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Tom Brady is Ruining football!!!!!!

March 24, 2009 by MadisonMadnuff · 4 Comments 

spaceball Tom Brady is Ruining football!!!!!!tom brady Tom Brady is Ruining football!!!!!!

Tom Brady is Ruining football!!!!!!


First it was the tuck rule now it is the Brady rule.   The NFL will pass a rule that says players currently on the ground cannot attack the quarterback below the waste, whether he is in possession of the ball or not.  This rule is supposed to be in place to protect the quarterbacks but the Quarterbacks don’t need any more protecting.   In the last 10 years only 2 quarterbacks have suffered injury from a player grabbing them while on the ground, Tom Brady, and Carson Palmer.  Both of whom are now fine and will be playing in the upcoming season.  To be honest I am sick of Tom Brady ruining football the tuck rule was bad enough but this is just plain stupid, they are changing the game in manner that it should not be.   Defensive players soon will no longer be allowed to do anything and all football games will look like arena football.    The thing that NFL has forgotten is that Carson Palmer and Tom Brady’s injuries are their own fault.   Tom Brady has a sloppy throwing stance and lazy legs in the pocket, that makes him stand with straight legs when he is in the pocket, so when he throws the ball there is no give in his knees if a defender were to hit him.   That is why Brady got injured, his lazy legs and an inability to chop his feet in the pocket.  If you look at almost every other quarterback in the league including Peyton Manning they all chop their feet to a degree in the pocket so when they get hit low there is give in their knees.   Tom Brady’s injury was inevitable because of this straight leg pocket stance all quarterbacks with stances like that get knee injuries.   The NFL just needs to tell Tom to chop his feet and be more active in the pocket and the problem would be solved.