
2009年6月11日由AlexV · 1条评论

He's had Ravens behind his back all the way in Baltimore. Now let's how long he stands in front of some Jets.

他有他背后所有的方式在巴尔的摩乌鸦。 现在,让我们来看看他站在前面的一些喷气机多久... 如果我们甚至可以看到他身后的喷气机。

此雷克斯瑞安肯定了自己的名字,用自信和傲慢的嘴。 到目前为止,这个大个子正在注意到两个发生口头上的名声和虚拟闲来无事过去他的名誉作为巴尔的摩乌鸦队的防守协调员。

刚来时,他被在一个电台节目采访,被问及面对新英格兰爱国者主教练比尔·贝利奇克每年两次。 他说:“我不是来这里吻,比尔贝利奇克环”或多或少。 让我分析一下。 大多数人会放弃贝利奇克他适当的会费和状态,他们的目标绝对竞争/挑战自己的对手。 不过,他出来,使1930年的时代私酒可能会说类似的声明。

第二个问题是迈阿密海豚队的首发中后卫钱宁 - 克劳德在这里时,他声称他从来没有听说过他的意见。 克罗德真理肯定回应。 他说,瑞安是一个“OTA超级碗赢家”在他赢得了休赛期,如果他真正做他的功课,他知道谁是首发中后卫是迈阿密海豚队。

现在,瑞恩知道他,我敢肯定。 我不是说一个人说话像在开放这一点是不是有趣。 但我说,如果他的团队并没有结束,寻找体面的,甚至今年,他可能只是看起来像一个真正的冲洗袋。 如果他结束了在纽约有一个短暂的一生中,那么他真的会看起来像一个白痴。 他可能成为下一个迈克·泰斯大,身材魁梧,面颊脂肪,认为他是一个暴徒,他的团队的尊重,但不能赢得一个该死的东西。

汤姆·布雷迪又回来了! 是2007年的爱国者?

2009年5月28日由AlexV · 发表评论

Much will be said about Brady's mobility affecting his game this year. But he is certainly a QB who has the smarts to adjust to full-time pocket life.

这在很大程度上将被布雷迪的流动性,影响他的比赛,今年说。 但他肯定是一个QB谁拥有的智慧来调整全职口袋生活。

事实上,汤姆·布雷迪从去年的腿伤毫无疑问打开门,很多球队在亚冠被视为有竞争力的平衡,应该是没有任何秘密。 布雷迪现在又回来了,他已经失去了流动性,但是,这并不意味着,今年的爱国者不能很接近爆炸性的,因为他们在他们的不败赛季常规赛从两年过去。

即使爱国者的进攻不会是爆炸性的,因为它是当它是在NFL历史上最具爆炸性的罪行,那么多坏的落真的吗? 仍然是一个顶级的罪行? 关闭到顶部的罪行之一? 或至少​​一个本赛季的前两项罪行。 无论哪种方式,这些赔率是好的爱国者。



2009年4月19日由Theboinger · 发表评论

Nick Swisher Is The Jack Black Of Baseball


纽约洋基队是在不熟悉的领域。 自己的家庭领域。 不再神秘和灵气夜间出现。 通常扮演世界系列赛将肯定不会在布朗克斯举行今年的第161号和河。 洋基队只是普通的吸吮。 从上到下,他们是用更少的身份,然后纽约喷气机队的灾难。 现在是很难做到的。

尼克·斯威舍已成为民间英雄过夜。 他是一个“真正的美国人”比技安帅和A-Rod的结合,连续3天,他一直在布朗克斯。 他是做什么的,而球队正在努力甚至走出自己的路。

乔吉拉迪管理这支球队,喜欢帅哥,谁赢得了2006年的年度经理。 是比利·马丁,他说,我们都听说了在哪里? 你可以看到在他的新闻发布会,并听到他的声音。 他是不是自己。 你不能管理这样的,赢在大联盟的水平。 JOE把你的脚了! 脚趾上的一些步骤和得到动物园随和的人。 告诉哈尔和汉克去建立一些船舶离开球队的决定。 管理如何你想MANAGE!

乔巴:放弃吧,你是不是首发。 您已经弥补的接近。 一个大家伙可以曲柄或两个一局,是碰不得的3或4次,每周平均态度。 莫背后把你的地方,而他保持座椅热情为您服务。 这种转变将是无缝的......像你的快球后,第3局。

杰特:只要承认你不属于在开场现货,你应该击球接近底部,如果不持续。 迪马乔走开了你的年龄,而不是持有或采取较小的作用。 而那些只是窃窃私语。 你所听到的,是一个巨大的轰鸣声! 你现在有一个球童? 哇! 这本身就意味深长。

波沙达:给它人。 莫利纳是一个伟大的防守接球。 你有什么证明。 你不能扔家伙之前,你受伤了。 没有一个人希望你扔的人现在还是关心,如果你这样做。 除了卫生署和,备份firstbaseman /捕手的角色,我们可以继续。


布雷特加德纳:你能有一个更大的洞,左撇子循环? 缩短蝙蝠,呛是一个安打上垒。 来的人,你没有看见大联盟吗?

Melky卡布雷拉:你必须知道你去年你的工作竞争。 你是不是一个外野手。 但外野手然而。 他们出去了NADY和Swisher加德纳给你的工作,并为您提供至少两个行业。 你认为你可以减掉一磅?


我可以继续下去,但它不值得。 如果你长大了在70年代末和80年代经历过像我一样看这个团队,你知道,这个团队是远从伟大。 世界系列赛? 没错。 他们甚至不会进入季后赛。 是的,它是4月和我说了。


杰伊·卡特勒将迫使交易! 乔希McDaniels需要一个QB,所以最大的问题是将卡特勒去?

2009年3月16日由MarkM · 发表评论

Jay Cutler has asked for a trade on March 16 2009


这NFL淡季已经有很多的风风雨雨。 器Plaxico布瑞斯在海上失踪,两名NFL球员含羞监狱的时候,已经从美国队布法罗,丹特STALLWORTH已经撞死行人。 有趣的是,我相信他们都没有感到不堪重负新野马的主教练,乔希McDaniels,谁是他愤怒的特许经营QB被活活吞噬。 杰伊·卡特勒是无奈之举,我们都知道,我们也不会开心在丹佛。 要求的行业,可能仅仅是一个权力卡特勒移动,但我真的怀疑它。 他已经没有必要迫使他的薪水。 就个人而言,我知道他需要被感动。 他曾表示,他“不相信他的教练”,这是一个坏的配方周杰伦和野马。 如果他们不处理他看来,坦帕湾和纽约两地,似乎是一个非常适合的。 喷气机队是需要一个QB,我知道克莱门斯和拉特利夫将无法得到它完成。 他们移动到固定Brett Farve的是惊人的周转。 而且,由于布雷特退役,为了保持竞争力,本赛季他们将需要做出动作。 我敢肯定,雷克斯瑞恩明白拉特利夫没有特伦特Dilfer的是,他会看到卡特勒的值,这个淡季。 坦帕湾海盗队没有保持它的秘密,他们正在寻找取代加西亚,由于他年事已高。 未遂的三队交易,已将卡塞尔丹佛每个人都知道,和卡特勒坦帕的,所以他们是糖尿病的年轻四分卫感兴趣毫无疑问。 卡特勒个人从来一直是我的最爱,这将是有趣的,看他打球没有WR马歇尔。 我不相信,坦帕是他的好去处,但你永远不知道。 我肯定希望周杰伦成为一个Jet在2011年。 我当然希望约翰逊的家人不搞砸一个!

Come on Woody make this move!! Pick up Cutler

来吧,伍迪作出这一举动! 拿起卡特勒


2009年2月21日由MarkM · 2评论

Ray Lewis is looking like a Jet in 2010


我敢肯定,喷气机队很快使一招雷·刘易斯。 在中后卫的位置,他们已经发布了很多他们的深度,似乎是金钱把自己定位,使一招雷人雷! 我很想看到雷人雷打团伙绿色的,因为他是领导者的类型,但是我不觉得巴尔的摩与水箱中的大部分已经离开了他,所以我希望不要超过2年的喷气机处理收购存储他! 如果他们不签署雷人雷,他们将签署巴尔的摩的其他大牌自由球员LB斯科特。 但是,如果雷不来纽约,无论是纽约队中后卫里面有很大的。 我希望约翰逊先生没有搞砸,因为喷气机有更多的机会与被告凶手在LB核心,相信我!


足球棘手#1:李连杰的自己的Jenn Sterger

2009年1月27日由MarkM · 3评论

Jenn Sterger


我不得不说的是该死的这个女孩是罚款! 最近喷气机已经拿起这棘手,你可能已经看到了之前在佛罗里达州塞米诺尔游戏。 她肯定是最性感的,并希望她能够保持高道德即使雷克斯瑞安的来到小镇。 多年来,她一直在几个不同的媒体源。 事实上,今天,在WFAN的乔和埃文在半山天谈论她。 这个女孩是支付给热,和规则! 她已经提出了花花公子,喷气机之前,甚至对她的了解。 好耶的人,她就是为什么我知道神爱美国。 如果你不同意,然后有人请有人告诉我这样的一些热点阿拉伯人。 因此,这里的图片,让我们知道您的想法!

p1 sterger usf3 Football Hottie #1: Jets own Jenn Sterger

Staying nice and warm


Jenn has experience with being a team hottie already from college


Jenn loves to drink!


Jenn modeling photo from her website


Jenn Sterger


Jenn Sterger sporting Jets Gear


I wonder where he is looking?


Atleast the Jets get something right! Considering they are 3rd all time with 17 different head coaches!

至少喷气机得到正确的事情! 考虑到他们是第三所有的时间有17个不同的主教练!

I would mind getting a holding penatly right about now


Jenn Sterger


Jenn Sterger is hot. Without a doubt.

是热振Sterger。 毫无疑问。

Jenn Sterger is raising interest in the NFL


Jenn Sterger College days


Jenn Getting Frisky


jenn sterger 9 Football Hottie #1: Jets own Jenn Sterger

Jenn looking good for the Sportsroids pool party


Jenn Sterger gets a good look downfield, while I get a better look at Jenn Sterger

爵Sterger得到好好看看前冲,而我得到一个更好看爵Sterger的。 我喜欢这个游戏!

Jenn Sterger and friend


Jenn Sterger, the secret to the Devils Rays success!


You knew we would have Drunk photos of Jenn Sterger

你知道我们有醉酒的照片和Jenn Sterger

Jenn Sterger and cars, what could be better than that?


Jenn Sterger


Yep her again as a florida state cowgirl


Topless tutors...anyone?


Jenn posing with Seminoles fan


Jenn Sterger is freaking hot!


I should have gone to Florida State!


Jenn Sterger, #1 Female Jets Fan



1月22日由Theboinger · 2评论

Rex Ryan Takes Center Stage On "Broadway"


纽约喷气机队曾经得到它吗? 这还有待观察。 现在我将让你咀嚼。 仅有的两名防守协调员在他们的第一个头教练工作与新的组织赢得了超级碗汤姆·兰德里和比尔Cowher的。 兰德里去了达拉斯牛仔队在1960年花费的前六个赛季后,纽约巨人队的防守协调员。 比尔Cowher匹兹堡钢人队在1992年接手后,花了在前三个赛季,堪萨斯城酋长,他们的DC兰德里大D中度过了29个赛季,赢得和失去两个Superbowls。 Cowher度过了15个赛季,钢市产生一个超级杯的胜利和一负。 它把兰德里11年赢得了超级碗,并花了他的整个教练生涯Cowher来完成相同的。 麦克·汤姆林很可能他的名字很短,精英名单。 这使他的最快,小班这样做。

很多人都指出,每个人在某些时候是一个助理,他们不能全赢Superbowls的,。 当然,像比尔Parcells比尔贝利奇克的名字将浮出水面。 当然,我相信你不会忘记洛维·史密斯和约翰·福克斯。 多久你愿意等待喷气机队的球迷吗?

唐舒拉+大卫·舒拉= 2 Superbowls

范菲利普斯+韦德菲利普= 0 Superbowls

吉姆·莫拉+吉姆莫拉JR =季后赛吗?吗? 0 Superbowls

迪克·诺兰+麦克·诺兰= 0无燃烧Superbowls

伙计赖安+雷克斯瑞安=? Superbowls


2009年1月4日由Theboinger · 发表评论




我发现自己彻底反感纽约喷气机队的老板伍迪约翰逊,我不能可能不再为他们的根。 我可以处理预亏。 失去我并不介意。 玩家噘嘴,呐喊,哀鸣,搬起石头砸自己或手淫不要打扰我。 愚笨首次的教练谁犯错误,牛拖霍尔名人堂传说不打扰我。 有过气政客们认为他们仍然有左的东西,但显然不往上冲,实际上我兴奋。 交易进行了过气政客,从来没有人,只好在2007年一触地得分,然后突然觉得他们是埃米特史密斯,因为他们可以通过开孔我86岁的老年意大利祖母可能车轮通过她的椅子不打扰我。 事实上,我可以买到所有前面提到的。 特别是如果无意在收集这些格格不入,语重心长地说:殊荣!

它不再是赢得。 事实上,伍迪 - 约翰逊,它从来没有赢得它只是把我到现在才弄明白。


分享一个球场? 来吧,唐纳德特朗普与比尔·盖茨共进午餐,并分享沙拉? 所有那些高价的大牌引援是一个贫穷的企图欺骗你以为PSL的都是有道理的。 好吧,你不能骗我伍迪。 你骗不了我们的读者。 你是一个流浪汉。 你就吹吧草案中的每一年,因为你买下球队,纠正你的错误你试图从其他地方进口人才,建立一个“超级口径”的团队是一种耻辱。 更重要的是,球衣的男孩,你有一个以上的机会带回到纽约喷气机队。 然而,你继续隐瞒背后的阴影纽约巨人队的希望,他们的成功将产生你的利润没有因此而隐藏你无法真正建立一个赢家。

可接受喷气机队球迷根从现在开始。 巴尔的摩乌鸦队,底特律雄狮队,休斯顿德州人,纽约巨人


2009年1月4日由Theboinger · 2评论

The Bard - by Thomas Jones

巴德 - 托马斯·琼斯

首先,我想感谢大家的支持和客气话,我的儿子杰克·亨利出生。 更重要的是,我现在的状态,并宣布从这个时候出来,我不会叫他是新泽西州的喷气机的粉丝。 你听到我伍迪·约翰逊? 如果不是我们的内容和尊重我们的许多读者的完整性,我真的会告诉你我的感觉。 你下楼来的人洞,我会给你所有你能处理。

那么我们了解到,因为我短暂的休眠民窟这些过去的几个月里? 我是正确的喷气机和布雷特法夫尔。 我是正确的迈阿密击败他们17周(我打电话,每周1次),我是正确的拉维恩和雪莉“科尔斯没有赶上足球。 我是正确的托马斯·琼斯,是一个坏的队友,第二个最好的跑了回来对他的团队。 大概是第六届纽约州最好的,如果我们不计数高中或大学。

因此,从人洞,我已经找到和平和清晰度。 现在,我知道我不需要52“的LCD HDTV告诉我什么,我已经知道。 我可以看到它从一英里远13“黑与白的顶峰。


12月30日,2008年由MadisonMadnuff · 发表评论

一些教练得到的引导,本周的NFL球队,“赢得现在还是到别的地方去”的政策在不断增长的趋势。   虽然有很多的教练已经因为今年我不认为,MANGINI烧真的让我的皮肤下。   如果你回看时代和最近;   你会发现一个正在进行克的趋势,“坏队教练高营业额”。   这是因为业主的球队的教练没有赢得摆脱。   然而,随着埃里克Mangini这是没有的情况下,   MANGINI管理进入季后赛,他作为主教练的第一年,今年有一个赢取的纪录。     喷气机是从一个有才华的足球队伍,他们有很多孔的球员 ​​明智,   “主要是在防守上”,而是出于剪切天才教练,他已经成功地赢得比赛。      喷气机队并没有给他足够的时间来构建和完善自己的系统。   特别是作为主教练第一次,它需要一定的时间去通过什么可行,什么不,喷气机没有给MANGINI这样的机会。



当队消防教练在第二年和第三年,他们创造一个自我实现的预言。   正如前面提到的常年烂队有很高的执教失误。   这是因为经常在这几支球队之一得到一个好教练,他们不给他成功的机会。   我觉得,如果你有信心的人,你是主教练,你给他们一个最低五年,以扭转乾坤,如果在这五年中,他们赢得你让他们到了季后赛。    通常情况下,一个新的教练,即使像MANGINI取胜,球队依然激发他们,因为他们没有赢得超级碗。   看一看马蒂Schottenheimer(巧合的是谁看着喷气机),充电器,充电器仍然不录用后特纳Norv和刚刚做了它对今年的季后赛有一个超级碗。   如果他们保持马蒂在船上,我倒现在,他们将有自己的超级碗。  

eric mangini Eric Mangini fired…..Why?:

简而言之它是时间改变在NFL,看看在田纳西州,匹兹堡,印第安纳波利斯,新英格兰,卡罗来纳州和丹佛这样的强队。   这些都是他们的教练和团队,坚持这样做给自己一个机会赢得超级碗每年。    卡罗来纳州和田纳西州除了这些球队都赢得了超级杯,在过去12年中,最好可以希望的是每15年1超级碗。   在结束MANGINI将降落在一个团队,让他赢得了时间,你会看到他成为一个超级杯冠军。   在结束小组要坚持用自己的才华的教练和站在他们身后,他们将获得令人垂涎的奖品,NFL为忠于他们的工作人员的尊重,赢得冠军和他们的球迷的爱。


2008年12月27日由MarkM · 发表评论

Brett Favre The Legend.


我曾经爱过Brett Farve的打本赛季百老汇布雷特的作用。 从他的第一个表现的人拥抱他,爱他,他的破坏迈阿密海豚。 布雷特法夫尔然而,处理了很多批评,因为这第一场比赛。 它的镦粗,要知道,曾经发挥最伟大的球员之一不得不处理与偏见的媒体,谁爱你的时候你赢了暗恋你,当你失去这样的学士学位。 老实说,你才能真正理解纽约媒体转述彭定康的好莱坞讲话,我相信会是这样子的申请时;

“这是纽约的方式,他们喜欢的赢家。 获奖者总是相互辉映。 纽约人历来爱拼。 所有真正的纽约人,爱的刺痛战斗。 当他们还是孩子的时候,他们都羡慕的冠军大理石射手,跑得最快的,大球联赛的球员,最艰难的拳击手...纽约客爱一个赢家,绝对不会容忍一个失败者。 纽约客发挥赢得所有的时间。 对于一个男人,谁输了,笑了,他们不会放弃的叫声在地狱。 因为非常想失去的是可恶的纽约人。“

你们中许多人都在问,“他会回来,喷射?”。 我越思考这个令人困惑的问题,我知道这将是回答更强硬。 了解布雷特一向喜欢挑战,这是很难看到我来说,离开球队,他使一个竞争者,雕刻,只用他的获奖的态度,并会赢得。 布雷特法夫尔也可能会感觉看他的家人的压力,不得不面对所有的批评,在绿湾,他可能不会处理这么大的镇一级。

Deanna Favre



在过去的几个星期,我的心一直很沉重。 我已经站在...默默地看着媒体不断攻击我的丈夫......当然,曾在公共生活了18年,这是我们并不陌生。 然而,这最新一轮的媒体聚焦一直更难,更令人沮丧的,似乎永无休止。“

我想一想,这个决定是困难的。 我不能发言布雷特,但所有我能说的是我希望他回来。 因为每1媒体白痴,他的炸弹,50000球迷很佩服他。 1,000,000每次有人怀疑他,相信他。 他是一个改变游戏规则的QB谁仍然在一个非常高的水平,谁就能赢得超级碗纽约喷气机队。 他永远不会承认是多么的重要,他为这支球队,但我相信他是胶水,让喷气机向前移动。 没有布雷特,他们甚至会在季后赛狩猎? 我不认为如此。 是的,他们有一个伟大的核心球员,但这位老将知道如何保持球员,我相信他的滑稽动作会非常想念,如果他离开,更衣室。

Reggie White and Brett embrace after a huge superbowl victory!


我知道一件事,如果喷气机不进入季后赛,和媒体攻击布雷特我相信他会退休。 这是一个耻辱,因为这个男人依然有礼物,如果媒体不小心,可能会失去在NFL的超级巨星和一个完美的榜样,让我们​​在与我们分享他的故事。 耶和华不使QB或喜欢布雷特法夫尔了,我们在Sportsroids希望向他致敬! 这里是你布雷特!


2008年12月18日由AlexV · 发表评论

all the teams in the nfl1 NFL Playoff Outlook

With just two weeks of play left in the regular season of the 2008-2009 year, a few teams have locked up a spot in the playoffs while others are still fighting to make it. What is about to unfold in this article is, what are in my mind, the teams that will make it.

We already know the Steelers and Titans have locked up spots and first round byes in the AFC. In the NFC the Giants have clinched their division while the Cardinals have as well. First I will go over the locks to get in.

In the AFC the only sure-fire lock I have is the Indianapolis Colts. If they beat Jacksonville this Thursday in Florida, they're in. With the way the Jags have disappointed, I do not even see them using the rivalry bug as added motivation to beat Indianapolis.

In the NFC, surprisingly, the Carolina Panthers have not clinched even with an 11-3 record, which is a testament to the competitiveness of the NFC. However, one more win or one more loss from another team or two would put them in. The Cowboys have been hot lately. I don't care about Romo's performance in Pittsburgh. The game was still close, and it has been their only slip up since his return from injury. They face the Ravens at home, and Eagles in Philadelphia. The Eagle game should be tough and they easily can lose, but to me, I think all of the air got sucked out of the Raven team with their last minute loss to Pittsburgh last weekend.

The Vikings should clinch their division as the Bears face the Packers on Monday Night at home, but then travel to Houston the last week. Houston is on pace to finish up 9-7 and Andre Johnson should be able to shred their weak pass defense.

之后,我不认为会得到坦帕,因为他们已经下滑了自己的弱点开始暴露。 猎鹰和老鹰对我来说将是那些争取在NFL的6号种子,他们都一致后期。

早在亚冠,我带你去爱国者赢得他们的分裂。 他们在主场迎战红雀有陈年,然后在一个流浪汉布法罗队。 这将使他们在11-5。 我看到这种情况发生的原因是因为作为后期不一致的喷气机应该失去这个周末在西雅图,和海豚击败堪萨斯城酋长。 但是,当他们在纽约打对方,我要最后一搏的努力法夫尔甚至他们的纪录在10-6,给其中一人6号种子。

我不能确定的唯一的种子是4号种子在亚冠野马是8-6和6-8充电器。 如果充电器击败坦帕湾坦帕这个周末,这不是一个疏忽,野马队在主场输给条例草案,这仍然是一个有点夸张,即使野马不太一致,那么他们将被打在圣地亚哥,在第17周为师。 如果出现这种情况,我会带充电器。



2008年12月2日由AlexV · 3评论

all the teams in the nfl Third Quarter NFL Contenders

NFL已经达到了其第三季度的大关,十二足球在近代历史上最先进的和向下的周之后,它仍然是一个有点牵强,要求任何一个真正的锁超级碗纽约巨人。 但是,仍然有几支球队是绝对拉离大多数人作为可行的超级碗竞争者。


第一队,响亮,是巨人。 这是最好的球队在联赛中,只要每个人都在同一页上。 他们都表现出极大的深度,以克服几乎所有的伤害,甚至是自我强加的枪伤。 他们的损失,布朗在克利夫兰,他们去哪里的比分为14至35是一个真正的头摸不到。 然而,那场比赛绝对可以举行一个星号布朗尼像差以来一直可怕的大部分。 巨人已经从一个有潜力的团队,谁扮演的情感,只是平了一 ​​个团队,知道如何取胜。 他们是一个运转良好的机器,并矢志不渝的任何杂念,任何家庭领域的优势,他们的对手,取其倒下的士兵的对手可能被打。


想到在我看来,是第二队匹兹堡钢人队。 他们输给老鹰只是那些日子里,没有变好,进攻之一。 他们有一个对两名曼宁带领球队低迷,但似乎有他们的共同行动,因为他们已经大部分自从赢得令人信服。


喷气机队这样的球队有他们的衰退初期对像奥克兰队,他们失去了16-13,只拿下10分,在主场迎战爱国者,然后撕掉了五连胜,炸毁了此前不败的田纳西泰坦,野马在家里丢失34-17无防御遭受另一种不可原谅的低迷。 这不是一个竞争者的东西,而是一个有潜力的队伍,但有点太不一致,有信心英寸


我的下一个队是巴尔的摩乌鸦队。 说你想要什么关于他们的新秀四分卫。 他们是打灯,并击败对手,他们都应该击败优秀的球队都应该...大。 他们有他们的份额衰退,即30-10不敌巨人,和31-3损失马队。 然而,他们已经在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡OT而失去20-23,但在年轻的乔-弗拉科已经萌芽的职业生涯的第四周。 如果乌鸦队进入季后赛,再次满足了小马队或巨人,它应该是拉近了许多典型,在同一赛季两队之间的第二次会议是很少的重复第一次会议。 哦,不要指望他们赢得了亚足联北,因为他们仍然在家匹兹堡最后一次肯定在两周内落后钢人队只是一场比赛。


乌鸦之后,小马队不容忽视。 他们不断设法夺冠,和那些胜利了一把交给他们。 然而,就是这样的运气再加上他们的季后赛经验可以是一个不好的预兆,对他们的对手季后赛到来的时候,如果他们得到的是的,我指望运气的一个因素。 他们表现出来的那种运气就是好得是真实的,即泰坦,铁,和布朗游戏。


在那之后,我会说牛仔卧铺。 他们呆呆大的时间早。 他们没有他们的共同行动,因为他们似乎显示一个团队,他们已经看到了自己在超级碗的继承人。 现在,他们背水一战,他们正在寻找再喜欢那种团队。


至于其他像黑豹和海盗队,他们的努力固然令人钦佩,但他们的四分卫,Jake德尔霍姆的和杰夫·加西亚分别是太不一致。 亚利桑那红雀像圣徒...伟大的传球进攻并没有太大的更多。 唯一的区别是他们的分工很臭。 一个团队,可能是接近的竞争者是亚特兰大猎鹰队。 他们正朝着未来的里程碑8-4在重建过程中,也许一个或两个以上的生产季节,和良好的失去赛季的经验后,离成为一个常年的竞争者。



Rising Star?

November 15, 2008 by Theboinger · 1 Comment

Playing well, Matt Cassel celebrates

Playing well, Matt Cassel celebrates

The Jets may have found themselves the quarterback for right now, but they may have also found themselves the key to their future. Matt Cassel looked more like Joe Montana in that number 16 jersey last night. Throwing for 400 yards, 3 TD's plus a 2pt conversion as well as rushing for 62 more yards. Granted he's got Randy Moss and Wes Welker to target and they were playing from behind for most of the game. However you just do not put up those kind of numbers by mistake. The former USC bench warmer showed the football world last night that he has got the moxy and the confidence to lead his team as well as the support of those around him.

Cassel will be a free agent next year and has surely put himself at the front of the class for teams needing a new signal caller. The Jets would be silly not to go out and make a huge offer if Cassel continues to play this well and prove his doubters wrong. I will not go as far as to say he is the next Babe Ruth but considering the rivalry and the history of the ever raging battle between Boston and New York this could prove to be a major play by the New York Jets and perhaps could put them on track to defining their franchise.

Other teams will surely be courting Cassel. The Rams, Lions, 49ers and Vikings will surely be in the mix just to name a few. This is a can't miss opportunity for the Jets. Having missed the boat on previous drafts and coming up short in the quarterback rich 2008 draft the Jets could make all the difference in the world by signing Cassel away from their division rival Patriots. The Patriots will not miss a beat when Brady returns next season. And with the Dolphins and Bills both having found solid qb play as well as young armed back-ups the Jets can ill afford hanging the future on what will be a 40 year old arm when they open their new stadium in 2009. Even if they get one more playoff run from Brett Favre in 2009 the future is bleak for the New York Jets AB

Week 10 NFL Picks

November 6, 2008 by AlexV · 1 Comment

DEN 4-4 at CLE 3-5


这是一个真正的折腾。 The Bronco defense is atrocious, and the Browns have Brady Quinn starting. Inexperience surrounded by some talent and a home crowd versus a lost, but not found defense, wins the game.


NO 4-4 at ATL 5-3


It seems as though now the Falcons have become a team that is consistent at what they do. Not to say what they do makes them an elite team. However, the things they are doing are playing solid and potentially explosive offense and better defense than the Saints. Falcons win.


TEN 8-0 at CHI 5-3


Rex Grossman is in, and that doesn't look good for Chicago. Plus their defense has had a tendency to let opponents back in the game and put up some solid numbers. But I feel Kerry Collins has been getting lucky as the Packers and Colts, the Titans two previous opponents respectively, have eached let three interceptions slip away. The Bears don't let those kinds of opportunities pass by, Grossman has something to prove, the Bears are at home… Bears hand Titans their first loss.


JAC 3-5 at DET 0-8


尖齿继续发挥他们的对手的水平。 The Lions have been getting closer to their first win of the season. Can they do it against the Jags? Not so optimistic. But with Jack Del Rio questioning his team's chemistry, and upset is in the making. However, I believe the Jags will get their act together in this one and win.


BAL 5-3 at HOU 3-5


The Ravens defense gave up a lot of yardage and points last week to the Browns, but they are familiar with the Ravens as they play in the same division. On the other side, the Texans look good in some games, and don't continue their production even in their losses. Ravens win with Joe Flacco seeming to get more comfortable as the weeks go by.


SEA 2-6 at MIA 4-4


Miami looks a like a squad that is truly building an identity, while the 'Hawks are failing to give Mike Holmgren a going-away party to be proud of. Dolphins win easily at home.


BUF 5-3 at NE 5-3


New England looked solid against the Colts last Sunday night, as did Matt Cassel. The Bills show their true colors as a team that started 4-0 due to a soft schedule and a visiting west coast team in the Chargers. Pats win.


STL 2-6 at NYJ 5-3


Brett Favre is still mistake prone, but with the way the Rams played last weekend, I think the Jets can afford some mistakes in this one. Jets win.


CAR 6-2 at OAK 2-6


Boy do the Raiders ever look like trash. They have two wins, and yet the Lions and Bengals are much more competitive than they are as of late. The “under the radar” Panthers win easy.


IND 4-4 at PIT 6-2


Both teams had big wins last week that boosted confidence after big losses the week prior. However, Pittsburgh's “Blitzburgh” defense is hitting it's stride and coming into its own. Steelers win at home, with either Roethlisberger or Leftwich at the helm.


KC 1-7 at SD 3-5


What better way for the Chargers to get healthy this weekend than a date at home against the Chiefs. Even though the Chiefs showed spirit last week, they'll still lose to the Chargers.


NYG 7-1 at PHI 5-3


The Eagles may be returning to form, but the fact remains that the Giants are a better team all around. Giants win despite the Eagles being at home.


SF 2-6 at ARI 5-3


What a shame this game had to be on Monday Night Football. Too bad they can't move the schedule around on Mondays. Cardinals win, and San Fran will not be mustering any “Monday Night Magic.”

Are the Buffalo Bills Really that Good?

October 14, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

The Buffalo Bills have been a topic of discussion all season long. Their early success has created much buzz about them being shoe-ins for the AFC East title. I don't see why that is though. Sure, they were 4-0, and they went down in Arizona while JP Losman played most of the game. However, JP Losman didn't give up 41 points. At the end of week 7, the look of the AFC East will be a lot different and it can all culminate fair ly easy.

Trent Edwards is still young but he still has a chance to win this division.

Trent Edwards is still young but he still has a chance to win this division.

In week 7, the Jets are playing in Oakland who looked like they had no spirit when they played the Saints this past weekend losing 34-3. If the Jets win, they are 4-2 and that would be no surprise if they did.

New England plays host to Denver on Monday Night Football. This game should not be easy for New England to win. They'll have to grind it out big time. However, they're at home in front of a national audience and if they do pull it off, they're 4-2 as well.

This is one marriage that could develop into a healthy relationship.

This is one marriage that could develop into a healthy relationship.

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Identity fraud ala New York Jets

September 19, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment

Identity fraud

by The Boinger

Joe Namath

Joe Namath

What is the identity of the New York Jets? Answer: They have no identity. Not Joe Namath, not the sack exchange and not Fireman Ed. Not even the great Brett Favre is not going to fix nor change that. The Tuna couldn't fix it and even Belichick saw the writing on the wall and bolted for New England. There is no long succession of great QB's. There is no history of a strong run/pass oriented offensive/defensive juggernaut. It is just not there. The sack exchange? They have long since been forgotten. No one has stepped up to carry on that tradition. The front office has had one bad draft after another and continues to try pull the wool over the fans eyes with big NO NAME head coaches. They even tried to fool everyone into thinking that they were serious about moving back to NY. Them sharing a stadium with the Giants further entrenches them as the “second team” in this city. When Donald Trump has lunch with Bill Gates do they share a salad? NO! So why should the Jets be sharing a stadium with the Giants that is no where close to their fan base?

The New Meadowlands Stadium

The New Meadowlands Stadium

It gets harder and harder to even want to root for them anymore. If you are lucky enough to get tickets you still have to drive out to that hole in the swamp they call home. They need a major change. New ownership would be great. A new home IN NEW YORK would be even better. Perhaps they could find some empty space in the Bronx?

The New Bronx Bombers

September 19, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

The New Bronx Bombers

by The Boinger

New York Jets


Imagine heading into the Bronx to watch the game. You get down to 161 and River, walk along the L and down through the gates. You peek out through the tunnel and see the field and the palyers and as you emerge from the belly of the cement cathedral your ear ear drum rumbles when you hear the crowd chant J – E – T – S JETS JETS JETS!!! Come on think about it. The New Bronx Bombers! A whole new stadium for gang green. No more crossing over the bridge (or two) no more sitting in traffic (on the NJTP) and no more “Lets go Yankees”?

The Jets need a new place to call home. A place to call their own. Who knows maybe even new uniforms and a new name. They could call themselves the Bronx Bombers and change their logo to the stealth fighter and make their uniforms black or maybe even camouflage. The “old” Yankee Stadium site would be perfect. Forget about midtown what a bad idea that was. Imagine showing up in the boogie down for some FOOTBALL! How awesome would that be? A new stadium complete with all the fan friendly amenities. The Weeb Ewbank Rotunda. The Emerson Boozer bar. The Gang Green Gridiron Grill. The Mark Gastineau Promenade. O'Brien's Irish Pub where they only serve green beer. Vinny's Pizza. Joe Namath Plaza. They could even put in a gay bar and call it the “Sac Exchange” HA!

Kurt Warner Fantasy Stock Rising

September 17, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment

Kurt Warner Fantasy Stock Rising

by Alex V

Cardinals QB Kurt Warner

Cardinals QB Kurt Warner

Fantasy Sports aren't always about getting the big name, or a name that at least was at one point big… like Kurt Warner. Just because the guy is 37 years old should not be the final factor on whether or not you should pick him up. One should always think “production” when making a decision on who to add to their Fantasy team. At this point in the season, Kurt Warner has been a stud, and would be a great pick up for those of you who are suffering from any of the following Fantasy Football diseases; “Brady's Gone Syndrome,” “Carson Palmer's Letting Me Down,” and “Jamarcus Russell is Making Me Look Stupid.” In fact, with the numbers he has put up so far, he has shown to be as good, if not better, stats wise that is, than some of the marquee quarterbacks in the game.

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September 6, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

1。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Cincinnati Bengals at Baltimore Ravens 1 pm

MY PICK: Ravens

2。 Sunday, Sept. 7 New York Jets at Miami Dolphins 1 pm


3。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Kansas City Chiefs at New England Patriots 1 pm


4。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Houston Texans at Pittsburgh Steelers 1 pm

MY PICK: Pittsburgh

5。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans 1 pm

MY PICK: Jacksonville

6。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons 1 pm

MY PICK: Falcons

7。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Seattle Seahawks at Buffalo Bills 1 pm

MY PICK: Bills

8。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Tampa Bay Buccaneers at New Orleans Saints

MY PICK: Saints

9。 Sunday, Sept. 7 St. Louis Rams at Philadelphia Eagles 1 pm

MY PICK: Eagles

10。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Dallas Cowboys at Cleveland Browns 4:15 pm

MY PICK: Dallas

11。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Carolina Panthers at San Diego Chargers 4:15 pm

MY PICK: Chargers

12。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers 4:15 pm

MY PICK: 49ers

13。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Chicago Bears at Indianapolis Colts 8:15 pm

MY PICK: Colts

14 Monday, Sept. 8 Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers 7 pm

MY PICK: Green Bay Packers

15 Monday, Sept. 8 Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders 10:15 pm

MY PICK: Denver Broncos



2008年9月6日由sportsroids · 发表评论

1。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Cincinnati Bengals at Baltimore Ravens 1 pm

MY PICK: Ravens

2。 Sunday, Sept. 7 New York Jets at Miami Dolphins 1 pm


3。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Kansas City Chiefs at New England Patriots 1 pm


4。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Houston Texans at Pittsburgh Steelers 1 pm

MY PICK: Pittsburgh

5。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans 1 pm

MY PICK: Jacksonville

6。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons 1 pm

MY PICK: Falcons

7。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Seattle Seahawks at Buffalo Bills 1 pm

MY PICK: Bills

8。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Tampa Bay Buccaneers at New Orleans Saints

MY PICK: Saints

9。 Sunday, Sept. 7 St. Louis Rams at Philadelphia Eagles 1 pm

MY PICK: Eagles

10。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Dallas Cowboys at Cleveland Browns 4:15 pm

MY PICK: Dallas

11。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Carolina Panthers at San Diego Chargers 4:15 pm

MY PICK: Chargers

12。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers 4:15 pm

MY PICK: 49ers

13。 Sunday, Sept. 7 Chicago Bears at Indianapolis Colts 8:15 pm

MY PICK: Colts

14 Monday, Sept. 8 Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers 7 pm

MY PICK: Green Bay Packers

15 Monday, Sept. 8 Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders 10:15 pm

MY PICK: Denver Broncos

-Mark M