero que cuando finalmente lo hace efectivo en su oportunidad que él tornillos para arriba. Espero que quien intenta precisar sus contadores GTS con su propia unidad de acabado, y lo pone fuera de combate por un pasador rápido. Y no importa lo que piensen los demás, que probablemente va a pasar con el tiempo a uno de los ganadores de dinero en el Banco sólo para mantener las cosas impredecibles. Sólo espero que le sucede a CM Punk.

Nuevo campeón Randy Orton defiende Campeonato de la WWE contra Batista en Judgment Day

1 de mayo de 2009 por AlexV · 4 Comentarios

Prepare for Judement Day Sunday May 19th on Pay-Per-View or whatever website you can stream it off of.

Prepárese para el día Judement Domingo 19 de mayo en Pay-Per-View o cualquier sitio web que usted puede transmitir fuera de.

Después de Dave Batista prácticamente costó Triple H su Campeonato WEE en Backlash el 26 de abril cuando casi consiguió su equipo descalificado levantando una silla y que llevó a Triple H para detenerlo, Batista ahora tiene la oportunidad de enfrentarse contra el Sr. Randy Orton. Tal vez la causa de esta cadena de eventos fue lo mejor que le pudo haber pasado a Batista, ya que le ganó un partido Number One Contender contra el Big Show en el más reciente Monday Night RAW que ganó (gracias a John Cena). Ahora Batista tiene una oportunidad inmediata para recuperar el cinturón que lo que pierde una vez más ... pero lo hará él? Probablemente no.

Es demasiado temprano para Orton perder su título, y creo que un mes tramo de la supremacía pocos que está reservado para él. El personaje de Orton se ha construido demasiado alto para él para entrar en una fase de transición. A decir verdad, creo que esta saga termina con un último partido contra Triple H algún lugar del camino.

Con todo, debe ser un partido decente. No creo que estos dos chicos se pelearon a cabo demasiadas veces y tal vez nunca. Espere ver muchos movimientos contrarrevolucionarios atronador y una aparición por el equipo de Legacy (Cody Rhodes y Ted DiBiase).

WWE está sirviendo calientes Títulos

28 de abril de 2009 por AlexV · 2 Comentarios

Titles are going around like hot cakes baby!

Títulos van por ahí como pasteles bebé caliente!

En el último año los dos títulos principales de la WWE, el Campeonato Mundial Peso Pesado de la WWE y el Campeonato han ido cambiando las manos con bastante frecuencia convirtiendo a todos en campeones de transición. Es casi enloquecedor.

El año pasado en Smackdown el título de la WWE fue de ida y vuelta entre Edge, Triple H y Jeff Hardy, incluso tuvo una breve temporada como campeón. Y usted sabe que estaría bien si el otro espectáculo (Monday Night RAW) tenía un poco más de un campeón consistente. Pero desde que Chris Jericho arrancó el Campeonato Mundial Peso Pesado de Batista, que sólo se conservó el título durante una semana, hasta que el título ha rebotado alrededor como una patata caliente; En primer lugar, Cena regresó de una lesión y tiene la correa de Jericó. Lo sostuvo por unos buenos dos o tres meses, y luego lo perdió de nuevo a Edge en el Elimination Chamber. Luego, alrededor de un mes más tarde, Cena gana de nuevo fuera de Edge en Wrestlemania 25 sólo para perderlo Domingo de nuevo ayer en el contragolpe.

Aunque muchos de estos cambios de título han hecho para algunas interesantes Pay-Per Views, se plantea una pregunta clave (al menos para mí). ¿Cuál es el punto de Wrestlemania? Wrestlemania se supone que es "el mayor evento" como el WWE le gusta decirlo. Pero si usted tiene dos competidores, Cena y Triple H, ganando y defendiendo sus títulos, respectivamente, en el "escenario más grande, sólo para perder los títulos de un mes más tarde a los mismos chicos que se enfrentaron en Wrestlemania ... entonces ¿cuál es el punto? Yo pienso en la meca de todos WWE Pay-Per Vistas a ser el fin de todo-ser-todo. Sin embargo, cuando Cena gana el título y la WWE hace una gran cantidad de la forma en que se llevó a cabo el Big Show y Edge, al mismo tiempo, entonces pierde 30 días más tarde, y el feudo Triple H y Orton no se resuelve en el enfrentamiento final de la temporada de WWE, entonces es casi como ganar en Wrestlemania no tiene carácter definitivo a la misma.

Y tal vez eso no es lo que está destinado a ser. Pero si esto sigue así, al menos en mi mente, tiene Wrestlemania parece simplemente otro WWE Pay-Per View.

Reflexiones sobre WWE Draft de este año

14 de abril de 2009 por AlexV · 3 Comentarios

wwe draft logo Thoughts on This Year’s WWE Draft

Ayer por la noche en Monday Night RAW de la WWE "sacudió las cosas" como lo han estado pidiendo que mediante la celebración de un proyecto en el que cualquier luchador aleatorio puede llegar a ser elaborado entre las tres marcas de RAW, Smackdown y ECW (en orden de importancia, por supuesto, ). A pesar de que el proyecto es una vasija completa donde casi siempre se ven grandes nombres vienen de regreso a RAW como Batista y Rey Mysterio hizo el año pasado, y corredores zoquete como Vladimir Koslov (sólo draft de ECW) ir a la tierra de extrema, sigue siendo interesante.

Pensé que era una gran idea para obtener Jericó y Mysterio a Smackdown ahora que Triple H está de vuelta en RAW debido a un simple gran razón; cada aspirante al título en Smackdown ahora en realidad parece que Matchup. De hecho, el único hombre que no coincide con hasta otros que las otras superestrellas verdaderas (Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Edge, y quizás algunos otros) es Kane quien también fue redactado de RAW a Smackdown. Ninguno de esos tipos sería mucho más que campeones de transición, siempre y cuando Triple H estaban alrededor. Además, Kane es un vago y puede ser utilizado para crear algunos "David contra Goliat" partidos Tipo impresionantes. Y honestamente, no vamos a empezar a trabajar en Great Khali. Él podría ser lanzado en agitar algunas calificaciones, pero ningún título para él. También creo que los movimientos dar paso a tipos como Shelton Benjamin y R Verdad.

Shelton Benjamin

Shelton Benjamin

Otra cosa que me gustó fue el cambio entre los títulos intermedios; Rey Mysterio toma título intercontinental de Smackdown, y MVP toma Campeonato de Estados Unidos a RAW como fue reclutado de Smackdown anoche. En verdad, creo que el título de Estados Unidos es el cinturón buscando más dulce de toda la WWE y se verá mucho mejor en RAW que en Smackdown. Por último, tienes que astilla del gran bloque barbilla Vladimir Koslov Más en la ciencia ficción en la que puede desechar hasta unos cuantos partidos y hacer otros como Cristiano, Jack Swagger, Finlay y lucir bien. No me importaría ver Koslov van en ella con Tommy Dreamer tampoco.

Con todo, creo que fue un proyecto decente, y no había realmente muchos scratchers cabeza. Bastante bueno WWE trabajo.

Backlash Características Heavyweight New World Champion John Cena vs Edge en Last Man Standing Match

10 de abril 2009 por AlexV · Deja tu comentario

Time to "duke it up" one more time... Cena and Edge style!

Es hora de "duque it up" una vez más ... Cena y estilo Edge!

Lamento decir esto y me siento muchos no cabrito fans acérrimos pueden estar en desacuerdo, pero esto último hombre de pie combate entre John Cena y Edge es un éxito de taquilla. No me importa lo que digan, porque aunque la espalda cuando la primera vez que estos dos feuded, los partidos eran muchas veces agotador y brutal, y con una estipulación último hombre de pie, debería ser el mismo.

Incluso recuerdo el tiempo después de la primera pelea terminó cuando los dos se coincida aleatoriamente. Era casi una delicia de ver debido a la historia de su historia. Y lo mejor de todo fue que la coreografía exudaba esta insertando un montón de ataque y lucha libre estera maniobras en las peleas.

Ahora los dos se duque a cabo para ver quién es el último hombre de pie y la intriga para este partido es el mismo de siempre; Cena trata de que oportunistas molestos, Edge. Será interesante ver cómo salen las cosas después si el esperado (Cena ganadora) que realmente sucede. ¿Qué va a Vickie Guererro hacer para mantener su "querido" en la pelea por el Campeonato Mundial Peso Pesado? Y se Cena y Edge va a crear una segunda parte de su feudo?

No puedo esperar para averiguarlo.

Reflexiones sobre Wrestlemania 25

06 de abril 2009 por AlexV · Deja tu comentario

Wrestlemania was more like "Wrestle-shittyia."

Wrestlemania era más como "Wrestle-shittyia."

Tengo que decir que después de gastar $ 54,99 o lo que fuera en Wrestlemania que yo no estaba muy impresionado. Ninguno de los partidos parecía tener mucho brillo, y algunos parecían terminar un poco más rápido también. Con todo, al igual que los últimos años han sido, fue un poco decepcionante a veces.

Un partido que realmente parece haber perdido su borde es el dinero en el Banco Ladder Match. Creo que viendo siete chicos tratan de conseguir un maletín en la parte superior de la escalera en el medio del ring pasa de moda después de un tiempo, incluso si sólo ocurre una vez al año. Sin embargo, es especialmente repetitivo cuando una vez más hay un puñado de concursantes que estamos absolutamente sabemos que no va a ganar el partido.

Otro partido que dejó un sabor amargo en la boca era el partido entre los dos Hardy. En primer lugar, yo no estaba completamente cautivado por la historia que lleva en el duelo. Siento que era demasiado pronto y demasiado forzado sobre nosotros los espectadores. Eso por sí solo acaba de hacer el partido unadmirable, y con Matt Hardy ganarlo no ofreció ninguna de cierre a la saga de hermanos-odio como un evento del calibre de Wrestlemania debería.

Pero la mayor decepción de todo fue el segundo evento principal, que era el título de la WWE, y también el respeto, entre Triple H y Randy Orton. Ahora me voy a dar el partido algo de crédito, porque H y Orton mostraron su "disgusto" por una sola otra por la perforación a la mierda de los demás cuando un hombre tenía la otra hacia abajo y casi conseguir descalificado cada vez, pero debido a su longitud y final impuntual, tengo que dar que uno con el pulgar hacia abajo.

Me pregunto lo que piensen los demás.

Wrestlemania 25 Predicciones

31 de marzo 2009 por AlexV · Deja tu comentario

Esta es una pregunta difícil. But, I guess the gut has to go with Jeff Hardy.

JBL vs. Rey Mysterio for the Intercontinental Title

Looks like Rey Mysterio should be the next Intercontinental title holder if the WWE wants to shake things up on RAW.

Edge vs. Big Show vs. John Cena for World Heavyweight Championship

Cena has to win. Edge and Big Show are involved in that disgusting love triangle, and John Cena needs to be a champion.

Triple H vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Championship

I have to call one upset. And I feel Orton winning is a bit of an upset. I think the WWE really wants to shock us.

Shawn Michaels Looks to Break Record at this year's Wrestlemania

28 de marzo 2009 por AlexV · Deja tu comentario

16-0 vs nothing never sounded so sweet.

El ir para 17-0 con nada tangible a ser nunca más ganado sonaba tan dulce.

El 25 de abril en Wrestlemania de este año, HBK buscará romper un nuevo récord ... ni a su propio pesar. Michaels se retirará al ring cuadrado para enfrentarse contra el Undertaker y su récord de 16-0 en Wrestlemania. Este combate parece ser uno de los aspectos más destacados en el evento de este año, y que debería ser un gran partido.

Ya sabes cómo la WWE le gusta hacer partidos pasan mucho tiempo cada vez que están siendo catalogado como la máxima categoría. Esto definitivamente está siendo tratada como tal por lo que esperan numerosos pin cerca cae, algunos grandes contadores, y las salidas de patada después de terminar jugadas. No puedo ni imaginar lo salvaje será si Shawn Michaels en realidad era capaz de patear fuera de una lápida en un punto.

En cuanto a las predicciones van, la elección más segura parece ser el Undertaker. Sería una gran cosa si su récord es finalmente frustrado, sin embargo, sería un poco repentina si Shawn Michaels fuera a ser el uno para hacerlo. No es como si estos dos hombres han estado peleando desde hace mucho tiempo, por lo que es difícil entender por qué Michaels sería simplemente entrar en Wrestlemania y la mano Undertaker su primera derrota allí. No puedo ver que eso suceda.

Así, una vez más, le espera un gran partido, pero al final, simplemente no parece apropiado para el empresario de pompas fúnebres que perder de esta manera.

Randy Orton es un mún hombre

25 de marzo 2009 por AlexV · 1 Comment

These two men will be going toe to toe on April 5th, 2009 at Wrestlemania 25.

Estos dos hombres se van mano a mano, el 5 de abril de 2009 a Wrestlemania 25.

Randy Orton está empujando el sobre de su carácter. En el pasado lunes por la noche crudo que DDT'd Stephanie McMahon, que era increíble. No sólo él llamo a salir una vez con un RKO, pero regresa de nuevo y muestra Triple H que él no andar por ahí poniendo su fuera de servicio con otro movimiento duro.

Incluso cada vez que estaba flotando por encima de ella mientras que ella fue presentada en el lienzo era de una manera marginal. Pero para ser sincero, estoy contento de que alguien tiene las cosas para tirar algo así fuera. Parece que cada vez esta Wrestlemania empieza a sentirse como que va a ser suave que el enfrentamiento entre Triple H y Randy Orton es mantener las cosas interesantes.

Supongo que una de las razones principales para esto es que esta es una de las primeras veces en mucho tiempo que un ajuste de cuentas es para el Campeonato de la WWE. Es el título más codiciado en toda la WWE, y sin embargo, su partido se basa más en la tumultuosa relación de los dos personajes encarnados por Hunter Helmsley y Randal Orton.

Pensar en ello.

Neither of the two has bickered over who is the strongest man, and who will be holding onto the title for a long time to come. The only thing this storyline is about is who the better man is. And that… “that's cool.”

World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania Could be one of the Better Ones

March 17, 2009 by AlexV · 1 Comment

I can't wait for the Triple Threat World Heavyweight Championship match on April 5th at Wrestlemania this year. I think it's gonna be absolutely great. After thinking it over a little harder, even though the Wrestlers have been seen in the ring together before, and the culmination of this match happened rather quickly, based on pure choreographical entertainment, this match could be tough. All three of the Wrestlers have a lot of in-ring entertainment qualities.

Let's start with the Champion. Edge has been dubbed the Ultimate Opportunist. I don't care what anybody says. That jerk can wrestle! How many times did he pull of a sweet counter against the Undertaker in last year's Wrestlemania match? It had to be about eight times. Plus his spear, although a very common move, is still a devastating one and almost always looks awesome whenever he hits it.

Don't count out this crazy broad to get in the "middle" of things either.

No contar en esta loca amplio para conseguir en el "medio" de las cosas tampoco.

The Big Show es también una buena deleitó al público. Él es un hombre grande, duro, brutal, y calvo. Él tiene el chokeslam, y cuando se puede levantar a nadie tan alto como le sea posible, los siempre se ven atronador. Now he's added the “right hand” which is nothing more than a right jab/hook which is acted out by the receivers to look like the hardest punch since any of Mike Tyson's.

Finally, there's John Cena. His in-ring ability has always been the subject of criticism. His only true body slamming ability is the one side slam he tends to deliver in every match right after his two straight shoulder lunges. Even though his repertoire could use more moves, he will still be in the ring with two hard-nosed heel characters. And really, he has always had the ability to look like he is putting forth a hard-earned effort whenever he is in the ring, which is how I think he makes up for his wrestling ability.

I think this is the one match that should not be overlooked by the “WWE Universe,” as I'm sure it won't. It probably won't be the last of the two main events, as I'm sure with the way things are unfolding, that slot will be left for Triple H and Randy Orton for the WWE championship.

Former WWE Superstar Test is Dead

March 15, 2009 by AlexV · 5 Comments

And another relatively young pro wrestler goes down.

And another relatively young pro wrestler goes down.

I went onto the WWE's website this morning and to my shock, the head article was that Test, former WWE Superstar and Motley Crue body guard, had passed away. I must say that after a good five seconds I was not surprised at all that another pro wrestler, whose last in-ring action was as recent as 2007, is dead. What angers me is the way the WWE attempts to commemorate his “passing” away.

The headline on their website reads “Test Passes Away” as if to suggest that the guy was 80 years old or something. Why the hell would they use that verbiage for a guy that couldn't be more than 42 years of age? He obviously has “passed” by some cause that the WWE doesn't want to get any bad press for.

What doesn't sit well with me even more is the WWE's half-hearted effort with a literally one paragraph article about the man. And they say they extend their “deepest condolences” to the Test family. I doubt the WWE even knows his damn family.

I'm not going to lie. I love pro wrestling. But some of the stuff they do is just way too obvious, and I'm not talking about the show itself. And even though Test was not one of the biggest headliners, and we still don't know for sure how he left our world, he still deserves a little more than the obituary-like comments that his former employers gave him.

Money in the Bank Just got a Whole lot More Predictable

March 11, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

a ladder match for money Money in the Bank Just got a Whole lot More Predictable

If you take a quick look at the contestants for this year's Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania then that's all you'll need. The entrants are CM Punk, last year's winner, Mark Henry, Kane, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingston, and Christian Cage. Time to round out the “definitely-nots,” the “maybes,” and the one “should be.”

The first and easiest definitely not would have to be Mark Henry. I don't know how a 400+ pound fat man is going to climb a ladder whose steps might just break under his weight. And to be purely analytical, there is just no luster in The World's Strongest Man's game anymore.

Number two would have to be Kane. He is nothing more than a freak show like the Great Khali, where at best, they have one, maybe two championship reigns in the early-goings of their careers when their limited array of wrestling moves and ugly mugs still have some selling power.

A “middle maybe” could be MVP since it's been a while since he's won, and that would be a huge surprise. He hasn't been able to draw much attention on Smackdown like the WWE intended, but perhaps a Money In The Bank victory might be a last ditch effort for the people booking his matches.

The “maybes” are Shelton Benjamin, CM Punk, and Kofi Kingston. Since Shelton's move to Smackdown he has beaten Matt Hardy for the US Title and held it for about three quarters of a year. What's even more is that he has notably been bulking up and expanding his arsenal of wrestling moves with a little extra mic time to boot. He could be a superstar that the WWE is grooming, and with his increased size, he would be a more believable WWE or World Heavyweight Champion at this point in his career.

Speaking of champions, CM Punk, who won the brief case last year could have a chance to repeat. Eventually, someone will have to win this event twice which is a gimmick that the WWE likes to use to create history (ie Stone Cold wining three Royal Rumbles, and Undertaker's 16-0 record at Wrestlemania). Punk would not be a bad choice for this page in wrestling history, even if his title reign as champion was used as a tool to bring back a title to Monday Night RAW.

As for Kingston, he is a showman and people like him. But perhaps as time goes on, he'll be nothing more than that and a consistent Intercontinental Title holder.

Now for mister “should be”… Christian Cage. Even though he has only been back for around two months, he is easily the biggest superstar of all those in this contest. If the WWE wants to continue to make this match intriguing, he probably should win. But the main reason he is the favorite is that most likely the WWE made an agreement with him that he would become a champion within the first year of his contract.

And that's a lot more than he's had for a good while on TNA!

It's Official: World Heavyweight Championship Will be a Triple Threat

March 10, 2009 by AlexV · 1 Comment

wwe pic of payperview It’s Official: World Heavyweight Championship Will be a Triple Threat

Last night on RAW, the bookers put the final stamping on the battle for Smackdown's title, and added John Cena to the match (as if that wasn't inevitable). The WWE's attempt to convince us that Cena had a good reason to be added by Vickie Guererro was quite comical. “Apparently” Cena exposed a steamy love affair between the Big Show and Guerrero, but before doing so, he used it as black mail to be entered into the match. I guess that shows the bratty side of Cena's character: blackmail the acting General Manager into placing you in a high-profile bout, wait until it's official, then expose your bargaining chip anyway. Even though this plotline is intriguing (yet unoriginal even for the WWE's standards), I feel many fans may agree that they are being short-changed by this turn out.

I think for the most part, everyone knows that Wrestlemania this year would not have been the same thing without mister Cena headlining. However, the storyline is not juicy enough for a Wrestlemania. The outcome is painfully obvious with that being Cena coming out victorious. But even with its apparent conclusion, things are not what they seem.

At the previous Pay-Per View, No Way Out, Cena looked flat out like a scrub. When he was released from his chamber, he showed off a few of his moves in one volley of positive momentum as if he had been down-graded to an up-and-coming superstar, and then received three straight finishers; a Code Breaker from Chris Jericho, a 619 from Rey Mysterio, and finally a spear from Edge who pinned him right after. So, it's not as if Cena had been cheated when he lost his title. He lost it fair and square, and Edge's last minute entry into that Elimination Chamber doesn't have anything to do with that. And that's fine. I like a little twist every now and then, and I don't think I would be alone in saying that no one expected Cena to get bounced from a match so quickly, especially being the one defending the title.

However, if the WWE is trying to make it look like Cena deserved to be in that spot I just do not see it. This storyline is nothing more than a big dumb brute (Big Show), a spoiled brat (Edge), and a knucklehead punk (Cena) all claiming they deserve the title, with neither having some kind of destiny-filled storyline befitting a Wrestlemania. They're just three little kids in the schoolyard bickering about who is the best and who ought to be starting quarterback.

Overall I feel the decision for the match being a Triple Threat just goes to show the lack of star power that the WWE has right now when most of the same people who head-lined last year's event are doing it all over again this time around.

Thoughts on Big Show vs. Edge's for World Heavyweight Championship Title at Wrestlemania

March 3, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

WWEs John Cena

WWE's John Cena

Last night on Monday Night RAW, Vickie Guerrero finally honored Cena's contractual obligations by giving him his rematch against Edge. However, Edge did what he's always done, what he's done since he got to Smackdown, and what he did in his first feud with Cena… cheat.

I'm all for cheating in the WWE. It's kniving, clever, and keeps stories interesting. You can't wait until that guy finally gets caught, or he defends his title with stipulations where the title changes hands on disqualifications. And a lot of the time I even like seeing a guy get screwed over by some cheating too. But this time it was too obvious and so unoriginal it was a slap in the face to the so-called WWE Universe.

Edge didn't cheat in any special way. He did what many champion cheaters do and that's use their belt as a weapon. It just puzzles me. Why would the WWE restart a feud that lasted quite a long time already the first time around, and rehash the same tricks as the last time?

Now the bookers are trying to fool us by having Vickie Guerrero, acting RAW General manager, name Big Show as number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. That's crap. Nobody is going to believe that outside of the little kids who still think it's real. If this Wrestlemania matchup does not get altered somehow by the time it goes live, I will be astounded. And if it actually does end up being the Big Show and Edge, I will be forced to predict something unprecedented to happen.

For now though, my prediction will be that Cena somehow will qualify for the match and it will be a Triple Threat. We'll see though.

Why TNA Stinks

February 25, 2009 by AlexV · 71 Comments

kurt angle brock lesnar 450x450 Why TNA Stinks

En este día y edad, la WWE tiene un gran rival. Que el rival se llama TNA. Y es una mierda.

Voy a escribir este artículo para los que saben más o menos por cada franquicia en la lucha libre profesional. Para aquellos de ustedes que saben, TNA tenía un tramo sólida del éxito y la intriga en sus líneas de la historia no hace mucho tiempo, cuando tenían chicos como Jay Lethal y AJ Styles ganando cierta notoriedad.

Pero ahora, son un montón de vagos que se ejecutan en sus últimos coletazos. Siguen tratando de atraer a estrellas de la WWE descontentos que ir a su espectáculo, y una vez que lo hacen, inmediatamente hacer un impacto sobre el talento de TNA de cosecha propia.

¿Recuerdas cuando Kurt Angle fue primero en la escena? ¿Que hizo? Se enfrentó al invicto Samoa Joe para el "lo que sea" el título que lo llaman allí y ganaron. Lo que es aún más es que los chicos con mucho potencial como AJ Styles habían sido relegados al seguidor deber detrás de Cristiano ... otro ex pilar de la WWE.

Es estúpido pequeños movimientos desesperados como este que hacen TNA parezca que puede disminuyendo hacia abajo. Una cosa que no soporto es su coreografía partido. A veces parece que los luchadores están tan ocupados haciendo volteretas y movimientos que muestran su capacidad atlética, pero cuando hacen un golpe a alguien es demasiado increíble. El único tipo que hace movimientos locos como esa en la WWE es Rey Mysterio, cuando él voltea tipos como Kane únicamente con la fuerza de sus piernas envueltas alrededor del cuello de su oponente.

De todas formas, TNA pasará a la fuerza, ya que no tienen fe en la construcción de sus propios hombres, y siguen tratando de atraer a los veterinarios de la WWE como Angle, Christian, Booker T, Rhino, Sting, y otros para aumentar sus puntuaciones (Parece Cristiano wised y salió).

Ah, y alguien tiene que introducir Shark Boy a Stone Cold. No creo que a él le gustaría pequeño "Ass" Shark Boy demasiado.

Undertaker Goes For 17-0

February 21, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

ministrytwo1x7 Undertaker Goes For 17 0

On April 5th one thing is for sure at Wrestlemania. Undertaker will be fighting to stay undefeated. As many people already know, the Undertaker, aka the Phenom, is undefeated at Wrestlemanias with a perfect record of 16-0. On the next edition of Monday Night Raw, JBL and Shawn Michaels will be facing off for the chance to end that streak.

All I can say is the Undertaker is most likely going to stay undefeated. But please God do not let him stay so against JBL. He has absolutely no chance to pull something like this off. And I mean that in real life or by story line.

First of all, even Shawn Michaels is a stretch to just abruptly beat this record, and then JBL… c'mon. He will go down so hard with a choke slam, a tombstone, and whatever else the Undertaker can do.

Now, if his opponent does happen to be Shawn Michaels, who it should be, there is still some doubt for the Undertaker. As long as it's Michaels and 'Taker, the match should be intriguing even though it's almost certain that either of the two would lose to Undertaker. We'll see .

No Way Out: Titles Change Hand

February 19, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

nwo2009ppvposter No Way Out: Titles Change Hand

How about this unpredictable No Way Out Pay-Per View? Both the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championships changed hands in the elimination chambers, thoroughly setting up an intriguing card for Wrestlemania.

Now that the Game is back in the main event of Wrestlemania, who can the WWE put him in the ring with to actually make things interesting. Triple H is great, and necessary for the WWE to succeed, but he's getting old as a Wrestlemania main eventer. But even then, with all of the sporadic title changes going on, who even knows if he'll be headlining it.

As for Edge, what the heck man? Why does he get to have the RAW title? Eso no tiene sentido. I mean, it's kind of interesting, but sometimes the WWE likes to bend the rules of their own game too often. I can't even begin to think who he should be facing at Wrestlemania.

I doubt it would be Orton, even though a heel vs. heel match would be interesting. Orton would most likely wrestle Triple H of course due to their Evolution background. But that wouldn't be too entertaining. Those times were way too long ago.

Whatever the WWE decides to do for the big show this year, I say it will either be highly disappointing or greatly unprecedented.

Ric Flair Makes an Appearance on Monday Night RAW

February 9, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

 Ric Flair Makes an Appearance on Monday Night RAW

What's up with Ric Flair stepping back into the ring for an episode of Monday Night RAW ? I wonder if there's some sort of storyline they are trying to develop, but if so, it can't be that good. It kind of also means that some of what Chris Jericho was getting on him about tonight is true.

To open up RAW Ric Flair got into the ring and started riling up the crowd. Nothing really memorable was said here, and nothing that hinted at a possible storyline for the future or Wrestlemania. He just kept assuring the crowd that he would not return to the ring but that he still loved the business. Then comes in Jericho, bashing him about being a sellout and contemplating how long it would take Flair to return to the ring.

Jericho also went as far as to accuse Flair of living the life of the character that Mickey Rourke portrayed in the move “The Wrestler.” Finally, Flair couldn't take it anymore and he cold-clocked Jericho in the face and onto the canvas.

Whatever Flair's “return” means, I still don't see the point of it. Even if he says he's no sellout, does his “storyline story” really mean anything? But it probably does comes down to just a 50+ living cash cow coming back to do his thing.

The Nature Boy Rick Flair is under arrest! (Feb 2009)

February 3, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Nature Boy Mugshot

Nature Boy Mugshot

I am putting Rick Flair under citizens arrest, for being sooooo old and still some how finding a way to get back on Raw…Next week this guy is going to get in to a big battle with who else but Chris Jericho. Honestly, I hope that this doesn't mean “The Nature boy” comes out of retirement and I have to watch his wrinkly butt attempt to bang with the likes of Jericho. He can't possibly think it is worth it, can he? All Jericho did was say that he was washed up. Is it really worth it? I mean he'll probobly get his head kicked in or something like that. Either way, I really never liked Ric Flair so maybe I am just really biased. All I know is next week on Raw you may see the rebirth and death of a legend, so stay tuned in and “WooooOOOOOoo!”

John Cena Defends World Heavyweight Title at Royal Rumble vs. JBL

January 20, 2009 by AlexV · 2 Comments

John Cena... The Champ is truly here.

John Cena... The Champ is truly here.

It's time for some rivalry renewal this year at the Royal Rumble. These two have fought already in 2008, but not for any titles like they did when Cena won his first ever WWE Championship. They had their New York Parkling Lot Brawl match, and a few other scuffles in the summer of 2008. Now the tides have turned and JBL's got a lot more than swagger in his corner. He has his newest “employee” in Shawn Michaels.

Having Michaels playing puppet for JBL certainly heightens the intrigue of this match. If it had just been JBL by himself going up against John Cena, the obvious outcome would be Cena holding his title. Now with Shawn Michaels in the fray, things could definitely be interesting.

One would certainly have to think that a late Sweet Chin Music by HBK toward the end of the match could end up costing Cena his title, especially after what transpired during the contract signing on Monday Night Raw this week.

John Cena was trying to explain to Michaels that he still saw the good in him. Michaels didn't even flinch, showing no hint that maybe he'll change his ways at the Rumble, and then followed that attitude up with a tough punch to Cena's face. This then resulted in a super clothesline, or “Clothesline From Hell” as JBL likes to call it, from the Texas, excuse me, New York redneck.

Now for prediction time. I look for a bunch of momentum changes to occur in this match as usual. Cena may even take a Super Kick from HBK, but it'll be while JBL is on the mat, giving Cena just enough time to regain his strength and kick out. After that, with a little more fighting, I see Michaels going for another Super Kick, Cena getting out of the way somehow, and then Cena capitalizing on this good fortune by picking up the pinfall.

It's a great storyline, but I still think it's too early for Cena to lose his belt this early in his title reign.

Royal Rumble 2009 is Upon Us: But Who Will Win?

January 19, 2009 by AlexV · 6 Comments

royal rumble sportsroids Royal Rumble 2009 is Upon Us: But Who Will Win?

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Jeff Hardy Supplants the Big Show on Friday Night Smackdown in Non-Title Action

December 28, 2008 by AlexV · 2 Comments

She is so friggin hot.

This is Maryse. And she is so friggin hot.

On last Friday Night Smackdown, it appeared that a feud might be brewing between Jeff Hardy and Big Show. The kind of feud that starts off with the champion, Hardy, losing a few times to the Big Show, but inevitably ends with Jeff Hardy retaining his title to further build up the drama of the moment when he actually does.


But to my surprise, Smackdown did things a little different this time. They had Hardy actually beat the Big Show. Although the victory wasn't without question as Hardy won by count-out, it still makes things fairly interesting for the next few episodes of Smackdown as we still do not know who will be Hardy's opponent for the Royal Rumble.


Another interesting tidbit is the fact that there may be three Divas matches at the Rumble. First, there is the obvious Monday Night Raw, Women's Championship match that may take place. Second, Maryse just beat Michelle McCool on Friday night to become Divas Champion, so she too could be defending her title at the Royal Rumble. Third, in the match that Maryse won, Maria was the guest referee, and Michelle McCool decided to take out her frustrations of losing on Maria.


So the WWE is attempting to create a somewhat “gripping” women's feud, and surprisingly, this one isn't all that bad. And I mean, that's pretty cool but then again not really. Don't get me wrong. The Divas are really hot and they are truly great eye-candy, but most of the time as soon as one their matches begins, the “God please let this end” woes ensue. Tune in to see what the hell unfolds!


Predictions for John Cena's Opponent at the 2009 Royal Rumble

December 23, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

John Cena's time may be now. But not to lose his title at the Royal Rumble. But let's see who he might face!

John Cena's time is now, but it's not his time to lose at the Royal Rumble. But let's see who he might face anyway!

After the December 22nd edition of Monday Night Raw, the pool of possible opponents to challenge for John Cena's World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble dwindled down to four. Shawn Michaels Super Kicked Kane in the face and got the pin. Then JBL was about to be 619'ed before his newest “employee” Shawn Michaels pulled him out of the ring and slapped him in the face to get JBL the win by having his opponent Rey Mysterio disqualified for interference. Then the douche bag, Randy Orton advanced by default because apparently his punt on Batista on the last Raw was too much for him to handle. After that, Chris Jericho advanced by way of a mid-air Code Breaker on CM Punk.

Now the four winners will meet next week on Monday Night Raw in a Fatal Four Way match where the winner will face John Cena at the Rumble. Of the possible four, you have to eliminate first and foremost, Shawn Michaels. He has been relegated to the role of puppet to JBL, and will be forced by his new master to do everything in his power to help JBL win. The next man out is Chris Jericho. He has already had the opportunity to beat Cena in the last two Pay-Per Views, Armageddon and Survivor Series. The WWE Universe does not want to be subjected to the obvious outcome of a Jericho loss again.

Finally, we have two men left. JBL and Randy Orton. This is so tough to call. First of all, the Randy Orton and Cena feud was never able to come to fruition as Cena suffered his first of two pure injuries prior to last year's No Mercy, where he was set to face Orton in a Last Man Standing Match. However, Orton wouldn't be a bad pick to win the Rumble for that same reason so that he could face Cena at WrestleMania (Truth be told, I think Batista will win it).

JBL on the other hand is a good option because we know he's not going to win the Rumble, and he would obviously lose to Cena if they fought because there is no way the bookers would let Cena put JBL over. Al menos no todavía. Furthermore, the Royal Rumble is the king of all WWE Pay-Per Views where the title-holders retain their belts.

So for me, I am going to say that the big-talking New Yorker from Texas will be coming out victorious on next week's edition of Monday Night Raw. Then after that it will be some showman trash talking mic skills being spewed from JBL's mouth on John Cena for almost an entire month as the Royal Rumble won't take place until January 25th, where he will eventually, and undoubtedly, lose.

Vladimir Koslov Needs to Lose!

December 20, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Can somebody please make this ugly face lose before it starts making me puke? Geez.

Can somebody please make this ugly face lose before it starts making me puke? Caray.

I am getting very tired of Vladimir Koslov not getting the chance to finish up a match on Smackdown, and even at the Pay-Per View last week, Armageddon. It seems like every time he faces off against a big player, Undertaker, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, etc… he doesn't get to finish a match.

There are better ways to bring up new talent in pro wrestling than having a guy constantly win or remain undefeated by countless disqualifications. If his undefeated record keeps staying alive, then by the time the bookers decide he's ready to lose, he's going to go under like guys like Umaga and Great Khali, where they only get title matches that feature more than two contestants, and they're in it solely for “Oohs” and “Ahs” because of the caricature nature of their persona or gimmick.

Plenty of guys have made names for themselves without having to start their careers with long winning streaks. John Cena lost his first match, and lost a few title matches before he got into the limelight. Guys like Triple H and Edge weren't in the running for Supercards until years later in their careers. And the latest example of this is Jeff Hardy.

All of these stone faced characters that are being brought up as early unbreakables fall hard after their first losses and they then become closer and closer to becoming full-time jobbers as they steadily lose their luster.

Two Hardys and a Hardass!

December 16, 2008 by AlexV · 2 Comments

John Cena has considerably less tenure in the WWE yet is no stranger to championship success. Jeff Hardy, left, and Matt Hardy, right, are still newcomers to this type of limelight.

John Cena has considerably less tenure in the WWE yet is no stranger to championship success. Jeff Hardy, left, and Matt Hardy, right, are still newcomers to this type of limelight.

How about those three champions in the WWE! On ECW we have Matt Hardy holding the ECW Championship. This guy had been jobbing pretty hard perhaps a year, and then some, or so ago on Smackdown before MVP made his debut and they began their feud and Tag Team Championship reign. The enigmatic Jeff Hardy gained his first main title by winning the WWE Championship this past Sunday at Armageddon with his lights-out performance. And then we have the ultimate hardass… John Cena. And I don't mean hardass in the sense that he's a jerk. If anything, Cena is one of the prime examples of a face player… and he has the World Heavyweight Championship. I'm talking about an unbreakable good guy hardass.


Speaking of faces, all three of these guys are face characters for the WWE. I just think it's a little different and interesting to see them all with the titles of the brand they wrestle for. For guys like the Hardys, this type of success was a long time coming. The Hardy boys were constantly subjected to drawing “Oohs” and “Ahhs” from the crowds purely on wrestling ability, and both had a history of coming up short as singles competitors whenever they weren't tagging it up.


However, in that time that Matt Hardy began to rise on Smackdown in the time of the MVP feud, the Smackdown brand did a decent job of giving him some mic time so that the fans could get a feel for the personality of the guy who had always played second fiddle to his brother Jeff.


Similarly, Jeff began to voice himself up when he returned to the WWE on Monday Night RAW. He came out and had a plenty of title matches, held the Intercontinental Championship a few times, had big battles with the likes of Umaga, and once again, had been coming up short in championship opportunities. The only difference in his second stint has been the sense that his time would eventually come to be a brand champ.


Then we have Cena. I already did my story on “The Champ.” (See 'John Cena… A Man to Be'). He looks like he'll be hanging onto his belt for quite a while. But with the recent heightened frequency of titles changing hands on RAW and Smackdown, perhaps neither of the three is a lock to hold onto their belts for an extended period of time. Either way, all three reigns have the potential to be very exciting.

WWE Seems to Only Sell its Title Matches

December 11, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

wwe championship belt the main title WWE Seems to Only Sell its Title Matches What's up with the WWE these days? I remember a time when almost every match and storyline was worth watching or following respectively. This was a time where Pay-Per Views didn't have to lean on having nearly every match be a title match, and start mixing brands. Nowadays you have the RAW title holder, Smackdown title holder, ECW title holder, and whatever Womens/Divas champion all defending their belts on the same night at almost every Pay-Per View.

There are good aspects of this and bad. The bad is that it has to suggest that separate Pay-Per Views for each brand (RAW, Smackdown, ECW) were not enough to draw TV purchases. But the good is that those matches sucked besides the title matches were starting to be all that anyone really cared about. I mean, when you had one Pay-Per view that was just Smackdown feuds, the only stuff that really mattered was a US Title match, the main event for the World Heavyweight Championship (now on RAW), and perhaps one pretty good grudge match like Undertaker and Great Khali. Other than that, every other match would be a bunch of filler for the most part. Stuff that the kids will enjoy.

However, now with the Supercards having mostly title matches or actually intriguing grudge matches, the Pay-Per Views really have become more purchase-worthy. But don't put some new marketing changes past the WWE anytime soon. For any of those who have been watching lately, I'm sure you've noticed the blatant exposure that Monday Night Raw has been trying to create for their Intercontinental Title with their 8-man tournament for the title against William Regal.

All in all, any real wrestling fan will not let this stop them from at least keeping up with the goings-on of their beloved program. The WWE may seem to be in a rut (especially when Vince McMahon has to give away millions of his own money to fans) but in truth, nobody gets more down and dirty than Pro Wrestling at its finest, and for those of you who already watch, you know what I'm talking about!

Three Full Hours of Monday Night Raw for Your Sports Entertainment Enjoyment

December 6, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

the logo for monday night raw Three Full Hours of Monday Night Raw for Your Sports Entertainment Enjoyment

The three hour special of RAW looks like it will be pretty good. They've got three Pay-Per View worthy matchups and a three hour time slot for the WWE Universe's enjoyment. But if you ask me, the most entertaining stuff will be whatever gimmicks and comedic skits they come up with because I have a strong feeling that the three top-flight bouts, Cena vs. Edge, Batista vs. Triple H, and Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy won't end in “one-two-threes” or tap outs.


First up, we have John Cena vs. Edge in a champion against champion match. Chris Jericho will most likely have already had his match against Jeff Hardy as well as Batista and Randy Orton. I am more than certain they all will interfere in this match as all six fighters have in one way or another between themselves at Armageddon.


  I can see it now. Cena and Edge duking it out in what so far will have been an entertaining struggle. Then comes Jericho who faces Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship at Armageddon, and Orton, who faces Batista for no reason at Armageddon, interfering by beating up Cena. After that it'll be Batista taking out Orton who he faces at Armageddon, and then Triple H and Jeff Hardy running to the ring and messing with Edge, who they both face in a Triple Threat.


Even so, the show should not be missed as most three hour RAW specials are usually high quality.

WWE Championship to be Defended in a Triple Threat Match at Armageddon

November 30, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

wwe championship belt the main title WWE Championship to be Defended in a Triple Threat Match at Armageddon

The Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship that has been booked by the WWE board of directors for this coming Armageddon was so blatantly fixed up that… it should come as no surprise. When Triple H was attempting to pin his opponent, Shelton Benjamin, in the third of last Friday night's installment of Smackdown's Beat The Clock matches, it was plainly obvious that the referee was looking up at the clock. Now a match that should have been a one-on-one battle between Jeff Hardy and new WWE Champion Edge is a Triple Threat between the former two and Triple H.


Although the match may provide for plenty of excitement, the outcome is inevitable that Edge, with his new bearded look, will remain champion.


In recent years, the WWE has seemed to love the idea of setting up a Triple Threat match following a new champion's reign with the new champion defending his title. Anyone should see that Edge is not going to relinquish his belt just yet and he'll probably win in a manner befitting one of his nicknames other than “Rated R Superstar” with that being “Ultimate Opportunist.”


So, basically, either Hardy or Triple H will look like they're about to score a big pinfall, Edge spears the attempted “pinner,” and Edge covers the wounded contestant for the pin. Once again, this matchup should be of no surprise to anyone who watches the WWE, as it has been booked solely for the intentions of building up a notorious heel character in Edge.

CM Punk-Enough!

November 29, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

CM Punk sure must have "floated" this Thursday.

CM Punk sure must have "floated" this Thursday.

It looks like the “Straight Edge Superstar,” none other than CM Punk has received some really good press from the inhabitants of his hometown, Chicago Illinois. He was selected to fill the role of Grand Marshall for the Thanksgiving Day Parade this past Thursday. What does this mean for all WWE superstars and punks alike? Some much-needed positive and family-oriented press that has been hard to come by for the WWE in recent years.


With the countless and mounting deaths of professional wrestlers and most infamously, that of Chris Benoit's suicide shortly after killing his wife and child, the WWE could use some Holiday lovin.


I think it is great that superstars may be beginning to be recognized for traits other than massive steroid use and “tasteless” entertainment. Guys like CM Punk are what the WWE needs. The crowd loves him, and so far, he truly is a straight edged superstar. So kudos to him for bringing a bright spot to the WWE.


Who knows? Maybe even fellow Chicago native and now president-elect Barack Obama will also have something nice to say about Mr. Punk as well.

John Cena… A Man to Be

November 29, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

John Cena... The Champ is truly here.

John Cena... The Champ is truly here.

How in the world is John Cena on top of the RAW food chain once again? It must be a combination of his stunning charisma and persistence to be one of the main, if not the immediate, faces of the WWE. After his second injury in under a year, Cena has fought just one match and become the new World Heavyweight Champion in the WWE above other top superstars that have been attempting to build their reputations on the raw roster in recent weeks and months; Randy Orton, Dave Batista, and Chris Jericho would be the main names to call out.


Nonetheless, it is John Cena who remains and regains his role as… the Champ. He is what many people would agree is the new Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. He's got the same uncanny comeback ability, the crowd-pleasing mic skills and character, and of course his own version of “The People's Elbow,” the “Five Knuckle Shuffle.” When it comes to dedicated WWE roster superstar, bordering on corporate lapdog, John Cena is that at its finest.


However, I really can't call John Cena a lapdog. You can see it in his body language that the guy truly lives and breathes the WWE. Whether it be the fame that draws him, or that he wants to prove his plenty doubters wrong, he is always lingering or hovering at the top and has been since his first WWE Championship reign. I could even describe his desire to be at the top as somewhat greedy and even maniacal, as he is always the front man in pictures and even WWE pay-per view promo art where he was still injured and was not even going to be wrestling, and much less present at whatever show was being promoted.


But the fact of the matter is that John Cena has put his time in and he has earned the right to be where he is, even if he hasn't had as long a tenure as his other fellow wrestlers. His goal from the outset of his trip to California after graduating college was not to become a WWE namesake. He wanted to be a body builder for crying out loud! He was then presented the opportunity by an acquaintance at a gym to join the ranks of the professional wrestling world, and then most likely and unexpectedly, he fell in love with the whole aura of the business.


So, with all that being said, even though it seems odd that Cena can just come out of an injury induced hiatus to instantly be at the top spot of professional wrestling once again, don't ever take away the fact that he has worked hard and spewed his blood, sweat, and tears to be where he is right now and continue to preserve his image.

WWE Championship to be Defended at Survivor Series November 23rd

November 14, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Whose direction will the WWE Championship be spinning in on November 23rd? Triple H or Vladimir Koslov?

Whose direction will the WWE Championship be spinning in on November 23rd? Triple H or Vladimir Koslov?

Well, it finally happened. Triple H will officially be defending his title against the upstart “Moscow Mauler” Vladimir Koslov on Sunday November 23 rd at Survivor Series. I for one am very happy with this decision by whoever it is that books the matches on Smackdown. I wasn't going to be pleased with some triple threat, guaranteed victory for Triple H involving Koslov and Jeff Hardy.


I think this should be a great match. I expect some well thought out and tediously calculated choreography to be displayed in the ring between Triple H and Koslov. Everyone knows what Triple H can do; spine busters galore, pedigrees, and he can slug it out too. And although I'm not a big fan of the Koslov finishing move (the head butt) I must say that the more I watch him, the more versatile his repertoire of moves becomes. He can mat wrestle, place wrestlers in submission holds, pull of some impressive counters, and of course some tough and devastating tosses.


The only thing that has hurt Koslov thus far is his undefeated streak. I would not be the only one to agree that the guys who come out on a tear from their inception into Pro Wrestling tend to fall off hard when they suffer their first loss. There is a big difference between losing to a veteran jobber your first time and a perennial Super Card Main Event player like Triple H.


Look what happened to Umaga after he suffered his first two losses to John Cena, both of which were title matches. Where did he go after that? He has since become nothing more than an “Oohs” and “Ahhs” drawer from the crowd (perhaps his “goo-goo, gaga” big baby ranting hasn't helped him much either). Plus, the only time he gets a title match is when it involve at least two other participants, and mainly in Chamber matches and other stipulations of that nature.


The one thing I will give Koslov is that his character doesn't seem to be too stale. I mean, don't get me wrong, his accent and premature English speaking skills could use some work. But the “on a mission” MO of his character and the fact that when he enters the ring, although he has proven cocky at times, still keeps an honest look on his face like he knows anything is possible and that he could potentially lose a match when he gets in the ring, especially when pitted against the non-jobbers, Undertaker and more “formidable” opponents like the Great Khali, intrigues me about him.


Triple H should pick up the victory, but it does very slightly appear like Koslov may have a chance. Either way, Triple H will do what he does, and we should get to see more of what Boris… eh hem, Vladimir Koslov can do.

Chris Jericho set to Defend World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena at Survivor Series

November 8, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

world heavyweight championship belt Chris Jericho set to Defend World Heavyweight Championship against John Cena at Survivor Series

On November 23 rd , John Cena makes his return from injury to do battle with Chris Jericho in an attempt to regain what he had lost in his first of two injuries in just under a year… the top spot on Monday Night Raw with the World Heavyweight Championship. What makes this match so intriguing is that it will take place in the hometown of John Cena in Boston Massachusetts.

John Cena may very well be in this position again November 23rd, but holding the World Heavyweight Title as opposed to the WWE Championship.

John Cena may very well be in this position again November 23rd, but holding the World Heavyweight Title as opposed to the WWE Championship.

It may seem a little surprising that Cena's first scheduled match after his injury is for the title already, but that's what Cena has earned being one of the WWE's practical poster-boys. Even during his injury he was regularly attending promotional charity events for the WWE, as well as appearing as a guest on television shows for Nickelodeon.

Jericho has the title now, but will he at the end of the night at Survivor Series? Alex V doesn't think so.

Jericho has the title now, but will he at the end of the night at Survivor Series? Alex V doesn't think so.

As for the match itself, I can only see one possible outcome… John Cena regains the title. I do not see anytime available for the WWE to build up a Cena-Jericho feud, nor do I see Cena losing his first match back from the injury, and especially in his hometown.

And if you're thinking about the possibility of a bitter Batista interfering and causing a disqualification, there would be no advantage for him in doing this as his personality fears nobody. His character simply does not care who is holding the title at a certain time because he always feels he should win. Plus, the WWE has yet to set up any actual Survivor matches for Survivor Series, and I'm pretty sure that's where we'll be seeing our beloved “Animal” for the Pay-Per View.

So for now, I'd say “the time is here” and “the time is now” for John Cena to be back on top on Monday Night Raw.




Pure Comedy on Recent Installments of Friday Night Smackdown

November 1, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

Good thing Vladimir Koslov doesn't need to speak English to bcome WWE Champion.

Good thing Vladimir Koslov doesn't need to speak English to become WWE Champion.

Smackdown has been getting busy the past few weeks building the feuds of Shelton Benjamin and R-Truth, tag team Champs and brothers, Carlito and Primo Colon versus Miz and John Morrison, and even the Big Show and Undertaker. However, one of the funniest growing feuds is that of superstars Vladimir Koslov and Triple H.

The WWE has been known to play off the realities of their superstars in the past to create drama-filled action; Hardy and Edge over the love of Lita, and Ric Flair and Mick Foley in the whole “Glorified Stuntman” argument just to name a few. And now in the present, in the feud between Triple H and Koslov, it is the origin of Koslov and his ESL level of speech that have The Game rolling on Smackdown.

The week before last night's taping, Koslov was at it again arguing how he deserves a title shot and this in that. However, you really have to pay attention closely as his English is not very good. Apparently Triple H had to as well when he replied “Koslov, I didn't understand a word you just said.” This Friday, Triple H stood in the ring before Koslov and called him “Boris.”

Koslov's reply was sputtered, coming in clear in a few of his sentences, and garbled in others. What resulted had to be one of the slyest jab comeback remarks in recent Smackdown history…

Be sure to tune into Smackdown next Friday night at 8:00pm Eastern on My TV Network where Koslov will face off against the Undertaker. And as per General Manger Vickie Guerrero, if Koslov wins, he will get a shot at Triple H's WWE Championship which will most likely be at this coming Survivor Series on Pay-Per view.

If Triple H is like a "piece of iron" then Koslov should suffer the same fate as this man did in Rocky IV.

If Triple H is like a like a "piece of iron" then Koslov should suffer the same fate as this man did in Rocky IV.

Batista set to Defend Title in Steel Cage vs. Chris Jericho in RAW's 800th Episode

October 28, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

On Cyber Sunday, Dave Batista regained the title he once held three times on Smackdown... the World Heavyweight Championship.

On Cyber Sunday, Dave Batista regained the title he once held three times on Smackdown... the World Heavyweight Championship.

The time and the day has come for WWE's Monday Night Raw 800 th episode. And boy have the WWE bookers created a great one in pitting Chris Jericho against Dave Batista in a Cyber Sunday rematch next Monday night. Chris Jericho invoked his rematch clause this past Monday assuming he would get to face Batista in a traditional match. However, General Manager Mike Adamle came up with another one of his “Adamle Originals” and declared that the match be staged in a steel cage and it should be a good one.

This time, Jericho won't be playing keep-away to save his title from a clearly superior opponent in Batista. He will have to scratch and claw for it, especially in the steel cage, so expect for Jericho to launch a spirited assault on the Champion. Do not be surprised if Batista is caught off guard in the early going by whatever strategy Jericho will employ in their rematch next week.

Mike Adamle and his "Originals" get'em every time! If Jericho thought Cyber Sunday was tough, wait till RAW next week.

Mike Adamle and his "originals" gets'em every time!

Now, with that being said, the main title will rarely change hands on television. That is a scenario that is typically delegated to the Supercards (aka Pay-Per View). Either way, the match should, for sure, feature much excitement. The WWE should never be counted out to deliver when they are celebrating one of their benchmark achievements, and I would say that the three hour special 800 th episode of RAW should not disappoint.

R Truth on the Rise in Smackdown

October 18, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Smackdown is trying its best to score new talent. It looks like they've found someone in R Truth.

Smackdown is trying its best to score new talent. It looks like they found someone in R Truth.

I want to talk about a guy who is making waves on the Smackdown roster as of late. He is the man who comes out of the fan-level rafters rapping, just finished beating MVP this past Friday, and knocked out US Champion Shelton Benjamin the week before in non-title action. This newcomer I speak of is R Truth, formerly known in TNA as Ron Killings.

His high-flying antics have drawn much cheer from the crowd in the past weeks and that shows that he has some impressive in-ring skills. Aside from his in-ring skills he is also something of a public relations person for the WWE. When he enters the arena to begin a match he comes out of the fan seating area rapping his own theme song “What's Up?” and allows a fan or two to sing along as he passes them the mic when the song goes “What's Up?!

His speech skills aren't that great but his back story gains sympathy for the crowd. It is a classic chip on the shoulder comeback story. A man from the rough areas of Charlotte North Carolina who has spent time in prison and now aims to turn things around with Pro Wrestling.

The WWE has lately been trying to hype up their new talent using commercial promos that air weeks before the newcomer even wrestles their first match. This is one superstar that might be in the spotlight in the near future. US Title Triple Threat match for Cyber Sunday involving Shelton Benjamin, MVP, and R Truth anybody?

ECW Championship on the Line at Cyber Sunday

October 15, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Finlay has never been a real Super Card draw so I don't see that changing. When the fans select Evan Bourne, the WWE will plan an exciting matchup that will elevate Evan Bourne's status with the fans.

Evan Bourne has a chance to make even bigger waves than he already has at Cyber Sunday.

Evan Bourne has a chance to make even bigger waves than he already has at Cyber Sunday.

Three potential opponents have been selected for the WWE Universe to vote for to face Matt Hardy for his ECW Championship; Mark Henry, Evan Bourne, and Fit Finlay. At this point in Matt Hardy first title reign as the ECW champ I do not yet see him losing the belt. However, there will still be one benefactor in this match and his name is Evan Bourne.

Evan Bourne is a lock as Matt Hardy's challenger at Cyber Sunday. The kid has the “little-engine-that-could” perception going for him and the fans for the most part seem to like it. Mark Henry is washed up and is mainly used for his former World's Strongest Man status. He's just a big oaf that looks like the monster he is when he slams someone, and also the jobber that he truly is when he gets laid out by less heavier wrestlers.

Hopefully for Bourne he can build off that.

Mark Henry's brother over here must be proud.

Look at big Mark Henry's brother!

You gotta admit. Mark Henry and his brother look a lot alike.

You gotta admit. Mark Henry and his brother look a lot alike.



WWE Championship on the Line at Cyber Sunday

October 12, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Tripple H looks to continue his reign against the Smackdown roster.

Tripple H looks to continue his reign against the Smackdown roster.

Koslov shows a lot of promise, but he still has plenty to prove.

Koslov shows a lot of promise, but he still has plenty to prove.

At Cyber Sunday we'll be treated to a title match where HHH will defend his belt against Jeff Hardy, Vladimir Koslov, or the two of them at once. Either one of them alone, or both for that matter at the same time, is going to be a handful for HHH.

Jeff Hardy brought HHH to the brink of defeat at No Mercy, while Koslov is a wrestler that neither HHH nor Jeff Hardy know all that well. The upper hand would look to be Koslov's when looked at in this light.

However, I would still say it's too early for the WWE and Smackdown brand to give the title to Koslov or Jeff Hardy, and HHH is going to win. I just see him losing it in a long, hard-fought singles match against another face wrestler in the future.

As for who HHH is going to wrestle and who fans are going to vote for, I'd have to say everyone's going to pick the Triple Threat match. It usually allows for a lot of excitement, but the title rarely changes hands whenever there are more than two wrestlers in the ring.

A humble man, but a feisty competitor.

A humble man, but a feisty competitor.

WWE Cyber Sunday Chris Jericho vs. Dave Batista – Referee?

October 9, 2008 by AlexV · 3 Comments

The Animal can be guilty of acting like one at time. He could easily fall prey to a Jericho & Cade trap.

The Animal can be guilty of acting like one at times. He could easily fall prey to a Jericho & Cade trap.

This match is gonna be real cool to watch. First of all, everyone knows that Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to get the most votes to be the guest referee for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. And if anyone saw Cyber Sunday last season, Stone Cold reffed a straight match between Batista and The Undertaker.

Furthermore, Chris Jericho just won his title, and this isn't CM Punk, so I think it's still too early for him to lose it. But, everyone knows that Jericho doesn't have the power to pin Batista straight up or win convincingly. So what will the WWE do?

With all that being said, I can't wait to see what Vince McMahon, Shane, Stephanie, or Mike Adamle have planned for this. I am going to predict the following. Anyone should know that Chris Jericho will retain his title. ¿Pero cómo?

I predict that on one of the Monday Night RAW shows before the Pay-Per View that Stone Cold will get into it with Batista, prompting Austin to screw Batista over in the match.


Some kind of a crazy disqualification involving either of the three during the match. Maybe one of them bumps into Steve Austin and he gives them a Stunner? Perhaps Lance Cade gets involved? We'll see.

Stone Cold Steve Austin, a long-time fan favorite should be a shoe-in as the Guest Referre this Cyber Sunday.

Stone Cold Steve Austin, a long-time fan favorite should be a shoe-in as the Guest Referre this Cyber Sunday.

Chris Jericho is too devious to lose his title on the first match agains Batista.

Chris Jericho is too devious to lose his title on the first match agains Batista.