
2009年1月2日由MadisonMadnuff · 发表评论

peyton manning award AP Snubs another Defensive MVP

以及佩顿赢得另一个联赛的最有价值球员,今年我说他disserved,但这样做了很多其他球员。    我的问题是怎么来的防守球员无法获得联赛的MVP,我觉得詹姆斯·哈里森应该在今年得到了常规赛MVP。    他们没有一个雇主就哈里森说有更多今年他的团队产生影响。   如果防守赢得总冠军,然后防守队员应考虑最有价值球员奖。   


这似乎很像Hesiman在联赛中的“最佳球员”只能是进攻型球员,怎么来的?   当马队夺得超级碗什么是他们本赛季的差异壶和他们迎来季后赛?   鲍勃·桑德斯。   当巨人队赢得超级碗什么他们一跃到了赛季中期转一圈? OSI Umenyora。   我觉得很安静嘲笑的选民认为防守球员没有尽可能多的在游戏中的进攻球员造成影响。   詹姆斯·哈里森是手了今年最好的NFL球员;   他的一个团队,真的只赢了,因为他们出色的防守影响也不容忽视。   如果你回到过去往往是一个伟大的防守球员是催化剂,带领球队取得胜利。


看来,人们只是有一个困难时期除外的事实,MVP的可能是一个防守球员,因为统计是很难衡量的时代。   进攻球员有直接关系对他们是非常实际的统计数据。   防守球员统计并不总是反映他们亲自例如,一个团队可能会允许2.5码仓促了玩家在游戏中,让4.5的时候都没有。   后者是一个团队的统计并不是一个单独的统计,即使它仍然表明,该玩家对他的球队的影响。    尽管今年詹姆斯·哈里森有非常具体的统计龙头最佳防守统计在NFL历史上的一个麻袋中的联赛中被强迫的摸索,前5位和领导者。   这家伙从来不用手一场糟糕的比赛,是从来没有,他的团队在今年失去了理由。   当小马队失去了游戏经常佩顿做,当然失误的时候赢得了它是唯一的,因为他为好,但我仍跌防守球员需要考虑。    第二和第三位选票干将是迈克尔·特纳和乍得潘宁顿,詹姆斯·哈里森比这两种中打得更好。   这是怎么回事采取了防守球员拿到联赛常规赛MVP? 这就是为什么Mad'Nuff联赛最有价值球员去詹姆斯·哈里森。



马克的本周精选! NFL比赛精选第16周(无点差)

2008年12月19日由MarkM · 发表评论

Jack says I am right, do you want to question him?









小牛已经取得了,他们在上周发挥了对不起巨人防御。 罗莫将有至少2拦截这可能巴尔的摩的所有需求,因为他们施加压力,他们砸嘴运行游戏。 我预测至少有两个通行证乔弗拉科将超过35 +码,因为小牛将不得不继续8框。




骑士已经失去了这个游戏,谁他们已经开始在QB。 辛辛那提已经起到很好的晚了,塞德里克·本森看起来他已经找到一个家! 本森是,如果你的季节还没有过期的第一步,你需要一个包!


我的选择:圣Fransico 49人。

我不认为他们49人要真做任何事情来赢得这场比赛。 圣路易斯通常只会得到自己的方式和努力失一球的游戏。 我知道辛格尔特里有他控制球队,他不会犯的错误,让这个遗憾借口,一个俱乐部打他。 有关于Mike的团队没有人,但是那是一个教训,最终会变成这个班成为冠军的有力竞争者。 还学山一直打的非常好,所以不要感到惊讶,如果他抛出2-4 TD通行证!



我相信,每只狗都有它在阳光下一天,当你看着底特律你刚去相信有一天它会发生。 我不相信,圣徒应该输掉这场比赛,但让刚刚说,我认为,“天使在本周都在现场”,给腰部à早期的圣诞礼物。 卡尔文拥有庞大的游戏,和斯图尔特破门得分!



这是由周远的最棘手的呼叫。 匹兹堡拥有历史悠久的防守,但他们很难忍受任何点上的进攻。 迟大笨钟有看起来像小提姆和他的并购企图在生产违法行为。 另外,钢人队不能运行的足球,但由于Hanyesworth的伤害,你永远无法知道如何防守将管理没有明星DT。 我打算放弃,因为一个事实,即他们有优势,主队在这一个快速的RB和大包的,也许只要搭配得当,他们就能轮胎出了匹兹堡D和得分,包括至少一个TD。 无论哪种方式,它的将是一场伟大的比赛!



KC已经打了好晚,但他们仍然是KC。 同程乔伊·波特一直引领这个热火的防守,你应该期望几麻袋赶到通行证企图将不可避免地在迈阿密被胜利!



我的理由很简单。 之后我们来看看这个游戏你会说,“我认为,他们希望更多的”(笑话)



说真的,你有没有看到安东尼科比过去两个星期? 这家伙看起来那么好,他应该得到认可处理Elmers为单手抢,而且,我感觉超级巨星凯蒂本周再度出现,我怀疑圣迭戈可以阻止它。 这家位于圣地亚哥的团队超过额定直线上升,他们只是都不会是足够坚韧在自己家门口对坦帕湾玩。 希望看到周日阵雨和大量的炮火!


所有冰雹史蒂夫斯莱顿,那是来自西弗吉尼亚大学,并为我们的NFL选中的电影,男孩的传奇。 这家伙是总包。 这可能是一个很好的游戏,但我怀疑奥克兰QB谁没有赢得了尊重我,说他的名字,将能够处理马里奥“疯狗”威廉姆斯在他的烧烤。 安德烈·约翰逊是一个第一流的那种人,应该有一个很好的比赛,但他将匹配与纳姆迪Asomugha,谁可能有他的大小和速度提出了他的一个挑战。 我敢肯定在这一个虽然休斯顿过来在上面,有些奥克兰突袭者队的球迷会走出去,刺人!



水牛似乎已经在包装它,但我们会看到的。 丹佛可能有一些问题,以保护卡特勒因马库斯寿衣,但如果他们发挥外面和边缘应切通过这个防御。 他们有这样的速度在RB的位置会显得可笑。 该法案总是有机会的时候马肖恩比赛,所以我们会看到的。 这是什么样的家伙,可以将和着急也激励他的球队获胜。



布雷特Farve会完成它。 西雅图是一个笑话,他会爱无非是说再见他的老教练被掌掴另一L于他的履历!





多诺万麦克纳布已经打得非常好近期和健康的韦斯特布鲁克的红人可以在一些真正的麻烦。 既然是分区的游戏它仍然是一场势均力敌的比赛,但如果这个变成丑陋的初请不要感到惊讶!



2008年11月18日由MarkM · 发表评论




这应该是匹兹堡钢人队的锁。 这支球队已经打远低于平均的整个赛季。 钢人队最近的成功是由于其主导的防御。 匹兹堡是可怕的进攻,并奋力奔跑球。 我也不会感到吃惊,如果猛虎拉出赢得这个挣扎钢人队,因为孟加拉虎的爆发力,如果他们可以把点了,他们或许能够借此奋力钢人进攻了。 另外,孟加拉虎在塞德里克本森à再度出现的RB。 我不能挑对钢人队在海因斯场不过对这个对手的球队。 STEELERS赢了!




骑士与完全自己动手,本周从防御的角度来看。 他们将不得不面对新秀的感觉史蒂夫-斯莱顿,谁是最快的RB在联赛之一。 我觉得打击斯莱顿的原始速度,他们可能Gameplan的离开更多的捍卫者在箱子甚至有一名球员他的影子,这将反过来让欧文Daneils以及安德烈-约翰逊更多的空间,使大起。 对不起布雷迪·奎因,我不认为周日的一天。 罗杰斯应该是无效的斯莱顿,因为德州人应该而且会测试这个骑士防御的边缘。 德州人已经失去了很多亲密的本赛季他们的战绩是真的不能代表他们的才华。 我给这场比赛火箭没有任何疑问。



经过上周的表现如何,你可以挑选对这些家伙。 他们是在主场,他们滚过团队“后燃烧”特纳一路领先。 卡罗来纳州有一个伟大的一周,上周,并且有2顶TEIR运动员的在包,但我相信在这一个更好的线路将是亚特兰大猎鹰队。 他们应该赢得这场战争在球场上的两侧。 我知道黑豹有一个伟大的D线,但本周在ATL中它肯定不会像它。 我做了肮脏的鸟整夜的猎鹰夺冠。



达拉斯牛仔队有很多证明后,他们看起来像一个优秀的一群孩子。 托尼·罗莫是倒在了牛仔罪马鞍,和杰里-琼斯一定是幸福的,他有伟大的球队在纸上联赛的历史。 小牛应该推出过49人,但如果麦克Singletary的消息开始服用,我们可以在一个伟大的比赛。 在成功的49人队最好的机会正在被更多的身体那么软牛仔队。 如果他让弗兰克·戈尔冲牛仔国防部在嘴里至少28载,他们将有机会赢得自己的最好机会。 如果你不是牛仔玩强硬,他们通常倍。 我会全力支持迈克辛格尔特里的49人队,但这场比赛应该是所有达拉斯一整天!


坦帕湾海盗队已经赢得了这场比赛。 Their授权修建的将是没有必要甚至预测它的结果,因为它已经发生了。 标题写着:“海盗队赢得大,迅速 ​​启动了球童”



随着Thigpen的改善发挥,布拉德利酋长的罪行有更多的得分能力。 水牛奠定在星期一晚上的鸡蛋,并缩短每周要为这个客场比赛做准备。 我相信KC都会有自己的工作等着他们,因为他们可能会通过该法案的防线为主。 然而,我要去的那一刻,谁恰好是主队去与热的球队。 相信我,这可能是新的KC力作。


这将是本周的最好的一场比赛,毫无疑问。 每当一个团队使得它到12周期间,NFL赛季,而其余的不败战绩,每个人都有利益在其中。 泰坦已经因为他们的态度如此成功。 泰坦是一个艰难的小组,会穿你失望的比赛的推移,他们顽强的防守和他们的暴力冲过来攻击。 如果喷气机可以包含他们冲过来攻击由于收购巨星克里斯处理詹金斯,他们可能有一个镜头。 他们喷射机但是不能把球过,如果他们真的想有一个机会让布雷特Farve将会需要格外小心。 我不相信喷气机将能够在这个D线运行,因此预 ​​计布雷特必须做出一些戏剧。 这就是为什么我没有看到喷气机拉出win.Defensively喷气机应能阻止泰坦进攻但我认为喷气机进攻是会得到打伤。 希望多截取游戏Farve。 无论结局仍是一样的泰坦取胜。



大熊大熊大熊大熊。 迈克Ditka知道,复地去Nutz的这一周,公羊放弃白旗由第三季度。



明尼苏达赢得本场比赛的唯一原因是因为他们将男子赢得在战壕战斗处理尖齿球的防守端。 尖齿是一个非常糟糕的球队,当他们急于进攻被关闭,他们被迫通过。 希望看到这12周的尖齿是活生生的证据多么的不同团队,可当你缺少关键的前锋。 他们是一支顶级球队在NFL去年,现在看他们。 明尼苏达州赢得在佛罗里达州。噢,那岂不是很高兴地看到塔瓦雷斯·杰克逊再次?



老实说,这是比尔的比赛输赢。 他控制的结果。 海豚都比不上一组单元的爱国者,我会用我的心脏就这一个,而不是我的大脑被采摘。 我觉得海豚准备今年跳爱国者的障碍,这是一周。 我没有对如何能摇出任何的想法,但希望乔伊·波特参与防守,在做一些庞大的气势影响命中和一些失误。 瑞基和罗尼将有一个艰难的时间运行,但也许他们在一起就能拖垮好D线的爱国者。 我不知道多少次了爱国者要拍“野猫形成”期间,海豚团队的做法? 哈哈,螺丝骗子我就带了散热片!




这场比赛将是丑陋的,既有犯罪挣扎。 预计压力量好要放在乔·弗拉科因为这个原因,我们可能会看到更多的芦苇叫正常。 雷-赖斯可能成为本场比赛的一大因素。 无论老鹰是一场必须拿下的局面,而现在麦克纳布知道,你可以配合,也许他们会在终场哨响前完成这一个了。不要指望多冲的庭院的威斯布鲁克,因为乌鸦是不会让另一百码拉什一段时间,你只知道雷·刘易斯仍是生气关于过去的几周GMEN游戏。






上周刮起了对阵牛仔后,他们不能搞砸这个游戏了。 预计佐恩是他的巅峰。 他们不会让自己失去了这个游戏,并且会不惜一切代价取胜。 红皮队的防守将产生至少2次失误在这场比赛中,这是一个保障,我们都知道,西雅图是在为对手球队最困难的地方之一,所以我们期待沉默数少猎枪编队,也没有空集红人。 克林顿波蒂斯硬是将比赛断路器本周的皮肤。 皮肤在西雅图的一场势均力敌的比赛获胜。



纽约巨人队已经结束QB的职业生涯的历史,我也不会惊讶地看到球1秒长在这场比赛中科特持有。 库尔特并没有违背一个团队,可以匆匆的过客,以及巨人就可以了,它已经在他的统计数据显示。 预计超级碗香榭丽舍从第一哨主宰红雀身体。 他们会砸向红雀回到他们的巢穴,把他们迁移的家过冬。巨人赢的休息 ,库尔特被击中。 打了很多。



小马队终于健康,玩到他们的潜力。 这家位于圣地亚哥的团队超过额定值在我的书,我拒绝把他们作为一个真正的竞争者。 他们有顶级玩家为之很好看纸上仍然还没有证明他们赢得大比赛的球队。 我只是不认为将能在本周拉出在W。 小马队仅仅是更好的球队,并配备周日晚上大家会看到它。 佩顿减少了费用和分数离子运输署的。 小马队获胜。




这应该是一个很兴奋的游戏,涉及到易建联跌回到了50到60的尝试。 我有一个很好的感觉,帕克的冲攻击将是赢得这场比赛的事情。 瑞安格兰特将有一个大日子冲击和惩治圣徒捍卫者。 期待一个伟大的和令人兴奋的比赛,但还是这场比赛应该在包装上顶端。


2008年11月16日由MarkM · 2评论

Marvin Harrison WR Colts


老实说,所有的罚款已绕来绕去,因为延迟罗杰古德尔联赛中,你会觉得他们有话要说马文·哈里逊! “哦,等一下,你没听说? 我的印象是,每个人都听到了耶! 是的鸟鸟鸟鸟是字!“


Marvin is really feeling the pressure now!




它吮吸我知道。 但你能指望什么,他是从费城...

我感到非常失望,他们(NFL联盟办公室),让马文·哈里森仍然发挥,即使他正在审查谋杀未遂的漂亮多了。 据说,马文去拜访他的家乡费城。 马文流连,并拥有一间酒吧叫做“组织核心”。 非常愚蠢的名字,我知道了。 不过在他晚上在酒吧里,他得到了与一个男人发生口角。 周围的下午五点20分后,证人说,该名男子离开了酒吧,然后见证当时看见马文离开酒吧的男人以下,那么在此以后,枪声接踵而至。 谁马文有不同意见的人被枪击中手,他的儿子有一些严重的伤害,由于碎玻璃在他的眼前。 他们一起在他们的汽车中,当子弹击中了他们。 子弹从外壳相匹配的弹道测试,以枪马文拥有该事件恢复! 弹道测试结果表明,该有开枪的枪是一个定制的比利时的武器,警方已经确定,哈里森拥有这样一支枪。 这是一个自定义的枪,马文 - 这恰恰是不好的。



在一个令人震惊的转弯,这是可悲的看到,在站起来的球员在NFL实际上已经变成了一个是一个完整的moron.Regardless如果他是射手,他的枪在此拍摄仍然被使用。 那么,如果他不杀了他,那么他是疏忽了他的枪支,这让我不尊重所有赞成一样好。 我知道,有很多报道称,这些指控都是假的,但让与自己说实话,如果他确实这样做了会在NFL尽一切力量来掩盖它? 是的,我想是这样。 我们再次被辜负了我们的橄榄球英雄的(未来HOF)的一个和NFL有没有提到这一点。 他们不是刚扫过它的地毯下,因为马文的声誉,相信我,他们担心这会伤害联赛,而它可能会,但不会比最近幻影粗加工更多的路人呼叫。 我要说的是没有人是​​完美的,马文是一个AS *孔! 我爱你马文,你怎么可以这样2我! 我觉得你做到了,这让我心烦!

警察有他们所需要的充电马文的证据。 他们有武器弹道测试和受害者的合作,所以,肯定是有鬼事情。 你可以说NFL的掩饰?



This is the FN-57, which is the type of gun that was used in the shooting.


2,他们已经找到了武器,在马文·哈里逊附近商家的“阿特金斯的车库”汤普森街道之一。 这是靠近事件发生后,尽管马文都理应有向警方报案,该炮是在他的家里,从来没有离开他的家居住。


这让我感到恶心! 马文无论他甚至没火,马文必须让另外一个人开火后,狄克逊和他的手枪。 警方有比赛。 还有什么,他们需要什么? 哦,对了,从NFL律师OK了! 如果哈里森的名字被拼写为“吃豆子”,他应该已经收到了死刑。


2008年11月12日由AlexV · 发表评论

NYJ 6-3在东北6-3

喷气机队也开始表现出一定的一致性,在过去的两个星期令人信服地赢得对水牛城比尔和公羊。 他们现在面临着他们本赛季最大的游戏迄今为止在新英格兰地区在周四晚上。 新英格兰已经证明,生活中没有布雷迪仍然是可控的,但我认为喷气机队逐步改善防守,后面的托马斯·琼斯坚实的地面上的比赛,最近成交少,容易路过布雷特法夫尔会后悔的一天。


猎鹰正在成为一致性的典范。 他们跳出来大年初线索的能力是显着的一个年轻的团队。 他们发挥在主场迎战联赛的 28排的传球防守和27 排名冲的防御。 这并不是一个好兆头了野马队对阵一个有效的马特·瑞安,和院子里,货架迈克尔·特纳。 猎鹰队获胜。

活塞以0-9 汽车7-2

卡罗来纳州有面对这样的球队攻略上周,谁就算德尔霍姆再次抛出四拦截到,还是应该打的奢侈。 我没有看到杰克折腾,很多选秀这个星期。 黑豹轻而易举地获胜。

PHI 5-4在CIN 1-8


4-5号在KC 1-8

圣徒正在证明,他们所拥有的是一个极好的传球游戏,不能保存正在运行的游戏平庸左右徘徊,而且国防标杆,在无能。 院长还没有了步入式的公园,他们本赛季初以一分之差输给了圣地亚哥,上周末输给坦帕湾主场加时的前一周,只有四个在纽约输给了在此之前的一周喷气机。 我要与KC

BAL 6-3在NYG 8-1

巴尔的摩乌鸦实际上是得分的进攻,这些天。 事实上,他们正在成为巨 ​​人的镜像; 强大的压力,导致防守,跑锋更比能够稳定,高效和发挥决策传球进攻。 找一个势均力敌的比赛的经验更丰富的巨人现身之上。


如果有一件事是明尼苏达维京人必须学会在上周的心脏发作诱导一分险胜上周包装工是以下......把球给阿德里安·彼得森。 我相信格斯Frerotte的传球企图将几乎有一半被砍掉上周的28虽然海盗队素以稳固的防守,我会风生水起彼得森横行。 维京人赢得令人信服。


虽然现在攻略共享相同的记录作为不被看好的海鹰谁来到内两点上周扰乱海豚在迈阿密,我不会指望从他们这个星期有类似的表现。 令人惊讶的海豚会移动到6-4和第二位在亚冠东。


绿湾应该算他们的幸运之星,他们有这个机会。 他们得到的师领导熊家有机会获得芝加哥和第二位仲裁器中的分工,如果他们赢了,和第一名的领带,如果他们赢了维京人失去了。 我就带包装工以干净的东西在他们的传球后,本周罗杰斯是一个不那么伟大的15-25只传球142码,没有达阵。 包胜。

火箭以3-6 5-4步行者

德州期待弥补21分,他们在一个星期5输给小马队在主场的最后七个多分钟就放弃了。 然而,小马队已经取得两连胜,并期待被找回的争夺。 小马队获胜。

STL 2-7在SF 2-7

这个师的对决甚至可能不值得讨论,但为了公平起见,让我们做到这一点。 公羊回头一看什么,他们与斯科特·莱恩汉作为教练在他们47-3输给喷气机的最后一周。 在另一边,49人队看上去与肖恩·希尔团队在中心周一晚更可信。 悲惨的表现,他们在亚利桑那州穿上后,我就以旧金山取胜。


红雀有机会在本周干净的房子在西雅图一个胜利。 他们可以玩另外一个薄弱分区的对手,他们都是2-7(圣路易斯和旧金山是其他两个)。 尽管老鹰在家里,我看不出有相互紧密失望红雀像他们那样对niners拍摄过去的这个星期一。 红雀队获胜。


克里柯林斯上周(30-41 289码,2次达阵,没有在INT)的性能使得泰坦显得更加合法作为联盟唯一保持不败的球队。 美洲虎证明没有在击败了狮子的最后一个周末38-14。 泰坦赢得轻松。

SD 4-5 PIT 6-3

钢人队搞砸了上周末在主场以马队......或者我应该说本罗特利斯伯格搞砸了。 历史应该说,本会希望弥补他的表现,但我不是很确定他的信心现在。 他已经击中了太多次,吹两场比赛的曼宁兄弟在家里应该已经收入囊中。 在另一方面,圣地亚哥已经很难了,今年是一致的。 钢人队与他们的头号防守和大本钟更好的表现令人信服地赢得胜利。

小牛以5-4 6-3 WAS

这场比赛标志着回归托尼罗莫达拉斯阵容。 这个团队已经在相当绑定自从他离开。 寻找罗莫有一个巨大的游戏,也许把他的球队在他的背上。 北美印第安人来了断自己最糟糕的进攻表现,因为他们每周一输给巨人队在本周9日晚间输给匹兹堡得分只有六分后。 他们的论点来自两个领域的目标去三和出来的时候,他们回收并打开越位反撞力企图钢人队后,和另外三和列于本罗特利斯伯格的诠释了。 寻找达拉斯的高辛烷值的罪行连同菲利普斯韦德的防守打打电话拿下北美印第安人在华盛顿的回报。

骑士以3-6 5-4 BUF

法案还没有辜负炒作的最后两个星期。 而事实上,他们已经失去了三他们的四到迈阿密,纽约和新英格兰(按顺序),谁都是分区的对手,不是一个好兆头。 布雷迪·奎因是在他的第一次启动会23-35 239码,有两个达阵和对阵掘金上周四没有拦截固体。 不过,我要在家里国家舞台法案。

Magic Gone for Indy

October 28, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 2 Comments

peyton manning 267x300 Magic Gone for Indy Magic Gone for Indy

In watching the Colts play on Monday it is official that they are not the same team that they used to be.   After being the dominant team in the league for 5 years they are on the down turn.    Usually Peyton finds a way to win games like the one played on Monday night.   He calls some of his assistants to help him conjure up some magic and lead his team to victory.    This time they started off with a view tricks that impressed the crowd, but then, yes my friends the magic died.    Peyton reached into his hat but came out with nothing, no help from his supporting cast no nothing.   He was on stage by himself the second act of the show and it showed, Peyton is still the same he can still read the defense and make the throws, but his assistants not so much.    The Colts need to go back to the drawing board and figure out what they need to do change the way they are playing, it starts with figuring out a way to bring back the magic.    I suggest a call to David Blaine.

Mad'Nuff Monday Night Guarantee

October 27, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · 1 Comment

Well this week is an easy call right? The Titans are the most dominate run team in the league and the Colts have one of the worst run defenses in the league. The Titans are rolling and playing with confidence and each week you know what you will get, while with Colts they look disoriented and inconsistent. The Titans defense is stifling against the run and the Colts have had problems all year running the football. Not to mention that this is a home game for the Titans who are primed and excited to play on Monday night. But wait…Peyton Manning magic anyone? Look for the colts to win this one, I know it sound crazy but the colts are not ready to lose 2 in a row, and where there is a will there is a Peyton Manning waiting to lead his team to victory.

Colts over the Titans 17-14

peyton manning MadNuff Monday Night Guarantee


October 21, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys

Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys

Before the start of the 2008 NFL season there were four sure-fire Super Bowl favorites; the Dallas Cowboys, San Diego Chargers, Indianapolis Colts and New England Patriots. So far after seven weeks only the Patriots seem to have any type of competitive balance with a 4-2 record and only one game behind AFC East leading Buffalo Bills at 5-1.

The aforementioned teams have not faired so well and are a combined 10-10.

Even though Tony Romo is out, there is no excuse for the lack of effort the Cowboys showed in their 34-14 blowout in St. Louis. They have allowed two upstart teams, the Redskins and Cardinals, and a bottom-feeder in St. Louis get wins against them. Even though Romo was in against the two upstarts, he has averaged at least one turnover per game.

The Chargers have been the epitomy of inconsistency through seven games going loss, loss, win, win, loss, win, loss en-route to a 3-4 record. Traveling east has not helped them as they go forward three time zones every time. Now they have to go eight time zones to play the Saints in London this weekend!

The Colts are lucky they aren't 1-5 instead of 3-3. Aside from blowing out the Baltimore Ravens 31-3 in week six, they had to overcome a 15-0 hole in Minnesota, and needed 21 points in the last four minutes of week five to beat the Texans.
Unlike the Patriots, the Cowboys are two games behind NFC East leading Giants at 5-1, the Chargers are essentially two games behind the AFC West leading Broncos (since the Broncos beat them), and the Colts are already three games behind the AFC South leading Titans. Now I ask… Do these three teams really sound like Championship Contenders?

Indianapolis Colts' Loss at Green Bay Drops their Record to 3-3

2008年10月20日由AlexV · 发表评论

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Big Games on Sunday in NFL Week 6

October 11, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Kyle's feeling better now!


This rookie better play within himself this weekend if his team is going to win.

This rookie better play within himself this weekend if his team is going to win.Steve Smith are number one in the NFC South, but must win to remain as such.Look for Kurt Warner to light it up some more this weekend at home against Dallas

The first game that holds some bearing is the 3-2 Bears at the 3-2 Falcons. Both teams have a chance to be 4-2 and both surprises in the league. Kyle Orton looks a little better and his defense is strong as ever, while the Falcons play inspired football with solid play from a rookie QB, Matt Ryan, and a first time fulltime starter at RB, Michael Turner. The defense has John Abraham, but not much else. Huge game for the NFC playoff race! I will have to go with the Bears experience on this one.


Baltimore plays host to Indianapolis. Both are 2-2 and need to get above .500. The Ravens' defense may be tight, but the Colts' defense has not been too bad without Bob Sanders, and Peyton Manning is something else compared to Joe Flacco. Colts win.


Carolina will be in Tampa Bay where both teams at 4-1 battle to lead the NFC South. The Bucs offense has been trifle even though they still have a solid defense. The Panthers combine solid defense with above average offense. I'll take the Panthers.


Finally, Dallas, 4-1, will meet Arizona, 3-2, on the road. Although the Cowboys have a stronger defense, I am going with the Cardinals to pull off the upset. The Cowboys may boast a powerful offense, but the Cardinal offense can be just as potent. I just have a feeling that Kurt Warner and his team are confident and excited to play the Cowboys who will be caught sleeping.


These are the best games between teams based on records of wins and losses.

Peyton The General

September 15, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Peyton The General by Madison Mad'nuff

Peyton Manning is a true field general.

Peyton Manning is a true field general.

While it is still too early to tell which teams will remain consistent in the league it must fell good for the Colts to be able to rely on Mr. Consistent Peyton Manning. Is it me? or does this guy will his way to
wins. In the face of a 15-0 deficit and a none existent running game; he pulls off the comeback helping the team score 18 straight to win the game. Subscribing to my “you have to score at least 15 points to beat the Colts rule” I thought that they would lose this game against the Vikings. But again Peyton finds a way to out score you; if you score 14 he gets 15, if you get 15 he gets 18, if you get 35 he gets 36. I mean you can't beat this guy he is unstoppable. A field general to say the least when the game is on the line he always finds a way to pick apart the Defense, it really doesn't make any sense! Because at the beginning of the game he sucked, and then BAM he goes out and wins the game. It's like he knows what the defense is going to do before they do, and then before the snap he makes adjustments “TO THE FUTURE!!!” amazing.

Come Back Sunday

September 15, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Mark M

Today in the NFL, we saw four 4th quarter comebacks performances. This made for amazing football Sunday. The Redskins, Denver Broncos and Buffalo Bills all surpassed their opposition in the final quarter of their respective games.

1. Redskins vs. Saints-

Going into the 4th quarter the skins trailed 15 – 24. They were trailing until Santana Moss beat whipped Tracy Porter for 67 Yards for the game winning late TD. Drew Brees had a chance to stage a comeback yet, he through a INT.

Final Score was 29-24, Redskins.

Santana Moss beats Tracy Porter for 67 yard TD strike

Santana Moss beats Tracy Porter for 67 yard TD strike

2. Colts Vs. Vikings-

Peyton Manning has not looked like himself over the first 2 weeks of the NFL season. However, in the closing quarter of the Game this week, he helped stage a comeback in the 4th quarter. Trailing at one point by 0 – 15 the colts come up with some miraculous plays, to pull out this one. One to defiantly check out would be A. Gonzalez/Reggie Wayne TD in the 2nd half. Peyton who was struggling the 1st half, stayed posed like the true pro that he is and delivered the “W” by getting Adam Vinatieri, in range for a late game winning field goal. I think you know can figure out what the outcome of that was. (Vinatieri is awesome)

Final Score was 15-18, Colts.

Clutch kicker,Adam Vinatieri, celebrates as hits a game winning FG in week 2.

Clutch kicker,Adam Vinatieri, celebrates as hits a game winning FG in week 2.

3. Broncos vs Chargers-

The Chargers have given up two late game comebacks in the last two weeks. It seems that for them no lead is safe. The Broncos, had a great lead going into the 4th. Broncos lead 27-31 over the Bolts going into the 4th. The Chargers scored and placed the broncos up against the proverbial wall. The Broncos answered however, and decided to go for the game winning 2 pt conversion in the closing minutes of the game. Big Rookie Eddie Royal came up with the catch for the Broncos, propelling them to their 2nd win of the NFL season.

Eddie Royal was a rookie standout once again, catching the game winning TD and 2pt conversion in the final minutes of the game.

Eddie Royal was a rookie standout, once again, catching the game winning TD and 2pt conversion in the final minutes of the game.

Final Score : 39-38, Broncos.

4. Buffalo Vs. Jaguars-

With three OL out, the Jaguars knew they were going to have a tough day against Marcus Stroud and his new squad. The Bills were trailing going into the 4th quarter by 3 going into the 4th. The Bills, however came out with the Victory due to the outstanding play of QB Troy Edwards, who completed 20 of 25 passes for 239 yards and 1 TD.

Final Score was 20-16, Bills.

Trent Edwards showed great skill and veteren leadership in week 2 victory against the Jaguars

Trent Edwards showed great skill and veteran leadership in week 2 victory against the Jaguars

Defense Wins Championships?

September 13, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

By Alex V

Defense Wins Championships or Great Quarterbacking?

One of the longest standing arguments in today's NFL has been the viewpoint that it takes a strong defense to become a champion. Over the past few years teams like the Baltimore Ravens, Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Pittsburgh Steelers have been able to remain in at least competitive contention, if not championship contention, due to their outstandingly consistent play on defense. However, in this writer's eyes, the most important factor in helping a team turn the corner from respectability to prominence has been the position of quarterback.

Over the past ten years alone, almost every Super Bowl champion has been led by a pro-bowl caliber, if not perennial pro-bowl quarterback. In most cases a good defense played a key role in each winner's success, but on most of those teams, there was strong quarterback play involved as well.

During the 1998 season the Denver Broncos won the title with John Elway, and everyone knows how great he was. In 1999, the St. Louis Rams became league champions behind the light-out play of MVP quarterback Kurt Warner. Everybody will remember the Greatest Show on Turf as one of those teams that had such a great offense, they could overcome sub par-to-average defense to win games. In 2000, the Baltimore Ravens would make a name in history as one of those teams that could overcome average, but not great, offensive play with a tenacious defense that created turnovers and stymied opponents week in and week out with its defense.

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2008年9月12日由sportsroids · 发表评论



这是一个对决是吸引我深深。 无论是熊和豹拉大,而每周一搅得反对超级杯的竞争者,而玩的路上。 熊队做到了他们一贯的运行为主,成交自由传球进攻,而球霍金给他们带来了成功,回来时,他们打进超级碗防线。 黑豹在另一方面吹了9分的领先优势,在第四季度,仍然设法回来,并赢得了比赛的最后一秒。

Dante Rosario Panthers TE


我真的很喜欢这个对决,因为有两种可能后的想法,一旦游戏结束。 其中一个小队应该不可避免地取胜,除非一个难得的领带。 但比赛最终可能是草率的地方,尽管不好打的球队之一了,结束一周2-0。 在另一方面,如果游戏的赢家可以玩好,甚至伟大的,那么一月份开始数落达。 让我们来看看各队如何成功的这个周末。

Rookie Matt Forte, seems to have all the tools to be a great NFL RB

Rookie Matt Forte, seems to have all the tools to be a great NFL RB

The Bears have Kyle Orton who didn't do great, but didn't do bad either. He finished his game with an 83.4 quarterback rating, completed 13 of 21 passes for a 61.9% completion rate with a more-than commendable 7.1 yards per pass average and 150 total yards. The main facet that got the bears their win on offense was the veteran type performance of Matt Forte. He finished the game with a workhorse load of 23 carries, 123 yards, and a rather gaudy 5.3 yards per carry and one touchdown. Forte managed these stats against a defense that got back Bob Sanders and usually tends to stack the line against teams who do not present a formidable passing threat with him in the line-up (I hesitate to mention the return of Dwight Freeney as he operates mainly as a pass rusher).

As for Jake Delhomme, he finished the night with 247 yards, one touchdown, went 23 of 41 (which culminated in a not so substantial 6 yard per pass average) with a QB rating of 82.1. His running game came in the form of Deangelo Hall (18 carries, 86 yards, and 4.8 per carry) and Jonathan Stewart (10 carries, 53 yards, and 5.3 per carry).

The most notable factor in the Bears' victory was how they were able to hold Indianapolis to 13 points. On the other hand, the Panthers who faced an opponent with just as much offensive potency in the Chargers, still gave up 24 points, which is just around the average a team like San Diego should get. In hindsight though, the Panthers have comeback ability, which they showed versus the Chargers, whereas the Bears usual strategy is to have the victory in hand by the start of the 4th quarter if possible.

So, in conclusion, the Bears should be the favorite to win, as they played well throughout their entire game, and the Panthers blundered, but managed to eke out a win in literally the waning seconds of their game. As long as the Bears can prevent the big play as they did against the Colts, and not falter anywhere down the stretch, they should come out on top. However, regardless of coming out the victor in this week's matchup, the winner must display a continued consistency in what they do to earn the respect of NFL fans, columnists, and analysts alike, even if one should remain undefeated.


September 11, 2008 by AlexV · 3 Comments


Composed by Mark M (12-4)

My Pick: Colts

My Pick: Giants


My Pick: Jaguars

My Pick: Ravens

My Pick: Patriots

My Pick: Packers

My Pick: Titans

My Pick: Chiefs

My Pick: Redskins

My Pick: Bears

My Pick: Buccaneers

My Pick: Dolphins

My Pick: Steelers

My Pick: Eagles

My Pick: Broncos

Pick: Seahawks

There they are. I know there are a few upsets but I really believe is this how it is going to pan out for week 2 of the NFL's 2008 season. Please post back if there is anything you really don't like and want to debate.