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Bye Bye Bye!

February 25, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment 

Laveranues Coles Seen Here At Practice

Laveranues Coles Seen Here At Practice

So long Laveranues! I wish you well. I hope you do well in Miami. That is where you are headed right? I mean surely your man crush on Chad Pennington has yet to simmer. Has it? You should be there just long enough to help usher in Chad Henne as the starter. By then you should just about be squirming to get out of what ever silly contract Miami is sure to offer you. I am sure you will get fair market value. A contract to rival that of all those other number one wide outs you so closely resemble on the field. Terrell Owens, Randy Moss, Calvin and Andre Johnson. No question you deserve it after all you have done to help push the Jets forward. Without question your character and attitude alone are enough to overcome the current economic climate. No one will even have to look at your resume either, I mean, it speaks for itself by now.

Good luck and good riddance!

Eric Mangini fired…..Why?:

December 30, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment 

Well a number of coaches have gotten the boot this week, in the growing trend of NFL teams with a “win now or go somewhere else” policy.  While there are a lot of the coaches who have gotten fired this year that I don’t argue with, the Mangini firing really gets under my skin.  If you look back through the times and recently;  you will notice one ongoing g trend, “Bad teams have high coaching turnover”.  This is because the owners of the teams get rid of the coaches who aren’t winning.  However with Eric Mangini this was not the case,  Mangini managed to get to the playoffs his first year as a head coach, and had a winning record this year.    The Jets are far from a talented football team they have many holes player wise,  “mostly on defense” but out of shear coaching genius he has managed to win games .     The Jets did not give him enough time to build and perfect his system.  Especially as a first time head coach, it takes time go through what works and what does not, the Jets did not give Mangini that chance.



When teams fire coaches in the second and third year they create a self fulfilling prophecy.  As mentioned before perennially bad teams have high coaching turnovers.  This is because often when one of these teams gets a good coach they do not give him a chance to succeed.  I feel that if you have confidence in the person you higher to be your head coach you give them a minimum of five years to turn things around and if during those five years they are winning and going to the playoffs you keep them.   Often even when a new coach is winning like Mangini, the team still fires them because they did not win the Super Bowl.  Take a look at Marty Schottenheimer (who coincidently is being looked at by the jets),and the Chargers, the Chargers still do not have a Super Bowl after hiring Norv Turner and just barely made it to the Playoffs this year.  If they would have kept Marty on board I fell that they would have their Super Bowl by now. 

 eric mangini Eric Mangini fired…..Why?:


Simply put it is time for a change in the NFL, look at teams like Tennessee, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, New England, Carolina, and Denver.  These are teams that stick with their coaches and in doing so give themselves a chance to win the Super Bowl every year.   With the exception of Carolina and Tennessee all of these teams have won Super Bowls in the past 12 years and at best all you can hope for is 1 Super Bowl every 15 years.  In the end Mangini will land at a team that will allow him the time to win and you will see that he becomes a Super Bowl champion.  In the end teams need to stick with their talented coaches and stand behind them and they will get their coveted prize, the respect of the NFL for being loyal to their staff, and the love of their fans for winning the Championship.

Brett Favre will he return next season with the Jets?

December 27, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment 

Brett Favre The Legend.

Brett Favre The Legend.

I have loved Brett Farve playing the role of Broadway Brett this season. From his first performance people embraced him, loved him for his destruction of the Miami Dolphins. Brett Favre has however dealt with a lot of criticism since that first game. It’s upsetting, to know that one of the greatest players to ever play has had to deal with such BS from the biased media, who will love you when you win and crush you when you lose. Honestly you can really understand the New York media when applying it by paraphrasing Patten’s Hollywood speech, which I believe would sound something like this;

“That’s the New York way, they love winners. The winners are always embraced. New Yorkers traditionally love to fight. All real New Yorkers, love the sting of battle. When they were kids, they all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball players, the toughest boxers … New Yorkers love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. New Yorkers play to win all the time. They wouldn’t give a hoot in Hell for a man who lost and laughed. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to New Yorkers.”

Many of you are asking, “Will he come back, a Jet?”. The more I ponder this perplexing question, the tougher I realize this will be to answer. Understanding that Brett has always loved challenges, It is hard to see me walking away from the team, which he has made a contender, sculpting them only with his winning attitude and will to win. Brett Favre may also be feeling the stress of watching his family have to deal with all the criticism that in Green Bay he may not have dealt with on such a big town level.

Deanna Favre

Deanna Favre

Deanna Favre in October of 2008 wrote on the Favre Hope Foundation blog about how she felt about such criticisms.

Over the past couple of weeks, my heart has been very heavy. I have stood by…silently… watching the media continually attack my husband…Certainly, having been in public life for 18 years, this is not new to us. However, this latest round of media scrutiny has been harder, more disheartening and seemingly unending.”

The more I think about this, the harder this decision is. I can’t speak for Brett, but all I can say is I hope he comes back. Because for every 1 media moron that bombs him, 50,000 fans admire him. For every time someone doubts him, 1,000,000 believe in him. He is a game changing QB who still plays at a very high level, who can win a Superbowl for the New York Jets. He will never admit how important he is for this team, but I believe he is the glue that keeps the Jets machine moving forward. Without Brett would they even be in the Playoff hunt? I don’t think so. Yes, they have a great core of players, but the veteran knows how to keep the players up, and I believe his antics would be sorely missed, if he was to depart from that locker room.

Reggie White and Brett embrace after a huge superbowl victory!

Reggie White and Brett embrace after a huge Superbowl victory!

I know one thing, if the Jets don’t make the postseason, and the Media attacks Brett I believe he will retire. It is a shame, because this man still has the gift, and if the media isn’t careful, The NFL might lose a superstar and a perfect Role Model, who has let us in and shared with us his story. The Lord does not make QB’s or people like Brett Favre anymore, and we at Sportsroids want to salute him! Here’s to you Brett!

Mark’s Picks of the Week! NFL Game Picks for Week 16 (no point spread)

December 19, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment 

Jack says I am right, do you want to question him?

Jack says I am right, do you want to question him?

♣My Picks for Week 16:♣

Indianapolis at Jacksonville

My Pick: Indianapolis.

Indy Has just been to much of a good team over the past 5 years for me to pick against them in December


Baltimore at Dallas

My pick: Baltimore

Dallas has over achieved, and they played a sorry Giants defense last week. Romo will have at least 2 Interceptions which maybe all Baltimore needs as they apply pressure with their smash mouth running game. I predict at least two passes for Joe Flacco that will be over 35+ yards since Dallas will have to keep 8 in the box.


Cincinnati at Cleveland

My Pick: Cincinatti

Cleveland has already lost this game with who they have starting at QB. Cincinnati has played to well of late, and Cedric Benson looks like he has find a home! Benson is a possible start if your season has not expired and you need a RB!

San Francisco at St. Louis

My Pick: San Fransico 49ers.

I don’t think they 49ers have to really do anything to win this game. St Louis usually will just get in their own way and work to lose a ball game. I know Singletary has his team under control and he won’t make the mistakes that will allow this sorry excuse for a club beat him. There are no individuals on Mike’s team but thats a lesson that will eventually turn this squad into a Championship contender. Also S. Hill has been playing very well, so don’t be surprised if he throws 2-4 TD passes!

New Orleans at Detroit

My Pick: Detroit

I believe that every dog has it’s day in the sun, and when you look at Detroit you just got to believe some day it will happen. I don’t believe that the Saints should lose this game, but lets just say I believe that the “angels are on the field this week” and give the Loins a early Christmas present. Calvin has a huge game, and Stewart scores!

Pittsburgh at Tennessee

My Pick: Tennessee

This is by far the toughest call of the week. Pittsburgh has a historic defense, yet they struggle to put up any points on offense. As of late Big Ben has look like Tiny Tim with his merger attempts at producing offense. Also the Steelers cannot run the football, yet due to the injury of Hanyesworth you never can tell how this defense will manage without the star DT. I am going to give the advantage to the home team in this one because of the fact that they have fast RB’s and Big RB’s and maybe with the right mix they will be able to tire out the Pittsburgh D and score atleast 1 TD. Either way its going to be a great game!

Miami at Kansas City

My Pick: Miami

KC has been playing better of late, but they still are KC. With the way Joey Porter has been leading this Miami Defense you should expect several sacks and rushed pass attempts which will inevitably end in Miami being victorious!

Arizona at New England

My Pick: New England

My reason is simple. After we look at this game your going say, “I think they wanted it more” (joke)

(But True)
San Diego at Tampa Bay

My Pick: Tampa Bay

Seriously, Did you see Antonio Bryant the last two weeks? This guy has looked so good, he should get a endorsement deal with Elmers for that One Hand grab. Also, I am feeling the reemergence of the superstar Caddy this week, and I doubt San Diego can stop it. This San Diego team is over-rated straight up and they just aren’t going to be tough enough to play against Tampa Bay in their own house. Expect to see light showers and lots of cannon fire on Sunday!
Houston at Oakland

My Pick: Houston

All Hail Steve Slaton, the boy legend that came from WVU and into our NFL Highlight films. This guy is the Total Package. This could potentially be a good game but I doubt the Oakland QB who hasn’t earned the respect of me saying his name, will be able to handle Mario “Mad Dog” Williams up in his grill. Andre Johnson is a top flight kind of guy and should have a pretty good game, yet he will be matched up with Nnamdi Asomugha, who may have the he size and speed to present him a challenge. I am pretty sure on this one though, Houston comes up on top and some Oakland Raiders fans will go out and stab someone!

Buffalo at Denver


Buffalo seems to have packed it in. But we will see. Denver may have some issues with protecting Cutler due to Marcus Shroud, but if they play the outside and edges they should slice through this Defense. They have such speed at the RB position it will look ridiculous. The bills always have a chance when Marshawn Plays so we will see. This is the kind of guy that can will and try so hard it motivates his team to win.

NY Jets at Seattle

My Pick Jets

Brett Farve will get it done. Seattle is a joke and he would love nothing more than to say good bye to his old coach by slapping another L on his resume!

Atlanta at Minnesota

My Pick: Atlanta

They are just the better team, and Tavaris Jackson is not the answer.
Philadelphia at Washington

My Pick: Philadelphia

Donovan McNabb has been playing very well recently and with a healthy Westbrook the Redskins could be in for some real trouble. Since it is a divisional game it could still be a close game, but don’t be surprised if this one turns ugly early!
Carolina at NY Giants

Green Bay at Chicago

NFL Game Picks for Week 12 (no point spread)

November 18, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment 

Thursday, Nov. 20

Cincinnati Bengals at Pittsburgh Steelers, 8:15 p.m.

My Pick: Pittsburgh Steelers

This should be a lock for the Pittsburgh Steelers. This team has been playing way below average the entire season. The Steelers recent success has been due to its dominate defense. Pittsburgh is awful offensively, and are struggling to run the ball. I would not be surprised at all, if the Bengals pull out a win on this struggling Steelers team, because the Bengals are explosive and if they can put points up they may be able to take the struggling Steelers Offense out. Also the Bengals have a reemerging RB in Cedric Benson. I can’t pick against the Steelers in Hines Field however against this rival team. STEELERS WIN!

Sunday, Nov. 23

Houston Texans at Cleveland Browns, 1:00 p.m.

My Pick: Texans

Cleveland with have their hands full this week from a defensive standpoint. They will have to deal with the Rookie sensation Steve Slaton, whom is one of the fastest RB in the league. I feel to combat Slaton’s raw speed they may gameplan to leave more defenders in the box or even have a player shadow him, which will in turn leave Owen Daneils as well as Andre Johnson with more room to make the big play. Sorry Brady Quinn I don’t think Sunday is your day. Rogers should be ineffective on Slaton, because The Texans should and will test the edges of this Cleveland Defense. The Texans have lost a lot of close ones this season and their record is really not representative of their talent. I give this game to Houston without any doubts.

Carolina Panthers at Atlanta Falcons, 1:00 p.m.

My Pick: Atlanta Falcons

After last weeks performance how could you pick against these guys. They are at home, they are rolling over teams with “After Burner” Turner leading the way. Carolina had a great week last week, and have 2 top teir atheletes at RB, but I believe the better line in this one will be the Atlanta falcons. They should win the war on both sides of the field. I realize that the Panthers have a great D-line, but this week in ATL it sure won’t look like it. I am doing the dirty bird all night long as the Falcons win.

San Francisco 49ers at Dallas Cowboys, 1:00 p.m.

My Pick: Dallas Cowboys

Dallas Cowboys have a lot to prove after they have looks like a bunch of children among men. Tony Romo is back in the saddle of the cowboys offense, and Jerry Jones must be happy he has the greatest team in the history of the league on paper. Dallas should roll over the 49ers, but if Mike Singletary message is starting to take, we could be in for a great game. The 49ers best chance at success is being more physical then the soft cowboys team. If he lets Frank Gore punch the cowboys Defense in the mouth for at least 28 carries they will have their best chance to win. If you play tougher than the cowboys they usually fold. I will be rooting for Mike Singletary’s 49ers but this game should be all Dallas all day !
Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Detroit Lions, 1:00 p.m.

My Pick: Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tampa Bay Buccaneers have already won this game. Thier will be no need to even predict it’s outcome because it has already happened. The Headline read, “Bucs win big and Jump-start the Caddy”

Buffalo Bills at Kansas City Chiefs, 1:00 p.m.

My Pick: Kansas City Chiefs

With the improving play of Thigpen, and Bradley the chiefs offense have more ability to score. Buffalo laid a egg on Monday night, and have a shorter week to prepare for this road game. I believe that KC will have their work cut out for them, because they may get dominated by the Bill’s defensive line. I however am going to go with the hotter team at the moment, who just so happens to be the home team. Trust me this might be the new KC masterpiece.
New York Jets at Tennessee Titans, 1:00 p.m.

My Pick: Tennessee Titans

This will be the best game of the week without a doubt. Anytime a team makes it to week 12 during the NFL season, while remaining undefeated, everyone has an interest in them. The Titans have been so successful because of their attitude. The Titans are a tough team that will wear you down as the game goes on with their tenacious defense and their violent rushing attack.  If the Jets can contain their rushing attack due to the acquisition of superstar tackle Chris Jenkins, they may have a shot. They Jets however cannot turn the ball over if they really want to have a chance so Brett Farve is going to need to be extra careful. I don’t believe the Jets will be able to run on this D-line so expect Brett to have to make some plays. This is why I don’t see the Jets pulling out the win.Defensively the Jets should be able to stop the Titans Offense yet I think the Jets offense is going to get mauled. Expect a multi interception game for Farve. Regardless the ending still is the same Titans win.

Chicago Bears at St. Louis Rams, 1:00 p.m.

My Pick: Chicago Bears

Da Bears Da Bears Da Bears Da Bears. Mike Ditka knows that Forte goes nutz this week and the Rams waive the white flag by the 3rd quarter.

Minnesota Vikings at Jacksonville Jaguars, 1:00 p.m.

My Pick: Minnesota Vikings

The only reason that Minnesota wins this game is because they will man handle the Jags on the defensive side of the ball by winning the battle in the trenches. The Jags are a very bad team, when their Rushing attack is shut down and they are forced to pass. Expect to see this in Week 12. The Jags are living proof how different a team can be when you are missing key lineman. They were a top team in the NFL last year and now look at them. Minnesota wins in Florida. oh yeah, wouldn’t it be great to see Tavares Jackson again?

New England Patriots at Miami Dolphins, 1:00 p.m.

My Pick: Miami Dolphins

Honestly this is Bill’s game to win or lose. He controls the outcome. The Dolphins are not as good of a team unit as the Patriots and I might be picking with my heart on this one and not my brain. The Dolphins I feel are ready to jump the hurdle of the Patriots this year and this is the week. I don’t have any idea on how this could pan out, but expect Joey Porter to be involved on defense at making some huge momentum impacting hits and some turnovers. Rickey and Ronnie will have a tough time running but maybe they together will be able to wear down that good D-line that the Patriots have. I wonder how many times the Patriots are going to film, “The Wildcat Formation” during Dolphins team practice? Haha, screw cheaters I’ll take the FInS!!

(Isn’t it ironic that before “spy-gate” was leaked Bill was winning a lot more games than his is now?)

Philadelphia Eagles at Baltimore Ravens, 1 p.m.

My Pick: Eagles

This game is going to be ugly, with both Offenses struggling. Expect a good amount of pressure to be placed on Joe Flacco and for that reason we may see more rushes called that normal. Ray Rice could become a big factor in this game. Regardless the eagles are in a must win situation, and now that Mcnabb knows that you can tie, maybe they will finish this one up before the final whistle. Don’t expect many rushing yards for Westbrook because the Ravens are not going to let another 100 yard rusher for a while, you just know Ray Lewis is still pissed about last weeks GMEN game.

Oakland Raiders at Denver Broncos, 4:05 p.m.

My Pick: Denver Broncos

Yeah if they loose, I think Shanahan should retire!

Washington Redskins at Seattle Seahawks, 4:15 p.m.

My Pick: Washington Redskins

After blowing a game against the cowboys last week, they can not  afford to screw this game up. Expect Zorn to be on the top of his game. They will not allow themselves to lose this game, and will stop at nothing to win. The Redskins defense will produce at least 2 turnovers in this game, that’s a guarantee. We all know that Seattle is one of the hardest places to play in for opposing teams, so expect silent counts and less shotgun formations and no empty sets for the Redskins. Clinton Portis literally will be the game breaker for the skins this week. Skins win in a close game in Seattle.

New York Giants at Arizona Cardinals, 4:15 p.m.

My Pick:New York Giants

The New York Giants have a history of ending QB’s careers, and I would not be surprised to see Kurt hold on the ball 1 second to long in this game. Kurt has not gone against a team that can rush the passer as well as the Giants can, and it has showed in his statistics. Expect the Superbowl Champs to dominate the Cardinals from the first whistle physically. They will pound the Cardinals back into their nests, sending them migrating home for the rest of the winter. Giants Win, and Kurt gets hit. Hit a lot.

Indianapolis Colts at San Diego Chargers, 8:15 p.m.

My Pick: Indianapolis Colts

The Colts are finally healthy and are playing up to their potential.  This San Diego team is over rated in my book and I refuse to take them as a real contender. They have top tier players whom look great on paper still have yet to prove that they win big games as a team. I just don’t think will be able to pull out the W this week. The Colts are just the better team, and come Sunday night everyone will see it. Peyton cuts up the charges and scores 2+ TD’s. Colts win.

Monday, Nov. 24

Green Bay Packers at New Orleans Saints, 8:30 p.m.

My Pick: Green Bay Packers

This should be a really excited game, involving Drew Brees dropping back for over 50 to 60 attempts. I have a pretty good feeling that the Packer’s Rushing attack will be the thing that wins this game. Ryan Grant will have a big day pounding and punishing Saints defenders. Expect a great & Exciting game, but still this game should end with the Pack on top.

Bradyless Patriots lose to Jets

November 14, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment 

tom brady Bradyless Patriots lose to JetsWell it seems that Brett Favre will achieve the goals that the organization has set for him and that is to take the team to the Playoffs.  The Jets jumped on the Pats early in the game though the Pats were able to come back, it wasn’t enough.   You can’t help to think that if Brady was playing they would have won that game.   However he is not and will not. The Pats with this loss, have solidified themselves at second place in the AFC East.  Why?  Because of the two teams, the Pats have to play tougher teams, and the Jets look really good, while the Pats are getting by on coaching alone.   Look for the Jets to win the Division and the Pats to struggle to grab a birth in the playoffs.

Week 11 NFL Picks

November 12, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment 

NYJ 6-3 at N.E. 6-3

The Jets are starting to show some consistency winning convincingly against the Buffalo Bills and Rams in the last two weeks. They now face the biggest game of their season thus far in New England on Thursday night. New England has been proving that life without Brady is still manageable, but I think the Jets steady improvement on defense, solid ground game behind Thomas Jones, and lately less turnover-prone passing by Brett Favre will rue the day.

DEN 5-4 at ATL 6-3

The Falcons are becoming a model of consistency. Their ability to jump out to big early leads is remarkable for a young team. They play at home against the league’s 28th ranked passing defense and 27th ranked rushing defense. That doesn’t bode well for a Bronco team playing against an efficient Matt Ryan, and yard-racking Michael Turner. Falcons win.

DET 0-9 at CAR 7-2

Carolina has the luxury of facing a team like the Raiders last week, who even if Delhomme throws four interceptions again to, should still beat. I don’t see Jake tossing that many picks this week. Panthers win handily.

PHI 5-4 at CIN 1-8

With Carson Palmer out again, and the Eagles reeling from a Sunday night loss at home to the giants, the Bengals are set to lose… again.

N.O. 4-5 at K.C. 1-8

The Saints are proving that all they have is a superb passing game that can’t save a running game hovering around mediocrity, and a defense benchmarking at incapability. The Chiefs have not been the walk-in-the-park they were earlier this season losing by one point to San Diego last weekend, losing to Tampa Bay at home in OT the week before, and only losing by four in New York to the Jets the week before that. I’m going with K.C.

BAL 6-3 at NYG 8-1

The Baltimore Ravens are actually scoring on offense these days. In fact, they are becoming a mirror image of the Giants; strong pressure-causing defense, a more than capable stable of running backs, and an efficient and play-making pass offense. Look for a close game with the more experienced Giants coming out on top.

MIN 5-4 at T.B. 6-3

If there is one thing that the Minnesota Vikings have to have learned in last week’s heart attack inducing one-point win to the Packers last week it is the following… give the ball to Adrian Peterson. I believe Gus Frerotte’s passing attempts will be cut down by almost half of last week’s 28. Even though the Bucs are known for solid defense, I will bank on Peterson to run rampant. Vikings win convincingly.

OAK 2-7 at MIA 5-4

Although the Raiders now share the same record as the underachieving Seahawks who came to within two points of upsetting the Dolphins in Miami last week, I wouldn’t count on a similar performance from them this week. The surprising Dolphins will move to 6-4 and second place in the AFC East.

CHI 5-4 at G.B. 4-5

Green Bay should count their lucky stars that they have this opportunity. They get the division leading Bears at home with a chance to get a tie-breaker on Chicago and second place in the division if they win, and a first place tie if they win and the Vikings lose. I’ll take the Packers to clean things up in their passing game this week after Rodgers was a not-so-great 15-25 with only 142 passing yards and no touchdowns. Pack wins.

HOU 3-6 at IND 5-4

The Texans look to make up for the 21 points they gave up in the last seven plus minutes of a week five loss to the Colts at home. However, the Colts have won two straight and look to be getting back in contention. Colts win.

STL 2-7 at S.F. 2-7

This division matchup may not even be worth discussing, but for the sake of fairness let’s do it. The Rams looked back to what they were with Scott Linehan as coach in their 47-3 loss to the Jets last week. On the other side, the 49ers looked more believable as a team with Shaun Hill under center on Monday Night. After the harrowing performance they put on in Arizona, I will take San Francisco to win.

ARI 6-3 at SEA 2-7

The Cardinals have a chance to clean house in Seattle this week with a win. They get to play another one of their weak divisional opponents, all of whom are 2-7 (Saint Louis and San Francisco are the other two). Even though the Hawks are at home, I cannot see the Cardinals having another close letdown like they did against the Niners this past Monday. Cardinals win.

TEN 9-0 at JAC 4-5

The performance of Kerry Collins last week (30-41, 289 yards, two TDs and no INTs) is making the Titans look all the more legitimate as the league’s lone unbeaten team. The Jaguars proved nothing in beating the Lions last weekend 38-14. Titans win easy.

S.D. 4-5 at PIT 6-3

The Steelers blew it last weekend at home to the Colts… or should I say Ben Roethlisberger blew it. History should say that Ben will be looking to make up for his performance, but I’m not so sure about his confidence right now. He has been getting hit too many times, and blew two games to the Manning brothers at home that should have been in the bag. On the other hand, San Diego has hardly been consistent this year. Steelers win convincingly with their number one defense and a better performance from Big Ben.

DAL 5-4 at WAS 6-3

This game marks the return to the Dallas lineup of Tony Romo. This team has been in quite a bind since he left. Look for Romo to have a huge game and perhaps put his team on his back. The Redskins are coming off their worst offensive performance since their week one loss to the Giants after scoring just six points in the week nine Monday night loss to Pittsburgh. Their points came from two field goals after going three-and-out when they recovered and opening onside kick attempt by the Steelers, and another three-and-out after an INT on Ben Roethlisberger. Look for the return of the Dallas high-octane offense along with the defensive play calling of Wade Phillips to take down the Redskins in Washington.

CLE 3-6 at BUF 5-4

The Bills have not been living up to the hype the last two weeks. And the fact that they have lost three of their four to Miami, New York, and New England (in order), who are all divisional opponents, does not bode well. Brady Quinn was solid in his first start going 23-35, 239 yards, with two TDs and no interceptions against Denver last Thursday. However, I’ll take the Bills on the national stage at home.

The Mad’Nuff Monday Night Guarantee

September 19, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment 

by Madison Mad’nuff

The Mad’Nuff Monday Night Football Guarantee

Well From now until the playoffs I will only be picking on game a week and that is Monday night Football and yes I have the point spread.  This pick is a guarantee and when I say guarantee I mean a guarantee that I am correct.  So this Monday night we have the  Jets vs the Chargers,  the Chargers are desperate after starting the season 0-2 while the Jets aren’t any worse for were at 1-1.  So my call for this Game

Chargers over the Jets 35-17 (Point Spread)

Mad'Nuff Picks Chargers over jets for Monday Night Football

Mad'Nuff picks Chargers in Monday Night Guarantee

Jet won’t be able to run the ball and the Chargers secondary have made their name picking off reckless throws, (and Brett is famous for those). Look for the chargers to get back on track with this game.
And that my friends is a Guarantee.

NFL Game Picks for Week 2 (no point spread)

September 11, 2008 by AlexV · 3 Comments 


Composed by Mark M (12-4)

My Pick: Colts

My Pick: Giants


My Pick: Jaguars

My Pick: Ravens

My Pick: Patriots

My Pick: Packers

My Pick: Titans

My Pick: Chiefs

My Pick: Redskins

My Pick: Bears

My Pick: Buccaneers

My Pick: Dolphins

My Pick: Steelers

My Pick: Eagles

My Pick: Broncos

Pick: Seahawks

There they are. I know there are a few upsets but I really believe is this how it is going to pan out for week 2 of the NFL’s 2008 season. Please post back if there is anything you really don’t like and want to debate.

Down goes Brady, Down goes Frazier!

September 9, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment 

By Madison Mad’Nuff

Down Goes Frazier:

Look at Tom Brady's leg, legs aren't supposed to bend like that !

Look at Tom Brady's Knee. Ouch!

Down Goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!! Tom Brady went down in week 1 with a torn ACL and now it seems the MVP is out for the season. I don’t expect any miracles but with the Patriots you never know. So as all of New England sheds a tear, and the rest of the free world throws a party and no one is partying harder than Miami, Buffalo, and New York fans. Not because a great athlete got hurt. Nope not at all. No one wants anybody to get hurt, but no nobody wants to see Tom Brady play against their teams either. I will admit that I to cracked I rejoiceful smile when I found out, (Come on you did too, admit it) . “What does this mean?” you ask. It means no Super Bowl repeats for the Pats. Wait but it’s week 1 you say. Let’s be honest with Tom Brady out the Pats are going to struggle all year.