Rex Ryan Could end up Being a Douche Bag

He's had Ravens behind his back all the way in Baltimore. Now let's see how long he stands in front of some Jets... and if we can even see those Jets behind him.
This Rex Ryan is certainly making a name for himself with a confident and brash mouth. Thus far, the big man is being noted for two occurrences of verbal notoriety and virtual nothing else past his reputation as Baltimore Ravens’ defensive coordinator.
The first came when he was being interviewed on a radio show and was asked about facing New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick two times a year. He stated “I did not come here to kiss Bill Belichick’s rings” more or less. Let me analyze. Most people would give Belichick his proper dues and state that they definitely aim to compete/challenge their rival. However, he comes out and makes a statement similar to what a 1930’s era bootlegger might say.
The second issue was his comments about Miami Dolphins starting middle linebacker Channing Crowder here when he claimed to have never heard of him. Crowder certainly responded with truth. He said that Ryan is an “OTA Super Bowl winner” as in he has won the offseason and that if he was truly doing his homework, that he’d know who the Miami Dolphins starting middle linebacker was.
Now, I’m pretty sure Ryan did know him. I’m not saying that a guy talking like this out in the open isn’t interesting. But I am saying that if his team does not end up looking respectable, even this year, he might just look like a real douche bag. If he ends up having a short life in New York, then he will really look like an idiot. He could be the next Mike Tice; big, burly, fat cheeks, thinks he’s a thug, has the respect of his team, but can’t win a damn thing.
Tom Brady is Back! Are the 2007 Patriots?
May 28, 2009 by AlexV · Leave a Comment

Much will be said about Brady's mobility affecting his game this year. But he is certainly a QB who has the smarts to adjust to full-time pocket life.
The fact that Tom Brady’s leg injury from last year no doubt opened the door for many teams in the AFC to be considered at a competitive balance should be no secret to anyone. Now that Brady is back, he has lost mobility, but that doesn’t mean that this year’s Patriots can’t be very close to explosive as they were in their undefeated regular season from two years past.
Even if the Patriots’ offense isn’t going to be as explosive as it was when it was the most explosive offense in NFL history, well then how bad can the drop off really be? Still one of the top offenses ever? Close to one of the top offenses ever? Or at least one of the top two offenses this season. Either way, those odds are good for the Pats.
Don’t be surprised if the Patriots run away with the AFC East where the Jets are still growing and have no proven quarterback, the Dolphins rely on trickery and near-perfect play from Chad Pennington at quarterback, and Buffalo where, Trent Edwards proved last year that he still has something to well… prove!
Bunch Of Stiffs
April 19, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment
The New York Yankees are in unfamiliar territory. Their own home field. Mystique and Aura no longer appearing nightly. Usually played at 161st and River the World Series will surely not be held in the Bronx this year. The Yankees just plain suck. From top to bottom they are a disaster of a team with less identity then the New York Jets. Now that is hard to do.
Nick Swisher has become a folk hero overnight. He is more of a “true yankee” than Giambi Mussina and A-Rod combined and he has been in the Bronx for 3 days. And he is doing it while the team is struggling to even get out of its own way.
Joe Girardi is not managing this team like the guy who won manager of the year in 2006. Where is the Billy Martin in him that we all heard about? You can see in his press conferences and hear it in his voice. He is not himself. You cannot manage like that and win at the major league level. PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN JOE! Step on some toes and get the zoo going man. Tell Hal and Hank to go build some ships and leave the team decisions to you. MANAGE HOW YOU WANNA MANAGE!
Joba: Give it up, you are not a starter. You have the make up of a closer. A big guy with a mean attitude that can crank it up for an inning or two and be untouchable 3 or 4 times a week. Take your place behind Mo while he keeps the seat warm for you. The transition will be seamless… like your fastball after the 3rd inning.
Derek Jeter: Just admit you do not belong in the leadoff spot and you should probably be batting closer to the bottom if not last itself. Joe DiMaggio walked away at your age instead of holding on or taking a lesser role. And those were just whispers. What you are hearing is a LOUD ROAR! You have a caddie now? WOW! That in itself speaks volumes.
Jorge Posada: Give it up man. Molina is a great defensive catcher. You have nothing to prove. You could not throw guys out before you got hurt. Not one person expects you to throw anyone out now or cares if you do. just except the role of DH and back up firstbaseman/catcher and we can move on.
Johnny Damon: Feelin the love now Johnny?
Brett Gardner: Can you have a bigger hole that lefty loop? Shorten up the bat, choke up and be a hitter and get on base. Come on man didn’t you see Major League?
Melky Cabrera: You had to know last year you were competing for your job. You are not a centerfielder. But an outfielder nonetheless. They went out and got Nady and Swisher gave your job to Gardner and offered you in at least two trades. You think you could lose a pound?
A-Rod: take your time
I could go on but it’s not worth it. If you grew up in the late 70’s and suffered through the 80’s like I did watching this team you know that this team is far from greatness. World Series? Yeah right. They wont even make the playoffs. Yes it’s April and I said it.
Prove me wrong!
Jay Cutler will force a trade! Josh McDaniels needs a QB, so the big question is where will Cutler go?
March 16, 2009 by MarkM · Leave a Comment

Jay Cutler has asked for a trade on March 16 2009
This NFL off-season has had a lot of ups and downs. Two NFL players were lost at sea, Plaxico Burress faces the prospect of Jail time, T.O. has moved from America’s team to Buffalo, Donte Stallworth has killed a pedestrian. The funny thing is that I am sure they all don’t feel as overwhelmed as the New Bronco’s head coach, Josh McDaniels, who is being swallowed alive by his angry Franchise QB. Jay Cutler is upset and we all know that we won’t be happy in Denver. Asking for the trade, could just be a power move by Cutler but I really doubt it. He has no need to force his paycheck up. Personally, I know he needs to be moved. He has stated, he “does not trust his coach”, which is a bad recipe for both Jay and The Broncos. If they do deal him it seems that Tampa Bay, and New York are the two places that seem to be a great fit. The Jets are in need of a QB, I know Clemens and Ratliff will not be able to get it done. They made moves to secure Brett Farve and the turnaround was amazing. And since Brett retired they will need to make moves in order to be competitive this season. I am sure Rex Ryan understands that Ratliff is no Trent Dilfer, and he will see the value in Cutler, this off season. Tampa Bay Buccaneers have not kept it a secret that they are looking to replace Garcia, due to his advancing age. Everyone was aware of the attempted three team trade that would have sent Cassel to Denver, and Cutler to Tampa so they are without a doubt interested in the Diabetic young Quarterback. Personally Cutler has never been a favorite of mine, and It will be interesting to see him play without WR Marshall. I don’t believe Tampa is a good place for him but you never know. I sure hope Jay becomes a Jet in 2011. I sure hope the Johnson family doesn’t screw this one up!

Come on Woody make this move!! Pick up Cutler
Ray Lewis will be a Jet in 2010
February 21, 2009 by MarkM · 2 Comments

Ray Lewis is looking like a Jet in 2010
I am pretty sure that the Jets are making a move on Ray Lewis soon. They have released a lot of their depth at the Linebacker position, and seem to be positioning themselves monetarily to make a move on Ray Ray! I would love to see Ray Ray play for gang green because of the type of leader he is, however I don’t feel that Baltimore has left him with much in the tank, so I hope the Jets don’t go over a 2 year deal to aquire him!! If they don’t sign Ray Ray they will sign Baltimore’s other big free agent LB Scott. However, if Ray does come to New York, both New York teams would have great Inside Linebackers. I hope Mr Johnson doesn’t screw this one up because the Jets have a more of a chance with an accused murderer in the LB core, trust me!
Ray Ray Big Hit Video Below!
Football Hottie #1: Jet’s own Jenn Sterger
January 27, 2009 by MarkM · 3 Comments

Jenn Sterger
All I have to say is damn this girl is FINE! Recently the Jets have picked up this hottie, whom you might have seen before at Florida State Seminoles games. She is most definitely sexy and hopefully she will be able to keep moral high even though Rex Ryan is coming to town. She has been on several different media sources over the years. Today, in fact, WFAN’s Joe and Evan in the Mid-day were talking about her. This girl is paid to be hot, and that RULES! She has already posed for playboy, before the Jets even knew about her. Good lord people, she is why I know god loves America. If you don’t agree then someone please someone show me some hot Arabs like this. So here are the pictures, so lets us know what you think!

Staying nice and warm

Jenn has experience with being a team hottie already from college

Jenn loves to drink!

Jenn modeling photo from her website
Jenn Sterger

Jenn Sterger sporting Jets gear


At least the Jets get something right! Considering they are 3rd all time with 17 different head coaches!

I wouldn't mind getting a holding penalty right about now

Jenn Sterger

Jenn Sterger is hot. Without a doubt.

Jenn Sterger is raising interest in the NFL

Jenn Sterger College days

Jenn Getting Frisky

Jenn looking good for the Sportsroids pool party

Jenn Sterger gets a good look downfield, while I get a better look at Jenn Sterger. I love this game!

Jenn Sterger likes NASCAR as well.

Jenn Sterger(Far Right), the secret to the Devils Rays success!

You knew we would have Drunk photos of Jenn Sterger

Jenn Sterger and cars, what could be better than that?

Jenn Sterger

Yep her again as a florida state cowgirl

Topless tutors...anyone?

Jenn posing with Seminoles fan

Jenn Sterger is freaking hot!

I should have gone to Florida State!

Jenn Sterger, #1 Female Jets Fan
Wrong Again
January 22, 2009 by Theboinger · 2 Comments
Will the New York Jets ever get it right? That remains to be seen. For now I will let you chew on this. The only two defensive coordinators to win a Superbowl in their first head coaching job with new organizations are Tom Landry and Bill Cowher. Landry went to the Dallas Cowboys in 1960 after spending the previous six seasons as the defensive coordinator for the New York Giants. Bill Cowher took over for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1992 after having spent the previous three seasons with the Kansas City Chiefs as their D.C. Landry spent 29 seasons in Big D having won and lost two Superbowls. Cowher spent 15 seasons in the Steel City yielding one Superbowl victory and one loss. It took Landry 11 years to win a Superbowl and it took Cowher his entire coaching career to accomplish the same. Mike Tomlin could very well add his name to this very short and elite list. Making him the quickest to do so in that small class.
Many of you are going to point out that everyone is an assistant at some point and that they cant all win Superbowls. Surely names like Bill Parcells and Bill Belichick will surface as well. Of course I am sure you will not forget Lovie Smith and John Fox. How much longer are you willing to wait Jets fans?
Don Shula + David Shula = 2 Superbowls
Bum Phillips + Wade Phillips = 0 Superbowls
Jim Mora + Jim Mora Jr = PLAYOFFS!?!? 0 Superbowls
Dick Nolan + Mike Nolan = FIRED 0 no Superbowls
Buddy Ryan + Rex Ryan = ? Superbowls
Woody Johnson: THIEF!
January 4, 2009 by Theboinger · Leave a Comment
I find myself so thoroughly disgusted by Woody Johnson owner of the New York Jets that I cannot possibly root for them any longer. I can handle the losing. Losing does not bother me. Players who pout, cry, whine, shoot themselves or masturbate do not bother me either. Brainless first time coaches who make mistakes and cow tow to Hall of Fame legends do not bother me. Washed up has-beens who think they still have something left but clearly do not, actually excite me. Trading for has-beens that never were, who only rush for one touchdown in 2007 then suddenly think they are Emmitt Smith because they can run through open holes my 86 year old senile Italian grandmother could wheel her chair through does not bother me. In fact I can buy-in to all of the previously mentioned. Especially if the intention, in collection of these misfits, is in earnest: winning!
It is no longer about winning. In fact for Woody Johnson it has never been about winning it just took me until now to figure it out.
Hey Jets fans, WAKE UP!
Sharing a stadium? Come on, does Donald Trump have lunch with Bill Gates and share a salad? All those high priced big name signings were a poor attempt to fool you into thinking PSL’s are justified. Well, you cannot fool me Woody. And you cannot fool our readers. You are a bum. You blew it every single year in the draft since you bought the team and your attempt to correct your mistakes by importing talent from elsewhere to build a “Superbowl caliber” team is a disgrace. What is more, jersey boy, you had more than one chance to bring the Jets back to NY. Yet, you continue to hide behind the shadow cast by the New York Giants in hopes that their success will yield you profit without consequence while hiding your inability to truly build a winner.
Acceptable teams for Jets fans to root for from now on. Baltimore Ravens, Detroit Lions, Houston Texans, New York Giants
Back From The Man Cave
January 4, 2009 by Theboinger · 2 Comments
First I would like to thank all of you for your support and kind words regarding the birth of my son, Jack Henry. More importantly I state now and declare from this moment forth that I will not raise him to be a fan of the New Jersey Jets. Did you hear me Woody Johnson? If it were not for the integrity of our content and the respect for our multitude of readers I would really tell you how I feel. You come down to the Man Cave and I will give you all you can handle.
So what have we learned since my brief hibernation down in the Man Cave these past few months? I was right about the Jets and Brett Favre. I was right about Miami beating them week 17 (I called that week 1) I was right about Laverne “and Shirley” Coles not catching the football. I was right about Thomas Jones being a bad teammate and the second best running back on his team. Probably 6th best in the State of New York if we’re not counting high school or college.
So from Man Cave I have found peace and clarity. Now I know I do not need 52″ of LCD HDTV to show me what I already know. I could see it all from a mile away on a 13″ black and white zenith.
Eric Mangini fired…..Why?:
December 30, 2008 by MadisonMadnuff · Leave a Comment
Well a number of coaches have gotten the boot this week, in the growing trend of NFL teams with a “win now or go somewhere else” policy. While there are a lot of the coaches who have gotten fired this year that I don’t argue with, the Mangini firing really gets under my skin. If you look back through the times and recently; you will notice one ongoing g trend, “Bad teams have high coaching turnover”. This is because the owners of the teams get rid of the coaches who aren’t winning. However with Eric Mangini this was not the case, Mangini managed to get to the playoffs his first year as a head coach, and had a winning record this year. The Jets are far from a talented football team they have many holes player wise, “mostly on defense” but out of shear coaching genius he has managed to win games . The Jets did not give him enough time to build and perfect his system. Especially as a first time head coach, it takes time go through what works and what does not, the Jets did not give Mangini that chance.
When teams fire coaches in the second and third year they create a self fulfilling prophecy. As mentioned before perennially bad teams have high coaching turnovers. This is because often when one of these teams gets a good coach they do not give him a chance to succeed. I feel that if you have confidence in the person you higher to be your head coach you give them a minimum of five years to turn things around and if during those five years they are winning and going to the playoffs you keep them. Often even when a new coach is winning like Mangini, the team still fires them because they did not win the Super Bowl. Take a look at Marty Schottenheimer (who coincidently is being looked at by the jets),and the Chargers, the Chargers still do not have a Super Bowl after hiring Norv Turner and just barely made it to the Playoffs this year. If they would have kept Marty on board I fell that they would have their Super Bowl by now.
Simply put it is time for a change in the NFL, look at teams like Tennessee, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, New England, Carolina, and Denver. These are teams that stick with their coaches and in doing so give themselves a chance to win the Super Bowl every year. With the exception of Carolina and Tennessee all of these teams have won Super Bowls in the past 12 years and at best all you can hope for is 1 Super Bowl every 15 years. In the end Mangini will land at a team that will allow him the time to win and you will see that he becomes a Super Bowl champion. In the end teams need to stick with their talented coaches and stand behind them and they will get their coveted prize, the respect of the NFL for being loyal to their staff, and the love of their fans for winning the Championship.
Brett Favre will he return next season with the Jets?
December 27, 2008 by MarkM · Leave a Comment
I have loved Brett Farve playing the role of Broadway Brett this season. From his first performance people embraced him, loved him for his destruction of the Miami Dolphins. Brett Favre has however dealt with a lot of criticism since that first game. It’s upsetting, to know that one of the greatest players to ever play has had to deal with such BS from the biased media, who will love you when you win and crush you when you lose. Honestly you can really understand the New York media when applying it by paraphrasing Patten’s Hollywood speech, which I believe would sound something like this;
“That’s the New York way, they love winners. The winners are always embraced. New Yorkers traditionally love to fight. All real New Yorkers, love the sting of battle. When they were kids, they all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball players, the toughest boxers … New Yorkers love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. New Yorkers play to win all the time. They wouldn’t give a hoot in Hell for a man who lost and laughed. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to New Yorkers.”
Many of you are asking, “Will he come back, a Jet?”. The more I ponder this perplexing question, the tougher I realize this will be to answer. Understanding that Brett has always loved challenges, It is hard to see me walking away from the team, which he has made a contender, sculpting them only with his winning attitude and will to win. Brett Favre may also be feeling the stress of watching his family have to deal with all the criticism that in Green Bay he may not have dealt with on such a big town level.
Deanna Favre in October of 2008 wrote on the Favre Hope Foundation blog about how she felt about such criticisms.
The more I think about this, the harder this decision is. I can’t speak for Brett, but all I can say is I hope he comes back. Because for every 1 media moron that bombs him, 50,000 fans admire him. For every time someone doubts him, 1,000,000 believe in him. He is a game changing QB who still plays at a very high level, who can win a Superbowl for the New York Jets. He will never admit how important he is for this team, but I believe he is the glue that keeps the Jets machine moving forward. Without Brett would they even be in the Playoff hunt? I don’t think so. Yes, they have a great core of players, but the veteran knows how to keep the players up, and I believe his antics would be sorely missed, if he was to depart from that locker room.
I know one thing, if the Jets don’t make the postseason, and the Media attacks Brett I believe he will retire. It is a shame, because this man still has the gift, and if the media isn’t careful, The NFL might lose a superstar and a perfect Role Model, who has let us in and shared with us his story. The Lord does not make QB’s or people like Brett Favre anymore, and we at Sportsroids want to salute him! Here’s to you Brett!
NFL Playoff Outlook
December 18, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
With just two weeks of play left in the regular season of the 2008-2009 year, a few teams have locked up a spot in the playoffs while others are still fighting to make it. What is about to unfold in this article is, what are in my mind, the teams that will make it.
We already know the Steelers and Titans have locked up spots and first round byes in the AFC. In the NFC the Giants have clinched their division while the Cardinals have as well. First I will go over the locks to get in.
In the AFC the only sure-fire lock I have is the Indianapolis Colts. If they beat Jacksonville this Thursday in Florida, they’re in. With the way the Jags have disappointed, I do not even see them using the rivalry bug as added motivation to beat Indianapolis.
In the NFC, surprisingly, the Carolina Panthers have not clinched even with an 11-3 record, which is a testament to the competitiveness of the NFC. However, one more win or one more loss from another team or two would put them in. The Cowboys have been hot lately. I don’t care about Romo’s performance in Pittsburgh. The game was still close, and it has been their only slip up since his return from injury. They face the Ravens at home, and Eagles in Philadelphia. The Eagle game should be tough and they easily can lose, but to me, I think all of the air got sucked out of the Raven team with their last minute loss to Pittsburgh last weekend.
The Vikings should clinch their division as the Bears face the Packers on Monday Night at home, but then travel to Houston the last week. Houston is on pace to finish up 9-7 and Andre Johnson should be able to shred their weak pass defense.
After that I don’t think Tampa will get in as they have slipped up and their weaknesses are beginning to be exposed. The Falcons and Eagles to me will be the ones to fighting for the 6th seed in the NFL as they have both been consistent as of late.
Back in the AFC, I’ll take the Patriots to win their division. They are at home against the Cardinals who have clinched, and then at a bum Buffalo team. That would put them at 11-5. The reason I see this happening is because the as-of-late inconsistent Jets should lose in Seattle this weekend, and the Dolphins will beat the Kansas City Chiefs. But when they play each other in New York, I’ll take a last-ditch effort by Favre to even their records at 10-6, giving one of them the 6th seed.
The only seed I am unsure of is the 4th seed in the AFC as the Broncos are 8-6 and Chargers 6-8. If the Chargers beat Tampa Bay in Tampa this weekend, which is not an oversight, and the Broncos lose at home to the Bills, which is still a bit of a stretch even if the Broncos aren’t so consistent, then they will be playing in San Diego for the division in week 17. If that happens, I’ll take the Chargers.
So that’s how I believe the “tournament” brackets will be set up come January.
Third Quarter NFL Contenders
December 2, 2008 by AlexV · 3 Comments
The NFL has hit its third quarter mark, and after twelve of the most up-and-down weeks of football in recent history, it is still a bit of a stretch to call anybody a true lock for the Super Bowl save for the New York Giants. However, there are still a few teams that are definitely pulling away from most others as viable Super Bowl contenders.
The first team, resoundingly, is the Giants. This is the best team in the league as far as everyone being on the same page. They have shown great depth to overcome almost all injuries, and even self-imposed gunshot wounds. Their one loss to the Browns in Cleveland where they went down by a score of 14 to 35 was a true head-scratcher. However, that game can definitely hold an asterisk for being an aberration since the Brownies have been terrible for the most part. The Giants have gone from a team with potential who plays on emotion, to a team that just flat out knows how to win. They are a well-oiled machine and are unphased by whatever distractions, whatever home field advantages their opponents have, and whichever fallen soldier opponents might be playing for.
The second team that comes to mind in my view is the Pittsburgh Steelers. Their loss to the Eagles was just one of those days where nothing goes good offensively. They had a slump against the two Manning led teams but seem to have their act together as they have won convincingly for the most part ever since.
A team like the Jets had their slumps early on against teams like Oakland where they lost 16-13, and only scored ten points at home against the Patriots, then rip off a five game winning streak, blow out the previously undefeated Titans in Tennessee, and suffer another inexcusable slump to the no-defense Broncos at home losing 34-17. That is not the stuff of a contender, but rather a team with potential but a little too inconsistent to have faith in.
My next team is the Baltimore Ravens. Say what you want about their rookie quarterback. They are playing lights out and beating opponents they are supposed to beat the way the good teams are supposed to… big. They have had their share of slumps, namely a 30-10 loss to the Giants, and a 31-3 loss to the Colts. However, they already took Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania to OT and lost 20-23, but that was in just the fourth week of young Joe Flacco’s already budding career. If the Ravens get into the playoffs and meet up with the Colts or Giants again, it should be a lot closer as typically, second meetings between two teams in the same season are rarely ever a duplicate of the first meeting. Oh, and don’t count them out to win the AFC North as they still get Pittsburgh one last time for sure at home in two weeks and trail the Steelers by just one game.
After the Ravens, the Colts should not be overlooked. They keep finding ways to win, and a handful of those wins were handed to them. However, that kind of luck coupled with their post season experience can be a bad omen for their opponents come playoff time if they get in. And yes, I am counting luck as a factor. They have shown the kind of luck that is too good to be true, i.e. Titans, Steelers, and Browns games.
After that, I would say the Cowboys are the sleeper. They slumped big time early on. They did not have their act together as they seemed to display the heir of a team who already saw themselves in the Super Bowl. Now with their backs against the wall, they are looking like that kind of team again.
As for other squads like the Panthers and Bucs, their efforts are certainly admirable, but their quarterbacks, Jake Delhomme and Jeff Garcia respectively, are just too inconsistent. The Arizona Cardinals are like the Saints… great passing attack and not much more. The only difference is their division stinks. The one team that could be close to a contender is the Atlanta Falcons. They are moving milestones ahead in their rebuilding process at 8-4, and are perhaps one or two more productive seasons, and a good losing post season experience away from becoming a perennial contender.
Other than that, all of the other teams are just a little too consistent for my blood.
Rising Star?
November 15, 2008 by Theboinger · 1 Comment
The Jets may have found themselves the quarterback for right now, but they may have also found themselves the key to their future. Matt Cassel looked more like Joe Montana in that number 16 jersey last night. Throwing for 400 yards, 3 TD’s plus a 2pt conversion as well as rushing for 62 more yards. Granted he’s got Randy Moss and Wes Welker to target and they were playing from behind for most of the game. However you just do not put up those kind of numbers by mistake. The former USC bench warmer showed the football world last night that he has got the moxy and the confidence to lead his team as well as the support of those around him.
Cassel will be a free agent next year and has surely put himself at the front of the class for teams needing a new signal caller. The Jets would be silly not to go out and make a huge offer if Cassel continues to play this well and prove his doubters wrong. I will not go as far as to say he is the next Babe Ruth but considering the rivalry and the history of the ever raging battle between Boston and New York this could prove to be a major play by the New York Jets and perhaps could put them on track to defining their franchise.
Other teams will surely be courting Cassel. The Rams, Lions, 49ers and Vikings will surely be in the mix just to name a few. This is a can’t miss opportunity for the Jets. Having missed the boat on previous drafts and coming up short in the quarterback rich 2008 draft the Jets could make all the difference in the world by signing Cassel away from their division rival Patriots. The Patriots will not miss a beat when Brady returns next season. And with the Dolphins and Bills both having found solid qb play as well as young armed back-ups the Jets can ill afford hanging the future on what will be a 40 year old arm when they open their new stadium in 2009. Even if they get one more playoff run from Brett Favre in 2009 the future is bleak for the New York Jets A.B.
Week 10 NFL Picks
DEN 4-4 at CLE 3-5
This one is a true toss-up. The Bronco defense is atrocious, and the Browns have Brady Quinn starting. Inexperience surrounded by some talent and a home crowd versus a lost, but not found defense, wins the game.
NO 4-4 at ATL 5-3
It seems as though now the Falcons have become a team that is consistent at what they do. Not to say what they do makes them an elite team. However, the things they are doing are playing solid and potentially explosive offense and better defense than the Saints. Falcons win.
TEN 8-0 at CHI 5-3
Rex Grossman is in, and that doesn’t look good for Chicago. Plus their defense has had a tendency to let opponents back in the game and put up some solid numbers. But I feel Kerry Collins has been getting lucky as the Packers and Colts, the Titans two previous opponents respectively, have eached let three interceptions slip away. The Bears don’t let those kinds of opportunities pass by, Grossman has something to prove, the Bears are at home… Bears hand Titans their first loss.
JAC 3-5 at DET 0-8
The Jags continue to play to the level of their opponent. The Lions have been getting closer to their first win of the season. Can they do it against the Jags? Not so optimistic. But with Jack Del Rio questioning his team’s chemistry, and upset is in the making. However, I believe the Jags will get their act together in this one and win.
BAL 5-3 at HOU 3-5
The Ravens defense gave up a lot of yardage and points last week to the Browns, but they are familiar with the Ravens as they play in the same division. On the other side, the Texans look good in some games, and don’t continue their production even in their losses. Ravens win with Joe Flacco seeming to get more comfortable as the weeks go by.
SEA 2-6 at MIA 4-4
Miami looks a like a squad that is truly building an identity, while the ‘Hawks are failing to give Mike Holmgren a going-away party to be proud of. Dolphins win easily at home.
BUF 5-3 at N.E. 5-3
New England looked solid against the Colts last Sunday night, as did Matt Cassel. The Bills show their true colors as a team that started 4-0 due to a soft schedule and a visiting west coast team in the Chargers. Pats win.
STL 2-6 at NYJ 5-3
Brett Favre is still mistake prone, but with the way the Rams played last weekend, I think the Jets can afford some mistakes in this one. Jets win.
CAR 6-2 at OAK 2-6
Boy do the Raiders ever look like trash. They have two wins, and yet the Lions and Bengals are much more competitive than they are as of late. The “under the radar” Panthers win easy.
IND 4-4 at PIT 6-2
Both teams had big wins last week that boosted confidence after big losses the week prior. However, Pittsburgh’s “Blitzburgh” defense is hitting it’s stride and coming into its own. Steelers win at home, with either Roethlisberger or Leftwich at the helm.
K.C. 1-7 at S.D. 3-5
What better way for the Chargers to get healthy this weekend than a date at home against the Chiefs. Even though the Chiefs showed spirit last week, they’ll still lose to the Chargers.
NYG 7-1 at PHI 5-3
The Eagles may be returning to form, but the fact remains that the Giants are a better team all around. Giants win despite the Eagles being at home.
S.F. 2-6 at ARI 5-3
What a shame this game had to be on Monday Night Football. Too bad they can’t move the schedule around on Mondays. Cardinals win, and San Fran will not be mustering any “Monday Night Magic.”
Are the Buffalo Bills Really that Good?
October 14, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
The Buffalo Bills have been a topic of discussion all season long. Their early success has created much buzz about them being shoe-ins for the AFC East title. I don’t see why that is though. Sure, they were 4-0, and they went down in Arizona while JP Losman played most of the game. However, JP Losman didn’t give up 41 points. At the end of week 7, the look of the AFC East will be a lot different and it can all culminate fairly easy.
In week 7, the Jets are playing in Oakland who looked like they had no spirit when they played the Saints this past weekend losing 34-3. If the Jets win, they are 4-2 and that would be no surprise if they did.
New England plays host to Denver on Monday Night Football. This game should not be easy for New England to win. They’ll have to grind it out big time. However, they’re at home in front of a national audience and if they do pull it off, they’re 4-2 as well.
Miami hosts the Ravens who have a great D and little-to-no offense. If they win, they’ll be 3-3.
Finally, those loveable Bills play host to the San Diego Chargers. Albeit the Chargers are only 3-3, they are still a good 3-3. If the Bills lose, they’ll be 4-2. Now picture this possible version of the AFC East standings at the end of Week 7;
AFC East
BUF 4-2
N.E. 4-2
NYJ 4-2
MIA 3-3
Doesn’t look too clear cut anymore now, does it? I didn’t think so.
Identity fraud ala New York Jets
September 19, 2008 by sportsroids · 1 Comment
Identity fraud
by The Boinger
What is the identity of the New York Jets? Answer: They have no identity. Not Joe Namath, not the sack exchange and not Fireman Ed. Not even the great Brett Favre is not going to fix nor change that. The Tuna couldn’t fix it and even Belichick saw the writing on the wall and bolted for New England. There is no long succession of great QB’s. There is no history of a strong run/pass oriented offensive/defensive juggernaut. It is just not there. The sack exchange? They have long since been forgotten. No one has stepped up to carry on that tradition. The front office has had one bad draft after another and continues to try pull the wool over the fans eyes with big NO NAME head coaches. They even tried to fool everyone into thinking that they were serious about moving back to NY. Them sharing a stadium with the Giants further entrenches them as the “second team” in this city. When Donald Trump has lunch with Bill Gates do they share a salad? NO! So why should the Jets be sharing a stadium with the Giants that is no where close to their fan base?
It gets harder and harder to even want to root for them anymore. If you are lucky enough to get tickets you still have to drive out to that hole in the swamp they call home. They need a major change. New ownership would be great. A new home IN NEW YORK would be even better. Perhaps they could find some empty space in the Bronx?
The New Bronx Bombers
September 19, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment
The New Bronx Bombers
by The Boinger
Imagine heading into the Bronx to watch the game. You get down to 161 and River, walk along the L and down through the gates. You peek out through the tunnel and see the field and the palyers and as you emerge from the belly of the cement cathedral your ear ear drum rumbles when you hear the crowd chant J – E – T – S JETS JETS JETS!!! Come on think about it. The New Bronx Bombers! A whole new stadium for gang green. No more crossing over the bridge (or two) no more sitting in traffic (on the NJTP) and no more “Lets go Yankees”?
The Jets need a new place to call home. A place to call their own. Who knows maybe even new uniforms and a new name. They could call themselves the Bronx Bombers and change their logo to the stealth fighter and make their uniforms black or maybe even camouflage. The “old” Yankee Stadium site would be perfect. Forget about midtown what a bad idea that was. Imagine showing up in the boogie down for some FOOTBALL! How awesome would that be? A new stadium complete with all the fan friendly amenities. The Weeb Ewbank Rotunda. The Emerson Boozer bar. The Gang Green Gridiron Grill. The Mark Gastineau Promenade. O’Brien’s Irish Pub where they only serve green beer. Vinny’s Pizza. Joe Namath Plaza. They could even put in a gay bar and call it the “Sac Exchange” HA!
Kurt Warner Fantasy Stock Rising
September 17, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment
Kurt Warner Fantasy Stock Rising
by Alex V
Fantasy Sports aren’t always about getting the big name, or a name that at least was at one point big… like Kurt Warner. Just because the guy is 37 years old should not be the final factor on whether or not you should pick him up. One should always think “production” when making a decision on who to add to their Fantasy team. At this point in the season, Kurt Warner has been a stud, and would be a great pick up for those of you who are suffering from any of the following Fantasy Football diseases; “Brady’s Gone Syndrome,” “Carson Palmer’s Letting Me Down,” and “Jamarcus Russell is Making Me Look Stupid.” In fact, with the numbers he has put up so far, he has shown to be as good, if not better, stats wise that is, than some of the marquee quarterbacks in the game.
So far this season Kurt Warner has amassed 558 passing yards (279 per game), a 70.4 percent completion percentage, when most good QBs are lingering around the lower to mid 60’s, and he has four touchdown passes accumulating to two per game (all it takes is 1.875 TDs per game for a player to reach 30 in a regular season) for an amazing 128.5 QB rating. If Warner can keep this up, he will project to finish with 4,464 passing yards with 32 touchdown passes. Last year, only four quarterbacks reached the 30+ TD pass mark; Tom Brady (50), Tony Romo (36), Ben Roethlisberger (32), and Peyton Manning (31). Now, taking in account that perhaps the projections will skew a bit, he still looks to be anywhere between 3,600 and the projected 4,464 passing yards, and at least a mid-20 mark in the touchdown pass category, and he still hasn’t thrown a pick yet.
When you take into account all of these factors and the way Warner performed last season, the upside should be easy to see. Last year he started in eleven games and played in three more. In those games Warner passed for 27 TDs while totaling 3,417 passing yards and managing a 62.3 completion percentage, against a not-so-great 17 total interceptions. But already for a quarterback at his age, who was also playing with an injured shoulder, those are remarkable numbers!. And only one year later, you too can own Kurt Warner as a full-time starter and a healthy one at that!
That is what you should be thinking about if your mind is fettering on whether or not to drop a buck on Warner. I have a strong feeling out there that some Fantasy players go on whether or not a player has a high level of prestige and if the analysts project a player’s team to be successful and make the playoffs and or Super Bowl. Well guess what? Prestige doesn’t get you big stats all of the time, and neither does an electrifying player like those of you that have thrown a season down the drain as soon as you drafted Michael Vick (when he was actually playing). I bet some people are saying “Well Kurt Warner is obviously going to do something when he has Anquan Boldin and Larry Fitzgerald.” Well no shit! Another GREAT reason to pick him up! So remember folks. If you desperately need a quarterback at this point in the season, go ahead and overlook the Cardinals chances for success this season, but don’t overlook Kurt Warner’s chances to win you some games.
Warner’s remaining opponents and where they ranked last season in passing defense:
Week 3 @ Washington
Week 4 @ New York Jets
Week 5 vs Buffalo
Week 6 vs Dallas
Week 7 – Bye
Week 8 @ Carolina
Week 9 @ St. Louis
Week 10 vs. San Francisco
Note: YPG have been rounded to the nearest tenth.
September 6, 2008 by AlexV · Leave a Comment
1. Sunday, Sept. 7 Cincinnati Bengals at Baltimore Ravens 1 p.m
MY PICK: Ravens
2. Sunday, Sept. 7 New York Jets at Miami Dolphins 1 p.m.
3. Sunday, Sept. 7 Kansas City Chiefs at New England Patriots 1 p.m.
4. Sunday, Sept. 7 Houston Texans at Pittsburgh Steelers 1 p.m.
MY PICK: Pittsburgh
5. Sunday, Sept. 7 Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans 1 p.m.
MY PICK: Jacksonville
6. Sunday, Sept. 7 Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons 1 p.m.
MY PICK: Falcons
7. Sunday, Sept. 7 Seattle Seahawks at Buffalo Bills 1 p.m.
MY PICK: Bills
8. Sunday, Sept. 7 Tampa Bay Buccaneers at New Orleans Saints
MY PICK: Saints
9. Sunday, Sept. 7 St. Louis Rams at Philadelphia Eagles 1 p.m.
MY PICK: Eagles
10. Sunday, Sept. 7 Dallas Cowboys at Cleveland Browns 4:15 p.m.
MY PICK: Dallas
11. Sunday, Sept. 7 Carolina Panthers at San Diego Chargers 4:15 p.m
MY PICK: Chargers
12. Sunday, Sept. 7 Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers 4:15 p.m.
MY PICK: 49ers
13. Sunday, Sept. 7 Chicago Bears at Indianapolis Colts 8:15 p.m.
MY PICK: Colts
14 Monday, Sept. 8 Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers 7 p.m.
MY PICK: Green Bay Packers
15 Monday, Sept. 8 Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders 10:15 p.m.
MY PICK: Denver Broncos
-Mark M
September 6, 2008 by sportsroids · Leave a Comment
1. Sunday, Sept. 7 Cincinnati Bengals at Baltimore Ravens 1 p.m
MY PICK: Ravens
2. Sunday, Sept. 7 New York Jets at Miami Dolphins 1 p.m.
3. Sunday, Sept. 7 Kansas City Chiefs at New England Patriots 1 p.m.
4. Sunday, Sept. 7 Houston Texans at Pittsburgh Steelers 1 p.m.
MY PICK: Pittsburgh
5. Sunday, Sept. 7 Jacksonville Jaguars at Tennessee Titans 1 p.m.
MY PICK: Jacksonville
6. Sunday, Sept. 7 Detroit Lions at Atlanta Falcons 1 p.m.
MY PICK: Falcons
7. Sunday, Sept. 7 Seattle Seahawks at Buffalo Bills 1 p.m.
MY PICK: Bills
8. Sunday, Sept. 7 Tampa Bay Buccaneers at New Orleans Saints
MY PICK: Saints
9. Sunday, Sept. 7 St. Louis Rams at Philadelphia Eagles 1 p.m.
MY PICK: Eagles
10. Sunday, Sept. 7 Dallas Cowboys at Cleveland Browns 4:15 p.m.
MY PICK: Dallas
11. Sunday, Sept. 7 Carolina Panthers at San Diego Chargers 4:15 p.m
MY PICK: Chargers
12. Sunday, Sept. 7 Arizona Cardinals at San Francisco 49ers 4:15 p.m.
MY PICK: 49ers
13. Sunday, Sept. 7 Chicago Bears at Indianapolis Colts 8:15 p.m.
MY PICK: Colts
14 Monday, Sept. 8 Minnesota Vikings at Green Bay Packers 7 p.m.
MY PICK: Green Bay Packers
15 Monday, Sept. 8 Denver Broncos at Oakland Raiders 10:15 p.m.
MY PICK: Denver Broncos
-Mark M