看来, 布兰登·雅各布斯 总是有话要说媒体。 因为他的新秀赛季,他从来没有shy'd远离聚光灯说有关,当然NFL球员,球队,裁判员和媒体争议的意见。 他最近的意见,但是,都属于对GMEN交易的布朗WR Braylon爱德华兹的可能性,近期的骚动。 布兰登昨天,平明称EPSN电台1050的是,“我只是不想他。 有伟大的球员,我不想要的联赛。 我只是觉得队友之间的默契,我现在已经是很大的。 我们并不需要一个新的老将添加到整个集团。“他还高兴地发现巨人留出了博尔金的传奇故事,以及。 就个人而言,如果我是巨人的管理我想给那个怪物任何他想做的,希望他不要跑我过来,考虑的事实,布兰登是建立像半卡车! 此外,考虑什么巨人将需要放弃财政,以确保无论是WR,这似乎是最好远离,因为他们无疑会失去在未来几年内顶级的老将皮尔斯一样,由于工资帽的问题! 去大蓝抢险船员!
什么巨人呢? 所有的WR的垂直挑战!
纽约巨人队没有一个缺乏速度和大玩潜在的,当你看看他们的宽接收核心,无论什么白痴的一些思考和写作。 马里奥曼宁厄姆和Sinorice莫斯,和罗恩希克森的速度和爆发力,你将不得不疯狂地想。 巨人可能有一些速度最快的接收器,在NFL的,说实话。 对于这支球队唯一的大问题是,这些Wideouts的明显急促! 没有Plaxico最高的礼的目标是在希克森慷慨6'1。 那就是一件事,他们已经丢失了所有上赛季还在吧。 他们需要一个高大的运动目标去获得跳跃球在拥挤的空间,这是Plaxico的特色。 布瑞斯之前,他们总是有WR熟练TE,命名肖基! 什么是巨人队需要的是一个WR是谁在6'1谁可以使一些大点的一些大的渔获。 如果他能站起来,接球在某些情况下,巨人只需要争取到角色扮演外接手,在草案。 现在,有3个选项为这支球队,据我看到它。
1.他们可能只是试图起草与1号挑一个WR,拿起谁有权启动和配菜场上某些方面的能力,成为自由球员。 (我的选择)
2.他们可能向上交易选秀权在选秀中,以确保克拉布特里或麦克林,这是所有纽约的希望。 就个人而言,我不相信,这将是正确的一步,但嘿,我已经错了之前。
3.他们也可以决定只是去打破和超过数年的博尔金或Braylon爱德华兹交易的球员和选秀权的好帮扶。 巨人需要接收器和毫无疑问杰里里斯一直盯着这两个。 正因如此,有人发布了故事specualting Reeses的利益有关爱德华兹,谁扮演了一个非常类似的游戏Plaxico,似乎有较少的性格缺陷的媒体。
据我看到的是GMen身材很好,如果他们能保持自己的年轻天才,所以我相信他们应该保持史蒂夫·史密斯,Sinorce莫斯,和马里奥曼宁厄姆,只是签一个老将WR跳跃过程中谁可以让戏剧在交通球的情况。 有这个角色扮演类(高)WR在自由球员市场,现在几大发作:
托里霍尔特,是得到一个垃圾年纪大一点,并已经取得了一些广泛的膝盖手术和问题,但如果巨人能签下他很短的交易,他们可以把他们的选秀顺位外接手适当的方式让他的师从成熟真正的领导者,而这正是保守党霍尔特。 年轻巨人接收机,该可以用老将领导此次签约将带来的,考虑到他们已经失去了阿曼尼默。
马特·琼斯是6'6,是一个超级跳投和一个伟大的运动员,但他的过场问题,使他成为一个廉价买入的自由球员。 巨人是臭名昭著的创造机会,在过去的几年马特·琼斯却没有分面值的季节。 毫无疑问的这个家伙是一个风险,但如果你签低可能还清,他扮演高,我不上可卡因的意思!
雷吉-威廉姆斯 :
这6'4物理怪物可以把任何DB出来的时候,他被滚动的位置。 他也有过一些问题,在过去的几年中,并似乎在发挥他的出路在杰克逊维尔的1点。 然而,美洲虎已经算的上雷吉的大剧和无数跳跃球,他的数据表现出来。 2007年,雷吉竖起10阵中只有6个开始,而只有35捕通行证的季节。 他有刹车的速度走,他很年轻,寻找一个新的开始。 他有较低的价值,因为他只是没有与杰克逊教练和管理网好!
德鲁·卡特 :
是宽出出名的是他的弹跳力,他应该是取代约翰逊在北卡罗来纳州,但它只是没有发挥出来。 他提出了他的职业生涯一些伟大的戏剧,仍然是比较年轻的。 然而,本场比赛可能已经过了这个家伙了。 他是我最不喜欢的可以自由球员,因为我现在看到了。
迈尔斯·奥斯汀 :
迈尔斯·奥斯汀已经取得了一些在他短暂的职业生涯相当强劲看房。 他沿着一边和罗伊·威廉姆斯在达拉斯打了。 迈尔斯·奥斯汀,去年就有时似乎出去玩既欧文和威廉姆斯。 在6'3这个球员必须有一个大收获WR,谁能够真正帮助取代默和布瑞斯损失的可能性。 他曾在达拉斯做伟大的事情,这很有趣,认为他们只是砍他。 他的膝盖问题必须是相当严重的达拉斯已经投下了他,但如果他检查了良好的配合医生,我都为这家伙!
我想,当我想到了多少次这样的大家伙已经从赔钱救了我哭了。 不管是什么,我会永远赌这个家伙。 乔伊正在进入他的最后季节作为职业,我想不出谁取得了许多巨大的渔获量,因为这家伙不会产生任何实际的笨拙统计其他任何接手。 我的朋友和我有一种说法,“乔伊Jurevicius的男人,孩子从宾夕法尼亚州立大学将永远给你1大打每一场比赛,他的余生。 虽然他可能只记录一个陷阱,它到底是要不要紧“。 我认为巨人将螺母不想要他,乔伊带来了积极和鼓舞人心的气氛和态度场子。 Jurevicius是一个励志人物的Gmen可能需要在进攻乱堆本赛季。 我知道他是不是快了,但他有身高和巨大的手,并与纽约巨人队的历史,这可能使他更容易的迹象!
不管是什么,我不能迫不及待地想看到蓝色的大修复的问题与此WR核心。 我认为杰里里斯有一些是他的袖子,所以让我们看看有什么牌,他决定在选秀当天玩!
如今,Plaxico布瑞斯案件立即要求,直到6月15日的较后日期。 很多人对此持怀疑态度weither这会发生与否,但它可能是一个迹象,表明他的高价位的法律团队可能接近认罪协议,这将让他在即将到来的NFL赛季发挥。 不管它好像Plaxico将不得不做某种坐牢,但问题是什么时候。 我记得贾马尔·刘易斯度过了他的淡季在监狱里,一个几年前,由于贩毒罪名,也许有可能,我们可以看到类似的巨人巨星宽了一些东西。 毫无疑问,Plaxico不想花时间在监狱里。 然而,似乎越来越明显,这将是艰难的贝齿抗菌留出的大房子。 纽约市法律枪支是有点过分,而且看似违宪的,所以这将是一个非常有趣的情况下,毫无疑问,如果它使审判。 该Sportsroids.com团队将在6月15日支持Plaxico在纽约市刑事法院由纠察试用! 所以,如果你想支持巨人超级杯冠军宽出,从鲁钝自由主义市政府是希望他坐牢主要是由于他的名人,请现身! Plaxico,伤害任何人除了他自己,他现在正在否认托马斯·杰斐逊,我们的开国元勋之一,杰弗逊热切相信他表示坚定的信念在携带武器consitently权的基本自由。 这一事实的一个例子是在第334他的著 名托马斯·杰斐逊论文时,他写道,“ 没有自由的人,应永远被取消资格使用武器 。 为人民保留持有和携带武器的权利最强的原因是,作为最后的手段,保护自己免受暴政政府“。 要知道,在纽约市的任何公民都可以申请一个隐藏许可证,并获得进LISENCE是一个非常艰难的过程,希望人们不会设法得到一个。 听起来有点不公平好好尝试一下呢? 无论如何,我觉得城市的枪支法是荒唐,因为这个原因。 禁止武器,使他们难以将收购法律只加强那些谁不遵守规则,很像steriods禁令运动。 这些谁欺骗是取胜,在系统中。 这些法律只会帮助犯罪分子留下finaiced和权力守法人口最多的纽约市的法律。
它真的很简单大家,如果你失去一个6'6的球员像Plaxico布瑞斯你最好相信,你要寻找某种高大,快长传威胁替换他。 巨人有没有兴趣调查,所以不要相信媒体的炒作无疑! 另外,不要,如果你看到了巨人进行交易选秀日,如果Plaxico被关押在3月31日感到惊讶。 我可以看到Gmen交易WR的一个中队,以便使这笔交易发生。 这包括史蒂夫·史密斯,无论巨人的说法并非如此。 马里奥·曼宁厄姆是最肯定在交易芯片,并考虑到他的学习习惯巨人将做掉好。 不要相信媒体或研究这个故事时,巨人的代表,他们希望这件事非常嘘,嘘,直到Plaxico的未来完全在开放和判断。 埃里克Mangini是防守型的教练,如此反复,不,如果他们进行交易,其中包括巨人的防守架线工之一感到惊讶。
另外,我希望每个人都知道这是非法的任何一支球队的代表谈论球员谁是目前正在与其他球队的合同。 所以,认识到杰里里斯拥有否认所有指控媒体带来了他。 别搞错了巨人将努力让Braylon但唯一真正的问题是有多少是他们愿意将得到他吗?
昨日有报道说临碗四分卫丹佛野马队的杰伊刀匠,已经正式要求交易。 今天,我们的人民,开始盘算着在那里他最终可能会,如果他的要求很荣幸。 我敢肯定有很多球迷在那里他的球队可以使用杰伊卡特勒一个人谁打得像潜在的专营型四分卫,很多分析家预见。 舀是新任主教练麦克代尼尔斯乔希,谁是进攻协调员为爱国者,希望贸易卡特勒马特·卡塞尔,因为他熟悉他的系统了。 这激怒了,因为年轻的刀匠,他现在想去......哪来?
要开始消除一个简单的过程,每一支球队在亚冠超出,因为球队通常不喜欢球星客场发送到-会议的专营权。 并且,虽然卡塞尔终于换到另一个亚冠的球队,就像他的前爱国者,在酋长,这是更多的是“我会刮伤你回来,如果你挠我的”交易。
在NFC东部,达拉斯有托尼·罗莫,NY有伊莱·曼宁和费城有多诺万麦克纳布。 到目前为止,华盛顿红人队的杰森·坎贝尔仍然有很多证明,而卡特勒似乎比他的方式更有前途迄今为止当两个自己的职业生涯进行了比较。
在NFC北,包装工有亚伦罗杰斯,以及维京人做出的动作扔掉他们的年轻QB Tarvaris杰克逊与新获得的贤者Rosenfels从休斯敦的竞争。 我不认为狮子可以吸引的气味,所以熊是绝对的热点。 他们已经与雷克斯·格罗斯曼没有成功,并用最小的凯尔顿。
在NFC南,圣徒拥有易建联和猎鹰有一个年轻的明星在今年马特·莱恩的新秀。 黑豹会显得有一些伟大的交易筹码与不满的朱利叶斯辣椒,但现在看起来他可能是一个爱国者推出。 然而,杰克德尔霍姆是他们的电流信号来电仍无法尽数。 再有就是谁摆脱了老将杰夫·加西亚海盗。
在此之后,在NFC西部,海鹰有马特Hasselbeck谁不是过去的他好些天呢,和库尔特华纳显然是安全的,因为红雀QB。 跨越这两个队了,你必须与亚历克斯·史密斯进步的结果令人失望,和圣路易斯公羊队,谁应该开始思考下降马克·巴格相当长的一段时间前的49人队。
所以你有它。 顶部候选人有杰伊卡特勒总统!
2009年3月5日通过Theboinger · 发表评论
又来了。 墨水甚至干尚未对曼尼·拉米雷斯的合同,今天上午我们了解到,我们最喜欢的媒体宠儿,特雷尔欧文斯,已经公布的牛仔。 我想我们是不是真的太震撼了这一点,但我可以告诉你肯定托尼·罗莫是平原的最悲惨的牛仔。 但是,谁在乎他? 所有我想知道的是:如果是TO走了?
还有其他31支球队,在那里,肯定会喜欢有他的数字注入到自己的罪行,但只有极少数会发现它值得。 还有一个更小的组有足够的诱惑他,此外还更不会冒这个险。
所以,他们是谁? 嗯,首先你必须淘汰的觊觎。 TO是不会去任何地方一个重建正在进行中。 当然,他是不会去任何地方有一个简历没有QB。 这使得团队有工作保障,以及稳定的教练。 但费城是出来帕斯尔斯弟子考夫林和斯帕拉诺肯定不会有他。
我不认为亚特兰大或巴尔的摩将通过引进欧文斯,帮助风险他们年轻的出发QB的进展。 维京人当然可以使用他的服务。 然而,他们不扔球周围的阿德里安·彼得森内置的进攻也没有他们有QB让欧文斯球。
喷气机? HAHA
怎么样红皮队,圣徒或充电器? 嘿,为什么不正确。 北美印第安人和丹·斯奈德已经证明他们会花钱买东西。 欧文斯很想有机会留在师,现在坚持费城和达拉斯。 鉴于他经常火把巨人的方式,将意味着六场比赛值得欧文潜力巨大。 圣徒具有高功率主动进攻,将适合欧文斯想以及他需要用一个大的时间QB的易建联。 但有那些等大牌之间的空间,他和他的自我? 肖基布什科尔斯顿等圣迭戈可能是最合适的。 他成为头号选项菲利普里弗斯谁可能是垂涎三尺,因为我们说话。 它会采取压断安东尼奥·盖茨和他的大脚趾。 以及这将打开一个运行车道或两个拉达尼安·汤姆林森,并让他再次成为LT。
请允许我只是把这个在那里:XYZ - 欧文斯韦尔克莫斯。 让你的爆米花准备好了!
卡尔洛斯丹斯比有可能成为巨 人?
我很震惊,当我听到一些人在当地一家酒吧谈论卡尔洛斯丹斯比可能成为一个巨人。 首先,我想指出,我相信丹斯比是人才地狱。 他会成为一个伟大的球员,对于任何NFL球队,但我的一个问题是,他们怎么可能付钱给他,仍然保持防御机智? 安东尼奥·皮尔斯,谁是无可争议的领袖蓝色巨人的防守正在寻找更多的钱,而他知道他应得的钱。 我很想确保了LB核心,但代价是什么? 安东尼皮尔斯可以是用于最近的成功的Gmen不得不对运行的原因,考虑到它们的有效性直接相关,当安东尼来自红皮。 我们知道丹斯比想要一个大的市场,我们只能假设他想要一个“大市场薪水”。 正是出于这个原因,恳请所有的纽约巨人队的球迷要小心,他们希望得到的东西,这将是不折不扣的悲剧,看到皮尔斯(国防部的QB)走,因为瑞茜可能无法促使他所需要的资金,这样的LB签署丹斯比为后。
2009年1月22日由Theboinger · 2评论
将纽约喷气机队以往任何时候都得到它吗? 这还有待观察。 现在我将让你啃了。 只有两名防守协调员赢得超级碗的新组织第一次担任主教练是汤姆·兰德里和比尔Cowher。 兰德里去了达拉斯牛仔队在1960年花了以前的六个赛季的防守协调员为纽约巨人队之后。 比尔Cowher接手匹兹堡钢人队在1992年花了在前三个赛季与堪萨斯城酋长队作为他们的DC兰德里用在大D的29赛季已经赢了,输了两场Superbowls后。 Cowher度过了15个赛季,在钢市产生1超级杯的胜利和1负。 花了兰德里11年赢得了超级杯,并花了Cowher他的整个执教生涯来完成相同的。 迈克·汤姆林很可能添加自己的名字,以这种非常短的精英名单。 这使得他成为最快在小班这样做。
你们中许多人将要指出的是,每个人都是一个助手在某些时候,他们不能全赢Superbowls。 当然像比尔Parcells和比尔贝利奇克名称将浮出水面为好。 当然,我相信你不会忘记洛维·史密斯和约翰·福克斯。 多久你愿意等待喷气机队的球迷?
唐舒拉+大卫·舒拉= 2 Superbowls
范菲利普斯+韦德菲利普= 0 Superbowls
吉姆·莫拉+吉姆·莫拉JR =季后赛!?!? 0 Superbowls
迪克·诺兰+迈克·诺兰= 0 FIRED没有Superbowls
好友瑞恩+雷克斯瑞安=? Superbowls
2009年1月4日通过Theboinger · 发表评论
我发现自己的纽约喷气机队的伍迪·约翰逊主人如此彻底反感,我不能根可能对他们的任何更长的时间。 我能处理的失败。 失去我并不介意。 球员谁板着脸,哭了,嗲,拍自己或手淫不要打扰我要么。 愚笨的第一次教练谁犯错误,牛拖名人堂传奇不要打扰我。 冲起来有过气政客谁认为他们仍然有一些离开,但显然不,实际上我兴奋。 交易进行了过气政客从来没有人,谁只是匆匆的一触地得分在2007年后,突然觉得他们是埃米特·史密斯,因为他们可以通过开孔运行我86年岁高龄的意大利的奶奶可以通过轮她的椅子不打扰我。 其实我可以买,在所有前面提到的。 特别是如果打算在收集这些不称职的,是语重心长地说:中奖!
它不再是赢球。 其实伍迪·约翰逊它从来没有赢球只是把我到现在才弄明白。
嘿喷气机的球迷,WAKE UP!
共享一个球场? 来吧,并唐纳德特朗普一起吃午餐比尔·盖茨和共享沙拉? 所有这些高价位的大牌引援是在欺骗你以为PSL的是有道理的不良企图。 嗯,你骗不了我伍迪。 你骗不了我们的读者。 你是一个流浪汉。 你在选秀搞砸了每一年,因为你买的团队和你试图通过引进人才从其他地方建立一个“超级碗口径”的团队是一个耻辱,纠正你的错误。 更重要的是,球衣的男孩,你有一个以上的机会,把喷气机回纽约。 然而,你继续隐藏在希望,而隐藏你无法真正建立一个胜利者他们的成功将产生你的利润没有结果投下纽约巨人背后的阴影。
从现在起根可接受队喷气机的球迷。 巴尔的摩乌鸦队,底特律雄狮队,休斯顿德州人,纽约巨人
2009年1月2日由MadisonMadnuff · 发表评论
以及佩顿赢得另一个联赛的MVP,今年和我说,他disserved,但这样做了很多其他球员。 我的问题是怎么来的防守球员不能获得联赛MVP,我觉得詹姆斯应该哈里森今年已经得到了联盟MVP。 他们没有一个雇主在哈里森说有更多的今年他的团队产生影响。 如果防守赢得总冠军,然后防守队员应考虑MVP奖项。
这似乎很像Hesiman在联赛的“最佳球员”只能是进攻型球员,怎么来的? 当马队夺得超级碗什么是他们本赛季的与众不同的制造者和他们迎来季后赛? 鲍勃·桑德斯。 当巨人夺得超级碗什么他们一跃到了赛季中期的转身? OSI Umenyora。 我觉得很安静嘲笑的选民觉得防守球员并没有太多的对游戏作为进攻球员的影响。 詹姆斯·哈里森的手下来今年最好的NFL球员; 他的一个团队,真的只赢了,因为他们的伟大的防守影响也不容忽视。 如果你回到过去往往是一个伟大的防守球员是催化剂来领导一个团队走向胜利。
人们似乎只是有一个困难时期除外的事实,MVP可能是一个防守球员,因为统计数据是很难衡量的时间。 进攻球员都直接关系到他们非常有形的统计数据。 防守球员统计数据并不总是反映他们亲自例如,一个团队可能允许2.5码仓促了玩家在游戏中,让4.5的时候都没有。 后者是一个团队统计不是个人的统计,即使它仍然显示该玩家对他的团队的影响。 尽管如此,今年詹姆斯·哈里森有非常具体的统计数据领先最好的防守统计在NFL历史上的一个中袋的联赛中被强迫的摸索,前5和领导者。 这家伙从来不用手一场糟糕的比赛,是从来没有认为他的球队在今年失去了理由。 当小马队失去了游戏往往佩顿做当然是错误的时候赢得了它是唯一的,因为他为好,但我仍下跌防守球员需要考虑。 第二和第三位选票干将是迈克尔·特纳和乍得边宁顿,詹姆斯·哈里森比这两种中打得更好。 这是怎么回事采取了防守球员拿到联赛MVP奖项? 这就是为什么Mad'Nuff联赛MVP去詹姆斯·哈里森。
一方面16周后得罪我了很大的时间如下......为什么没人提的是,猎鹰有机会锁定了二号种子在NFL? 如果猎鹰完成击败废弃物填充圣路易斯公羊队在亚特兰大本周末的高度非可敬的任务,卡罗来纳黑豹是在下周击败了新奥尔良,亚特兰大猎鹰队最终赢得了NFC南。 我们已经知道,巨人已经锁定了头号种子在OT周日晚上击败卡罗莱纳州,但红雀充其量可以在NFC西部完成9-7,和熊或维京人只能完成在10-6赢得了NFC北。 这是什么意思? 无论是猎鹰或黑豹保证两个种子。
但是,为什么没有人谈论它? 因为每一个愚蠢的分析师有它在他们心目中的猎鹰精彩掉头在后迈克尔 - 维克死后只是在解决他们的外卡泊位。 不过,您好! 他们甚至可以拿到再见! 这将是完全巨大的!
他们不仅克服了去年的惨败,并与一个新秀QB季后赛,但他们现在有一个机会,把自己在到达超级碗一个主场胜利和一个客场胜利的高度可行的位置,只要巨人赢得他们的第一场比赛。 我的意思是,哎呀,他们最终可能会主办的NFC冠军,如果巨人失去了他们的第一场比赛!
有人请谈谈吧。 我看过PTI,体育中心,并听取了每一个FOX,CBS和NBC分析员和评论员,他们没有一个人已经想到这个问题。 这让我懊恼,我几乎希望上帝,猎鹰让二号种子,看看他们都哑期待的表情。
卡罗来纳州... pleeeeease输。 我已经知道了猎鹰有公羊的比赛在他们后面的口袋,所以我不担心你。 后来。
马克的本周精选! NFL游戏精选第16周(无点扩散)
小牛已经取得了,他们上周打了一个遗憾的巨人防御。 罗莫将有至少2拦截这可能巴尔的摩的所有需求,因为他们施加压力,他们砸嘴运行游戏。 我预计至少有两个通行证乔·弗拉科将超过35+码,因为小牛将不得不继续8在框中。
骑士已经失去了这个游戏谁,他们开始QB。 辛辛那提起到很好地迟到,和塞德里克本森看起来他已经找上门! 本森是,如果你的季节还没有过期的第一步,你需要一个RB!
我的推荐:圣Fransico 49人。
我不认为他们49人要真正做任何事情来赢得这场比赛。 圣路易斯通常只会得到自己的方式和工作失一球的游戏。 我知道辛格尔特里有他控制球队,他不会犯的错误,让这个遗憾借口俱乐部打他。 There are no individuals on Mike's team but thats a lesson that will eventually turn this squad into a Championship contender. Also S. Hill has been playing very well, so don't be surprised if he throws 2-4 TD passes!
New Orleans at Detroit
My Pick: Detroit
I believe that every dog has it's day in the sun, and when you look at Detroit you just got to believe some day it will happen. I don't believe that the Saints should lose this game, but lets just say I believe that the “angels are on the field this week” and give the Loins a early Christmas present. Calvin has a huge game, and Stewart scores!
Pittsburgh at Tennessee
My Pick: Tennessee
This is by far the toughest call of the week. Pittsburgh has a historic defense, yet they struggle to put up any points on offense. As of late Big Ben has look like Tiny Tim with his merger attempts at producing offense. Also the Steelers cannot run the football, yet due to the injury of Hanyesworth you never can tell how this defense will manage without the star DT. I am going to give the advantage to the home team in this one because of the fact that they have fast RB's and Big RB's and maybe with the right mix they will be able to tire out the Pittsburgh D and score atleast 1 TD. Either way its going to be a great game!
Miami at Kansas City
My Pick: Miami
KC has been playing better of late, but they still are KC. With the way Joey Porter has been leading this Miami Defense you should expect several sacks and rushed pass attempts which will inevitably end in Miami being victorious!
Arizona at New England
My Pick: New England
My reason is simple. After we look at this game your going say, “I think they wanted it more” (joke)
(But True)
San Diego at Tampa Bay
My Pick: Tampa Bay
Seriously, Did you see Antonio Bryant the last two weeks? This guy has looked so good, he should get a endorsement deal with Elmers for that One Hand grab. Also, I am feeling the reemergence of the superstar Caddy this week, and I doubt San Diego can stop it. This San Diego team is over-rated straight up and they just aren't going to be tough enough to play against Tampa Bay in their own house. Expect to see light showers and lots of cannon fire on Sunday!
Houston at Oakland
My Pick: Houston
All Hail Steve Slaton, the boy legend that came from WVU and into our NFL Highlight films. This guy is the Total Package. This could potentially be a good game but I doubt the Oakland QB who hasn't earned the respect of me saying his name, will be able to handle Mario “Mad Dog” Williams up in his grill. Andre Johnson is a top flight kind of guy and should have a pretty good game, yet he will be matched up with Nnamdi Asomugha, who may have the he size and speed to present him a challenge. I am pretty sure on this one though, Houston comes up on top and some Oakland Raiders fans will go out and stab someone!
Buffalo at Denver
Buffalo seems to have packed it in. But we will see. Denver may have some issues with protecting Cutler due to Marcus Shroud, but if they play the outside and edges they should slice through this Defense. They have such speed at the RB position it will look ridiculous. The bills always have a chance when Marshawn Plays so we will see. This is the kind of guy that can will and try so hard it motivates his team to win.
NY Jets at Seattle
My Pick Jets
Brett Farve will get it done. Seattle is a joke and he would love nothing more than to say good bye to his old coach by slapping another L on his resume!
Atlanta at Minnesota
My Pick: Atlanta
They are just the better team, and Tavaris Jackson is not the answer.
Philadelphia at Washington
My Pick: Philadelphia
Donovan McNabb has been playing very well recently and with a healthy Westbrook the Redskins could be in for some real trouble. Since it is a divisional game it could still be a close game, but don't be surprised if this one turns ugly early!
Carolina at NY Giants
Green Bay at Chicago
December 18, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
With just two weeks of play left in the regular season of the 2008-2009 year, a few teams have locked up a spot in the playoffs while others are still fighting to make it. What is about to unfold in this article is, what are in my mind, the teams that will make it.
We already know the Steelers and Titans have locked up spots and first round byes in the AFC. In the NFC the Giants have clinched their division while the Cardinals have as well. First I will go over the locks to get in.
In the AFC the only sure-fire lock I have is the Indianapolis Colts. If they beat Jacksonville this Thursday in Florida, they're in. With the way the Jags have disappointed, I do not even see them using the rivalry bug as added motivation to beat Indianapolis.
In the NFC, surprisingly, the Carolina Panthers have not clinched even with an 11-3 record, which is a testament to the competitiveness of the NFC. However, one more win or one more loss from another team or two would put them in. The Cowboys have been hot lately. I don't care about Romo's performance in Pittsburgh. The game was still close, and it has been their only slip up since his return from injury. They face the Ravens at home, and Eagles in Philadelphia. The Eagle game should be tough and they easily can lose, but to me, I think all of the air got sucked out of the Raven team with their last minute loss to Pittsburgh last weekend.
The Vikings should clinch their division as the Bears face the Packers on Monday Night at home, but then travel to Houston the last week. Houston is on pace to finish up 9-7 and Andre Johnson should be able to shred their weak pass defense.
After that I don't think Tampa will get in as they have slipped up and their weaknesses are beginning to be exposed. The Falcons and Eagles to me will be the ones to fighting for the 6th seed in the NFL as they have both been consistent as of late.
Back in the AFC, I'll take the Patriots to win their division. They are at home against the Cardinals who have clinched, and then at a bum Buffalo team. That would put them at 11-5. The reason I see this happening is because the as-of-late inconsistent Jets should lose in Seattle this weekend, and the Dolphins will beat the Kansas City Chiefs. But when they play each other in New York, I'll take a last-ditch effort by Favre to even their records at 10-6, giving one of them the 6th seed.
The only seed I am unsure of is the 4th seed in the AFC as the Broncos are 8-6 and Chargers 6-8. If the Chargers beat Tampa Bay in Tampa this weekend, which is not an oversight, and the Broncos lose at home to the Bills, which is still a bit of a stretch even if the Broncos aren't so consistent, then they will be playing in San Diego for the division in week 17. If that happens, I'll take the Chargers.
So that's how I believe the “tournament” brackets will be set up come January.
The New York Giants are thinking about signing veteran WR, Joe Horn
December 17, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment
Joe Horn, one of the better Wide Receivers in football in the past 10 years, was cut earlier this year by the Atlanta Falcons. Joe has produced at the top level, putting up 603 receptions for 8,744 yards, averaging 14.5 yards per catch with 58 TD's, during his career. Joe Horn was a great WR, but does he have anything left? The Giants seem to think so. They have worked out the aging receiver and may sign him to a short term deal.
Giants fans have some fond memories of Joe Horn considering he pulled out a cellphone after scoring a late TD against the Giants 5 seasons ago!
The Giants are having issues dealing with the loss of Brandon Jacobs and Plaxico Burress which has created problems for their red zone offense. If they wish to repeat their success of last year, they will definitely need to iron out all the problems they are having on the offensive side of the ball.
Third Quarter NFL Contenders
December 2, 2008 by AlexV · 3 Comments
The NFL has hit its third quarter mark, and after twelve of the most up-and-down weeks of football in recent history, it is still a bit of a stretch to call anybody a true lock for the Super Bowl save for the New York Giants. However, there are still a few teams that are definitely pulling away from most others as viable Super Bowl contenders.
The first team, resoundingly, is the Giants. This is the best team in the league as far as everyone being on the same page. They have shown great depth to overcome almost all injuries, and even self-imposed gunshot wounds. Their one loss to the Browns in Cleveland where they went down by a score of 14 to 35 was a true head-scratcher. However, that game can definitely hold an asterisk for being an aberration since the Brownies have been terrible for the most part. The Giants have gone from a team with potential who plays on emotion, to a team that just flat out knows how to win. They are a well-oiled machine and are unphased by whatever distractions, whatever home field advantages their opponents have, and whichever fallen soldier opponents might be playing for.
The second team that comes to mind in my view is the Pittsburgh Steelers. Their loss to the Eagles was just one of those days where nothing goes good offensively. They had a slump against the two Manning led teams but seem to have their act together as they have won convincingly for the most part ever since.
A team like the Jets had their slumps early on against teams like Oakland where they lost 16-13, and only scored ten points at home against the Patriots, then rip off a five game winning streak, blow out the previously undefeated Titans in Tennessee, and suffer another inexcusable slump to the no-defense Broncos at home losing 34-17. That is not the stuff of a contender, but rather a team with potential but a little too inconsistent to have faith in.
My next team is the Baltimore Ravens. Say what you want about their rookie quarterback. They are playing lights out and beating opponents they are supposed to beat the way the good teams are supposed to… big. They have had their share of slumps, namely a 30-10 loss to the Giants, and a 31-3 loss to the Colts. However, they already took Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania to OT and lost 20-23, but that was in just the fourth week of young Joe Flacco's already budding career. If the Ravens get into the playoffs and meet up with the Colts or Giants again, it should be a lot closer as typically, second meetings between two teams in the same season are rarely ever a duplicate of the first meeting. Oh, and don't count them out to win the AFC North as they still get Pittsburgh one last time for sure at home in two weeks and trail the Steelers by just one game.
After the Ravens, the Colts should not be overlooked. They keep finding ways to win, and a handful of those wins were handed to them. However, that kind of luck coupled with their post season experience can be a bad omen for their opponents come playoff time if they get in. And yes, I am counting luck as a factor. They have shown the kind of luck that is too good to be true, ie Titans, Steelers, and Browns games.
After that, I would say the Cowboys are the sleeper. They slumped big time early on. They did not have their act together as they seemed to display the heir of a team who already saw themselves in the Super Bowl. Now with their backs against the wall, they are looking like that kind of team again.
As for other squads like the Panthers and Bucs, their efforts are certainly admirable, but their quarterbacks, Jake Delhomme and Jeff Garcia respectively, are just too inconsistent. The Arizona Cardinals are like the Saints… great passing attack and not much more. The only difference is their division stinks. The one team that could be close to a contender is the Atlanta Falcons. They are moving milestones ahead in their rebuilding process at 8-4, and are perhaps one or two more productive seasons, and a good losing post season experience away from becoming a perennial contender.
Other than that, all of the other teams are just a little too consistent for my blood.
49ers head coach, Mike Singletary could change the NFL for the better!
October 27, 2008 by MarkM · 2 Comments
I was watching football Sunday, and I began to realize something. Today we have big baby, players who only care about money and “loving me some me”. The true team concept may be fading away, in some professional sports. I remember when I would idolized all the players from the past who could play hurt and persevere through any type of pain, injuries and Media criticisms and still maintain their dignity. I mean does any one remember when Ronnie Lott had his finger amputated just so he could play in a playoff game? Could you see any pro Football player doing that now a days? If you dumb let me help you with that answer, NO!
How come today's players have fallen so far from that “old school winning mentality” of whatever it takes? I mean it really can't help that these players are getting 10 million dollar deals before they step foot on the field as rookies, or the fact that players are so babied when it comes to the medical care they receive. All I can think about right now is what I would say to Kellen Winslow Jr, after the grief he caused me this week. Seriously this cry baby is costing me points and I would tell him, “Seriously Kellen, you got a staph infection OK. If you want to blame it on your top Tier medical staff on your NFL football team, go right ahead. I mean hanging out with R. Kelly definitely had nothing to do with this right? Seriously, Kellen lets cry about it some more, oh I am here to listen. You know what F*** it, Kellen How are you going to play on my fantasy squad it is always about you? I want Players who want to win, I need team players. Kellen, You're embarrassing yourself , and you could seriously help this team win more if you just showered up.” Seriously Kellen go into the rap industry and show that your a straight soldier or strap it up like you father did, and play and act like a man.
Also, whatever happened to “I can play” “I am going to play”. I mean Plax can't practice but he sure can play in a game if he feels like it, right? I mean come on I think big blue should buy him like 3 or 4 cell phones because maybe he really can't hear the one in his pants, since he is like 4 feet above it. Either way, Plax should be put on some sort of house arrest, because he obviously is way too arrogant to just show up to practice if he can and in the event that he can't practice he makes habits of not showing to his medical appointments. I am starting to think Plax was the kid who always called in sick when he had a test in school or something. To be honest, thought, I am sick of watching Plaxico Burress, Hines Ward, Chad Johnson, constantly taking practices off. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if in the future NFL practices would be viewed as purely optional.
Regardless, I saw something that really grabbed me and made me feel a lot better though. There was a inkling of hope! The NFL has a new angel. This angel is the 49ers's new head coach and NFL Legend, Mike Singletary. He made a great post game speech that everyone should watch. His attitude pays tribute to an era of football , which could only be described as great. Therefore, his speech hit home with me. I want to Salute Mike Singletary, who is a man I believe in. This team has the right man in the job not because he has all the football answers. Nope not at all. he is not the right man because he has an elite knowledge of defensive formations and schemes. He is the right guy for the 49ers job, however, because he doesn't accept stupid “Me” “I” personality types. Regardless of what the media or the owners will say. He does not and will not accept losing. He wants to change the attitude of a losing team, and I believe with this speech he started his process of doing so.
He called out a “superstar” in Vernon Davis, who is also known as “Click Clack Davis” for his bs commercials. He is also likes to be called the “Cyborg”. He let Vernon know that he is not above the team. This is comical, because this player has his head so far up his a** and he didn't even know till today. Vernon I am renaming you VD . Your like the 49ers infected draft pick, because your attitude about you is killing your team. Either way, I respect Coach Singletary calling Vernon out and making the speech he did. He might be the only hope to infusion some good ol bone crunching sweat and tears back into the NFL, in hopes to bring it back to the way things were, tough and gritty. You know back when whining wasn't acceptable in Football!
October 13, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment
It is 12:20 am on October 14th, and I have just watched the worst Red-zone performance of all time. The one thing about the New York Giants that just doesn't seem to be good this year is their red zone stragety. I understand that Plaxico is not in the good graces of the organization, but when you take him out of the game in the red zone in the third quarter it just makes no sense. 6′5 Plaxico Burress who has already proved to be one of the Gaints best red zone targets in the 2008 season, was taken out and Eli Manning threw a pass to Toomer instead, which resulted a costly pick 6. I realize that you can't throw only to one player, However Plax deserves a target in every red zone trip, without fail. This is a man whose jumping abilities and size are unparalleled in the League. The Giants need to get off their high horses and get Plax the ball in the Red-Zone, or risk doing what they did today, just look terrible. I can't help to wonder if this problems in play calling could be in response to Plaxico's recent suspension. Regardless, If you pay a player you better use him as far as I am concerned. Also, trying to intercept a Pass high in the corner of the endzone is nearly impossible, especially if the defender is shorter than the WR by about 6 to 7 inches.
TE Tony Gonzalez Might Be Traded To The New York Giants
October 11, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment
There have been some pliminary reports that TE Tony Gonzalez is looking for a trade to a seroius contender. The teams that he has voiced an interest in included the New York Giants, a team that was at the top of his list. It is very possible that this trade could happen. He could get moved for as little as 3rd or a 5th round pick. Tony Gonzalez is a great player, however to come in right before the Oct 14 trade deadline and learn a entire Offense would be tough. He is at an advanced age but this move could definatly help the Gaints defend thier superbowl title this year. We think this could happen, and you heard it here first.
Jason Campbell Season Opener in Review By Alex V
September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment
I'm gonna start things off with Jason Campbell. He's honestly got a lot of the physical tools that can make for a great quarterback; mobility, a pretty strong arm (as shown when he overthrows it deep), and he's also six feet and five inches tall.
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Tagged: 2008 , Akila Smith , Brandon Jacobs , Bust , Derrick Ward , Eli Manning , Football , GMEN , Jason Campbell , New York Giants , NY Giants , Opening Day , Santana Moss , Season Opener , SKINS , Tim Couch